Poole Speedway presents the Poole ‘Pirates’ vs Coventry ‘Bees’ Elite League A match at Wimborne Road on 26/03/2003, originally filmed for DVD by Pirate Videos.

    POOLE ‘Pirates’
    1 : Leigh ADAMS
    2 : Krzysztof KASPRZAK
    3 : Lukas DRUML
    4 : Bjarne PEDERSEN
    5 : Tony RICKARDSSON (C)
    6 : David RUUD
    7 : Andre COMPTON (G)

    COVENTRY ‘Bees’
    1 : Billy HAMILL (C)
    2 : Billy JANNIRO
    3 : Lee RICHARDSON
    4 : Ryan FISHER
    5 : Andreas JONSSON
    6 : Stuart ROBSON
    7 : Jason BUNYAN

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    Proudly Sponsored By:
    Wessex Marine: http://wessexmarine.co.uk
    Link Fabrications
    Morrish Homes: https://www.morrishhomes.co.uk
    Trethowans: https://www.trethowans.com
    M B Wilkes : https://www.mbwilkes.com
    Chateau La Briance : https://www.chateaulabriance.com

    Brought to you by Pirates TV:

    Pirate Videos Crew :
    Camera : Rob Haywood
    Presenter : Nigel Leahy
    Commentator : Graham Sutton

    00:00 – Introduction
    00:15 – Alun Rossiter Interview
    02:41 – Billy Hamill Interview
    04:56 – Alun Rossiter Interview Continued
    06:19 – Tony Rickardsson Interview
    08:18 – Rider Parade
    08:56 – Heat 1
    10:54 – Heat 2
    13:33 – Heat 3
    16:22 – Heat 4
    18:46 – Heat 5
    21:20 – Heat 6
    24:01 – Heat 9
    27:27 – Heat 10
    29:35 – Heat 10 ReRun
    31:35 – Neil Middleditch Interview
    32:55 – Heat 12
    35:31 – Heat 13
    37:56 – Heat 14
    40:57 – Heat 15
    43:50 – Conclusion

    Night tonight well now it’s time to go back on track with bana and the rest of the Pirates as they prepare for their first home League match of the Season it promises to be a real cracker but first let’s join Rosco for his regular Roundup of his racing report and his review of

    The Riders Allan as far as the road report goes an away match at Peter now under their belt Unfortunately they didn’t come away with the victory but still a very good result yeah I like I say it’s very early days and few Riders have obviously got new new machinery getting

    Their setups right and it’s going to take a little while and you know obviously the home Riders obviously going to have that little home advantage of knowing what setup they want and it’s a matter for our boys to you know catch up with them which I’m sure next time

    They go to peterb they’ll turn it around again of course that was a challenge match that’s now behind us the win on aggregate though and that’s a good uh good result but tonight of course it’s all about a lead League action and a tough one to start with centry of course

    Will be anxious to make up for last year when they narrowly lost out yeah I think so um I mean centry and fairness do very well down here so I think it makes it all that little bit more interesting tonight um I think we did I think we

    Went up to centry quite a few times and turned them over but they see seem to really come into their own down here for some strange reason the heat leaders obviously Stand Out Lee Richardson of course a former pool Rider and uh indeed qualifying for the Grand Prix outright

    This year yeah I think Lee’s come on in Leaps and Bounds and uh you know he he’s going to be you know a Class Act and if he carries on the way he’s going he’s going to surely going to be you know one of the great to Speedway hopefully

    Fingers crossed especially in being British as well I got mine crossed for that you know we don’t see very many of them coming through and uh you know hopefully Lee you know he’ll have a good year this year Andreas Johnson as well of course we’ve seen him in the grand

    PRI going well and in the league and he’s helped pool in the Craven Shield some year ago two years ago um so again he’s going to be good on this track yeah Andreas you know he’s he’s actually excellent Rider if he’s on if he’s on song I think we could you know that’s

    Where I think centry going to rely on tonight is on him I think if he’s on song I think Paul are going to have to be you know on on top form because if he’s going and with Richardson and Hamill in say that Billy’s never never

    Had a great um sort of meetings around he’s never sort of hit double figures too often yes I saw in fact that he was saying he hasn’t had a good meeting here for two years yeah like I you know I I’ve been down obviously come here quite

    A lot R here as well um but yeah you sort of see it and Billy hasn’t sort of done too well down here so if he goes and Andreas goes then I think it would be a very interesting meeting tonight well we had the opportunity to actually

    Talk to Billy a moment ago and ask him about that and we said to him that he hadn’t had a good meeting here for two years this was his reply Billy ham welcome back to pool and I’ve looked learned on the website that the last couple of years you haven’t had

