Just a casual livestream about how we plan on making our voices heard, catching up with each other after a strong February finish!

    #lyft #uber #driver #rideshare #protest #live #livestream #podcast

    Email: UberJeepAZ@gmail.com
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    At the stage there we go I was like what  happened man I’m not on she I’m I’m still   learning Streamyard y’all still learning but hey  we in the building right now I just got you taking  

    Me a good nap I’m all rested up we got the 50  Cent concert coming up tonight so I’m G end up   driving that like I said it’s only 6:30 right now  so I still got about what two hours two and a half  

    Hours before I got to go in there start getting  the car ready get out on the road and everything   but it like I said I haven’t been online since  what late February what up NGB my brother up in  

    Seattle yeah I haven’t been online since what late  February so now I’m just like you know I’m getting   back into my March swing of everything back in  you know I’m off of youth.com got my tooth fix  

    [ __ ] what up Aaron what’s good brother can  y’all hear me okay is it good is it crackling   is it a straight sound CU y’all know me I don’t  want to keep this live stream going if this thing  

    Is crackling I’ll start it back over again be  like let’s try this again but yeah Bubba Su I’m   back back in Action okay cool cool loud and clear  thank you brother appreciate that what up Justin  

    What’s up yeah man like I said it it was a it was  a crazy February you know what I’m saying we had   a crazy February as far as in Phoenix because we  had the Phoenix Open the waist Management Open we  

    Had you know Super Bowl was going we had a lot  of driving to do and y’all know YouTube don’t   pay a lot anyways so I had to get out make money  that’s why February looks so good at the end of  

    The month man we really got out there and we hit  it hard January was slow I was actually you know   my bank account went down 800 but once February  hit we all got out there and we like banged out  

    That hard week you know we had Juan Vargas he  made 4,000 uh What uh Nick he went out made   about 3700 I cleared about 2600 all within a few  days we was all just like hitting it hitting it  

    Hard and February and that’s why I say if we G  to be out there driving let’s go out there and   make this money the right way let’s do our cash  rid if we have to convert them let’s you know  

    Only take smart rides with high profits if we got  to do it like that no matter what we got to leave   with these profits we got to leave with this money  and so that’s what I did with the end of February  

    Since I knew my tooth was kind of hurting a  little bit and I didn’t want to get on live   streams I just said let’s drive let’s go out there  and just make a whole lot of money so I just went  

    Out there and just drove that was it I didn’t do a  lot of recordings because y’all know I’m I’m doing   conversions left and right and I say if you out  there converting you ain’t got to record yourself  

    Converting people go out there and make your  money do it the right way you know how you got   to do this so yeah what up what up knife juggler  say I need to sh Jeff I supporting in Seattle all  

    Right brother that’s what’s up that hey hold up I  think I I put a link at the very top I know I got   a link in the description I’m gonna put this link  right here uh I’m G see if I can put this up top  

    I don’t know how to do this stuff man I’m still  trying to figure this stuff out but that was my   link right there yeah I’m telling you man I’m back  in dims I’m back in but I I’m letting people know  

    You know if we got to go out there the protest  is happening on April 1st we need to make our   profits before April the 1 because y’all know me  I’m G stand up I’mma go out there educate drivers  

    Educate Riders and I saw a professor he okay cool  cool it’s pin all right bet bet yeah I’m back DMS   I’m back and the professor just dropped a video  you know talking about delivery how delivery is   overpriced and everything and it’s funny because  I did that video about uh what Tony delivers up  

    In Seattle and how he’s starting to do his own  delivery services a lot of people are getting   tired of these apps man they getting tired of them  these apps are overcharging people I mean dude say   something like a 1617 sandwich ended up costing  like 40 bucks going through the app guarantee the  

    Driver didn’t get nothing probably six bucks out  of that deal it’s it’s too many people eating off   the backs of drivers right now and if we don’t  stand for ourselves and say hey if we out there  

    Doing the work we deserve to share in this profits  everybody’s bank account should be looking nice if   you’re an entrepreneur you’re a contractor your  bank account should be looking nice at the end of   the month especially if you out there putting up  all that money your bank account should be okay  

    Oh thank you thank you I got it I got it Triple  A Z hey did you get your shirt yet because I sent   your shirt out the other day brother I sent your  shirt out I don’t know if you got it yet because  

    Everybody knows in my membership group you know a  few of us we get this shirt for free you know and   I I made a couple of them for people who actually  said hey man I’mma go through and buy one so they  

    Went out oh cool cool you got it there you go  brother like I said I when I get the orders   in especially for my membership group for the  vibranium level every month you guys get a free  

    Shirt every month so like I said don’t go to the  website and buy now if you see a shirt you like   even on the website hit me up man be like hey  man oh you say you got it on now there you go  

    That’s what’s up that’s what’s up he say I got  hey same I’m wearing this one tonight when I’m   out driving tonight I’m wearing this one nice boys  win what’s good so I tell you man if you’re in a  

    Vibranium group you get a free shirt every month  don’t and there’s no YouTubers out there giving   out free gear like that you know what I’m saying  you join my group I go get the inventory whatever  

    Design you want on the website I drop the design  on it I get it in the mail for you I take time   out making it creating it getting it set up right  get your name on the back like mine got my name

    Too so all of us with this shirt all got our  names on the back so when you see us around   town cruising you see us walking up in Circle  K or something like that anybody in the in the  

    Group that’s got their shirt on has got their  name on the back you know where they got it   from so hey you the 300 we know who you are you  rolling with the 300 you about them that money  

    We coming for our money say no funer professor  today oh yeah yeah big horn Kev hey kev’s in the   building too and kev’s got his I saw Kev wearing  his the other day I had a picture of at the end  

    Of one of my videos or whatever I was like there  you go hey we the 300 when we out in the streets   we coming for our money we not messing around I’m  not sitting there taking no popcorn rods I’m not  

    Messing with these people man it’s like nope if  I know this person don’t want to pay the money   that they paid for it and I don’t want to get  the money that they’re trying to offer me for  

    It there’s room in the middle we can negotiate  there’s some room in the middle so I’m gonna sit   down and I’m gonna talk about okay if you need to  get from here to there I want to take you but not  

    At this price right here if the apps don’t want  me to negotiate then [ __ ] the apps they out of   the deal now now it’s between me and you what’s up  what’s good turn that app off cool I’ll cancel the  

    Rout whatever let’s do this [ __ ] let’s get this  done because you got to get from point A to point   B and I’m standing right here a lot of people  like that deal a lot of people say oh I want to  

    Leave it on the app cool cool cancel that [ __ ]  and move on let them get a driver who wants to do   that because a lot of times I don’t want to be  bother with that that’s why y’all don’t see me  

    Recording a whole lot because I’m I’m busy out  doing my thing now I’m trying to make money now   at first you know when I was driving around I  was trying to you know abide by their terms of  

    Service I still abide by the terms of service on  a lot of what I do but when it comes down to it   terms of service don’t pay the bills around here  and they stealing my tips they taking our fairs  

    Away they cutting us I mean Festival showing Z  Z do fairs out there what kind of [ __ ] is that   Z fairs that ain’t no terms of service deal for a  contractor a z Fair nah turn them apps off man go  

    Get your money don’t let these people [ __ ] with  you like that turn your apps off go get your money   what up Jam my brother my brother he’s in the  building yeah Lakers lost last night but still  

    Made 85 cash RS of the game was over telling you  not that’s how you do it brother because I’mma   tell you right now these apps are selling us they  selling us like slaves we got hey man here’s $120  

    Ride for you but they gonna turn around and give  us 40 out of the 120 they selling Us sell yourself   you can go out there you can speak closed mouths  don’t get fed desperate drivers don’t get breed  

    Like my man Logan said if you don’t speak up on  your money you’re not gonna get no money if you   sit around letting these apps sell you out they  gonna sell you out that’s just what they do and  

    The moment you start standing up what up Craig  hope you got your shirt cray I sent it out the   other day but I got another surprise for you  coming to I got something for you but yeah you  

    Don’t stand up for yourself like how we stand  up for ourselves April the 1st we stood up you   know February 14th we stood up this is what we  doing and if the apps don’t want us to do that  

    Then they need to sit down at the table and say  okay this is how we play the game we gonna start   paying you guys more we gonna let you guys bid on  how much you want to drive for tonight what’s your  

    And I guarantee all these pigeon drivers they they  gonna see they gonna be taking all these little   cheap ply rides and they GNA see us with nice  bank accounts because we ain’t selling ourselves   short they going to end up having to level up  because if they don’t level up the moment they  

    Car breaks they ain’t got no profit to fix it they  out the game they can’t keep up with these new 50   rides instead of 30 rides 50 rides on HTS they  out the game a lot of these people are pricing  

    Their themselves out of the game we ain’t got  to worry about them crazy yes I love the shirt   there you go there you go like I said hey this  we the 300 the 300 barbecue when you when you  

    Out there doing delivery you representing the area  hey they know who you are they gonna see your name   on the back Craig got one yeah evil wins when  the good do nothing that’s right brother we got  

    To get up and do something what’s up S happy  birthday no I’m just kidding that’s s [ __ ]   happy [Laughter] birthday man and like I we gotta  go out there and we gotta represent all nice boys  

    I got it that’s why I put the site up in the  uh I pin the site to the top of the comments   because people can take a look and see what’s in  there most of my shirts are statement shirts man  

    Man they statement shirts when I wear them to the  gym I work out and that and that shirt that says   ask me how Uber rips you off rips us off I wear  that [ __ ] to the gym people see it I’m sitting  

    There working out that [ __ ] I represent when  I go out I speak for drivers when I go out if   somebody gonna be like man I see a dude at the gym  sometime he says Uber steals fairs and tips Uber  

    And lift steal fairs and tips [ __ ] be working  out dude come in with hot Uber rips us off shirt   working out I represent drivers when I’m out in  public I ain’t got no shame in what’s going on  

    If these apps got shame in what’s going on then  they need to stop having [ __ ] like this going   on that’s how you fix it you say you know we going  to start paying these drivers better other night I  

    Did a ride the other night they charged the people  $14 14 bucks I got $3 out of that 14 it was like   a mile and a half ride $3 had I not had that $3  surge I wouldn’t have got $6 they charge these  

    People $14 for a mile and a half from Jefferson  right up Grand Avenue they just they didn’t want   to park downtown so parked up Grand so they have  to pay for Downtown parking cost them 14 bucks to  

    Get back to their car mile and a half I’m thinking  I could have just told these people 10 bucks man I   take 10 bucks right the road 10 bucks and I’d have  been better off yet the app charge these people 14  

    Gave me three had I not had a $3 surge attached I  would have got $3 with that [ __ ] instead of six   that’s how these apps do so I ended up getting  six out of 14 which is still less than 50% but  

    That’s what these apps are doing they don’t care  if they going to go out there and sell us a Slave   and we accept it they going to keep doing it over  and over but if I know if I see somebody downtown  

    Now and I see that they need a mile and a half  ride I’m GNA roll up be like hey man you just   going back to your car you parked up the street  yeah I’m just parked up the street I tell you what  

    I’m gonna cancel this ride just give me 10 bucks I  take oh cool man because they was charging me $14   now [ __ ] that man just give me 10 bucks because  they ain’t giving me [ __ ] anyways let’s do this  

    [ __ ] like this and we get it out the way that’s  how we handle business around here we don’t play   with these people these corporate thugs want  to sit in their suits and sell slaves off day  

    Let them there’s pigeons out there let them we  ain’t the ones we not the ones yeah Kev I’m these   shirts and conversation starters when I’m at the  airport where I’m picking up somebody’s luggage  

    I gotta get out the car and they’ll see my shirt  they’ll be like oh I like the shirt because that   [ __ ] man hey I get it started and we’ll have  a conversation while we riding what we talking  

    About how we run podcast we do live streams I be  just driving chatting with people and they be go   oh yeah yeah I talk to drivers all the time the  other the other somebody hit me up in the comments  

    Today I think it was matter somebody hit me up in  the comments today saying they picked up a pastor   that I gave a card to his name was Thomas gave  a card to him and everything dropping them off  

    Over at Varsity over on Mill and I’m like we talk  everybody knows we’re networking we’re talking to   our community our community knows us as drivers  now they know who we are we we the 300 [ __ ]   we coming when you got passengers that know who  we are and they’re talking to other drivers and  

    Drivers know who we talking to and M like oh yeah  that’s my boy Jay watch I know who you talking   about we do live these I mean these Riders are  now knowing we’re all linked together they know  

    We linked we ain’t just some random ass drivers  in town oh you know yeah I know Jeffy he’s got   the orange Beamer yeah yeah that’s my boy oh man  that’s my Riders they know we linking up we coming  

    It’s like hey man we all got the same message  don’t let these apps rip you off if you need a   ride talk to me I tell all these Riders out there  have four or five drivers in your roller decks had  

    These [ __ ] ready if one can’t make it call the  second one second one can’t make it call the third   one have five driver at any time because you don’t  know what part of town we in have five drivers in  

    Your phone put Jeff Uber Matt Uber Kev Uber J  Uber sea Uber have all that [ __ ] so when you   pull up Uber everybody’s name pops up just text  one of us if we in the area we’ll come get you you  

    Ain’t got to rely on the app call one of us we’ll  be there I might not be able to do it s can go do   it if safarah can’t do it she right Jam he can  go do it but this is how we got to network with  

    These Riders we got to have the same message have  the same purpose we all trying to get profits to   feed our family just like corporate trying to sell  slaves and make profits on our backs same [ __ ]  

    They got that’s what the apps doing so we got to  St stand together and do it ourselves would it   turn out to be a dumber grenade but the cops could  get him because of the protest oh oh the cops what  

    Happened s some uh oh let me sah says something  the New York story The Uber driver found a grenade   in his car this D found hey as long as it got the  pen in it you good to go he found a grenade in his  

    Car holy [ __ ] man man man oh yeah oh yeah big  cev van like I said that 300 man when you walk in   the building that’s why I made it so big I wanted  the 300 to go clear across the chest so they know  

    What we about when we walk in the building that’s  the biggest thing they gon they gonna remember   that and the [ __ ] gonna keep seeing that 300  popping up every other driver cruising up one  

    Day man I dude I saw another dude with that same  shirt on man like two days ago oh yeah man we all   on the same live stream we be getting down man  see they see some lady come up to the airport  

    Lady jump out hey I don’t see like four drivers  with the 300 what’s this 300 all about like you   said it’s gonna create a conversation and I said  well this is what it’s about it’s about profits  

    It’s about people in this country working their  ass off every day and not getting the benefit of   it that’s what the 300 is about we coming for our  money that’s what this is about we done playing  

    These games they want to talk oh yeah we’re kind  of doing drivers dirty we we’re taking drivers   for advantage of driver yeah you are we know it  we ain’t stupid you ain’t got to tell us what  

    We already know we telling you we coming for our  money if you ain’t giving it to us we gonna take   it thank you KN for the Super Chat I thank you  for the 300 stepping up my game smack these ass  

    For 500 this weekend and that’s part time after my  W2 sun and took from off hey I’mma tell you what   knife jugler I’m gonna tell you like this you made  500 on a weekend you do four weekends like that a  

    Month that’s two G’s that’s like living for free  you you renting your place for free you buying   your house for free that’s mortgage right there  you work four weekends you paying mortgage that   mean for the money that you making during your  W2 that’s profit sitting in the bank right now  

    In case you need to hey you know I need to take  a week off you ain’t got to worry about nothing   you can take a week off and still be in a game a  lot of these drivers out there driving 80 hours  

    A week they can’t take a week off because they’ll  be so far behind how they gonna how they GNA not   drive for that whole week they sitting in a rental  car you got to do at least 50 trips in that rental  

    Car to keep that rental car they don’t have the  luxury like we got it take your time off enjoy   your [ __ ] life kick back relax a lot of these  drivers want oh i’ rather rent I now I don’t want  

    To be no rental slave because you can’t just take  a random week off if you take a random week off   you got to go back take the car back pay all these  administrative fees do all this crazy [ __ ] and  

    Everything else like that you don’t have a good  life you got the slave life when you rent from   Herz and Avis and all these places they pushing  you to keep driving over and over myom girl Robin  

    Hit me up the other day they hit me up the she hit  me up the other day she says you know what each   driver is worth x amount of dollars to the apps if  they can sell these apps these backwards ass trips  

    So the more drivers they have and sign up and we  were talking about stock back and forth the more   drivers they have signed up that kind of looks  at their future forecast of potential Revenue   especially if they’re stupid drivers if they’re  smart drivers they can’t Bank on us because we’re  

    Too smart yeah a I’m telling you haven’t worked  all week all bills paid and you deserve that as   a contractor you deserve that if you don’t want  to open the store this week don’t even open the  

    Store this week kick back for a second apps don’t  like that [ __ ] the apps want drivers to say I   can’t close shop I gotta keep going my bills  are too high my life is too backward my debt is  

    Too high I gotta keep grinding this [ __ ] out 80  hours I gotta pay for this rental car that’s what   they want you to do and when you’re not like that  they have no control over you because you’re truly  

    Independent of their [ __ ] now if you’re locked  into it and you got to do the 50 50 drives a week   how the hell you goingon to not do if you say  well I’m gonna take all week off I’m only going  

    To drive you know Saturday Sunday you got to drive  25 rides a day and most likely they gonna be 25   [ __ ] rides so you busting your ass for 50 rides  just a weekend just to keep this ragged ass rental  

    Car that your 50 rodes probably ain’t even gonna  cover the fuel probably you can’t pay for the fuel   in them 50 rodes and you sitting around like you  know if you’re making only let’s say average $6  

    A ride you just made $300 gross and that’s not  counting the fuel you got to pay nor the rental   car you got to pay 50 rides ain’t [ __ ] not on  these apps they can’t force me to do 50 rides  

    If I do 50 rides in a week oh trust me each ride  better be around at least 10 1113 something like   that because if I’m doing 50 rides I better be  making like10 to13 a ride I want to get at least  

    $650 out of the deal but I’m not sitting around  with those $6 a ride no I’m not doing that so that   means I gotta always have surge I gotta always  have a tip I gotta always have money coming in  

    If I don’t have that coming in I’m not taking a  ride see that’s what it is right there no doubt   own two houses got uh my 25 year on one of my  rental units knife that’s life right there you  

    Live in the American dream the and somebody we was  talking about that in the membership group how the   dream is taking money he said no I log off quick  you got to take money and you kind of recycle it  

    You buy your own property let your family rent  from you so you be the landlord for your own   family you keeping the money within your own own  family so your Empire is growing you’re not having   to pay for somebody else’s Empire us as ride share  drivers we’re paying for other people’s Empires  

    Right now if we owned our own app or did our own  Service as private drivers we’d be funding our own   Empire right now we’re funding another Empire so  when you rent when you buy a house or you buy a  

    Condo or a townhouse and you rent to your family  member you and your family member building your   own Empire you’re not giving that money to some  landlord somewhere like me with my house I got to  

    Pay a a mortgage company I’m building their [ __ ]  Empire if I had this house for cash or whatever   then I can like sell it or do what I want buy two  houses now I can start building my own Empire we  

    All living up under somebody else’s Empire right  now but the trick is to do it for as less as you   can pocking how much profit you can for yourself  because we ain’t nothing but batteries in The   Matrix Robin said that [ __ ] the best we ain’t  nothing but batteries inside of the Matrix that’s  

    It we just keeping this [ __ ] going we just  keeping it moving so the easiest thing for you   to do is to pull yourself out of of the Matrix  try to get as much profits out of you can out  

    Of ride share otherwise you gonna be driving for  these fools non-stop yeah big horn 100% with the   apps work for for us not the [ __ ] apps yep oh  see right and Indy’s the same way says Hey Uber   needs to stop holding my car hostage for their  predatory $2500 ductable [ __ ] Uber and that’s  

    Indie and like I said you’re a case that a lot  of YouTubers won’t even talk about ain’t that   some [ __ ] everybody want to talk about you need  to drive on the app you need to do this you need  

    To do that I’m like why don’t y’all talk to Andy  this is somebody who really stayed on the app and   did exactly what all these YouTubers saying and  she’s [ __ ] in the deal right now nobody wants  

    To talk about that because it smacks them in their  rhetoric in the face well they tell him say hey   Jeff question what do you think your operating  cost is per mile for your vehicle I don’t know  

    I just look at my bank account every month I  tell people that [ __ ] in my videos man if my   bank account’s not going up then I’m not doing  something right so cost of operating my vehicle  

    Don’t mean [ __ ] to me honestly it really don’t  and I know a lot of people like to do that they   like to go say well because I do my own labor if  I do my own labor for breakes and everything I did  

    All four of my brakes on my car for 100 bucks  that’s not gonna help nobody else out because   everybody don’t do BMW breakes I just did my own  thermostat on my car me saying how much that’s  

    Not gonna help everybody else so when I do my  repairs I put them on my channel for repairs and   I help people like fix their cars and keep money  but everybody so I try to minimize the [ __ ] on  

    My channel by by saying only what I do with my  expenses because my expenses is not gonna help   nobody else out nobody else drives a BMW nobody  else works on their own [ __ ] so it’s to me is   stupid content honestly it is because everybody’s  cost is going to be different based on their  

    Vehicle it’s a moot point so I say check your bank  account every month if you going down you’re not   making good decisions if you going down you should  be able to reconcile your bank account like what  

    We do in Corporate America reconcile your bank  account say why am I $500 less you look look oh I   forgot I replac the water heater this month you’re  reconciling your true profit of your life now if  

    You’re going up then you say I’m doing something  right I’m saving money I didn’t eat out all last   month now I’m eating in I’m cooking now and so  you go oh [ __ ] I’m cooking now cool cool and now  

    Your bank account’s going up hey I’m shopping at  the Goodwill I’m not buying [ __ ] off of nike.com   now I found the [ __ ] that was on clothes out  sale whatever from the Goodwill I go buy cargo  

    St from the Goodwill all the time they s have the  brand new tags on them and [ __ ] people just like   they donate [ __ ] to the Goodwill I go pick that  [ __ ] up CU I don’t want to throw my money away  

    On [ __ ] I just don’t so the average cost is 850  per mile on average car $850 $8.50 per M that’s   the average 850 per mile yeah I don’t know and the  and the thing is too and and as far as like cost  

    Per mile and [ __ ] like that dude if you were to  go in and trade your car in today if I wouldn’t   trade this BMW in today with 108,000 miles on this  [ __ ] being in 2019 right now they selling 2019s  

    With 54,000 miles on it for 21 Grand all 31 so I’m  already 10,000 in a whole based on current values   but because I got high mileage my [ __ ] is less  than 21 it’s probably worth like 15 or 14 so you  

    Got to start calculating that into the cost the  actual value of your car goes into the cost of   your you doing this job it’s too much [ __ ] for  one person to do way too many [ __ ] spreadsheets  

    So I tell [ __ ] it’s like you know what n I’m  not worried about that [ __ ] I’m not because   people don’t look at beating a car up driving  all these [ __ ] miles that cost oh man I I get  

