The Oldest Man in the World Breaks the Silence Before His Death and Reveals His Secret

    With the global average life expectancy at 72.6 years, there are some incredible people who have outlived all possible age expectations. These people have lived through many historical periods, and their memories have become annals of history. Though these centenarians give different reasons as their secret to long life, one thing they all have in common is that they’ve witnessed the evolution of the world around them. Join us as we delve into the 20 oldest humans to ever live.

    With the global average life expectancy at 72.6 years, there are some incredible people who have outlived all possible age expectations. These people have lived through many historical periods, and their memories have become annals of history. Though these centenarians give different reasons as their secret to long life, one thing they

    All have in common is that they’ve witnessed the evolution of the world around them. Join us as we delve into the 20 oldest humans to ever live. NUMBER 20: JIROEMON KIMURA Jiroemon Kimura is a Japanese supercentenarian who left an indelible mark on history with a legacy that extends far beyond his impressive age.

    On December 28, 2012 Kimura became the verified oldest man in history, a feat that was gracefully awarded to him by the Guinness World Records. Kimura’s family tree is a testament to the richness of his life. As the father of seven children, 14 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren, and 13 great-great-grandchildren,

    His lineage paints a vivid picture of generational longevity. What makes Kimura’s story truly captivating is not just the numbers but the unique blend of occupation and lifestyle that contributed to his prolonged life. A former postman, Kimura’s active work life and disciplined routine laid the foundation for his well-being.

    Embracing a traditional Japanese diet and cultivating an appreciation for nature, he found balance in simplicity. His daily routine included early rising, maintaining a positive outlook, and savoring nutrient-rich foods. According to an interview with his nephew, Kimura said; “His secret to his longevity

    Was eating light to live long,” Perhaps, this along with lifestyle played a pivotal role in his remarkably long and healthy life. NUMBER 19: DHARAMPAL SINGH GUDHA Dharampal Singh Gudha, an Indian marathon runner who is an astonishing 120 years old

    (yes, you heard that right), brazenly claims to be the oldest person in the world. originating from the charming Gudha marine Hamlet and born on October 6, 1987. Dharampal Singh works as a farmer by trade. He developed a love for running when he was a teenager and attributes his continued fitness

    To a healthy diet. He feels that his longevity is a result of leading a disciplined and healthy lifestyle since he was a little child. He includes cool lemon juice, mineral water, and homemade chutney in his well-balanced diet. He maintains excellent health by adhering to a strict, nutritious diet.

    Remarkably, he stays a devout vegetarian and refuses to consume ghee, fatty meals, alcohol, and tobacco. Intriguingly, there has been some skepticism surrounding Gudha’s remarkable age claim. Despite the absence of a birth certificate, he supports his assertion with official documents from the Indian government.

    His passport, voter’s card, ID card, and tax identification document all consistently indicate the year 1897 as his birth year. What sets Gudha apart is not only his age but his extraordinary athleticism, which has garnered him an impressive collection of 20 medals in both national and international tournaments.

    Among his many accolades, he secured a gold medal at the prestigious 2014 Malaysian Olympics. NUMBER 18: CHITETSU WATANABE Explore the remarkable life of Chitetsu Watanabe, the world’s oldest man who defied the passage of time until his peaceful passing at the age of 112.

    Originating from a background as a Japanese agricultural worker, Watanabe’s legacy extends beyond his impressive age, leaving an indelible mark on multiple generations. His key to a vibrant life wasn’t a complex health regimen but a profound philosophy: “smiling and not getting angry.” Watanabe’s journey spanned three centuries, providing him with a unique perspective on

    The evolving world around him. Beyond his occupation as an agricultural worker, Watanabe’s life unfolded against the backdrop of historical events, possibly including wartime experiences. This extraordinary centenarian wasn’t just a witness to history; he was a dedicated family man. Watanabe’s family tree blossomed with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, creating

