Volunteers have been busy hedge laying in Yate Common to create new habitats for wildlife.
    The council has been working with CPRE to identify hedges running along footpaths and cycleways so the public enjoy enjoy the benefits.
    We also have an ambitious tree planting programme https://beta.southglos.gov.uk/tree-planting-programme/

    So the idea of hedge laying is  to create a more niche habitat,   which has benefits different to a woodland. If these trees were just left and not laid   they’d grow up to be tall trees, which has loads  of benefits bit hedgerows also have benefits,  

    And as they’re a more unique habitat  its’ great to create more of them.   Hedgerows are great for loads of animals –  nesting birds, dormice use them to travel,   hedgehogs use them as a base to make their nest.  

    We cut the tree at the base and then we  lay it down, and then it will resprout from   the dormant buds that are laying along  the top surface, and then it will also   resprout from the base, where you’ve cut it. This will make the hedge grow nice and dense,  

    And where all the dormant buds are  flowering there will be more food   for pollinators and more birds will be able  use the hedge for food and also nesting.   We worked n this site in Yate Common last year. Overall we’ve probably done almost 200 metres of  

    Hedge laying along this stretch,  which is along the cycle path.   We’ve been working closely with South  Gloucestershire Council to locate hedgerows   that would be best suited for hedge laying. We’re trying to pick ones that are along public  

    Footpaths or cycle paths so everyone  can see them and enjoy the benefits.   It also allows more light to come into this  cycle path, which makes it feel a bit safer.

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