Staines is a great place to shop but may now sting you for ULEZ if you take a car… but it is a really easy and almost completely traffic-free route….
    Basingstoke Canal
    Wey Navigation
    Weybridge to Chertsey Road cycle path
    NCR 4 beside River Thames

    50km return from Knaphill, almost level, no hills, traffic free.
    MIXED SURFACE: back roads, gravel, muddy Wey-path, maybe flooded Thames path
    EASY, suitable for responsible older children

    PLEASE Like, comment and subscribe

    Welcome to THE TANDEM CHANNEL; we are a couple of pensioners based in the South East of the UK that love to travel and take day-trips on our tandem. The channel is a means of sharing those routes, conditions and experiences with others – you don’t need to ride a tandem to do the rides….. but it is much more fun if you do

    Our tandems:
    Dawes Horizon from early 1980s
    Orbit Velocity Sport Disk provided by JD Tandems of Gargrave in Yorkshire

    Our Website: [under construction]
    JD Tandems:
    The Tandem Club:

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    Well today’s ride goes between woking and stains just want to make these videos so that you get an idea of what the surface conditions are like and whether the root would suit the sort of riding that you do and whether you might enjoy it and particularly any hazards to look out for

    And particularly we want to get you cycling because it’s such a great way to get around if you live anywhere near the basing Stoke canal We’d love you to write like And subscribe to this channel we’ve got nearly 100 rides in all sorts of different areas what you can find here is that on our kute page that you can find a link below then you can download a GPX file so if you’re not confident of navigating

    You can find your way there this is going to stains which for those of you that are unfamiliar is just south of Heath Road but it’s near risb and all the gravel pits and workings that are around There we start off in bizly and nap Hill but you can start anywhere with easy access to the basing Stoke Canal we follow that along as many of our rots we’ll do then we turn left and join the river way and follow the way really only

    As far as waybridge and then we’ll cut up and across just a little bit overground in front of St George’s College in waybridge and then that’s all on cycle par PA and then back down into stains beside the river so here we are following along basing Stoke

    Canal the river way and then we cut off in waybridge and now we’re on the nc4 which follows along parallel to the river temps and then we stopped at a park and headed our way back the river was flooding and it was coming across the cycle path in many places but that

    Just made it a little bit more interesting it wasn’t too deep to cycle through so here we go back along and then as always take a slightly different route around the back just to get back to our path nap pill so about 30 mi from the garabaldi

    Pub in naill so probably less from where you [Applause] Are so this first couple of minutes you can see this is Road this is officially cycle path because it leads up to Winston church school and now it’ll take us to St John’s And now we are on the basing Stoke canal in St John’s and the quality of the surface along here is really good it’s fairly hard packed there are Parts which have got a lot of leaves on it but it shouldn’t be enough to destabilize your

    Root in any shape or form so just be aware of lots of other users on the basing Stoke canal and we would definitely recommend you using a bell there was one point point where it does actually pop you out around one of the bridges and back again and you should

    Follow that rather than trying to squeeze your way Underneath but here we are approaching woking now we’ve done this lots of times so many of our videos here’s the spiral Bridge as we call it going over the top of the canal in woking it’s not easy to do on a tandem it’s actually quite tight

    And then we follow along Through The Far Side of woking this is a very peaceful part we’re going to go down underneath this bridge and from here on it does get a little bit more muddy but the truth is that actually it’s not bad at all so this is one of

    The best bits of the ride that you’ve got in terms of service so a little bit muddy over here there will be Runners keep your bell ringing on a regular basis whenever you get anywhere near somebody don’t just wait till you’re almost bearing down upon them some of them can hear from a

    Distance some of them won’t hear even if you’re behind them because they’ve got headphones on and they’re listening to music but here we go working our way past the locks and just go underneath that bit of Road and this final section here is a bit of chicane that we meet

    Not long after these Locks and this time we went slightly different in that we actually rather than working our way through the chicane just after this car park so we actually went right of it and there’s an old track that runs along so we ran parallel to the tow path and then rejoined it

    Towards the end just to see because we haven’t done that for a While here we go we’re in by Fleet and we cross over the bridge and do get off and walk over the bridge when you cross and now the river way do be very careful here not only are there quite a lot of people but also it’s really muddy in places so

    It’s quite poorly managed and although it doesn’t look too bad here and this bit you just have to cross over a small Road and then we’re back again it’s not too busy that’s on the edge of Adlon so you can see how slippery and muddy it is here and our back wheel did