    A rich tapestry of generational connection. His commitment to joy and serenity, evident in his enduring smile, became a guiding principle that resonated not only within his own life but echoed through the legacy he built with his family. In a world characterized by complexity, Chitetsu Watanabe’s story serves as a poignant reminder

    That the essence of a fulfilling and extended life may lie not only in individual happiness but in the shared warmth of familial bonds and the resilience found in a simple, heartfelt smile. NUMBER 17: JEANNE CALMENT Jeanne Calment, a French supercentenarian, captivates us with a life that spanned an

    Incredible 122 years and 164 days. Born on February 21, 1875, in Arles, France, Calment’s ancestry traced back through generations of notable individuals in the local community. A testament to her robust genetics, Calment was the daughter of a wealthy shipbuilder and grew up in an environment that fostered her longevity.

    She married her second cousin, Fernand Calment, in 1896, and they had one child, a daughter named Yvonne, who went on to become a notary. Calment’s life wasn’t without challenges. She outlived her daughter, who tragically passed away at the age of 36, and later faced the loss of her husband in 1942.

    Despite these hardships, Calment’s resilience shone through. Her lifestyle and habits were remarkable contributors to her extended life. Calment enjoyed a diet rich in olive oil, port wine, and chocolate, and she credited her youthful appearance to a daily regimen of cycling and playing tennis until the age of 85.

    Intriguingly, Calment’s longevity allowed her to witness firsthand the works of Vincent van Gogh, as she remembered him from her youth when he lived in Arles. As the world’s oldest confirmed person, Jeanne Calment’s story is a tapestry woven with family, resilience, and a lifestyle that embraces both the simple pleasures and unexpected longevity.

    NUMBER 16: WALTER BREUNING Walter Breuning is another incredible evidence to the extraordinary possibilities of a long and vibrant life. Born in Melrose, Minnesota to John Breuning and Cora Morehouse Breuning on 21 September 1896 with two sisters, and two brothers. Breuning’s remarkable journey spanned over a century, making him one of the oldest verified

    Men in history. But his story doesn’t end with his age; it’s woven with fascinating details. Breuning, was a former railroad worker who spent much of his life in service, contributing to the American railway system. His occupation not only reflects a bygone era but also hints at the definition of his character.

    Beyond the professional realm, his personal life was equally remarkable. Breuning’s family tree extended through children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, creating a legacy that touched multiple generations. What sets Breuning apart is not just his age, but the lifestyle choices that likely contributed to his long life.

    Embracing simplicity, he advocated for a balanced diet, limited portion sizes, and a commitment to daily exercise, embodying the mantra that “moderation” was the key to a prolonged life. His story is more than a tale of age; it’s a narrative of peace, wisdom, and a life well-lived. NUMBER 15: EMILIANO MERCADO DEL TORO

    Emiliano was born in the heart of Puerto Rico, on August 21, 1891; holding the prestigious title of the world’s oldest living person until his peaceful passing in 2007 at the remarkable age of 115. Mercado first came to the attention of longevity researchers in 2001, when a story ran about

    A 110-year-old veteran in a parade in Puerto Rico, after which researchers began deep investigations about this spectacle, but only after the November 2004 death of Fred H. Hale, Sr. did someone finally start sending in documents. Del Toro’s family legacy blossomed into a thriving tree, with roots extending deep.

    A devoted father to one son, he became the patriarch of a sprawling family, a grandfather to ten, and a great-grandfather to numerous descendants. The intricacies of these familial ties wove a rich tapestry of shared experiences, enduring love, and a living proof to the importance of kinship.

    Beyond the sheer longevity of his life, Emiliano Mercado Del Toro’s story is enriched by his diverse occupational history. From toiling as a sugarcane worker in his youth to later serving as a dentist in the Puerto Rican army, his journey embodied resilience and adaptability.