    A good uh match at pool so you saying you’re aiming to make up for it this time yeah definitely um you know I really this has been a terrible track probably my worst worst track in the league so I you know I’d like to put that right here tonight definitely um

    Certainly this season this is a vital match for both teams it’s an elite League um real sort of top of the table Chase really two of the teams that are really fancy to do well this year well yeah of course it’s the first match of the year uh you know our first League

    Encounter of the year so I wouldn’t say it’s you know crucial crucial at this point in time in the league but obviously with both of us you know being looking to take top honors uh you know it it’ll be a good Benchmark for both teams on a personal basis of course

    You’ve taken the decision to pull out of the G P um something of a historic decision I guess but how do you feel about that and and do you think that’s actually going to help your Elite League campaign well you know I mean I obviously I got to look on the positive

    Side of things and uh you know that’s behind me now I have made my decision and that you know I’ll stand by it and uh you know I’m I don’t I don’t have any ill feelings towards the Grand Prix or anything it was just a a matter of uh

    Competing competing in the grand prix’s you know on a Level Playing Field and I think once you’ve been World Champ Champion if you uh if you go there thinking oh yeah it’d be great to be in the top five you wouldn’t be there you know that’s not why you riding the grand

    PRI and certainly not why I ever competed in the grand PRI I competed to win and I just felt that if I was going to have to sacrifice that um then it wasn’t you know something was wrong there you know I was basically I’m a I’m a Speedway purist you know I race

    Speedway because I love it and uh you know I’m just staying true to myself really I think the Grand Prix will be poorer without Billy Hamill in it I have to say uh back to the team though and of course the team looking very much like

    It did last year yeah we haven’t you know we’ve had one change with Jason bunan losing uh Thomas TOA so yeah we’re more or less the same team as we had last year and you know it’s a good bunch of guys and three wins under your belt

    Already do you think you can come here and make it a fourth it’s going to be a tall order you know I mean I think all of us are going to have to have a good meeting here tonight in order to make that happen but yeah it’s possible okay

    Thanks for talking to us good luck tonight thank you thanks buddy well Billy looks as though he could be confident but of course the pool side they also look pretty good um i’ got to say that leeadams has started extremely well winning his first ride here at pool

    And went on to be very very uh confident looking here last Wednesday yeah I think once Lee gets settled in he’s still not quite 100% you know I helped him last week in the bits down here and we was having a talk and I think once Lee gets

    Himself set in and died into the track then here we are he wasn’t 100% happy with his performance cuz Lee you know we know he can score double figures and when he scores a crash which we we never Lee Adams crash and also he’s you know he only scored about eight but you

    Anybody else would have been happy with eight points but someone of Lee’s caliber then he went away to Peter and scored 14 paid 15 so we know what Lee’s all about really at the end of the day once it’s a matter of setting you get their set up right and I think you’ll

    See the best of Lee Adams is that also true do you think of Tony because very uncharacteristic couple of motor failures in his first two outings yeah like I say that’s a good thing about last week it was a challenge meeting good chance to get rid of the Gremlins

    They might have been trying new Engines new setups trying different things and I think you’ll find you won’t be seeing Tony ricardson touch wood with another engine failure and as it blows up some it D okay thank you Alan well we did we did manage to catch Tony a few moments

    Ago and we asked him how he felt he was getting on having had the opportunity to try the track out a couple of times first of all Tony ricardson you’ve had a chance to try out the track now a couple of times are you happy with the track

    And the situation so far yeah it’s been you know the track’s always been good here you know and uh at at the first meeting we worked out really well and I think they put a lot of work and effort into it this year and make it even

    Better so it’s going to be exciting I think you’re going to take a few meetings before we going to settle down really get it how we want it but off that going to hopefully be great now there’s a new role for you this year of course because we’re going to be playing

    Captain for the Pirates something that you’re experienced with but are you looking forward to being captain of the pirates for the first time yeah sure I was at the for a few months last year too you know after having got injured and uh it’s always a privilege you know

    To be cing and especially such a good side like this but it’s not too hard work with these boys it’s all all really good lads and you know we get on really well so it’s not too much hard work for me now tonight’s match obviously is crucial it’s coming in to the first

    Elite League match probably with one of our toughest matches would you say it really is and uh I think uh Co really is on fire so if we’re going to beat them tonight we really got to get going okay um my notes say that uh you looked

    Pretty relaxed um over in practice um is your setup and everything prepared I me obviously you’ve been trying a few new things I think CS um but are you prepared as well as you’d like to be yeah sure am you know we had a really

