@COASTTOCOASTAMCLIPS From Coast Insider’ ART BELL VAUL Collection – Art Bell discussed the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project with electrical engineer Preston Nichols. Nichols affirmed Tesla’s involvement and confirmed the accuracy of Al Bielek’s account of the 1943 event. He detailed the transfer of research to Los Alamos and Brookhaven for development in engineering and human elements. Nichols described his involvement in the Montauk Project, revealing the development of mind control techniques using radio waves to create a “mind amplifier” and materialize objects from the “background ether.”
    00:00 – Intro
    00:39 – Montauk Project
    01:53 – World War Two
    02:09 – Stealth Technology
    02:45 – Al Bielek
    03:24 – Numerous Tests
    05:21 – The Mission of the Montauk Project
    07:07 – Mind Control Using Radio Waves
    08:30 – Involvement of the Russians
    09:58 – Unique Signature
    11:20 – Materializing Objects
    12:35 – Implanting Thoughts in Individuals
    13:00 – Exploration of Time Travel
    15:24 – Biologically Friendly Approaches
    17:00 – Earth’s Time Clocks
    18:15 – Montauk’s Present Condition
    20:23 – Enigmatic Power Lines
    22:20 – Further Insights into Mind Control
    24:06 – The Philadelphia Experiment
    25:45 – Significant Disruption in Spacetime

    Listen to the FULL show here: https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2005-11-13-show/

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    Preston I don’t have a uh any sort of biographical uh sketch on you so why don’t you tell me tell everybody who you are I’m essentially electrical engineer graduated from University of Tampa attended the poly Technic Institute of New York I worked in the uh military industrial establishment for a number of

    Years worked on many secret projects and including the mon talk project are you retired now I’ve been forced to be semi-retired okay you have your own business all right yeah you want to tell us what kind of business we do electronics manufacturing is the mon talk project still going on yes it is

    When did it begin and what can you tell us about it well as far as we know it traces back to about 1947 when they decided to restart the Philadelphia Experiment to find out what actually went wrong The Philadelphia Experiment is where they attempted to make a ship a Navy ship radar invisible

    Thing disappeared and I got sucked into a hole in hyperspace between 1943 and 1983 so what actually happened is the project split into two the engineering went to L Alamos we believe and that’s where they developed the stealth technology that’s on the third level of the stealth aircraft these days the

    Other part of the project which was the human factors project went to Brook Haven National Laboratories which was the largest human factors research in the United States this is now about 1950 We Believe It joined what was known as the Phoenix project which was a very large all-encompassing research project

    Involving Research into the human mind the mind of man starting back in World War I and World War II with prop propaganda PA systems lethal dropping this sort of thing it evolved up through chemical research drug research after they spun their wheels a lot of time out

    Of Brook Haven labs they got the steal technology us of friendly that means human being could take the fields I cannot go into what that’s all about because I did sign Security on that they made you sign a paper well when you get employment anything that they have you sign

    It would be illegal and jail time to talk about You’ be convicted of Espionage see on The Monto project they use different methods of security which we can get into a little later where I never signed for so there will be some of it that you can talk about yeah The

    Monto project I can talk of because that I never signed for fact officially I never existed on that project I’m sure that you’ve heard Al Beck’s description of the Philadelphia Experiment yes I have many times do you you think it’s accurate or do you know of any inaccuracies or anything you’d like to

    Correct about what he said about it well essentially what he’s saying is very controversial I believe there are many different tests of radar invisibility total invisibility that the government research did attempt in World War II and he’s reporting on one test Bill Moore compiled all sorts of information which

    Was a number of different kinds of tests different kinds of procedures Ed this is why the book is somewh confusing I was speaking essentially from personal experience and talking with a lot of other people that he’s come across just as I’ve come across people The Philadelphia Experiment did happen it

    Was definitely a high energy physics project there is other information coming to surface saying that Nia Tesla had a input to it in the beginning Dr John Eric V noyman definitely did work on it he himself told me that I think how idea of what happened on the boat is

    Pretty much correct because also I’ve had the same idea from other Witnesses like Duncan Cameron who was also on the boat without Al so then you think the story is essentially correct it’s essentially correct I think he may have missed some items and some of the points

    One thing that I found as I’ve interviewed a lot of people who talk about time travel talk about alien spacecraft and the way the space might warped and the way it might be jumped AC cross in fact and the technologies that they’re talking about are strikingly

