¡Buenas a todos gente zarpada! En el nuevo video de hoy, veremos la parte 2 de 1 hora de datos curiosos y cosas qué no sabías del mundo. ¡Disfruta de esta hora a puras curiosidades!

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    Music de https://www.fiftysounds.com

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    – ¡1 HORA De PUROS DATOS CURIOSOS! ⏰😯 | Zarpado

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    #datoscuriosos #1hora #curiosidades

    Welcome to part two of an hour of curious facts Get ready for an hour of pure curious facts that they started telling right now The Quetzal, the name of the currency of Guatemala, is named after a species of exotic bird that lives in Central America and is also the National animal of

    This country and on the flag is this bird the most expensive cheese in the world is pule cheese produced in Serbia from donkey milk and with a price of around 1000 eur per kilogram the movie Avatar is the movie highest grossing of all time having grossed more than

    $2.9 billion worldwide Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin was the first human being to travel into space on April 12, 1961 during his mission Gagarin completed an orbit around the Earth that It lasted approximately 108 minutes and experienced weightlessness in space. The

    Armadillo is the only mammal that can contract it by simply adding a code. You can see Mark Zuckerberg’s profile in case you want to try by putting the facebook.com link, add bar di4 and then Pressing enter will take you to sacker’s profile. bnw began selling cars due to the defeat

    Of World War I. After the defeat of Germany in World War I, the country’s economy was seriously affected by the harsh conditions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. That’s why BMW, which had originally dedicated itself to manufacturing aircraft engines during the

    War, had to reinvent itself and began manufacturing automobiles in 1923. BMW launched its first car, the BMW 3/1 PS. Also known as Dixi, based on the design of the Austen 7. British, the Spanish Miguel de Cervantes and the famous William Shakespeare are considered the greatest exponents of

    Hispanic and English literature. It is curious that they both died on April 23, 1616 in Bangladesh. 15-year-old students can be put in jail for cheating on your final exams there are only three animals in the world that have blue tongues the chao

    Chao dog the blue tongued lizard and the asian black bear santa claus did not always wear red before he was commonly depicted wearing blue green or brown until In the 1930s, thanks to a Coca-Cola advertising campaign, the color red became popular. There is a fish at the

    Bottom of the sea with teeth so big that it cannot close its mouth. It is the Pacific viper fish. The date on the bottles of Wine is the date the grape was harvested, not the date the wine was bottled. This is a confusion that many people tend to have. The three

    Richest families in the world have more money than the 48 poorest countries in the world. Among these families we find to the Al Nayan family that governs Abu Dhabi, the Walton family, owner of Walmart, and the Hermés family, owner of the well-known luxury fashion brand, peanuts have

    Applications in more unusual fields such as the manufacture of Dynamite. Peanut oil when processed It produces glycerol, a substance that is used in the production of nitroglycerin, one of the essential elements in the composition of dynamite. You are curious to know.

    What is the time when people are usually happiest? The happiest hour of people is at 7 o’clock. afternoon in the movie Hango Unchained there is a scene where Calden Candy played by Leonardo DiCaprio is in the middle of an intense and emotional argument with another

    Character played by Christoph WS in a moment of Fury and Despair Candy hits a table and accidentally breaks it a drink with his hand what makes this scene shocking is that DiCaprio’s reaction was completely improvised and genuine he really cut his hand

    During the Cold War the United States and the Soviet Union competed in a space race the Soviet Union was the first in sending a human being to space yorg garen in 1961 while the United States was the first to land on the moon in 1969 with the Apollo mission x the largest

    Known egg comes from the extinct bird called aepyornis that lived in Madagascar these eggs could measure up to 30 cm long and 21 cm wide, carrots were previously purple, they began to be made orange in the Middle Ages in the Netherlands to honor the Dutch monarch William

    Of Orange whose heraldic color was orange, all gondolas in Venice, traditional rowing boats used to transport passengers along the city’s numerous canals, must be painted black except those belonging to high officials. Chess is the official sport. from Armenia And what is also surprising is that in 2011 this country made

    Chess a mandatory subject for all children over 6 years old despite being known as the 100-year war between France and England that lasted 116 years. Princess Juliana International Airport located on the island of Sint Maarten in the Caribbean is famous for a

    Unique and exciting feature its landing strip is located very close to Mao Beach allowing visitors to experience up close the exciting moment when the planes pass overhead Johnny Dab before becoming an actor He had a band called

    KS in the 1980s until at the age of 21 He made his first appearance in the world of cinema in the legendary 80s film Nightmare Down Street there is a store in the state of Alabama that sells unclaimed lost luggage, it is called unclan bagage and it sells objects abandoned in

    Airports and that have never been claimed by their owners Europe has a country whose official religion is Buddhism the Republic of Calmia The 60 By 1567, Hans Taining, considered until recently the man with the longest beard in the world,

    Died after tripping over it. When he was running to save himself from a fire that occurred in Brun Amin, a town in Austria, if you wonder the size of his beard, it was 1.40 m, you knew that fire