    This much per gallon it’s not about how much you  want per gallon it’s what is your cars worth if   you took this [ __ ] to a dealership today right  now because they probably selling your exact same  

    Year making model with way less miles for way less  what you got on that so that’s what I look at when   I look at Cost man it it’s way too much involved  at a level where you know the average person who  

    Probably can’t even better a [ __ ] checkbook  balance a checkbook this is above their pay   grade so I can’t really [ __ ] with it like it’ll  be a moot point on my channel PB arguing back and  

    Forth all day yeah yeah 101,000 on my 2011 DTS  oh yeah that’s what I’m saying what up young boy   yeah and see and so the way I do it is I look at  opportunity cost is a better cost for me because  

    If I looked at my average cost per mile on my car  and said that needs to validate my life then I’m   cheap honestly I’m cheap so I look at opportunity  costs I could go back to work in corporate making  

    About 100,000 a year that’s an opportunity cost  I could work on cars I mean the other day I made   like three 400 in a day just working on cars one  day and I never left my house I sat at my house  

    And worked on cars I did my neighbor’s truck I to  do some other work on his truck they got to go at   the wheel cers because it’s weird wheel cylinders  leaking and they don’t have breaks on a big work  

    Truck so I got to take the whole drum off and  do all that so I gotta that truck will be over   here within the next day or so so I’m looking at  opportunity cost as the value of my time I don’t  

    Look at me driving Rod chair as the value of my  time me driving Rod chair is me passing time so   I look at YouTube as an opportunity cost because  I tell [ __ ] I only make like a dollar an hour  

    On YouTube real [ __ ] so that’s why in February  I didn’t do a whole lot of youtubing but I made   a lot of money in on in real life so so when  you look at when you look at my February money  

    For YouTube it’s going to be way less than what  made in January because in January all I did was   YouTube but in February I made I made $800 out of  my well no it was $400 less but I made $5,000 more  

    Because I gave up YouTube that month when I gave  up YouTube in February I made four to $5,000 more   that month and with YouTube only went down $400  so I’ll trade 400 for 5,000 profit and that’s  

    How YouTube works when I tell people I don’t make  a lot with YouTube because I have an opportunity   cost I’m a mechanic not only am I mechanic I can  say I don’t want to do live streams I’ll just take  

    In clients and do cars all day I can make $300  every hour and a half two hours in my driveway   I do it all the time so that’s how I look at my  life opportunity cost not how much does it cost  

    Me to drive this BMW what is my gas worth what  are my tires worth that [ __ ] is minor to me   what’s more major to me is me my time Jeff you’re  a mechanic you can go and [ __ ] do a axle on a  

    Goddamn car right now [ __ ] 300 50 take you a  couple hours you just made 350 in a couple hours   YouTube only pays you a dollar an hour so you got  to work 350 hours of editing doing [ __ ] live  

    Streams you gotta work 350 hours to make what you  can make an hour and a half in your driveway so I   look at opportunity cost that’s why I say man my  Channel’s a little different a lot of people they  

    They like to you know drill into it only cost me  this much for my tires and then it cost me this   much for my you know my sensor and go [ __ ] off  it’s a moot point look at your bank account every  

    Month month are you doing better or are you  doing worse if you’re doing worse and you’re   reconciling it you’ve got to make an adjustment  somewhere make an adjustment say I’m going down   in my bank account so the adjustment is you an  like we used to do this [ __ ] in corporate you  

    Analyze why did our bank accounts go down y’all we  never worried about well how much does our average   room rate you know cost us for the carpet and for  the vacuums we never cared about costs we looked  

    At all our bank accounts in corporate if it went  up or down if Revenue goes up Revenue go down we   got to discuss it now and we find out why and now  that we found out why it went up and down we make  

    That change we make that decision you make that  adjustment we can’t always focus on the little   ply [ __ ] I only you know it cost me 13 cents a  mile you know this I’m not worried about 13 cent  

    A mile I can make $350 in an hour and a half of my  driveway that’s more important to me than 13 cents   it cost me 13 cent a mile [ __ ] 13 cent that’s to  me that’s minor it’s misdemeanor because I think  

    Bigger I think Jeff you could be [ __ ] marketing  your [ __ ] mechanic service right now somebody   needs a transmission I could do a transmission  for $1,000 transmission shops charge about 3,800   to 4,300 I could charge them one Grand in labor  one g in labor I can have that transmission out  

    By lunchtime repaired and back in as long as the  parts are available I can have it back in before   I go to sleep that night I can make one grand a  day and never leave my [ __ ] driveway I’ve done  

    It many times so I look at the opportunity of what  is Uber taking away from me what is Li what is you   know excuse me LIF taking what is YouTube taking  away from me because I know me and that’s why in  

    The membership group we pushing business man we  pushing business we pushing profits we doing this   [ __ ] yeah man hey lookist hey much for taking  opportunity call on the champ from school hey KNE   I’m it’s a community build man this channel is a  community build because I know there’s somebody  

    Where’s going to click in their head one day and  they’re going to say say you know what I do auto   detail man I do auto detail and they going to  bust they ass and they going to build a auto  

    Detail business they gonna have ride chair on the  side and they gonna build Auto Detail next thing   you know say dude I got a whole office parked and  I’m doing now man thanks for putting that fire up  

    Under my ass this channel is a community building  Channel man every day I get on here I hope [ __ ]   say hey you know what man I’m driving less but my  bank account’s going up how I’m I’m doing higher  

    Profit rides and with the time I’m saving by not  have to to drive I got a side business I’m running   now dude this is what I’m doing on the side now  how can you hate on that you got to be proud  

    Of that person because they fig they sat down  looked at their bank account and they analyzed   how can I get this [ __ ] to go up instead of  staying stagnant or going down how can I get  

    It to go up there’s a way to do it in the area  I’m living how can I do it what up King James   oh yeah oh yeah roer takes too much time for the  money earned there and and etherman this is what  

    We saying man what up m MB these people in and  that run these corporate entities in ride Shar   and delivery they know how much the time is taken  when I see these $3 deliveries that’s taking like  

    19 and 20 minutes you can only do three of those  an hour so they’re paying somebody $9 an hour to   do that there’s no way this [ __ ] should even  be on an app with grown people who have kids rent  

    Mortgage insurance need profits in case they do  have a [ __ ] tooth you got to go to the dentist   and fix how you going to do that [ __ ] on three  every 19 minutes that’s not adult level [ __ ] the  

    Corporations are TR like I said the professor  showed it on his video the dude was wanting a   $16 sandwich going through the apps they charging  $40 that’s a $24 margin right there from what they   paid the restaurant to what they and they probably  paid the restaurant less but a $24 margin for  

    Delivery that’s probably only a couple of Miles  guaranteed the driver didn’t get $24 the driver   probably got three out of that 24 the 21 went went  straight to the corporation so when you got people   doing [ __ ] like that you got like Tony delivers  up in Seattle you got to take matters into your  

    Own hands because as long as you allow yourself to  be treated like a kid treated like a slave as long   as you allow that [ __ ] they gonna keep doing  it because that pumps their stock up that pumps   their corporation up that gets them investors  we have nothing to do with their investors we  

    Have nothing to do with their [ __ ] bottom line  unless we’re taking money off their bottom line   we don’t pay them [ __ ] they take money from us  we don’t pay them nothing they take money from us   for everything we do they’ll charge somebody  $85 give US1 19 out of that and say we doing  

    Well we gave you $18 for you know it was like  seven miles but you charge this person for all   the crazy traffic and all the Surge and all this  [ __ ] so I’m gonna make $18 but it’s gonna take  

    Me 37 minutes to make this $18 and it’s a big ass  event right here going on I should be making way   more than that at an event at this size $18. 37  minutes I can make that [ __ ] on a reg reg day  

    Why am I getting paid that during an event if this  is an event pay me like it’s an event but because   they won’t do that guess what we do we go take  that [ __ ] money like that’s an event I’m g roll  

    Up hey this is what they trying to pay me man man  damn they only they paid us like charges like $82   tell you what 60 bucks 60 bucks and I’ll do it all  right bet cancel let’s ride because the app ain’t  

    Paying me [ __ ] for $22 any [ __ ] ways well if I  say 60 it saves you 22 and it makes me 40 we good   now we good we both happy apps don’t want that  [ __ ] to happen oh yeah oh yeah young boy man  

    Man exactly man right here hours to make a 100  bucks now dude that’s why I can’t drive brother   I can’t drive man it kills me because we used  to make a hundred bucks in like hour and a half  

    Two hours and it was because Serge was out there  the money was good the tips were coming through   people were appreciative now people are getting  charged so much they they thinking that the tip   is included in that they like like damn $72 for  this ride [ __ ] from the airport to my house and  

    We getting 24 out of the 72 so they thinking why  should I tip on top of that it’s like dude I just   PID seven usually I go home and the the riding  set of 72 I’m only paying like 43 what’s the  

    Extra $30 for it it sure ain’t for us because we  ain’t getting that [ __ ] the apps are getting it   because we allow it we tolerate that we got to sit  down and say we ain’t gonna let these apps gou you  

    Man we know right now y’all getting gouged right  now I see an event going on you at the airport   you getting gouge right now this is what they  giving me and the the rider goes you know what  

    I’m paying almost $70 for this [ __ ] like yeah so  I tell you what you give me 50 we cool oh that’s a   much better deal and you ain’t even got to tip me  if you give me 50 you ain’t even got to tip me so  

    You saving at 70 and the tip you was gonna pay on  the end to be like close to $90 you only giving me   50 bucks so you saving almost $40 just [ __ ]  with me straight up I’m helping you out Rider  

    I’m getting you home in the same car is going to  use anyways throw your luggage in the back and L   row oh yeah mad n man that’s crazy right there oh  yeah s she said that I’ve noticed more surge in my  

    Area lately but with LIF but the r will offer 50  Cent of Mile even with the surge lift surge ain’t   real I figured that [ __ ] out a long time ago  it’s only real if your trip is like a mile and  

    A half to two miles if if that shit’s five miles  The Surge ain’t real cuz what they going to do is   they going to charge you like they gonna give  you 30 to 40 I was getting trips the other day  

    For $2 like 28 233 262 I was like there’s no way  these should be actual fairs on this app no way   and I’m getting like a $5 Serge on to make it a $7  trip for like three miles I’m like cool no problem  

    But you were willing to give me $2.33 for three  miles that’s what you were willing to pay me and   you probably charge this person $ for that [ __ ]  and I’m sitting there like these people are crazy  

    Man oh I like this I like this Val hey we need to  find out how we can start a class action lawsuit   against their commercial insurance fees I got  a couple of people in my email right now oh he  

    Dogs got the LLC file that’s what’s up hey let us  know how that goes stay in touch with me on that   one stay in touch because I want I gotta do some  LLC work myself because I got to talk to jam about  

    Some airport stuff and I believe got to have a  LLC filed and right now jmbt is filed with it   but when networks is not filed with the LLC so I  think I got to do the LLC with my win networks as  

    Well but keep talking to me about that one but Val  was saying clag na lawsuit against the commercial   insurance fees I had people in my email trying  to opt out of uber insurance or lift insurance  

    I think it was Uber insurance they sent a message  AI is responding back you know this is AI because   they’re like hey I got my the the dude was like  hey I got my own Commercial Insurance how can I  

    Opt out of using you guys commercial insurance  or I’m not double paying for insurance and it   was like we’re sorry that you’re having issu  isues with your insurance and we’re sorry this   that but and it was like something stupid I’m  going have to do a video on it made no sense in  

    The conversation of what this guy was trying to  have and all of a sudden what up R Flo and all   of a sudden it went to something like you know  you know hopefully you end up having a great day  

    And thank you for driving for Uber and living  all this stuff and just in the chat that was it   it was like there was no discussion about what  he said at all it was all AI [ __ ] AI does not  

    Know how to respond to to the question of I would  like to op out of the insurance how do I do that   either AI don’t know how to do it or AI wasn’t  instructed on how because if it was instructed  

    It would say you cannot opt out of insurance  under our on our app because as being one of   our business partners you it’s mandatory that  you use our insurance it would say that if it   was programmed to answer that question but if it  wasn’t programmed if it knows the answer to that  

    Question is the moment you say you can out and  this person go get their own insurance we won’t   be making profits anymore AI was trained to not  answer that question because it would give up the   most the biggest corporate [ __ ] loophole ever  it’s us using their corporate their commercial  

    Insurance instead of getting our own insurance oh  yeah he love I’m back brother so yeah AI is taking   over a lot of jobs y’all yeah I’m telling you s  it is so the fact that the AI wouldn’t answer the  

    Question it wouldn’t answer it that tells me that  this is all programmed to [ __ ] us over it’s not   programmed to be business partners with us it’s  programmed to [ __ ] us over somehow so why can’t  

    We not opt out of an insurance is is like just  like when I was talking to Pedro I said imagine   going to a car lot and you buy a car and you say  well I’m gonna get insurance and the car lot says  

    We could sell you our insurance and you go okay  how much is it oh it’s only $15 a day so and and   it it sounds small $15 a day for car insurance  you say damn that’s cheap 15 bucks a day deal  

    I’ll do it 15 bucks a day you drive off the lot  with the $15 day Insurance that’s $450 a month for   basic car insurance on that car you just drove  when it probably only really cost you 1889 you  

    Could probably go to all state or or State Farm  and get it for 189 but you just agreed to $15 a   day in 10 days you’ve paid more in 10 days than  what you’d pay an insurance place and you still  

    Got 20 more days in a month to go so all those  other 20 days is all profit for those for that   dealership that’s what I think Uber and Liff are  doing they’re saying hey you could just use our  

    Insurance while you’re doing ride shair you don’t  have to go but make sure you got full coverage on   your car make sure you got full coverage okay I  got full coverage they don’t as you as you can  

    See Uber andyt never tells you that it’s mandatory  that you have ride share Insurance Uber andyt does   they will never tell you it’s mandatory that you  need it because it’s not mandatory if if you saw  

    My last video rare insurance only covers you when  you’re not on the app so why does the apps give a   [ __ ] whether or not you got it they don’t care  if you got it or not R share Insurance don’t cover  

    You if somebody’s in the car so why does the  app care if you got R share Insurance the app   just wants to make sure you got full coverage on  your car so they can go after you if some if they  

    Want to bill you for some [ __ ] on ins they’ll go  through subre and talk to your insurance company   to get money out of your insurance company but  and yeah exactly so I was inur for three years  

    Before Uber yep damn 600 for a six Monon policy  with guy called nice boys win that’s it 100 bucks   a month is a deal man that’s a deal right there  100 bucks a month but as you can see Uber and LIF  

    Will never tell you it is mandatory that you have  car insurance that you have ride share insurance   if you drive on our platform they don’t give a  [ __ ] ride share insurance is when you you still  

    Got your app running that’s why I tell people on  that video I did turn your [ __ ] to Last Ride   when you turn your [ __ ] to last ride and that  person gets out of the car and you end that ride  

    You’re back on your private insurance now your  private insurance kicks in the moment you’re   not on the app if you’re on the app and you have  an accident because you Dro somebody off and you   started driving and you still got Uber activated  and you drive and Bam you hit somebody you better  

    Have Rod chair Insurance CU your app is going to  say you hit those people but you were actually   logged on the Uber because you were logged on  the Uber doing ride share you’re a ride share   driver for that time period everybody in America  is a private citizen right now you can walk out  

    Your house as a private citiz you can get in your  private car drive down the street in the private   you own private insurance the whole time you  operating as a private citizen the moment you turn  

    That app on you’re declared as a ride share driver  now because you turn even if you’re just scouting   even if you’re just scouting if you I just want  to see what the what the app look like what up  

    Frank H facts my man what’s good my brother even  if you just turn the app on and you go I just   want to see what the what the surge is out here  right now so you turn the app on you don’t plan  

    On working you just want to see The Surge you turn  the app on you driving bam you make mistake it hit   somebody oh [ __ ] it was like five minutes you  never took a ride you never did now you just want  

    To see what the surge was you try to turn the app  off you do all your paperwork do everything get   all the stuff sign you know insurance is handling  everything three weeks later they hit you up hey  

    Man we hit up Uber and LIF were you logged on  to Uber when you had that accident because you   had the accident at this time but yet it says you  were logged onto the app at that time yeah oh well  

    We can’t cover you then thank you deis de what’s  good with that what up upfront price and lift let   me put this up real quick upfront price and lift  always shaves mouth for minutes in their favorite   contact support they never adjust your owners  yeah and and that’s what they they’ll do they’ll  

    Ask your inur they’ll ask you hey was you logged  on to the app yeah but I wasn’t working though I   wasn’t working I was just driving no but you were  logged on to the app and you don’t have the Ride  

    Insurance endorsement on your [ __ ] so we’re not  covering you and you’ll be sitting there like what   you mean you’re not covering me well you were on  yeah la it’s automatic that’s right that’s right  

    Automatic and you got to tell them put it on last  ride because as long as you’re on the app with the   passenger in your car Uber and lift has to cover  any liability any [ __ ] you hit or whatever goes  

    On out there in the real world Uber and live  has to cover that now what happens to your car   is based on you paying Uber that $2,500 high ass  deductible but we should have our own commercial   insurance going through our own Commercial  Insurance not through their [ __ ] because  

    We deserve a lower deductible and so if we end up  having an accident with nobody in the car at all   no apps turned on at all you’re a private citizen  it don’t make a difference if you did R share 30  

    Minutes ago you could have said I did R share 30  minutes ago and I quit R share forever because   that was the worst goddamn passenger I ever had  so that was the last ride I was ever going to do  

    How they gonna tell you you lying they don’t  know what happened to your last ride the last   ride probably you know was gonna assault you and  stab you he said you know what I’m giving up ride  

    Chair this is [ __ ] so you ended the ride and you  called it good and drove off they can’t call you a   ride shirt driver no more just like one day might  be the last time you ever shoot a basketball you  

    Might retire after this game this might be the  last time you played golf you might retire after   this match no can tell you when your last ride is  going to happen so if you have an accident and you  

    Go oh man I’m just done oh well if somebody hits  you Jette they better have insurance and if they   don’t have insurance you’ve got to have uninsured  motorists on yours put uninsured motorists if they   do have insurance but their cover coverage can’t  cover the type of vehicle you got you have to  

    Have underinsured motorists as well so you got to  have the uninsured motorist and the underinsured   motorist both on your policy I got them on mine  because I don’t think a whole bunch of people out  

    There got insurance that can pay for the level I  mean if I end up with you know they got a total my   car out and they say well his insurance only goes  up to 25,000 and I’m like oh [ __ ] well I owe 30  

    Well it’s a $110,000 short I have underinsured  motorists on my car so underinsured means my   insurance now has a policy that they will cover  my car now because like hey sometimes you got   to do it like that you got to look at other  people like real actual people out there how  

    They do say my premium was absolutely Skyrocket  but I added uninsured Motors yeah sometimes you   got to add it RL you gotta add it man I don’t  know you might need another insurance company   yeah see time to wake up Jeff want to thank  you the undergrad road trick paay me 26 on my  

    First delivery this morning you got it baby you  got it you was like Paw Patrol [ __ ] let’s get   this delivery going hell yeah that’s how you got  to do it brother that’s how you do it yeah exactly  

    Carry enough Insurance exactly see J knows j’s  got that he’s got all that um other insurance   he’s got a commercial too hold up for let me  see something I’m G do like this because I know  

    Jamal’s out there right now hold up for second I’m  hey Jam I just put the link up man I’m G I’m gonna   have Jamal come on for a second so J because he’s  the insurance genius with this [ __ ] man so je  

    Have the plot deeper than just r chair Insurance  hold up for a second then the fact early schools   don’t teach finances all of proof that control is  the ideology for American corporations the Ponzi   Behavior validates my thesis ether man you Peach  through the choir I’ve said it the whole time why  

    Do you think they’re prepping and indoctrinating  all these kids to get second jobs oh you should   be this we could put you and fix you and make  you this we can put you in a system as this  

    And that’s what it is hold up Kev I’m Gonna Get  You On in a minute I’m I’m trying to get jam on   for a second yeah and that’s the thing is like  they’re throwing people into the mix they want  

    To get people involved into being a cog in the  will that’s it because if you could put people in   the Cog in the will they don’t have the the power  like we we like to go out and do our own thing we  

    Like to be independent contractors entrepreneurs  out of control but to keep somebody in control   youve got to indoctrinate them to believe that  hey you need us we don’t need you what up tiger   yeah what here you go wait a minute wait is that  the same thing with my encounter with an airport  

    Portter when I was waiting for a passor off the  app yep yep that’s right there they don’t teach   you because these Banks make money off of people  being in debt and they sell that debt at discounts  

    So they sell debt at discounts and everything  oh there he is J he had to get ready real quick   hold up for a second let let me get my headset  on because I’m not gonna be able to hear you

    Unless there you go guys doing how’s the  family doing oh all good man the dogs are   happy everybody’s happy good good but I’m glad  everybody started talking about this insurance   because there a big thing going on right now  man a lot of channels are really digging into  

    It and and I like to say honestly y’all know how  we do around it 300 we was always on The Cutting   Edge of talking [ __ ] about the insurance and  everybody riding our ass about this insurance  

    All these channels used to talk [ __ ] about us  all the time well you guys don’t because we talk   about doing cash rids and doing this well you guys  don’t and we really started digging into insurance   now everybody’s like oh [ __ ] we’re all getting  screwed like didn’t we tell y’all pay attention to  

    Ins 100% yep yeah well just so that we we all get  this straight it it is very essential that when   you do drop off anybody from Uber or left that  you have it as your last ride yes because that  

    Right there will save you with your own personal  insurance but if you have Commercial Insurance no   matter who you pick up as a delivery service  you you can you are you’re covered 100% yeah   because it’s it’s actually any time yeah it’s  designed for work and you can and when you got  

    Commercial and delivery Insurance you can say I’m  always working whether an app is on or not you can   say I was out working right now and you can hey I  had a client I was supposed to pick up at 11 when  

    I had my accident so commercial kicks in private  don’t have to kick in and it covers you yeah and   private has nothing to do with it yep exactly and  I think people to know cuz I mean with Uber and  

    LIF they try to they try to [ __ ] people over  and they say they talk about tears or period one   period two period three and they it’s that’s how  they trick you they tell you about periods they  

    Don’t tell you about situations I never talk about  periods I say if you got somebody in your car and   you have the app on the app insurance is gonna  have to cover you in that in that instance if  

    You’re doing a ride for Uber lift now if you got  somebody in your car and you have the apps on but   you doing a quick cash Rod you might screw your s  right like turn that app off y did turn it off off  

    Yep exactly cuz you’re not working for Uber you’re  not doing anything it’s your own time and your   own business yep yep and I’m one of those people  that that believe that you know when we pay these   premiums as private individuals as entrepreneurs  in this world every entrepreneur that’s doing  