    Similar to the one that albic told us about again we’re discussing here what happens when you pulse a magnetic field to extremely strong levels it’s well known in the quantum physics world that if you pulse a magnetic field Beyond I believe it’s a th000 Tesla field strengths it is highly possible to bend

    Space and time now if you can control this it is theoretically possible possible to gain control of space and the time continuum which would lead to the ideas that all this stuff you hear coming out of the UFO Legends has some scientific basis behind it although a

    Lot of your physicists will not accept the idea there are parallel multiple realities but your quantum physics is beginning to accept that idea at this point and a lot of them always have what was the mission of the mon talk project what were they trying to do accomplish

    What was the central theme well after the stealth technology was developed it was suggested that this is the first time we have definite evidence that the mind of man is sensitive to electromagnetic field let’s research this further and develop the population control we can weaponize this thing as

    To make the enemy surrender and you know I’m sure the possibilities are mindboggling at this point Congress said no we don’t want this this is mind control this is too politically active they were setting up to research literally mind control Technologies they went to the military and said would you

    Be interested in this kind of a weapon of course this is every tactician’s dream so the military said yes we are and they gave him the old Monto Air Force Station which is only about 40 miles away from Brook Haven Labs that they can do this stuff in secrecy and

    Not be under the watchful eye of the congressional committees well when you say mind control what exactly were they able to do well they were able to essentially inject a thought into a person’s mind make them believe it’s his own thought and control what you’re thinking and therefore have some effect

    On what you’re doing they could literally read out what you’re thinking they can modify your thought patterns and this was done at a distance using radio waves that’s what this whole thing was about remember it started by studying the effects of electromagnetics on human beings in the cell technology

    And it evolved into to this device that could literally reach into a person’s mind at a distance up to about thousands of miles we’re not sure exactly how far it was you said you can’t talk about the technical aspects of whatever allowed biologically friendly fields to be

    Applied but can you talk about the technology that allows mind control I did not sign for that they use mind control to make anyone that worked on the project forget what they did what technology is behind that I no radio waves but radio waves generally are totally harmless and without effect to

    Biological entities there all around us and this is coming up to a lot of debate at this point exactly how harmless are these electromagnetic waves most of our waves that we do deal with in our environment of what we call continuous waves CW like coming out of your radio

    Transmitter human beings are sensitive to pulse waves fast on and off semi random fractal base type modulations in pulse form they use pulse frequency and pulse amplitude to very very specialize form of modulation resembling some very modern chirp type radar signals so it’s a true pulse then it’s not just a pulse

    Modulation it’s a true pulse it’s a frequency hopping pulse it goes from frequency to frequency to frequency if you tune it in on a radio receiver it just sounds like a crack at a particular frequency then it goes to another frequency you got another crack and it hops around from frequency to frequency

    Mont talk had about 20 different frequencies they hop between 420 and 460 mahz the Russians are using something or another that we call the Woodpecker well that’s the HF that’s HF is correct but and so it’s not and that’s the same similar type of modulation scheme again

    It’s a pulse with a chirp inside the pulse I’ve looked at the Russian woodpecker fact we have what we call Over the Horizon radar here which looks almost identical but much more sophisticated and when that first appeared on the air I I called the FCC

    And asked them what it was and they said it was the American version it was the American over the rising radar and I said Oh you mean like the Russian woodpecker and he said yeah it’s our version of the Woodpecker then you’re saying that with the right kind of pulse

    In the right frequency range not the frequency range how you hop from frequency to frequency remember you’re building a essentially a holographic type information packet out of Delta frequency information and Delta amplitude information and Delta phase of course phase and frequency is the same remember you’re dealing here with very

    Fast Deltas you have to integrate this into essentially a random ordered White Noise pattern built very much on fractal let’s assume then that all of this which is going to begin to get above some of their heads and perhaps mine as well uh all of this would affect a biological

    Entity the next question is how would you make it specific to any particular biological entity see at the monor project we use what we call a witness or a signature a signature is a group of frequencies a electromagnetic frequency transform which represents a particular human being like a set of fingerprints

    You will perceive a holographic SP with the signature transmit the thought and then follow it with the signature that signature would identify it as a person’s particular thought all you would have to do is identify the person’s signature as the signal was being generated it would be transmitted with that signature mon talk

    Essentially was what we like to call a mind amplifier so an individual then is required as part of the in effect the transmitted portion yeah the overall signal that was being transmitted was generated by a human being at Monto they had a group of sensors that picked up his holographic thought pattern

    Processed it through a very large computer system and then put it into a modified radar transmitter that’s where I came into the picture cuz I was the one that was in charge of modifying the radar transmitter oh that’s incredible oh I see all right so that’s how you got

