Charm, wit and sophistication personified, Ian Collins, cuts through the echo-chamber with hard-hitting monologues and stimulating debates.

    [Applause] God the independent republic of Mike Graham week nights at 8 on talk TV and good afternoon I’m Ian Collins and you’re with talk on TV radio online and of course your smart speaker coming up the habitual politician George Galloway has created a bit of an earthquake in Rochdale after winning

    That controversial byelection it means he can now return to Westminster and meet up with old friends and lots of enemies what does this win say though about the current state of Brit British politics also this afternoon our prison population is expected to Boom over the next four years as jails are being

    Overstretched by Foreign criminals and domestic convicts are avoiding sentences we’ll look at that in more detail and the last thing you’ll think about after jumping out of the way of one of those speeding ebikes is that thing needs to go a bit quicker well that’s what the government are considering in order to

    Make riding them more attractive will G our Tech correspondent will be here to tell us more and of course it’s your call this show is all about your opinions and your responses we’re asking this question what does the Galloway wind say about the current state of British politics lines are now open 0344

    4991 text 872 or on the socials at talk TV but first let’s get the latest news headlines with Alex good afternoon labor has apologized to voters in Rochdale for not feeling building a candidate in the byelection there George Galloway the leader of the left-wing Workers Party of Britain won

    The seat declaring this is for Gaza Labour withdrew support for its original candidate Azar Ali over controversial comments he made about Israel party leader Sakia starma says Mr Galloway only won because there wasn’t a labor option pollster Joe tman told talk TV it’s hard to say what this could mean for the general

    Election very unwise to extrapolate what this would mean at a general election or indeed in any other contest because the unique circumstances what we don’t know and we can speculate on this but we don’t know how labor would have fared with a with a candidate that uh uh that

    Had gone through the process without any problems than they’d campaigned heavily for an inquest is opened into the death of Thomas Kingston the son-in-law of the prince and princess Michael of Kent he married lady Gabriella Kingston in 2019 the the coroner today said he died from

    A traumatic head wound and that a gun was found near to his body police say there were no suspicious circumstances the funeral for Russian opposition leader Alexi navali has taken place in Moscow crowds of thousands chanted his name outside the church where the ceremony was held he died in a

    Remote Arctic prison last month while Russia denies any involvement in his death other anti-government activists in the country say he was murdered yvenia k M the wife of Russian dissident Vladimir Kara murer said the Kremlin want to intimidate them then this is exactly what the

    Regime wants us to do to get give in to intimidation to give in to Despair and to give up the fight and we owe it to our fallen comrades to continue the fight a man who murdered his ex partner and her new boyfriend has been given a

    Whole life order meaning he will never be released from prison 27-year-old ktie hickton and 25-year-old Steven Harnet were killed in Huddersfield last May Marcus Osborne had inflicted over a hundred injuries on the couple in a knife attack the judge called his crimes horrific former glamour model Katie

    Price has been ordered to give up almost half of her monthly income from the adult entertainment website only fans a judge rulle she has to put 40% of her earnings towards paying off her debts instead the 45-year-old was declared bankrupt in November 2019 and the prince of Wales has

    Celebrated St David’s day with a visit to rexam football club Prince William downed a shot and pulled a pint in the club’s supporters bar alongside one of the team’s owners the actor Rob meleny his co-owner Ryan Reynolds wasn’t there nor was the Princess of Wales who continues to recover from abdominal

    Surgery that’s all for now time for the weather next with Isabelle Lang Times radio sponsors talk TV weather there was some snow earlier today across western parts of Northern Ireland even down to low levels but it’s mainly the hills we’re seeing snow now as this feature gradually rotates and pushes northwards slow moving and sort of stalling really across Northern England later today with heavy showers

    Working in across the south in fact these showers across Southern Britain could be Heavy with hail and thunder quite Gusty Winds North of that feature at least some brightness improving across Northern Ireland and some sunshine for Central and Northern Scotland but really quite cold wherever you are but particularly under that wet

    Area across Northern England and still some snow as you can see the Northern penines chiat and as we head up into Eastern and Central Scotland tonight so wet there showers to the Northwest coming down into Northern Ireland and there will be a scattering of Hefty showers across Ross Wales and also

    Southern and Central England and still a bit of snow over Hills here too and as you can see quite cold and across more sort of clear of slots there will be a little bit of frost around to wake up to tomorrow now Saturday’s forecast is a

    Chilly one again quite a lot of shower activity particularly across more Eastern parts of the country some Western areas firing a little better with at least some sunshine in between the downpours but on the cold side 4 to 7 Celsius times radio sponsors talk TV Weather and good afternoon now if you were to searched the phrase political Firebrand in the Oxford English Dictionary you might well come across the name George Galloway now leader of the Workers Party of Britain and the new member of parliament for Rochdale this is a man who’s had more comebacks than

    The Rolling Stones a checkered career in politics broadcasting and sitting down for a coffee and donuts with Wicked dictators Galloway is anything but dull so a brief history he joined the labor party at the age of 13 and first became an MP in 1987 taking the seat of Glasgow

    Hillhead he was instantly an outspoken backbencher not always to the Delight of the front bench Gorgeous George as he became known mostly because of his personal life rather than his political one was not a man to hold back he also wasn’t one to tow the party line a staunch supporter staunch opponent of

