Again, only had a couple of hours, really short blast up on the e bike so got some laps in, will go back there one day for sure 👌

    W no oh that looks pretty sweet everyone’s got to do a gate Gap at one point in their life is they so you’re in Corall guess you got to go to Woody bik Park go look at that Haze right just had a bus here and a coffee let’s warm up let try the

    Blue warm up run had a Bas of coffee we got that right wa not going to get that oh this place the flow waa left it’s clear thought it’s windy though W it’s a bit of mud here and there oh oh got that oh oh some speed though w w w h

    Up W this place is loose W definitely chilling this made whoa oh wow oh oh pump yo okay first run done definitely chances to get hectic even on the blue W we’re back up the top again why wait y kind of got that oh wo another the truck W this truck slow

    Oh Roots don’t like that this fit oh the end track look like you can join the mulch here yeah so going all the way back to the top oh oh that’s M first mul Landing soft ass so chat to a couple of guys first time here for them as

    Well so worried about my bottom ret on that W no got it oh this one again I can go to the m now this bottom bits the this is the real dream into the malls oh the granite Garden Tech off that’s it uh I think this one’s

    The W don’t want to go too hot for that Super Moto that looks a bit overgrown I would going in there he said the bottom half’s closed but the top half’s okay he said okay I think this is Twisted Sister or Valley of the bones which is quite an

    Ominous I wonder if people blast in and cap this well I’m going to just drop get the flow that wind sock okay I think we know which way the wind’s going let’s see how this goes W wo wo definitely clear that one and then oh I see oh that looks pretty

    Sweet everyone’s got to do a gate Gap at one point in their life and they yeah that’s got to be here in there you’re going to come in hot to that big Bank burm okay let’s find the spice oh yes that’s hot whoops whoops oh the whoops whoa made that to be

    Fair this Trail oh holy oh that’s a GFF isn’t it that probably would go there wouldn’t it step down let’s see if I can get a bit further on this one whoo that wind who that would have gone oh that would have gone so good that

    Track then there’s the rest of it so good Oh a I would have had it I think I call it and then you finish the ride with the trip to the beach so good so good


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