Jose Mourinho on being England’s Head Coach? What was Mourinho’s biggest achievement at Man United? What made his first stint at Chelsea so successful? What was his biggest tactical achievement? Today, Rio Ferdinand & Stephen Howson sit down to chat to former Chelsea, Man Utd, Spurs & Roma boss, the Special One, Ambassador Jose Mourinho! In part 2, they discuss his time at Man United and Chelsea and if he would’ve done anything different at those clubs, coaching Cristiano Ronaldo, Jose’s experiences with African Players, as well as finding out his best players he’s coached over the years! Don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe and hit that notification bell so you never miss a minute of football coverage, exclusive interviews, and fiery debates this season!

    00:00; – Intro
    00:59; – Mourinho on his time at Man United
    06:02; – Mourinho on his best achievement as a manager of Man United
    07:55; – Mourinho on where it started to go wrong at Man United
    09:30; – Mourinho on what INEOS should change
    11:12; – If Mourinho would have joined after Sir Alex left, would they have won another title
    11:55; – Mourinho on how he shook things up at Chelsea the moment he started
    16:37; – Mourinho on African Players
    19:18; – Mourinho on Cristiano Ronaldo
    21:57; – Mourinho on getting the player to switch positions
    23:40; – Mourinho on his biggest tactical achievement
    24:09; – Mourinho on Wesley Sneijder not winning the Ballon d’or
    24:46; – Mourinho on the players he enjoyed coaching
    27:40; – Mourinho on England National Team and Jude Bellingham
    30:51; – Mourinho on Lampard, Gerrard or Scholes
    32:09; – Outro


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    How did you reflect on your time at man united I love my time there I don’t think media helped me I refused great working opportunities the first one was even very very hard to to refuse because was Portugal I could be that coach in the national team also yours I had it

    There on the table no way yeah I didn’t because um I gave everything I gave my heart I gave even options that could be considered not very clever by the professional point of view Cristiano Ronaldo do you even coach him I think we don’t coach Jose we need to know what is

    Next right then welcome back to five stepen Alon Rio Ferdinand we’re back again with Jose Mourinho if you’ve not seen part one go see it because you’re missing out in this one we’re going to be talking about Manchester United Jose Mourinho is going to drop an absolute

    Bombshell stay tuned for that one this is presented by let’s get into it man united your time there um how did you reflect on your time at man united did you enjoy your time there I loved it did you yeah I love my time there I remember when I met you first

    When we done interview there that time I could see that spark that energy you look like I could I can’t wait to get going and I’m happy to be here of course I’m I I was so proud of of going there and uh I was even proud of probably

    When a couple of years later I went back to Old tra for as a as a sky commentator I think I went with with with Roy King if I’m not all gram son or both and when I felt the reaction of of the crowd to to to myself

    I was like Wow uh I always felt we were together in the time I I’ve been there but to have that that reaction touched me um I love the time to be there um you know if you know better than me you know better than me the club the history everything for a

    Coach to be a coach in the same club uh of s Alex even if was not immediately after you have to feel it you have to feel it you have to feel especially the the the the pride also the responsibility and I felt it and then uh historical historical Club legendary

    Club legendary players I was very very happy very very proud to be to be there um not easy not easy um I don’t think um media helped me I don’t think media had um including yourself maybe maybe maybe I I I don’t remember specific

    Cases but uh I felt that was not with an intention of hurting um I I think was more that people didn’t understand the dimension of the job and the potential the potential difficulties and also the fact that Um the coach was quite in a ibrid position if ibrid is a correct word uh in English I don’t know HB hybrid hybrid um because in the years before everything was very very clear uh of course ownership but of course uh s Alex and um and Mr and Mr David Gil then was

    Changing and then the structure was not a very fluid uh structure um when people criticizes uh Edward job um I don’t like I don’t like because because for me he a good man was just a man that probably was not like u a fish in the water uh very intelligent uh very polite

    Very correct but probably not prepared for the sport side M for the sport side uh of it was quite hbd uh for a coach not to have a direct communication with the ownership and for a coach not to have a structure that shares the same principles and the same uh ideas was was

    Not easy with consequences at at at many levels but I did my my best um I told in some interview and I was killed by that yeah that the second position was one of my biggest uh achievements I think you was K you people questioned what you

    Were saying there I was one of them I was like he won the treble won we didn’t know the backgr you won 10 Premier Leagues no but we didn’t know the background that’s why we didn’t know what you’re talking about now the structure of the club wasn’t the way it

    Maybe should have been for you to be successful or more successful and with not knowing the backstory that’s why the question marks like what’s Jose talking about but now years to come you’re right and maybe there is a chance of we win that League no yeah yeah no because if man city is