    His commitment to physical activity and a balanced lifestyle unveiled the secret to his prolonged existence, creating a blueprint for a life well-lived. In the backdrop of Del Toro’s narrative lies the resilience of a generation that bore witness to seismic social and technological changes that resonated in many, with his death leaving

    An emotion left few with an emotion that felt like they had “lost their own grandfather”. The mystery behind the long life of this man is one that still raises questions amongst many, what intrigues you most about the life of Del Toro? Give your answer in the comment section below. NUMBER 14: ERNA ZAHN

    Born in 1902, Zahn’s life spans over a century, and her journey is a tapestry woven with remarkable experiences. She was born as Erna Amelia Augusta Miller in Winnebago County, Wisconsin, USA on 14 April 1908 to Henry and Olga (née Kloehn) Miller.

    She had one older brother, Herbert, and two younger sisters, Adeline and Marjorie. As a young girl, she enjoyed horseback riding, often on Sunday afternoons, as well as sewing and swimming. Some of her favorite historical moments she had include riding in the rumble seat of a

    Car from home to Mount Rushmore, while it was still under construction. Zahn’s family tree is a testament to the richness of her life. Blessed with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, she has cultivated a family network that mirrors the strength of her own resilience with her mother dying at

    The age of 95, and both of her sisters dying at the age of 97. What sets Zahn apart is not just her age but the wisdom she has garnered along the way. Embracing a life surrounded by loved ones, Zahn’s secrets to longevity are rooted in

    The simple joys of family bonds, love, and laughter. Mainly crediting her incredibly long life to her faith and diet; enjoying the sweetness of dark chocolate and bananas. She became the oldest known person living in Minnesota following the death of 112 year-old Evelyn Kleine on 7 December 2019.

    Zahn also surpassed the age of Bertha Harris to become the oldest person ever born in the state of Wisconsin. Her nurturing spirit has created a legacy that transcends time, inspiring not only her immediate descendants but generations to come. NUMBER 13: Christian Mortensen

    Mortensen’s journey spanned an astonishing 115 years, making him one of the oldest verified individuals to have ever lived. Hailing from Denmark, he was born on the 16th August 1882. In 1903 Mortensen later ventured to the United States, where his story unfolded against the backdrop of the 20th century.

    Mortensen’s secret to a prolonged life remains an intriguing aspect of his legacy. Notably, Mortensen’s impressive lifespan places him among the exclusive ranks of supercentenarians. His record-breaking journey stands as a testament to the possibilities of a life well-lived, offering insights into the factors that contribute to exceptional longevity.

    The details of Mortensen’s life are rich with experiences, including the witnessing of significant historical events. His legacy is not only marked by the sheer duration of his life but also by the wisdom accumulated through the decades. Mortensen also was the oldest supercentenarian who emigrated until his age was surpassed

    By Italian emigrant to the USA, Dina Manfredini. Manfredini herself was later surpassed by Tekla Juniewicz on 23 February 2022. NUMBER 12: Tecla Junewicz Born in Christopholo, Austria-Hungary, on June 10, 1906, now in Ukraine. Throughout her life, Tecla Junewicz—originally known as Tecla Dada Krebso—saw tremendous shifts in history.

    She joined the Rodzel commune in 1918, the year Poland regained its independence. After World War I, the Soviet Union annexed the commune, and eventually, in 1991, Ukraine gained its independence. Junewicz had two younger sisters, Rosalia and Katazarnia, and her parents were Yan and Katarzana Dada.

    Their father worked for Count Carol Lankershkoski, and sadly, their mother died during the first world war. Junewicz achieved an incredible feat on May 11, 2020, surpassing Goldie Michaelson’s previous record by living to be 113 years and 335 days old, becoming the oldest verifiable individual in modern day Ukraine.

    In terms of longevity, she is currently ranked sixth among European pianists, after Rucelle Randon, Maria Giuseppe Rabochi, Emin Murano, and Gene Bott. Interestingly, she is acknowledged as the oldest living European, excluding people from France and Italy. NUMBER 11: Chio Miyako

    Meet Chio Miyako, a real-life example of the amazing possibilities that come from leading a fulfilling life. Miyako, who was born in 1901, is well-known for her amazing age as well as the extraordinary path she has taken over the years.

