Погрузитесь в увлекательное приключение с нами, когда мы отправляемся в захватывающий день шоппинга в соседний город Германии! Откройте вместе с нами мир новых модных открытий, захватывающих покупок и вдохновляющих находок. Присоединяйтесь к нашей семье в этой захватывающей экспедиции, которая обещает быть полна удивительных моментов и ярких впечатлений. Готовы ли вы к шоппинговому приключению вашей мечты? Подписывайтесь, чтобы не пропустить это захватывающее путешествие!

    📩 Для предложений и коллабораций: hakobsirekanyan@gmail.com

    Всем приятного просмотра!!!


    00:00 Приветствие
    01:00 Едем в соседний город
    02:00 Солнечный Лейпциг
    03:20 Прогулка по неизведанному городу
    04:30 Делимся красотой с вами
    05:35 Все кафе заняты
    07:00 Экскурсия по городу Лейпциг
    07:40 Как в Германии продают Ролекс и Картье
    09:55 кафе Старбакс
    10:30 Торт без калорий
    14:00 интересная одежда музыкантов
    15:50 Не смогли заказать то что хотим 😜
    16:45 Безлимитное количество газировки в кафе
    18:00 Возмущение Акоба
    19:00 Ярмарка в Лейпциге
    20:20 Беговая тренировка на улице
    22:35 едем гулять по Гере
    23:30 Цены на абонемент в Германии
    24:00 Кто едет из Армении в Германию ?
    25:40 Ищем инвестора
    27:55 Воскресенье: в Германии все закрыто
    28:30 Отмечаем покупки 🛍️
    29:28 Новая футболка и прощание

    I’m walking and I feel that my sun, you see the sun has come out, how good the next trip to this city will be. I came out to show you these athletes. I have a very important message to you. If there is anyone who is going from Yerevan to Germany, please write

    To me. Hello friends, we are here today in this video we will go to Lech Lech is a neighboring city to ours, there are many shopping centers, there is a lot of entertainment, there are many delicious restaurants, so don’t switch it up, it will be

    Fun and interesting. Yes, dear, you noticed that the weather in Germany is very humid. I’m walking and I feel that the sun is here I don’t really feel it, but I understand that the sun doesn’t shine here very often

    And the humidity is such an interestingly high percentage no, maybe it will still work out I don’t know Well, for now we very rarely see the sun Yes, the weather is cloudy, but once there are such bright bright days for a certain period,

    I run out on the street I know where we are going now we are going to those flowers because I saw them we should go to the train now and Tanya says there are flowers there Let’s go to the flowers What to do to

    See this little bush of flowers, a beautiful little piece of flowers, take photos and post them for you on Instagram in Telegram so that you can also take a closer look so go to Telegram Instagram tiktok and subscribe to our social networks too Uh-huh

    That’s how we live here already a little crumpled someone went with friends We’re on the train this is not an electric train this is a train this is an electric train train We are very comfortable We have a table here with a train so the train is going

    Travel travel so kids and friends We have all arrived The sun is already howling from the station, you understand in vain we didn’t take the glasses But it’s okay, it can also be

    A big city, you can see that there are a lot of people and we will have fun millionaire just a million Okay let’s go now we’ll understand Where should we go the sun It’s so cool this is already a big

    Plus friends that we saw a shopping center here and on the shopping center it says Welcome to Letik this is the city where we came it turns out the Russian language is very popular here the city

    Is quite touristy, a lot of people people on bikes And today it’s Saturday, that’s right, today is Saturday very crowded very very very beautiful very warm we already liked this city even though we

    Didn’t have time to leave the station It’s far away yes we walk for about 10 minutes maybe we want find where to buy coffee except McDuck you won’t find anything I didn’t see there was coffee Doro it’s not a road road

    Cars drive bicycles cars drive as they please, they drive like that here it’s customary You know Yes, I already know everything guys I want to show you a few beautiful streets and beautiful balconies of houses I really want to show all this to you slowly, slowly, in general, friends,

    This is the situation, we went to some two or three shops, now we’re probably at the station for about 15 minutes, just as we left. I’m saying everything, I can’t walk anymore, I’m already I’m tired, let’s already look for some place somewhere to sit

    Somewhere and drink coffee and tea, I don’t want anything anymore. I’m already tired, guys, it’s so beautiful. Now I’ll show you all this. So, this is such a huge area that we have, it’s wide, to be honest, there’s my hubby

    You see Yes, and all around around by the way, friends This is a very beautiful building by the way, what I wanted to tell us was written by our dear commentators. These are new subscribers who wrote that you can

    Film people, everything is fine, you can film, so I’m already somehow more free, otherwise I was just pointing at myself as I was told earlier And this is the only way I could show you, look behind me, the house over there is a beautiful

    House. Pay attention. And now I already know what can be shown, so we boldly turn and share the beauty with you. Moscow Hello b H ​​My Sun, you see the sun came out so well and

    We they said it’s always cloudy here, it’s always cheese where there’s no sun, there’s no sun, there’s sunshine, such whiners, I invite you to go have a cup of coffee. Which nails, let’s go over there. Come on, dear, can you imagine there’s nowhere to sit?