    Kick out a few times so uh it shouldn’t be quite so bad for those of you on solo bikes but on a tandem it definitely does kick out and in some parts it was really bad we get past Cox’s lock here uh that’s a

    Great place to go if you just want to go that far it’s a nice little morning out you can have a nice cup of coffee there and now we head on and we don’t have to go much much further through this muddy bit over the bridge and on the edge of

    Way Bridge we turn left into this industrial estate and you can’t you just need to get to the main road you can walk now we joined it here and we stayed on the this side of the road and then crossed over later but we on retrospect it was better to cross almost

    Immediately using the set of traffic lights that they had this is a busy road but you can see this is a cycle path and we’ve got St John uh um St George’s Hill College on our right and then we drop down here and now we’re just going

    Through a few parks around the back of a few places before we get to the chy bridge where we’re going to cross so follow around through here it’s well marked now that was a boat sales and it’s worth remembering that cuz when we come back

    We got to find our way this is chy Bridge we’re going to cross over the bridge and then we just need to cross the road and now we’re adjacent to the temps and we follow along with the temps on our left the ho of the way really

    Inter stains it was you can see it was flooded in several places probably too deep for cars this one was very deep and but not too deep for bikes we’re not likely to get much of a bow wave ahead of us so we’re now heading along through and we’re going

    Through the edge of Lem here and it’s a more flooding as you can see this one was a bit deep that caught somebody out coming back and occasionally we just have to take a bit of toe path or foot path that we’ve got here but it is still formally National cycle Route

    4 so now with the river on our left lots to see you know the boats are interesting some of the boats are at the bottom of the water going through this gate just be careful here they do recommend in that little section there that you get off a walk but there was nobody

    There so now we follow along to the outskirts of stains here and you can see occasionally bits of mud there this is a reinforced track across that piece of green and now we’re back onto tarmac and it’s only at the last minute when we get into stains that we have to just leave

    The the side of the river for a while and we’re now going to head just very briefly back out into the town just up here and then cut through the edge it’s still the official cycle track it takes us through a car park and then we’re back

    So we come under here just join this cycle track that you’ve got on the side of the road here and back into the car park and now we’re back against the river and it’s about as far as you can go but we stopped here and had a bite to

    Eat and just had a little look around and then you can can see lovely place to observe the river and then we turned around and headed back so the quality of the surface on the temps is generally pretty good other than the flooding on the way

    It’s really muddy and then on the basing Stoke Canal it’s pretty good as well and that will take you back to where you need to go just be aware as well you know we’re heading almost directly south now but uh certain times of the year the sun can

    Reflect not only not shining directly at you but it can be reflecting off the water at times and it can be really really bright so I would recommend having a pair of sunglasses when you’re cycling anywhere near water it also can be a little bit Breezy

    And you do need to be careful of the other people that you’ve got around now that person was struggling to get through that bit of flooding there and then we get towards the edge of Lem there’s like a campsite on the left there and uh that was completely flooded here’s a bit more

    Flooding and then under again so we gradually head back I’ve speeded this bit up even further because we’re going to get to chy bridge here and the key thing is as we head here we need to go right of that building that’s full of boats that’s the key thing it’s

    Very easy to miss it and end up in their yard but it it should be well sign posted but you don’t always see the little blue signs telling us where the NCR is so we now follow up passon George’s college in waybridge and we’re going to

    Get this time we’re going to go a bit further and then cross at the traffic lights so we waited there crossed over back into that industrial estate and over the bridge and now we can start heading back along the Riverway and and it was not quite so muddy and slippery but

    We did actually uh lose it at one point and have to put our feet down uh so that was just there and now we can carry on but be aware that at certain times of the year it can be a little bit unpleasant I think we lost it there as

    Well but now crossing over the road around that little corner back onto the edge of the way this bit’s not quite so bad but you do get Roots across the road and those roots across the track can be a bit of a nuisance but now we just go

    Under the M25 over the little bridge and now we are on the basing Stoke Canal but be aware that the basing State Canal at about halfast 3 4:00 halfast 3 it’s full of school kids on their way home from bdb and uh there also as you get towards

    45 you get a lot of dog walkers and Runners at the end of the day so here we are fading away and I think I’ll let the the video just run it itself out please like And subscribe as I say we’ve got the uh GPX that you can find and there’s more

    Details available on our kute page uh do leave a comment for us cuz that’s really really helps if you put a comment underneath and uh particularly and if you hit like and if you can subscribe that’s great that will help us make more and more of these videos anyway we’ll

    See you on the next ride take care bye for Now

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