    Good start of season we had a few uh you know mechanical problems but that hasn’t been any major thing that nothing that we can’t fix you know but it takes a little while to before the bike settle down and you get everything going and running good but the bike’s been feeling

    Great so far and uh actually been feeling better than I normally do start of the season for me so now we’re really happy I guess also of course you’re really glad to get your feet on the ground and get racing it’s been a tough winter what with the ipswitch uh

    Discussions over your contract and and one thing and another I know You’ bit quiet about those things but I’m sure you’re glad to be racing yeah I sure am I guess I wouldn’t be able to draw you out on that one all right okay thanks Tony thank You well I’m sure that Tony ricardson is going to be doing his talking on the track this evening certainly the Pirates faithful will be hoping so here at wimborne Road where we get the elite League season underway with this cracking League fixture between the Pirates and the comry bees most people’s

    Favorites for top places in the League this season Heat number one Riders at the tapes now Lee Adams and Kristoff Casper act for the Pirates Beast Skipper Billy Hamill and Billy janiro coming into line now Lee Adams just dropping back a little bit and psyching himself up for

    This all important heat one and uh so much depending on this very first fixture between PA and centry and the nerves jangling a little bit see them coming into line now Billy Hamill has gate one position is he going to capitalize on this or we going to see a jet from leeadams

    Find out green lights on away they go paml Adams neck and neck into that first Bend Adams taking the wide line paml on the inside allowing uh Janeiro to sneak up the inside but uh Adams splits the commentry bees pairing as they cross the line after One race with Billy Hamill

    Currently holding that slender Advantage from Lee Adams who’s challenging hotly up the inside line Le janiro looks as if he’s sitting comfortably in third place and at this stage the pole Kristoff caspak tailing off at the back for the Pirates so bees looking as if they might

    Open up with 42 Heat win but uh certainly at this stage Billy Hamill riding a comfortable mid track line Lee Adams uh in Hot Pursuit but with one lap to go it does look as if that’s the way it’s going to finish although Adams is really giving it a blast he takes the

    Outside line half a lap to go into the last band Billy Hamill from Lee Adams that is the way it’s going to finish it’s a it’s a super win for the American uh Rider and be Skipper Billy Hamill Lee Adams uh finishing in second place Billy Jiro was third and Kristoff Casper Zak

    Uh finishing at the back so just as we thought Pirates going to have their work cut out already the bees take a slender Advantage by four points to two in race number One well let’s see if the Pirates can pull those points back in race number two as we have the uh reserves heat said every time just as crucial as the big boys and the pairing of David Roode and Andre Compton for the Pirates of one and three grid positions will be hoping to

    At least level things off here in Heat number two but they Pace uh certainly stiff opposition from Coventry in the shape of Stuart Robson who’s been something of an inform hero in the early matches for the bees having um helped his side to three straight wins in their

    Opening three matches against the uh opposition that came in the shape of Oxford ipswitch and wolves and that wolves match was a win away from home so quite clearly the bees are looking to started the season with a stinging their tail and let see if the Pirates can

    Remove it here in race two it’s David Roode who starts from the inside starting position next to him in uh covery colors on to Stuart Robson that’s how they line up green lights on and away they go David Roode in the lead with Andre Compton taking a

    Good line around the outside and it could be a pirates 51 here Andre copton trying to tuck in there behind David Roode he’s under pressure from that uh bees Rider in green there Stuart Robson who was telling he was in excellent form but this is looking good for the Pirates

    David Roode Andre Compton Andre Compton coming in at the number seven position to take the place of Davy wat who’s unavailable for the Pirates tonight but it looks as if that’s a pretty good s for PA at the moment cuz Andre Compton in his first League fixture here at PA

    This season for the Pirates is looking quite good there but they’re still under a lot of pressure from Stuart Robson and uh one lap to go now there goes the yellow and black flag these Riders well bunched together David Roode Andre Compton Stuart Robson what a really

    Cracking race this is for the reserves here and I’m hoping here no it looks as if Robson has just gone up the inside and chasing strongly did he get that finish well that was a heck of a last Bend there by Stuart Robson and that business of uh previous three matches

    Looks if it’s continuing here at wimbor Road I wouldn’t like to call that one the referee’s going to have to do that neck connect between David Roode and Andre Compton uh for much of that race but as they cross the line Stuart Robson coming through and I got a sneaking

    Feeling he took that we’ll have to wait out and see what the result was in heat 2 well with that verdict going to the uh comment be Rider Stuart Robson in heat 2 means the Pirates are still in a rear as we uh line up at the tapes of race

