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    An ordinary shift for a police officer it started out as nothing it was innocuous it was it was a little crime can quickly take an extraordinary turn a simple traffic stop went stratospheric within 2 minutes speed is 70 mph a routine case you can start off with something and it can turn into

    Something completely different can suddenly spiral into a serious incident then it switched he locked the door she knew that something was very very wrong here stand by I think we’re going to have a de Camp longer out for the baseball backat there’s a ton of campus in the car they were literally on

    The Rampage sometimes the most minor crimes I was looking for a stallen quad bike phone a lot more can crack major cases we were now possibly looking at a serial killer Today on big little crimes one man’s hunch escalates into a terrifying plot to commit armed robbery that far as I was concerned he’ shot in the past he was going to shoot my mate I wasn’t going to be the next one a missing bank card uncovers a Web

    Of Lies there was no way that we thought that this was going to snowball into invest tigation of this magnitude but first is a common traffic offense about to expose one of the biggest criminals on the aisle of White acting detective Sergeant Ian Robertson has been based on the aisle of white for the last 21 years on the mainland you’ve got lots of teams we have one C officer office and so you have lots of skills and you deal with all in any type of

    Crime and today’s job is going to put Ian’s detective skills to the ultimate test it’s Friday night and two police constables are patrolling the islands roads and A call came in from member of the public saying that they thought a drink driver was driving at speed we get lots of calls like this

    It’s quite regular occurrence police officers just routine drink driver so the officer wouldn’t have thought too much about it they head to the area the car was last seen and it’s not long before they spot the vehicle speeding past when the officers first saw the car it was going the opposite direction to

    Them but it was going faster than 30 so the officers just turned around put his blue light on and the mini did slow slightly but then it accelerated who’s driving the car and why are they so desperate to get away from the police he was driving erratically there

    Were other car users on the road and they were having to take avoiding action couple of cars had to stop pull across the side of the road just to avoid being hit this man was dangerous the driver is putting the lives of innocent people at risk as he

    Weaves in and out of quiet residential roads the speed then got up to 60 MPH and the officers decided that it was too fast to safely pursue so they started slowing down themselves and pulling back and they didn’t want an innocent member of the public getting hurt how they were pursuing went around

    The corner they lost sight of it just for a second and by the time the officers turned around the corner they found the mini had crashed into a parked car the two occupants of the mini the suspect and his passenger were still sat in the car slightly dazed luckily nobody

    Was was injured someone could have been killed by that man driving the officers raced to the car to arrest the two men inside and they’re shocked by what they find there’s a great big kitchen knife in the driver’s footwell which is not normal and then there’s a lump Hammer

    Next to it and then there’s some lock knives and these are the knives which are very small they can fit in the palm of your hand but then you press a button open up the blade it locks in place and they’re nasty really sharp 3 or 4 in

    Blades it starting to look like something at this job it’s not just a drink driver or a drug driver why are they toed up why have they got weapons on them what started out as a traffic offense has turned into something much more serious the driver of the cup when the

    Officers found the kitchen knife he said yeah that’s my baby he loves the knife why why is he loving a knife and therefore it’s not a kitchen utensil it’s a weapon why are the men carrying weapons the police meticulously search every inch of the car the officers see a bag of pills on

    The car it was about 30 pills and your suspicions start thinking okay so have I got a drug driver here is he under the influence of drugs um is he a drug dealer is he just a drug user but why has he got weapons what’s all this

    About this started as a common call for speeding could the officers have unwittingly uncovered a major crime they continue searching and find around £100 in Cash Plus another bag of pills and that’s not all we found a couple of mobile phones and then we found a further two mobile phones and

    These are the small mobile phones they’re not much bigger than your thumb they’re ridiculously small these tiny phones are often used in prison because they’re easy to conceal the officers take a closer look at the pills but they don’t know what they are and with just 30 of them in the

    Bags there aren’t enough to prove that the men are dealing drugs the only fence proven at that point is that he drove a car failed to stop for police officers and crashed so you got traffic offenses there the officer’s instincts tell them something much bigger is at play but they need some concrete

    Evidence they test the driver for drugs in his system it came up as positive he said I’m a cocaine user and I last had some this morning so it’s still in his bloodstream the two men are immediately taken into custody a blood test confirms the driver had got behind the wheel

    After taking class A drugs the number of crimes is quickly racking up the team search the men’s houses for more evidence nothing’s found where the passenger lives and when they search the driver’s home they hit another brick wall more pills are found a little bit more cash but again under £100 but it’s