    Is is catched in in financial fair play I’m H in financial Fair Play Breaking the Rules have PR maybe they lose a few maybe they lose a few points and maybe may win that title but joke joke apart we did the best we could do and um

    You still believe that yeah that it’s the best of course I believe and nobody did better yeah yeah and and they I’m saying do you still believe that it’s like that’s that’s the best achievement I’ve not the best achievement because I always feel that the best achievement is

    When you bring the cup and and you go home or with a cup or with or or with a medal um but was was a a hell of a job you know in the first season to win Europa League uh was was great to qualify for Champions League was was was

    Great too uh if you remember your man united or one of your man united and you look at the team that played that European final with me if you want to make a if you want to make a joke you make a joke um Romero Valencia da blind

    Chris Smalling Darian era Pogba felini H Marcos rashford mkhitarian do do you want to say Rio viage rone Ronaldo vandar uh calls you know you want to go we can we can go so we did it great we did the second position then the third position then

    The third um the third season uh we lost a few we lost a few matches and uh we lost the Derby against uh against Liverpool I don’t know 21 31 we won my last we lost my last uh match and at that time um the club decided to to change and

    They did um and how many years after I love the club I love the fans uh I hope that everything goes I hope that everything goes well I’m I’m I’m waiting for man unit to as soon as possible to become your man united the man united that that made the

    Love fell in love with them fall in love with them the the the third season when it started to go wrong what was you looking for in the summer transfer window because I don’t think with all respect to Lee Grant to Delo to Fred I don’t think that was

    Going to close the gap on 19 points in Manchester City you know my my initial my I I always feel everywhere before you buy new furniture you need you need to clean the house so I was I was more about cleaning the house than buying new

    Furniture and we didn’t clean it the way I wanted I wanted to clean from the second season and we couldn’t for different reasons we we couldn’t I I cannot say that I was asking for ABC o d in the third season because was not was not

    Right I just knew because was the third season I knew clearly what um what I didn’t want there in in terms of the individuals in terms of uh of the profiles I knew clearly what I I didn’t want but didn’t happen and sometimes in football you have to to accept that I

    Accepted that and I tried my I tried my best but I knew I knew exactly the Deep the Deep problems that we that we had there and in the third season the manifestation of of these problems were more were more clear spoke about the the structure of the club and hopefully now

    There’s a a group have comeing inos have come to man united now hoping now that they fix things and they see maybe some of the issues that you saw um what would you think would be some of the first things they need to do to kind of get it

    Right I have nobody to to say it and and the club uh and the club after when I left 5 years ago probably um for sure lots of things changed for sure um on honestly I believe that um Richard Arnold had to change something for better because I I always

    Thought a proper guy and a guy with a certain feeling of of sport because he was not a football man but a sports man with a with a good understanding of uh what sport is I liked him very very match even when he was in the commercial

    Role in in my time so for sure they they for sure they improve and I think now um inels and and and S rli I know him well I know him very well um we had a good relation uh from years ago uh I know I

    Have I have a very good feeling he’s also a sportsman he loves it which I think is is a very important thing he comes with um experience from other experiences um smaller clubs other sports cycling you know I have a good a good feeling that things can can go in

    The right direction and I and I hope so honestly I hope so you mentioned the the team that we won the Europa League with didn’t quite match up to the teams that we had during Rio’s time my belief so I’m not putting this on you my belief is that if You’ to join

    The club following immediately following s Alex Ferguson I think you had the sway and I think with the that team gig skulls and older Rio and older vidit I think we’ won another title it’s too easy to say it you know it’s too easy

    For me now to say oh you cannot say it cannot say it you know was was David after know yeah yeah I have just to respect David David and for sure he did his for sure he did his best you know Jose I want to move to Chelsea your time

    There is like a un so unique and it’s one of those things in Premier really history that will stand the test of time for the success you had there but I’m really interested that to go into a new club and the way you hit the ground running immediately you Chang everything

    For us like we used to start slow be comfortable and think turn of Christmas if we’re 10 points behind we have a good chance still when you came you changed that how did you kind of go in there grab it and shake the place and become that immediately you know to be

    Honest Chelsea was almost there yeah you know sometimes you go to clubs where you have to build everything everything everything everything you need time and sometimes you build you build you build and then in the moment where the club is ready to attack and bite is when you

    Leave in Chelsea was not like that uh they had a a job done previously and they had a very good Vision on on the transfer market um of course was with me that pet played the first game was with me that Aran Robin plays the first game