    Miyako’s life has remained a mystery because she has lived past the age of 100 without having a career that is openly acknowledged. Her mysterious past, though, only heightens the attraction of her long life. Miyako’s family tree has prospered over the years.

    With a family legacy spanning several generations, she is a proud mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Her enduring vitality could very well be due in part to the warmth of familial connections. Miyako’s lifestyle, which is frequently shrouded in simplicity, is rumored to consist of a

    Diet high in traditional Japanese foods and a dedication to exercise. These elements, along with an optimistic outlook, are thought to play a part in her remarkable longevity. In the realm of achievements, Miyako’s most notable accomplishment lies in the sheer number of years she has gracefully accumulated.

    As one of the oldest living individuals, her story inspires not only for its longevity but for the wisdom and experiences etched into each passing year. NUMBER 10: Kane Tanaka Tanaka has become an iconic figure, celebrated not only for her age but for the remarkable journey she has undertaken.

    Having a registered date of birth of January 3, 1903, Tanaka and her family have claimed that she was actually born on 26 December 1902 and that her parents delayed the process of filing the report for a week because they weren’t sure if she would survive, as she was born prematurely.

    Tanaka’s early childhood was during the last years of the Meiji period, which ended when she was nine, in 1912. She married her cousin Hideo Tanaka (19 June 1902 – 9 February 1993) on 6 January 1922, although they did not meet before their wedding. The couple had four children and adopted a fifth.

    Hailing from Fukuoka, Japan, Tanaka’s life has been a tapestry of experiences. She has witnessed historic events, societal transformations, and technological advancements, providing a unique perspective that few can claim. One of the secrets behind Tanaka’s enduring vitality lies in her lifestyle choices.

    A diet rich in traditional Japanese foods, coupled with regular physical activity, has been a cornerstone of her well-being. Tanaka enjoyed calligraphy, writing poetry, playing Othello, and doing math problems. Tanaka stated that she had wanted to live to the age of 120. She mainly attributed her longevity to her faith in God.

    Tanaka’s positive mindset and a joyful approach to life contribute to the overall picture of her remarkable health. In the realm of achievements, Tanaka holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s oldest living person and, at one point, the world’s oldest living woman.

    Her story serves as an inspiration, not just for her longevity, but for the lessons embedded in each passing year. Kane Tanaka is a living legend who continues to unfold with grace and resilience, leaving an indelible mark on the pages of history. NUMBER 9: Mba Gotho

    Mba Gotho, a figure whose life has become a marvel in the annals of longevity. Born in 1870, Gotho’s story unfolds like a living testament to the passage of time. Mba Gotho’s journey through the decades is shrouded in mystery, as he claimed to be 146 years old at the time of his passing.

    While records and official documentation might be scarce, the sheer longevity of his life raises eyebrows and invites us to explore the secrets behind his remarkable age. Gotho’s life, marked by resilience and the ability to witness historical events unfold, takes us on a captivating journey.

    His experiences spanned the turn of two centuries, and his story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. While the veracity of any official records may be uncertain, Mba Gotho’s claim to extreme age has garnered attention.

    If validated, he would hold a place in history as one of the oldest individuals ever recorded. NUMBER 8: Edna Parker Born in 1893, Parker holds the distinction of being recognized as the world’s oldest living person, according to the Guinness World Records.

    Edna Parker’s journey is a testament to the extraordinary potential of a well-lived life. Hailing from the small town of Shelbyville, Indiana, she spent her formative years as a schoolteacher, imparting knowledge and leaving an indelible impact on her community.

    What sets Parker apart is not just her age but the vibrant way in which she embraced life. Her secrets to longevity were rooted in a balanced lifestyle, including a diet rich in vegetables and an abiding love for crossword puzzles, which she believed kept her mind sharp.