    Still not enough to prove any involvement in drug dealing the men stay in the cells overnight and at 8:00 a.m. Ian starts his shift his instincts match those of the other officers he knows something more Sinister is at play like the old days like you say in the field they tap their

    Nose or they rub their stomach I knew that in front of me I had a drug dealer and it’s now I’m going to prove that you are a drug dealer not just a drug User it’s the drug dealers that make the money it’s the drug dealers that will

    Spread the pain and suffering I want to take drug dealers off the street Ian interviews the suspect separately the passenger blames everything on his friend so Ian needs the driver to talk the suspect didn’t want to talk to start with but he couldn’t help himself it’d answer no comment and then

    Give me an answer only the night before he’ reported a home invasion where a known burglar and very violent person had broken into his house to steal money for from him he admitted that he had the weapons for his own self-defense which is not a lawful excuse you can’t then

    Carry a great big kitchen knife just to protect yourself so he was willing to stab somebody if he was stopped which is the most dangerous sort of person cuz that’s their attitude he’s not scared about stabbing somebody and then we talked about drugs he said they were

    Valiums and that he took them um he wasn’t prescribed them so he’s buying them from people the suspect has admitted to carrying dangerous weapons and taking illegal drugs but is adant he’s not dealing them when asked why he didn’t stop for the police initially he said because the

    Police think I’m a drug dealer so it peed me off and that shows the character of the man he didn’t care that he was under the influence of cocaine driving that vehicle he was just peed off with the police and therefore he felt Justified he was above the law he was

    Quite happy to use drugs he was quite happy to have weapons he didn’t care Ian’s now got more than enough evidence to charge the driver with dangerous driving being in possession of offensive weapons and driving under the influence but he’s still convinced there’s more to

    This than meets the eye so he makes the Bold decision not to charge him he wouldn’t have gone behind bars for the the smaller offenses I knew that you run the risk of the smaller crimes being forgotten about Ian’s almost certain that the driver is a drug dealer

    But he’s got no evidence to prove it he decides to release the men on bail knowing that he still has one final weapon in his Arsenal we had the phones they were our key to this investigation phones hold so much information now and they don’t delete things everything is still there within

    The phone for us to retrieve but with limited resources it’s not going to be an easy task mobile phone evidence is huge in policing nowadays and you’re probably talking two 300 phones in a Queue at any one time to be examined through the whole Force so it goes in a

    File goes on my shelf with my other crimes and periodically every couple of weeks I’ll just check that I haven’t missed anything coming back from the phone intelligence unit it’s going to be a long anxious wait for Ian and his team will his Instinct be proven right

    Or has he wasted a lot of time and Money and later the investigation puts Ian’s years of experience to the ultimate test this was a unique crime for me I didn’t have any drugs to show with the jury other than 30 pills in our next case today a security guard suspicions lead police right into the middle of a terrifying armed

    Robbery retired to detective Constable Phil judge was a fresh-faced 18-year-old lad when he joined the Metropolitan Police I grew up just to the north of Notting Hill which for people who’ve seen the the film Notting Hill they seem to think that it’s rather nice but you didn’t have to stretch the surface much

    To find the real area there are some bad people out there um but there are some good people trying to go go after him and I wouldn’t be one of those and when at just 28 he earned a a job in the highly regarded flying Squad it was a career defining Moment before the flying Squad began police officers had to stay in their local areas in 1919 a guy called Fred wedley was a detective Chief Inspector pulled together 12 detectives um and gave them the remit to go anywhere do anything but to get results um which they

    Did nowadays there are over 100 officers in the flying Squad socalled because they can be sent anywhere in the country to deal with the most dangerous of Criminals but the nature of the job means it’s rarely a smooth ride bad days when things go horribly wrong I’ve been present on armed ambushes where people have got hurt people being killed hundreds of reports of unusual activity reach Phil’s desk every single week so he has to rely on his inbuilt

    Sixth sense to focus on only the most concerning and 25 years ago little did Phil know that he was about to face one of the most challenging cases of his career some new information has landed on his desk from a cash transit driver delivering money to

    Banks he saw a guy who he thought was watching him and he reported it to us through his security Personnel Phil has limited resources and a huge case load he needs to make a difficult decision is it worth looking into or a waste of precious time and resources you didn’t go running

