This is the full uncut video of an EPIC mountain bike ride I did in Switzerland, along with riding next to some pretty sketchy cliff-side trails with huge consequences

    So today we’re in crans Montana Switzerland for some high Alpine riding place I’ve never been to before the mountains are epic they’re absolutely massive like the video is probably W do just is how big they are we’re literally on the gond now going up we’ve been

    Going up now for about half an hour and we’re going right to the peak to ride on a glassier to do some epic riding so stick around this is going to be a super interesting one it’s going to be really adventurous so you’re going to enjoy

    This I know it 20 minutes of technical stuff and then the rest is Chill 8,000 feet of Def descending 8,000 feet of descending which is crazy 2 and half thousand meters of descending I think which is a lot let’s get a foty this not going jayon is already

    Volunteered oh take it easy I’m Going Eddie EDD the eagle so this is going to be insane I would have thought oh who [Applause] yo yes that’s a bit of a taste of the Nea you Alpine [Applause] tack no there was well I’m might be the only person to have crank Clips on this

    Mountain said we couldn’t get last first puncher one minute in he Lean Back cloud light rid on the moon wow carnage oh he’s down oh it’s deep on who see that yeah this is this is the this is the part the guy said was pretty

    Gnarly there about 30 m he said it might be quite Sketch holy yeah there a rope as well that that shows you do it oh God see there’s a there’s Trail there’s tracks here but there’s no bike tracks there was one there as well yeah yeah yeah bike over there yeah there’s a cafe and bikes down there

    This will be the only [ __ ] bit before the single track ion that was soft yeah middle of nowhere Cafe what Coke cake self-service Cafe first [Applause] run oh line choice deep Snow wow this is pretty Sav isn’t it almost like don’t know how to start w technical whoa oh Savage Oh M all about body control not really about speed whoa yo man this is epic holy moly whoa [Applause] waa insane wow that’s M biking that’s sick

    Is it left or right I would say there but I’ll Check come on Jason Oh yeah this is Alpine Tech what’s up there is it worth it [Applause] Charles oh wow is it ridable the Midle yo w the wall uh ch oh go whoa who you Al alive got to keep the wheels M okay I think it looks like we’re dropping down now into the valley this could get quite intense don’t know what to expect this is proper mountain biking

    Wa a this is it boy guys this looks sick yo this is cool oh big old Lake in the back should to keep the wheels rolling whoa that’s sketchy holy speeds your friend down this stuff trying to stay light on the bike holy that is epic

    Down ribs are going to be like down that b oh man that was pretty Savage Yeah couple of good Highs who Whoa man down off you right snow that could have been worse oh what a tunnel oh my God all right wa this is going to be interesting holy what this is epic oh my God at the size of the cliff above us oh my God holy moly w oh w

    What put on the floor put on the floor oh my they scar Me right laders or the reservoir it’s like turquoise we still got so much to go down are we [Applause] [Applause] yeah he got it f on the hik is path now oh he you can go both ways a shot left left waa shop left yeah a the dust is back yo Yeah holy hell this is insane no chance riding that though I so but back oh oh spiky rocks that was cool oh God this keeps going and we are still nowhere near the bottom wow now look at the landscape The Rock it’s ridiculous you want a proper mountain bike ride visit CR

    Montana this is so sick quite a sharp edge on my left I don’t really want to fall down there yo this is so damn good yo wa holy moly oh my God that is W insane there’s a rope on the side of the cliff how sick is This oh my days yo never ridden anything like this oh my God the drop left is like 1,000 foot oh my God I to die I don’t want to die I made a little bit [ __ ] oh wow how [ __ ] cool if you CLI your bars C my bars off look left

    Man one of yeah that’s what I did yeah same oh we just like ging little things Fu Co dude there might still be a tunnel you know yeah it could be man I was like ride the wall for the ground I’m not riding that I was uncomfortable that uh I was really

    Enjoy just just an Arab bit like this look at the wall I’m more scared of like my bars clipping this [ __ ] on riding this no I was just going to paddle through do you want to die I I’m sure Seen I ride across this look at it over there like over hangs disgusting can’t you around a ridg line a RG Line This is a [ __ ] holy moly that is insane eh that is actually insane my family I don’t make it literally like I honestly if I tried to

    Ride this my head would hit this like and if that happened holy what drop would you say 500 M oh my God that’s actually [ __ ] Fu yeah that’s [ __ ] steep that’s more than just steep they’re coming now get their reaction this will be hilarious man I can see Ollie buff absolutely going to be hilarious you little no that thing above it Jesus is it see friend there he is the big man who is that

    Though we need a model we need like I wish we like a picture we could put jce in there or something it is it is what who the [ __ ] is that photo it looks like head you li okay don’t worry about the cliff yes [Applause] cliffs he [Applause] more rope oh wow this looks this looks interesting oh wow oh that’s that’s like an accident waiting to happen not that just it oh my God oh my God just F The Rock on my hand you don’t want to do that oh probably bleeding my you rocks quite

    Sharp oh this is uh unreal to me this is what proper mountain biking is bike parks are fun this this is very very unique so damn good over the Rock oh line Choice I’m going to go for the the one that’s got least chance of catching Mya wait for your Exquisite line

    Choices oh God we’re still so high up rubbering you Rapids it’s like a log flum how do that don’t make them like they used to if you have anxiety you should [ __ ] turn this video off cuz what’s coming up now is what looks pretty insane oh

