GCS 2023 PinGolf Quarter Finals
    Markus Stix, Robert Sutter, Peter Kroiss, Julian Falhof
    3 games, 4:2:1:0 scoring
    Co-commentary with Sebastian Zehe
    00:00:00 Introduction
    00:01:12 Wrestlemania
    00:15:51 Scared Stiff
    00:41:44 Walking Dead
    Streamed live @ www.twitch.tv/jdl_pinball
    from Bulls & Balls, Fulda, Germany on 17-Feb-24
    Directed and produced by Jim & Dina Lindsay, JDL PINBALL

    [Applause] for 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 one well Paul it’s a great day for racing and a great day for pinball hello and welcome from me Jim Lindsay of jdl pinball uh we are back for the uh finals of the pingul in the mix tournament okay and tournament

    That’s been played during the day and it is now reached the final stages right here we go ball two so see if anybody can take a hole in two right hole in one is uh Gone yep waiting for the skill shot probably and on the second ball it actually shows the

    Skill shots in the display it doesn’t do that on the first ball right okay yeah I must ad that it’s a machine I’ve never really studied this and um this weekend we’ve streamed it a couple of times so I’ve learned a few things on it yeah you don’t see that game too

    Often no no it’s it’s sort of um it’s one of these underrated games or maybe it’s underrated because nobody likes it or nobody knows it or nobody knows it yeah yeah you definitely don’t see it in tournaments it’s not no it’s not a normal machine okay nice marus in control it

    Needs another 30 million and it’s probably going to be the right round still a multi ball yeah and you can get an ad ball from here um hit the uh tag targets again as soon as this tag lights here mhm then if you shoot under there it will give you an add

    Ball great anticipation there from Marcus he really is a a very elegant player isn’t he mhm finally regains control there okay to play field and uh I think he’s just about there now is partner ready to tag in so that is the sign of a and he even stages

    It up there on the left W look at this this flipper is staying absolutely rocked solid that’s a great example of staging is he approves we need to uh and he he’s done we need to give a twitch clip on that twitch that clip that at

    Home for me somebody if you all please so we got a two for Marcus two for Marcus SS uh that’s that’s great um hole in two for the first round I mean if the the thing with Ping golf uh finals in three game format is you can’t afford to

    Have a bad game if you start getting sixes sevens and eights then you you really take too much to catch back up again so but these folks haven’t gotten here having a good having a bad game well exactly yeah yeah so they’re used to it what just yeah finally finding the Rams

    Here here we go okay so uh now he’ll be also going for the multi ball oh back up again nice so we get some ring fans always useful to have some ring fans I always I always feel so he’s now tring to back on the

    Targets he’s got uh this one to hit okay got it very expertly done now to shoot under here which he does and now shoot back on the upper play field which he almost tries to back hand the tutorial that would have yeah just tell him to

    Shoot here and he shoots here shoot here and here and here okay so tag team multi ball begins and sayuran tag team shoot the tag targets again uh to light the other ball oh you almost got all the balls up there yeah and you know while while the ball

    Saves on you might as well just concentrate on the Upp play field okay now I’m settle in a little bit also doing the staging up there yeah I mean they just do that with such ease don’t they you know and you try it at home and you think I can do that you

    Know once then you can’t oh I did it last time Why didn’t it work again oh okay four balls on one flipper that’s nice oh three balls obviously that’s going to happen two balls on one flip it like uh wheels on a wagon what do you

    Know that song yeah okay and the wheels came off yeah and the balls went down okay and he’s keeping that one safe down there because he can shoot this and that will give him an ad ball so he will want to get control of the other ball

    First okay he does take the other ball that’s uh that’s weird cuz that’s that’s the shot that was oh yeah awesome backand the adal target yeah and it only works when you got two balls trapped there probably yeah yeah that which is uh that’s one of Robbie’s strategies on

    ACDC ah for the r yeah yeah that he gets two walls on the flipper and then just sends the first one round the left R I can’t yeah he can do it over and over and over and over again it’s uh he taught it yanas as well of course so

    Unfortunately yanas can be it too and now everybody knows now everybody knows it that’s it he’s over the target well done to uh well done to Robbie 79 million that’s just about over 50 roughly so Peter come on you’ll need to uh step up you need to get up to that in