    In um with every single thing that you had you had to really feel that this was right and experience um the little hair sticking up on the back of your neck 6 cents whatever it might be something about this one told me this is Right so we deployed a very limited surveillance team the following week it was the same guard on the same day on the same round making the same deliveries we tucked ourselves away the Strategic positions along the length of the road where there were all of the main High Street Banks the cash Transit

    Van had to service all of them the guy on the van didn’t know we were there we hadn’t told him there was a chat who turned up and whilst the guard was making a delivery he appeared to be watching the van so we let him watch the van

    Effectively looking very closely at what the guard was doing uh then we let him go because he hadn’t done anything A crime hasn’t been committed but surveillance has backed up the security guard suspicions the following week we were going to go back and do the same thing again except this time we’d be a hell of a lot better prepared the flying Squad have got one week to put together a team of the

    Highest caliber including two photographers to capture anything that happens the week we enhanced our operations we were armed and we were ready to deal with any eventuality that might arise the van arrived and so did two other guys the person we’ve seen the week before this

    Is a chat with a beard and another guy one of them went and stood in a bookmaker doorway just around the corner from the entrance to Barkley’s Bank whilst his friend went and stood in a phone box looking directly at the entrance to the Barkley’s Bank where the

    Guard duly turned up parked up and started making his delivery the chat was signaling to the bloke in the phone box using a newspaper the bloke in a phone box was signaling to him it’s not clear what’s going on but with close eyes on both men one of the

    Team realizes something very worrying we dealt with both before back in the late ‘ 80s one was a guy called William Harding he was the man with a beard and the person signaling was a guy called David Adams those two had committed a series of robberies and had been caught by the

    Flying Squad Z actually shot a guard in the foot so we not only knew that we were game on but we knew these were people who would shoot and head shot in the past these two were back at it a cash delivery driver filing a minor report that someone might be watching

    Him has turned into something much bigger Phil and the undercover team are on high alert one wrong move and lives could be at risk all eyes are on Harding he’s got a newspaper and it’s on the phone if you watch him as we have he isn’t actually talking to anyone on the

    Phone it’s just a prop he’s looking across the road at a phone box and in the phone box is David Adams what Adams is doing is giving him instructions as to when to move and when he moves as you can see here off he goes no hasn’t quite got it

    Right gets him sent back again he’ll wait they’re as patient as we are when you get to this level he walks towards the security guard who’s unloading large amounts of cash from the Van but he carries on walking what’s going on this will be a dummy run they’re getting their timing right for an assault on that guard at some point in the future they found the location they like they’re comfortable with they’re testing it can we do it this way they’ve

    Just worked out that they can so from our perspective what we’ve seen tells us they’re plotting to rob that security guard at that venue practice makes perfect and that’s what these two guys were doing they were Practicing we’ll be back to join Phil and the flying squad one week later is it deep day you’ve got one chance and you’ve got to make it Count next the small matter of a missing bank card exposes a large scale and audacious fraud detective Sergeant Liam Robertson has received a routine call the report was that the gentleman in question had lost his bank card while out in Darlington Town Center celebrating a night out the bank card could have been

    Stolen but shortly after losing it the man’s contacted on social media by a stranger who claims to have found his car the person who messaged him had shown him screenshots of his uh his bank card and he quite willingly Gave Over his home address to the person who’

    Contacted him online uh on the understanding that these bank cards were going to be returned um to his home address but the card is never returned because there’s only a few pounds in the account it’s soon forgotten about until something strange happens 3 months after the uh the bank

    Cards had gone missing the member of the public had received some emails from a well-known bookmaker because they referred to a complaint and a request for a refund for transactions the man hasn’t requested any refunds so immediately calls his bank it was only when he contacted the

    Bank that he realized that he couldn’t get through the security um systems in place um for telephone banking um and it quickly became clear to him that the account had been taken over and somebody had subverted his own access to his own bank account the man has been locked out of his own

    Account the registered address and phone number have also been changed is it a bank failure or is something more Sinister at Play the man is eventually able to change the details back but the next day there’s another twist in this increasingly baffling case out of the blue he was then contacted Again by the same person who had um informed him that he’d found the bank cards 3 months prior the tone of

    The messages on this occasion was very very different to the uh the helpful and friendly tone that was used during the messaging and became very threatening in nature the Sinister messages order the man to change the details back to those who’ve hijacked it he then received another message telling him that he had

    24 hours to take this action otherwise his home address would come alive we’re not entirely sure at this point what that threat means could be a threat to property but it could be a threat against his uh against his own person or or potentially the family that