    There aren’t that many cafes; there’s only two or three there, and they’re all packed with just people completely over there. I also see a cafe there now, let’s go check it out too, but it’s clear that it’s just people people people people Well done

    Great Look Well yes yes yes just a unique number of people just going out and just having a day off friends sun Just amazing I can’t get enough of Tanya doesn’t like something she’s

    Indignant glasses glasses glasses I’m just having a blast just Chibo Exclusive there written by Chibo Yes I see I see let’s go there and try coffee five friends in short here are the cafes that’s a different story you need to stand

    There to snatch a table, as this word is correct, Shukher is so beautiful, Shukher What is the name of Shukher, well, it’s different, Shukher, in short, stand and wait for your table, if it’s free, quickly run

    And sit down because I don’t know how it all works there at home and you see in the house it’s real don’t say it, the architecture is German, it’s just called German architecture. I’m saying everything correctly, yes,

    And there’s an opera, and there’s a little further behind, look at the Ferris wheel, let’s go there, let’s go, let’s go, let’s show everyone how we can drink Oh, I want to Zaya, I see what I I want this just what

    I want friends This is what I want and this day will come I’ll come here and go in and buy this watch 64500 I’m telling Tanya this 64500 I’m telling Tanya this is the first time I’ve seen cards displayed like this in the window Just from the

    Street side all sorts of Lexi’s are for I’m very surprised because here it’s hidden under five locks, so to go in there the guard almost checks you with a scanner that you have nothing extra except money, and here they just shoot in the open, that’s normal, of course, yes that’s normal, in principle,

    Here’s the blue path oh the blue path is so funny I can’t blue path how can I not rejoice rejoice rejoice Yes, some beautiful shopping center is expensive How I love this is already my favorite place I

    Don’t believe in all of this Tanya says you need to make a wish to rub your feet And I’m into it I still don’t believe it, I believe more in other methods than rubbing the feet of strangers, another art that the money came, I

    Didn’t wish for money. Okay, friends, the further we go, the more people we are now moving towards the Ferris wheel, I see there are just a lot of people there, you can climb to the roof, look, don’t there

    You look over there and there is also probably some kind of restic Well, we’re already going to starbuck I want to go starb Hurray after How long I don’t know when we drank never never My wife and I

    Really wanted to sit on the street but it didn’t work out But we managed to find a place this is already happiness Sha but it didn’t work out But it worked out look if you want there are statues over there You see the golden parts there Yes you can

    Wipe it you just need to jump it turns out sitting is such happiness We are adults it turns out we walked around for 2 hours and he needs to eat it Starbucks and listen and this is what I call Of course it’s American,

    Just look at the size, yes, look at me, so it’s clear. That’s the size of the mug. Yes, they really make coffee so brown. We’re used to seeing it usually, and this is a medium size. I ordered not small,

    That is, it’s not big, no, it’s not big yet, it’s The trace is big, even bigger, and of course, Tanya has carrots, carrots, carrot cake, carrots, the word combination itself sounds like healthy, you know, healthy nutrition, healthy nutrition, the right cake, that is, just vitamins, carrots,

    Friends, don’t listen, she just wants to show off what she eats correctly Yes, I want to make a joke, I want to make a joke so that it’s clear, okay, since the trench persuaded me to take the cake, I ’ll try. If I’m thinner, it’s good. Zaya carrot nuts Uh-huh, not tasty carrot

    Carrot delicious carrot delicious and I was worried that this layer would be very oily But it’s delicious And by the way, guys, coffee delicious, we already tried it with the coccyx and realized that the coffee is really really tasty and cool miliy Bon appetit, my

    Sweetness also flew in so normally I [laughter] I see a cake and a half and that’s it I don’t want any more guys We all had a delicious meal and the coccyx said such a right thought now I want this, they gave it to me,