    The first Gulf War and famously chastised of course for meeting the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in 1994 we remember it well he told Saddam he saluted his courage his strength and his indf fatic ability the labor party weren’t happy and when he met the Iraqi leader for a second time and started

    Publicly attacking Prime Minister Tony Blair over the Iraq War he was expelled from the labor party but Galloway was going nowhere he simply formed a new political party called respect with a central anti-war message it was enough to see him win the seat of Bethel green and bow booting out the incumbent labor

    MP unaa King and just Days Later came that famous appearance in front of the US Senate where the Yanks accused him of profiting from selling million millions of dollars worth of Iraqi oil now it was always a bizarre claim and Galloway gave them both barrels and it was to be fair

    Impressive stuff from Gorgeous George just a year later came that awkward and just plain weird appearance on Celebrity Big Brother Rumor Has It Rua lensa never recovered now would you like me to be the cat pyat yes tickles more tickles on the back yes a good [ __ ]

    Cat a good good [ __ ] cat yes good [ __ ] cat good girl is it gone Galloway was rarely out of the spotlight with copious media appearances on TV and radio programs he even worked here for a bit but there was yet another political comeback to come

    In 2012 he won the seat of Bradford West that was at the height of the Arab Spring again another seat gained from labor he’s been a politician a disruptor a broadcaster for both Russian and Iranian State TV and now as of last night an MP for five constituencies in

    Five decades but what does this win say about the current state of British politics let’s open up the lines on that now I want your comments on where you think this stands in the grander scale what does it mean for labor for K Dharma for the Tories for Rochdale lines are

    Open I’m joined Now by political commentator Robert Taylor Robert of course contributor at the Telegraph and the express um he was widely expected to win this and some said even before the official labor candidate was discovered to be a mad anti-site even before that the the smart money was on Gallow yeah

    And it’s the extent of his victory which has astonished people yeah the smart money was always on him but by such a large margin yeah and labor just nowhere the Tories nowhere an independent came second who sorry who was this dude by the way apparently he was very this man

    Come I’ve never heard of him I do this stuff every day very much campaigning on local issues but Galloway campaigning on a single issue it seems mainly absolutely storm the field and what I think it shows is that people are voting on questions of identity and culture as

    Much as economics these days of course economics hasn’t gone away that’ll always be a reason to vote but identity and culture are coming up strong let’s just uh before we carry on Robert let’s just have a little look at what Gallow had to say last night in rosdale K starmer this is for

    Gaza you have paid and you will pay a high price for the role that you have played in enabling encouraging and covering for the catastrophe presently going on in occupied Palestine in the Gaza Strip interesting interesting use word catastrophe there um that I would imagine was a deliberate Choice um I was

    Expecting him to say something stronger um you see from that clip though Robert I mean he’s a very he’s very mesmeric as a speaker he’s very compelling you know I I sort of know him a bit I haven’t seen him for a while but you know he

    Worked around here when I was in the Press Gallery I used to bump into him have a cup of tea or whatever um he’s just very good um he’s not a guy I think I could fully say I would ever get to know I don’t know how many layers there

    Are to George Galloway but the one consistent has been his interest on views of the Middle East um at his uh defending of mus Muslims in this country who he feels have been marginalized and it’s interesting is people often say you know George is surely a Muslim convert George is a practicing

    And you know very habitually so so um so it isn’t that so he’s being consistent with that but I I I just can’t I still can’t fully work him out I think the one thing he supports more than anything is George Galloway yeah I mean that’s the big thing he’s an extraordinary

    Disruptor he’s managed to win constituencies with two different parties of his of his own creation correct including this one last night he knows how to disrupt labor he obviously wants to make life really difficult for Kama yeah whether he will come the general election I doubt but it’s going

    To be uncomfortable for K St in the next few weeks and months yeah I was wondering can he do as much damage to labor as Richard Ty could do to the conservatives yeah well that is the you know I’m sure that’s what sunak is hoping for yes it’s doubtful because

    Reform has a big machine going now they are actually more established Galloway has Galloway who else is going to have that kind of political stardom well that’s the problem isn’t it and I think reform have found this a little bit in trying to find good candidates I mean

    It’s interesting that in rdale last night you had two former labor MPS standing not for the labor party Simon danuk standing for reform uh and they had an appalling night um I’m not sure they expected to have an amazing One In fairness um and of course George

    Galloway who for years was a labor MP um and you can see the state of play there even the Tores managed to I mean it’s a pic Victory really managed to beat labor not to that we expect to see well no labor they have the excuse of course

    They weren’t really backing this but even if they had been would they have beaten Galloway last night I have my doubts so was it Gaza that did it I mean is it as simple as that I think was Gaza and it’s obviously Galloway’s ability to uh manipulate not manipulate just just find

    A way of reaching out to voters in that constituency and Beyond because he’s quite an impressive talker and speaker as you said and in terms of the disrupting I mean I you almost know that pmqs next Wednesday I I’m pretty sure he will be selected for a question um and

    The house will fall into that Eerie silence as it only does for a select few when he asks his first question which I would suggest I don’t think I’d get good odds on this but I would suggest we’ll be about Gaza yeah it’s almost certain

    To be and there’s one person who will be squirming in his seat it’s not the Prime Minister it’ll be the leader of the opposition I don’t think it’s terminal for starma but it’s going to be really uncomfortable let’s move and we are taking calls on this by the way what do

