Gravity Freaks
    Camera- Nikos Lionis – Fotis Skaris
    Video Edit by Aris Hatzigeorgiou
    Aris Hatzigeorgiou
    Alexandros Topkaroglou
    Giorgos Darras
    ……………… …………. /’ /)
    ……………../´ /)………/¯ //
    …………..,/¯// ……… /…/
    …………./…//. ……./¯ //
    ………../´¯/’´ ¯/´¯ /…/ /
    ………/’…/… ./… /…/ //
    ……..(‘(…´(… ……. ,../’. .’)
    ………………. ….. ../…./
    ……….”……. ….. . _.•´
    ………………. ….. ..(


    1. No issues with assembly for me⊳⊳>け   but I could see where some might benefit from using an experienced bike assembler/mechanic. I'm an older rider starting back after a 10 year break. This bike exceeds my capabilities and has been easy to get comfortable riding. I'm mostly on easy trails with almost no street riding and have not been disappointed with the performance of the bike. My fitness level is far below what I previously rode with and because of that the mileage is going on the bike slowly. While I'm losing weight slowly, the bike seems to tolerate my 220 pounds just fine. The bike has been used by several family members ranging from 5'5" – 5'9".

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