    Has no shadow. The Hollywood sign did not always say Hollywood. The original sign was erected in 1923. as an advertising campaign for an upscale subdivision called Holly Woodland then the sign deteriorated over the years so it was decided to repair it on the condition that the

    Word Land be removed as it was in 1949 the dromedary and the Bactrian camel are both The only species of camels that exist in the world, these differ in that the dromedary has a single hump and is usually taller. While the Bactrian camel stands out

    For its double hump with a coat to face colder climates and the fruit are more robust. with the highest sugar content is the date. The date is a small, oval-shaped fruit that comes from the date palm. It is famous for having a high sugar content. On average, it contains around

    60 to 70 G of sugar per 100 g of fruit. That is to say, 60 percent of sugar Samsung created a cell phone with the theme of The Matrix. The Matrix phone was created specifically for the movie The Matrix,

    Which debuted in 2003. After its appearance in the movie, only 5,000 units were produced that had the ability to make calls. Tensin Hillary Airport located in Lucla Nepal is known to be one of the most dangerous airports in the world. The runway is

    Extremely short with only 527 m in length and a slight upward slope and is located at an altitude of approximately 2,845 m. above sea level the airport is named after chansen norge and sir adman hell the first confirmed climbers to

    Reach the summit of mount everest there is an island in the atlantic ocean off canada known for its elongated shape called sable island this is completely uninhabited and has no shops, restaurants or infrastructure, the only surprising thing it has is between 200 and 500

    Horses that live on the island in 1896 the first film in the history of cinema the arrival of a train at the Ciotat station directed by those considered by Many parents of the cinema Los Hermanos Lumier caused panic among viewers because they thought that the train was going to

    Crash into them before launching her career as a singer and actress Solena Gumas auditioned for the role of Mechi Chorras in Desney Chan Camp’s film Although Rock did not get that role, she was chosen to star in Desney Chano’s successful series Los Hechiceros de Weverly Place, which

    It premiered in 2007 in the series. Selena played Russian Alex, a teenager with magical abilities who lives with her family in New York. In Japan, they grow square watermelons. Square watermelons are easier to pack, which makes them ideal for export and presentation

    In shops and markets and are popular for gifts the white rhino is not white it is gray Steve Jobs the co-founder of Apple in never completed his university studies despite having entered Reid College in Oregon in 1972 at the age of 6 months the ayaye is a nocturnal primate native of Madagascar

    Who has the curiosity to possess a specially adapted sixth middle finger that he uses to extract insect larvae from tree trunks is often considered one of the ugliest animals in the world despite being diagnosed with Ela at the Stephen Hawking lived to be 76 years old and made significant contributions to theoretical physics

    . a flat method of flight despite its appearance similar to that of a bat, the colugo is not a redor and is closer to primates. The Dumbo octopus, named for its resemblance to Desny’s character, has

    Ear-shaped fins that make it They help you swim. They live in the depths of the ocean and are known for being one of the rarest and most enigmatic octopuses in the world. The first video uploaded to YouTube on

    April 23, 2005 was titled mi atasu and showed one of the YouTube cund jorim. at the San Diego Zoo this video marked the beginning of the world’s largest online video platform the Goliath frog is the largest frog in the world with a length of up to 32 cm and a

    Weight of up to 3.3 kg the famous slogan just Nike’s do it was inspired by the last words of gerry geomor, a criminal sentenced to death. Advertising creative Dan W found the phrase powerfully motivating. The Stonefish is one of the most poisonous fish in the world and is known for

    Its ability to perfectly camouflage itself. With its rocky environment, its bite can be lethal to humans if not treated quickly. IKEA, the renowned Swedish furniture company, is named after its founder Inbar Can Prat, combining the initials of his name and K, the initials of the

    Name of the farm where he grew up. Elm tarid and the name of his hometown agun arid elg the bald is the National symbol of the United States but it was not always like this Benjamin Franklin proposed that

    The turkey should be the national bird instead of the bald eagle arguing that the eagle was a bird Bad Omen the name of the company ental is an abbreviation of Integrated Electronics Arnold Sarsen received a salary of 15 million dollars for his role in Terminator 2 Judgment Day released in

    1991 which made him the highest paid actor at that time the cow Belgian Blue It is a breed of cattle known for its extremely developed musculature due to a genetic mutation that affects the production of myostatin, a protein that regulates muscle growth. These cows

    Can develop large, well-defined muscles. Anthony Hopkins only appears on screen for a total of 16 minutes and 20 seconds in the silence of the lambs a film released in 1991 and the surprising thing is that he won an academy award for his interpretation of Dr hann B act

    Acting In such a short time the tarantula Goliath is the largest tarantula in the world In terms of body mass, it can reach a weight of up to 170 G and a length of up to 30 cm including extended legs. Avatar, released in 2009, is the highest-grossing film of all time

    With a worldwide gross of more than 2.9 billion. One of the first films to use 3D motion capture technology, red kangaroos have the ability to suspend the gestation of their young during difficult times such as droughts until conditions improve and they can provide a more suitable environment for the growth of the

    Young. The Forest G movie was filmed in more than 100 different locations, which included 55 days of filming in six different states in the United States, the title of the longest-running sports car. of the world in terms of continuous production is awarded to the chrol corda the corvete was

    First introduced in 1953 and has been in production continuously since then during the filming of the singler list which was released in 1993 steven spielberg refused to receive his salary as a director and donated the money to the SOA foundation that helps preserve the memory of the

    Holocaust since the film was about the Holocaust. The main character of the To Store film franchise was named bz warer as a tribute to boldren. astronaut who was part of the Apollo xy mission and was the second human being to walk on the lunar surface.