    In 2007, at the age of 114, Edna Parker became the oldest living person officially recognized by the Guinness World Records. Her remarkable journey garnered widespread attention, and her longevity was celebrated as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Edna Parker is a living legend who defied the limits of time.

    From her days as an educator to her record-setting status, her story continues to captivate and inspire, leaving an enduring legacy for generations to come. NUMBER 7: Mahashta Murasi The enigmatic figure of Mahashta Murasi has long been shrouded in mystery and curiosity,

    Claiming to be born in 1835, making him an astounding 187 years old. Though the absence of a verifiable birth certificate raises eyebrows, Murasi’s assertion is backed by official documents such as his passport, voter’s card, and ID card, all indicating a birth year of 1835.

    Murasi, if his claim holds true, has lived through the reigns of multiple monarchs, witnessed the birth and transformation of nations, and experienced the ebb and flow of history. Intriguingly, despite his extraordinary age, Murasi maintains a youthful vigor that defies conventional expectations.

    His purported longevity is attributed to a combination of factors, including a disciplined lifestyle and adherence to traditional practices. Murasi, it is said, follows a diet rich in natural, unprocessed foods and engages in regular physical activity. He has allegedly refrained from smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, contributing to his exceptional health.

    In the realm of family, Murasi is said to have children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. The details of his family life, however, remain relatively elusive, adding another layer of mystery to his narrative. Although his story is an interesting one that has amazed many, it is still one that has

    Left a lot of eyebrows raised, leaving his story as still a fiction in the eyes of a lot of researchers. NUMBER 6: Luo Meizen Luo Meizen is a living testament to the marvels of longevity and a source of inspiration for all generations.

    Born in 1905, Luo Meizen has not only witnessed the dynamic evolution of the world but has actively participated in shaping her own extraordinary narrative. Luo Meizen’s longevity, having surpassed a century, is a testament to a life well-lived. While specific details about her occupation remain undisclosed, her story is characterized

    By resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to a balanced lifestyle. A fascinating aspect of Luo Meizen’s journey is her participation in the longevity phenomenon known as Blue Zones. These are regions where people enjoy remarkable health and longevity, often attributed to a combination of diet, lifestyle, and community connections.

    Luo Meizen’s story embodies the essence of these principles. While records regarding Luo Meizen’s achievements may not be widely publicized, her very existence is a record in itself. Living beyond a century, she stands as a beacon of wisdom, offering insights into the keys to a prolonged and fulfilling life. NUMBER 5: Luong Po Yai

    This wise old soul, Luong Po Yai, defied the laws of aging and lived a remarkable 109 years thanks to his dedication to meditation, peaceful living, and a continuous family life. But that’s not all; shortly before he passed away, Luong became an unexpected internet

    Sensation when his granddaughter shared a video of him in his fragile state. The internet went crazy with wild claims, stating he was 169 years old or even a 399-year-old lady. It’s amazing how a single image can pique so much curiosity and fascination. What are your thoughts on Luong’s extraordinary life?

    Share your thoughts in the comments section below. NUMBER 4: Joan Rudavey Born in 1906, Joan Rudavey stands as a beacon of longevity, a testament to the grace that accompanies a life well-lived. While specific details about her background and occupation may not be extensively documented,

    Rudavey’s journey is a captivating exploration of resilience and vitality. At the heart of Rudavey’s story lies the rich tapestry of familial connections. A beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, her life is intertwined with the bonds formed through generations. The strength drawn from these connections appears to be a foundational element in her enduring journey.

    The secrets to Rudavey’s remarkable longevity are often attributed to a lifestyle characterized by simplicity and activity. Embracing a balanced and healthy way of living, she embodies the idea that well-being is rooted in the harmony of mind, body, and spirit. While specific achievements may not be widely publicized, the sheer length of Rudavey’s

    Life is an accomplishment in itself. Her longevity allowed her to witness the unfolding pages of history and contribute to the collective wisdom of the ages. NUMBER 3: DUNYA LEANDRA BECERRA LUMBRERAS Dunya Leandra Becerra Lumbreras was born in 1905 and left an indelible mark on the concept of graceful aging.