    How correctly everything was built here we were sitting, we had a broadcast now, by the way, always Come to the broadcast Come to the chat and we sat for an hour in this starbuck and there was a line for an hour, just like that,

    The same people come out, it’s just that the line doesn’t end some leave, others come in, and there was no such thing as a person coming in and immediately going to the cash register because at least five people

    In line are standing in a properly built business. Yes, learn, learn from us, too, it will be like that, and they gave me a mug for sitting for so long next trip there will be such buses to this city

    And on such buses it always tells everything about this city, the most interesting places are shown and the most interesting stories are told therefore I advise everyone If you find yourself in new cities in new countries, then be sure to Find these red buses and take a ride on them as

    An excursion with a review, by the way, they cost somewhere in the region of p euros, but it’s worth it, you’ll immediately get In 2 hours you will see the entire city Guys, as usual in my repertoire I want to show you all

    The beauties that I see, for example, this gorgeous balcony, for example, this temple, we’re skipping this, we’re not interested in modern ones Well, that’s all, that’s all And here people organize all sorts of shows if Tanyusha stand

    In front of me, I’ll show them right in front of me Stand up like this so that it’s not clear that I’m taking them off That’s how they are, the Bremen Town Musicians, I don’t know what they are But people look like this on their legs, make them

    Visible because well, move away already Stand there and move away from they have such cool bells on their legs I can’t they do it like this with their legs they walk and their legs M now they probably will have a show or there was one I

    Think they have ready shoes of course specific yes friends I’m already insulating it’s already cool and we passed by another beautiful building of course architecture guys here are a sight to behold Well, in principle, like all over Europe, of course, everywhere is chic in its own way, everything is there, the cutout of

    The pancake, my neck already hurts, you know, when people go there on the phone, they look down, their heads are always big, I look like this because, well like the walls of the roof everything is so beautiful Oh this is something else, maybe

    It’s some kind of opera You don’t know what this is I know I’m already tired I’m hungry come on Either on the right or on the left side let’s eat something let’s ok Yes we were already there today how the horses were especially

    Just wanted one thing we got something else nothing we got everything we wanted don’t worry everything is fine we will come again and go to the store you wanted everything will be fine We will always achieve what we

    Want Give me tune this is a completely different trip beautiful Give me Well done, friends, we ordered something wrong and we ended up with one burger and fries and some water in the end Well, that’s okay

    We’ll eat this now, drink it and go to the front establishment over there And we’ll also eat something from there Well yes Well, when you don’t know the language, it’s all a matter of science, you’re trying to tell them, they don’t speak English very well,

    So it’s okay In general, Bon appetit Oh, wipe your sponges and no, well, you eat, it’s delicious, how do you like it Well, super Well, I’m a little upset because we ordered two burger type one combo

    One like this but nothing And I also want to tell you that these iron mugs give very cool there is a machine with water Now I’ll show you everything where this type of terminal is a lot of different water I

    Chose this ugly weed drawn but it tastes like tarragon In general, whatever you want, you can just water, you can use any lemonade and as far as I understand, that is, this mug can be filled unlimitedly because I’ve already come three times and poured a little bit of different water to

    Try. And now Darling left me this beautiful piece of cake burger Yes, thank you , my happiness, friends As you can see, the night is already very dark, but we walked around, saw enough of different stores, didn’t buy anything because we didn’t like anything, We very clearly choose what we want,

    Clearly, clearly, clearly and clearly, we didn’t like anything, in fact, So wait, I want to show this the square was still at night because I really, really liked it, friends; there was also a beautiful temple visible there. But we’ve

    Already passed it and can’t see it beyond the village. We’re all probably moving towards our train and we’ll get home. e friends, I want a little bit of transportation in firstly, it’s not indignation, it’s just a beautiful view, secondly, out of all this large selection of stores,

    I really haven’t seen a single store like this, I just wanted to say, this store is cool, you can buy something from here, we went around, I don’t know, 50 stores, if not more And that’s all shops are of the same type, nothing so interesting,

    Beautiful, attractive, at least to my taste, we didn’t get it, it was a surprise for me, and I’m telling you honestly my opinion, from here, out of all the abundance of shops, buy something, buy it

    Just to show off that we are something we bought it and that’s it, the only store there that surprised me. It was a joke, we didn’t go there and accordingly, well, why drool? Well, in general, you understand, I’m

    A little dissatisfied with this city, just like that, yes. There are a lot of people, a lot of tourists, a lot of shops, a lot of them, but okay that’s all my indignation But, my dear, I brought you a beautiful view, actually, for a whole