    Into this you were actually they essentially built a mine amplifier yeah I understand a mine amp that led to all sorts of things including mind control precipitation of objects there was all sorts of things that were done from this so if a person sitting at the input of this could

    Visualize that object in their artificial reality or virtual reality this equipment had the capability of making it real we’re talking of probably at least 100 million Watts continuous not pulse power that they had out there because the thing was modified to what’s known as beamus which had 100 megawatt

    Continuous power did it actually create an object or did it create the vision of an object it could do either one depending upon the Fidelity of the transform being reproduced through the equipment if your signal coming out of your transmitter was complete enough it would be theoretically possible to

    Recreate you at the other end the reason you can’t is one the receiver doesn’t have enough power then the information channel from the transmitter to the receiver is nowhere near high enough Fidelity in the other dimension ions and realities required to do it this is what

    We tried to do at Mont talk was bring up this Fidelity factor of broadcast what could you get an individual to do you say you could put an idea in an individual’s mind how much power of suggestion could you accomplish I really don’t know because that’s the logistics

    Of the project you remember the information was very compartmentalized than Legend This is reports from people who I’ve spoken to told me that they can get person to do almost anything they want this is the way it was put at almost the sky was the limit Preston is

    Time travel possible the thing you have to keep in mind is if you go into pure metaphysics the non-physical mind is a ripple or a transform or a form on the SpaceTime Continuum if you’re going to get your way into the non-physical mind you got to generate a Time wave which is

    Like a warping or a ped bending of the time function now if you can get into this you have the remnants of a time machine I know when things were being created out of real time what I mean is when the concentration would be at 3:00 in the afternoon and the object would

    Appear early or after that time they got very excited shut the project down for a couple of months and set us all back to school to learn about time I know they’re interested in time manipulation of course who wouldn’t be now being that we’re compartmentalized I have no

    Personal knowledge of how successful the time portal per say was people who had worked with the time portal tell us that it was stable that was usable physically travel to another time okay now the newer quantum theories even those theories appearing in Scientific American are saying that there are

    Multiple realities where time is different because of the multiple realities all time does coexist and it’s possible to move from point A to point B in time and they’re saying even it’s possible to go into the future which has a lot to say about is the future

    Predestined or isn’t it if you can travel into the future to me it means that we’re already predestined for what’s going to happen I believe if you make a Time loop from point A to point B you just predestined between point a and point B Preston Nichols is my I guess he

    Was involved in the mon talk project and apparently there’s more going on with it than I thought there was this is a fact that came and actually it’s not it came to me on America online on a computer service internet and uh it was Greg in San Diego your guest uh tonight has

    Remarked that a particular technology had to be um reduced to accommodate humans could he elaborate on that statement without violating the secrecy agreement with the government in other words is there anything at all that you can tell us about the adaptation of the uh technology to be biologically

    Friendly well let’s say first that there are three levels of stealth the first two we hear about quite often which is the radar cross-section which is how much radar signal does the thing reflect the second level is absorbing the radar signal now if you’ve seen a picture or scene a self

    Bomber or self fighter you’ll know darn well it’s a huge pancake and it’s not this gu gives a lot of radar cross-section yes so they didn’t do a good job there and I have worked with the aboring Coatings in order to try to cut down Reflections inside of component

    Enclosures and that stuff doesn’t work all that well Composite Materials yeah so what this is saying is there’s got to be a third level the third level is electromagnetic bottle now how they made the thing user friendly in a nutshell this is alluded to in some of the air Publications the electromagnetic bottle

    They found out that when they cut off a human being from the natural background clocks you know the Schuman resonance and all this sort of thing he had a tendency to become disoriented what do you mean when you cut them off from normal human clocks well the Earth has a

    Clock it’s commonly called the humanum residance discovered by W Schuman which every time lightning strikes in the C cavity between the upper atmosphere the ionosphere and the Earth this cavity Rings The Frequency is around 8 Herz it slows between 7 Herz and 9 Hertz typically depending upon the time of day

    That’s very low yeah very very low and this is sort of what clocks our biological functions also this changing of this frequency from night to day is what causes us to wake up go to sleep it causes a lymphatic flush of the system it also has a lot to do with alpab beta

    Gamma rhythms in the brain now the other problem the original technology created a solid field they had to somehow Focus this field into a shell so that the people were not getting radiated by this large field I’m not I’m not talking Atomic radiation but essentially electromagnetic radiation there is a