    Two and Marcus played it really safe here going up to 100 just in case just in case you never know yeah don’t leave anything a chance so uh Peter chce um also high level player been involved in um uh many high level tournaments I I’m feeling he’s played World Championship but I’m not

    100% sure on that but he’s certainly uh top APC player I think here we go some ring fans yeah they didn’t help him though did they and that’s horrible that happened to me and then and then I lost the ball cuz I wasn’t expecting it to go all the way

    Around I thought it down really it really does come shooting at the flippers uh so back hand okay he hit that forehand there okay double danger yeah so needs to control back on the upper oh sorry the under the target there okay so this one first come on

    Peter that’s your shot here I think we have a red okay I don’t want to refresh no not to that wow okay hit the shot no okay he’s still on 20 million he needs to get this multiball going so he’s got to shoot this shot here is just

    A little in his drain so that’s uh it’s there for him the next Ball but that’s going to give him a three unfortunately next ball not this ball y so every ball is important in pingol you can’t really leave everything to the last ball we went for number three which is Advanced

    Bonus so Advanced as a bonus by a thousand by a million points so I mean it’s appreciable but I’m not proper multiplier no normally though the ones with points are not the right ones to take and it’s normally you know something better strategically than uh than the obvious but that’s the first of

    The tag targets we did well to save that back hand y that’s the second of the tag targets that was a good that was a good reach out save that oh and the Machine just punished him really punished him wow the way those targets are angled it

    Looks not super dangerous but he was just yeah I think it has to be back cuz beforehand them there is a very good danger it will go down there do you like the red the red marker by the way I can change the marker have green Mar wow and

    You can do that from here as well so oh there’s two mice two yeah rodents so you can you can draw here as well and then you press press the little square button to get rid of um right yeah so we we’re letting some ball these are shame we need to give

    Them shame Bells shame Bell Peter shame shame it’s very it’s very mean that’s a mean craw out all right so multi ball is almost ready there some more fans and uh you know you still keep scoring points on here it’s not a huge number of points and I think you can

    Start another multi ball from going in the whole times as well it’s so hard to get it out of there once it’s almost in the center nice catch okay let’s do this shot tag team okay I think that’s all right that count oh nice the reverse tag team yeah

    Doesn’t matter which way it goes you uh tag in Reverse is still fine so now up on the ring okay makes it multiball starts he should hopefully get to the Target score just with this multi ball this is quite a convenient ball sa going yeah yeah yeah collecting the balls here

    Flipping him the away again recollecting yeah it’s always difficult isn’t it cuz you you know the you lose a lot of shots by collecting if you don’t do it really efficiently and and uh accurately then you actually lose scoring opportunities so he didn’t even bother with the Cradle separation there he just

    Yeah oh yeah that’s unfortunate when it just goes straight down the middle there so um yeah is that because these not taking jackpots I think he’s still got the tag targets lit so he can effectively restart this multi Ball but so whenever anything green is lit on

    The Playfield then hit it it says lock on it green is often the lock it is yeah apart from on Corvette and and uh the production model of Twilight Zone ah the uh the prototypes had green okay and then they switched to Orange I believe for some reason it’s a good bit of

    Useless information absolutely useless information is always worth keeping or collecting so partner ready to tag in so um Paul sa is still running is still running so he’s fine he doesn’t look super comfortable in the game he doesn’t does he I mean is is on 14 million you know this this

    Multi ball is normally a high scoring one uh and that’s multi ball over 10 million for his troubles there um this is ball three no this is ball it’s ball three ball three okay all right so he’s uh he’s now in danger cuz he’s currently 18 million so he’s going

    To be taking a six here and that is uh pretty um pretty dangerous because you know he’s now got 2256 so the markers and Robbie are sort of in such a really really strong position okay so uh we’ll change over to uh machine number two so I haven’t played this scared

    Stiff and have haven’t played scared stiff in a while but is multiball the strategy here left ramp right ramp um yeah a multiball is is often the strategy of of uh I’d actually like to work towards scar stiff so that you um something so this game has a backbox