    Uh that he lives with the person making the threats has got the man’s home address and worryingly he’s suggesting he might Target his family the small crime of stealing a bank card has quickly spiraled into extortion Liam needs to find out who’s making the threats and fast the team start with a forensic

    Examination of the victim’s bank account which he hasn’t used for months what was more startling was the fact that we were then told that there was a significant amount of money over that 3month period had been deposited into the account £17,000 in total had been placed into the victim’s account

    While it was outside of his control and almost all of that money had then left the account shortly thereafter it’s clear something criminal is going on the scale of the offense is growing by the day Liam desperately needs to identify the person behind the transactions the bank statements that

    The victim was able to give us showed some transactions that had taking place in here Darlington Town Center what we knew about these transactions is that there would be some key locations here where we would be able to get some CCTV footage that would show us hopefully some images of our

    Suspects the team get the their hands on the tapes the CCTV footage showed the same suspect conducting the transactions on all three occasions in particular on the first occasion it showed him by a coat from a sport shop that coat was subsequently worn on the other transactions the man is already known to

    Police he’s a prolific burglar and fraudster and they can link him to the new address that was on the victim’s banket account but before they make an arrest they want to know the true scale of this crime they look into the £17,000 in the victim’s bank account it was highlighted that the

    Majority of them had a reference title of DWP DWP stood out for me straight away as being the initials of the Department of work and pensions the consistent monthly payments going in for a fixed amount would suggest benefits claims going into the account on a regular basis could this be a large-scale benefit

    Fraud Liam and his team contact the department for work and pensions we’ve managed to confirm with money um from their sources were being deposited into the account in the name of our victim theyve said that the uh money going into the account was from different credit claims the investigation is spiraling

    Into something much bigger than Liam and his team first anticipated it’s gone from suspected theft to extortion and now it’s becoming a tangled web of benefit fraud we were potentially dealing here with uh benefits claims of potentially up to 25 26 um different people uh that were linked to this

    Investigation the suspect can be linked to multiple other bank accounts where it looks like he’s doing the exact same thing hijacking the accounts then falsely claiming benefits he’s made a massive 39,000 through the fraud they know he’s the one using the accounts but Liam needs to prove that he’s the one claiming the

    Benefits they raid two houses linked to the suspect the suspect was found at one of the addresses and was taken into custody for questioning while officers then conducted a search of both addresses the SE search of those addresses obtained uh a quantity of evidence some handwritten letters and typed letters to the

    Department of work and pensions trying to divert funds into one of the accounts linked to the investigation this was key evidence in the investigation because it showed that the suspect was directly responsible for the diversion of Universal Credit money into an account rather than just the recipient of

    It it’s the proof Liam needs the suspect claims that he knows the victim and was given permission to use the account but Liam and the team know they’ve got their man he’s charged with benefit fraud and pleads guilty in court the suspect was ultimately convicted of an offense of obtaining

    Benefits by fraud he was sentenced to 25 months which is a fantastic result for us for the team and for all the work that was involved and Liam still in disbelief at how quickly this innocuous incident turned into such a callous crime there was no way at the beginning

    Of this uh investigation that we thought that the simple loss of uh of the victim’s bankard was in any way going to snowball into a complex um and sophisticated investigation of this Magnitude we’re heading back to the aisle of white now where an investigation into a speeding driver has taken a dramatic turn Acting detective Sergeant Ian Robertson is in the middle of a major investigation a dangerous driving offense has escalated dramatically and Ian thinks he could be about to uncover one of the Island’s biggest drug dealers he knows that a conviction will have a huge impact on the community it’s

    Crime that pays for the users to buy their drugs so by taking out the drug dealer we hopefully stop further crimes but also further deaths cuz nobody knows what they’re going to put inside them every time they inject themselves every time they snort something it could kill them and it

    Does Ian’s determined to get enough evidence to charge the man with drug dealing but so far he’s going solely off Instinct but then a breakthrough the report is in from the phone analyst and they’ve got a hit from the mobile phone belonging to the driver the phone

    Analyst came back he gives you a start of for 10 and said there’s quite a lot of information on there to do with drug dealing it’s the news Ian has been hoping for there’s lots and lots of locations on the phone that he has found messages and put them on a spreadsheet

    For me he can’t pick and choose he can’t just say these are the bad messages ignore everything else he has to give me everything so then it’s my job to have a look at everything Ian’s now got the painstaking task of going through the tens of thousands of messages to try to build