    But they were bought before my my arrival guys like um Lampard Jo Cole these guys were already in the club for one or two or two years what what I felt was that they needed a personality like like like mine in the sense of to tell the guys uh how good they were

    And then as I was telling you in one of the previous um uh answers the empathy between the structures that structure was not complex that structure was very simple Roman Peter Canyon and and Jose and there was a a big Trust on on on that and when I come and I say DJ

    Drba um the first reaction was who is DJ drba I know who the the drba is I know the impact he can make I know that Jimmy Floyd was Asel Bank was a fantastic player but the decision was he was going to leave and speaking about and thinking

    About what I wanted to to be the drba was the right guy to to be what John Terry was uh for me absolutely incredible player who to play next to him which profile of player to play next to him the decision was Ricardo Carval so these kind of decisions that you make

    With people that trust each other in a in a structure where there are no doubts about the responsibilities it worked immediately so we we had we had the money to do it we had the money to do it but we did it we did it well and then I

    Think my my personality and and my arrival um immediately after Champions League uh Victory uh lots of confidence lots of ambition and I think I fit very well with with the guys the guys Frank always say ah Jose was the first guy that told me that I could

    I could win the Bor the the balandor it’s not like I am special the other guys before me were wrong of not telling you that before myself I did it because I I feel that a guy that plays in Midfield and scores 35 goals a season

    Come on there is something special on on it so I think we fited very very well and I think you the the the stronger position you you didn’t give us enough respect for the way we started and when you because the story was always oh Chelsea

    By by December they will fall then was Chelsea by by Easter they will fall and everybody was waiting for us to to to fall and then when we realized we needed four or five points to be champion and and we did it for the first time and

    Then was was a moment where Chelsea was for many years what they what they were but I think the click the click was was that um 2004 2005 you mentioned jba as one of your your first signings scen as well kuo did did you realize the impact in

    Africa yes that you was having with those I cannot go to Africa I cannot go to Africa to much crazy fans too much everywhere because you know I had you know DJ IV Coast uh Jeremy Cameroon Samuel Cameroon um you Kalo kaloo uh a a coast o Nigeria I had guys

    From asan Ghana uh suari Ghana I have guys from all around the world every time I go to to Africa you know Ro block I cannot walk the guys they love me even in Europe with many of African guys people really loves me and to be honest

    I love the guys and and I feel that the African player is very loyal is is is is very pure um many of them they they call me daddy and some of them they are almost my age when when asan calls me Daddy I say Michael come

    On don’t call me dad you are almost my age but you know this these effect action exist you know I I I love the guys I love to work with with um with the African players I see I take the best out of the guys I think the guys

    They see in me somebody that really loves them and admires their qualities as as players in persons I always loved and I always had great response from African players I thought you got enough credit for that yeah because there was a reluctance it felt like it was a

    Reluctance from Sir Alex purely because of losing them to to go to yeah yeah but that is a problem that we know I always felt that if you are in a top team and you have African players is not a problem because you miss the guys

    In two years you miss the guys for for six weeks is not a problem the problem is like it happens with me in uh uh in Roma where a squad is a very limited Squad and then you go to to this period and you lose three players for African

    Cup and one player for Asian cup you have a short Squad you lose four players you are dead um when you are in one of the top clubs if you want if you want to to go for an African player don’t sing twice and go you don’t have the guy for

    Six for six weeks in in two years but you have a you can have a very special Play Because African players are different we want to talk about a couple of individual players you obviously work with Cristiano Ronaldo at the absolute Peak can you talk to me about what it

    Was like coaching that SP in on a day-to-day basis do you even coach him yeah I think you don’t coach I think you don’t just make sure he’s happy don’t teach much you know it’s is about being happy and is about creating an environment by the

    Tactical point of view by the idea of football where the player can can show can show the best I think I think Madrid for him was a little bit of a transition because for you he was a Winger you know the right winger the left Winger wide dribbling attacking people um beating

    People in Madrid he become more the goal scorer that he was for the rest of his of his career in fact probably was the first time he played a big match as a striker Was Real Madrid Barcelona in a final in a cup final where he scored uh amazing goal

    With an amazing head on on extra time probably that was the beginning of people having a feeling that that animal could be a a goal scorer and not just the pure Winger Madrid was a little bit of that a little bit of hybrid because he was playing from the left but he was

    Not wide and he was not chasing fullbacks and we were protecting him with the balance that we were giving behind with shab alono with Kadir and was that a little bit the start of what that’s what you see now L cah these guys bit that was a start that yeah because

    That’s the position where they can be more effective and they can score more goals but traditionally when you do the 442 and you do the 433 open the Wingers defend the the full backs and then you take the players outside the place where they can hurt yeah where they can hurt more but