    Number three at drawn heat to means that the score line now stands five to the Pirates seven to the bees let’s see if the uh Pirates pairing of Lucas DRL and byan Pon can do something about that they um they were off the Mark with a a 5-1 against Peterburg last Wednesday

    Here at pool let’s see if um they can do something about this uh two-point areas at this stage but they face very tough opposition from Lee Richardson and Ryan Fisher for the comary bees Lee Richardson it is who lines up from grid one uh next to him on grid two is Dean

    Pon on three Ryan fiser and on grid four Lucas rmel they just bring him into line now Sky cameras here at wimbor Road tonight just add to the drama and referee just uh insisting that they get up to the tapes for for heat free okay go under orders GRE lights on

    Way they go Lee Richardson showing up strongly from uh grid one position in the green helmet followed closely by Lucas drel and be Pon pirates in the minor placings at this stage although Ryan fiser it is who has taken an outside line against Bean Pon and moved

    Into third place Lucas sto is uh having a a blast around the outside but now coming under pressure from the uh American rider for the bees Ryan fiser so at this stage then the cry bees looking for another 4-2 Heat win and uh St Richardson looking very comfortable

    On his um former track here at w Road got none of the uh intricacies of this circuit and he looks ah in front very comfortable a rider who finished the season uh in 2002 in really hot form and it looks as if uh by this showing here

    That he’s doing the same at the start of 2003 coming up from the Czech flag the bees undoubtedly setting the early Pace here despite that last challenge there by Lucas drel it’s Lee Richardson who holds on for a Heat win the bees taking a 4-2 with Lucas drel fishing finishing second behind

    Richardson in third place was Ryan fiser and fourth Bean Pon moving the score score line on to Paul pirat s points commentary be [Applause] 11 well on to heat 4 now and it certainly is time for the pirate Skipper Tony ricardson to do the talking here in this race with his uh Team trading by Four Points already after just three races here at wimbor Road and uh he comes out this time and uh we’ll be

    Riding in the red helmet with his partner Andre Compton and facing fellow swed and fellow Grand Prix competitor Andreas Johnson who in the past has always uh shown his liking for this wimbor road track Andreas uh is paired with the uh bees number seven rider that’s recently signed from iwit and

    That’s Jason bu indeed it’s Jason who rides from the grid one position and uh he’ll be joined on grid two by Andre compson Andreas Johnson rides on grid three and Tony ricardson from the wide outside grid four starting position coming into line now be intriguing to see the battle of

    The sweds this time I’m sure they’re going to be going head-to-head in this one green lights on now and away they go ricardson gets a pretty good gate from the outside position but uh Andre Compton takes away the line from Andreas Johnson something of a surprise to see

    Andre in second place there and Pirates at this stage holding a 5-1 heat Advantage um not sure whether Andre Compton is going to oh I think he’s done his chain there just when he was well placed in second position the luck is certainly not going with pool already

    This evening a 5-1 immediately turned into uh uh shared race three to each side with what looked like to be a shed chain certainly he stopped pretty abruptly there Andre when well placed so that leaves Tony ricardson now well out in front from Andreas Johnson Jason bunan maybe somewhat fortunate well

    Trailed off in third place to get uh one point and I’m sure Neil midic will be cursing the Pirates luck after that race seeing uh his uh opportunity for the Pirates to square the match up um to remain Four Points in AAR 10 then to the Pirates 14 to the bees Tony

    Ricardson the heat winner Pirates fans here at wimbourne road then looking at heat five in expectation that lady luck might uh even herself out this evening it’s 10 points to 14 in V’s favor as we line up with Lucas stmel and beon Pon off 1 and three respectively got the uh Beast Skipper

    Billy haml lining up on the white outside and his partner Billy janiro on grid two so it’s the All American boys Billy haml and Billy janiro successful in heat one with a 4-2 coming up against the potential 5-1 pairing of Lucas strl and beon Pon but might be 5-1 on paper what they

    Going to do on the track now as they come into line for heat five a little bit of hanging backit of gamesmanship not unknown at Speedway uh starts race proving to be no exception will Lucas strel get one of his jet propelled starts like he did against Peter P Panthers here in the

    Opener last Wednesday the fans in the pack Grand standand next to the tape we certainly be hoping so here we go green lights on now and away they go leaping from the tapes Billy ham certainly gets an absolute rocket and Billy Janeiro looks to be uh handly p on