    Animation which is interactive there’s there’s a spider in a in a web in the center of the backbox it’s little bit hard to see because it’s very dim and um some point it turns around and you you can select where it stops and you get the award that it points

    To okay we’ve got that updated now so that’s okay right so so it is actually 10 million it is 10 million yeah so uh we have which Julian is not going to get unfortunately with his with his first ball but to get to 10 million you really

    Need to make some good progress so a well played multi ball on this is only going to be 3 four million um if you play it with double trouble you can obviously double it um but you really need to play at least two multiballs to

    Get close to 10 and you’ll see all the players playing towards uh scared stiff itself um you you know this machine or you don’t uh this particular one I haven’t played but you do know but you do know SC as a game yeah so players will usually pick um the multiple

    Extender on the spider the first one which is this one okay he was going for the crate which is strange cuz you do normally do the cofin maybe he missed it I usually miss the things on the spider he missed it by a long way though it was it was a he was

    Trying to get this one which is the crate but you do normally oh oh he already got it already got the okay yeah yeah okay the coughing was already extended okay so uh marker staks and uh um you know you can see these uh these players gain 10 million on on one ball

    What if you get the confident but uh scari is a bit of a grinding machine you you know you do have to do a lot of work in order to get that number of points so short plunging here and you can see why Playfield is not qualify so he will

    Get that ball back and he’s aiming to get that ball on The Flipper in a safe position so he can take a shot and that was a little bit too much Playfield is qualified but we got a ball saer here which is really generous yeah I know

    Yeah it’s not a very long one but you do get one well it saved him for more Yep so now he wants to shoot back in here into the spin Target okay no he doesn’t want to play R first lock the ball oh he’s a little bit

    Too uh late on that shot that was a little bit too early that’s gone wow okay so that’s uh two hole in one opportunity three hole in one opportunities lost so a chance here for Robbie oh he punched right into the spider there’s the extend okay so that

    Gives him the first lock or the first lock lit which he nails so B one locked uh now he needs to shoot the left ramp uh one shot to the left ramp will light the second lock for the Dead Okay thir try here we go okay nice and lock almost uh it’s dangerous okay all right now the lock shot oh again too late oh he said it late and early so third time he’s third time should be right in the middle hang on so now he’s

    Got the crate extender as well so that’s both multi balls extended there’s Lock one more for multi I’m you does he go crate first um doesn’t really matter to be honest um the M the uh coffee multi ball is higher scoring the the jackpots on this uh see what he’s doing he’s using the multi ball in order to get to skir stiff I

    Think double drain yeah double drain extender comes in so the multi ball restarts but that wasn’t the progress he was expecting from there he loses that ball that’s the end of multi ball time for a multi ball yep so let’s get the next multiball going go she does hey get up

    Multi got multi call out right so the jackpots on this are left and right ramps he gets the first one and if you get into the right Rhythm you can just flow with that it’s [Applause] great but for that to really work you need to get rid of one wall which he

    Does yeah hopefully only one ball and then Sheen is still trying to rob him of one ball but nice yeah he’s safe so R and he’s going to Criss Cross it oh missed it okay multiple uh extender in tried to get one for the there oh it goes back to three that’s [Applause]

    Nice yes I didn’t think that happened I thought he only went back to a to Ball multile but [Applause] okay okay so it what um Robb is doing during these multiballs is actually completing all of the scared stiff uh inserts so that when he comes out of the multiball

    Then scar stiff will be lit I’m having mtip po outs on this game are so funny oh and that’s what you don’t want so you get you know scar stiff was probably ready uh the lab isn’t lit actually so he still needed uh hits on the pop bumpers here to complete the lab

    But he’ll do that on the plung of the next ball he looks way better for ball two than the other players though absolutely yeah yep but he could have so easily got a hold him one there yeah what’s going to be on the spider great so he also has both multi balls extended Uhoh lot of patience shown there and they’re in uh in the way you handle that unfortunate drain uh there was there was actually very very signs of extremely good flip of control there is and you almost got that back absolutely and you know a lot of this is

    Then down to how many finals you’ve played in you know are the are the bits of nerves creeping in there uh you’re on camera you know it’s um which I believe gets more and more common yeah absolutely people people do get used to it you know when we first