    As the desert sand is not suitable for construction because it is very fine, Saudi Arabia, despite the large deserts it has, must import sand. From Australia there is only one food that never deteriorates in life, honey. They have found honey from hundreds of years ago

    That still does not rot. The tallest Statue in the world is the Statue of Unity located in India, inaugurated in 2018. It is tall. total of 182 m including the pedestal the Statue represents Sardar Babay Patel an Indian political leader and statesman who played an important role in the

    Independence of India and the unification of the states after independence despite having been nominated several times Leonardo DiCaprio won his first Oscar for best actor in 2016 for his role in the film The Revenant and it is his only Oscar win to date. His

    Acceptance speech went viral for his passionate defense of the environment. Angel Falls in Venezuela is considered the highest waterfall in the world with a drop of 979 m. This height is more than 10 times greater than the famous Niagara Falls in North America.

    Surrounding this area are the Pemón people, an indigenous community. The movie Titanic cost more than the construction of the Titanic itself the film Titanic directed by James Cameron in 1997 had a production budget of around 200 million dollars while the construction of the

    Titanic in 1912 cost approximately 7.5 million The Raven is the most intelligent bird in the world the crows are known for their ability to use tools such as twigs or sticks and can even imitate a variety of sounds including human sounds Desney’s film The Lion King

    Was inspired in part by Shakespeare’s play Hamlet in Hamlet Prince Hamlet fights to avenge the death of his father and faces moral and ethical dilemmas in the process in the lion king sima is forced to attack his uncle scar who usurps the throne and is responsible for the death of

    His father king mufasa the axolotl a very curious animal can regenerate its limbs This species of salamander that lives in Mexico can regenerate parts of its body such as lost limbs such as legs, tail and even parts of the brain and heart. Fortune cookies

    Were not invented in China. Although these cookies are widely associated with Chinese culture, they have their origins in the United States in 1918 They were created by Chinese immigrants in the United States as a way to make cookies more attractive to

    Western customers with a label with a message on the channels of sochimilco is the island of dolls an island full of dolls hanging on the trees it is said that they were placed there by a man who wanted to appease the spirit of a girl who died on the island as many know

    Arnold Schwarzer before his career as an actor and politician he was a famous bodybuilder who won the contest most prestigious bodybuilding club in the world called Mr Olimpia on seven occasions during the 70’s returning with the channels of Sochimilco here are the famous trajineras boats used for both transportation and tourism the trajineras

    Are long, narrow boats made of wood and They are painted with bright colors and striking designs until the arrival of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States. JF Canedy had been the richest president in history. Pheasant Island changes its nationality. This small island

    Of 3,000 m between France and Spain changes. of hands every 6 months by the Pyrenees treaty between these two countries from February to August it is from Spain and then it is from France the other 6 months The American bison is the largest land mammal in North America with a body mass

    That can reach up to 1000 kg or more in adult males. which, despite their name, are not bears but marsupials belonging to the same family as kangaroos and guats. They are native to Australia and feed mainly on eucalyptus leaves. Bluefin tuna can reach

    Speeds of up to 70 km per hour in short bursts. This incredible Speed ​​allows them to efficiently hunt their prey such as small fish and squid as well as avoid their natural predators. The singer Diana is also a successful businesswoman and fashion designer. She founded her own

    Fashion brand called Fenty in collaboration with lvmh, better known as Louis Whitton. One of the most notable features of Fenty is its range of makeup shades which includes a wide variety of colors. The hippopotamus is the most dangerous mammal in Africa and is responsible for more

    Human deaths on the continent than any other animal, killing around 500 people. per year in Africa and is twice as lethal as lions. The capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, has the widest avenue in the world, July 9, with 140 m wide, which is approximately 13

    Lanes. Basketball was invented by James Nesme, an education teacher. physics in 1891 at Spring Field Massachusetts originally night Smith invented the game as an indoor activity for his students during the winter developed a set of simple rules and a

    Basic objective throw a ball into a basket suspended in the air in teams of nine the station international space is a laboratory in orbit around the earth inhabited by astronauts of various nationalities who carry out scientific research in microgravity the average waiting time until we fall asleep is 7 minutes The lighter

    Was invented before the match While the German chemist Johan Wolf Gandoer created a prototype of a hydrogen lighter in 1823. It was in 1827 when the English chemist John Walker created the first matches. In the 1840s, they began to be marketed in