    The inside beond Pon sweeping a right round taking advantage of the dirt on the outside but Billy diniro now moving through for a be 51 after a single heat a single race of this heat Lucas drible now having a bash off on the inside there but nearly coming to grief and

    Only putting be Pon in more trouble his Pirates certainly not looking too comfortable in this one as the All American board Billy Hamill and Billy diniro taking a 5-1 for the bees which would this very early stage of the the seedings put them eight points into the

    Lead and uh that would be certainly uh some Advantage at this stage but Lucas dremo now on turn three and four having a real go up the inside with one heat to go and wow what a disp between these two Riders and Lucas dri will earn the unded

    U Praise of the uh the the entire grandstand here as they come across the line to finish the race no doubt about Billy Hamill’s win but Lucas drel in second place rescues an otherwise disastrous 5-1 reversal and uh that 4-2 still puts the bees into a six-point

    Lead the score line now after five Heats is the Pirates 12 points on freebs 18 so no tax sub on the pool side at this stage the Riders continuing as for program it’s Andreas jonsson and Stuart Robson here of heat 2 for the bees coming out against Lee Adams and

    Kristoff caspak Kristoff taking grid two position and Lee Adams uh on the wide outside so well let’s see whether the Pirates can do anything about this uh early pressure from the bees they six up after just five races uh obviously uh a lead of that magnitude could be wiped

    Out with two 51s but uh at the moment not sure where it’s coming from on the pool side because comry looking very strong through a possibly with the exception of their number seven Jason bunan but nevertheless we see whether leeadams and Kristoff caspak can do something here as

    They come into line it’s heat Six green lights on way they go Casper Zach gets an excellent gate for the Pirates uh from the grid position Adams coming around the wide outside and graas jansson challenging these two but at the moment Casper Zac and Adams holding a 5-1 heat Advantage Adams uh struggling to keep control on

    The outside line there plenty of dirt Johnson coming through into second place to challenge casac Adams then taking the inside line to try and get back at the swed but at this stage it’s a 4-2 heat advantage to the Pirates which will be encouraging for the local fans Casper

    Still out in front thanks for that superb gate from Grid 2 and something of a surprise to see him holding off the challenge of the Grand Prix Rider Andreas Johnson who’s now seemingly queing up behind him Adams coming and driving under Johnson but not quite happening there last B now can kasperzak

    Hold it jansson’s lining him up for a last challenge but Casper Zak is going to certainly earn the Applause from the home supporters it’s only the second Heat win of the evening and the young Pole overcoming his match nerves and an earlier last place to take the full

    Three points for that Heat win there and that brings it back to a fourpoint margin with 16 to the Pirates sorry 14 to the Pirates and uh 16 to the Pirates and 20 to centry bees well I think it’s M for break time for the Pirates here in race number nine

    Uh back to 4 point deficit but it’s the pairing of Diana Pon who goes from the gate one position somewhat up collar with two last places so far this evening uh certainly much different from a week ago against the Peter Panthers when he was absolutely flying and uh his partner

    Lucas drel has been showing spirited form this evening but uh yet to win a race they come out against Andreas Johnson and uh that um inform number six Rider the bees Stuart Robson Johnson from grid two and Stuart Robson on the wide outside coming into line now Pirates really desperate for

    Some sort of result here at least to 42 in heat n to narrow that uh narrow that deficit not wanting to leave things to the uh the last few races because quite clearly the bees top end are in very sharp form tonight looking to have the Edge somewhat surprisingly over Lee

    Adams and Tony ricardson at this stage okay now coming into line the pon looking for his first point uh Return of the evening in his third ride here there he is in the blue helmet on the inside there darur still struggling to get them uh all in line

    No have another go now obviously well keyed up know how important this race is and know how important this match is the elite League season opens up here at wimbor road with this dramatic uh match between these two title favorites three nights on there and away they

    Go Jana Pon indeed does get an excellent gate there drifting to allow Lucas triel up the inside line Andreas jonsson relegated to the back of the field now the two Pirates now in the position they were a week ago with an impressive looking 51 but they’re going to have to

    Ride really well to hold on to that Diana Pon from Lucas trimol and jansson back into third place from Stuart Robson his team colleague it’s 5-1 at this stage but uh not looking that comfortable Lucas drml that time had to shut the door on the inside to Andreas Johnson who continues to

    Challenge outside and inside this Swedish Grand Prix Rider is not going to let these Pirates have a a soft touch 51 in this race beon Pon looking quite comfortable but Lucas drel having to defy the efforts of Andreas jansson and drifting wide there on the second turn

