Ceci est l’histoire de ma découverte de la moto, de ma 125, la façon dont elle a changé ma vie et ses limites.
    Si vous aimez les musiques, visitez la page : hhttps://www.youtube.com/@precursor981

    #yamaha #bretagne #mt125 #permismoto #permisa2 #vélo #motorcycle #cycle #motocycle
    #voge #voge650 #voge650ds #voge650dsx #zontes #zontes125 #zontesscrambler #blondes #lgbt #lesbiennes #moto #neoretro #trail #ladybikers #bikers #motarde #duomoto #offroad #precursor #roadtrip #grosmono #monocylindre #rouen #normandie

    Today, in this video we are going to see together, I will tell you a story, how I went from that….. to… this! And between the two, there was the 125! As it is written in the description of the video, it will be a real love letter addressed

    To the 125cc, but it is first and foremost a story, my story, my way of approaching the bike. Not so long ago I only lived by bike. I had a car license, but I didn’t like driving cars… I found it cumbersome, terribly boring, and very impractical in the city in which we live.

    The bicycle represented a style of mobility perfectly adapted within the scope of my essential needs. However, the bike has the disadvantage of being limited to a restricted perimeter… and to expand this perimeter, I needed a motor. Do you see the 125 coming? It was at this precise moment,

    After 10 years of cycling, a relatively advanced age, that the idea of ​​the motorcycle arose in me. I’ll be honest, my whole life I had absolutely no interest in motorcycles ! People are going to throw stones at me, they’re going to

    Drag me through the mud for what I’m about to say, but in the past, knowing nothing about it at all, I just imagined motorcycling as a dangerous, noisy and even a bit of an activity. . with its very masculine, sporty, flashy side… But at that moment in my life, it was

    Exactly 2 years ago, who knows why, I suddenly imagined the motorcycle in what she could be cool, fun and sexy. Images resurfaced in my head that I had a new look at. It’s ultra narcissistic… But I knew nothing about it at all, I had never approached and even less touched a motorcycle.

    I had no idea how it worked, I didn’t know the brands or the different styles of motorcycles… In short, it was nothing… In these conditions I couldn’t see myself leaving on an A2 license, at the I was

    Perhaps not going to like it at all, it was perhaps going to be a discomfiture, a disappointment! And then the perimeter that I imagined investing geographically… what are we talking about, we’re talking about 30 km maximum. So going with a 125 seemed like the good idea! Easy, inexpensive, enough

    For what I imagined I needed. So I did the 7 hour training, which was terribly basic and, I admit, a little scary all the same. Then I had to choose a motorcycle, I repeat: I didn’t know anything about it… The dealer closest to me was Yamaha, it seemed well-known,

    I said to myself: it’s probably a sure value. I should point out, however, that on Youtube I had spotted a superb Chinese 125 that caught my eye. It was the Zontes Scrambler, frankly I would have chosen it because I didn’t have, and it’s

    Still quite true today, I had no preconceptions about brands and this one seemed to have all the qualities of the world in my eyes. Unfortunately at that time this brand was nowhere to be found in my famous area, so I chose Yamaha.

    I liked the sports car from an aesthetic point of view, I had no idea of ​​the use of sports cars and their possible discomfort… But anyway he didn’t have it anymore, so I took the roadster: the MT 125. When I left Yamaha on its handlebars,

    I was atrociously clumsy… and I was scared, even at 40 km/h! I was scared but it was good! It was good because it gave me sensations that no car has ever given me. Through this discovery, the 125 seemed magnificent, rewarding, cool, even powerful and heavy!

    No, but think, I had only known cycling! So a 140 kg machine… yeah I know it seems ridiculous, today it seems ridiculous to me, but at the time if we put ourselves back in context , well 140 kg I found it heavy! So many good times with this bike…

    And it was while driving that the desire to further expand the perimeter was born. Motorcycling offered me new horizons and made me want to push the limits. So after a few months, Marika and I decided to go on a trip, as a duo,

    With 20 kg of luggage to go camping. About 1000 km in a week. Look how cool we looked on the 125! But then, I begin to experience the limits of the bike: it lacks space, obviously it’s a roadster, but you can’t imagine how packed we were… and the discomfort was really harsh.

    After only 30 minutes of driving we were sore everywhere and we took forced breaks approximately every 40 minutes. Obviously in these conditions the bike struggled above 90 km/h and the lack of wind protection almost prohibited us from using expressways.

    So.. well we were moving slowly.. there we go. Let’s all agree, it was an awesome trip! These are memories that will remain engraved forever, we loved this trip and once we returned we often commented to ourselves that we couldn’t wait to go back. And even go much further, widen further and cover several

    Thousand kilometers why not! But for this I had to make a bitter, difficult observation: if I wanted to take us so far as a duo with so much baggage, we would have to go faster, with more comfort and why not with a machine capable

    Of confronting difficult terrain if necessary. In short, you understood, I had to give up the 125… And find a motorcycle adapted to these specific needs. I was then going to learn what a trail was and

    That I obviously had to get the A2 license. Which I did a little less than a year ago. I will probably soon make a video on my choice of trail, with technical explanations in particular, because the neophyte that I was has still learned a lot in the meantime.

    But something else happened a year ago, Marika bought herself a 125! Do you remember the Chinese girl I spotted at the time? In the meantime, the Zontes brand has set up shop near us and Marika hasn’t missed it!

    She bought it before I sold the Yamaha and I must admit: I was quite jealous… and yeah I preferred the Chinese to the Japanese, I admit, I assume, I preferred its finish, its motor behavior, its general feeling. And while today I drive a big

    650cc mono, I have to testify to the pleasure that driving Marika’s 125 gives me. Today I find it so light and manageable that it’s incredibly pleasant and fun! It consumes two to three times less than my trail, and the way you can pull all the way

    On the throttle by chaining relatively short gears makes driving much more fun, I find, than on a big motorcycle. It’s like playing a video game! It’s… really… fun… Let me be clear, if we don’t have the goal of doing thousands of kilometers in a short time and loaded like a mule..

    That’s the nickname of my trail: the mule! If you are solo and aim for a usual perimeter for the greatest number of people, then the 125 is in my opinion the perfect machine 🙂 And, to end this video, I would like to draw your attention

    To a very short passage of the sequence that I filmed on the handlebars of Marika’s Zontes, as I am about to get out, I pass in front of this little girl and we hear her say… “the motorcycle!” So. Obviously this

    Kid has no idea about a 125… a big cube… she doesn’t know anything about it and she doesn’t care! On the other hand, she seems amazed by this machine, it is this wonder that we must remember, perhaps if the motorcycle had had an enormous cylinder capacity

    It would have backfired with a terrible noise, the kid would have screamed… whereas here : no way. It was perhaps positively marked by a charismatic image of a beautiful motorcycle and the 125 was enough for that, everything is there, everything is there 🙂


    1. BRAVO moi aussi j ai une 125 Daelim. Pourquoi ne pas t en racheter une…moi apres je vise une Benelli 400 OU une Royal Endfield Classic…350 cc juste pour monter en gamme sans trop avoir un méga cube

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