First UCI races of the season! First i got to travel to greece and meet up with the team.

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    Yo we back lot’s happening right now uh basically today I’m doing my last kind of on bike workout uh I did V2 Max yesterday today I’m doing V2 Max and then I’m packing and off to grease oh me me better we oh boy all right let’s catch you up I

    Just finished my my VT workout anyways let’s catch you up on uh yall up on what’s going on so after California I came home and it got wicked cold again so I tell you man the colder it is the more you got a lay up and the harder it

    Is to film like when I’m wearing bulky gloves it’s so hard to grab the camera out my pocket and film and push buttons and it’s just cold so we’re back on track we’ve been doing a lot of sharpening getting fast say we my coach has been programming that and uh

    Overall I am I’m fit and ready for grease so tomorrow I travel to grease we’re going to see all that but today is interval so yesterday I did six times by 4 minute efforts with 4 minute rest and uh those were those went super good like extremely good um I was

    Doing I did six of them I think I was like 420 420 423 uh 4 29 428 and then 430 that’s what I did for six today I had to do the same workout uh it’s a lot of good things I’m super excited shall see shall see how racing goes in Greece

    Um right now I’m actually waiting to waiting to hook up with a ride with one of the guys that I coach James um not really sure where he’s at but hey super cool thing about James I started working with James back in October and yesterday was he’s he’s relatively new

    To not only uh cycling in general but also racing so I started working with him back in October coaching him and then yesterday was his first uh race of the year he’s done a couple crits before but yesterday was his first uh crit of the season and it was actually a field

    Where they it was a Collegiate race so he raced the I think it was the novice or the Cat 5 or Cat 4 maybe Cat 5 open um and and they also put the Collegiate sea riders with them I believe so it was

    It was a big field but um I think one of the Collegiate Riders Got Away solo which doesn’t matter cuz it’s not his race and they won but he won his he won the Cat 5 race uh here’s the the Sprint finish video he came out of the corner

    First a lot of like what I told him do like Hey try to get out that corner first or second or third wheel it was a short Sprint he came out of the corner first onto the Sprint he won the field Sprint took second overall with mixed

    Category of CAT 5 and Collegiate C and he won the Cat 5 congratulations James super stoked to see that happen um yeah I mean i s of that not a whole lot going on finish out today’s ride I got a pack long story workouts

    Done uh I didn’t get a chance to well I just forgot to film with uh James but anyways workouts done super good day uh super stoked on the numbers and just everything’s rolling right now everything’s clicking just got to hold that now into our first uh races of the season this

    Next Saturday and Sunday but until then I told you I was going to talk about packing now packing is interesting I’m going away for 3 weeks so I got to take everything that I need for 3 weeks cuz not only am I going to Greece but we’re

    Going to the island of roads and there is not a lot of stuff on the island of roads it’s pretty uh scarce not a lot of stuff there so anything I need will be very hard to get even like bikewise like it’s going to be tough to get spare

    Parts at a bike shop if I needed them or you know whatever the team doesn’t have it’s going to be hard to get so I’ve already ordered like spare tires and stuff just in case but aside from that um yeah if I need nutrition for on the bike it’s

    Going to be hard to get if I need uh I I don’t know toilet trees things like that like I could probably get that stuff but it’s going to be hard and just like is there anything else that I think I don’t need but I should need anyways here’s what I’m packing

    Let’s dive into it okay first of all my trusty suitcase this is my sheon Trel luggage uh so let’s just talk about some things I’m put in there so oh my gosh this stuff is going to be heavy luckily I get 70 lb when it comes to you packing

    But basically this is all ride nutrition so between races and then just training rides while I’m there this is all my ride nutrition so I’m taking sis choose I’m taking oh my gosh sis gels then I’m taking sis drink mix so again I need enough to not only get me through

    Uh one two three four five six road races of uh 180k to 190 km or 110 to 120 miles uh but I’m also going to have some days where I’m doing just casual riding and need to fuel myself properly so this is what I’m taking I’m counting for

    Three bottles of beta fuel per race plus uh I think four to five gels per race and then I’m taking the choos and stuff for uh yeah just overall training so that’s in there um the other stuff I’m taking on the top side is I have Lac too lacdo

    Is important uh shammy cream shammy cream is important um adapters for anything that plugs into a wall because they use something different over there than they do here in America um what else is there uh I have a nice little spot over here for my rain bag I’m going to pack

    That tomorrow because I have a recovery spin tomorrow and then I will pack my rain bag in this bag put my shoes and all my C cycling it in my my uh Shon team rain bag for that and then uh I’ll put some clothes in here and my toilet trees in here and

    Then this thing will be pretty much packed in full and then I’m going to take a carry-on and in the carry-on I will put any other items of clothing I may need and then let’s talk bikes in talking bikes this is what what I am taking I’m going to be taking the Shon

    Bike bag now I’m not just taking one though I’m taking two Shon bike bads the reason for that is one is my bike two we have I have teammates in Europe very expensive to ship bikes to Europe because not only is the shipping price pricey uh the import Duty and tax