    Bases specifically designed to transport and light these CDs. They were designed to receive 74 minutes of music Because that is the length of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony In Japan there is the island of Asima an abandoned island that was once a prosperous

    Coal mining center after its abandonment in the 1970s it became in a ghostly place with ruined buildings and is occasionally visited by tourists and filmmakers Helium is the only element that was discovered first in space and then on Earth Helium was

    First discovered in space in 1868 by Pier Jules Caesar hansen while watching a solar eclipse and noticed that there was a Yellow Line in the solar spectrum they called it helium on earth it was discovered in 1895 Antarctica is the only continent without a designated time zone since

    Antarctica does not have a population Permanent native and research stations have their own schedules There is no official time zone established for the continent Most of the pandas in the world are owned by China Pandas primarily inhabit dense bamboo forests found in high mountains from Western China, this country lends them to

    Zoos around the world as part of cooperation agreements in the conservation of the species. The island of Santorini in Greece is the result of an ancient volcanic eruption. Santorini, an island in the Areo Sea, is known for its impressive cliffs and sunsets, however, what

    Many do not know is that the island is the result of an ancient volcanic eruption that created its characteristic crescent shape, and its beaches are made of black volcanic sand, the most resistant material produced by the Nature is the spider web. The logo of the Spanish

    Lollipop brand Chupac Chups was designed by Salvador Dali and it only took him an hour to make. The bears, those anthills, eat more than 35,000 ants a day. They use their sharp claws to dig into The Cayman Islands are so named because

    Of the large number of alligators that inhabited the region when Christopher Columbus first arrived in 1503. The musk deer native to North America has long upper teeth that They resemble fangs. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is not the only Leaning Tower in the world. There are others in

    The world. One of them is the tower of the Zusen Church in Germany, which has an inclination of 5 g and is the most inclined tower in the world. that the Tower of Pisa is inclined around 4 g. Strawberries have more vitamins than oranges. If we compare a 100 g serving of

    Fresh strawberries, it provides approximately 58 mg of vitamin C, while an equivalent serving of fresh orange provides around 53 mg of vitamin C. vitamin c have you ever wondered who the Star Wars character Yoda is inspired by? The creators of Star Wars designed

    Yoda to look like Au Einstein. If you are enjoying the video, don’t forget to subscribe. The madoa are small antelopes from Africa. They seem to have four eyes, they use their tears to mark their territory, these considered the smallest antelopes in the world leave a

    Sticky secretion that emanates from the tear holes under their eyes. They also have a curious pointed eye. Sony created pocket televisions in 1982. The Sony Watchman had a small 5 cm black and white screen. They also had built-in antennas

    To capture television signals, which made it possible to watch programs on the move or in places where there was no access to a traditional television. Seahorses are one of the few species In the animal world where the male gives birth to the young the other species are the pipefish

    A species from the same family as seahorses the tach maal located in India a mausoleum built in 1632 by the Mughal emperor Sahan in memory of his favorite wife munasma have you ever wondered what is the investment that NASA makes to investigate the outside world

    NASA has a budget for 2024 of more than 27,000 million the iconic white glove that Michael Jackson used during his performances became his Trademark He began using it to cover a skin disease called vitiligo that affected the pigmentation of his

    Hand. In 2009, his mythical glove called Mon Walk sold for 50,000 at an auction. The Sonon Cave, located in Vietnam, is the largest cave in the world. In terms of volume it has passages reaching up to 200 m high and 150 m wide throughout its approximately 9 km length

    The cave is home to a number of unique features including enormous stalactites and stalagmites underground rivers waterfalls crystal clear lakes and formations rocks carved by nature for millions of years before his film career d johnsen era unit bear

    Professional wrestler known as dorac in the WWE has made a successful transition to the world of film and was the highest paid actor in the world between 2018 and 2019 With sums of 23 million dollars in jangi the avocado has more protein than any other fruit Although most fruits are

    Known to be mainly carbohydrates the avocado stands out for its relatively high protein content compared to other fruits contains approximately 2 g of protein per 100 g of fruit the Nile River is the longest river in the world with a length of

    Approximately 6,650 km and passes through 10 countries on the continent the giraffe is the tallest animal in the world with an average height of 5.5 m eating 40 apple seeds could kill you This is because these seeds contain cyanidric acid in very small quantities this acid

    Is poisonous to humans and can be fatal in extremely high doses the eye of the abestrus is larger than its brain it has large eyes that allow them to detect possible predators and prey at a distance Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise or Also known

    As retrograde rotation, this means that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east On Venus the mane of a male lion is an indicator of his health and strength; females tend to to prefer males with darker and fuller hair in Iceland the police do not carry firearms

    On duty as the country has the lowest crime rate in the world so the word sushi in Japanese is not necessary Not applicable specifically to raw fish but to the vinegared rice that is used in the preparation. The common octopus has three hearts and nine brains,