    You think it means for for British politics what’s the significance of the Galloway win if there is one 0344 499 1,000 can we go to this story Robert Britain’s prison’s full of foreign criminals um our prison population is estimated to be at around about this is England and Wales could hit about um

    115,000 by 2028 at the moment the last figures I was able to to find on this is that the foreign prisoners uh represent around about 12% of the population in prison that’s massive it is I mean that’s extraordinary 12% of prisoners are foreign criminals and that is a big

    Reason why there’s this new push to have foreign prisoners deported rather than in prison in the UK but even if we did that the prisons would still be full they’re going to be massively overly full in the next few months and years and it is because for years and years

    We’ve had wrong think with prisons and instead of treating prisons as um an opportunity to reform and rehabilitate we just let people uh we just lock them away and then hope that when they come out they’re not going to re is ridiculous even from a a rightwing

    Perspective it is just illogical I know there’s a it’s a it’s a very persuasive position particularly if it’s somebody you know and somebody in your family to go Chu them in a Cell throw away the key I can kind of understand how those immediately affected by a crime would

    Feel that way but of course you have to divorce sentiment when you know which is why courts don’t I think I think it’s called bad law they don’t consider the emotional side you just look at facts and the fact is that if you put somebody

    In a holding pen for a few months and then let them go again then nothing’s happened in that side other than they’re a bit more annoyed than they were when they first went in there and there’s this incredible statistic that over 60% of prisoners cannot read and when we

    Have them in prison we don’t attempt to help them read apart from Charities like the Shannon Trust doing their very best but as a society we don’t actually take the opportunity to rehabilitate and teach them to read yeah how bad is that remember when Jonathan Akin went to jail

    The former conservative cabinet minister um and that that was the his big takeaway from jail and he now works as a possibly a chaplain but he’s certainly a man of the cloth um and he of course became the guy on seawing or what whichever one it was who was writing

    Letters for prisoners who was reading letters for them teaching them to read he said it was a scandal it was an epidemic nobody could read in this thing it was about the only bloke that could so that became almost his role so he could have been the Posh boy you know

    Being kicked around the place but instead he became the man that did them all a favor and I think Jeffrey Archer had the exactly the same experience but we’ve got these people in his Majesty’s prisons and we’re not helping them get an education indeed what a wasted opportunity absolutely right last story

    Here the Nali funeral uh takes place has taken place in Moscow I didn’t hear anything about a have I missed it was there a postmortem that was carried out separate to anything I doubt whether there’s been anything like that because you might have thought that his family

    Would have gone hang on a second you know suddenly our you know our loved one the man who’s Putin’s you know greatest opponent suddenly drops down dead although you weren’t in a particularly nice lifestyle of a prison system but nonetheless you might have insisted on that but it’s taken place there were big

    Crowds heavy security as one might imagine big police presence as well uh but we’ve not heard of any arrests so far very brave of anyone to attend that funeral and apparently his family had a trouble getting a funeral director because everyone was scared of the government being linked to this

    Opposition figure indeed um we’re out of time Robert goes very quickly good to see you pleasure we will speak soon that’s Robert Taylor with us here on talk TV coming up after the break we’ll continue to look at that byelection in Rock we’ll have a couple of different

    Guests about the implications on what it means in the grander scale I’m and Colin Joel with talk TV on TV radio online and your smart speaker hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and we’re on

    Your smart speaking oh oh bless him he so K the most likely situation is that that statue is going to end up in m shed which is a museum just on the Harbor Nick when we first went to you I thought you dived into the harbor to get the the

    Thing out for God’s sake man well done good job islamism is sweeping our nation this is not islamophobia this is real another terror attack another killing of an MP oh don’t worry let’s light a candle let’s all sing let’s look don’t look back in anger and sing come by off

    He had a a politically uh minded project called Wikileaks it said nothing about what was going on in the Kremlin nothing about what was going on in China there was a clear political bias in what he was doing this is the first time Milam has heard of Asylum Seekers coming to

    The town if we are guinea pigs then I think we should have been consulted this concept that actually kids wouldn’t carry knives if they could go and play Tiddly Winks at the you know the corner of the street or whatever I think it’s a nonsense well it will be your problem if

    They start breaking into people’s homes because they can break into yours and decide that you’re not doing enough they can break into of mine and decide I’m not doing enough and I tell you what they break into my home it will get violent that’s for sure it’s not like

    You know they live in an average semi and where’s Harry going to sleep you might have thought he’s come all the way couldn’t he at least have spent a couple of days with them at Sandringham just you know to use the vernacular chilling out a

    Bit what are you doing I’m just about to do it oh it’s carry on what just happened were missing there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put a statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr khah apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m

    Sorry I know it’s I know what’s coming and I can’t stop there are no banners calling for the release of the hostages there are no banners Kevin you can’t say everyone on that March sorry no sorry I’ve got I’ve got you both I’m I’m sorry stop creating all of

    These funny little factions with their funny little names the new conservatives the ERG the common sense research group The red wool red trouser popcorn I mean popcorn what what is that what on Earth is going on in the House of Commons I’ll try my very best to explain that day

    Evil it is an extremely complicated situation this just absolutely stinks I Parish he was great for his area wish soon actually brought him out today and said this guy’s going to be advising me special if anybody can pull it off it’ll be him what what more Minds it’s not our

