Queen of Westminster Julia Hartley-Brewer is the political pundit with big opinions, hosting big debates about the big issues you care about and, of course, taking your calls.

    With a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist did fail her it was ER she was 22 were supposed to have moved on from that don’t Hawk back on something you did that was wrong TV it’s the only place where you get the

    Truth on TV on Radio and on your smartphone this is talk TV good morning and welcome to the show I’m Julia Harley Brewer you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and on your smart speaker and I’m with you live from 10: until 1 now coming up in this the new MP for Rochdale George Galloway will be sworn into Parliament today oh

    Joy RIS act targeted both islamist and far-right extremists saying democracy is under threat Here Comes as we’re told hate breaches will be blocked from entry the UK as the terror Threat Level which is its highest since 9/11 meanwhile US vice president Cela Harris remember her she’s called for an immediate ceasefire

    In Gaza for at least the next six weeks in order to get hostages out and call on Israel to allow more humanitarian Aid in to help starving civilian later in the show I’ll be talking to a survivor of the Nova Music Festival Massacre on October the 7th who kept

    Hide in a bush for 8 hours her friends were shot dead by Hammers and terrorists and police have solved no burgies in nearly half of all neighborhoods in England Wales in the past three years what are they doing they’re certainly not policing extremists are they all that to talk about including Douglas

    Murray you don’t want to miss him first though let’s get the latest news headlines with Emily Rose good morning as the government prepares to unveil its last spring budget before a general election the chancellor has again hinted he could be on the verge of introducing more tax

    Cuts Jeremy hunts and the Prime Minister have been in last minute talks over the weekend as they face significant pressure from Tory backbenches to win back voters well conservative MP Tobias Elward has told talk TV the change could be both good and bad for British people absolutely we want to see tax

    Cuts when you reduce the tax burden um on British business and on our economy then uh it allows more Enterprise it allows more investment in our economy and then the uh we can actually see growth and that’s exactly what we want to see but if you were to

    Borrow money in order to provide tax cuts that actually just hands the problem on to a future generation meanwhile Jeremy Hunt and his team are facing further pressure from the motoring industry today to use the budget to help jumpstart electric vehicle sales in the UK K leading car

    Makers have written to Downing Street calling on the government to drop what they call unfair vat charges on public charging points a former Top Gear presenter and motoring journalist Quenton Wilson says it’s an outdated fee that makes no sense for the 38% of people who don’t have driveways in this

    Country it’s a barrier to adoption and it’s slowing down the takeup of electric cars the vat laws on this were written in the early ’90s before electric cars were even a twinkle in Elon musk’s eyes Nikki Haley has defeated Donald Trump in the Republican primary in Washington DC it’s

    Her first victory in the 2024 campaign to become the Republican presidential candidate after winning 62.9% of the vote her campaign says she’s the first woman to win a Republican primary in US history but she still faces near impossible odds in her Quest against Donald Trump the vice president of the United States has

    Demanded an immediate ceasefire ing Gaza warning that people there are starving Cara Harris says that Israel needs to increase the flow of life-saving assistance into the region during a proposed pause in fighting well she made the comments as Israel is reported to have boycotted talks with Hamas in Egypt

    Following concerns the terror group would not provide a full list of the hostages that remained alive given the immense scale of suffering in Gaza there must be en immediate ceasefire for at least the next 6 weeks which is what is currently on the table this will get the hostages out and

    Get a significant amount of Aid in the king’s planning to make an official visit to Australia despite his cancer diagnosis the trip which was announced by the Australian government will take place later this year their prime minister says his government is engaging with States and territories on options

    For a possible royal visit and a Ferrari stolen from former Formula 1 driver Gard Burger 28 years ago has been recovered by the Metropolitan Police the red Ferrari f512m was one of two of the sports cars taken while their drivers were at the San Marino Grand Prix held

    In Italy in 1995 well the Mets said officers received a report from the car maker in January this year after the firm had carried out checks on a car being bought by us buyer through a UK broker last year now time for a look at today’s weather with Naz Gaffa times radio sponsors talk TV weather hello there will be plenty of dry and bright weather across Northern parts of the UK for this afternoon but from the southwest we are seeing rain strengthening winds and Cloud moving steadily northeastwards across much of Ireland Wales the West country down

    Towards Central and Southern England so for Northern and Eastern parts of England yes it will stay mostly dry but it does become cloudier for Eastern parts of England Northern England Northern Ireland just about and Scotland seeing Sunshine largely dry conditions but Shetland and orne will be cloudy and wet then overnight that rainband

    Continues its Journey further north and east was becoming a thin band of rain really as it settles across the northeast of Scotland and the Eastern Seaboard of England elsewhere further south and west clear spells developing another cold night but not as chilly as the last night although Frost is likely