    Two of the hearts pump blood to the gills. While the third pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of the body, its nine brains provide it with great capacity for perception and coordination of movements the first automobile with a gasoline engine was built

    By Carbans in 1885, it was called the vagen engine and could reach a maximum speed of 16 km/h, as we see, it only had three wheels Norway is the country with The most tunnels in the world have more than 300 tunnels. These tunnels pass through mountains and fjords. Some of the

    Most notable tunnels include the longest road tunnel in the world, the Herdal Tunnel, which extends for more than 24 km under the mountain of the herdal in the western region of Norway the actor Christopher Lee known for his iconic roles in films such as Dracula the Lord of the Rings

    And Star Wars had a fascinating ancestry that included Charlemagne one of the most influential characters in European history in Iceland It is believed in the existence of supernatural beings called ultu folk or hidden elves. It is said that 54 percent of Icelanders believe in the existence

    Of these beings. The Tical National Park in Guatemala is home to the ruins of an ancient Mayan city. The National Park protects the ruins. of an ancient Mayan city that was an important political, economic and religious center during the classical May period the Forbidden City in

    Beijing China is the largest Imperial Palace in the world and was the residence of Chinese emperors for almost 500 years built between 1406 and 1420 during the Min dynasty the Forbidden City It is surrounded by a wall and a moat and is made up of more than 90 Palaces buildings

    That house an impressive collection of art, antiquities and cultural relics The Earth’s oceans contain around 97 percent of the water in the Earth with the remaining 3% being fresh water in the form of rivers, glacial lakes and groundwater, the spider monkey can jump up to 9 m

    Away and survive surprising falls. It has been observed that these primates can fall from heights of up to 15 m without sustaining injuries. serious this ability is due in part to its unique physical structure that includes long, thin legs that act as natural shock absorbers

    During falls the first commercial mobile phone was the El Moro roda t 18 000x launched in 1983 it weighed almost 1 kg and It offered a battery life of approximately 30 minutes of conversation Russia is larger than Pluto if we compare the surface Russia measures

    17,454 km cu Pluto is estimated at 17 million km cu the term Ok originated in the 19th century as an abbreviation of all correct a joke that became popular in the United States King Louis strongest animal in the world in proportion to its size the

    Original name of coca-cola was thin franch One coca and it contained extracts of coca leaves and kola nuts that is why it is called coca-cola because of the coca leaves and kola nuts 600 years ago during the period of the 100 Years War between England and France French became the

    Official language in England as a result of the French Norman conquest of England towards the end of the medieval period English regained its status as the dominant language In England, the Atlantic Ocean is saltier than the Pacific Ocean due to its greater evaporation and less

    Precipitation. The Chinese giant salamander is the largest amphibian in the world, being able to reach a length of up to 1.8 m. Additionally, a notable characteristic of this salamander is its longevity, reaching More than 50 years the deepest man-made hole on earth is

    The tail super deep well located in Russia has a depth of approximately 12,262 m. This was carried out as a research project of the Soviet Union to reach the center of the earth and was completed in 1992 after 9 years. The General Serman tree is a sequoia. Giant in the

    Redwood National Park in California, it is considered the largest tree in the world by volume. Its name honors General William Ton Sherman, a prominent American military leader during the Civil War. It has a volume of around 1,487 m and approximately 2,500 m

    . Instagram building where everyone wants to take a photo is located in Spain and has served as inspiration for the squid game. It is recognized as the Instagram building due to the large number of tourists who come every day to take photos and upload them to this

    Social network. They share more Stores on Instagram than in daily life since it is estimated that more than 300,000 million Stories are published a day on the Popular platform, there are places in the world where it is prohibited to die long yaren in Norway, this apparently strange rule is due

    To the unique conditions since the ground is permanently frozen which makes it impossible to bury bodies traditionally have you ever wondered where the meteorite that extinct the dinosaurs fell was it in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico where the

    Chikul crater is located which is believed to be It is the asteroid impact site that contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs approximately 66 million years ago. This also explains why there are so many enotes in this area since more than 10,000 were created. Will Smith initially achieved fame

    As a rapper under the name artistic The Fres Friends later became a successful film and television actor known for films such as Men in Black and The Pursuit of Happyness Bluetooth technology is named in honor of Harald Bluetooth a Viking king of Denmark in the

    Year 940 who It made the tribes of Denmark and Norway unite and Bluetooth technology is responsible for uniting electronic devices from different manufacturers and allowing wireless communication between them. The Voyager One space probe launched by NASA in 1977 is the farthest spacecraft in Earth in August 2012 became the first

    Man-made object to enter Interstellar space The main purpose of the mission was to explore the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn from which it transmitted detailed images back to Earth The most bird The largest in the world is the ostrich, which can reach a height of up to

    2.7 m and a weight of up to 160 kg. Starfish have the ability to regenerate lost limbs if a starfish loses an arm due to a predator or other accident. The eruption of the Krakatau volcano in 1883 was one

    Of the most powerful in recorded history and generated a tsunami that caused waves up to 40 m high located in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra. in Indonesia it caused the death of more than 40,000 people and the force of the explosion is compared to the Hiroshima bombs