    His case with the help of a specialist drugs officer he trolls through the data immediately it was so clear just what level of drug dealer he was he was a big time drug dealer on the a of white and he States I know mate I know I pick this

    40K up so £40,000 um you up for coming to get a kilo of coke with me no joke and then another one I have the most Pokey Coke at the moment best on the island everyone buying it off me laughing out loud and then his mate

    Comes back says yeah I might have to message you about buying some then he goes on to say yeah mate £50 for5 of a gram but trust me mate I weigh bang on and I made 2K a week laugh out loud so we sh him just how much he is selling

    And he was making a lot of money he was buying kilos at a time he was offering texts out to his clients trying to get more people to buy drugs drugs off him and he was telling them just how good it was the messages show the suspect has made a massive £74,000

    Profit in just one year from dealing drugs on the aisle of white but Ian worried the evidence might not be enough to convince the jury we don’t take many jobs to the crown prosecution service without the hard evidence the actual physical bag of white powder the wedges of £10,000 cash

    Underneath the mattress I’ve had all those jobs they’re obvious to a jury you know look at this big bag of white powder I caught Joe blogs with this therefore he must be guilty in the jury yeah understand that whereas I’m taking a job here with everything from a mobile

    Phone this was a unique crime for me I didn’t have any drugs to show the jury other than 30 pills the nerve-wracking first day of the trial has arrived and the suspect pleads not guilty he chose to give evidence in court he wanted to explain how innocent

    He was and throughout the trial he tried to convince the jury that whilst he was a cocaine user um he was a successful Builder uh but he worked on cash therefore the money that he was talking about in these text messages was money that he had spent on building materials

    A lot of money over a 3mon period for him to do that but the jury can see straight through his lies the suspect was convicted to all dangerous drivein possession of blazed article possession of a Class C drug with intent to supply and concern in supplyer class A drugs he received a

    Total of 8 years imprisonment for those offenses and that’s not all because we could prove on his phone over 74 Grand worth of Supply we then put an order against him for life that he will have to pay back £74,000 so if he inherits money if he wins the lotto like we’ve

    Had we’ve had people people win money on the race horses there’s a marker against him the passenger in the original car chase is convicted of possession of an offensive weapon and receives a 7-month suspended sentence after months of painstaking work it’s a fantastic result for Ian and

    The team you it’s unusual for me to have a conviction for drugs where there is no drugs this is one of the jobs that you remember and a reminder that even on a small Island a routine investigation can quickly escalate to reveal a dangerous criminal this crime started off as a

    Small drug driving offense but through a lot of hard work um lots of hours put in by several people we have convicted a serious drug dealer and put him behind Bars that last case took months to solve but now we’re returning to harer to continue a very fast-paced investigation detective Constable Phil judge and the flying Squad are investigating something that started with a small nugget of information but is quick spiraling you’re going up against the best there is in the criminal fraternity

    So you’ve got to bring your aame to that match and you play the same game as they do they’re out there planning scheming plotting and when you get wind of what they’re up to you’re doing exactly the same but your plans your schemes your plots have got to be a damsite better

    Than theirs have 2 weeks ago the driver of a cash Transit van thought someone might be watching ing him and now Phil and the team think they’ve uncovered a terrifying plot to commit an armed robbery the suspects David Adams and Billy Harding are notorious criminals who’ve served time for armed robbery

    Before but during this investigation they haven’t actually committed a crime they’ve only carried out what Phil thinks is a trial run this time Phil wants to stop them before they get a chance to strike again The trouble with arresting people is you actually need to have some evidence um and what would we say two former arm robbers they’d walk past the van but there’s no evidence there of any offense being committed at the time we couldn’t do anything Phil needs to catch them in the

    Act on camera but it’s a dangerous tactic lives are at risk the pressure is always there and the higher the stakes that are being played the more ruthless individuals you are going up against then the better prepared you need to be and the stakes are very high Phil

    Suspects at least one of the men could also be responsible for another armed robbery on a cash Transit van a month earlier people have been put at risk we know that someone have been shot before the team know the delivery driver does the same round at the same time

    Every week so 7 days after the trial run the team assemble again Phil has only got one chance to get this right are the crooks preparing to strike today as soon as we realized it was Harding Adams uh we knew we had to be really really good we had to be on top

    Of our game because these guys would be looking for us us they’d been looking for anything that would spook them so we tucked our Personnel away so that these people could go up and down that road if they wanted to as many times as they liked they could look Here There and