    Minds it’s your mouth Mr unbelievable talk TV it’s the only place where you get the truth and welcome back to the show I’m me and col Jo we talk on TV radio online and your smart speaker now if you’d ask me what would be my political predictions for 2024 a George Galloway comeback

    Certainly wasn’t one of them the Firebrand politician scored a huge upset winning the Rochdale byelection with over 40% of the vote the Tories and labor in distant third and fourth second place went to the independent candidate and rosdale local Dave Tully good for Dave George Galloway’s campaign was

    Heavily centered around the war in Gaza made clear by his winning speech k starmer this is for Gaza you have paid and you will pay a high price for the role that you have played in enabling encouraging and covering for the catastrophe presently going on in occupied Palestine in the Gaza Strip

    So what do we take from the results of the byelection in Rochdale joining us now Pauling Guru uh Professor Sir John Curtis is with us John good afternoon to you uh I mean if we went back over the last 30 years every now and again in politics there are some Curious people

    Get elected you know once in a while against Martin Bell suddenly pitches up in his white suit good Lord you know couple of celebrities get a a temporary moment in the political Spotlight we have seen moments but Galloway is the kind of the the the well we said at the

    Beginning more comebacks than the Rolling Stones this is his fifth or fourth constituency fifth if you count the name of the Border change in his original neck of the woods but you know he’s been there for five decades and he’s back again yeah his record is quite

    Remarkable I mean just to give you one example there are only six instances since 1945 where a party has won a byelection when it did not uh until that point have any MPS in the House of Commons and that includes by the way uh the first s SMP success in Hamilton and

    The first applied Cy success in Karan back in the 1960s George Galloway is now responsible for two of those six instances so it is something quite remark his ability uh to win byelections um from uh labor party as well as of course winning bethl Green and bow in the 2005 general election now

    Of course what all these three constituencies have in common uh bethl green and B Bradford West which he won in uh in the bi elction in October 2012 and rochell uh yesterday is they’re all constituencies with substantial Muslim communities and as you were discussing with Robert Taylor Just recently Mr G Mr

    Galloway has a longstanding interest in Middle East Affairs longstanding had a pro Palestinian point of view Pro Arab point of view and he is extremely good at communicating that to um Muslims and securing their support and you know one of the fascinating things that will before out this will indeed be just to

    Compare Mr Galloway in the House of Commons next week with both Mr sonak and sakir stama the gry men of British politics who have been dominating our political parties in the last three years certainly since the demise of Boris Johnson are now going to be rejoined by one of the most articulate

    And charismatic politicians in postwar British politics indeed and I I’m sure though Mr Hy will make him take the hat off for the uh for the moment John because oh absolutely that bit isn’t allowed but none nonetheless is this I mean you mentioned you’re right disproportionately big Muslim

    Communities but even so this was a what 10,000 majority seat that was being contested he comes back with a 6000 I mean persuasive stuff he needed more than just the Muslim vote to make that happen yes he he he but he either needed more than the Muslim Vote or he needed

    To get those living those who identify as Muslim to be particularly strongly to turn out about 30% of Rochdale identifies as Muslim in the end uh Mr Galloway got 40% not as impressive by the way as in Bradford West where you know the constituency at that point

    Already was more than half Muslim and Mr Galloway got over half the vote but sure he in the end he out pulled the size of the Muslim vote so yeah either he persuaded some non-muslims to vote for him and that wouldn’t be surprising given his emphasis on Gaza and given

    That the labor party had disowned their candidate and given we know that at least there are some labor voters who do who are not Muslim who are also concerned about the situation in Gaza so it’s not inconceivable that indeed that his success doesn’t just simply rest on the Muslim Foundation although without

    That Foundation Mr Galloway would not be the formidable force in this constituency that he’s proven to be indeed uh and I thought it was quite significant as well that the the man who came second was you know with a very impressive Mr T with a very impressive

    Um uh percentage uh was a local who campaigned very much on local issues I mean this was you know in many respects a great example of democracy in action and the main parties were given a kicking but let’s Worth bear in mind Rell has done this before the last time

    That rdale had a byelection back in 1972 who did they elect one Larger than Life sirel Smith yeah very much a local Champion former mayor etc etc now of course since his death he’s since since been disgraced um but again that was very much somebody uh campaigning on

    Local issues and articulating the wishes and needs of Rochdale so this is a town that’s got form in terms of its focus on local issues now George Galloway focused on both but clearly Mr Tully again against the backdrop of the labor party having given up and also against the

    Backdrop and this this is the one bit about this byelection which does read across to the other byelections we’ve had recently is the sharp decline in the conservative vote it’s down by 90 points it’s the worst conservative performance in a labor held seat in a byelection in this Parliament uh against that backdrop

    Voters who not weren’t necessarily concerned about Gaza but certainly disgruntled unhappy either about Rochdale or about the country in general yeah Mr Tony managed to um feed into that and I think it’s probably one constituency where that was indeed possible for an independent candidate to do and just very briefly John if you

    Would um is is there a significance for a an the impending election does this have any kind of obvious KnockOn effect or a potential for a KnockOn effect probably has more significance for the period between now and the general election rather than the general election itself depending a bit on what