    To develop once again as well as areas of mist and fog and then further rain pushes in to the Republic of Island that rain will be moving its way up towards Northern Island tomorrow with brisk winds again and towards western parts of Britain where it will turn mostly into

    Cloudy skies and showers there still some rain lingering across the northeast of Mainland Scotland for tomorrow afternoon otherwise elsewhere lots of sunshine and slightly milder compared to today Day times radio sponsors talk TV Weather good morning welcome back to the show I’m Julia Harley Brewer and you are with talk TV you can see my smile because it’s a lovely sunny spring day it feels like the winter is over we’re actually going to have a little bit of sunshine a bit of light come on GL

    Warming bring it on joining me right now to R through all of the big stories of the day some are rather less happy than I’m feeling right now is a commentator Sam Armstrong welcome back to the show haven’t seen you for a while great to have you back good morning with your new

    Glasses I’m liking this very Clark Kent I’m liking it we’ll take Clark K we’ll take there you way you see yeah I can be nice occasionally um right let’s uh talk about Big Stuff happening in Last Week Big Stuff happening this week we’ve got the budget to talk about um and rather

    Pointlessly as always the uh the chancellor goes on telly a few days before the budget to say can’t talk about the budget which drives me up the wall I have to say we’ll come to that in a few moments about what leeway he’s got what he really wants to do given it is

    By the way Jeremy Hunt um but first of all let’s talk about what happened at the end of last week uh because since I’ve last being on air we had the election of one George Galloway once again for yet another different political party in yet another different seat carpet bager extraordinaire in

    Rochdale he was elected whopping percentage of the vote almost 40% um and he today will be going into Parliament and will be sworn in as a as an MP and um be facing people like Rish Sak who he says he despises in an interview afterwards uh at pmqs this

    Week Etc um this as vishi sunak on Friday night decided maybe for the second time in his Premiership once was when he became prime minister the second time to give a speech outside Downing Street between the rainfall talking about the need to tackle extremis on British streets before we discuss I just

    Want to play a very short clip of what Rishi sunak had to say now our democracy itself is a Target Council meetings and local events have been stormed MPS do not feel safe in their homes long-standing parliamentary conventions have been upended because of safety concerns and it is beyond alarming that

    Last night the Rochdale bar election returned a candidate who dismisses the horror of what happened on October the 7th who glorifies Hezbollah and is endorsed by Nick Griffin the racist former leader of the BNP islamist extremists and far-right groups are spreading a poison that poison is

    Extremism it aims to drain us of our confidence in ourselves as a people and in our shared future it was quite a lengthy address and it went along that h I thought a lot of people probably including you know you and me were quite surprised by the

    Uh the talk about islamist extremist and farri groups far gr grps got a number of mentions I wasn’t aware that anything that happened either in Rochdale other than the endorsement of Nick Griffin um what happened um in Parliament the week before when Lind oil was either you know persuaded threatened or whatever to

    Change parliamentary procedure uh with MPS being threatened um that’s his Islamic extremist isn’t it I mean the marches every other Saturday in London I haven’t seen any far right ones that’s Islamic extremist why do you think when he was tackling extremism he said well talking about tackling extremism he felt

    The need to mention far right extremist too because this country has an unofficial blasphemy code which says if you’re going to say something about Islam you have to say something about the far right let’s be really clear there were 50% mentions there for islamism and 50% mentions for the far

    Right let’s talk about some actual facts over 90% of credible terrorist threats in this country come from islamists over 80% of those on the terrorist watch list are in fact islamist yes there is a small very small comparatively pocket of far-right extremists that are that have

    Grown in recent years and we want them tackled too but that’s not the issue today bury them under the car park as far as I’m concerned but calling a spade a spade matters we have a terrorist problem in this country and overwhelmingly it is from the islamist

    Islamists those that want to make Islam the political basis of our country community and it has got dramatically worse in recent months and weekend after weekend they are Marching through London and cities across this country making the Jewish residents of those places feel terrified to walk out and instead

    What does the prime minister of this country do when he’s giving a speech faced with this enormous sudden Insurgency he had has to create a false moral equivalency it’s disgusting it’s an infection that runs through the Metropolitan Elite that I’m afraid are still governing the vast bulk of

    Institutions in this country and it’s fundamentally dishonest isn’t it it is and as you say it is like a blasphemy law you’re not allowed to say it and again even you know with the criticisms of Lee Anderson again I do I believe that Lee that LE Anderson is correct to

    Say that sadique can’t by the way and London and kid dber because there was a full sentence we played it out again and again on this show find out why is the media cutting out the rest of this clip where he said was were being controlled

    By islamist no but the islamists want to control him and I don’t think K starma and sadik can’t controlled by them but they’re definitely influenced and fearful of them and we see that and we see this with the election in Rochdale of George Galloway where he said you