    Difference but either one can be just as dangerous especially when you’re using pulse magnetic fields like they were using to bend space time to the point where they’re just outside of our Continuum so the thing was somewhat invisible either radar or fully invisible so you could get different

    Levels of stealth yes you can they go from either zero being in our reality or 90 degrees out being in the imaginary reality that point the object is gone what are they doing at mon talk now well present day it is State Park only thing

    Is the park is closed to the public oh they got a big fence up around it they got Security on the base they got electric gate and there’s two power lines going into the park each capable of multi megawatts what’s a state park doing a multi megawatts now we’ve also

    Knows that there’s all sorts of activity they have what we believe to be a fake program for reclaiming the site and detoxing the site they talk of removing asbestos around the facility there these elevated pipes that they use to carry hot water which have its fist jacket

    Even to this day they haven’t taken that off and that’s the easiest thing to get off and probably some of the most dangerous is as the wind blows that Fus as powdering and being blown all over the place so if they were really removing the Fest that would have been

    One of the first things they would gotten to We Believe the active areas underground we’ve had reports that there’s now an eight level underground which is huge goes out from miles some of this could be exaggeration there’s a particle accelerator out at mon talk as well uhhuh is there anything else at

    Monto that would justify that kind of um uh power to it um on the ground above ground one building is being used as essentially the the State Park police cop lives there now what the hell is he going to use with that kind of power and secondly there’s a state of New York

    Parts Commission motorpool maintenance garage they have this one garage with these three huge Transformers I’ve heard anywhere from one in a half megawatt to 10 megawatt going in now even if they put in a megawatt of power there’d be enough heat created to burn that building down you know what are they

    Doing with this power going in that building I say It’s Going Underground wouldn’t it be possible to uh literally follow the power lines and find out if and where they go underground well the one power line goes underground at the place where the maintenance garage is

    The second power line goes right to the white building where the cop lives and we believe it goes underground from those buildings there are some cement buildings on top of what we call radar Hill where the radar Tower is the computer center is which is physically

    Part of the underground and if you put your ears up against the cement walls you’ll hear like Machinery running there are pipes that stick up out of the ground I dropped a microphone down and you’ll hear the whine of a turban and the grinding of some sort of fan now for

    Der station what is the Machinery that we hear running a lot of people have reported this something going into the electromagnetics for the planet itself it’s been suggested that the planet is tilting and that’s what they’re trying tilting on the axis and that’s what they’re trying to prevent what they’re

    Doing is up to a lot of speculation and conjecture all I can tell you is if you go there at the right time you’ll pick up a very slow pulse transmission between 420 and 460 MHz again I got recordings of it and also you’ll pick up a very complex data transmission at a

    173 megahertz which is in the guard band for channel 7 that’s why they can’t watch channel 7 if you DF these Transmissions it goes right to the old base now the 173 MHz transmission it was done by any civilian the FCC to come and shut him down do you think that that is

    Some sort of uh remote control Perhaps it is some sort of a data link what the purpose is I really don’t know because I have no way of decoding it because I recorded it wideband recording video recordings and handed it to different people and they tried all the known

    Codes on it it doesn’t decode so some sort of government secret code most likely is there mind control going on now there are all sorts of Transmissions going on right now which are definitely psychoactive whether they’re on purpose or accidental I really don’t know and they seem to have effect on the sublimal

    Level on our Consciousness you were saying in effect that what they were doing was amplifying the human mind yes can that be done with any human being or are there some humans that lend themselves more toward that theoretically it can be done with any human being but you want a person who is

    Trained that when he concentrates his whole fiber his whole being concentrates on the one thing that’s especially trained person theoretically any one of us could be trained to do it if we went through the training and we had the capabilities and the qualities whatever that is Duncan Cameron is a very unique

    Individual he can only concentrate on one thing at a time he can’t concentrate on multiple tasks he’s so trained to go one thing at a time the human being has to create a virtual reality in his mind and then the equipment picks up that emanations of that reality so of course

    The more complete that reality is the more complete the transform or the metaphysical thought form would be and so you’re saying an individual using this process with that equipment could create anything from a material object to a being or an entity or a monster well we know that they could create

    Objects when they want to try to create living beings they had trouble creating living beings because now you need a much higher degree of information Fidelity much more complex and much more detailed it’s like taking a TV set and trying to put a thousand line picture on

    It you just can’t do it what part did mon talk play uh or what part do you know that it played in The Philadelphia Experiment as I recall Al belck said well mon talk is the place where the two Sailors came to we’re finding that there’s quite a few Sailors that came