    Happens in Gaza I mean I think undoubted what’s going to happen is that the concern that many labor is already have particularly those representing uh constituencies with many Muslims about Sak’s reticence to criticize the Israeli incursion into Gaza to call for a ceasefire without qualification that pressure will increase and sakir will

    Find his attempt on the one on the one hand his very determined attempt to reconnect with the Jewish community in the United Kingdom while at the same time hanging on to the support of Muslims most of whom vote labor that task is not going to be any easier

    Against this and he’s going to find himself under pressure on that at the general election itself well we wait to see whether or not there is a slate of pro Palestinian independent candidates standing but as we’ve been saying none of them will necessarily have the persuasive power George Gallow and we

    Have to remember that uh virtually all of the seats with large Muslim populations that labor hold labor hold very comfortably and assuming secur Arma doesn’t disown any of them they ought to be able to hang on to their seats at the general election even if perhaps they do

    Suffer something of a dent and some of a political difficulty because of the Palestinian issue indeed um John always great to gauge your views have a cracking weekend thank you very much Professor s John curs is with us here on talk TV in response to George Galloway’s

    Victory in Rochdale the British Board of deputies of British Jews said his election was a dark day for the Jewish community in this country and for British politics in general I’m pleased to say we’re joined by the board’s president Marie vesile who’s with us now

    Good to have you with us um just explain what was was meant that why is it a dark day uh it’s a democracy if you like George Galloway was elected what’s wrong with that it is a dark day not just for Jews but uh for for everyone even talk

    Radio I think uh sacked uh George Galloway in 2019 um look it’s it’s it’s a victory of uh ignorance if you like over knowledge and what happened and anyone who’s got any access to the internet can find a whole host of repulsive views held by George Galloway on a variety of topics

    Not just Gaza whether it be Saddam Hussein Bashar alassad Vladimir Putin or rape allegations against Julian Assange and if people want to uh choose to ignore all of that because they feel that Galloway supports Palestine that’s their choice but he he is responsible for absolutely a whole host as I say of

    Vile uh views even in relation to labor MP at Nisha I remember in 2015 he he produced what he said was her nikar marriage certificate uh saying she was over the age of 16 when she married uh she wasn’t she was she was only 15 and there’s there’s numerous uh

    Of course took took his U Bradford seat back in in 2015 um some people would say Marie uh that that actually you know sometimes people have uncomfortable views but we are in a democracy um he can have you know if he has a more um sympathetic view to Putin being one

    Example you quoted U he’s not alone in that it might not be your cupet te or my cupet te but he’s allowed those views well let’s just say they’re not views that are based on reality in March 22 not very long ago for example he he’s promoted I understand a range of

    Conspiracy theories he said that the Ukrainian government had just imported uh hundreds of islamist uh Fighters uh from Syria into Europe and in even going back in time in 2013 he claimed that chemical weapon attacks um were not carried out in Syria by the Assad regime there’s a lot of

    Misinformation here this goes back a long time uh what he’s promoting is is not a recent a recent thing and let’s face it he’s only really got in uh because the labor party unfortunately had to rightly suspend their their candidate and withdraw their support from Azar Ali and couldn’t put in a good

    Candidate and I’m sure that they will make sure that they do so uh at the next general election so I mean I get it you you think Galloway is Bonkers and that that’s fine but of course down in the house of Commons as we know Marie there’s quite a lot of Bonkers

    Characters down there as well he’s he’s not he doesn’t sit alone on that ticket well he may not but it’s up to the rest of us to make sure and have faith in our MPS that they can deal with such a divisive truly awful uh politician who

    Has promoted so so many things based on nothing more than uh Division and Mis information uh he this is indeed I think a bad day not just for Jews but for all of us to have someone like him elect back into Parliament okay Marie thank

    You Marie vanzar with us here on talk TV Mr Galloway of course is not here to defend any of those comments which I know he would do well he may say I can’t be bothered we did invite him onto the program we have yet to hear back from his

    Office now moving on our overcrowded prisons are set to get even busier over the next four years with foreign criminals contributing to a boom in our inmate population these are official government estimates released today predict the number of convicts in England and Wales could hit up to

    115,000 by March 2028 that’s more than 26,000 overc capacity here’s where it gets interesting nearly 10 and a half thousand foreign offenders are costing the taxpayer about 500 million a year so we have a massive disproportionate number 10 a half thousand of the 87,000 in jail at the moment are foreign

    Criminals what’s that about 12% it’s an extraordinary number how is this happening let’s meet a former Scotland Yard detective Chief Inspector Mike Neville on this point can you shine any light on this Mike do foreign crims come over here because they think there’s Rich pickings or they’re going to get

    Away with it why do we have such a big disproportionality of foreign criminals representing sewing than anyone else it seems well big major problem with the Albanian criminals so of the 10,000 that you say there there’s about 1500 of those are albanians uh they know it’s a

    Very lucrative drug Market uh and they can use violence and of course if they’re arrested they won’t be treated in any way like the Albanian police would ruthlessly uh deal with them so Britain is seen as a very soft touch and we know that there are albanians and

    Others who are deported and they are um and there they come back to the country and on their wicked ways we also know that things like professional um pickpockets will travel around Europe and go to major cities uh and they know that again in in places like United