    Started streaming we used to have a flap over the player camera so the player didn’t want to be streamed it could cover it that’s a nice option uh that was uh but that’s a long that’s 2016 that’s a long now everybody wants to be on camera everybody wants to care the

    For the flat fully open now that’s so we don’t want any come on zoom in yes zoom in on me exactly yeah times have changed I blame social media so we got to plunge to the spider again so he’s going for the crate this time yeah gets

    It and it also gives you a couple of advances on the crate itself so that’s not working good is it going to come back get that back yeah that was uh close last millisecond there it alone you okay another lock okay another can you stack little locks

    No no the second round doesn’t do anything it gives you 250,000 points but it doesn’t do anything towards your locks would be nice wouldn’t it through three ramps and then just block three maybe is a setting never know but definitely not in these finals here no definitely not so create multiball uh

    So 250,000 jackpots so it’s not huge um normally build up maybe 3 4 million on a on a good crate which is why people do tend to use it for progressing the scar stiff oops jackp okay last jackpot of that multiball yep and he’s only on 1.5

    Million so say it’s not I didn’t it didn’t hit many jackpots but uh you devil you so I go back to the left ramp here yep light some more locks [Applause] excellent bounce over and Sho lock adjust the glasses yep that worked yep that’s what all you need to do is

    The I look like a L shot to the right ramp there yeah okay so multi ball starts well done Multi and these are 500,000 so half a million jackpots so they are a fair bit more valuable but you see you do have to get into that uh that Rhythm so he needs a lot of those he does need L 16 and he has the extender for this

    Multiball as well he does yeah yeah so three and a half million so still a long way to Go okay so comes in let’s see if he gets two walls or one wall he gets two but on the on the crate he only got one yeah a double drain that was everybody out of the you’re welcome to press these buttons by the way all of them all of

    It’s all at the same time yeah I’ll wait for the occasion yeah okay so we’ll try another one here then not you again so Marcus uh needs to do something here he’s got a long way to go a long long way to go but it’s only it’s only ball

    Two and it’s not ball three so oh okay looks like he’s actually interested in plunging The Spider and not just getting safely flier stop the spider yep so uh not been in there before the first ball he didn’t uh he didn’t get in the spider so we’re seeing the same strategy

    From all four Players okay ramp lock ni will be lock to I think one more for multi punch the spider again get the extend for the crate oh no it’s not it’s not it’s not lit but um you have to relight it from the right ramp okay um

    So uh but it’s still a good shot in order to feed onto that left flipper or right flipper sorry just like that Yeah okay so he hit he he missed the left ramp in every possible way now yeah yeah but he’s this all the leapers so you know these little leapers have been bashed to death it’s a nice little bash toy yeah are you something hi Dan good to see you

    Back on again today Dan was on for a long time yesterday watching the uh uh round two qualifications for the yeah and we multi Ball and we’re almost out of multi Ball but he’s got the extender he’s got the extender but do you see the spin on that ball I mean that was right okay finally got some control get the timing down a he’s looping it it’s you know to get that rhythm of left

    Right left right is it’s an you amazing timing to be able to do it yeah you go too early then both of them are going to end up on the flipper at the same time you know if you’re confident you you sort of have to assume that it’s going

    Where you want where you sent it yes and then when it doesn’t you’re out you’ve lost control of both PS because you sending the other one in the direction of where it should have gone if it’d have hit it exactly incredibly difficult uh Indie 500 too much the same with the

    Alternating Left Right ramp systems now what are we going crate uh what score is he on 6 million um completion of uh scar stiff I think I mean he he wants to create multiball he completed now the dead heads oh no He I thought he completed dead heads but it’s still dead heads here exellent he’s nowh near the lab okay he’s going multi ball again and that’s sensible because one multile one more multile will get him past that Target and he knows the shots yeah yeah yeah I sometimes find myself in

    This okay I’ve done the thing now now what and then you have to adjust to to different charts and exactly goes downhill from there y so uh Marcus um Ender ball two of course this not ball three so he’s on half a mil half a mil bonus some held bonus what’s