    Man I only got a glimpse of it through the trees the pl W not that oh you might have got a glimpse of it then we are about to ride something crazy ever done anything like this yo oh man like this is actually insane you be careful Jason oh wow oh wow oh

    My oh wow a Ducker there holy moly th000 foot drop one side oh my God this is the tunnel what about to relief oh that’s an oldu got take our wheel off tunnel turn the light on Oh my days oh iPhone torch lights coming on

    Take now let’s get W in and then find out the hard way oh my God we were told that there was a tunnel that you had to take your wheel off on oh my God turn there’s a button here for lights but it doesn’t really seem to be doing anything oh my

    God oh God what it no I can well I can just about see Jace in front oh my God I don’t even know where I’m put my feet I need a torch okay torch is on can’t really see what I’m freaking doing all my days oh God oh wow this is actually

    Insane I’m going to get stuck here oh yeah look out what is that oh my God a Viewpoint Christ sorry got have a that is actually crazy I’ve never done anything like this in my life oh [ __ ] just watch out here I’ve just fallen in oh [ __ ] okay it goes pretty

    Narrow oh my God you probably can’t even see it from the camera my left foot is soaking wet what are we saying to this this is actually so mad I don’t know if I should have my bike on oh my God what in God’s name oh this iron rail is not really

    Seem to do much holy moly oh my God I can see light in the tunnel goggles are steaming up get me out get me out of this thing i’ got like claustrophobia oh God oh my God that’s nice have you ever done anything like that no oh my days pet yeah

    True never never done anything like that he’s out only one dab only one dab Christ did you go out and have a look on the P oh man in on my knee I get your foot in yeah I just dropped it off I have no idea what this bit is going to be

    Like old single track Yo oh man this is cool I can old 4×4 Trail W no idea what’s coming up wa yo that was so sick steady on now [ __ ] it’s dark in here yo oh my God everyone’s getting way too excited oh just takes one person to get go fast and

    That’s it everyone is going to keep [Applause] up oh that was tight hold on wo oh wow so good wa yo yo oh it’s dark in in the woods that’s mountain biking so good wa W that’s Narrow that was Unreal so good oh [ __ ] pushing was worth it feel good there either I did need a bit of that [ __ ] so good come let’s get it then you’re good yeah yeah see if we can out run the [Applause] storm yo oh my days can’t see a thinging Oh my days

    Yo y oh my God holy [ __ ] can’t see a thing again oh my days oh can’t get clipped in now there we go oh God literally I lost the back end man ni SI come on I just laun into blade [ __ ] just like Fu where I go that’s so

    Sick I think it’s this way man oh my God oh I can just see everyone laughing behind oh it’s loose oh oh man never so good this way yeah how good yo oh my God F WAOW that was so tight that bridge w w that’s narrow what size bars have you

    Got pretty wide then this the wheel off tunnel oh this is the wheel off tunnel oh [ __ ] well we can’t back out now no Charles I think you could just spin your bars you know wheel through we slacking them all off oh my look how narrow this is

    Someone get a photo of that it’s [ __ ] unreal yeah I got w what is even going on did you ever expect to go and ride cran mon to the bike park and having to do this definitely uh wasn’t on the list no did he spin his

    Bars oh was big units going to get through this this is a mountain bike trail this is mental yeah we thought we’d got off lightly chatting [ __ ] but yeah we thought he was chatting [ __ ] so we’ve had to loosen Al keys on stems and turn the bars because it is literally so

    Narrow I’m going to try and follow on through oh my God oh God oh my days yeah this is actually crazy I thought the last one was crazy this is actually crazy what the hell is this holy moly what whoa I can’t see nah I need to get

    My phone out yeah get a torch going John’s NOS it head there we go I can see now I’m M to like straddle my bike look how narrow it is there are lights in there ah this is the craziest Adventure I’ve ever been on a mountain bike I can see light oh

    Wow what is this back in the tunnel holy hell oh okay it’s now just started to rain so who knows if we’re going to get caught in a thunderstorm or not still bone dry here we go we still got some oh God this just keeps some scff holding that’s so narrow

    Way down imagine if these rails weren’t here no no don’t even [Applause] want [ __ ] off first running it’ll be [ __ ] l w is a steep steep and narrow and now it’s actually chucking down yeah Jay there’s one way I can’t end it very well to my right you that’s

    Tight oh a w that’s tight slow it up a bit boys tight switchbacks in the I’m not sure about this one looks pretty slippy now that looks pretty slippy yeah have to change the battery all my days holy this is Tech whoa you probably can’t see how tight and steep this

    Is like high quite high risk very narrow do not want to overcook any of these especially now raining oh I’m a bit stuck here ah should have gone inside you going in [ __ ] 0 milph it’s hard as [ __ ] that was [ __ ] so sick so good so good so good so

    Good what a day now we have to get on this train back up to CR Montana


    1. wow incredible riding epic trail and amazing views. Thanks for sharing What kind of clip less pedals and shoes do you use??? Just wondering they come easily and snap right on.

    2. Alex, your videos and adventures are just f u c k i n g brilliant. I'd bet if you had the chance to go ride down the slopes of Gale Crater or Olympus Mons on Mars, you'd make it look so ace! 🤘😎🤘 – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    3. It looked so easy in the beginning. At certain points I thought it was getting easier, but it actually got worse, especially that last steep part. That scariest part was on that narrow path on the side of the mountain and the tunnels reminded me of the Iron Maiden song 'Fear of the Dark', grown men wining like babies🤣 I just had to watch till the end👍

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