    Kingdom even if they’re caught they’ll receive quite a a pathetic sentence uh but the key thing is is that we’ve got to get rid of these people because as you’ve highlighted they’re costing a fortune and now we’ve got a ridiculous situation under a conservative government who they say they’re going to

    Get rid of uh sentences is up to 12 months so you know they wonder why shoplifting is out of control and things like that committed by our own people and foreigners because people know there’s no consequence to being caught SP absolutely spots on and the bit and

    This is the kind of thing that you know uty uh plays havoc with my hippocampus to be honest Mike I I I it keeps me awake at night the idea that you don’t once somebody has completed their sentence you don’t just Chuck them out uh that doesn’t happen very often often

    I mean there are cases where it does and the home office would probably Regale us with some impressive figures but mostly it doesn’t and there’s usually reasons behind it I can’t be thrown out because of my human rights issues I can’t be thrown out because if I go back to Iran

    Or something um I’ll be killed or I’ll be tortured I can’t go back because I got family in the UK so I’ve got the right to a family life how many times we heard that old garbage come out the mouth of some of these characters why I

    Mean this is a nonsense right right 10 and a half thousand people at some point most of them will be coming out of jail surely the first thing you do is send them back to their country of origin well again you follow the money of course I because there’s a whole

    Industry around keeping these people in immigration lawyers human rights lawyers the solutions are quite simple really you know if me and you took over the government for the day I’m sure the first thing we do is withdraw from the human European Convention of Human Rights these things were designed for a

    Asylum Seekers like when we had three or four people escaping the Soviet Union as a as a Defector and com to this country they were not designed for people just coming across here on air on the aircraft committing loads of crimes coming across the channel tunnel and to

    Quite honest if people it would save us a fortune if we said to these people you you got family life right we’ll pay for you you’re going you’re being deported and we’ll pay for all your family to go back whence you came and it because I think that everybody the tax SPS they

    Everybody just feels they’ve been taken the Mickey out of the harder you work the more decent you are the more low abiding you are the less you get and everything is focused on those who bring misery and trouble we’ve got enough of our own criminals and villain in this

    Country without importing it all from the rest of the world we need to be rid of these people absolutely and and the crazy thing is and this just seems to about how governments consistently work Mike um it’s going to get worse and to to compound the misery we’ve been given

    Notice of this so you’d think ah well that’s at least one consolation we’ve got notice of it so the government can spring into action and sort this thing out but of course we know that won’t happen so even with notice even with half a decade to prepare for this they still

    Can’t how do we get to a situation here where where you’ve got 89,000 uh prison places and we know at 88,000 how do if that was a business the people would be sack that you’ve allowed this business to go on so we’re at absolutely at crisis Point how did this

    Ever happen we’ve been failed I mean you you would think the conservatives the alleged party of Law and Order would have sorted this out but we’re told they’re going to build these super prisons but of course the super prisons are a year uh out of out of planning or

    Whatever else and it’s a complete mess and what happens is of course if you live on that Council estate in Bolton or brickton or wherever in the world there’s these people dealing drugs stealing causing misery and your life becomes miserable because the government has failed to deal with this and and

    Make sure that those people go away because I used to speak to criminals they used to give me information but I used to speak to them about their life and one thing that one criminal told me is this the only thing criminals fear is going to prison so all these Community

    Sentences are nothing but a joke it’s locking these people up that teaches them a lesson no but I know a few lawyers who would give us an argument on that Mike but hey they don’t know what they’re talking about either the time of course would of course they would

    There’s more money in that it for them if they keep well indeed yeah it’s literally how they live um mike always a pleasure have an amazing weekend Mike Neville former cop with us here on talk TV coming up after the break all eyes are on Bahrain with F1 qualifying just

    15 minutes away as Under Fire Boss Christian Herer fights to save his career so how did an anonymous email uncover this sexting Scandal our Tech expert will reveal all in a couple of moments time II and Collins you’re with talk on TV radio online and your smart

    Speaker hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online on your smart speaking oh bless me so the most likely situation is that that statue is going to end up in mhed which is a Museum just

    On the Harbor Nick when we first went to you I thought you dived into the harbor to get the the thing out for God’s sake man well done good job islamism is sweeping our nation this is not islamophobia this is real another terror attack another killing of an MP oh don’t

    Worry let’s light a candle let’s all sing let’s look don’t look back in anger and sing come by off he had a politically uh minded project called Wikileaks it said nothing about what was going on in the Kremlin nothing about what was going on in China there was a

    Clear political bias in what he was doing this is the first time Milam has heard of Asylum Seekers coming to the town if we are guinea pigs then I think we should have been consulted this concept that actually kids wouldn’t carry knives if they could

    Go and play Tiddly Winks at the you know the corner of the street or whatever I think it’s a nonsense well it will be a problem if they start break into people’s homes because they can break into yours and decide that you’re not doing enough they

    Can break into mine and decide I’m not doing enough and I tell you what they break into my home it will get violent that’s for sure it’s not like you know they live in an average semi and where’s Harry G asleep you might have thought he’d come all the way couldn’t he at

    Least have spent a couple of days with them at Sandringham just you know to use a vacular chilling out a bit what are you doing I was just about to do it oh it’s carry on what just happened missing there was a suggestion by some

    That maybe it would not to put statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr KH apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know what’s I know what’s coming and I can’t stop laughing there are no banners calling for the release of the hostages there