    Struggling to get it back onto the line there to cover his team partner and uh through comes jonsson right on the line and once again the Pirates failing to capitalize on what looked like a maximum Heat win uh certainly the bees are fighting for every point and that was a

    Superb second place here by the Swede Andreas jansson Diana peton taking the Heat win Lucas DMO will be far from happy with that third place after sitting behind his partner for almost the whole of the race so it’s 4-2 to the Pirates 26 now they have to the comary

    Bees 28 just two points between them after the uh nine Heats that we’ve had so far and everything to ride for two points between them then as we approach uh Heat number 10 with uh Kristoff Casper Zac and leeadams taking the inside starts for the Pirates Kristoff

    Casper Zac indeed from grid one he’ be hoping to uh jet away as he did in superb fashion in Race Six which was uh his notable race of the evening but certainly he’ll do well to hold off the chance from Lee Richardson although Lee Richardson I understand has had some

    Sort of a warning from the referee for not keeping completely still at start of a race not quite sure how that constitutes a warning rather than a rerun but nevertheless that’s the word from the pits there has been some sort of dialogue about the starting tactics

    Of Lee Richardson and uh we just have to wait for the postmatch inquest don’t know whether or not they’re going to be entirely uh decisive in the eventual outcome with the leag points we’ve got Ryan Fischer then on grid two here and Lee Richardson on the wide outside a key

    Race Pirates clawed it back to just a two-point deficit and off CAC on the inside would be looking for one of his jet propelled starts away they go now at the tapes for this one and a pretty even start but Lee Adams has got the drive

    Into the first Ben casac in the middle there just holding on to second place under pressure from Lee Richardson and Ryan fiser but at the moment well there’s been a tumble in fact it looks as if it’s Lee Richardson that’s taken that tumble and the previously unbeaten comentry Rider has

    Uh fallen on that bend and uh we’ll await the outcome uh of the referee’s Deliberation and indeed it is Lee Richardson who has been excluded so a break at last for the Pirates looking to uh be in with a chance of a 51 that time we’re going to have a restart well now the Pirates are poised possibly to go into the lead for the

    First time this evening here in race number 10 the restaging of this race after that dramatic fall and subsequent exclusion of Lee Richardson the previously un unbeaten um bees number three Rider there and his exclusion means three riders only in this one Ryan fiser is who’s already been a thorn in

    The side of the Pirates this evening with two very well fought third places he’ll be looking to up that to at least a second place this time he he’ll be aiming to uh split the leeadams Kristoff caspak pairing although the two Pirates of course were on for a 5-1 after the uh

    In the in the previous attempt to Stage the race before Lee Richardson fell off so uh intriguing Prospect as they line up green lights on now and away they go and would you believe it this time it’s the uh con bees Rider who uh makes the

    The uh the turn and uh what looked to be a 5-1 in the Pirates favor now looking to be something rather different as Lee Adams and uh Ryan fiser contesting this race very very uh fiercely the Adams now driving along the inside but uh the determined American endeavoring to shut

    Him out but this time uh Lee Adams the uh Australian and Grand Prix Rider is through into the lead but unfortunately kristos caspak previously in second place uh only managing the third place so the Pirates were in after all the drama have actually suffered as a result

    Of that stoppage whereas uh I’m sure the home fans would have been expecting something little more than this 42 however it does mean that the score line now gets uh leveled off after 10 races 30 to each side a Heat win and for the first time this evening the homide are

    No longer in AAR they’ve drawn level there’s still another five races dramatic this uh Elite League fixture looks as if it’s still going to be then back with he 11 shortly middle ditch it’s level at half time we knew it was going to be tight

    Did you think it would be this tight uh I knew it was going to be tight but say you know this tight is is too tight as far as I’m concerned but yeah know we always knew this going to be a tough match um and it’s certainly proven that

    To be that I mean the race has been fantastic but unfortunately my boys been getting pied on the line a couple times which I’m not happy about but uh got a few HS to go yet had a bit of bad luck as well with one thing or another if it

    Wasn’t for the bad Lu we have no lu yeah I mean Andre SN a chain when new Ro plays but then you know P Le fell um so you know sort swings and roundabouts but you the boys have dug deep you know we were six down we got it back to level

    Now so let’s hopefully we can get on and get get a victory com did seem to start well they seem to adapt to the conditions do you think our guys have made the necessary changes yeah I think so you know particularly B I mean he had

    A very you C po couple of first you first two rides um CH car r went a lot better um still not as quick as he’d like to be um unfortunately I think that’s probably what cost just a 5-1 there with with Lucas was trying to