    Festival there’s a celebration. There’s even a skating rink and this Ferris wheel, everything is here for you just for me Ravi and so that you’ll be in the mood good food, there’s good food for me and it’s so good I liked everything I am just tired

    Nya, the mood is so special, look what a skating rink there is here, oh look, I can sit there like this, such a basin And you can roll me like that from behind, attracts very very attractive, I propose to do it Circle

    Support support dada yes this is not a festival this is a fair fair a beautiful shining fair Jam I I Who remembers this song guys Write in the comments This is the song of my childhood I think you

    Can also take you from here and go for a ride Guys, good Sunday morning everyone I came out to show you these athletes Just look, they are warming up and now they will have time to go somewhere there will be them now Running training you understand what

    Hakob has now Companion you can’t force me to run Just well done Well done friends like let’s like the athletes I’m of course not not with them today Well next time an athlete you want me to do everything we encourage everyone to do sports Sports is good Sports is health

    Sports is fun so we force ourselves Get up and go for a run now we will have a 20-minute jog and then we will train for 20 minutes with our own weight good You’re ready, let’s start the timer

    And just 20 minutes Look how beautiful the dog is just he’s afraid he’s afraid of everything Yes, so we set the time uh set a goal the goal will be 20 minutes for us ok Yeah great I even think the

    Goal for us is 20 minutes Are you ready let’s start training Let’s Go the athletes ran then Well the athletes the athlete ran you’ll definitely give yes yes, let it be, why not, come on, now there will be another home workout for about 30 minutes with Milana Yes, well done, just what

    Great guys you are relaxing, what athletes, what handsome guys, cuties, you are simply incredible, the best, the best, well done, come on, well done, if you can’t eat, do it well, I’m with such a beautiful,

    Unique wife. this is beautiful And this is my wife, you know, we went for a walk The weather is good As you can see, we have the sun constantly and this may not be joy, it’s just Happiness when

    The sun is constant and yesterday we took a buck from Star and coffee today there for Lily coffee and fudge drinking Hear me Let’s go for a little walk, maybe something interesting will happen during the walk Or

    Maybe not, well, we are sure that the whole world will be interesting every day, we are interesting, every second is interesting, we are interesting, Hello, lipstick, you can’t do that, friends We went to the first

    Queue at PIT One This is the fitness club Where I went to train there and went to train Tanya And according to the conditions I said in the last video that since I don’t have a German debut card I can’t go and buy passes, passes are sold monthly and annual if annual then

    , accordingly, it’s cheaper than the annual one. I can’t pay with any foreign cards at all. Well, usually I can buy a monthly subscription with my regular card in cash ; I don’t have any German, but at least I have it Look how much

    Money it is That country where you started carrying cash Whether you want it or not You’re stupidly dumb, look friends about my request, I repeat once again if there is someone from Yerevan is going to Germany please write to me how to write to you take your phone Open Gra in telegram

    Write where this line is there write a message there write Akob Sirekanyan appears I point at it and write as if I am going from Armenia to Germany to any country I need that you brought with you one pair of sneakers please help in a brotherly way someone wrote to us

    In the comments but I wrote the same thing to them in the comments write write in a telegram And I told them I told the cop that explain to people because maybe not everyone understands what to write in telegram it’s true if these are people, some adults, maybe they don’t even know what

    Telegram is, so the trencher says that this is a small Telegram application, click there, this is not a small application, this is another application Please write in telegram in the comments, no need to write and you wrote to us in the comments. Please read what

    I wrote in response to you. Thank you very much. I’m just waiting for a sea of ​​messages from you that everyone is going to Germany So, friends, I also have a very important message for you, look, if you have money and you

    Want to use it correctly, right now I don’t want to fully reveal this idea. I want us to have an investor in the literal sense of the word and he will contact us.

    I’ll discuss it with this investor, I’ll tell you about my story about my business idea and I think we’ll agree on yes. In any case, because the idea is very cool and it will work in any case, so I

    Carefully make an offer. If you have money, you want to invest in some business those with us with me and I’ll tell you again what I want to do in short repeat let’s go the idea arose the idea has always

    Been there but now there is an opportunity to implement this idea I’m on fire I kindled with this I need money in one word and actually we were discussing this now discussed discussed I’m saying

    Why are you doing all this that you’re telling me Well, these are Real things that are cool, we have so many people from all over the world watching us Why don’t you want to tell this to our viewers on the YouTube channel Jacob

    Said Well, okay, let’s VM turn on the organ seis Download yes then yes, I really believe in my husband and I’m sure that there will be a person who will also want to share this idea with him and we will all become

