The second Walking and Cycling Index for Aberdeen has revealed the cycling habits and aspirations of those living in the city. In this video, we meet one of the volunteers behind an innovative workshop working hard to champion cycling in the north-east.

    The Walking and Cycling Index is the biggest assessment of walking, wheeling and cycling in urban areas in the UK and Ireland. It is delivered by Sustrans in collaboration with 23 cities and urban areas. Each city reports on the progress made towards making walking, wheeling and cycling more attractive, everyday ways to travel.

    You can read the 2023 Walking and Cycling Index report for Aberdeen here:

    I am Alistair I am an electronics engineer in Aberdine and I’m a volunteer at bcycle Workshop bcycle is a community bike Workshop uh based here on abine uni campus the aim is to get as many people as possible cycling make cycling accessible we’ve been running for 17

    Years now the main uh barrier that bcle is trying to break down is affordability we offer a bike lending scheme that is taking a bike that’s been donated by someone in the community and then with the help of a volunteer uh Community member will come and we will show them

    How to fix up that bike they need to be willing to get their hands dirty but they don’t need any knowledge we’ll show them what to do we’ll help them along the process and hopefully by the end of half an hour to 2 hours they’ll have a

    Bike that’s theirs that they’ve seen how to fix up and they’ll be ready to cycle away I think we have between 100 and 200 bikes that are currently out in Aberdine through that system and we have constantly trying to get more and more out there I’m Amanda and I got my bike

    Here about four months ago I decided I wanted a bike because I was taking the bus to and fr to work and it was about5 per day which was quite a lot when I got here I got an old bike and then we fixed it up together we changed the tires got

    A new bell changed all the gears yeah now it works really well and now I cycle like every day to and from work and I’m getting fitter and saving quite a lot of money yeah I love being part of B cycle and seeing the impact that we’ve had on

    Aberdine and uh the people around the city there is more movement there’s more energy there’s more fun happening in abine cuz people are able to get around on bikes

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