    Something let’s say I sell pottery I throw Pottery  in my car because I’m GNA go take Pottery over to   this place to see if they want to buy my pottery  I got private insurance on my car so I’m driving  

    I get into a wreck they can’t say oh well you  know you were selling Pottery at the time like   [ __ ] I’m driving my car I’m a private citizen  with private insurance you can’t say I’m selling  

    Pottery so you ain’t gonna cover me same with ride  share if I want to take my neighbor across the   street to the grocery store he said Jeff my car  just broke down you know and the mechanic’s on his  

    Way to fix it but can you just run me to the store  real quick cool I run you the store no problem it   really doesn’t matter at that point if you’re off  the app nobody should tell you nobody should tell  

    You that oh listen uh you know we’re not going to  cover you or anything hey my insurance will cover   me because I’m not in the app I wasn’t exct you’re  a private citizen and you got private insurance  

    That’s right now and I and a lot of people I  think especially in the in the YouTube World   they don’t understand how they’re so indoctrinated  to think that they’re a riot like and we were just   talking about that how ether just said that  how people get indoctrinated into believing  

    They’re a cog in the will you’re a driver you’re  a driver you’re a and that’s what they go to sleep   with thinking I’m a driver I’m a [ __ ] you’re a  human you’re a person you’re a neighbor you’re a  

    Dad you you’re a mom I’m a driver I’m a and they  [ __ ] go to sleep waking up thinking they a dri   it’s like dude you can’t operate your whole day  thinking you’re a driver all day you’re a driver  

    When you’re driving somebody that’s correct if  ain’t nobody in my car I ain’t no driver that’s   right but I do tell you if you’re gonna run a  business the best way is to cover yourself and  

    Have that commercial insurance yep and that it is  not that expensive a lot of people say it’s 6,000   7,000 it’s [ __ ] it it it all depends on who with  your driving record and what you’ve done okay yep  

    Your car driving record your state all of that  stuff man exactly and and people scare you and   like I said Val Pac just said it’s $38,000 a year  Commercial Insurance fees from Uber and lift they   think that’s what we are supposed to pay that’s  what we’re sold on their policies we don’t pay  

    That if we do our own policy Uber could give me  that $338,000 myself and say Jeff go out and buy   your own Commercial Insurance we’re taking off  our [ __ ] okay give me give me the 38,000 I’m  

    G go out and buy myself a $6,000 policy [ __ ] if  we all are smart if we all are smart we push for   our own purchase of Commercial Insurance what  happens here is is that everybody’s lazy about  

    It okay and they don’t want to go the extra  terms or whatever extra mile to just to get a   discount on it and and let me tell you I drive in  the black platform right but you know when I have  

    It on sometimes uh uh the um the Comfort comes in  and you take it okay because it’s a good it it’s   worth the the drive okay you get you know $30 for  S miles then you you accept it right these son of  

    A [ __ ] and I say son of a [ __ ] are screwing us  because even though you’re in the black platform   and you are forced to make sure that you maintain  a commercial insurance okay they still charge you  

    For it yep especially when you’re in the in in the  comfort uh ride or an XL ride or just an X right   let’s say you take it and it’s worth it right see  and this the thing though and this is the thing  

    When when you have commercial insurance and you  get into an accident even using the Uber Uber app   or whatever your commercial insurance covers you  no matter what your private covers you no matter  

    What so what Uber does is they go through subreg  they want to get you for as much as they can so   they go after your commercial insurance company  for an accident you were in saying well he had  

    Commercial Insurance well he was driving on your  app and they fight back and forth they tell you   well unless you give Uber $2500 you can’t that  you can’t use their policy you got to use your   own commercial policy well Uber’s been billing me  for every ride I’ve taken on Commercial you saying  

    They’re not going to cover me no not unless you  come up with $2,500 deductible and that’s how they   get people they get people stuff like that their  their insurance $2500 deductible my Commercial   Insurance you can buy $500 deductible 100 I choose  but a lot of people can get $500 $1,000 deductible  

    Whatever the deductible you want to you choose I  tell people I tell people get a $1,000 deductible   $1,000 deductible you could save that real fast  you could save it fast especially if you’re doing   private rides if you’re doing private rides  you’re making $100 a ride $80 a ride you do  

    10 of those in a matter of a few months throw that  [ __ ] in the envelope throw it in the safe that’s   your deductible for when [ __ ] goes wrong now  it’s sitting in the safe so the moment [ __ ]  

    Happens we got $1,000 deductible okay well take  it to a shop and when you drop it off the shop   just pay them the deductible most shops especially  like the collision centers over near me they only   charge you half deductible they charge you half  the deductible they order all your parts and all  

    Your [ __ ] in and when you come pick up your car  you pay the other half the deductible insurance   is Bill for everything now I had a couple of my  cars worked on before and they said you know me  

    I’m a smart [ __ ] they said they did some [ __ ]  that they really didn’t do cuz I called him I said   well all of this dust on these parts of my engine  were dust before I brought it here so how did you  

    Say oh I think we were going to replace those all  they did was they took them out and put them back   in I’m like I know so they had to take all of  that [ __ ] off the invoice because they build  

    My insurance for all of that [ __ ] they said that  they put OEM back into my engine they never took   I’m like these are the same Parts I work on my  own [ __ ] this is the same dust from my garage so  

    You can’t tell me these are OEM Parts they got my  [ __ ] dust on it from my garage oh where’s sorry   about that yeah yeah man I be checking these  [ __ ] at the collision centers over here they  

    Don’t know me I’m cynical as a [ __ ] I don’t  trust nobody so when I’m going through all my   [ __ ] documents and I I went right back over to  Collision Center on kyne and I said listen y’all  

    [ __ ] with me right now I know my dedu was gonna  be what it is but you [ __ ] with my insurance   company because all this [ __ ] in my car is not  brand new OEM that’s my own [ __ ] y’all just  

    Put it back in oh sorry about that it’s like yeah  don’t [ __ ] with me man well it’s just everybody   everybody’s trying to screw every everybody out  here in in this in this business right now yeah  

    The apps are doing it to us right now and we all  need to stand up and like you said we’re the 300   and this 300 group is gonna get bigger and bigger  because I think people are we we’re okay being  

    Small that’s the thing everybody thinks we want  to be big we want to be no we’re okay being small   because I just like [ __ ] uh s said earlier  a hand grenade is small [ __ ] a hand grenade  

    Is little so it’s like a little ass a little  something little can make a huge goddamn impact   so we’re one of those small hand grenade groups  there’s Kev in the building that’s Kev that’s my  

    Man Kev Kev so you can you can have a small hand  grenade and make a really big impact that’s us as   a group we the 300 we a small group but we’re very  effective just like the movie to 300 we come over  

    The mountain all good brother we coming over the  mountain we’re battling that’s what we’re doing   we’re battling 300 here oh oh kev’s got his own  too let’s see it let’s see it look oh we did 300

    We got our 300 gear on to day [ __ ] that’s good  make and that’s and he be over by kanes I go over   by kan’s and Diablo’s where or yeah that little  bar that he be at sometimes uh what is it Devil’s  

    Advocate yeah so we gonna R we wear our gear  picking up people over there they gonna see us   like wait a minute I just met a driver with the  same shirt on like we the 300 yeah you see what  

    My name looks on the back if you seen any of Jeff  videos you’ve seen my name on the back already yep   yep got big horn k on it man yeah uh sorry I’m got  my best Donald Trump going on right now with my  

    Freaking uh no glasses on today so uh a freaking  raccoon look here so so you rolled around to day   in the sun yeah uh man I tell you what last night  man it was it was scary last night man freaking uh  

    There’s a high-speed Pursuit going down freaking  Rural Road yeah and man all I could think about   is man my apps are my apps are off so if I would  have gotten hit boom I mean it would have been  

    First call lawyer second call is everybody else  smart [ __ ] man and I tell people man lead them   apps off go park in the parking lot and Scout man  I’ll park at Circle K quick trip somewhere I’m not  

    Driving around the streets even if I got if I got  Paw Patrol on and I’m like I’m gonna go over here   and try to get this surge usually is like a area  that’s not that populated like neighborhoods i’  

    Be tucking myself in the neighborhoods and [ __ ]  like that but if I’m busy areas I don’t mess with   it nope turn that [ __ ] off NOP I got ride share  insurance too my uh my mom she’s always looking  

    Out for We blesser Heart yeah she even said you  need ride share Insurance because you need to be   covered so oh yeah oh yeah and see that’s thing  and I’m one of those easy drivers man I tell even  

    I tell my other Riders whatever if we out cruising  we doing something even in the Jeep or whatever   like that I got like State [ __ ] Beyond State  mums for everything because when I built my Jeep  

    I know how much that jeep is really worth that’s  why I get the money I get when my attorney goes   to Bath for me I get the money I get because I  know my insurance policy and it’s like dude like  

    I tell people I pay for insurance but I get money  back and then like I said about these shirts being   a conversation starter I picked up two private  rides this freaking weekend just because I I had  

    The shirt on they like what’s that 300 barbecue  about I said well we’re we’re like a coalition of   drivers across the country they’re helping Riders  and drivers make better profits do smart decisions  

    And they’re like so you do private rides I said  oh yeah he goes well can you pick me up at the   airport in a week yeah sure I’ll pick you up in  a week hell yeah oh yeah then I got you know and  

    Then it’s like well I’m and pick me up and then uh  in about a week after that I’m gonna be going back   to the airport can you still do that I said hell  yeah man because and a lot of drivers out there  

    Are they’re they’re they’re stupid I don’t know  how else to put it when somebody is offering them   money no you gotta you got to add the stop in the  app you can’t get me cash directly I’m sorry you  

    Got and these [ __ ] really say that [ __ ] I’ll  be like you out your mind I’m like this person’s   offering you hey man I give you 20 bucks right  now if you no just just had to stop in the app  

    Just add it in the app like yeah like you know  I got my binbo and my freaking zel on there oh   yeah like you know you can even prepay ahead  of time or you can prepa when you get or you  

    Can pay when you get freaking whatever just  as long as you pay I don’t care and I and I   tell people like when I’m especially when I’m  driving around if I already got them on the app  

    And we already got a ride and they want to add  a stop I tell them well don’t add a stop just   give me cash cash app or vinmo I’ll leave the  app running but they’re going to give me extra  

    Money just don’t add that stop in there just tell  me where to go I’m cool like [ __ ] we chatting   anyways you can just tell me hey man make a right  up here oh go tell me your main intersection I’ll  

    Get there but do not add that [ __ ] in the app  no matter what because if you add in app it’s   gonna charge you like $24 and I’m gonna get an  extra $3 for that [ __ ] it’s like don’t do it  

    Do not add it in there yeah is Right have those  business cards ready man have them ready and I   tell you what I had I had the ride of a lifetime  too freaking had these two Chinese ladies book a  

    Ride to the airport three big suitcases full  two carry-ons and a freaking uh comforter in   a plastic bag build my little freaking thing  up well I got a phone I gotta let you guys go  

    Okay cool cool g where’s he your brother I think I  got you on there Jal wait a minute okay there you go Jamal your sound is off now your sound is off Jamal so Chinese people always got a lot of  baggage y I can’t hear your your sound on there

    Man wait a minute uh oh J something’s happening  with j man man man hey all right uh who is that   up in there yeah nice boys Wednesday hey I I see  you brother I see you yeah man like I said we we  

    All out wearing these shirts and it it’s most of  the gear I do is conversation starters people want   to know what it means especially when I walk  into the gym they they see Mike drop podcast  

    On it every time I walk in the gym they’re like  what’s Mike drop podcast oh there a podcast we I   can hear you now brother I can hear you now you  can hear me okay good good sorry about that I  

    Don’t know what happened yeah man sometime [ __ ]  glitches like that [ __ ] said you got them Obama phones they told him [ __ ] with you see look he  says I can’t hear you what what happened I can’t  

    Hear you though can everybody hear me uh oh uh oh  I don’t know how what happened this is day told   this got them Obama phones I’m I’m G do like this  all right let’s do like that something’s happening  

    With it man what happened we made them numbers  for black and they are paying 300 a day for 80k   for the whole year Commercial Insurance if they  work six days a week man 300 a day from black all  

    Right cool R Flo so it’s just it’s just the Obama  phone no I’m just kid yeah oh yeah hey dims that’s   what I’m saying and I I still wear that I tell  people like this that February the 14th shirt  

    That’s historic that was the first major protest  that I think went worldwide went Global that all   of the news media agencies like I said we were on  CNN Business Insider it was everywhere that shirt   is is your Marketplace in history where were you  February 14 2024 were you being a pigeon or you  

    Pushing this [ __ ] forward when I wear that  shirt that’s the way I look at it I was one of   those that were pushing it forward and I’m sitting  there trying to get people to understand that the  

    Protest is the is the vocal uh uh is it link to  get the membership oh he just in like uh it’s   inside of my uh descriptions of videos and stuff  like that it’s under some other videos too yeah  

    I was now I can hear you now yeah but I’m telling  people with that February the 14th protest it was   it it’s about getting a message out about progage  that we plan on making it was putting one foot in  

    The door and it was a big step we took a big  step into a door of corporate America now we   got them relooking at fairs we got them looking at  surge we got them looking at Commercial Insurance   we got them looking at private rides now we  got everybody’s eyes open private deliveries  

    We took a step into a door and once we stepped  in there is no going back now on March on April   the 1 April fools we taking that second step into  the door we gonna be inside of the house and once  

    We’re in a house at some some point we’re gonna  come to that damn kitchen table and we’re gonna   sit at that kitchen table but we gonna keep taking  a step forward every protest we’re taking a step  

    Forward we’re being heard and the apps like people  say the apps don’t care about y’all they ain’t   listening to y’all look at your bank account every  month that is your gauge on what’s going on don’t  

    Worry about the apps worry about your money that’s  how you know if these protests work or not every   well I don’t hear Dar talking about you I don’t  hear David talking about you look at your bank  

    Account trust me when you doing private rides when  you when they having to pay your ass super Surge   and give you bigger bonuses and bigger quests to  do rides on these apps that’s when you know this  

    Shit’s working they ain’t gonna tell you if you  in a a boxing ring with somebody they ain’t going   to ever tell you hey man that punch just hurt me  last round man don’t hit me there again man that  

    [ __ ] hurt me this ain’t going to tell you that  so no they will never tell you what’s working you   have to know what’s working by paying attention  to what’s going on you have to sit up and go you  

    Know what we know what’s working why because look  at my bank account I ain’t never had a quest like   this I never seen surges like this in my area at  this time of the daytime they never you know just  

    Shot me $700 like the other day they gave all the  EV people 500 700 they ain’t never been getting   big chunks like that thrown at them the protests  are working they seeing we’re waking up to a lot  

    Of the [ __ ] that’s going on so when you look  at your bank account and it’s going up and not   down oh you can thank [ __ ] for that because a  lot of people ain’t speaking on it you know most  

    People are are starting to get an eye on it and  I don’t know I I sent you an email earlier today   it’s in regards to making sure that we all talk  to customers get two customers a day from two  

    Customers a day that’s uh you know you figure  out two times five days a week that you work   that’s what 10 customers 10 Time 4 is 40 40 time  12 that those are your private rights that’s your  

    Future guys you $480 future 480 bucks like that  you just did 480 those CS went up to 480 fast   as hell and 480 that’ll cover your car insurance  private R and now you’re like damn I got my car  

    Insurance it’ll cover your car note you might say  hey man it covered my car note that 480 covered   my note money that you would have never got the  like I said look at opportunity cost these apps   got people so focused on [ __ ] popcorn look at  the opportunity cost what could you make don’t  

    Look at well it only cost me 13 cents a mile  in fuel and it cost me you know 11 cents for   no yeah it’s it’s pennies they got you looking  at popcorn how much can you make at the concert  

    Or I can make 300 how I could do this this and  this don’t well since it only cost me 13 cents   to my as long as I’m making 26 Cents I’m doubling  my money no [ __ ] that stupid yeah exactly dumb  

    [ __ ] look at the opportunity cost what can you  make and if they ain’t paying you turn that app   off take your ass home start another business your  business might be photography I had somebody today  

    In my comments she does uh surveys she makes about  $175 like every hour and a half or something like   that doing surveys online so I’m gonna sit down  and chat with her and try to bring her on a live  

    Stream so she can explain how she’s getting all  these surveys so if a driver ain’t doing [ __ ]   anyways for the next hour and a half you sit in  the parking lot doing nothing do a survey it’s  

    Surveys and zoom calls so I’m G get her on a live  stream the show drivers because I want these apps   to say these [ __ ] are making money because we  ain’t paying them now you gotta pay us now you’re  

    Going to pay me show me the money exactly show me  the money goddamn and that’s the thing and if they   don’t want to pay us we gonna go do other [ __ ]  and now you’re gonna be stuck with all these  

    Pigeons out there wrecking they is complaining  cuz what they going to end up doing Wrecking a   car not having $2,500 deductible renting from  Herz and Uber getting money taken out of their   account when they ain’t they [ __ ] sleeping where  it HS take another $1,100 my I mean these these  

    Are the people who they gonna be dealing with  a bunch of disgruntled upset ass pigeons and we   gonna be like we’re making good money right now  doing because we all said this is how you got to   do it y’all we’re entrepreneurs but we ain’t just  drivers we’re entrepreneurs that becomes before a  

    Driver you being a driver is part of you being an  entrepreneur anytime you’re independent contractor   you are an entrepreneur anytime you did work for  yourself you are an entrepreneur yep yep and a lot   of people don’t see it like that because they’re  from W2 backgrounds like I said just like etherman  

    Said we are indoctrinated it takes a lot of of  reverse engineering to indoctrinate somebody who’s   been indoctrinated to un indoctrinate somebody  you got to teach them the value of who they are   as a person you got to teach them this is not  you they got to go through damn near therapy  

    And counseling and [ __ ] to break those habits  well they’re not gonna pay me I mean I used to   sit and laugh at people on YouTube it it wasn’t  really funny [ __ ] but to me as an accountant  

    It would I would laugh because they’d be like  yeah man I’m getting a 50 Cent an hour raise   and I’ll be like these Val these [ __ ] value two  more quarters more this hour than than they did  

    Yesterday two more quarters I’m like dude it’s a  homeless [ __ ] at Circle K right now getting $5   extra per hour right now it’s a homeless [ __ ]  getting an extra $5 per hour by changing up his   scheme a little bit those homeless [ __ ] are  entrepreneurs they sit they walking around three  

    400 in they pocket at any given time they changing  they [ __ ] up all the time yes and I’m sitting   there like I’m sitting there like you happy over  two quarters [ __ ] gave you two quar oh I got 50  

    Cent an hour raise man I can’t and I’m like bro  you indoctrinated when I leave my house I want   an extra $50 an hour I want an extra you know 25  an hour not 25 cent $25 per hour and so when you  

    Indoctrinate somebody to make them think 50 cents  more per hour your value went up by 50 Cent more   per hour there’s 280 hours in a normal business  year 280 hours because we know that [ __ ] because  

    We did HR work so therefore from last year to  this year you said your value only went up by   $1,040 that’s all you at 50 Cent an hour it went  up by $1,040 your value from last year all the  

    Experience and all the [ __ ] you know all the  [ __ ] the time and opportunity you’re giving   this company you’re willing to sell your soul to  this company again and all they’re saying is we’re   gonna give you an extra thousand dollar this year  I’m like no [ __ ] that you’re not giving me no  

    Extra Grand it’s was like you gonna give me what  I came for you giving me my money [ __ ] if I if   I said oh Dems is coming in the building let’s  see what Dems is on today what’s up Dems Dallas  

    What’s good what’s good what’s good everybody how  are you that’s J Dallas hey how’s it going down   there in that that SUV life hey it is what it  is get money oh yeah oh telling you shoot y’all  

    Doing it I’ve been looking at a a 2017 Acura MDX  is what I’m looking at now so I’ve got a few of   them on Deck I started looking at like car gurus  and stuff like that 2014 is when the Uber the uh  

    Lift black and all of that starts so lift black  go back to a 20 4 so I said well let me get a 17   so I got at least two three years if they don’t  change that [ __ ] and so and then it’s a third  

    Row so even when I do private rides now now I  can do Bachelor parties bachelorette parties I   could do you know five people and stuff like  instead of like only three and four I can go  

    Up five six maybe so yes I’m looking to upgrade  I’m looking to upgrade I’m looking at this acur   MDX you are gonna do you definitely have to  invest in yourself that’s my I I just can’t  

    Stress it enough if this is what you’re going to  do you have to open up your options take yourself   out the box yeah and make yourself available for  all ride type bottom line Point Blank yep I mean  

    I I jump between the app wherever the money’s at  if I’m on a high surge I’ll drop it to standard   real quick because I’m Gonna Pop That 25 put  five with it I just made 30 on a on a five M  

    Ride that’s it smart do that’s having the black  platform helps you out to to go from from the top   to the bottom and got you got to play with it you  just I play it like a game the same way they play  

    Me like a game I’mma play them back like a game  that’s right exactly the one thing one thing I   have to reme you guys got to remember keep keep  track of any of the rights that you take from X  

    To uh Comfort because they are charging us they  are charging us double the amount on on the uh   Commercial Insurance because if you have it and I  have it that means that they’re they’re trying to  

    Put it on on top of us and then they’re gonna  charge us yep and you know at some point like   I said just like when they got from 2014 to 2017  that settlement they did in New York about that  

    Those amounts they were charging drivers for stuff  like that and they finally that 328 million they   finally said okay we’re going to pay you guys  back to 328 million I think it’s going to go just   Nationwide maybe worldwide with how they’re doing  with this insurance [ __ ] at some point they’re  

    Going to end up being caught in it and they’re  gonna have to settle for it because they’re   double charging people are being double covered  for situations where we should be able to opt   out of that $2,500 deductible we shouldn’t have  to deal with a $2500 deductible if we don’t want  

    To you can’t force us to do that nobody can force  you you you’re going to pay this $2500 deductible   what if I want to pay a cheaper one well if you  want to pay a cheaper one to go get a cheaper  

    One okay then I’m opting out of yours and I’m GNA  give me a cheaper one then people should have that right you have commercial coverage and you get  into an accident you have to fou it with your   insurance company first before you even pursue  the Uber lift insurance but if I got Commercial  

    Insurance then at the end of the day my insurance  is covering everything so what the my ply r r   exactly yes and that’s what it is all my coin  back yep and you know it’s going to happen there  

    Going to be some some settlements coming out of  this whole ordeal and I’m glad a lot of the rer   channs are now starting to discuss Insurance the  extortion the [ __ ] people are really talking   about it now so many people I don’t want Uber  to say this and deactivate me I don’t want LIF  

    To deactivate I don’t want I’m like [ __ ] them  speak the truth you are the first one to bring   it up because I’m going to tell you if it wasn’t  because you kept on saying we have insurance we  

    Have insurance we have insurance no no one would  have opened their eyes up to really D dig into it   because because like I tell [ __ ] when I when I  wear those shirts say and Craig got one of those  