    Everywhere they wouldn’t see us you only get one chance a pavement Ambush with people of this nature you’ve got one chance and you’ve got to make it count the surveillance operation begins we set then we watched and we Waited the bad guys turned up in their car and started going up and down Shenley road we hadn’t seen this conduct before they were obviously on fire that day uh they were looking everywhere we got photographs of them looking clearly to either side of the road so there was

    Only one thing they were doing that was making sure that the area they were going to operate in was safe for them to do so all of the research suggests Harding and Adams are going to Target the driver outside Barley’s Bank the team wait with baited breath and we’ve got the whole street

    Covered with surveillance officers now that’s Mr Adams he’s in the Box there’s Billy Hardy but he’s now got a hat a heavy coat and his beard isn’t gray anymore he’s dyed it him and Adams deploy as they did the week before but after a while they have

    Bought whatever they were going to do here and they move they move from the Barclays to the Lloyds it’s a huge turn of events the police Ambush was set up for outside Barkley’s Bank the undercover team need to change their plans and fast everybody’s quite sparked up now um

    We still don’t know we’re going to go to work Harding had the Jiffy bag he kept touching it kept patting it became very familiar with this thing in his pocket there’s something that ratches up the tension even more Harding looks like he’s carrying a gun we were able to say without actually

    Seeing inside it he’s armed he’s got a gun in his pocket we couldn’t really do anything at that point cuz he went into a charity shop immediately to the side of um the Lloyd’s Bank Adams crossed the road and took up a position outside in state agents shop

    So they basically had the van when it turned up at Lloyd sandwich between them the guard got out went to the back of his van as he goes to the back of the van he gets his box out Harding came out took a handgun out of his Jiffy bag and

    Said something to the effect of put it on the floor which the guard duly did Harden picked the Box up started jugging towards the alley my colleagues and I we had to get through the alleyway before he got into it Harding has just stolen £20,000 and he’s still

    Eared I detective canable went one to one with Adams screaming and hollering at him he turned promptly surrendered he was armed with a taser an electric stung gun meanwhile one of my colleagues confronted Harding screaming armed police pointing his revolver at Harding Harding rather than surrender or do

    Anything sensible raised his arm the one that had the pistol still in his hand and pointed it straight at the face of my colleague the list of offenses is growing by the second Phil and two armed officers need to get down the the alley fast to help their colleague in a standoff with

    Harding we were going hell for Lea for one goal and one goal only and I was to make sure these two guys didn’t leave the pavment outside the ly’s bank when we deployed we went so fast the two gunmen overshot the alley which meant that myself and my colleague with a bat

    On the first two to go down the alley should have been the guns it wasn’t it was two unarmed guys all I could actually see was Harding’s Arm coming up with a pistol in it we knew that at least one of them would pulled the trigger Weaponry to them was second

    Nature I came out of the alley and before Harding could do anything with the pistol he had I used a police bat and detained him I had no other alternative you know as far as I was concerned he’d shot in the past he’d shot a few months

    Beforehand he was going to shoot my mate I wasn’t going to be the next One no one got hurt it could have been so different so there’s a feeling of relief and those are the days that you live for weeks and weeks of work and hours of preparation it comes down to 20 30 seconds when it comes to the actual attack the period of time between my

    Leaving the back of the restaurant and striking Harding matter of seconds probably under 10 Harding and Adams have been caught red-handed it’s time to face justice but will these notorious criminals admit defeat both guys pleaded not guilty so these two guys who had basically been filmed and uh documented planning and

    Then commited an armed robbery plead not guilty to having done so but the footage of them caught in the act means the pair are bang to rights and that’s not all Phil and the team have also been able to link Harding to another armed robbery that happened a

    Month earlier when a security guard was shot in the foot judge Saunders gave really Harding nine separate life sentences and made a recommendation that he serve at least 15 years David Adams received four life sentences with a recommendation that he served 9 years it’s another successful operation for the flying

    Squad but nobody could have guessed that such a tiny piece of information would lead to the team uncovering such a major series of crimes in any policing environment sometimes you get little acorns we we got tossed a Little Acorn by the security guard and this great big

    Oak grew out of it um so it started small and just game momentum and ended in the way it did with a hell of a a good result at the end of it join us again on big little crimes when everyday policing it was just another day in the office uncovers extraordinary

    Crimes I knew she’d poison them I just knew it and somebody would have got away with murder and cracks major cases this started with a small piece of information and culminated in an international Investigation


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