    Cristiano you know you know him as well as I as I know uh and almost in consecutive years motivation you don’t need to give him ambition responsibility you cannot give him and technically you cannot give him it’s just to give some tactical adjustments and let the guy happy like

    You like you say so you know when you tell players to play new position sometimes I’m sure there’s I’ve got Sergio uh Sergio Ramos uh yeah you moved him from right back to Center half who uh Ramos Serio yeah yeah but uh that one was easy because it was

    Something that he wanted oh okay you know the is is more difficult when you want to persuade a player to do it something that he doesn’t believe is the right thing for him how you then get belief it’s just to try to when you do

    It is not to hurt the player when you do it in in my case when I do it I do it because I feel that he’s the best for the team is and it’s just to try to persuade the player that the team is more important than himself and that the

    Team needs it of course if you do it in a temporary basis where look we are in trouble real Center back we have four center backs we don’t have a right back you know Gary neverly broke broke a leg so you we need you to go there for for a

    Few match can you do that for us I think you you don’t like but you do it if you say now you are going to be a right back for the rest of your life you say I’m sorry I’m not doing it so you have to

    Try not to do anything crazy you know I think I have a big stamp on etto playing right back uh in one match you wanton the Champions leag you would do it again and again and again the team had 10 10 man we need to lose just by by one goal 10

    Man you know the right back goes goes Center back we need to play with the back five you have to go there can you do it of course I can do it is that your biggest tactical uh game achievement that beating that Barcelona side with Milan no which one do you think is

    Because the first one where we beat Barcelona 3-1 was better and people forget it 3-1 how can you forget that 31 and could be four 4 51 could be 405 and and that was the match that that took us to the to the final then the

    Second match is just a consequence of of the first was Wesley Schneider robbed of a balonar that year you think I don’t like to say robed who won it Messi so no Robbs but but Wesley did uh the treble Champions League uh winner I think World

    Cup Final in the same season World Cup final so Wesley should be should be there at least in the top three but when in the last generation when Cristiano Messi they win Valor is never robbed robbery was probably a little bit stronger bad word we edit that no um but

    You know all these players you’re mentioning all these players you’ve managed I know it’s difficult it’s hard question for you but like give me some of the players that you’ve like enjoyed most coaching and and reasons why not your best but just you’ve enjoyed certain aspects maybe getting the goals

    You got out of Frank you know the one the place that I most enjoyed are the plays that gave me everything everything and there are dozens and dozens of dozens and maybe not the most talented ones just the ones that gave everything the ones that I felt they couldn’t give anything more

    Than what they gave these are these are my players then if you want to go to to kind of uh kind of of profiles you know uh I don’t want to be unfair with uh I don’t want to be unfair with um with people and of course I will be unfair

    But when you play a kid the kid becomes your kid for life that’s always my my feeling so I Look to I Look to Rafa Varan now in the end of his career is is my he’s my kid uh When I Look to to Scott mcdom um Pogba on the bench play

    Scott Momin Champions League in Seville is my is my is is my boy so when I go from from Club to Club I find my boys and my boys are always going to be my boys then there the big stars and normally the big stars are always big

    Stars um you know my captains uh Terry Zanetti uh you know these guys Costa Josh Costa you know the guys that play with a knee like that with the injection in in here with breakings you know these guys are are phenomenal then there are the the St stars and the stars

    Are the ones that make the difference even when people think you are a genius and you are not the genius they are the genius which are the guys that they win for you they win matches for you and the cristianos um the benas ibas this level of of players didd these

    Guys they people think the coach is the G but the coach is not a genius the guys are a genius and they make you feel like they make you feel like a genius talking of great players sorry the list he’s just listed going the great players we’re

    Talking about now on our on five always have this debate about and in England we have this debate about Lampard Gerard skull for you who’s the best if he was going to give me a one two three I could be that coach in the national team also yours imagine we would have won

    Something if you as the coach we would have won something I had it there on the table no way yeah oh come on man Jose yeah I had it on the table wait wait finish I no yeah why did you why did you say no

    Because I was I’m I I still is I’m still there a little bit I didn’t because um I had always the national team job as something that I wouldn’t enjoy this is and was uh so Chelsea was 4 five 56 67 78 was was 78 I think was when Mr capillo got the

    Job I I was enjoying the interview 2010 enjoy this interview man no way yeah yeah Jose you can still do it yeah but skols lard and and Gerard fod foden bellham May yeah these guys Kaka it’s a good time now he’s a good he’s a good he’s a very good generation they there