    Are no banners Kevin you can’t say everyone on that March sorry no sorry I’ve got I’ve got you both I’m I’m sorry stop creating all of these funny little factions with their funny little names the new conservatives the ERG the common sense research group the red wool red browser popcorn I mean

    Popcorn what what is that what on Earth is going on in the House of Commons I’ll try my very best to explain that Daisy but it is an extremely complicated situation this just absolutely stinks NE Parish he was great for his area Rich soon actually brought him out today and

    Said this guy’s going to be advising me special if anybody can pull it off it’ll be him what more Minds it’s not our mind it’s your mouth Mr unbelievable talk TV it’s the only place where you get the truth and welcome back to the show I’m

    Ian Collins and you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and of course your smart speaker uh we got our technology correspondent with us in a few moments time let me just do a few texts reference George Galloway uh only G and got himself another parliamentary gig

    Down Rochdale way this time yeah it’s fifth time um he’s been elected in over five decades he is the boomerang politician and here he is again ready for another Innings down there in Westminster what does it mean what’s the significance of George Galloway now some

    Might just say well is there any he got elected that’s it we know what his views are on a whole range of things particularly the Middle East um that might explain much of it not all of it he has other views on things does it matter well what does it mean for labor

    In particular what does it mean for the Tories what does it mean for British politics uh Michael says George gway is a Catholic he is supportive of the Palestinian cause uh just for your information many Palestinians are Roman Catholics unfortunately not many people in the UK knew that that’s the Crux of

    The problem I I get that Michael but I don’t know how many pales or a significant number of Palestinians are Catholic um for that to be the reason why George has an interest in the area but yeah I mean religions of all Persuasions exist in places you might not at first think

    Iraq was a good case in point uh which was largely largely a non-religious uh Place With No dominating faith in the governmental sense of the word um let’s move on then to our first story a government plan to double the maximum of legal power ebikes have drawn warnings

    That can we just scroll that back right to where we should have started just so I want to read the story properly so I can give you the full full story right here we go a government plan to double the maximum legal power of ebikes has drawn warnings that it could could

    Increase the risk of fires and severe injury the department for transport is Consulting on the proposals which would also allow ebikes that don’t require pedaling to travel much faster what could go wrong joining us to discuss this our Tech correspondent is Will gu how you doing will yeah afternoon and

    This is a really interesting story this one because what they don’t admit in this story is that the majority of the problems are coming from cheap unlicensed bikes that are coming in from other countries that’s where most of these problems with ebikes are originating from these aren’t the

    Expensive ebikes you buy on the UK High Street they might be the one you buy from an online retailer they might be the one that you buy from a market or those kind of things the cheaper the cheaper versions the ones which simply don’t have the control on the battery

    And there is no denying that some of those cheaper models have had problems with batteries and Battery fires are not good fires they’re very hard to extinguish I’m sure we’ve all seen videos of Vapes and things exploding in people’s pockets they can cause severe damage so I mean in terms of ebike there

    There’s more than one kind of ebike is that right I mean you just talked about the Moody ones that people shouldn’t be which were probably you designed and built in a factory in bethl green by fingers mcgr and his Chums on a on a dark rainy night uh there’s those ones

    That shouldn’t be there but actually even in the legit world of ebikes you you get a full-on electric bike and then you get a partial electric bike is that I I could see I could see you on a pedal assist one around you wouldn’t get me on

    Any if I’ve got a pedal get off I mean that’s the thing right I want something else to do the work for me yeah that would be a mopan that would be the the difference between between those two items so you can’t get a I genuinely I’m not being stupid I’m asking this

    Question for our millions of viewers is this about can you get just like a slow moped then in that case uh those are not technically ebikes who wouldn’t legally be able to be ridden on the road now they exist and you often see them mooching about when you go into

    The the towns and cities of the UK and you see somebody with a cigar on going around with their feet not moving on the pedals but the ideas of a legal um ebike on UK roads at the moment is that you have what’s called pedal assist so you

    Might be turning the pedals around at a very very gentle Pace but the bike’s turning out a significant bit of speed like you can get you know over 20 miles as a result of that sort of pedal assistance the ones that literally have the pedal still running are the ones

    That are currently not legal or are modified because you can um like any kind of device these days you can hack and change the software on it in order to do something like that yeah um so they want them to go faster is that to make them more

    Attractive I think going faster will make more people want to ride them it will be able to get you people like you who are like I’m not getting on anything unless it’s moped speed what just can I will can I just let let me just go back

    A bit here when somebody first told me about the electric bike I thought it was flipping Christmas I thought this is amazing you just sit on a bike and it you just go along and it it does all the work you know what that that’s just brilliant it’s a win-win and then

    Somebody said no you still have to Pedal it’s like sorry you have to what yeah but the point is right it’s like any working afternoon with you you’re putting in 25% of the effort 75% of the rest of it is done by everybody else that’s the ab scenario get

    Stage I’m working on I’m working on the remaining 25% as well but surely you you want you know I I guess some people would say they need to make them more just more attractive to get more people on them is that yeah I think I think

    They want them they want them more more on the roads but there’s this really interesting there’s a really interesting statistic that more fires have been caused by ebikes and scooters in London in 2023 than in any previous year so the demand for the the vehicles are going up

