Police have solved no burglaries in nearly half of England and Wales in the last three years.

    Data from 30,100 neighbourhoods have found that zero were solved in 48.2% of the areas.

    TalkTV’s Julia Hartley-Brewer discusses the story with former Met Police detective Peter Bleksley.

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    #police #ukpolice #burglary

    Astonishing headline today or is it astonishing that’s the question police have sold no burglaries in nearly half of all neighborhoods in England Wales in the past three years just I mean I can’t even imagine that that would be a headline we’d have read 20 years ago and not just laughed

    Out loud thinking it was a spof but no it’s true joining me now to discuss this is Peter Bley former Scotland Yard am met police detective oh sister with a Sam Armstrong um Peter were you surprised when you saw this headline or was it just like well yeah that’s we

    Just we just don’t investigate and solve burgies anymore that’s we know that now first of all I was enraged second I was a ghast and then thirdly no I suppose I probably wasn’t surprised because this is the perfect illustration of just how useless in so many regards British

    Policing is what what are they okay here’s the thing we we talk about this crack down on extremism well they ain’t they ain’t cracking down on extremism yet we know that all the things the Prime Minister talked about saying we mustn’t allow things have been allowing although apparently the laws exist to

    Stop them um they’re not they’re not really tackling things like rapes they’re not because we know you know right there they’re not they’re not tackling burglaries everyone I know is had a mobile phone or a bike stall and says the police literally go not interested so what are the police doing

    All day it’s a very good question are they just all dancing at Pride marches all day they don’t know essentially what they are they don’t know whether they’re a a social service or whether they’re a crime fighting force and when I say social service they’re a bit like the AA

    And the ra if RAC if your car breaks down you when Society breaks down the police get it’s not really their fault because if you know they’re dealing with a lot of people who are C mentally ill we’ve had police chief say we can’t deal with this

    Anymore we haven’t got time to deal with to deal with crime it manifestly is their fault they’ve allowed themselves to be drawn down this path those weak liberal Highly Educated intelligencia that prow the corridors of policing power allowed it to get to this state because of course so many of those

    Senior police officers with all the degrees to their names and all the Oxbridge education that so many of them have had couldn’t essentially tell the difference between a burglar and a pomegranate they have they have no experience of Front Line not on the front line but even my thing is even

    Whether you’ve gone to UNI or not gone to UNI whether you started out you know as a Cadet and you work your way up whether you are leftwing or rightwing liberal or liberal I I don’t understand why anyone doesn’t get the that you need to police crime and that people going

    Into someone else’s house and stealing the stuff that they’ve bought with their hard earn wages is a crime and something that needs to be tackled and dealt with and given that we know that all it’s drug related it’s you know it’s uh it’s often organized crime related and so you

    Know the same people are responsible again and again you can knock you can lock up a hundred people in any local neighborhood you’d basically solve pretty much all acquisitive crime because it’s the same people doing it and they know who the people are but then they don’t even tackle people who

    Are walking into shops with CCTV camera and going I’ll have that thank you’re walking at even when they know their name so have they just completely given up on policing do they not believe that crime is a bad thing what what what do they what do they think their job is

    Anymore well 14 years after the start of the age of austerity they will still blame that yeah and of course they will say that their Frontline officers are very busy answering 999 calls because that’s essentially what they do they go from one call to another but senior

    Police for getting on for 20 years or more now dismantled the detective Branch they thought it was all too elitist those burglary squads the robbery squads who knew highly experienced highly skilled officers too latest who knew how to catch burglars who knew where the problematic drug users were that would

    Be climbing through your kitchen window this afternoon that knew all of that and kept a bit of a lid on crime and therefore made the streets a hostile environment for criminals that that that’s gone they’ve dismantled that but we have to all intents and purposes we’ve we’ve basically legitimized stealing stuff from other

    People’s homes haven’t we you can steal a bike steal a phone you you can also you can steal from a shop but shoplifting isn’t really crime that actually gets prosecuted any meaningful way now and now burglary we we’re just going to say it’s just okay now and

    Having sat with so many burglary victims over the years I can tell you how deep deeply deeply traumatizing is that Invasion an englishman’s home is his castle until it gets invaded by some unscrupulous thie in burglar and I’ve known people who have simply never been

    Able to return to their home I know I know people who’ve had mental breakdowns as result of it because it’s been so traumatic especially if your home is trashed as well you don’t feel safe it’s a very big issue and yet we’re saying that that we’re hearing from the prime

    Minister is going to be able to tackle things like you know extremism you know hate preachers that to be blocked from into the UK and things like that if they can’t tackle you know the the the the the local burglar going in and stealing or drug addicts stealing from someone’s

    Home how are they going to be able to tackle these people they’re not and the reason one of the many reasons they’re not is because of the appalling standard of training and supervision but you see all of that baby got thrown out with the bath water by this lot who were now in

    Charge they said police officers don’t need to know the law off by heart of course they do as we said the often don’t know Sam Armstrong from you yeah well there is another group of people to blame of course I do feel sorry for the police in some ways they Nick someone

    They can hold them for 24 hours the CPS don’t charge them for 44 days they send someone up to the beaks for burglary theft whatever and they’re getting a slap on the wrist sent away again and we seem to have a criminal justice system as well courts that don’t want to deal

    With this kind of what’s the point if what’s the point resting that’s that’s the argument the shop Li they know perfectly well they’re not even going to get a fine so what’s what’s the Sorting Point un fortunately we’re going to have to come back to that but I know we will

    Peter what’s the soding point there you go that’s the new strapl line for the entire show what’s the soding point anymore Peter bxi thank you very much


    1. I was literally burgled and kidnapped by the police where they tried to murder me.

      Held for three days without charge and released three days later and forced to walk 17 miles home in the dark, -7 for no reason.

      I worked for the NHS but they stole my laptops and work equipment. I was only reporting a fraud, theft from my bank account which they refused to investigate.

    2. Police is allowing Muslims to rape our kids in thousands. Our cars get vandalised, houses break ins.
      Police is not fit for purpose!

      Criminals hate the police. Poor, middle class and rich hate the police! They at least should make meals for homeless or clean our streets… do sometimes.

    3. My 75-year-old dad was punched in the face and chest by a young thug my dad hit his head, and he now has brain damage the family reported this to the police 18 months later and nothing the thug has not been to court not been charged just let off to carry on with his life I keep contacting the police and I get told someone will contact me but they never do so my dad is the victim of a crime and the police could not care less…the UK is now lawless with the help of our policing system…….

    4. 2 of my nephews are policemen, would I trust them, would I heck. Covid lockdown, they visited their parents in uniform even though it was banned. One of them rolled his BMW on a corner, did he get breathalised or charged, did he heck, his mates gave him a lift home. They look after their own and don't like the public.

    5. Burglary has the highest impact on the ordinary person on the street and very likely law abiding citizens only ever time to be victim of a crime which is why it’s critical these crimes are given the upmost attention it’s the biggest loss of support from the police

    6. British policing as a privatized for profit vehicle as a corporate company is injurious to our society and should be banned. Profit forming is not suitable for all endeavours, especially not policing. That is now our basic problem, that we are forming factions that will act against our interests of safe keeping. A profit vehicle has a priority to ensure profit by law! They have shareholders and investors. It is unworkable entirely in it's concept.

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