    Too it says I represent the chat because I’m  somebody in the [ __ ] chats when I’m on these   live streams of other people Channel they don’t  represent the chat we’re in the chat having great   conversations great questions great comments  luckily I have a channel to where I can bring  

    Up the actual [ __ ] that the chat talks about  to the Forefront that most of these channels   scared to talk about well I don’t want to talk  about that cuz Uber might not like that [ __ ]  

    Uber they don’t like me they’re stealing from me  they don’t like me so I tell [ __ ] I’m one of the   only channels that actually represents the chat  I represent the chat [ __ ] if you want to know  

    What the chat is on come over to this channel  because this is what the chat talks about over   here and a lot of channels won’t do that they  won’t do that oh no we got our agenda we talk  

    About what we have on schedule [ __ ] this is  no script straight from the hip we shoot over here [ __ ] we do it over here we don’t [ __ ]  around we do it over here and if you don’t like  

    How we do it it’s cool we we’re cool Channel we  say well go about your business we don’t need you   over here we’re about energy we’re about getting  this money I want everybody to [ __ ] wake up one  

    Day and be like man I cannot believe after this  month I paid all my bills I ain’t never had an   extra 800 just sitting there dude this shit’s  crazy like oh man I just paid I got an extra  

    Three G’s after four months it’s just sitting  there man what am I doing you doing something   right now this is how it should have always been  but if you always settle for people taking money  

    From you they will keep taking it from you these  rental car companies taking it from you and I like   I was telling um My Man Logan what I would love  to do is to go out and buy older model cars like  

    The entry level car like let’s say they start at  2007 is what most of these Uber cars talk about   because I look at it so I’m going through Craigs  List I’m looking at everything 2009 to current  

    Now if I find a car for let’s say two grand it’s  a 2009 you know 150,000 miles I’ll buy it for two   grand service that [ __ ] top to bottom up down  get it all fixed and I want to sell that car for  

    Whatever I invested plus something for my time to  a ride share driver that has a rental car get out   of that [ __ ] rental car this is your car now I  know the car is good because I did all the work to  

    It so it’s got a good fuel pump good spark PL good  brakes everything on this car is good now get out   of that [ __ ] rental car well Jeff I ain’t got no  money man you know what take that [ __ ] car back  

    Take this car right now drive this [ __ ] for two  weeks start paying me back you ain’t no dealership   Jeff I ain’t say I was a [ __ ] deal dealership if  you pay me back for this [ __ ] car it’s yours the  

    Moment you finish pay I’ll give you the title  to this [ __ ] and that’s how I want to do it   man I want to help people get out of these [ __ ]  poverty traps if we don’t start helping each other  

    Out and pitching for each other and that’s just  a side business I would have run is buying cars   offline replacing Transmissions doing all this  [ __ ] myself getting people out of these 2000   because if $2,000 a month is what you’re G to pay  for a rental car for 12 months that’s $224,000 if  

    I sell you a car for six six grand guess what  three months later you’re done so your money   is yours for eternity now you own the [ __ ] C  it’s yours now you never had to run credit and  

    Have to do no credit [ __ ] and that’s how we  help each other out we try to pull each other   up in the ways we can imagine this the first $500  on that Monday that you are working for which may  

    Take you two days to pay for that [ __ ] rental  okay two days and then the rest of it you have to   work your ass off yeah you have to work your ass  off just so you can make another $1,500 and if you  

    And let’s say you let’s say you had 30 good rides  that week like or 30 good rides during a period   where you should have did like 50 all you got is  30 good rides the rest are all [ __ ] rides you’re  

    Throwing money away you have to do loss rides just  to keep a job you have to take a loss just to keep   a job it’s like you’re not being an entrepreneur  then you’re not being a contractor now no you’re  

    Being just like these dumb [ __ ] now it’s a W2  for at it’s a way to keep someone down and not   be able to to go uh free from from their advantage  to do things yep exactly it’s a poverty trap like  

    I tell everybody it’s Plantation economics it’s  poverty trap we got to start having these words   circulating the rare Community because once you  start educating Riders on this [ __ ] Riders are   going to say well how can I help you get off the  plantation well you can give me 50 because I’m  

    Long getting out of this R is 24 and you paid 76  just give me 50 you can help me off the plantation   bet yeah and you keep doing that [ __ ] over and  over now they’re freeing us we’re freeing them  

    From being under the grips of being gouged all the  [ __ ] time and they’re freeing us from being cut   short we’re all helping each other off the [ __ ]  Plantation called Uber and LIF and even with like   I said with that Tony delivers guy he’s telling  people say hey you know what I’ll charge you  

    This much for deliveries that’s it so all these  other prices you guys are paying you’re getting   gouge and I ain’t getting paid [ __ ] anyways  so everybody has to pitch in and even when Pedro   then was doing the the gig conference and all that  stuff I was always saying if you don’t get writers  

    And customers and all these people involved in  your gig conference you’re missing a major part   of the economy because he only want to do like  he wanted to do like YouTubers and drivers I’m  

    Like no you can’t do that man I said you got to go  grab Riders you gotta get people from McDonald’s   get people from [ __ ] Walmart everybody have to  be there it’s a conference about the gig space  

    We’re all a part of the gig space you can’t leave  out the the revenue part and just deal with us as   drivers like no you gotta have everybody [ __ ]  show up invite them all and the fact is the fact  

    Still Remains without you without her without  me without anybody around here all of us as   drivers profession and let’s let’s call ourselves  professional drivers please because you are a   professional okay so every single professional  driver out there takes their hands into their  

    Own mind and they say okay you know what we are  not going to work for this for this th this this   group of people that are treating us treating us  like slaves I mean they are totally treating us  

    Like slaves and if we do it by ourselves and we  go out there each one of us becomes a an area of   expertise I have I have the expertise to go into  the airport pick people up at the uh hotels there  

    You go there’s there’s your expertise and then you  start creating your own uh clientele getting 25 35   45 $50 a ride can you imagine if everybody did  that and and that money is not going to the app  

    And I’m glad you said that I’m glad you said that  because we got this ABC 2123 love said I don’t   think protest is going to work but it’s a minor  inconvenience for everyone what we should do is  

    Get state and city reps uh for change uh laws  change I’m glad you said what you said and I’m   glad because those are conflicting things I think  the protests are currently working for one I don’t  

    If ABC doesn’t know or not but I’m going to tell  you the definition of a protest a protest is to   bring up a topic of discussion to put it on the  Forefront of a table to get everybody aware of it  

    That’s what a protest is the fact that you’re  even talking about it on my live stream shows   that the protest is working that shows it’s  working now what do you want it to work for  

    Is the other end of it do we wanted to work for  better pay so how do we protest we turn the app   off and do private rides are private rides paying  better than the apps right now therefore it works  

    So protesting works so ABC doesn’t realize that a  private ride you get paid more than driving on the   app ABC doesn’t know that but we’re educating ABC  right now so we’re letting you know when you do a   private ride you’re protesting what the apps  are paying you it’s a protest it’s an actual  

    Protest I don’t think ABC knows what a protest is  we’re explaining to you what it is you’re go do a   private ride now you’re making 50 instead of 19  2025 does that work for you to have $50 instead  

    Of 25 does it work for you I think it works so  therefore the protest works so but like I said   I don’t think ABC understands what a protest  is and to say I want the government involved  

    The government don’t need to be involved no I can  talk straight to a rider I could talk straight to   a rider without the senator [ __ ] standing right  there I could talk straight to a rer without the  

    Congressman standing right there I tell the riter  hey man $85 for this ride if Uber and lift want   to be a part of that transaction then sit down at  the table with me and say Jeff let us be a part  

    Of this transaction man because you stealing the  [ __ ] out our passenges right now you taking us   down dude what are you doing you got all these  [ __ ] out there taking money from us right   now Jeff what so the protest is working Jeff you  know what you just brought up that talking to the  

    Customers all the time you know there’s drivers  out there that have probably picked up Carri Lake   pick uh at uh Camelback and taking her home from  vacations you don’t think that we could probably  

    Talk to her and moving you don’t think that yeah  stto the guy from ABC News I which I picked up out   in North Phoenix and I brought him to the airport  you don’t think we could have brought this up and  

    Bring the the fact of how things are being run by  Uber against us yep Y and see and that’s the thing   just mentioning it to to the media the media  me you you’re telling me people who are in the  

    Senate the Congress the house of reps you don’t  think they W oh they watch the news all these   [ __ ] here what we talking about the protest  work these people didn’t just turn the TV off   when they talked about the Valentine’s Day protest  they didn’t just turn no they heard they saw they  

    Saw all the commotion they heard they reading  [ __ ] these [ __ ] they not saying because   a lot of people right now is in the pockets of a  lot of politicians right now Uber is paying a lot  

    Of people to do what they do and get away they  got Tony West from the justice department he’s   one of the biggest people in government they got  him from the justice department working at Uber   headquarters so you telling me the Govern the  government don’t know what the [ __ ] is going  

    On in R share the government works in R share  they know what’s going on they hear us they see   us coming but a lot of people who are drivers and  think that they’re drivers because they don’t see  

    Outside of the world of being a driver we live on  planet [ __ ] Earth this shit’s expansive you’ve   got to watch news you’ve got to watch TV you got  to understand stocks Finance if this is the [ __ ]  

    You wi you got to envelop yourself in it don’t  just be a driver no be bigger than that thank   you thank you so much Miss mix appreciate that  Micha comment about them doing that buyback I came   across a article uh today actually um regarding  that buyback and they were saying that um Uber  

    See CEO did the buyback in order to Bo up that  quarterly for his um his his bonus yeah yeah it’s   and I’m gonna read me comment real because the  goal of the proest is to gain momentum by getting  

    The media involved to spread our message to the  masses a necessary mechanism to gain traction and   spread awareness and to piggyback that on what you  were saying dims when I did the the video talking   about why because I said did the protest backfire  that was my thumbnail say protest back fires and I  

    Had laughing faces on it because a lot of people  oh the protest backfired the stock went up and I   explained to them why the stock went up I said  the stock didn’t go up because of the protest  

    The stock went up because of the S billion doll  buyback that Uber has never done in the history of   the [ __ ] company that’s why it went up and why  do you do that you take stock out of circulation  

    It’s like like and I had to explain it to people I  said let’s say I got one one share of stock and my   company’s worth $1,000 that means this is worth  $1,000 now let’s say I got two shares of stocks  

    The company’s still worth a th000 but now each  sale each stock is worth 500 500 the value of the   company never changes the value of the stock went  down because I put more out now I got three shares  

    Of stock company is still $1,000 333 each now the  value keeps going down the more shares I put out   there so let’s say I want to buy back two shares  I only have one share outstanding now the company  

    Still worth $ thousand dollar but this stock is  now worth a thousand so it arbitrarily showed you   that because the stock went up you think the value  the company went up no I just took other shares  

    Off the [ __ ] floor now so I’m back to $1,000  a share I’m not at 333 a share no more because   I’ll bought back the two other shares that’s the  [ __ ] Uber it’s a car trick all accountants know  

    That it’s a car trick you go that car trick was  done by the help of us professional drivers we   made them the money so they can go buy it back  that’s the bottom line we made them that kind of  

    Money a company that was losing money the first  quarter of 2023 in the second third and fourth   quarter they have record record uh earnings what  how does that happen how does that happen on our  

    Backs that’s how it happens on our backs thank  you and if we can go out there and generate these   same rides saving people money so we’re saving I  think I think I can hear somebody’s phone like in  

    The background I think that’s yours DMs I think I  can hear your phone my phone yeah because I think   echoing back into my ears yeah and so yeah now I  now it’s gone yeah and so I was telling people if  

    If we can go out and generate the savings for  these for the riers if we can generate savings   for them and we can make more money through  generating them savings then the app is what’s   costing everybody too much it’s costing us our  money and it’s costing Riders their money we  

    Just got to come together and talk about it say  hey y’all the reason why y’all going broke and   why we ain’t making no [ __ ] money is because  of these apps are in the way this travel agency   is selling ,000 cruise tickets for $250 cruises  so you can’t sell somebody $1,000 cruise ticket  

    The cruise only cost 250 bucks if I tell you how  much of the cruise you have 250 well I just paid a   th for this [ __ ] who’d you pay Uber it’s like  oh you got played then I’m not getting no tip  

    And note nothing out of that because I you just  overpaid for it now yeah they’re using the same   concept as they did that as did and the previous  company you know get S sell a Aviation tickets at  

    A whatever price and they can make the profit off  of it yep yep and and like I said he come Derek   comes from expedia.com that’s where he comes from  yes that’s it yeah so he’s one of those people  

    That have this this mentality of we’re nothing  to these people they look at their app and their   technology as being their business we ain’t [ __ ]  we’re just away from them conduct their business   our business our little small Independent Business  we got don’t mean [ __ ] to none of them it means  

    Nothing to none of them yeah they don’t have  anything invested what do they have investment   on just the technology the name technology that’s  all their Investments who has the car you do Jeff   you do I do everybody does all of us have a car  that’s the investment out there and then we can  

    Also like you said we can go get our own insurance  we don’t need to buy this because they’re selling   us marketing us products that we don’t need  they’re selling us a high cost insurance that   we don’t want that doesn’t benefit us or anything  like that so at $2500 deductible how is that gonna  

    Benefit the average person do you think everybody  has $2500 in their back pocket to give out as a   deduct deductible being paid they’re GNA then come  back to you and say oh hold on on a second this is  

    Not the way it is uh we we can’t cover you because  uh uh you were on time A or B and it wasn’t C or   whatever the hell that they try to do to try to  manipulate us exactly manipulation and ABC comes  

    Back saying you know capitalism capitalism is  cool but you got to realize we’re also a part of   capitalism too I’m a capitalist I’m an independent  contractor a self-employed person capitalist so   we’re capitalist we should be able to go out and  negotiate our profit margins and do our things  

    Too therefore to say capitalism but they tell us  what to do that’s called feudalism feudalism is   where serfdom took place you have landlords and  [ __ ] at the top telling all the Surfs what to   do so capitalism is where everybody has a say and  everybody negotiates their value and everybody  

    Fights for profets feudalism is where you have  Lords over people right over and are the Lords   over people tell telling people well you got to  abide by this and you got to do this that’s not   capitalism capitalism is me saying hey Uber you  charging this person 100 this person is willing to  

    Give me 80 because you trying to pay me 39 so let  this person make a decision letting that writer   make a decision on transparency and what’s really  going on that’s where capitalism takes place when   you start hiding facts you ain’t capitalism now  you’re back at feudalism again you’re back you  

    Just said something very important that everybody  needs to understand understand transparency you   just said it that’s what we need yeah we  definitely need transparency yep and and a   lot of people they don’t understand that you know  to do legit business and you got business partners  

    We used to be called driving Partners it’s funny  that Daren now calls us earners they don’t call   us driving Partners no more they call us earners  now we’re earning all the money for these [ __ ]   to live the lives they live we’re earners all  Jeffs are earners we got all these new earners  

    Coming online we’re not driving Partners you’ll  never hear them say we’re our driving Partners   go look through all they [ __ ] they’ll never call  us a driving partner because we earn all the money   the trillions of dollars required to run this  whole Enterprise we’re the ones earning it that  

    App is not earning it that app is facilitating us  being used as slaves that’s all it’s doing just   like the Matrix when you plug in all these brains  and [ __ ] the the people who are plugged into the  

    Matrix are actually making The Matrix operate the  way it does when you plug Us in as Drive you’re   making this whole Uber and lift system operate  the way it does when we unplug ourselves and say  

    [ __ ] that we the 300 we coming for our money now  the Matrix is not running right now something is   screwed up with the Matrix and they’re like  oh [ __ ] we don’t know what to do man say  

    These drives are all dropping off they’re doing  private rides now oh we’ll send it a memo showing   everybody taking rides off app is against the  terms of service we’re stealing our [ __ ] tips   is against the terms of service too under they do  it anyway exactly but yeah they do it anyway yeah  

    But they don’t want to call us you know what  we truly are which are you know entrepreneurs   independent contractors they’re want to treat us  like W2 employees by by controlling us not letting   us be the entrepreneurs we are that’s why I wear  this [ __ ] gear out that’s why we go we talk to  

    Riders we talk to drivers we talk to everybody we  remind them you are an entrepreneur capitalism is   in your favor too not just in their fav it’s  in your favor too and if we are independent   true independent contractors they should not be  trying to tell us how many rides we need to pick  

    Up in an hour how many how many in a week how  many in a month what’s our acceptance rates or   cancellation rates that is that is W2 mentality  people need to understand that please understand  

    That you’re not an employe guys I’m already on it  ether I about to say that’s why I put it up there   open hey I never and I’m glad you said it and I  didn’t because I’ve told everybody I have seen  

    The app already I said it on my last live stream  I’ve seen the app work I see I’ve seen the backend   how it works the blockchain rer application is  on the [ __ ] way trust me I didn’t want to say  

    It so I’m glad said I had to zoom in on it on want  you to see that I want you to see that that’s why   I put that [ __ ] up there a lot of people don’t  understand they’re scared of crypto they’re scared  

    Of blockchain chain these [ __ ] are scared of  people having the power to say what value is when   we do crypto we say like what Sheba indu went  up like 30% the other day Dogecoin jumped like  

    24% the other day we sit there and we tell people  if we run blockchain it’s all the people in this   world if we run crypto was all the people in this  world we take out the big Banks we take out you  

    Know fiat currency we take out what they say is  valuable and we make it valuable they don’t want   blockchain blockchain is is outside of the mates  of what they can control blockchain is worldwide   blockchain is universal blockchain will [ __ ]  up everything any of these powerful people ever  

    Did they all become broke and we all become rich  they don’t want that [ __ ] to happen that’s why   they don’t mess with no blockchain now do you  know do you realize that now he realized Dara   said oh we’re not treating our our our we’re not  paying attention to our drivers what does that  

    Mean to you yeah what does that really mean  to you as a driver remember you guys driver yeah that’s right check [ __ ] that’s right you’re  going to pay me R me my coin that’s what they mean  

    I mean they gonna sit up there and give all these  immigrants all this [ __ ] money but here we are   hardworking Americans you y’all running around  trying to [ __ ] tax us for everything make us AB   by all these stipulations but give our money away  to people from other [ __ ] countries that don’t  

    Even know [ __ ] about this country this [ __ ]  makes no sense to me it makes no sense to me so   this has to be orchestrated as a psychological  bit of Warfare It’s almost like and like I said  

    All right shit’s gonna get real y’all know when I  say that shit’s about to go downhill real [ __ ]   fast but I believe honestly I think this the  administration we currently got right now is   is pushing pushing like feverously pushing for  this country to go into Civil War mode and I’m  

    Going tell you why they keep pushing the January  6th agenda because it’s they want to put that in   front of your head January the 6 January  the 6 but I’m going to tell you something   about January the 6th I saw a bunch of [ __ ]  with backpacks I ain’t never seen people with  

    Backpacks overtake a country I’ve never seen  people overthrow a country with backpacks we   got people coming through the Daran gapping  everything wearing backpacks and [ __ ] like   that but yet they’re taking over our country  because we’re giving them free [ __ ] giving  

    Them money giving them everything they didn’t  give January the 6 people no free money they a   giving them nothing for free and they had the  same backpacks so why we got these [ __ ] with   backpacks coming you give them all of our [ __ ]  give them free hous and free free everything but  

    Yet we got the people who in America they  got backpacks invading some and you say   oh well they’re they’re terrorists they’re  invading this Insurrection and beating our   police officers this is the biggest we’ve seen  if you beat up a police officer or I beat up a

    Police buddy exactly first she going to the  hospital and be handcuff to a bed then you   going to jail but have you have anybody to this  day has anybody heard of any illegal immigrant   being shot by a police officer no because those  are soldiers if we shoot one of these illegal  

    Immigrants we’re shooting a soldier these illegal  immigrants that is an indication of War if you   shoot one of these illegal immigrants you have now  started war with another country by killing their   citizens who are soldiers on our soil you will  never see an illegal immigrant get shot by a cop  

    I put that [ __ ] on everything they’ll shoot me  before they shoot one of them guaranteed because   they don’t want War if these people come over  here and they get shot I told y this [ __ ] was  

    GNA get real they shoot one of these [ __ ] over  here oh trust me we gonna have military dropping   bombs on this [ __ ] we’re gonna have Air Force  his mother because we killing they people on our   soil imagine Americans being killed in another  country right now imagine America’s being killed  

    Over in Iraq oh we G we could declaring war real  quick what just happened over in Palestine when   you saw them Americans being killed over there  what oh America jumped on that [ __ ] real quick   so you don’t think they gonna do the same [ __ ]  over here if we kill an illegal immigrant they  

    Beating up our police officers they robbing  our swords they yanking purses these [ __ ]   being handcuffed and released the next day you  cannot start a war by doing anything against   these illegal immigrants on our soil and the  Biden Administration made sure that [ __ ]  

    They started a war on our soil with our hands  tied behind our [ __ ] back that’s what they   did and I like I told y this motherf is gonna get  real I have a lot of discussions off camera and  

    I talk to [ __ ] like this all the time I know  my channel gonna get [ __ ] blocked B all that [Laughter] [ __ ] you get rid of my ass Qui  oh [ __ ] he it to real get rid of him like  

    [ __ ] that that’s that’s why I because I know  how passionate am about my position and I was   kind of talking about immigrants for while I left  that [ __ ] alone because [ __ ] ain’t ready for   that conversation yet but I’m like you tell me out  of all the [ __ ] the the millions and millions of  

    Immigrants we got in this country right now how  many I mean they killing college students they’re   killing [ __ ] homeowners they’re how many of  those [ __ ] have been shot by a police officer   zero not a n shoot one you have now in you’ve  declared war on another [ __ ] country These  

    Are Soldiers on our soil right now I’m telling  you man the shit’s right in our [ __ ] faces it   is they just ain’t coming to the cliff with the  foolishness oh yeah oh yeah that’s it man let’s  

    Get ourselves back to the curb what we need to do  on April Fool’s Day oh man oh April Fool’s gonna   be funny going down I’m GNA do a couple of live  streams but I’m going out I’m doing cash rods I’m  

    Gonna go out and do some cash rods on April fools  man because all these [ __ ] that oh man I made   so much money on on you know February the 14th  thank you guys a protest and I told you [ __ ]  

    Y’all could thank us because you will never make  $900 on a regular day like that ever again yeah   maybe on April 1 when we protesting again exactly  exactly did you notice that did you notice that  

    These people that that uh that did get $900 uh  in a day the next day they they were all getting   100 125 bucks EXA they was crying they was crying  by the end of the week they was crying yep right  

    It didn’t change nothing y’all was out there  protesting it didn’t change nothing I’m still   not getting paid nothing because you didn’t  stand up with us be mad we tried to tell you   now and the funny thing is that all of us who  have been doing cash rides and smart driving  

    I mean I’ve been using a lot more money even  to cover bills and [ __ ] like that with all   my private ride money so therefore my ride share  money ain’t even being touched right now if I’m  