    For they’re not going to tell us oh they tell us 7.2 million okay um Robby is uh almost there he probably would do double trouble I would think here oh no he was going for crate I didn’t Sor I didn’t realize he didn’t have the crate

    Extender so in which case he will go for back for multigol oh and he won’t oh he’s got the ball back wow that was uh must have been right on the on the wire that one and he hit the leper and the lock thanks for the follow till T’s game sure does

    Yes on uh a number of machines I was in uh me and Dena were in Madrid oh yeah ago seen couple of wedge hats there which you don’t see very often and a lot of machines that are tilting games and Dena fell foul of it a number

    Of times she yeah she tilted on B One great shot so the last mode he’s missing is the bumpers but he he’s probably ignoring that yeah I think because he’s so close you know scar stiff is not guaranteed to get you those way it’s a good way to get a lot of points but not guaranteed this multiball

    Is pretty much guaranteed to get him over the line I am [Applause] alive so there doesn’t seem to be a ball save the second time around oh that’s right yes I I heard that before so yeah second second multi ball there isn’t a ball safe that’s looking he did a great job to shake that out and then it took it

    Off him but he’s got just over 10 million well done so uh 10 million before bonus and then bonus on top so uh to Robbie will take a two meanwhile Julian is at square one more or less y so we have a two here I’m warning you beautiful work thank

    You I nearly went to art school you know I had a choice between engineering uh engineering qualifications and art qualifications and I picked engineering cuz Dad said you’re never going to make any money in art and Engineering can be sort of art as well in in its own way yeah that’s

    True okay so uh wow that’s is that ball three andan finished taking an eight okay wow that’s rough that puts him in a in a tough spot now impossible spot that from uh from there I mean Robbie’s on four uh so even if Robbie took an eight

    Wouldn’t be on 14 so so we got one one player proceeding to the next round two players so it’s a it’s a yeah 16 16 player group so four groups playing we’ll have a look with the other groups very soon um at the end of this game

    This is only game two of course so still game three left to [Applause] play hi Colin good to see you in again so call him McAlpine Mr snaan finnally enough I thought that uh Peter looked a little bit like calling I’m not sure who you’re insulting there not not insulting

    Anybody and insulting people not pointing out the similarity a little bit okay let’s see what he gets after Bonus come on show us the score 5.9 million so is uh takes a five take five five isn’t as good as the eight that looks more like a snake you can redo it I can’t cuz if I press the button it wipes all the others out I’ll

    Have to do the others again snake is appropriate on this game it is fine right we better on metaller don’t want to don’t want to don’t want to is trying to tell me how to how to run the stream it’s often a good idea to listen to

    It I’ve realized that after not not we’ve been together 15 16 years but um I realized it quite quickly so we need to grind out two points 7 million points here is over lock okay lock is that uh don’t know which ball ball two okay so he’s uh

    Close to another coffee multiball and he only wants 2 million points so say if he gets If he if he manages to start this multi ball he will get past 10 million lock is lit oh it’s two this time so two RS now it’s l lock is

    Lit you want say it again it’s not lit now it’s not he’s taking it oh dear uh right I think I might have to take Dina’s advice and press that press the refresh button uh the reason I don’t like doing that is because I like to sort of show

    The score before they’ve uh got the points but that’s end of multi ball I think CU say there’s no b no ball saver on this so uh but he’s he won’t be far off so let’s look what score it is 9.2 he’s got 800 to he’s not going to have

    That in bonus probably no but this is clever uh spin spider okay if he completes SC sff that’s fine as well he’s not played crate multiball yet but he’s nowhere near it so the more sensible thing to do here would be to spin the spider and then do light

    Jackpot light jackpot is one shot in the crate for 250,000 I think but he he goes back to the main multi wall yeah I know and now net need to press the button so therefore I need to refresh the thingy yeah 200,000 points to go he could have that in

    Bonus oh you’re going OBS now yeah good to know do didn’t you know he was OBS uh I thought you were you were using a different one earlier I I used to use eight split right um I changed the OBS quite a long time AG AG go

    Though okay so there’s some of the more advanced facilities in the he’s got it now gets over the 10 well done so that’s the three for Marcus going to write a three on here or do I just do matter right now Dina says wait 30 seconds and