    Know basically this is a victory for Gaza I mean by the way George Galloway is not the MP for Rochdale he’s also not the MP for garer he’s the MP for George Galloway George Galloway cares about George Galloway and that’s about it I mean um but you know he you know the

    Leafleting now we’ve seen targeted leafleting over the years of course we do like oh you know targeting you know families or targeting pensioners and we’ve seen that with Facebook on social media we see it all say in the actual leaflets given in different streets uh by candidates but the blatant targeting

    In largely Muslim voting areas it was all about Gaza and Palestinians that was all that’s literally all was in the leaflets and then in other in whiter areas it was basically all about you know save the local hospital and and and and rale grooming gangs and and you know

    I know what a woman is and whatever and things like that I mean I’m sorry um it was so blatant but you know the the attacks on attacks on here on on Galloway I don’t like George Galloway I don’t think he’s a very pleasant human being I think he’s I think he’s all

    About as I say George Gallaway but he’s democratically elected if the labor party can’t find a candidate who doesn’t spout the most brilliant disgusting anti-Semitism and by the way the man is a senior figure in the local politics so the idea they didn’t know what he thought before is ridiculous he’s made

    His anti-semitic comments I mean in blatant open public meetings and hasn’t been challenged if the Tories can’t find a decent candidate if either reform UK can’t find a candidate who hasn’t you know texted teenagers for goodness say then I’m sorry then you deserve George Galloway the only people who don’t

    Deserve George Galloway are the poor downtrodden people of Rochdale whove going to have a useless MP for the next few months look you can win about winge about his two track messaging but if he wasn’t right he wouldn’t have one and the reality is we that’s democracy we have parallel communities in this

    Country we have people that don’t care about their hospitals do care exclusively it seems about what is going on in the Middle East and want this country to impose their own religious sense of how that region ought to be governed and look you had hordes running down the street intimidating people we

    Had two weeks ago a katar in this country we had parliamentary democracy subverted on the basis of a horde of of violent thugs that were feared to be it wasn’t just the people outside it’s the people who are making the threats all the time and we know those threats are

    Real because we’ve seen Terror attacks on our streets whether it’s man Arena Westminster bridge two in London Bridge I mean you know whether it’s an MP being stabed to death an MP being stab thankfully surviving in stepen Tim’s other threats justtin the Justice Minister doesn’t trust that this state

    Can keep him safe and is standing down as an MP says mike fre what how much more of a message do you need to hear wake up this country is under immense danger not only from dictators around the world that are increasingly getting Vis and violently angry at us and

    Threatening war in Europe and elsewhere but also from and I I’m afraid I have to put it in these terms I’ll get criticized for it an enemy Within yeah there are people who live in on our streets who go send their kids to school with your kids that want to destroy this

    Country want to get do away with its Institution with your freedoms its democracy and the way you know that two years on the teacher at Batley grammar school in in this country gave a perfectly ordinary religious studies class he is living his life in fear and violence and in hiding from the threat

    Of a murderous islamist Mt and this is the thing because one of the things Rich Sak said and we are building Britain together um we’re a country where we love our neighbors but I fear that our great achievement in building the world’s most successful multiethnic multifaith democracy is being

    Deliberately undermined yet yes but is it successful if MPS are fearful for their lives froms is it successful if MPS need to have uh security and bodyguards is it successful if a teacher can’t uh can’t can’t have a teacher class as they choose is it successful if

    You can’t show any film in a in a cinema because people will threaten I mean at the end of the day is it a successful democrac again he didn’t say Multicultural there but that’s kind of what he meant because I don’t believe you can be successful Multicultural I

    Think you should have one culture and the culture is the British culture which is our values as Western liberal Nation um and and I I I think in such a culture right now I could show a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad as depicted in Charlie ebdo magazine and I wouldn’t face death

    Threats and fear for my family’s safety but I wouldn’t do it because I do fear for their safety so I I’m being cowed I think we should all be able to show that and people can say I don’t like that because of my faith that’s against my

    Faith but I accept that you in this democracy have a right to do that but that’s not what even a majority of Muslims in this country think polling is shown very clear believe that that should be an imprisonable offense well I’m sorry we don’t have a blasphemy law

    In this country what we do have is fear of death and that is what is controlling our politics controlling our media controlling the national conversation and I think British people have said enough we’re not having it anymore I think George Galloway is something of a

    Wakeup call to the uh to the British uh you know electorate uh the medior the world that actually you know what people are going to be looking for Alternatives I don’t think he’s the right alternative by God I don’t we’re going to be talking to one of his deputies at the workers

    Part of Britain coming up very soon but I want to hear from you um Richie Sak vowed to tackle extremism on Brer streets apparently they’re talking about not allowing in hate preachers um I was under the illusion that was already something that we didn’t allow but