    Doing ride shair it’s like [ __ ] my rideair money  is sitting there private rides is all like I said   I don’t even put this [ __ ] on my channel I tell  I tell everybody keep a safe in your [ __ ] house  

    If you gonna be doing private rides keep a safe in  your house cuz the shit’s going to get crazy I’ll   be at the gas man we be chatting talking a laugh  [ __ ] my man Chad be like dude I could even shut  

    My [ __ ] wallet yesterday I’m like I know it  man people don’t want to pay these [ __ ] apps   they don’t they want to pay us they want to ride  in this clean [ __ ] car they see sitting right  

    Here let the windows down they can smell a [ __ ]  for Breeze coming out that [ __ ] they’re like   man this car is clean man oh yeah this [ __ ] oh  [ __ ] hell $80 here let’s ride let’s ride people  

    Don’t understand how we accept rides that pay us  $25 and yet the app is making $79 or $85 exactly   they don’t understand they they think in every  single writer that I have talked to that I’ve  

    Gotten a good what I thought it was a good fair  amount when they find out what they’re paying me   they go whoa you know what give me your business  card next time I’m in town I’m going to get uh  

    Call you and rer out there they’re realizing that  they’re manipulating all of us drivers they’re   getting us addicted to the drug of an app yep yep  it’s it’s psychological man like I said it’s like  

    Sitting in front of a slot machine that’s all it  is people sitting from a slot machine for hours on   in hours on in and it’s like it’s the addiction  of is this next one gonna hit is this next one  

    Gonna hit is this and it comes real close to  a cherry oh [ __ ] I almost had a cherry man   is the next gonna hit is that oh [ __ ] I had a  seven and it’s just like that oh man is my next  

    Ride gonna be a banger is it gonna be a banger and  it’s like a [ __ ] ride it’s like oh I’m gonna go   to this area see if it’s good oh it’s another  [ __ ] ride then you finally get a good ride  

    After four [ __ ] rides like oh man I got a banger  let’s see if I can get another one it’s a drug man   it’s like a casino and they know it they’re not  stupid they know it but the only thing is this  

    Is a very expensive casino because we’re paying  $30,000 a year in Insurance out of our pocket to   these people we’re earners for them we’re earning  the money so they can pay all they bills we ain’t   earning the [ __ ] to pay ours though that’s we  appreciating our first class CS that we have out  

    There you have a BMW I have a Lincoln she has  a got big X7 X6 X7 what do you got I got the   Lincoln Navigator yeah damn she got like a X6 or  X7 I think seven seven big one the big one seven  

    There you go and you think they care the moment  that you have an issue with your Engine with your   brakes or anything else you’re going to say you  know what let me send you some money because you  

    Are great earner let me give you some money for  for to to fix your car never never [ __ ] you   they gonna tell you call hurts call hurts and  rent a car so you’re not beating up your car  

    Sure oh yeah so we can become we can be the next  slave uh in the line and I’mma Jump Right In the   other one exactly like I said some was saying hey  man thank God I’m addicted to cash I tell people  

    When you walk in the casino there’s a reason why  they got penny slots and there’s a reason why   they got the high limit area penny slots are the  people that are addicted to money now the people  

    In the high limit area are the people that are  addicted to winning that’s the difference if you   want to make if you want to win and you want to  [ __ ] have some good [ __ ] you’re gonna play  

    The hot dollar you see people buying $50 scratch  offs you see people paying $100 scratch off $25   then you got the people Bing the $1 scratch offs  $2 scratch offs those are for the people who are  

    Addicted to money because they think if I spend  this $2 I’m going to win a million you’re going   to win a free ticket you’re paying $2 you’re  gonna win brought something really good good   you know how the Arizona Lottery has those  scratch offs when they first come off with  

    The new ones those ones pay off right oh yeah  they get you addicted they get you oh they get   you to pay $10 $20 on a $2 uh thing oh $500 on  two bucks next thing you know you spent all your  

    $500 that you earned or you gain you you won and  then more a guy told I used to work with a guy a   long time ago he said he did a scratch off won a  hundred bucks bought $100 worth the scratch offs  

    Didn’t win a single [ __ ] thing he had $100 and  he spent it all on because he said I just knew in   that lot he says I just bought like all these  different ones while I was there didn’t win a  

    Single [ __ ] thing I was like nothing these  is not even a ticket I was like you had bad run like hell yeah and I see that [ __ ]  in Casino all the time people on losing   streets in casinos they lose they’ll be up you  know two three th000 they don’t win again for  

    Weeks they’ll be they like man I was up 3g’s man  they just in a hole putting their whole check   in there they go back they borrowing money from  other people they just taking out payday L they  

    Going straight downhill and it’s like sometimes  you just get on a bad run I lived in Vegas for   15 years I’ve seen people come to Vegas you  know living life nice house kids in school   and I’ve seen those [ __ ] leave to go all way  back home live in a basement with their family  

    Somebody’s basement Vegas will take you down  like that you’ve been on bad run sometimes you   just get on a bad run it just [ __ ] think  losing 100s a lot try losing 10 15,000 like   two months 105 G’s in a couple of months you  just straight five bands in one night exactly

    Exactly and I tell [ __ ] I’m like IO ain’t going  back no more hey and I tell [ __ ] people who knew   me back in the day when I used to sports bet and  everything else I win like 4600 bucks go home I  

    Win like 2,800 me and my man Nate was out one  night he won 1300 I win 1300 mon Carlo we must   have gambled for like an hour total both of us,  1300 up we went out and bought leather suits like  

    [ __ ] P Diddy and [ __ ] serious I had a brown  one he had a gray one we went out and bought   leather [ __ ] suits like P Diddy we was up in the  club with money [ __ ] was all in [ __ ] Vegas I  

    Still remember that [ __ ] from back in the day  exactly [ __ ] like we went straight to to the   suit shop and my man chill he had one of the suits  so we said dude let’s get these leather suits we  

    Look like P didy and [ __ ] mace we had leather  suits [ __ ] we just bought with the money from   Monte Carlo partying like a [ __ ] all night we  up in that [ __ ] like this boy was like that’s  

    My man Nate Rogers he in Vegas right now still  he’ll probably remember that story like dude we   hit those [ __ ] I said we just couldn’t go to  the casino with jeans on and shorts no we left  

    With the money went bought leather suits went  right back to the [ __ ] club we was in that   [ __ ] like yeah dud I was eating [ __ ] chicken  wings that’s Vegas for you man that’s the [ __ ]  

    Vegas will do to you [ __ ] had you Inn a [ __ ]  B leather suit for no reason it’s like dude I   love this suit [ __ ] that but we did it man we  was doing it back in the day doing it but I’ve  

    Also said I’ve went to Green Valley Ranch within  a matter of hours I kept hitting ATM I lost $3,000   in a matter of hours it’s happened to me before  too I’m like I’m $3,000 and when you lose 3,000  

    In a matter of hours cuz I’m doing big bets I’m  betting 150 200 each row you know I’m throwing   you know 100 on each hard way so it’s $400 out  there with 100 on the line and it’s like you  

    Know you just rolling hoping you hit a if I hit  a Hard Eight that 100 turn into a thousand like   that fast so I’m good I’m like I’m [ __ ] just  excuse me I’m sevening out I’m losing money left  

    And right few hours later I just go sit in the  parking lot I’m like I’m the dumbest [ __ ] I’m   a casino accountant I’m the dumbest [ __ ] on  planet right now what did I just do I just gave  

    Up $3,000 [ __ ] dollars what did I just there’s  no hurt out of you that can take that hurt out of   you I mean you turn the steering wheel you just  sit in the car you can’t even turn the steering  

    Wheel the key is too heavy you can’t even turn the  [ __ ] key in the car it’s too heavy and you just   like I’m the dumbest [ __ ] I’ve ever met I just  don’t believe I just gave away $3,000 they said  

    At the crafts table and let me do it they just  watch me do it they say hey man you ain’t gonna   win man just quit dog just quit I’m just money  money cash in [ __ ] another 500 cash in another  

    Thousand cash in another 500 I’m just putting cash  on the table and they like this [ __ ] just ain’t   gonna win he a he really think he gonna make his  money back I’m like well I’m only down a thousand  

    Okay I’m only down 1400 now right I’m only down  like 1,800 now take that one row yeah and I’m   thinking all I gotta do is hit like one of these  hard eights or something put 200 On A Hard Eight  

    If I hit that I make two G’s I’m back just I’m  I’m on the field I’m on the numbers at the top   I’m just s out [ __ ] something’s wrong man I just  can’t get it I can’t get it you sit in the car and  

    You like I a get the [ __ ] up out of Vegas I did  that [ __ ] in what 200 well my son was born in   200 uh two I did that like in about 2004 by 2012  I was like I’m out of here I’m getting the [ __ ]  

    Up out I just knew Vegas wasn’t for me so I just  busted my ass saved my money up did everything   I could do for like the next 10 years and got the  [ __ ] up out of Vegas I’m done that’s what we got  

    To do with the app here we gotta get the [ __ ]  out of these apps from yep yep man know you got   to do what you got to do presents is everything  you have your cards you go hang out at some of  

    These hotels you know [ __ ] I be up in there for  they breakfast oh yeah watching if I see you would   Happ in your hand hey how you doing exactly yeah  suit you Ste the suitcase up FR be like I don’t  

    Know how much they charging you but where you  going because I could probably where you going   facts for real presence is everything that’s it  right there and if you got more if you got gear  

    You walk up and they know you’re a driver and  you a four high driver you this and that be   like hey I don’t know how much they charge you  but wherever you going I bet I could beat that  

    Deal what are we talking and I’m right here  that’s my the thing about it is you know we   professional drivers like you said so I already  know what they charging you exactly you are you  

    Going to the airport right now oh they charge you  like $7 you you just paid something yeah you just   paid about 40 for that yeah reservation [ __ ]  yeah you just paid 100 for that oh don’t even  

    I I’m so pissed off right now because the other  day I’m in Tempe and I’m I’m down by the Weston   and I I got a surge on my phone like a $5 surge  something like that on my phone like I gotta use  

    This surge before I go home I get an airport ride  for 11 bucks so I’m like okay they give me $6 to   go to the [ __ ] airport and I’m going to use the  to make it 11 fine whatever so I get the ride take  

    It to the airport drop the [ __ ] off open it up  the dude PID like $25 Jesus [ __ ] they were gonna   they were gonna give me $6 for something that  dude paid $25 for if I didn’t have that surge  

    On my phone man and then I end up getting 11 out  of the 25 I’m like these raggedy bastards they   it had to be like a reservation or something had  to be something on there for him to pay that much  

    And for me not to get paid [ __ ] I was like no  man this can’t be 70% of the fair there is no 70%   of the fair nowhere in [ __ ] that I’m seeing all  the time can’t be ever ever yeah is getting worse  

    Everywhere oh I gave up Serge the other night I  was so mad because they kept they kept messing   with me I’ll had to hurry a tub in the surge all  because they kept trying to do nature hikes I’m  

    Sitting on like a five6 dollar surge I’m getting  a million [ __ ] I’m like nobody’s doing nature   hikes no more and I love it because maybe the apps  will change their their pay for us on Long rides  

    But I’m getting like back to back far north pass  the 101 North pass the 101 Glendale Peoria and I’m   sitting in 10p I’m like I’m not driving a Peoria  at this time of night because I’m not getting a  

    Ride back [ __ ] no and nobody’s taking NES I had  rides going to Maricopa $32 to go to Maricopa I’m   like that’s a 30 mile ride and there’s no that’s  almost an hour ride down there I’m not coming  

    Getting a ride back so I’m G have to come back  on so basically I’m getting pay $16 each way to   drive two hours $16 an hour to drive so I’m like  no I’m cool I’m cool not Comfort was it yeah they  

    Not paying us right man they’re not paying us my  grandma said don’t be no $2 ho well you know this   is the one thing that I don’t understand what the  ABS did I don’t understand what the ABS did but  

    Supposedly Comfort was one step lower than black  correct yeah yeah supposed to be supposed to be   but it isn’t you know what it is but they still  charging the consumer the Luxe price but they’re   not paying the driver what they was paying them  they’re giving giving the driver just the same  

    Thing as an X ride it’s just nothing it’s just  like the $7 I’ve never seen a $7 Comfort ride   from 10p to the airport that is ludicrous and  they get me all the time live me extra Comfort  

    Going from Tempe to Dale six bucks I’m like  what I’m like that’s regular and they charging   the person probably like $17 $20 for the ride you  be surprised that it’s $30 probably damn and then   and the reason I don’t I don’t do pickups in  tempy that often I’ll get Serge in tempy and  

    Try to take it somewhere else real quick if  they let me out of there because it’s always   four people it’s always kids trying to save money  so they’re all paying each other and so the the  

    Kids are like each charging other $5 for the ride  or whatever and then I end up getting maybe five5   $6 out of the ride if I don’t have surge so I’m  sitting there thinking well I’m getting screwed  

    Because everybody else is making money on me and  I’m doing the driving in my nice ass car so if I a   got surch I’m not driving I’m out of here I’ll get  that surge I’ll rush out of there so I don’t get  

    Four people in my car hey man take this person for  eight dolls I’m like I’m not doing a eight Dollar   Ride I’m not not with four people that means I’m  getting $3 for four people and I got my $5 surge  

    Attached I’m not doing there’s too many asses on  my leather yeah you know what’s amazing when you   do that and you reject it let’s say you let’s  say you too many asses on my leather [Laughter]

    Nope let’s say you reject that uh and it’s a  surge on it then the next ride that you get   there’s no surge they take it away from us  oh yeah oh yeah and you’re and you’re stuck   right there it’s like there’s nothing you  can do you you sit there and you argue you  

    Can fight with them and they’ll sit oh man  you know what you know the way this is set   up it’s like no because you’re charging these  people leaving this event over here in TP I   know what you’re charging these people why am  I not getting paid with you’re charging these  

    People what’s going on 70% don’t really  exist y’all [ __ ] with people we know   that now there a young boy even said that  put that on the shirt too many asses in my my good ride share that’s too many asses on  my leather asses on my love yall not GNA be  

    Scuffing up my seats and [ __ ] wait wait a  minute not only asses but backpacks asses and   backpacks on top of it hell yeah asses backpack  man can’t [ __ ] with it can’t [ __ ] with it w  

    Summer swamp ass and leather oh man it’s been a  hit hey my man Nick though my man Nick he just   you know he’s got regular cloth seats in his  car so he cleaned his car up and he went and  

    He got some uh some like leathery seat covers  we just put them on his car the other day nice   nice he’s got to send me a picture I told him send  me a picture of it so we put leathery seat cover  

    Because I said the shit’s easier to wipe down  especially in summer you got [ __ ] sweating   and [ __ ] you going to wipe your seats down  like every two or three rods wipe your seats   down good but when you got cloth seats that  sweat gets soaked up it’s like a wash rag it  

    It soaks that [ __ ] smell like ass ass man  riding around this [ __ ] smell like Planet fit booty you put a big ass plet Fitness on on  your car mother this smell like a gym in this   [ __ ] why you got to spray that [ __ ] down with  that ammonia concoction I be making everything  

    Down let that seep into the car seeping everything  that ammonia kills all that bacteria that causes   odors then your car smells like you just did  laundry people say that [ __ ] all the time   your car smells like a laundry room I’m like  that’s why I be about on a five ride minimum  

    On these apps today I can’t have all them bodies  in my car yeah yeah exactly five [ __ ] and each   ride I got to pay 8090 I’m only you damn right  you damn right I picked up some people the what  

    Was it last week someday last week it was about  three of them so the lady she just opens up the   front door and I’m looking at her she looking  at me we looking at each other I said [ __ ]  

    The look said it all she was like oh can I get in  the front seat I said you should have asked that   before you sat on my seat maam exactly front seat  like seriously she was like oh I said front seats  

    For private pays only oh yeah oh yeah I’mma  start that [ __ ] especially when [ __ ] got   four people I’m G tell them front seat is is  actually a1015 charge for front seat what do   you mean my own that’s my independent contractor  fee I mean Hoover and lip gonna charge you for  

    Charging hey man I want to add a stop they gonna  charge you like 24 25 for adding a stop I charge   for sitting in that passenger seat you can sit  in the back anybody can sit in the back but if  

    You need I be doing the F15 seat oh man we only  got to go here I don’t give a [ __ ] where you   got to go it’s a 015 seat yeah and you know down  here in Texas it’s hot so in the summertime as  

    They get in the car I ask them I said do you  want the Tipping option or the non- Tipping option you want the Tipper option or  the non Tipper option what’s the Tipp   option you get to ride in AC yeah  or option we ride with the windows

    Down you worried about your ra I said ra don’t pay  my bills baby yeah exactly [ __ ] man dollars do   and that’s and I had this one lady she was like  well I’ll take the non- Tipper option she thought  

    I was bullshitting with her so we roll with  the windows down we got we was coming at the airport we got about right outside  the airport she was just like can   we turn the I said I’m sorry man  you said non tiing option We R

    She she was going all the way to [ __ ] Plano  which was about a 30 minute plus ride you learn   the day you gonna learn the day no once you make  your mind up it’s made once you say that’s GNA  

    Turn how you gonna ride up in this camp Hey and  I’m one of those I’m one of those people that   I think if you’re an independent contractor  Li and Uber should tell us right off the bat  

    How many people are coming to your car the fact  100% right they don’t give us a ride count they   don’t give us a ride because if they told me you  were pulling up the four I’d be like there’s an  

    Automatic and they they should say hey for Jeff  there’s an automatic $155 up charge if you got   four because you’re going to use his front seat  would you still want to use Jeff yeah we’ll take  

    Jeff in the Beamer cool so Jeff gets an extra $15  on this ride now see Jeff once you get that third   row you can tell the ass to get on back there on  that third row you still ain’t getting in my front  

    Seat third row each seat in the third row is is  $5 each so if two people need to go back there   it’s exra 10 bucks I’m gonna need front row is 15  you can’t sit in my front unless you got $15 cash  

    In my hand before we move this [ __ ] I need 15  well man if we all can’t fit in the back then y’   all you [ __ ] need to call it Excel so I don’t  know what to tell you call an Exel because if you  

    Sit in my front of my Beamer [ __ ] I need 15 up  front this is a this is a three passenger car you   mother got all sit in the back but it’s four of  us [ __ ] it 15 man exactly I like that $10 per  

    Person minimum and that’s the thing we’re giving  these people like a private ride in a private   vehicle that we clean that we got to do a lot and  these [ __ ] are spaying an average of like $2 a  

    Person1 a person do25 a person even the cab driver  charges an extra for per person like three to four   dollars or something weird like that I saw yeah I  saw that [ __ ] I saw that and it’s like if if you  

    If the app was telling me hey man you’re you’re  going to pick up you know four people I would know   Rob the bat what I got to do when I drive up and  I see four I’ve canceled before because I’m like I  

    Got a small car this is a three series not a seven  series Jeff at the builtmore this is the honest to   God’s truth I went to pick up a customer right  and it was supposed to be one his friend came  

    In it says can I catch a ride with you guys and I  looked at him and I looked at him I looked at him   and I said uh no if you want to you’re your your  your other Uber is coming right away yeah yeah but  

    I I can go with him right now I said I tell you  what I’m canceling this um you know me with my   cancellation hell yeah [ __ ] he’s I canel I said  I’m canceling I got the the the bagage out of the  

    Back of the car and I put it on the side and I  drove off yeah it’s like like imagine going to   a [ __ ] restaurant and you see somebody in front  of you ordering mother like yeah I’m gonna get uh  

    The number two I’m gonna get this and that and  then it’s your turn to order it’s say hey just   put my order on theirs they’ll look at you like  what you mean yeah get your own Uber [ __ ] you  

    Can’t just be like hey can we just all ride with  you instead no all you mother own Uber at this   price you all need to get your own Uber I’m it’s  an $1 ride and and the rider the riter that was in  

    It’s okay he can come in I said no it’s not okay  because I’m not making double the fair so I gotta   get you out so you two can catch the next Uber the  next dumbass that’s gonna take [ __ ] hey man hey  

    Sa money yeah I wait on his Uber because I’m out  of here scared yeah exactly [ __ ] hey just throw   my chicken in the same basket as his and it can  save some money right now [ __ ] no matter what  

    You got to pay for your own meal you can’t just  jump on somebody else’s [ __ ] and say I want to   save money throw my throw my [ __ ] hamburger on  the grill while you doing his and flipping both at  

    The same time you know not doing double work nerdy  mother I’m not doing it I got a whole lot of r car   car strollers and [ __ ] like that I pulled up I  got a ride pull up they looking you looking at me  

    I’m looking at we looking at each other yeah you  don’t pull this baby stroller out and you got a   car seat and groceries I look we looked I cancel  that yeah next when you’re not getting my you’re  

    Not muddying up the back of my car you’re not  getting all that dust and stuff in the back of   my car periodt Ser yeah that’s why when I look at  these terms of service or whatever I’m like these   are employment terms these are not independent  contractor terms they’re telling us what to do  

    In their industry when we are the [ __ ] industry  they never asked us hey man how much should we   charge you guys for this how much should we  do hey how should we work these out should  

    We tell you guys how many riders are coming these  people don’t even drive I highly doubt these apps   would even hire a [ __ ] driver because imagine a  driver going to work for lift at or Uber at their  

    Corporation oh they be busting a whole game wide  open on these [ __ ] they be like oh man this is   what they really doing for real they hiring people  probably all signing ndas and [ __ ] like that   saying you’re gonna be sued if you give away our  intellectual property you can’t tell nobody how  

    We’re doing this behind the scenes or we’re going  to come back and sue you for everything that’s   why you never hear no former employees or no you  can’t tell me everybody who’s worked at Uber and   everybody who’s worked at lift still worked there  from day one these [ __ ] something different they  

    Don’t have YouTube channels they don’t talk on  [ __ ] Tik Tok they don’t talk on Instagram they   all sign ndas you never hear from former employees  of these apps they’ve got ndas about intellectual   property right now they all know if they if they  told the truth if any of these former people came  

    Out and became a whistleblower or told the  [ __ ] truth they probably signed away all   they whistleblower rights they signed away all the  other [ __ ] you can never run a YouTube channel   saying what we do at Uber headquarters okay you  can never sign you don’t see no formal door Dash  

    People no former Uber none of these [ __ ] got  channels they’d have a gazillion goddamn Subs if   they did but nobody does it because we’d all want  to know we’d all wna [ __ ] know yeah wna know me  

    Something so we we go there and we’ be like hold  the [ __ ] up so this is a former employee telling   all the secrets about what goes on behind the  scenes Uber knows this [ __ ] all these apps know  

    This so they say you motherfu got a sign documents  saying when you leave this [ __ ] what the the the   knowledge you got about this place stays in this  place you don’t start a channel talking about   it these mother been companies been around since  2013 there’s not a single former employee channel  