    The Palace of Versailles in France has more than 2300 rooms this Palace is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world one of the characteristics Impressive is its vast number of rooms. In addition to its numerous rooms, the Palace of Versailles

    Is famous for its extensive gardens that include fountains, statues and lush flower beds. In Canada is the Clan Ice Field, one of the largest ice fields in the world outside of Canada. the polar regions the clane ice field is a vast expanse of ice and snow that extends

    Across the yucon territory in canada with an area of ​​more than 22,000 km cu this ice field is an impressive natural wonder the wolverine is one of the most ferocious and territorial mammals despite their not so large appearance. Also known as a verín, it is a

    Medium-sized carnivore similar to a small gozo. This animal is a relentless and brave predator with great strength and ability to hunt animals much larger than it. like reindeer and caribou Its powerful jaw and sharp fangs allow it to tear the flesh of its prey with

    Ease. The venom of the black widow spider is 15 times more powerful than that of a rattlesnake, but the amount of venom injected is much less. More than 120 Australian animals They are in danger of extinction due to feral cats, there are approximately 20 million of these cats

    In Australia and they kill many species of amphibians every day such as large desert skinks, bearded dragons and jcos before Keanu Rids got the offer to play Neo in Matrix top actors like Will Smith Brad dal kelm and ncolas C rejected this role

    Will Smith rejected it to star in Wild Wild was which he considers one of his biggest mistakes in his career the lion is the most sexually active animal in the world The United States , Myanmar and Liberia are the only countries that do not have the standard metric system of measurement.

    These three countries use the British Imperial system of inches and pounds. The South American electric catfish known as the pz bull can generate electric shocks of up to 300 50 . V to incapacitate their prey and defend themselves from predators during World War II

    The Japanese built a single-use fighter plane called cikas that deliberately crashed into enemy targets as a suicide tactic, they were loaded with bombs and pilots in the name of the homeland The Andes mountain range is the longest mountain range in the world and extends for approximately 7,000 km along the western coast of

    South America. French is the official language in more than 29 countries around the world. in many countries in Africa and other places such as Luxembourg or Monaco among others despite her fame as an actress and sex symbol Marolan Manro had an exceptionally high IQ

    Of around 168 which placed her in the rank of Genius The IQ was five points higher than that of aub ansta The Emperor Penguin is the bird that can dive the deepest, reaching depths of up to 550 m. The kiwi is a National fruit of New Zealand

    But few know that it is native to China where it is known as myoto or fruit of the monkey due to its similarity to the brown, furry coat of the gibbon monkey a species native to the region the Chinese

    Appreciated the sweet and refreshing taste of the kiwi and grew it on a small scale for local consumption the Netherlands has more bicycles than people this country It is known to be a bicycle friendly country and in fact they have more bicycles than people it is estimated

    That there are around 22 million bicycles in the Netherlands while the population is approximately 17 million people Tigers have stripes on their skin not only on its fur Even if a tiger is shaved completely it would still have its stripe patterns on its skin

    Due to pigmentation the Arabic alphabet does not include vowels it only consists of 28 consonants and the vowels are represented by diacritical marks that are placed above below or around the consonant letters the Aral Sea located between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan used

    To be one of the four largest lakes in the world but due to excessive extraction of water for agriculture it has been drastically reduced in size and divided into two bodies of smaller water the bge Khalifa tower in Dubai United Arab Emirates is the tallest building in the world

    With a total height of 828 m the quint ca roller coaster in the Sex Flags Great Adventure amusement park in New Jersey United States is the roller coaster tallest and fastest in the world

    With a maximum height of 139 m and a maximum speed of 206 km per hour. The Great Wall of China is not visible from space with the naked eye. Although it is long, its width and color make it difficult to distinguish from Earth’s orbit. phenomenon known as The Bermuda Triangle is a

    Region of the Atlantic Ocean where mysterious disappearances of ships and planes have occurred over the years. About 50 ships and 20 planes have been lost in this particular area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. Butterflies can taste with its legs This is due to the presence of receptors

    Of taste in the extremities that allow them to detect and evaluate the chemical substances present on the surfaces they touch. The word cocoa comes from the Malla language and means bitter drink for the ancient Mallas. Cocoa was much more than a simple drink, it was

    Considered a food of the Gods were associated with divinity, fertility and power. The island of Jaa in Indonesia is the most populated island in the world with more than 140 million inhabitants. In addition, the population density in Java is remarkably high with an average of

    More than 1,000. people per square kilometer the crater of the Irazú volcano in Costa Rica contains a green lake due to the high acidity of the water which gives it a surreal appearance the island of wang suffered a western introduction of the guap snake they arrived accidentally in

    World War II and before arriving there were two species of birds on this island and this snake has already extinct 10 of them. This ease of hunting birds is due to a particular movement they have to climb trees. The Bulldog ant found in Australia has