    Cover for him and he got pipped on the line by Andrew Johnson great R by on you having said that but uh again not not the result I wanted to see we’d love to talk to them but we’re going to lead them to it because we know how important

    It is you’ll have to be their spokesman but hopefully they’re going to pull it out now next few we yeah that’s right you know they do want it I mean so I think um they they realize how tough this is and I say they just got to dig

    Deep and just find that little bit extra and win win the match for us okay good luck hope you do it okay thanks Heat number 12 and the Pirates desperate to do do something about that 5-1 reversal it’s this time the comary bees move to the uh inside G one and

    Three positions with Stuart Robson a winner first time out Then followed by two last places he may well use his Heap one advantage this time to add a few more points to his tally he’s uh joined by Lee Richardson a fuller last time out opposition from the Pirates on grid two

    Lucas stmel and Andre Compton broke a chain in that uh disappointing Pete four when he was well placed in second position with Skipper Tony ricardson and conceded uh what was otherwise looking to be a 5-1 so perhaps Andre can make up for that disappointment here in race

    Number 12 he’s on the wide out side and it’s a foral lineup for uh him to tackle with Lee Richardson and Stuart Robson on one and three see if Lucas trimmel can uh live up to the expectations everyone has for this exciting young check rompy Rider using red helmet on grid two

    Coming into line now here they go then the green lights are on and away they go and it’s Richardson it’s the two bees in fact who have uh got into the lead again Robson and Richardson uh side by side and team riding on Compton and primel uh right

    Behind them but uh this stage it looks as if Lee Richardson will be uh turning on the gas and getting out in front Robson in second place Compton in Blue on the outside drel trying the inside line and uh once again the bees if they

    Got a 5-1 here would be almost out of sight in this Elite League fixture and uh would put them in the driving seat uh in the early stages of the season and I don’t know whether the Pirates will be able to recover from at 8 Point deficit

    With just a few Heats remaining this is race number 12 we got three left after this R once again coming into close order with Stuart Robson the commentary number six but it looks as if the bees are going to take that although drel makes a desperate last Bend challenge uh

    As we saw earlier on but it didn’t come off it’s certainly the sharp gating bees uh on this uh wimble Road Track where there hasn’t been a huge amount of passing and uh they now hold a lead by 40 points to 32 Pirates really up against it three Heats remaining heat 13

    And it’s The Clash of the Titans the uh big four Pirates really up against it tonight with an eighto deficit with three Heats remaining they’ve got their big two grand prix Stars Lee Adams on grid one and Tony ricardson the skipper on grid three but these two Riders have

    Only would you believe taken three Heat wins between them this evening and uh when the side was put together at the start of the season was generally reckoned that uh for the Pirates to be successful these Riders would need to be uh scoring fully up to their uh averages

    Which are both extremely high um both of them have um been just a little bit below par this evening leeadams with two Heat wins including that tactical substitute but very strangely Tony ricardson only one uh race win out of three and um had to suffer the ignon for

    Him of a third place and a 5-1 reversal in race 11 against Billy haml and Billy Janeiro if there was a time B to make it up for the wimbor road faithful this is it as Billy Hamill and Andreas Johnson provide the opp the opposition there we

    Have the two Pirates taking an early 51 Advantage with uh Tony ricardson and Lee Adams shutting out the uh comentry Duo they’ll need to hold on to this 51 and get at least another one to get anything out of this match but uh this is is a

    Promising start to the race on into lap two with Tony Ricard and Lee Adams and uh the uh Beast pairing of Billy Hamill and Andreas Johnson relegated to the back of the field the first time this evening that Billy Hamill has seen the back end of an opponent’s uh fight

    Because uh he’s back in third place and uh pirates with one lap remaining taking a 5-1 this would put the deficit back to Four Points but uh still everything to do that would still need two more Heats with them to craw back the other four points and that would just be to draw

    This fixture he’s always R well here at inor road but this time the Pirates are successful the wimbor road faith will have something to cheer about Tony ricardson back into winning ways the skipper takes the checker flag ahead of Lee Adams score line then moves to PA 37

    Comry 41 two Heats remaining so on to the penultimate heat then race number 14 Four Points between them be holding the advantage as we go into this race where they line up from the inside starting positions with that uh very impressive second string Rider ran Fischer Four Points to his credit this

    Evening but all earned the hard way and all at vital stages uh you’ll remember that he F twice featured in 42 Heat wins in his opening races then he split that potential 51 pairing of Lee Adams and Kristoff caspak in heat 10 so he’s been those four points are absolute

    Goldplated for coffin tree let’s see if from the grid one position he can add to that tally in 14 he lines up against Diana pedon and David Roode for the Pirates and the wbor road faithful got great expectations of them completing the race the uh cry number six Stuart