    Of any of these apps nowhere that’s a reason for  that [ __ ] there’s a reason for it because they   know they doing some elicit [ __ ] they know that  and so they keep it all under WS so they can keep  

    That that little like you like time share so they  can keep that [ __ ] whole racket going they got   to keep the ret it’s a racket like you said it’s a  racket yeah and if you I looked up the definition  

    Of racketeering and I put that [ __ ] online the  other day because we got to take business law when   we do accounting we take business law because when  you’re in accountant and you’re doing financial   statements you got to go by Gap policies you know  the US accounting standard boards fby [ __ ] you  

    Got to study racketeering you got to know what  it looks like you got to know what embezzlement   looks like how to track embezzlement you got audit  that you have to deal with racketeering is there’s   laws against that [ __ ] and when it happens  and you see it you notice it because there’s  

    A lot of fraud involved in racketeering there’s a  lot of political people involved in racketeering   when Tony West and all these guys are now at  these corporations that are committing fraud   and getting sued for fraud and losing settlements  left and right all the [ __ ] time you can’t tell  

    Me these companies are on the up and up I don’t  see no other companies being sued at this level   losing this much money non-stop fizer was  racketeering look at all the lawsuits fiser   [ __ ] lost somehow they get involved with the  Democratic [ __ ] Administration somehow they get  

    Involved with FY and all these [ __ ] people look  ater’s history of [ __ ] settlements they’re the   most sued pharmaceutical company in the history of  goddamn planet Earth and now they’re involved in   human lives to where they dictate what we do so  you got people running the racket dictating Our  

    Lives it’s kind of like uber [ __ ] the people  running a racket dictating how we do business   you never asked us how to do business you know  how they to settle all these things it’s on the   back of all us drivers 75% that goes towards that  [ __ ] payoff that they’re giving out New York  

    Out there yep yep and they’re pay that a long  time ago what they do in New York they had to   pay all that money out in New York what if they  do they go cut the rates and what they’re paying  

    The drivers in others markets like Dallas and  the larger markets and here should do and what   Uber should do to minimize their their lawsuits  ESP from passengers and Riders they just say for   every driver that puts a camera in your car you  get an extra $15 per trip because you’re saving  

    Us on [ __ ] legal fees every trip you take you  get an extra $15 if you run that [ __ ] camera   we’ll give you we don’t give a [ __ ] how long or  how short it is we’ll give you extra $15 if it’s  

    A tw- mile trip run the camera you get $15 add to  this trip just because you’re running the [ __ ]   camera they could save so much because every  driver out there will be like I’m putting the  

    Camera in my [ __ ] the only reason why I don’t  because it ain’t no you’re just invading all my   privacy now you don’t give a [ __ ] about me you  pay me $15 I’ll turn that [ __ ] on but you ain’t  

    Paying me nothing to do work for you you want me  to do all your you know do your traffic logs and   click thumbs and [ __ ] if traffic’s there I don’t  click none of that [ __ ] let them figure it out  

    So I don’t work for y’all like that is there an  accident still there thumbs up or thumbs down I   just look at that [ __ ] I’m like I ain’t [ __ ]  clicking that [ __ ] you know what’s amazing that  

    People don’t realize here in Phoenix we have 5  million people that live in this in the Phoenix   Metro area and out of that I don’t know what the  percentage is of uh Uber drivers that we have and  

    Or lift drivers or any good worker but it’s got  to be huge couple a thousand yes EAS It’s gotta   be huge and you know I mean because when I touch  down there I touch down and I was down there for  

    What a couple of you know just that short amount  of time I touched down on 100 drivers to pull over   on to the fair share app just in those couple of  days that I was there so there’s thousands down  

    There and that’s that’s you know and that’s five  million people we have here so these drivers need   to understand that when April 1 comes along we  all need to unite and we need to bond together   yep and we need to all meet like in in different  television stations in different uh uh different  

    Radio stations and and then from there go  in caravan to the city hall and let them all   know what we’re doing that way business we mean  business that’s right and a lot of drivers what   they don’t realize is that you know Arizona is a  is a zero tolerant state which means there’s no  

    Legal limit for drinking here you can have two  beers and and the cops will be like oh we’re   gonna give you a DUI even though you’re not drunk  they could do that [ __ ] is they have the right  

    To do that so right drivers we all we got to  do is set up shop around bars pubs [ __ ] like   that we’re already there they and we let the bars  and pubs know hey we’re a bunch of forour drivers  

    This is what we do tell your people you know  when they walk out they ain’t got to sit and   wait for No Uber for 40 50 [ __ ] minutes we’re  all sitting outside this is what we do and we do  

    Every bar and pub in the city like that and we  flood instead of everybody sitt at the [ __ ] airport go because you ain’t gonna have no  luggage when you leave a bar Pub you it’s   like a couple or like one guy or you know  a girl just hanging out with her friends I  

    Mean they’re gonna give you 20 $30 they usually  live in the same neighborhood because most pubs   are like locals they live in their neighborhood  you ain’t gonna go more than like four or five   miles you gonna get 25 $30 on that instead  of app paying you eight and you sit at the  

    Airport for hours on in we could be sitting at  a bar just plucking bar people all [ __ ] day   there’s so many ways that we ways I me on the  weekends I be at strip club what’s up hell yeah  

    [ __ ] you know it hey they got Jaguars right  up the 17 and McDow man that’s it be lines of   people out there because nobody wants to go  over there because it’s a bad area me I’m a  

    Bad [ __ ] look at my I’m like Samuel Jackson look  at my wallet that mother a bad [ __ ] on it that part like you’re not scared scared of what no I’m  not at allod which one is your wallet is the one  

    That say bad [ __ ] on it he says yeah just give  me my wall wallet you can take out which one is   your wallet mother say bad [ __ ] on it that’s  that one right there yeah exactly period perod  

    That’s what we do man we go to those areas and  we pick people up mother and strippers [ __ ]   they’ll slide you 20 30 cash because they just  made all money night any [ __ ] ways yeah there   like and usually my boy Mike he actually works  at highlighter highlighter is one of the trip  

    Clubs out here but his family has been running  highlighter for years so if I just I could just   text Michael whatever either IG or I could just  text him on the phone be like hey man I’m gonna be  

    Up near highlighter if anybody needs a ride let me  know he’ll be like actually I got two girls need   to ride back to 10p cool I go up there they’ll  slide me 50 [ __ ] bucks they don’t even pay that  

    Out they give me 50 bucks they throw all they  like bags and [ __ ] they got all the glittery   [ __ ] they throw all that [ __ ] in the trunk I  drive straight to Tempe drop them off I’m back on  

    Back on the apps again it’s like shit’s easy but  if I’m not by highlighter it’s a long rout I don’t   like going up on seven I’m like man that’s way  up there but you got hot lighter Bourbon Street  

    You got all those little strip clubs in that area  right there and as long as you know the people at   the door and people like that the girls take care  of the bouncers bouncers take care of you it’s a  

    Network bouncers be like hey don’t call Uber  don’t call Li yeah because they’re trying to   charge me 32 to get home they’re charging me 47 to  get home my boy will do it it’s 50 bucks that’s it  

    Cool gotta g go slide up in there and go catch me  a mill a couple of Miles drop the second one off   you’re good to go you’re out of there easy easy  but we got to start doing that we got to start  

    Doing that you know educating drivers on how to  be better independent cont contractors get off   these slave ass Plantation apps you know on April  1 on a protest a lot of drivers are going to want  

    To capitalize on that which is cool I get it I get  it a lot of people are still W2 yeah their pigeons   they’re they’re so shortsighted and what things  are going when when we were building casinos back  

    In the day I remember when we had to renovate Polo  Towers and I was with step kubeck stepen kbbe was   the CEO of of Polo Towers at the time that he him  and his dad Sheldon and his brother Richard they  

    All own Polo Towers down Resorts you can see him  undercover bosses and [ __ ] like that on TV when   me him and my boss Kathy we all went down to Polo  tus he took a sledgehammer and he hit the [ __ ]  

    Counter of the bar shattered the whole bar and  he says instead of replacing the bar I want to   build all this out for officers now but he had  to at least damage some to the point of where  

    The replacement cost was too much to replace so  he hit this [ __ ] Marble Bar with a hammer the   dude is a [ __ ] genius man he’s a genius there  like he’s crazy bow [ __ ] whole marble shattered  

    He says now when we renovate it I want to make all  these offices and that’s how our offices ended up   on a Las Vegas trip overlooking the Cosmopolitan  Arya and everything else people say how did you  

    Guys end up getting off of Valley View ended  up we down on the strip with all your offices   me Stephen and Kathy went to the office one day  we went to the bar bar it was a huge bar that  

    Overlooked the whole [ __ ] City that became our  corporate offices so now we overlooked the whole   [ __ ] City while we was working every [ __ ] day  cool as [ __ ] Stephen was cool as a [ __ ] he   was like that the dude but that’s who we grew up  around people who knew how to make [ __ ] happen  

    It’s like if you want something to get done you  gotta it’s gonna take some time it’s gonna take   some [ __ ] effort it’s not gonna be overnight so  he was one of those guys that was willing to build  

    [ __ ] from the ground and go up a lot of these  drivers they want something instant like right   now today I want it today I want it today like  no this is the process you got to go through the  

    Process man you gotta go through the process yep  yep side hust illegal 80 M be affected what what   ad doin says the new law side hustles illegal 80  million will be affected I wonder what that means   side hustles 80 million will be affected I’m gonna  tell you something about side hustles and they  

    Want to call what we do a side Hustle but what we  do is for higher for higher higher we’re not a you   see people oh this is my side hustle we’re for  higher we’re not side Hustlers it’s a taxi cab a  

    A a a side Hustle is cutting grass aside hustle if  you own a landscaping company they’ve been owning   landscaping companies they got [ __ ] you know 50  6,000 worth of equipment you think that’s a side   hustle if you got 50 60 G’s worth of equipment  sitting on your [ __ ] trailers no that’s not  

    A side hustle some people really you can’t call  everything a side hustle just because somebody   else labeled uh W2 a main thing it’s May W2 is  a side hustle it’s Super Shuttle remember Super   Shuttle was that a side Hustle you remember super  settle was that side hustle I don’t remember that  

    I was it was probably before my time out oh no  there were blue vans that picked up people all   the way from Mesa to to uh to the airport or from  from Gilbert to the airport whatever it was they  

    Just filled up the van and then they drove into  uh in into this uh into the airport was that a   side hustle that was never a side exactly exactly  and so what it is is Corporate America is saying  

    That the average people like us are having minor  Investments and making major profits they don’t   like that [ __ ] so they want to call it a side  hustle it’s major if you dump two million in and  

    Now you want to get a return on your money but  it’s a side hustle if you only go out and buy   one car and we’re small business small business is  small business it’s not side hustle we have small  

    Business Association a reason for the SBA there’s  a reason they call it a small business loan you   ain’t got no such thing as a sha there is no small  hustle loan small hustle Association you’ve never   heard of that [ __ ] they want to make that up  though because if they can indoctrinate you to  

    Make you think a small business is equals hustle  they can [ __ ] with you make they ass take you to   [ __ ] court on that because it’s a whole bunch  of business out there that are small businesses   I mean people make cakes cookies pies [ __ ]  you know tacos these are all small businesses  

    That eventually grow into bigger business so  you can’t just say a hustle is not a business   I’m telling you looking at a woman that used to  set up photo booths at nightclubs and after hours   all throughout the city making over 3500 a night  slanging photos damn business I remember back we  

    Sit in front of the [ __ ] wicker chairs you  got the big ferns hanging over your back you   got the [ __ ] City where heas everybody you got  groups of [ __ ] behind you and [ __ ] hey that  

    Was money back in the day remember the people that  used to shine shoes at the airport was that a side   hustle exactly exactly some of these guys were  millionaires oh yeah like Kim says Kim they making   people slaves this is feudalism look up feudalism  feudalism serfdom it’s about landlords and surfs  

    A surf is somebody who works for you to because  they have no equity surfs has no equity just like   when they say you’ll you’ll rent everything or  you’ll own nothing and be happy that’s how they   want to make this world surf you own nothing  and be happy surfs never owned anything surfs  

    Were not landlords surfs live on people’s land  so a surf would have to farm do anything that   the landlord told him to do in order to acquire  you know residence on that property he could have  

    His family on that property he could do whatever  but he was a surf surf him is was a Step Up From   Slavery surf them indentured slant all of that was  just a Step Up From Slavery but it’s all [ __ ] SL  

    SL is what it is it’s slavery with a caveat so  slavery is where you take away the humanity of   somebody surf them and indent service where you  actually give the person a level of humanity you   actually consider them a person a slave you don’t  even consider them a person they’re a tool like  

    They look at us as tools if you die in a car a  car crash you die somebody car jack you Uber and   lift should be like oh my God his [ __ ] family  they don’t they just send another [ __ ] driver  

    Out they don’t you know we’re going to bury him  we’re going to give him insurance we’re going to   take care of the family we’re going to do you’re  a tool you’re a slave to these [ __ ] people you  

    Can get shot in the head doing a goddamn a pickup  they don’t give a [ __ ] you’re a slave and and   that’s what they did back in slave [ __ ] happen  you on a plantation all right get somebody else  

    To [ __ ] carry it that’s it that and that’s how  Uber and lifford doing now yep it’s all slavery   man all slavery Plantation economics man 100 on  that [ __ ] Melly Mill 100 man but I’m I’m glad  

    People are waking up to what’s really going on  and nobody’s scared to call it what it is cu for   so many years we’ve been the fact that you know  black people white people Mexicans Chinese we can  

    All sit around and have these discussions using  words and nobody censor oh you can’t say slave or   else I’m gonna get offended [ __ ] that we gonna  say what we gonna say we gonna call it what it  

    Is they want to push offense on everybody or if  this person offends you they’re not your friend   some friends will offend you they’ll tell you man  them pants a real friend if they don’t there you  

    Go your friend going to offend you the people who  are not your friends are going to worry about your   feelings and sugar coat [ __ ] I’m going tell you  man them pants look stupid as a [ __ ] you don’t  

    Want to wear them today I like these pants n you  don’t want them trust me like nut Huggers your   friends gonna offend you and it’s like but they  want to indoctrinate you to make you think well   if somebody offends you they don’t doesn’t Trump  offend you you shouldn’t vote for him because he’s  

    Offensive man [ __ ] you man I got money because  of that dude I ain’t worried about what he say   about me I’m grown I could take it people talk  [ __ ] about me my whole life I’m hard to offend  

    Very hard to offend so you can say what you want  to say about me but when you start [ __ ] with my   money now we got a problem now we got problems  now I gotta figure out a way to get you back  

    Yeah you can say you can say oh man you you can  say your BMW’s a piece of [ __ ] that’s cool I’m   gonna make you some money that [ __ ] too that’s  cool I’m gonna make some money you shouldn’t drive  

    That car that [ __ ] you don’t offend me because  I’m still gonna make my money now if you stop now   when you take away deluxxe platform now I’m  [ __ ] pissed off because I bought that car  

    For a reason now I’m pissed now so say what you  want to say like them mother that’s not a luxury   car Jeff is not Lux on our platform it don’t have  to be Lux on your platform I just cancel a [ __ ]  

    Ride and I’ll just charge this [ __ ] Lux rate  you don’t got to call it a lux I call it a lux   I don’t care you don’t offend me by calling my  car basic you don’t offend me I offend you when  

    I call it a Luxe and I get paid that offends  you and they don’t like that [ __ ] it offend   you when I snatch your passenger from up off your  platform now you’re offended exactly money when it  

    Comes to money that’s when [ __ ] want to move and  that’s why I told everybody when you start doing   cash rides when you start promoting the value of  a driver promote communication between Rider and   Driver that’s what these apps are scared of they  don’t give a [ __ ] what we say we ain’t got to  

    Say the protests are making them Shook Up we’ve  been talking [ __ ] about these apps for how long   we’ve been talking about these raggedy [ __ ] for  how long they ain’t cared about nothing the moment   that protest dropped we selling stock we [ __ ] up  the numbers with a glitch we gonna buy some stock  

    Back we gonna put out a pro a podcast saying you  know we didn’t value drivers like we should have   valued them what a joke that that was a whole joke  that protest [ __ ] them up they didn’t know what  

    Was coming it we we’ve been talking [ __ ] about  them forever they Ain never said [ __ ] like that   ever and all of a sudden they like oh we need a  back panel these [ __ ] is drivers are waking up   they’re talking to Riders Riders are giving our  money to the drivers directly now they’re using  

    Venmo and cash app and zel now they [ __ ] with  our money now and square yep because like we don’t   got offending you is offending you it’s people  in the like I said I work corporate in corporate  

    We get cussed out boardrooms all the time we make  major fuckups major play we get cussed out every   day in boardrooms cussing in Corporate America  is nothing you don’t cuss in front of customers   but when you in a boardroom out they like who  the [ __ ] didn’t do now your ass should be  

    Checking that [ __ ] Sarah what the [ __ ] were  you thinking you get cussed out in boardrooms all   day every day so if you don’t got thick skin you  can’t work corporate you got a lot of soft [ __ ]  

    You ain’t gonna make it incorporate if you soft  because you might be packing your box up today   with your [ __ ] goldfish walking out the front  door you d you so I come from that background I   come from a Cutthroat background we got to fire  [ __ ] 1300 people you need to pick 1300 like  

    [ __ ] people just bought houses and cars and  had kids and [ __ ] well get a 1300 you don’t   mind cutting I don’t know what the [ __ ] and  tell you but talk to you next month it’s like   damn like that like that that shit’s Cut Throat  [ __ ] fire you on emails hey anybody getting  

    This email don’t show up tomorrow the [ __ ]  you mean is this spam no [ __ ] you don’t got   a job here no more it’s funny I saw somebody  somebody with the YouTube music group YouTube  

    Music group laid off a bunch of people in this  city right so and it was a video about it [ __ ]   was funny as hell so YouTube music group laid off  all the people in this city all the just just one  

    Location so the people were asking after YouTube  said okay today’s you guys last day you know you   guys don’t work for us no more you’re done [ __ ]  one lady was like so is it okay if we leave now  

    [ __ ] laugh in the comments was crack they dude  if they just [ __ ] fired you why are you asking   if you can leave you don’t have a job there no  more these a even your bosses no more this is  

    How people think though if a [ __ ] tell me today  is your last day I’m like all right I’m out of   here then what you gonna do fire me you just did  [ __ ] you just fired me what am I worried about  

    I’ll walk up about this [ __ ] go give me some ice  cream hey man today uh today’s the last day we’re   gonna be open you guys you know so make sure you  guys wrap up uh make Jeff make sure those files  

    Are [ __ ] you ain’t talking to me I’m already my  keys are in my hand I’m walking out the door w was like and showing them the little bird out and  saying exactly [ __ ] like is it okay if we leave  

    Early like they just [ __ ] fired you they ain’t  even your boss no more what but this is how people   think and we got these same people in ride share  now man they got fired from W2 they left W2s and  

    Now they’re in rer they hav it hasn’t clicked over  they’re still talking about strikes and stuff like   that because they still got that that mentality  they’re an employees like dude when you’re a   contractor you’re in a whole new vernacular you  use different terminology you use different spirit  

    With how you do [ __ ] but how you make money  you’re not W2 no more but it’s hard for people   to shake that when they’ve had a job they was 16  now they 32 now they’re independent contractor in  

    Rod share working under the Uber and lip umbrella  they still think they’re well Uber you know they   hir mean they didn’t hire they activated you  it’s different you’re not hired if they hired   you you’ll be at their corporate office right now  you’re activated they’ll they’ll let your ass go  

    Today for some [ __ ] that happens six years ago  you don’t even [ __ ] know it like you will find   out after your next ride it’s like you’re you’re  an independent contractor you know it’s funny it’s   funny you say that because there’s customers that  have sat in my car and I had to straighten them  

    Out when they said oh how do you like working for  Uber I don’t work for Uber exactly contractor I   have my own LLC here’s my business card uh uh  do you want to ride next time you can call me  

    Oh I like that I that educate them man educate  them because we Uber and that’s the thing Uber   and lift sell us they sell our services to them  for a charge we have to agree that this charge  

    Is good enough for us to take most of the times  it’s not but this person probably thinks well it   cost me $62 for this ride so I’m paying you $62  no you’re not you paid Uber $62 for this ride I’m  

    Getting $19 out of this what yeah I would have  charged you 50 this is my business life I would   have charged you 50 right here oh [ __ ] if we’re  for a hire if we’re independent contractors then  

    Uber and LIF have to fight us for these [ __ ]  people everybody on this planet is not an Uber   and lift customer they have a choice do you want  to do Uber and lift or do you want to use Jam you  

    Have a choice you don’t have to go well you have  to stick with Uber because the terms of service   says well the terms of service don’t tell you  to steal my [ __ ] tips either but you do it so  

    It’s like you can’t use terms and service against  me but you not abide by your own [ __ ] corporate   terms of services [ __ ] don’t work like that if  you doing it some way [ __ ] I’m gonna take care  

    Of me [ __ ] what we talking about we gonna really  make money because that’s what you guys are doing   so we gonna do the same thing and I think once  they start seeing that’s how the strength that  

    We got that we’re coming up to 300 we inin a bunch  of employees grabbling is it okay if I leave well   we just [ __ ] fire at you I mean once we start  saying that we are strong they gonna stop [ __ ]  

    With us man they’re gonna start saying you know  what these mother gonna take money they gonna take   their money if we don’t stop won start paying them  they’re losing it yeah exactly exactly thanks for  

    The tip next I’ll say something next time someone  asked me I’m telling you Kim sh man we we gota we   that group man we that and I tell people we’re a  very you know introspective group we think a lot  

    We we don’t just a lot of people are robotic  they’re NPCs they don’t think a lot I’m very   introspective I think about what I’m doing why  I’m doing it the benefits and the cost of why  

    I’m doing it because like I said I could be doing  anything I if I wanted to make a ton of [ __ ]   money I got a garage full of [ __ ] equipment I  would never run a YouTube channel I me for six  

    Years I ran my garage in St Louis a big ass three  car garage for six years I never had YouTube I was   using Facebook for free never had YouTube for six  years that’s all I did was garage I did engines  

    Transmission if I want to make money I would just  be in my garage all day YouTube don’t pay they pay   me 1,900 bucks last month this month I’ll get like  1,500 that’s $30 a day $40 $50 a day if I’m only  

    Getting $50 a day on YouTube but I can make almost  a thousand dollar a day doing mechanic work this   can’t be about money then YouTube can’t be about  money it must be about us building a community us  

    Educating people to be strong enough to go out  there and fight for themselves done with the   [ __ ] channels done with the retoric channels  we’re done with all that because if I didn’t   give a [ __ ] about nobody and none of this only  myself I’d be be in my driveway every day working  

    I wouldn’t be worried about this [ __ ] there’s  a lot of people out there I ain’t worried about   no other [ __ ] driver I’m GNA Drive I take care  of my family I’m gonna drive I ain’t worried about  