    Such a powerful bite. that is capable of cutting its prey in two the library of Congress of the United States is the largest library in the world contains more than 36 million books among them it houses the draft of the declaration of independence of the United States do you know the famous

    Phenomenon of Catatumbo lightning is a unique natural spectacle that occurs in the region of Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela. It is a series of electrical storms that form almost constantly over the lake, especially at night. This phenomenon has been known as

    The place with the greatest electrical activity in the world, pizza avaiana was not invented in Hawaii but in Canada by a Greek immigrant, this pizza known for containing pineapple, its name abana is due to the can of pineapple that was used to invent it, which was abayan, the first email

    In history it was leather it was sent by red hensen recognized as the inventor of email in 1971 which as we see are the letters of the keyboard arranged in the first row the name of the company Yahoo has a meaning with the initials of each letter that mean

    Yaran hierarchical officious Oracle in Spanish, another unofficial hierarchical oracle in Cleveland, Ohio, the house of mice is prohibited unless you have a license. There is a law that takes care of the integrity of these animals. To make one kg of honey, bees must travel through 1,440 1,000 flowers, surprising truth, Albert’s parents. Einstein

    Was known for his tendency to question status quo from an early age which sometimes led to behaviors that might have been considered unusual by his parents and teachers. In his youth he seemed distracted and uninterested in traditional teaching methods which led to this appreciation the longest alphabet in the world is

    That of Cambodia it has 74 letters Also known as the Gemer alphabet it is one of the oldest and most complex writing systems in the world the philippines is the only country in world along with the Vatican where it is illegal to divorce 80% of Filipinos are Catholic which greatly influences

    This many people no longer live with their husband but they cannot file divorce papers the famous word honeymoon comes from ancient Babylon where the bride’s father provided his son-in-law with all the honey beer he could drink. For a month after the wedding and since the

    Babylonian calendar is determined by lunar phases, it was called the honeymoon. Most toilets in Hong Kong use water. of sea the island of socotra due to its isolation is home to species that are not found anywhere else on earth some rare species of

    This island are the hecos the gecko and even the whiptail lizard of socotra a hummingbird can weigh less that a US coin the average weight of a hummingbird can range between 2 and 20 G and a US penny has an approximate weight of 2.5 G jellyfish are 95

    % water the physical structure of a jellyfish is made up mainly of a type of gelatin transparent called mesoglea which is composed mainly of water and makes up most of its body which gives the jellyfish its gelatinous and transparent appearance the smell of a skunk

    Can be detected by a human from more than 1 km away the skunk or the skunk has the strongest smell in the animal kingdom, which serves to deter predators and mark its territory. did you know that there was a goddess called kaca? one of the earliest goddesses of the Romans was

    Called kaca; the relationship between the characters of andiana Jones. played by Harrison Ford and his father Henry John Sir played by Sean Connery is curious that in real life there is only a 12 year age difference between the two actors which is little the Amazon River

    Contains approximately 20% of fresh water unfrozen water in the world making it a crucial source of fresh water for the region and a vital component of the global hydrological cycle the monolisa one of the most famous paintings in the world is valued at a staggering

    $700 million but the most surprising that it is insured alone for a value of only 172 million the camel is the only mammal capable of drinking salt water without getting sick the common swift can spend 10 months in flight during the breeding season they spend

    Most of their time in flight searching food and mate after the breeding season these birds migrate to Africa to spend the winter have you ever wondered what the name of Donald Duck is like Donald fun is the full name fun today as a humorous nod to the

    Fictional character Little Lord Conor created by the author Francis huds and Bernard in queensland Australia it is illegal to have a rabbit as a pet Unless you are a magician who must present papers despite their name Chinese checkers were invented in Germany the game of

    Chinese checkers was invented in Germany in 1892 with the name stern Alma but it became popular in the West after being adapted and marketed by the Ravensburger company in the 1920s. Did you know that the unicorn is the National animal of Scotland? This is because in Celtic mythology

    The unicorn was considered a dual symbol that represented both purity and innocence as well as virility and power. Lake Superior located in North America stands out as the largest freshwater lake in the world in terms of area covering an impressive area of ​​around 82,100

    Km cu it extends Spanning three states in the United States, Menesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, and the province of Ontario in Canada, situated majestically in the Caucasus region of Russia, Mount Gru stands as the highest mountain in Europe with a towering altitude of around 5642 Met above sea level the trovant stones known as

    Viv stones are rocks that grow and reproduce in nature. They are found in Romania and due to certain minerals in their composition they can grow and multiply over time the well-known kangaroos Due to their peculiar way of moving, they have a unique characteristic, they cannot move their

    Hind legs independently, which makes them unable to walk backwards. In India, there are many rivers where people bathe for religious reasons, the best known is the Ganges, the river. holiest in India bathing in the waters of this river during certain festivals or in certain

    Sacred places can wash away sins and bring spiritual salvation Icelandic is one of the oldest and most preserved languages ​​in the world and has changed very little since the time of ancient Viking colonizers due to Iceland’s relative geographic isolation and lack of outside linguistic influences Icelandic invented minimal linguistic changes over