    But the the air the problems getting bigger too and don’t buy anything electric off eBay you know like that because you just know and as you rightly say most of the ones that blow up are not you know the legit manufacturers they’re something Knocked Up In You know

    Some some horrendous estate in northern China somewhere and then shipped out around the world uh by by legit really that’s the advice there will is it yeah no that is definitely the advice 100% okay um let’s talk about Christian Herer here um this is a confusing story uh

    Because Christian Herer was in all sorts of trouble F Red Bull the F1 Red Bull boss of course um they they had suspended him or said you know stand down for a bit we’re going to have an investigation there’s been some accusation of um domineering um Behavior

    Uh he denied that there was no suggestion it was sexual or anything like that it was just like you know is this guy a little bit too Brash in the office that’s certainly how I think many people people took it Red Bull did an investigation they said nothing to see

    Here Governor Christian comes back somebody somewhere clearly thought this was an injustice so they decided to release a load of WhatsApp messages and dare I say photographs of what um or who Mr Herer had been communicating with and the kind of things he’d sent um doubtless this was somebody who was not

    Happy with Red Bull’s conclusion that there was nothing to see here will what’s interesting about this if this material is genuine and it’s the same material that was submitted to some kind of inquiry you have to feel for the person that felt it potentially wasn’t fairly dealt with but the challenge you

    Face in a situation like this now Ian the number of people searching online for it it was TW uh trending on X it was uh appearing on all sorts of uh International social networks not just the ones we typically see here in the UK um you sort of begin to lose what’s real

    If it’s real or not like what was in the original pile of evidence and what’s been added or scariously added by somebody else but what this does go to show is the power of anonymity or short-term an anonymity on the internet because this was all released by an

    Email address um a Gmail email address from Google Now in theory depending on even how that person has bounced that email address around the world to sort to to disguise their identity there’ll be some rough understanding if there is legal case or a police request to find

    Out what location that came from so it’s going to be very interesting to see what or if anything unfolds of this and also importantly if Christian horer keeps his job it’s a big weekend in the world of Formula 1 and this was clearly timed to

    Drop a very indeed and of course for th for those who’ve searched out the and here becomes the next problem because of the digital world we live in you just know that as we speak I would bet you there’s at least a thousand excuse me a thousand WhatsApp messages

    That didn’t come from that that somebody has made up to look like that already out there that will get more that there will be photographs that are nothing to do with this and then you get into that strange battle in your own head um and in the news agenda well hang on which

    Ones are real are any of them real Mr hoer I’m sure will say well that is certainly not real why would I send something like that that’s so easily easily connected to me um but of course just when you think people wouldn’t be stupid with technology because we’ve all seen the

    Bear traps people consistently and continually are well they are technology there there’s all sorts of um you know things that concern me about the world of technology this story is interesting because clearly he’s not been concerned about Sending WhatsApp messages to somebody um but then you go into our third story of

    The afternoon and this one’s been uh really eye- openening for me Snapchat was flagged in nearly half half of all child abuse image crimes in the last year and that’s according to the nspcc is listen well we we’ve only got about 20 seconds that absolutely it shocked me

    Well it did and it didn’t I mean you can sort of see how this has happened but baring in mind Snapchat was something was meant to be designed as a fun social media experience for younger people um and it’s clearly turned out to be a nefarious and rather dangerous place we

    Need tighter regulation here and it’s apparently very clear and what is the deal there I mean every time you hear a Zuckerberg being you know questioned by Congress or anywhere else for that matter uh they say we take this very seriously musk would say I take this very seriously they’ve got algorithms

    That you could never have imagined half an hour ago but they can’t stop this kind of thing there’s there’s a lot in place and all the networks are doing a lot but they’re clearly not doing enough if Snapchat can be flagged in half of cases there needs to be bigger fines

    There needs to be a bigger impetus to get these organizations to change how they deal with this stuff St top stuff and absolutely spot on will thank you very much that’s will guard our technology correspondent with us here on talk TV thank you for watching we’re out

    Of time I’m back on Tuesday JJ anobi is in the hot seat on Monday Vanessa Felts is next have a great afternoon and a great weekend goodbye hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and we’re on your smart

    Speaking oh bless him he’s so Kim W the most likely situation is that that statue is going to end up in Ed which is a museum just on the Harbor Nick when we first went to you I thought you dived into the harbor to get the the thing out

    For God’s sake man well done good job islamism is sweeping our nation this is not islamophobia this is real another terror attack another another killing of an MP oh don’t worry let’s light a candle let’s all sing let’s look don’t look back in anger and sing come by off

    He had a a politically uh minded project called Wikileaks it said nothing about what was going on in the Kremlin nothing about what was going on in China there was a clear political bias in what he was doing this is the first time Milam has heard of Asylum Seekers coming to

    The town if we are guinea pigs then I think we should have been consulted this concept that actually kids wouldn’t carry knives if they could go and play Tiddly Winks at the you know the corner of the street or whatever I think it’s a nonsense well it will be your problem if

    They start breaking into people’s homes because they can break into yours and decide that you’re not doing enough they can break into mine and decide I’m not doing enough and I tell you what they break into my home it will get violent that’s for sure it’s not like you know

    They live in an average semi and where’s Harry going to sleep you might have thought he’d come all the way couldn’t he at least have spent a couple of days with them at sanding him just you know to use the vernacular chilling out a bit

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