    Hailing from Mexico, Lumbreras lived through an astonishing span of history, witnessing the transformation of the world over the course of more than a century. While details about Lumbreras’ specific life events and background may not be widely known, her longevity has made her a noteworthy figure.

    Reportedly, she became recognized as one of the world’s oldest living individuals, contributing to the exploration of the limits of human lifespan. The secrets to Lumbreras’ impressive longevity remain a subject of fascination. Her approach to a long and healthy life is often attributed to a combination of factors,

    Including a balanced diet, an active lifestyle, and a positive mindset. These elements are reflective of a life lived with intention and purpose. Unfortunately, Becerra Lumbreras was murdered by her ex-boyfriend, an event which sparked outrage in Mexico and around the world.

    Her case has highlighted the issue of domestic violence in Mexico, where an average of 10 women are killed every day by their partners or ex-partners. Becerra Lumbreras’s family and friends have set up a foundation in her name to raise awareness about domestic violence and to support victims of abuse.

    The foundation is called “Dunja Leandra,” and it is working to provide resources and support to victims of domestic violence in Mexico. NUMBER 2: Sarah Knauss Sarah Knauss, an American supercentenarian, was born on September 24, 1880, and left an enduring legacy as one of the world’s oldest individuals.

    She achieved remarkable longevity, living to the age of 119 years and 97 days until her passing on December 30, 1999. Knauss spent the majority of her life in Pennsylvania, witnessing the turn of two centuries and experiencing significant historical events. Throughout her life, she embraced a simple lifestyle, which some attribute to her remarkable

    Age. While specific details about her daily habits aren’t widely documented, it’s commonly believed that a combination of factors, including genetics and a healthy lifestyle, contributed to her prolonged life. In terms of family, Knauss was a mother and grandmother, adding a familial dimension to her extraordinary journey.

    The bonds she formed with her family likely played a role in her overall well-being. Knauss gained international recognition when she became the world’s oldest living person in 1998, a title she held until her passing the following year. Her longevity sparked interest in the factors contributing to a long and healthy life.

    In reflecting on Sarah Knauss’s life, we celebrate not only her incredible age but the resilience and memories she accumulated throughout her lifetime. Her story remains an inspiration, reminding us of the enduring spirit that accompanies a life well-lived. NUMBER 1: Misao Okawa

    Misao Okawa, a remarkable Japanese woman, was born on March 5, 1898, and left an enduring legacy as one of the world’s oldest individuals. She gained widespread recognition for her longevity, reaching the remarkable age of 117 years and 27 days before her passing on April 1, 2015.

    Born in Osaka, Japan, Okawa lived through a vast and dynamic period of history, witnessing the turn of two centuries and numerous historical events. Her life spanned the reign of four Japanese emperors and included transformative global developments. She married her husband Yukio, who ran his own business in Kobe, in 1919 and had three

    Children, two daughters and a son. As of February 2013, only one of her daughters, Shizuyo aged 97, and her son Hiroshi aged 99, were still alive. Her husband died on 20 June 1931 at the age of 36. Following the death of her husband, Okawa moved back to Osaka with her three children.

    The secrets to Okawa’s longevity have been a subject of interest. While individual factors influencing longevity are complex, Okawa attributed her long life to a diet that included plenty of sushi and sleep. Maintaining an active lifestyle and staying socially engaged were also believed to contribute to her overall well-being.

    She survived two world wars, the Spanish flu, and significant societal changes. As the world’s oldest living person for a period, her story became an inspiration for many, showcasing the potential for a vibrant and extended life. On April 1, 2015, Misao Okawa peacefully passed away,leaving behind an interesting life to

    Be further studied and understood. Her life continues to serve as a source of inspiration for those seeking to understand the keys to longevity and a life well-lived. Thanks for watching! For more mind-blowing discoveries, click on the video on your screen.

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