    No [ __ ] protest I ain’t worried about this and  that I could be the same [ __ ] way I could be the   same way as them but where would we get as people  if that’s what the world was full of [ __ ] like  

    That we ain’t gonna get nowhere so somebody’s got  to stop and say you know what Jeff you okay right   now you okay it’s time for you to stand up for the  people who can’t stand for themselves the people  

    Who do you know they’re probably not financially  at this point where you are right now the people   who don’t have it like all mentally together when  it comes to business somebody has to stand up so I  

    Created a standup Chanel we got a lot of [ __ ]  people on this channel who are standup people   not lay down people whole bunch of [ __ ] on this  channel are straight stand up willing to fight the  

    Apps every day will to create apps so I’m gonna  I’m gonna share something with you all because see   a lot of drivers don’t take time to read into  those service terms and conditions right I’m   somebody that reads into service terms conditions  policies and things like that I’m corny like that  

    Because I like to know exactly what I can and what  I cannot get away with so let me share with you as   a driver of the platform you acknowledge and agree  that you are in a direct business relationship   and the relationship between the parties under  this agreement is solely that of a independent  

    Contracting party you and the platform expressing  agree that this is not an employment agreement and   does not create an employment relationship between  you and the platform amen right there y’all heard   it first right now this is in their service terms  and agreement but the problem is you drivers get  

    On these platforms and you’re just so ready for  some money you check off on the box and you don’t   even read what it is that you checking our phone  time stamp this two and a half hour I’m time stamp  

    This [ __ ] I’m cut this [ __ ] right here I’mma  cut this part out 233 perfect that was the perfect   statement that’s going to be my next short I’m  dropping right there [ __ ] that that’s my next  

    Short right there like I she spit it she spit it  yes she did and let me tell you this here we have   people that are look you you’re an accountant  by trade I’m a salesperson by trade I’ve owned  

    Six businesses within the last 25 years this is  a business for me for for you the same thing in   Dallas right it’s a business everybody needs to  treat it as a business this is always has to be  

    Considered the customer you’re always going to  treat them nice because you got a good car a   clean car you’re cordal you take them from point A  to point B what is what happened in between there  

    It’s a business talk to people man and a lot of  people like I said especially these the pigeons   out there who think that Uber gives a [ __ ] about  them she just told you you’re not their employee  

    They have no investment in you you’re completely  independent of them and this is in their I mean   I have them printed out right here you guys like I  mean I’m not lying to you cuz it’s my job to be in  

    Their business exactly exactly it’s my business  to be in they B and that’s what I like that the   business Minister business Minister and a lot of  people they don’t take the time they just keep you   know abiding by all these these new addendums  and these new upgrades and these new policies  

    They never read them they never look at them I  understand them because I understand business I   know that these people don’t want liability so  they can cut bait with us at any [ __ ] minute   they will deactivate you right now while you  sit here and that’s what we protested against  

    We understand that we’re business invest we’re  investing into a business that we want to have   a relationship with these people we’re putting  up big money to do it and they’re doing changes   nilly Willy never sitting down and talk to us  and UND and then we end up getting deactivated  

    With all these bills we got to pay with all  these the directions we’ve set our in motion we   get deactivated off of a lie that somebody told to  get a free [ __ ] ride and I’m like you’re messing  

    With business now this is not you know play toy  level this is hundreds of thousands of dollars   level right now you’re not and they don’t a lot  of drivers don’t get it why you guys protested  

    I’m making good money yeah I got deactivated but  did you reach out and say that uh in writing and   say I want arbitration exactly exactly and I’m  one of those people that that believe that if  

    I was to get deactivated for for no reason at all  as an independent contractor I should have a right   to know who got me deactivated and what they said  so I can have communication with them it shouldn’t  

    Be a barrier between us to where their L stands  and I just got to fight for you know I don’t I   even know what I’m swinging I’m just swinging  in the dark as some [ __ ] I should have some  

    Form of defense against this person whether or  not it’s like hey you know yeah I got my money   trapped in the system I got $400 sit in y’ system  y’all won’t give me now because this person lied  

    To me and on top of that I don’t even how to fight  a lie because y’all not telling me what the [ __ ]   going on who the person is who the per y’all not  telling me nothing well you know this it’s hard  

    To prove a lie when a lie is not a truth that  exist it’s easy to prove a truth if somebody   says hey man Jeff they said you got a orange BMW  I’m like yeah I do cuz it’s true but if somebody  

    Says hey man this pass say you got a blue BMW what  passer they said you didn’t have the right car you   showed up in a blue BMW I’m like what passenger  because maybe somebody who showed up in a blue  

    BMW really got in the blue BMW and they think it  was me because I got an orange one and I was in   the same area but it’s like what my passenger all  my passers know my BMW is orange who was it oh we  

    Can’t tell you it’s hard for me to prove who that  was because everybody knows my shit’s orange who   said it that way I can say this person is lying I  showed up in an orange car I always show up in a  

    [ __ ] orange car I don’t even have a blue one  but they do that that’s what happens when you   giving 30,000 rides today if he was like me  and give about five ride today somebody say   some old dumb [ __ ] you already know who said  it because I already know who I had conflict  

    With like that man that slamed my car door and  I slid out the car on him and ran up on his ass he about to get him get him and they  deactivated my account they did and I was  

    Like hold on wait a minute no no no because you  know I have dash cam and I can run that beautiful   being footage and everything is recorded you  know he told me he gonna slash my ties I say  

    Sir you don’t know what side of town I’m from  don’t let my anointing fool you exactly I’m   still from the hood exactly I’m still I ain’t in  heaven yet [ __ ] I’m still able to repent I can  

    Repent any day when I started when I started  with Uber years back I had a person say that   the person that picked up the uh picked the  rider up was the a different person and I  

    Said how could that happen I’m the only guy  with a Jeep at the time driving a a Jeep and   picking up people left and right and they said  nope it you were you weren’t the person and I  

    Said really if you can show me the picture of  the person that they said here’s me this is   me yeah I mean you a guy with a go exactly how  many guys with goate are there right [ __ ] like

    Four yeah that’s that’s some 2006 [ __ ] keep that  because it keep it keeps you [ __ ] regular it’s   like [ __ ] everybody else is different now like  everybody got like [ __ ] full [ __ ] beards and   [ __ ] they activated me seven days later with  an apology and yet I didn’t make any [ __ ] money  

    For seven days and they never [ __ ] did that  i’ be like the opportunity cost what it should   be is that if somebody has a false claim against  you and Uber should tell us to their past if you  

    Have a false claim against a driver you may be  liable for the fees they lose for the days we   deactivate them while investigating your claim  and that will make a [ __ ] think about say you  

    Know what I was gonna lie to try to get a free  ride you know but I’m only saving 30 and they   [ __ ] around and end up I get caught lying  they gonna charge me like $760 I’ll just pay  

    The $30 for the ride [ __ ] the ride I’ll pay  the $ 30 because other they be trying to get a   free [ __ ] ride man I don’t want to pay 30 bucks  I’m gonna get a free ride it’s gonna cost you 700  

    Bucks because this [ __ ] he makes they gonna pay  them like $100 a day for the next seven days for   money low wages lost Y and that’s what they should  do tell their people this is how we keep the apps  

    True let contractors have some skin in the game  too if we get deactivated we get lied on let us   either a have a way to to combat that and don’t  take our money if we’ve earned $600 just sitting  

    On the app when somebody lies on us send us a  notice says your money you can you have up to   72 hours to take the money off the app while we  investigate a claim just put against you but after  

    72 hours if the claim is true then we’re going  to deactivate you cool you give me 72 hours cool   cool so you can take your money off now or leave  it on there who the [ __ ] knows but for them to  

    Instantly you go there and you open your screen  it’s deactivated it’s like what the [ __ ] you   mean what happened you got to contact them they’re  like dude why am I deactivated what happened oh   yeah well you got somebody told us that you know  you weren’t the right driver on the Apple what  

    At least give me like if they say that hit me up  right then on the spot and say hey Jeff send us   a picture right now yourself D okay cool because  the Pat said it wasn’t you we clearly see it is  

    You exactly it’s me we don’t know that person if I  was to get deactivated they should have to [ __ ]   be build for every day I miss and that’s how you  make the apps true give the contractor some skin  

    In the game too because right now we ain’t got  [ __ ] we ain’t got [ __ ] none was that yeah   here we go this is good idea Miss cims is good hey  I’m always trying to look out for drivers though  

    Because the apps are never going to look out for  drivers that’s not their their deal their deal   is to make money off of us we’re tools we’re not  human yet we’re just tools to them our families  

    Don’t matter deactivating us when we just bought  a brand new car two [ __ ] days ago don’t matter   we’re not human to these people we’re slaves  we’re tools anything you do doesn’t matter   they will never have a a panel of people where  there all dve talking to all employees from Uber  

    A lift you will never see that I would love to be  that person Jeff we’re gonna have a convention we   want all Executives we want actual real drivers  YouTubers you know drivers who got experience we   want all of them sitting at this conference we’re  gonna run it live videotape it no hoes barred  

    Straight on Rumble YouTube everywhere else cuss  yeah and we gonna run it we GNA run it you will   never see that [ __ ] because they got way too  much to hide the Aldos the Aldos have no empathy   they have no recognition of fairness of human  being exactly the algorithms are there to make  

    Money for these [ __ ] at Uber and these idiots at  left yep and there’s so many drivers out there who   were younger drivers like I remember when I was  like in my early 20s I was making a lot of money  

    But rent they don’t when you get charged rent your  apartment complex doesn’t ask you how old you are   to say hey you’re only 20 we’re going to charge  you like 800 well we’re going to charge somebody  

    Who’s 30,800 CU he should have more money by now  rents the same for everybody across the boards and   when you’re in your 20s you don’t have that that  life savings you don’t got that business plan to   where somebody who’s probably 38 probably got it  together a little bit better than you because you  

    Fresh out of college you got you know a lot of  entry-level jobs and [ __ ] like that but your   rent is the same in this apartment complex as  somebody who’s been an executive before has   been so you got to go through life especially  as an invented contractor running your [ __ ]  

    Like you’re an experienced business person even if  you don’t have experience CU they ain’t going to   say well since you’re only 25 only 27 we’re only  going to try you you know 900 and rent but we’re   charging these [ __ ] 1800 because they’re older  and they should have more money no run your [ __ ]  

    Like a business always run it like a business run  your life like you already been doing this run it   like you know how walk in with confidence like I  remember when [ __ ] used to tell me all the time  

    Jeff when we go over here walk into this Mo like  we go do a deal with Marriott we walk into the   conference room Jeff walk into this conference  room like we own Marriott and we used do that   [ __ ] we don’t we’re like Caesar’s Palace we  Ain we ain’t Marriott we’re Caesar’s Palace we  

    Walk walk in this motherfcker like we own Mari we  walking that [ __ ] we waving people at the front   DES hey how you doing what’s up what’s up man  oh nut hey man hey I hope you having a good day  

    At work you walking that [ __ ] like you’ve been  working there you don’t know none of these [ __ ]   you talking to everybody when you walk in hey  what’s good hey what’s up my man hey you having  

    A great day having a good day okay Hey where’s the  conference room around here man hey bet no problem   now Where’s the restroom you talk to [ __ ] like  you own this [ __ ] you don’t go excuse me sir  

    [ __ ] that walk in like you’ve been doing this  before this G be the first time you ever been in   Marriott they gonna think D this [ __ ] he know  everybody in this [ __ ] don’t he now he just   walk in like he own that’s all I learned that  [ __ ] from corporate like walking this [ __ ]  

    Like you own it it’s like thank you Miss Beauty  with edes I love it new member yeah exactly I am   R when you rolling and you picking up people from  airports like when I talk to my people in my car I  

    Don’t talk to them like I’m a new driver I talk  to them like I’ve been knowing them for [ __ ]   five years they get hey what’s up oh nothing much  bro what’s you up to today oh no hey just getting  

    Off work yeah man I know I’ll bet your ass happy  as [ __ ] ain’t he yeah man yeah I’m talking to   this [ __ ] like we just sitting at the barbecue  we just riding cracking up like oh man I give him  

    A card hey man call me if you need a ride one a  bet man if you get stuck at work bet no problem   I just saw two [ __ ] calls come up my phone one  dude said Lawrence Ben’s on it so he’s a guy who  

    Had a b in his driveway I dropped him off a long  time ago and he’s always trying to like hit me up   for like car work and everything like that picking  up his son but he just he just called me I just  

    Saw this [ __ ] pop and these are old passengers  from a long time ago see this dude here yeah this   this dude here Lawrence Benz like he just hit  me up but these are all people who I’ve given  

    My car to cruising and I let them know you know  I keep it 100 with you I’m real oh I can’t give   you a card you got to go through Uber go through  lift in order to contact me if you need anything  

    [ __ ] what you here you go here’s my card I’m you  hitting up these hotels dropping your cards off to   these front desk staff you don’t understand they  will reach out to you yeah especially when the   one the hotels that are near your airports those  are your target markets right there go drop your  

    Cards off because you have people that’s flights  are getting cancelled they’re International they   don’t have uh phones to where they can call yeah  us numbers so they’re reaching out to the hotels   and if you’re card is at that hotel desk they’re  gonna reach out to you but you have to make your  

    Presence known you have to yeah and let your  business be and let your business be like Gable   if you if you’re dealing with a a 25 year old  kid 20 something year old kid who’s got issue  

    With bills and [ __ ] like that at the front desk  SL give them like five cards be like hey you know   what but every time I come here and pick somebody  up and you refer them I’mma slide you some cash so  

    These [ __ ] might make they might make extra 50  60 $70 off of drivers yes alone I mean Ser mother   like dude I tell them don’t call Uber lift I  just get and when the driver come the driver  

    Always cash at me some money back and yeah hey  Jeff this is uh Natalie I got uh Jonathan’s at   the front desk he needs a ride to the airport  cool I’ll be there in about 15 minutes perfect  

    I’ll cash have Natalie 15 real quick here you go  Natalie she can sit there all [ __ ] day making   money off of all day long young these young ass  Hotel people need to realize that hey hey anybody  

    Need a ride anybody need a uber because I can set  you up yeah you know [ __ ] retirees and [ __ ] I   I don’t know how to use the Uber I just downloaded  The Uber I don’t know how to use the Uber though  

    Don’t worry about it I got somebody coming for I  gotta and it’s like [ __ ] and that’s how we can   we can help include these hotels and all these  people get involved in US building our business   because once they find out that hey man Jeff’s  always out at night it’s always people you know  

    People with smaller Cars and Cars that don’t look  nice his car matches the hotel he’s got a nice   like Jeep or a nice beam or a nice disc coming up  that’s all that match matters and when this person  

    Knows that hey I’m only 2024 I’m not getting  paid [ __ ] at this [ __ ] hotel but as long   as I’m staying in contact with five six drivers  a day each one of these drivers give me like 30  

    Bucks a day for me hooking up with r that’s an  extra $150 a day this [ __ ] making at the front   desk just dispatching us rides so 150 a day that  for five days you just made $750 a week 750 a week  

    Times two week is 1500 you’re making three G’s a  [ __ ] month standing at a front desk dispatching   [ __ ] rides to guys who just don’t want to drive  the apps no more you can do it [ __ ] can do it  

    It’s Gotta believe they can do it say exactly  $5 finer fee I like that $5 finer fee and then   you include that in your fair that you taxing the  passenger yeah it’s and that’s the thing man it’s  

    I we got nice hotels around here too like we got  the one at the top of the mountain in Tempe we got   the Weston over in Tempe all the hotels downtown  the Renaissance shans all of those we got Arizona  

    Grand down here we got quite a few Comfort ends  out here people love the Comfort end because it’s   it’s right by the airport and they they land they  go get some sleep and they go right back to the  

    Airport them rods those are who you give your  business cards to comfort ends because they’re   usually by airports drop off a stack of little  cards at the com like hey you know what I’m a   rise your driver I’m doing an independent thing  hey for every driver that actually hits me up for  

    Every PR to hit me up I’mma slide you some cash  because I’m probably gonna charge me know 2030   I’ll slide you 10 all right bet bet I’ll just cas  cash app you what’s your cash app cool and as soon  

    As you start doing it if they do that [ __ ] three  four times a day $30 $40 a day all you’re doing is   from Comfort to Hotel Comfort to Hotel you do four  of those a day at 40 That’s 160 bucks you don’t  

    Probably went like 16 miles and you can easily  just kick this person down all right man I’m G   send you that that quick for $10 a ride Bo just  kicking them out instead of us giving the Uber  

    App [ __ ] More than 70% of what we’re doing we  giving this person like s said we’re giving them   the finders fee they we’ll give them the finders  fee instead of giving Uber a $15 finders fee $70  

    Finders fee $50 man [ __ ] all that we’ll give  them the finders fee and that’s G to keep them   hooking us up all the time I’m trying to tell  you I know it works because when I used to take  

    Pictures at the clubs I used to tell the strippers  hey look you bring them over here to the PCT boo   when they ask you want to buy a drink tell them  no you want a photo hell yeah slide that all  

    Strippers running around the city trying to find  a picture lady hell yeah that’s what it is though   and and it’s everybody taking care of everybody  it’s people knowing that there’s enough money on   this planet to where nobody has to be greedy we  could share ideas share Insight share my there’s  

    Trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars  on this planet we don’t all have that much money   there’s trillions of dollars on this planet one  person for yeah so what the f yeah so if I’m  

    Sitting there saying man his driver like what uh  uh Nick he made 3700 uh Juan Vargas made 4,000 I   made 2600 we all happy with what we made we’re the  only people that are not happy are the [ __ ] on  

    YouTube who want to be in first place all the time  everybody can’t be in first place every day these   [ __ ] got third grade picnic [ __ ] syndrome  they want to win the sock hop every [ __ ] day  

    I want to be first place in potato sack race  I’m gonna be first place in potato sack race   [ __ ] that this is not a potato sack race this  is life everybody needs money for different [ __ ]  

    In life maybe I don’t need a lot this week maybe  somebody does need a lot this week so they gonna   have to make L the first the first shall be last  and the last shall be first so I say Keep Me in  

    The middle yeah exactly exactly you know what’s  amazing it’s that Uber has placed this mentality   to everybody that that drivers cannot be friends  drivers need to compete against each other drivers   have to keep the certain secrets to themselves so  that they can’t share that that power of knowledge  

    They don’t want you to be knowledgeable out there  that’s why you’re here in this in the 300 because   you want the knowledge to be given you get people  to talk to them to make them make them aware of  

    What where we’re losing it in the competition  competition is good it’s they want to create chaos   because with chaos and diffusion confusion  you don’t get people able to work together   everybody’s so busy about fighting this fighting  that fighting this fighting that and that’s what  

    They love when all the YouTube channels were all  like competing with each other oh come and I was I   was one of the only YouTube channels out there  even when I first started saying go watch the  

    Other [ __ ] please do you can get off my channel  go watch it I always tell people that [ __ ] all   the time go watch the other channels because  I want people to see all the information when   you tell people not to watch something you’re  withholding information trying to hi something  

    Yeah I’m like I I would want it’s like when you  go to court you don’t just let one side talk   and not let the other side Talk No let both sides  talk and let me break down what I think the truth  

    Is let both sides talk I said go go listen you can  go listen to that go watch that I don’t care but a   lot of YouTubers even when I when I was like you  know first starting everybody said oh you ain’t  

    Gonna make it nowhere because you cuss too much  they were always like well I wouldn’t be watching   no Channel like that I wouldn’t watch a channel  because I don’t you shouldn’t be watching [ __ ]   like that you shouldn’t be watching channels like  that and everybody was like but he’s telling the  

    Truth though but it’s just how he’s saying  it [ __ ] grow the [ __ ] up if if my mouth   offends you you’re not ready to walk outside  the world outside is way worse than my [ __ ]   mouth somebody will blow your brains out while  you sitting in your [ __ ] front seat my mouth  

    Won’t do that but you worried about my mouth but  not about these [ __ ] about to blow your brains   out every [ __ ] day out on the street you got  bigger problems than my mouth trust me just but  

    That’s how they were and YouTube would and the uh  Uber and Li would love that [ __ ] because they   love when drivers don’t all get together can’t all  and when I started saying everybody go watch other  

    People’s [ __ ] drivers started saying it wasn’t a  bad thing to sit on somebody’s channel to go hey I   was on another Channel watching a day people would  get offended why you watching their Channel cuz  

    They made [ __ ] videos why else would I watch it  it’s like and but yet if you say I watch somebody   else’s video they feel like you’re cheating on  them and [ __ ] oh wait you on their Channel what  

    You watching their videos for because I want to  well you could be watching mine I I am watching   yours right now but I was watching theirs earlier  well just watch mine all the time man [ __ ] you  

    Get out of here it’s like Plantation economics  that’s how they used to be back then in the slory   days the ones out in the field they they they  kept them separated from the ones in the house  

    Same same Theory right right and once you just  open up the platform and say everybody watch all   videos of all R here get all knowledge and all  information from all different views out there   we created April the 1 I mean February the 14th  that protest was all channels all drivers across  

    Many many platforms saying this is what we’re  going to [ __ ] do the apps now see they don’t   have a union but these [ __ ] got each other man  this is getting scary now they’re starting to talk   about different things and sharing information on  how they can take care of their families without  

    Using us without letting us run them into the  ground they’re learning how to take care of their   families now they don’t want to do that because  once we find out and once people find out that we  

    Can do life and do work outside of the apps like  Tony West kamala’s brother now people are saying   Biden is trying to say oh we’re going to create a  new side hustle law that’s just Tony West talking   that’s Tony West talking a nobody [ __ ] worried  about Tony West because that’s the Biden White  

    House he’s gonna be out here any [ __ ] ways  ain’t nobody worried about him Trump’s gonna   repeal every [ __ ] thing that that even if it’s  against Americans Trump’s gonna kick it out so I   ain’t even worried about [ __ ] any [ __ ] ways  all you gotta do is be like hey man he’s trying  

    To hold Americans back guess what we repealing  that law that law that law putting America’s back   on Deck we’re gonna build the [ __ ] wall we’re  gonna get America back on track again everything   these jackasses did for the last four years is  all gonna be erased anyways this is a blip in  

    History and it’s like Tony West and all the [ __ ]  they’re trying to pool like I said with that law   they’re trying to do nah they’re done they’re done  that law won’t stand a chance because like I said  

    Everything’s not a side hustle this is business  this is business oh Nick’s in the hey Nick’s here   hey hey Nick are you in the car man I’m I’m G try  something real quick I’m I’m G see if I can get  

    Nick if you’re near the car brother you gotta do  something you got to show people these seats man   because we we put seats in this car yesterday  CU he’s likewell I got these red seats in man  

    We got these LEDs these lights and all this [ __ ]  said bring the car over so he brought it over we   [ __ ] hooked this [ __ ] up I’m like I’m gonna  get these for my BMW I got black seats but I want  

    Those seats all right bet he was one minute all  right bet bet man I want those seats in my car   like the and they’re like got Diamond stitching  they’re nice and puffy and [ __ ] I was like man  