    They got the final they’ll wi the Euro final they can they can do it they can do it and I think this kind of of mentality that um when the guys that go abroad for example Bellingham I I I don’t know the kid I never spoke with the kid but I believe

    That there is there is something that separates him from the boys that were born in England developed in England playing in England living in England I think this kid has to be something different can something different you know he’s he’s a kid from the world he’s not a kid from from just

    Playing of course in the best league in the world but just in the Premier League to bring something something different something experienced when this kid in Madrid scor a goal and open the arms to the the is his Dimension you know uh he shows the character shows you know he’s

    Not doing it is not doing it like uh arog no it’s just here I am I I did it again you know you see the kids it’s big big big personality big personality um I think Southgate with Steve Holland when I speak about Southgate I speak all is about Steve he

    Was my assistant at Chelsea what what a person and what a professional so I think both beautiful job there it’s just missing that that little bit I cannot say I I I wish they do it because I think Portugal can do it and I wish

    Portugal do it but they can do it they can do it that generation can do it you didn’t answer the question which one Gerard Lampard skulls I I I can canot I cannot if you tell me which one I prefer I prefer Frank because he scored 500

    Goals for me and the other ones sculls against me and Steven Stevie G against me but phenomenal players phenomenal player to be to be honest uh I was always saying Terry Ferdinand um Soul CLE uh ladly King Jimmy carer couldn’t even get in in in in the four yeah skulls lards and

    Gerard I was thinking crazy we should have won something you should we was not far you know when you lost in Portugal against Portugal on penalties I think would be be for you it would be for you was close 20 2008 champions league final had 10 English players playing as Cole John Terry

    Lampard uh Carrick high G skulls Rooney west Brown a lot of players there’s literally a team right there for that was playing the biggest game in in the in the world uh I did not expect that in this one uh but that was a great little

    Bit we have got another video coming out with Jose Mourinho thanks again to if you’d like the full audio download check the link in the description but if you’re not I’ll see you in the next one


    1. To Listen to the full length Episode head over the Acast now

      00:00; – Intro
      00:59; – Mourinho on his time at Man United
      06:02; – Mourinho on his best achievement as a manager of Man United
      07:55; – Mourinho on where it started to go wrong at Man United
      09:30; – Mourinho on what INEOS should change
      11:12; – If Mourinho would have joined after Sir Alex left, would they have won another title
      11:55; – Mourinho on how he shook things up at Chelsea the moment he started
      16:37; – Mourinho on African Players
      19:18; – Mourinho on Cristiano Ronaldo
      21:57; – Mourinho on getting the player to switch positions
      23:40; – Mourinho on his biggest tactical achievement
      24:09; – Mourinho on Wesley Sneijder not winning the Ballon d'or
      24:46; – Mourinho on the players he enjoyed coaching
      27:40; – Mourinho on England National Team and Jude Bellingham
      30:51; – Mourinho on Lampard, Gerrard or Scholes
      32:09; – Outro

    2. I enjoyed it, but sometimes you need to let a 1 on 1 develop. I think it would have been better with Jose and Rio alone. Sorry, just feedback from an internet stranger.

    3. Scottish and a rangers fan for some context here but a question for everyone, and I understand that he's not English, so it might not matter for the Gerrard, Lampard, Scholes debate but personally in Premier League midfielders surely de Bruyne has to be mentioned among them now?

    4. Jose and African players are always about respect and loyalty. It goes both ways. Essien calls Jose his "white Daddy" and Samuel Etoo playing right back.

    5. You''ve been coaching Inter still didn't get derby di Milano 😂😂😂
      Milan derby is the greatest in the world because the two club share same.stadium and have won big both domestically and in Europe.

      Barcelona – Madrid derby, man after 15-20 min if some noise, everything gets quiet and people sit down. You can hear people sneezing in the last rows😂😂😂

    6. The start of these interview videos are a nightmare if youve got headphones in. Dont know what the crack is but it was the same with the david gill ones

    7. Sign the contract big boy!
      Bellingham, Kane, Saka, Maddison, Stones, Foden and quite a few more like Trippier, Walker who can handle themselves it's not a bad team so Jose… sign the contract please!

    8. Stephen Howson is the archetypal example of a keyboard warrior. Have seen countless soundbites of him slating Utd players/managers/members of the back room staff but when sat in front of one cowers and reverts to being a fan boy. Sat behind Rio like a child hiding behind his/her parent. Would love to see him pose Moyes the question about Mourinho being able to win the league the year after Fergie left. Doubt it. Amazing how peoples personality can change. Human nature I suppose but so disappointing to see every time it happens.
      Amazing insights from Mourinho nonetheless. Legend of the sport.

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