    Robson moves from uh grid three and uh this a very very crucial uh stage of the match four points advantage to the bees anything uh in the way of a heat Advantage this time and that’s the League points gone to the uh the country side and it’ll be beyond the Pirates uh

    Pairing in the nominated race to do anything about it a drawn race or anything better for the Pirates and they’re still in with a sha they’re uh in line green lights on way they go and in fact it’s the pirates that have got out into a 5-1 lead would you believe

    This David brood and aana Pon but P’s now got taken by the American Rider Billy janiro but still David Roode in fact Pon now got relegated to the back of the field With Robson coming through it’s crucial that the young pirate David Roode holds on to that Advantage but unfortunately the uh

    The commentary Riders now ganging up on him rude on the outside just holding that Advantage from Ryan fiser and Brian Fischer challenging rude is absolutely essential that he holds on to this but Brian fiser on the inside rude on the outside if uh if he can just hold on to

    This drawn race then there’s a a possibility for PA to Jo to SPO to share the spoils in the final race but they would still need a 5-1 to do that David Rood riding the the race of the night here but unfortunately B Pon just unable

    To do anything about the uh third place although he’s challenges strongly as they take the checker flag and it’s David Roode shares the points for the Pirates what an excellent race from the young swed but it’s once again comary backing into the minor positions with Ryan fiser and Stuart Robson pacing the

    Dame Bean Pon for a three all one heat remaining it’s a last Heat decider but just a dog chance to P they Trail by 40 points to 44 in favor of the commentary be well Sky Sports uh love covering Speedway at Paul wimbor Road with the atmosphere here they also love last Pat

    Deciders well they’ve certainly got their money worth tonight because we got both great atmosphere great Speedway and and a last Heat decider wimbor Road fans on the other hand love getting League points and they would have liked the full uh set of two and a potential for

    The bonus um on this opening fixture but they’re not going to get it the best they can hope for and only with a maximum 51 heat Advantage is a draw here this evening because they Trail by Four Points bees 44 the Pirates 40 and it’s

    Uh time to stand up and be counted with the big four Lee Adams on grid one for Paul in the red helmet and the skipper Tony ricardson on grid three and that uh opposition from centry comes in the shape of Lee Richardson and Billy Hamill it’s Lee Richardson in green Billy

    Hamill on the wide outside in yellow and uh what a superb race that we’ve got in Prospect here it’s uh everything to ride for them for Paul uh the Riders getting a little bit nervous turning back uh just to psych themselves up but the tapes uh we’re going to see some four lapse

    Of very important uh Speedway here in this opening Elite League fixture Four Points between the Team One race to go it’s there to say that Lee Adams and Tony ricardson looked comfortable from the inside positions in E3 can they repeat that here in the last race of the

    Evening green lights on away they go and it doesn’t look as if they have because the rider in green Lee Richardson has made a superb game there and unfortunately uh for Paul he’s out in front with Tony ricardson and Lee Adams in second fighting off the efforts of

    Billy Ham’s trying to split the Pirates and in fact it does go R Ley Adams uh Tony ricardson is between the two Riders but this stages is far from what the Pirates are looking for and the bees are going to go away with all the points they currently hold a six-point

    Advantage with this four two Heat win Lee Richardson I think this evening once he’s got his nose in front is unlikely to be chall although Tony ricardson coming up the inside and eting my words as we speak because Tony ricardson drives through but that’s only half the

    Story because unless Lee Adams can make some impression in the one lap remaining on these two com bees the Pirates are going to surrender their their home record here at Paul with uh just the first Elite League fixer of the of the season and they are in fact going to go

    Down by Four Points Tony ricardson takes the checkered flag but the all important second and third going to Lee Richards Billy Hamill and Lee Adams trading off at the back there in fourth place making the final score in this thrilling but for the Pirates faithful disappointing opening fixture at wimbor Road po

    Pirates 43 points commentary be’s 47 well something of a shock result then for the Pirates going down by a fourpoint deficit for 47 points to 43 here this evening on a night when it has to be said that each of the Pirates probably not performing to their full

    Potential and perhaps needing a little bit more track time certainly centry they adapted to the track best they started earlier on but at Speedway it’s a funny old game and it could say that it came down to a broken chain for Andre Compton or even that 51 that was on the

    Cards and we saw Lee Richardson fall and it was all called back for nothing so in the end the Pirates as I say they four points out of it they’ve lost their first Home Encounter but only better can come and we’ll be bringing you more of that later on

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