    From the elderd Monto and did different things and The Monto project was the other end of the time Loop between 43 and 83 they used this totally fixed time Loop in between two points actually 3 point 63 as well as like a master Loop the anchor open-ended Loops that means

    There’s equipment only in one end wherever somebody like Duncan Cameron could picture the time Vortex going if the Fidelity was good enough it would go there but you’d have to have an anchor to hold it those stable and that’s what they use 4363 83 for what made mon talk

    The other end of it in other words what focused on Mon talk is the other end well in metaphysics we have what we call you take a photograph of a person that photograph carries their signature Aura whatever you want to call it that’s a witness we made sure that we had a

    Witness from Monto to the Eldridge by having some of the equipment on the Eldridge physically part of the mon system we had people present that were on both projects and then they use the Earth biorhythm cycle is the Final witness effect and guarantee the lockup of the two projects through space and

    Time and there’s rumors that this may have even ripped open hyperspace enough to allow all the UFOs that come in recently since 47 but has made a major RI in space time between 43 and 83 no question if I wanted to set up something that would Bend space and time or that I

    Could begin to focus uh waves to affect biological entities what kind of Technology would I use how would I put it together well if you did it the way the government did it their Benchmark was lots and lots of power they had a final amplifier in their transmitter

    Which had an input of at least 200 million watts of power wasted half of that in heat heated the Atlantic Ocean with it and put out 100 million Watts that mean to do anything you would have to build maybe 100th of that means you’d have to build a megawatt transmitter and

    Then pulse the thing frequency hop it and pulse it then you would have to somehow correlate this to represent a fractal based frequency time transort it certainly is possible because it was done to send a signal across the Atlantic Ocean with a spark gap transmitter it could be done but it

    Takes massive amounts of power that is very wasteful which they didn’t have in those days they were transmitting some of the form electromagnetics you consider the coherer they use at the other end need molts of signals and if you transmit a kilowatt across the Atlantic Ocean you get maybe 10

    Microvolts tops how the hell that coherer trigger you tell me my point was you could send a spark signal across the Atlantic it was done but it required a very great deal of power you can do it today it wasn’t that much power compared to the power that for example with a

    Modern single sideband narrow band transmitter you could do it today with far less power do about 10 wat that seems like a good analogy to the beginning of the Philadelphia Experiment versus the refinements that occurred at monok but still at monok they use tremendous amounts of power of they were

    Trying to bend the SpaceTime Continuum and it takes tremendous amounts of power any Quantum physicist will tell you that it takes something like 5 and 10,000 ampere per meter magnetic field but the original Philadelphia Experiment was as you said kind of a blunderbus compared to what could be done today well the

    Mour project was much more finesse that’s why Monto project controlled the vortex they didn’t control it from Philadelphia they controlled it from Monto Philadelphia was an open-ended power source they had no finesse all they did was just generate tons of power put it out in The Ether and by gosh by

    God something happened what did you work on I was started as a technician graduated up to an engineer my responsibility was to modify the old sage radar transmitter I was the fellow that set up the pulse modulations set up the frequency hopping I had to work on the uh Co to synthesize local

    Oscillators that were used in the transmitter what did they tell you you were working on they told me that we were working on equipment to interface human beings to technology the mind of man of technology which was very interesting to me but you were actually working on the pulsing of the signal

    That would carry a transmission that is to affect other human beings right were you were I didn’t realize this until later on in the project this is what they were really doing at that time I was so involved in it I couldn’t see myself getting out of it easily it seems

    To me that’s a very very dangerous technology yes I agree with you we all decided towards the end of the project to crash it that’s why the monster was created to crash the project because Duncan especially was saying things that the rest of us didn’t didn’t dare say

    Duncan found God got exercise we don’t know what happened but all of a sudden he calls a meeting and says hey this thing is going totally into the lower world and the lower domains it’s it’s getting very evil of course we all knew this but we didn’t have the guts of say

    It and we all agreed yes yes yes what do we do well we got to bring this thing down how do we do it let’s create this big hungry nasty monster that will scare them into crashing it and it worked yes work very well all it do was drive them

    Under the ground just shut them down for a while they’re still doing it all right president a pleasure thank you okay and the pleasure has been mine sir take care okay bye-bye Preston Nichols and the mon talk project


    1. Fascinating project! And unfortunately , it was motivated by dark powers through the use of malevelance through mind control. Imagine if this had been used for the good of humanity! Perhaps it will be in the near future. Read "The Montauk Project", Experiments in Time, by Preston Nichols with Peter Moon.

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