    Billionaires, now we are walking in the center I don’t know some street on the right side on the left side the shops are all closed everything is closed I don’t I understand how they work, how they act

    In general, how is it like this, the time is Sunday, 5 o’clock they didn’t even open on Sundays, stupidly everything is closed grocery stores Yes, I have money, I want to spend money, there is nothing, nothing is open What

    Should I do with a supermarket Oh, not the supermarket center is also closed, of course it’s closed Do you remember when you tell me some weekend, come out, come out, go for money, eat, everything is fine, spend it, you remember, you

    Sent me, go, go to a cafe, go for a walk, go buy something for yourself, I went and it was closed, although I knew, I just forgot, friends, we did some shopping, We they bought us very cool cool T-shirts that

    We wanted for a long time, to be honest, not very long ago Okay, Tanya will tell you the details now and by the way, we have money, you talk about your money well and we’re sitting enjoying the cat singing, in general, we came to

    Celebrate purchases, you already understand, we won’t show you later one we’ll show one we’ll show okay, I just want to tell you that we bought some groceries, we’re not liars, we’re not liars, they brought us coffee, I see, I see

    My plate above the beater is so clear And it won’t ruin our mood, we’ll be Yes, I have it too, look the same And this is for you we understood that we didn’t go to the very first place we came across

    , we were looking for a nice place, more or less cozy, well, let’s try then what kind of hot coffee is here and strong hot coffee, all friends, here I am in my new foot and tailbone, we’ll show everyone in the next issue Thank you very much for watching Don’t forget to subscribe,

    Like, comment and be sure to go to the video that will pop up in the windows here


    1. Добрый день ребятки вы Лейпциге ❤надеюсь как не буть увидимся ❤ дорогие мой нада в Дрездене в Zwinger погулять тоже❤🇦🇲🇩🇪🇺🇦🙏🏻

    2. Ребятки, привет! Ваше состояние эйфории невольно передалось и мне . Классная прогулка, интересная ,находились как *кони,*…😂😂😂

    3. Блиин,как я скучаю по покою и умиротворению Германии,по теплым и добрым немцам,стыдно признатся я лет,10 назад смотрел россТВ и мнение о немцах создалос оттуда,а в поликлинике(там они называются праксиз) где я проходил лечение ,провожали меня влажными глазами,клянусь Богом, от главврача до санитарок,моя соцпомощник выбежала за мной,звала,стой ,стой,и свой бутерброд из дома для себя наперерыв,силой затолкала мне в руки,говорит поешь на дорогоэе..слов нет,вы разбудили приятные воспоминания..но ,если честно, для таких молодых и энергичных как вы,Германия будет скучноватой,она для таких пенсионеров как я,но вы сможете работать в Германии а путешествовать по миру..удачи и успехов вам, какие планы вы бы не загадали !!!❤️ блин,целую книгу написал 😁

    4. Акоб джан схал ка вернагрум брат, кам "в соседний" гороД,камел "в соседнЕМ городе" ..вор мекн узес,еркуснел чишта

    5. Ребята Германии ехать и влог ложит ютуб или другие сайтах особенно деньги не Заработиваеш. Германии ехать надо работать и трудиться что бы могли жить

    6. Привет ребята.ну Танюша как всегда сияешь. У Акоба тоже улыбка уже от всего сердца.места красивые.удачи вам❤❤❤

    7. Хосподииии, кто небудь, научите уже мужа правильно снимать на камеру…Блогерство, это не только чувак катори имеет при себе камеру, а тонкое искусство передавать информацию о себе и окружение, и все это в сбалансированном движении и раакурсе кадров. Жена, гораздо гораздо правильно снимает.

    8. Բարի լույս իմ սիրելի Հակոբ ջան Տանյուշա ջան շատ ուրախ ևհետաքրքիր տեսանյութ դիտեցի ձեր հետ միասին շատ շատ գեղեցիկ քաղաքում եք ուրախ մնաք միշտ և հաջողություն ձեզ Տանյուշա ջան միշտ մնաս շատ գեղեցիկ 💐🎇🎉🎉

    9. Включила я вас смотреть и опять микрофонов нет,я смотрю на телевизоре, ребятки посторонний шум мешает не комфортно без микрофонов

    10. Ребята прекрасный Влог! Танюша! Добавляй кухню! Это было очень интересно!!!! Акоб молодец! Никогда не стесняется говорить свое правдивое мнение!!! Достойно ❤

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