    Nails you hard so uh this is actually a team bike for my teammate Adam Lewis who is out of the United Kingdom I will take that with me two roads and uh he will get his team bike so I got my bike that will go in a sheon bag Adam has his bike

    Already packed in a Shon bag and I got my Shon suitcase over there and then I have a Shon Kon suitcase that I will take I think I’ll be golden I think I’ll fit everything in those three bags four if you count his bike he’s got Hammer

    Nutrition that I also packed in his bag and I think I get 70 lbs for those as well so uh the perks the flying business class welcome to business class okay we made it to the flight uh both bikes called ahead reserved them bikes were good checked in no issues um what else

    Happened checked out the business Lounge super good awesome food fre food um yeah anyways this space for this flight is kind of cool it’s like my own little anyways uh usually when I travel over to Europe I usually fly at least business CL like over because it’s

    Always an overnight flight it’s so hard to just be able to make sure you’re one not stressed not cramped cuz we’re racing bikes so the minute I get there got to be ready to go so I usually try to fly business class on the way over and then on the way home she

    Usually usually premium economy um but I looked out I’m going to be able to get this it’s class on the way home too so yeah this is cool uh8 and a half hour flight to Munich and then once I get to Munich Germany uh two and a half hour flight to Athens and

    Then a 1 hour play down to R so one of the athletes that I coach uh his name is Hendrick I like spacing out on it anyways one of the athletes I coach he was like dude United polarus business class it’s from Sunday Court got hit that open by

    That is it’s money it’s like best you’ll ever have D sick nothing like getting fat right before you race anyways all right cool just uh so I’m in Munich so went through passport control I have like less than an hour to get onto my aens flight so it’s a little little bit

    Cutting it close but it is what it is um yeah we’ll make it passwort control was like 4 minutes and super quick sometimes it can be yeah forever but uh no it was good today so on to the next one onto my flight Athens and then we got one more after

    That and then we’ll be in R finally made it to roads uh new hotel room this year it’s like the Bungalow stuff anyways this is like the first room uh we got bathroom super cool we got another R I don’t know I might have to put Liam on

    The small bed and I might have to stick the big bed uh but yeah then we walk out here and uh this is our view for the next 3 weeks uh I don’t know if you can see the the land way out there the island well it’s not even an

    Island it’s literally Turkey right across there is turkey I think it’s only like 30 miles so it’s kind of crazy but yeah bike number one made it bike number two made it all good stuff time to build bikes uh Mania made it from Romania he’s in the Next Room uh

    Yeah so build bikes and maybe go ride with him un so where you from Mania hi everyone ah from Romania pretty close to the place where we are right now that’s right Romania is pretty close to where we are yeah cuz when you think of Greece you think of Athens but then

    You don’t realize roads is like way the heck down here it’s way down here yeah it’s a little bit difference between uh my flight and your flight right oh huge difference yours is like what 4 hours and mine was like a 19 hour trip one and

    A half actually not four oh my gosh yeah that would have been glorious anyways he’s uh new on the team you haven’t raced yet this year huh no racing yet no not yet yeah me neither so we should have fun right yeah we we will see I think we we will do

    Something something nice together yeah for sure yo day two here we are team uh team ride we’re reconning the loop we have Adam Lewis from the UK the UK represent United Kingdom United Kingdom yeah and then you know the UK is buddies with Liam over there from United

    States North Carolina baby we had some beef back in the day but we got over it hey we won we’ll move on we’ll move on from that quickly we got our Irishman back here no yall remember kid and then here’s con what’s happening con is uh kind of a big

    Deal that’s what I think anyway that’s what he thinks k what does that mean it’s like I think hello in uh in in Greek oh okay hello in Greek there you go from the Romanian love it anyways yeah we’re out Recon red checking out uh day two finish climb right now all fun

    Stuff my head all my head ah what is so Mama Kiki Mama Kiki what what are these what is it is very nice the St know too much suar oh chocolate chocolate chocolate you how do you say thank you and greet what she said what he said oh yeah

    Yeah I know one other word but it’s not a good thank you thank you very much how how old is the village oh 100 years over over okay this one here is over 100 years old really but we renew this year yeah yeah yeah we Ren

    This year are you from here yeah you you are you agre me I Bor a next Village is the uh about 8 kilm from this way M name KH okay my wife from here nice oh my gosh this is nice yeah this is very nice yeah uh opener day complete we race

    Tomorrow you excited yeah one more sleep one more sleep and then we get to race first race of the Season huh yeah first race in this jersey for me yeah me too actually I mean same team but yeah and the new kit too and yeah new to our team

    So I’m excited it’s going to be fun yeah it’s been a a lot of travel to get here adjusting the time zone and then now we’re going to go race tomorrow and hopefully it’s a good day for the team we’ll see how it goes but uh anyways yeah guys thanks for uh stopping

    In see you guys on the next one keep ring training hard and uh talk to you guys later


    1. Gotta love Rhodos! Did both the GP and the Tour back in 2020-some of the climbs were steeeep…good luck! 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷

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