    Then yeah so Vol for is obviously not going to be played by Robbie so uh uh okay let’s see um let’s see if Dina’s refreshed it then you know she has what a what a surprise so going through into the final game we have uh Marcus Robbin the lead

    On four Marcus on five uh Peter on 10 and Jo julan back in 14 so okay so we go back to rig one uh rig one is then on The Walking Dead so this is game three of three for group four no group three yep all the

    Threes so uh Julian first one off because he took uh last place in the last game I need to update the uh Ping golf scores so let me do that although this uh this um Walking Dead is notorious 10 million points would not be a

    Lot uh true so Walking Dead score is 50 million so we’re correct there so 50 million is uh more than a Sparky and he goes prison here oh sorry more than a prison I was thinking we’re on Metallica for a minute well I mean it’s the

    Same you don’t get sparky on a on a Walking Dead normally and uh I was told that the settings have been changed on this machine now so that dur in prison you cannot start a mode and he’s not even bothering for those uh three targets he’s just going prison prison prison

    Prison do you do you get 50 million points out of prison no and is uh shooting a bit wild at the moment wow how did he get away with that okay so gets to uh clear the uh sorry gets to multiball so yeah okay shoot the blinking

    Lights not sure if you’re going to Advance well Walker in prison probably not yeah I think the setting that’s being put on this machine I don’t think you can advance anything I think that all of the all of the multi balls are now just independent stand

    Low like okay he gets 50 million what what how did he do that I don’t know maybe somebody can clip that needs to yeah well when I do the video editing of this I’m going to watch that very closely what because that was like uh

    Wow was incredible that was a ho in one so he did exactly knew what he was doing there oh absolutely yeah oh W and uh there’s no ball save so uh that’s Peter multipliers yeah that might be the case here strong case of multipliers yeah but that’s yeah wow we

    I definitely need to watch that bike find out exactly how he managed to score 50 million points cuz he wasn’t even playing the multiball for very long no I mean he was playing it until he was done yeah yeah with the score yeah that was pretty solid okay uh Colin described

    That as a Speed Run Okay using tunnel oh ah okay so he plays the tunnel shot okay but that suggests that tunnel the tunnel mode was running which it wasn’t uh I’m going to watch it back oh he shot the tunnel shot tunnel shot once and then he started

    Multiball yeah and I saw him show the show the tunnel shot but that was in that was in order to I didn’t know what that that did so maybe we can bring him in later and ask him maybe we can that’s a good idea he’s actually right in front of the booth

    Here probably not a good idea to bring him in while he’s playing oh he’s done now oh yeah of course he’s finished yeah he has actually finished all all together he’s finished that’s true we’ll uh we’ll ask him later don’t wor okay marus fighting he’s also going to prison and also out

    This is what usually happens when absolutely yeah um I mean if you were going for 50 million I would be going for the drop targets AR you that’s uh you know because you get a good which looks like it would be the wrong thing to do because Julian showed

    Us that yeah I know but or maybe it was just lucky uh to to get away with so many prison shots there maybe he took the risk and paid off okay so plunge of Shame again for Peter sorry Peter Shame Shame Shame that’s the only time I can

    Use that call out okaye when you’re doing Ping golf and somebody otherwise it would just be mean I would take the button off I wouldn’t need the button so he’s almost qualified prison multi ball there two more shots keep control of it and he shoots tunnel there okay well

    That was a bailout shot I know it was but what did he do cuz that’s what Julian did but didn’t say tunnel this time maybe it didn’t get all the way yeah it didn’t it definitely didn’t go all the way up so right okay um Julian was indeed

    Fortunate on Surviving so many prison shots and the ball bounced into the drop through ah okay so it did have a mode so therefore he had started he shot tunnel and therefore it started tunnel well that was so efficient yeah yeah it was I mean it was like so clinical we um yeah

    Thank you uh Colin uh always great uh the game knowledge of course okay uh Marcus having a few uh fortunate bounces okay better two more shots okay ready one more shot okay here we go so now Marcus is playing for the targets here and I’m pretty sure that no longer works mhm so