    These [ __ ] is bad yeah B are sell out yeah oh  yeah and like I said and those seats man they’re   nice they’re nice so I’m getting them I’m and the  fact that we hooked his up and we know how to you  

    Know get them installed how we I had to get the  the tools out kind of get one of the seats out   and everything like that but we figured out how  to get them [ __ ] in there man I’m glad everybody  

    Was saying how how they liked him though because  that’s what I really wanted to see this is what is what [ __ ] s stupid [ __ ] roll  the [ __ ] up put that on the shirt I’mma have to do that making sure this [ __ ]  grow the [ __ ] up please but please on it  

    Please please throw the [ __ ] up that’s funny  [ __ ] what up Drew my man Drew and Drew he’s   one of those car guys too so grew he’s down  in Austin he was up in Detroit for a while  

    But he’s one of those people who he can pass  out his cards all the time he does roadside   assist for drivers [ __ ] like that another  one of those people who does good business   young entrepreneur always out there trying  to make that dollar knowing he can make more  

    Doing his roadside assistance and making more  doing his mechanic work but he’s still doing   Rod shairing delivery just constantly building  his business up in the background and that’s   what it’s gonna he origin from Chicago don’t  wonder Chicago Hustlers man uh oh T I just  

    Had a mass of food or I forgot a bag in my  back seat oops you better eat that [ __ ]   I’m just kidding three hot dogs wait they tip  did they tip they tip they didn’t tip eat that

    [ __ ] Jack in the Box H yeah here’s Nick Nick  Nick’s about to show us this car right now Nick   did you I didn’t look at my phone today yet did  you send me a picture uh it wouldn’t send it your  

    Phone for whatever reason but anyway because I  got a $200 phone that’s why that’s why need to   upgrade my phone let me camera real hold up my  phone don’t even make phone calls unless you put  

    A quarter in the side of it this one of them  weird ass phones old ass phone let me let me   get the LEDs on too all right what happened you  turn the phone around no two daytonas on that  

    [ __ ] Obama phone [ __ ] he’s a $200 Obama  phone they was calling your phone that [ __ ] earlier Obama phone man J got that Obama phone  [Laughter] oh Jesse that’s what’s up brother   that’s what’s up uh oh I want to see what these  things look like man is he in Scottsdale yep he’s  

    Out in South Scottsdale so he’s got some pretty  good traffic man because like I he shoots right   up Scottdale Road he’s right there in the mix of  everything so I like that me I’m I’m just too far  

    South to be doing scotdale all the time because  you know them people man it gets crazy they beat   four deep all the [ __ ] time I’m like I need  to get this accurate man I got to get this MDX  

    Say Jeff come on pimp our rides man we going  to put curb fillers on these [ __ ] everything   I want to have have mud flaps on cars man we F  to do it all I’m talking about screens dropping   from the ceiling exactly hit that [ __ ] like  uber video make sure you shake your driver’s

    Head tip on your way out the [ __ ] you got  me watching it’s my new drop down screen baby the new drive down screen this is how uh  Uber is [ __ ] us exactly hell yeah I flip the  

    Camera yeah let’s do it I can’t flip the camera  but show yeah show it that way yeah let’s see   look at them seats hold on hold on let me  let me blow it up yeah keep keep it there

    Look nice s’s laughing at your seats now I’m just  kidding she was laughing at something else look   at that that is nice man them red seats yeah and  that LE yeah it’s like a it’s like a leather uh  

    Composite so it to me it’s sof in leather my  leather is hard like a brick that leather is   like cotton man it feels so [ __ ] smooth it’s  like cotton leather my [ __ ] is like is hard  

    Brick leather to where you gota like work it  in order to make it softer that [ __ ] is just   naturally just like it’s smooth man it’s like  baby powder [ __ ] it’s like damn this [ __ ]  

    Smooth then he got the LEDs in there you put  the LEDs on oh yeah yeah I did I did hold that   I got it on the red right now you can Str it  too if you got some you got some yeah we got  

    The lights up under there and everything yeah  yeah so we put the lights up under everything   the lights under the dash lights up under the  seat yeah I I got to fix these I got to get  

    These ones but yeah well I got some zip ties  in the garage and I was thinking about that   when you left there’s two cables up under your  seats and I think if I can zip tie to those C  

    Next time you come over I’m GNA go up under the  seat and I’m gonna zip time to this long cable   that was up under there because where we sat them  if you keep moving the seat back and forth I bet  

    It’s going to do something with those under the  seat lights cool am I still on the main screen yeah I was I was showing everybody the car man  show now it’s my show now hell yeah it’s a Nick  

    Show slick Nick yeah man that [ __ ] was man  I like that man yeah them leather seats is woo   [ __ ] is nice and red yeah it’s like a burgundy  red it’s almost like the color of my wall back  

    There honestly it’s like a burgundy red and  it’s like they’re not what kind of car is it   on what was that what kind of car do you have  just a Hyundai Elantra oh okay black I got uh  

    No I probably did 15 rides after I got them  on and uh once once it got dark out with the   LEDs going and the seats and I got a lot of good  comments you know and without even saying anything  

    People just get in there like oh [ __ ] like  these are crazy because ain’t no Elantra got   red leather seats I’m telling you man if I got  a heat gun in the garage like I showed him how  

    I debadged my motorcycle how I took all the  Suzuki [ __ ] off so what you do is you get a   heat gun you go back and forth slowly over all  your emblems and you just pull them right off  

    And then you just like goo off the [ __ ] sticky  [ __ ] your car would look like a [ __ ] black   BMW if it didn’t have them Hyundai [ __ ] shits  on it I’m telling you man you wouldn’t know you  

    Could just roll up [ __ ] be like what kind  of car is this just take the Hyundai off take   the Elantra off like kind of I man it’s it’s a  new Jaguar actually it’s the new J self driving  

    Car it’s a self-driving car it’s custom made  and see that’s why people ask me that about   my motorcycle when I go to the gas St don’t kind  of bike because I took all the [ __ ] badges off  

    My bike they don’t know what it is so I [ __ ]  took all the Suzuki [ __ ] and everything off   it like what kind of bike is this this is  sick like man it’s a bat bike Batman gave  

    Me this [ __ ] yeah that shit’s nice though man  yeah yeah there was a huge influx in tips too I   mean I there there’s people giving seven eight  $9 tips on you know fairly short rides and all   those people were people who also complimented  all these seats are cool so it definitely made  

    A difference too uh you know and it creates good  conversation for sure so yeah I like them man I   think they they look better than my BMWs my BMW’s  got just lines that go across like this yeah you  

    Got actual like diamond stitching it’s puffy it’s  padded they’re real soft I said my seats are like   hard leather yours are like I swear it’s like  rub it against [ __ ] cotton and that makes a   different when somebody hand hits that [ __ ]  it’s like man this feels good dude this feels  

    Good it’s like that and I would rather have those  to protect my original BMW seeds too those does   that stuff have a memory foam on it so that get  numb show again show the seats again passenger  

    Seat chair here is dope I mean it’s just super  clean but but yeah no you guys got it’s called   if you if you go on Amazon I don’t think can you  post links in the chat you can post links in the

    Chat hey Jessie we gotta do yours like this  Jesse Jesse got in the launcher too we can do   his man [ __ ] it’s cover cover cover a I think is  what it’s called yeah what cover so just cover AO  

    Ado um they’re 170 bucks and I mean I think it’s  worth it totally worth it so yeah the next best   thing was like 300 bucks and I wasn’t gonna spend  300 on cat cover no those are nice because I’ll  

    Show y’all the the seat covers I got in the back  of mine and when you see the seat cover I got in   back in mine cover my [ __ ] look like it’s made  for [ __ ] dogs it don’t look like that I like I  

    Got people sitting on my [ __ ] driving around  that’s probably why I getting no tips myit like   dog seat covers [ __ ] be riding like dude what  the [ __ ] is this is a real Beamer like you  

    Get this Beamer off a wish this ain’t no real  [ __ ] Beamer I ordered my BMW off of wish that mother said a BMW my [ __ ] says bwm I had no idea  like you got this [ __ ] off a wish I thought it  

    Said BMW the whole sh says bwm you never look  close I bought it off so cheap it came from   China hell yeah it came China [ __ ] she say m  Korea on the back I thought it says m m page say

    M Beamer special y’all [ __ ] up with that  teu [ __ ] 17 [Music] cents I got a beamer   for [ __ ] 17 cent off a t- oh my ask me how  shop like a millionaire this [ __ ] got two  

    It got two big ass [ __ ] D batteries it’s not  even a car batter just D batteries hooked up my   lights run off of this mother where’d you get  this Beamer from t- this Ain a real famous is  

    Bwm it gets 65 miles to the gallon and you  can do half water half gas it’s a weird car   this ain’t a real BMW oh my God the steering  wheel comes [Laughter] off you just take your   steering wheel in the house that’s all like  they can’t steal it they can’t steal it that  

    Take your brake pedal off you can take your  brake pedals off so you don’t got to have alarm Ain no brake pedal down there where your brake can’t start the car I can’t start the car I   left the brake pedal in the house  oh my God kind of BMW is this oh

    My yeah those seats are sick those seats  are sick I definitely you know I think I’m   G looking at getting those cuz I like the color  it’s not a hard red it’s a real easy red like I  

    Said it’s almost the color that wall back it’s  a real easy red and it just like it it ties in   with the tail lights now next time he brings it  over I told him we’re gonna take the wheels off  

    Degrease all the brake Cal we’re gonna race we  gonna paint the calipers red so it’s like race   red like the BMW calipers so we gonna paint  all the calipers red get all that [ __ ] red  

    And get that [ __ ] looking sick we gonna set  that car up pretty nice we gonna set it up like   you gonna get a return on your investment  man I’m telling you dude that [ __ ] them   seats sh I knew this GNA turn heads cuz  me where’s the TV where’s the TV coming  

    Down so that it says how Uber is [ __ ] us so  you can have that’s investment that’s a future investment that’s funny yeah no it’s totally  worth it I mean if you think about it you  

    Just got to break down the math like am I gonna  get a return on my investment at the end of the   day and it’s like you can’t like fully calculate  that but I mean if I’m noticing a difference in  

    Tips already you know getting these higher tips  like Saturday nights uers are already expensive   so I I’ve noticed less tips on a lot of Saturday  nights at least recently they already get pretty   expensive for people so they’re hesitant to tip  I mean I took somebody it’s like a seven minute  

    Trip it was like a couple miles and I think it  paid me 20 bucks and this was like late last   night like around like 1:32 or something something  like that and they gave me a $10 tip you know and  

    They they didn’t I mean it’s not like they they  didn’t look like they had a bag I mean it just   dropped them off at like some average apartment  you know so it’s like but they they thought the  

    The seats were sick you know so it’s like who  knows if that’s what really made the difference   you know the seats uh so it’s like I think so  man you get you get 17 tips or what’s it say 20  

    Tips uh that are influx to you know seven eight  n10 because they thought the ride was so cool   I mean there you go you just covered your you  just covered the seats so and that’s what it is   about return on investment man that’s it return on  [ __ ] investment and cover and you’re protecting  

    Your original seats that too that’s why I gotta  do with the Beamer man I got to protect those   original [ __ ] seats because like I those [ __ ]  are expensive like three grand I already looked   up the back seats three Grands is for the back  seats three G’s I’m like that’s a car I could  

    Buy a whole another car for three [Music] G’s it’s  like Dude where’s your back seats in this Beamer   I took them out I went and bought a different  car instead like what [ __ ] where we going  

    To sit sit on the floor H yeah I put [ __ ] lawn  chair back there be back lawn chairs riding around like ass lawn chairs especially the old  guys right when you make a turn they all   childhood memories on that one hell yeah like  this [ __ ] got lawn chairs anchored to the  

    Floor in a beamer I can’t afford the back  seats man they 3 G’s these are considered   captain seats oh yeah [ __ ] they get I’m  G have lawn chairs I’mma have like beach   towels and [ __ ] a beach ball back there  like dude what you trying to do like man I  

    Can’t afford the seat so I’m gonna make this  [ __ ] look like you’re at the beach let’s go back and forth while we riding Uber  and [ __ ] they like do what the [ __ ]   say can’t afford it man seat covers  that’s why you got to get seat covers  

    But those are nice those are nice man  did good Nick you did good I’m glad you   got them now knowing my luck I’m G try to get  the same seats I’mma order that [ __ ] off of   like wish or [ __ ] te- with some weird  [ __ ] get some fuzzy ass pink [ __ ]

    Seats mother like why these seats TI on my booty you ain’t getting no tip old [ __ ] ladies and [ __ ] L say what they  think right now hey these SE tickle my booty   where you get these from you’re starting to talk  Chinese again and your eyes are start to squint

    Man that’s my Chinese translator  from AI coming through [ __ ] that you’re turning Chinese on us seat I  take on my boot tag I like uh booty I like her I would like a two booty comfor

    Ride pick you up I’ll come pick you up man man  man that shit’s funny as hell man we’ll be on   the [ __ ] for three hey y’all getting out to  the 50 Cent concert tonight 50 Cent concerts  

    Tonight man 50 Cent concert was it going what  about 11 maybe I think it’s going to be letting   out about 11 or 12 I got a 1030 10:30 uh um  private ride so okay I’m about to run my ass  

    In there I’m gonna grab me something to eat real  quick reheat me some [ __ ] Pizza jump my ass in   the shower man hey but I appreciate you guys for  sitting on this live stream with me man man Nick  

    You came through with the seats appreciate  that man dims you know hey at two hours and   33 minutes go hear what demms had to say I’m  GNA copy that [ __ ] and make that a short  

    That was she Dropped a Bomb on you [ __ ] mic  drop [ __ ] she read she read the Bible to your ass think as she read that [ __ ] I  heard a [ __ ] in the background go Jesus I was like where’ that come from she  said you are not an employee [Laughter]

    Jesus cont independent contract contract  cont forget that yes say that [ __ ] I’m   G say independent contractor can I get a amen  Jesus amen [ __ ] get the Holy Ghost you ride   with the Holy Ghost today lady you fa roll  with the Holy Ghost that’s what is to rise  

    Your Bible she read that [ __ ] straight  out Corinthians 1.2 you are not Jesus according to code 5924 is simply States hell  yeah Deuteronomy and let’s remind all the the   Watchers of YouTube that April 1st is our next  time so you can say Jesus wake up about saying  

    Pedro on a priest outfit we gonna go we got to  get Pedro call him the r share Jesus Pedro aka   the rod share Jesus Jesus oh my God here we go  hey I’m I’m gonna use that sound bite after she  

    Read her [ __ ] she gonna say you are not an  employee and I’m gonna copy my voice saying Jesus that’s gonna be the whole  [Laughter] short Jesus says independent contractor my [Applause] lashes that’s gonna be the  short of the year right there [ __ ] going  

    To church church she read the Bible  to your asses I’m about to sanctify   you you not a w to Jesus he this [Laughter]  woman your profits and come back with 10% she read the Bible to y’all [ __ ] live  this is live stream Church let’s have a  

    Midnight Ser R Dallas coming at you g get  the devil an Uber out your ass you gota say ass get darl out of your system get  David out of your system 10% while you’re at it box

    Z001 I’m telling y’all wow man y’all wow we  gonna do it though April 1 Kim she letting   us know April 1 we gonna get out we gonna do it  [ __ ] so I’ll tell you man and I like what you  

    Said J we need to like all get together in Phoenix  Phoenix drivers need to stand up because I’m seen   a lot lot of States San France standing up you  know Minnesota standing up everybody standing  

    Up Phoenix we got a lot of drivers out here we’ve  got to stand up we’ve got to stand up and I think   just coming together at some point wherever it  may be and just showing the the influx of how  

    Drivers do affect this city even if we all came  together for 30 minutes like say hey man from 12   to 12:30 this day everybody just come together  12 to 12:30 and just show how many of us we it  

    Really is in Alpha 44 Street ABC News can go all  meet there have a license you know get a permit we   we got to get a permit for to demonstrate yeah  and then we do it all right and we’ll have the  

    Police there helping us not fighting us helping  us to direct traffic and get everybody going into   their parking lot and before you know it they’re  going to wonder what the hell they’re coming to   ABC right here on 44th Street yeah they say  you’re coming out the wood works like the  

    Cockroach when you turn the lights real right  [ __ ] they they G be you going to see them in   the building setting their cars on their cars  going ch ch make sure they ain’t [ __ ] on my [ __ ] you gonna be hearing all  car alarms chiring Chuck scared  

    Said honey I might not be home for  lunch today they got some [ __ ] out   in the parking lot especially  12:00 they all eat lunch at 12 they gon walk that door [ __ ] urn  right back in that [ __ ] D there   too many [ __ ] out there dude I’m cool on that

    [ __ ] man man hey but I appreciate y’all for  getting on the live with me man I’m back I’m   yes good to have you back [ __ ] I’m glad your  your teeth is feeling good because all they did  

    Right they did the buildup on it and they they  put the post in the buildup they got the cavity   out because like it was just a filling at first  but the fing came out and the cavity got exposed  

    To so they had to go through to a root canal  because it started like juicing [ __ ] would   get in there would hurt like a [ __ ] like  oh but now all the RO are gone no tooth AE  

    Is gonna keep you down from being a 300 no  man I was fighting back I was I was trying   to do rides and everything man I do rides for a  couple hours I go grab something to like and it  

    Was worse cuz if I ate like a granola bar and  a piece of granola got caught in there it was   a wrap dude I I even had like this is left over  from before this little toothpick looking things  

    Like this I used to use this be like I’m like  trying to hurry him get the peie out because it   was killing but once you get it out it’s like  the additives and the sugars and [ __ ] would  

    Just burn the [ __ ] out of that neres you  gotta hurry up and try to get it out because   like a piece had broke off and once it broke  off stuff easily got up in there so I only try  

    To eat on one side of my mouth so I finally said  [ __ ] it call the dentist my crown will be in on   a fifth so I got to go in and get the actual  crown put on so it’ll be a whole because I’m  

    Like I don’t want to pull the tooth just save it  I she said I said just root canal it well it’ll   be a lot of people like to have an extraction  like no [ __ ] that that’s cheap it’s easy I  

    Just want to get the root canal just do the hard  [ __ ] that it was like I said the process was   cool I did it it was done I was like oh man that  [ __ ] was easy but not too bad I’ll be back in  

    A few days for the crown started driving home  that Novae started wearing off I was like oh [ __ ] man I was sitting in bed and I mean  my head was thriving like you can feel the   heartbeat from my mouth my head and I’m just  sitting in the bed just like doing this going

    Like that’s all I can do get a k and I couldn’t I  couldn’t lay down if you laid down it hurt worse   if I walked around it it just like it was I  was dizzy because I was so tired I just had  

    To just keep shaking my head like this just  keep shaking your head just keep sh I mean   for hours dude I sat on the end of the bed just  for hours eventually I fell asleep and I woke up  

    And I was like I feel a little better but it  was like I couldn’t even fall asleep because   it was hurting so bad I was just like in and  out I was Dazed I was like man you can’t drive  

    You can’t do [ __ ] you’re just like you can’t  walk I just sit on the end of the bed just like   please stop hurting please stop hurting like I’m  back now hell yeah I’m like out there folks if  

    Goddamn dental appointment just go in and say  just look make sure it’s no cavity because if   if the cavity eats away too much other tooth and  you bite on something hard and a piece of that   tooth falls off all the nerves are exposed and  that’s where it [ __ ] you up when the nerves  

    Are exposed it it’s all downhill from there it’s  like man man I was like got it done got it done   all right three hours and 22 minutes hell yeah  man hey and I’m gonna do that short I’m gonna  

    Try to drop that short tomorrow I’m gonna bring  church for these [ __ ] tomorrow they don’t even know like hey man y’all want to meet Jesus introducing them Dallas Reverend D  Dallas from Dallas yeah [ __ ] he going   to drop that knowledge on they ass  they be like so we’re not employ 10%

    Exactly you are not an employee stop thinking like  that man stop thinking you work for these [ __ ]   you don’t work for them you’re not an employee  so I’m G drop that [ __ ] that [ __ ] better go   viral because everybody needs to know that [ __ ]  man that’s in their own policies that’s in their  

    Own service terms and policies you can’t argue  with what they wrote exactly ex you don’t work   for them they’ll deactivate your ass a kick  to the curb in a [ __ ] heartbeat so get your   money get your [ __ ] together use this app as as  building whatever you want to build whether it’s  

    You’re Building yourself to go get another W2  start another business build Logistics business   figure it out but on this app this is not a career  field it’s not a career field with them you’re not  

    Their employee they’re telling us we’re use the  app as a as a a way to make money but don’t don’t   let them use you exactly exactly because they  don’t want to have any benefits with us they  

    Don’t want to have no retirement no medical no  they don’t want none of that [ __ ] with us so   every time they have to pay that for like New  York or somebody like that or Seattle it gets   all [ __ ] up because the government gets involved  everything gets all [ __ ] up and next thing you  

    Know it’s like that’s what I’m like we don’t want  the government we just want our money don’t don’t   bring us no government just pay us what you owe  us that’s it like y’all [ __ ] gouging everybody  

    Y taking too much money from us as drivers like  even the one that had the toes on everybody’s   paying toeses everywhere and they ain’t getting  even paid for their [ __ ] toes I’m like these are  

    Lost rides Dan if you got to pay $20 in toes and  the ride paid $14 what the [ __ ] man you’re $6   in the hole it’s like this [ __ ] don’t make no  sense but I don’t know all right Kim good night  

    Lady good night lady good night good night all  right hey Miss dims hey I’m G see y’all Jamal   brother hopefully if you’re out tonight driving  I’ll end up running into you out there brother  

    Sh hope to see you 300 we bringing all oh hell  yeah let’s go I’m gonna go outside and watch my   car and here and run and take a shower real quick  so hey man y’all be easy out there thank you guys  

    In the chat for being on the live stream y’all  know how we do it March we gonna be having a lot   of live streams in March because I’m back with  a new tooth [ __ ] this [ __ ] want to talk to

    You got something wait wait wait to [ __ ] that  two like man I’ve been quiet for a minute because   the [ __ ] granola been kicking my ass [Laughter]  I’m back now [ __ ] but go out there hey get your   teeth checked y’all make sure you ain’t got  no cavities cavities of the worst [ __ ] all  

    Right y’all I’ll holl at y’all later now  good night good night hey good night good night


    1. Remember these words: You will never change what you're willing to tolerate.

      Did 10 booked hours on Lyft Sat/Sun and got over $39/booked hour, including bonus and tips. Git R Done! Settle for NO LESS.

    2. uber is Listening To U regarding Negotiation ….. I was at BWI Airport & Rejected A Too Low Cost for 25 Mile Ride … it offered $27.99 & I ReJected then it Returned Back @$44 !!! Then I Accepted The Same Trip at Higher Rate The 2nd Round $$$ — I Was Shock this happened.

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