    The centuries the platypus along with echidnas They are the only mammals that lay eggs the reason why the The platypus is considered a mammal, although it lays eggs. It lies in characteristics such as the fact that females secrete milk through pores in their

    Skin to feed their newborn babies. They have teeth and fur and regulate their temperature. This species is known for having a similar beak. a tail similar to that of a duck of a beaver and legs with membranes similar to those of a duck kabuki theater is a form

    Of traditional Japanese theater characterized by elaborate costume makeup and exaggerated gestures the Mongol Empire founded by Henis Kh in the 11th century was the contiguous Empire largest in history encompassing approximately 22 percent of the world’s land area at its peak

    After his death in 1227 his vast empire was divided into several smaller khanates each ruled by a descendant of henis can or a tribal leader who were falling little by little The Lighthouse of Alexandria built around 280 BC on the island of Paros in Egypt was one of

    The seven wonders of the ancient world and one of the tallest structures of its time. The human body has around 37 trillion cells. Cells vary in size, shape and function and work together to maintain the functioning of the human body The Great Barrier Reef located

    Off the coast of Queensland Australia is the largest coral reef system in the World with a length of approximately 2300 km in Japan There is a tea ceremony tradition known as chanoyu Bo chado is an influential cultural practice that involves preparing and serving

    Tea macha a variety of powdered green tea prepared by mixing with hot water and whisking derived from the Gogol mathematical term representing the number one followed by 100 zeros however the name was registered as gugo by mistake and remained that way the ifel tower can

    Be taller in summer than in winter due to the expansion and contraction of the metal due to temperature situations the ifel tower can increase their height by up to 15 cm During the summer months bees can recognize human faces Although they have a small brain,

    Bees have a remarkable ability to recognize and remember patterns including human faces scientists still do not know why we yawn although yawning is a common phenomenon its exact purpose is not yet fully understood by science, several theories have been proposed such as the regulation of brain temperature or the need for

    Oxygen but none have been conclusively confirmed Japan has more vending machines per capita than any other country Vending machines are ubiquitous in Japan and can be found almost everywhere from streets to office buildings to train stations. The baobab tree can store up to 120,000 l of water in its

    Thick trunk to survive in more arid native trees. from Madagascar and other African regions are known as Trees of Life since they provide food, shelter and water to a wide variety of animal species. The walrus has very long tusks that can

    Measure up to 1 meter in length. These tusks are used in fights between males for the domain where they hit their fangs, competing for access to females during the mating season. They are also useful for digging in the seabed in

    Search of food. The astronomical clock of Prague located in the town hall of the old city of Prague. Prague Czech Republic is the oldest medieval clock in the world that is still in operation.

    It was installed in 1410 and shows the time, the position of the sun and the moon and the signs of the zodiac. Elephants are the only mammals that cannot jump as they lack the flexibility necessary to simultaneously lift its four legs the sun It is approximately 109 times larger than the

    Earth in diameter This difference in size is one of the reasons why the sun exerts such a powerful influence on our solar system by providing light and heat to the planets including Earth, the Black Panther is not a separate species but a color variant

    Of the leopard or the Panther. Its dark fur is the result of a recessive gene and when we observe it closely we notice that it still retains the distinctive characteristic spots or rosettes. From normal leopards, the Manzano tree can produce up to 400 apples a year, from

    The sweet gala to the sour Great Smith apple trees come in various varieties, but how many apples can a single tree produce? The Manzano, with its amazing capacity, can produce Up to 400 apples a year depending on the season and growing conditions The Great Pyramid

    Of Giza is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still preserved with an original height of approximately 146 m The Great Pyramid was the tallest structure in the world for

    Almost 4000 years it was built more than 4500 years ago and is the only one of the seven wonders that is still preserved today the other six wonders of the ancient world no longer exist due to various factors such as earthquakes fires intentional destruction or the passage of time which

    Has led to its disappearance the Ferrari the Ferrari is a high-end hybrid that unlike other hybrid car manufacturers Ferrari decided not to include a completely electric mode in the Ferrari since they considered that the battery technology was not sufficiently advanced to provide the driving experience they were looking for in 2009

    NASA confirmed the presence of water in the form of ice on the moon this discovery raises the possibility that one day water can be extracted on the moon for use in space missions a Lightning can travel a distance of up to 8 km in length and can reach

    Temperatures of up to 30,000 grc hotter than the surface of the sun. Easter Island , known for its gigantic stone statues called moais, is one of the most remote places inhabited by humans. Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean about 3,700 km from the coast of

    Chile, Marco Polo was a Venetian merchant and explorer who traveled around during the 10th century. His book, The Book of Wonders of the World, also known as the Travels of Marco Polo, was a From the first detailed descriptions of the East for Europeans, some caterpillars such as

    The monarch butterfly caterpillar are capable of detecting chemicals in the plants they eat and can change plants and detect that the one they are eating is poisonous. What curious facts we have seen. No forget to like so you never miss out on content


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