    Wow quick I mean that’s that’s more what I would expect from a prison um you know between 11 and 20 to 20 million between 10 and 20 million now he’s sort of like in jail go prison again well yeah so therefore you got to go to the mode and

    And the mode is going to give you enough points potentially to get to 50 million anyway so therefore why play mul you know what I mean that that would have been my logic prison is only 20 million maximum therefore why play it because the mode you can get you can get 0

    Million on because the risk is real of hitting those what is that seven or eight shots yeah yeah yeah but it’s a lot of shots you got a magnet in there which messes with your ball Y and compare that to dangerous shots to the drop targets so I I would you know I

    Mean look Walking Dead is just is just an awful you know it’s not it’s it’s a great machine I love it scared when I when I need to play that game well that’s right it’s like you know it’s one that you got you heart in your mouth all the time you’re playing

    It you know and this is horrible like side to side action and the outlanes are just huge so Colin suggests Barn as yeah that’s exactly right Colin you you you know get get the three drop targets play Barn um five shots six shots you finished so five shots

    Probably he got multiplayer lit now but he still still throwing still playing prison okay prison multiball starts um and uh I suppose you could say you know if you look at the pingl scores here if he get 15 million then he’s going to get a six it’s actually put him in in pretty

    Good position anyway but that’s a bit negative in terms of play all right so he trying to go for that far right shot there somehow the arena yeah cuz CU arena is a valuable shot without the mode oh that was nice that’s his signature move there yeah the back hand

    With two balls on a flipper yeah there goes multi okay so that’s Mode start and he hits Barn okay so now I mean just what if it assuming he gets oh he just give it him really really mean that was uh okay Mode start which was from a great uh reaction

    Backand uh started barn and then unfortunately didn’t get any opportunity I’m not going to give him a second shame Bell I think that’s been a bit too mean it’s a very kind of you not you again right glasses adjustment yeah you don’t wear glasses you just think yourself really

    Stry I scratched my nose or something okay the flippers a couple of times I’m not an NBA yeah so he went for the drop targets there yeah so yes you correct coling Robbie is already through so uh this game is uh is actually sort of uh not really relevant

    But that was the case you might encounter it again in like a tiebreaker or something but it does affect who goes through to which to which group between Marcus and and Robbie but that is is down to the look of the draw anyway in terms of there’s no signant significant

    Advantage to being in one group or another but anyway maybe there’s a Whopper difference um yeah probably probably not yeah cuz uh Julian now is on 16 is he so but what is Peter going to do not play I mean we here for the pinball right exactly yeah

    Yeah that was a great reaction that that get a danger for that so again he’s got multiball start so he’s he’s not going to be taking uh a six is he he would have thought it’s actually possible but well played with the second ball there by Peter that was uh great reactions as

    Well multi ball finished 22 million points is uh almost in five territory it’s really making him fight isn’t it extra ball um why not two and a half million points nope and he doesn’t do it okay so if he’s under 25 he will take a six which means

    That they will be level in Julian and Peter oh we got over 25 so okay so in that case featur so yeah yeah so uh okay marus is going the safe strategy here and just playing as B where will the new place be in Germany or Mainland Europe um that’s what we’re

    Going to have to work on uh Colin we uh we definitely need somewhere uh there are some uh potential plans but nothing uh definite and nothing is going to happen this year anyway um we are looking at doing some bigger tournaments in our club in free

    Play in hurton um but it will not be at the level uh big enough to attract all of the International Players uh we really need somewhere new or existing that is prepared to take on the organization it’s a sad day uh tomorrow of course it’s uh what day is it today

    Saturday Saturday yeah so tomorrow there will be lots and lots of emotion in the final farewells oh nice match there of course he didn’t need it he already through but he’s already through yeah yeah and you can hear the backlash rattling the whole time so he’s really moving machine although you might not

    See it on camera oh it’s not going and it’s straight down the middle so uh he will take um a six I think there but that will still put him on 11 might be no uh Robbie say um is already on a six so he’s already

    On 10 so he actually doesn’t need to play this nice nudge nice nice nudge to get uh to get that the patience is just unreal that was a little bit too patient oh dear that was uh that was actually good dear did I Jinx that um maybe maybe Not For

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