    Apparently not um I want to know what your reaction is to what you had to say and what is being announced today as well in terms of extra security for MPS and the like give us a call 03449 1000 text on 872 you can get in

    Touch on X talktv calls a charge at the national rate text cost one standard Network rate message um I can’t wait to get to your messages on all of that just I want to keep it wide open your reaction because I’ve got to be hon I didn’t watch the speech until Saturday

    Morning out out on the town with Mike Graham and Nan Collins and Kevin o solivan quite a long night and um I have to say I mean I was just spluttering with anger at everything that Rishi sunak said so I’d love to hear your thoughts on what he had to say and what

    You think is going to be done um let’s so talk about the budget as well as the chancellor can’t do but nevertheless goes on tell you to not do and I don’t know why television presenters don’t just go well then why are you here why why are you bothering why are you

    Wasting our time on on morning shows on a Sunday he talked about a few other things but the big issue about the budget this Wednesday is can he balance his budget can he cope with giving more tax cuts um more I mean on top of the

    Massive tax Rises we’ve seen is it going to be one pence or two pence is it going to be on income tax is it going to be on National Insurance which benefits workers or including pensioners or not the most um and is he going to cut departmental spending is he as they

    Always focus on in these sort of budgets when they haven’t got much to say is it all going to be about tackling white hallways and is this all frankly a complete load of nonsense Sam well look basic facts again this country has the highest taxes it has had in 70 years

    That’s under a t government and it will be the same if he cuts one p or 2p that figure won’t change ex there are some huge other stealth tax risers that have come through in the meantime like the thresholds which mean that ordinary working people police sergeants senior

    Nurses and now paying higher rate tax none of that looks right set to be touched I think what we’re seeing at the moment is the classic White Hall game of expectation management tell the public that you can’t do anything you you’ve out of money you’ve got nothing and then

    Low on behold on Wednesday the chancellor pulls out that White Rabbit and says look I found an extra few billion down the back do you know anybody who even people I again people who are really struggling with the cost living which is by the way most people

    In this country even people who thought they were quite well off middle class professional earners are really struggling mortgages going up all the you know all the bills food everything else has gone up and again when people talk about oh inflation coming down inflation is still Sky High compared to

    Where it normally is our prices aren’t coming down they’re just going up at less higher rate I mean you know this is basic stuff here U we aren’t going to get any we’re not going to get any better off for goodness knows how many years we’re always we’re always going to

    Be worse off as a result of that inflationary boom we’ve had um we have a mini recession we think many you think we might have come out of it but do you know anybody at all who voted toori in 2019 who has been wavering about how to

    Vote is either a possible labor voter maybe a reform UK voter or maybe I don’t know I might not bother voting who’s going to say on Wednesday afternoon oh 2p cut in nation insurance or income tax in that case rishy Jeremy you’ve got my vote because I don’t know anyone who

    Thinks that look when did our expectations of our politicians get so low having having have you met these people having slightly lower taxes is the bare minimum we expect of Tory politicians instead they’ve sent them Skyhigh the fact that they’re going to bring them back down to where they were in 2022

    2021 maybe if we’re good and if we’re well behaved and we take the pain that Andrew Bailey is sending us is absolutely scandalous it is scandalous and I am not surprised that millions of people around the country are saying right you know what vote T is because

    Yeah we think you’re all right on the economy and you keep our taxes low and that’s great but do you know what you haven’t so instead that K stama who I’ve got my reservations about they will say I’m going to give him a try instead because but the arguments to be he can’t

    Be any worse the polling is very very clear that there’s a heck of a lot of not really sure not that Keen it’s a very soft vote uh the the the swing today is very very soft could be brought back who knows what could bring it back

    But I ain’t sure there’s anything Jeremy Hunt’s going to announce on Wednesday that will and I’m not entirely sure they deserve it anyway can I just take to a couple other topics I want to get to before the um we go to a call on our question about Rishi snack andix streets

    Um of course Gaza we’ve had Kamala Harris the US vice president remember her um she’s been allowed out of the the the the spare bedroom where she’s kept locked up so she doesn’t speak seen because the woman’s clearly an idiot she says people in Gaza are starving uh she

    Has to urge Israel to significantly increase the flow of Aid there she also called for an immediate ceasefire there for at least the next six weeks which is what is on the table and she um she said to get the Israeli hostages out but she urged Israel so Hamas to accept these

    Terms we know there’s been talks and talks and talks breaking down they’re trying to bring them back um certainly ahead of Ramadan starting next weekend uh to have some sort of uh ceasefire again a ceasefire that would get out a few dozen Israeli hostages in return for you know thousand plus Palestinian

    Prisoners I’m not sure many people are thinking that’s a great deal um but um the aid for gazans is clearly a top priority now because I’m as staunch a defender of Israel’s right to defend itself as anybody but oh my God it is not acceptable for civilians in Gaza to

    Be dying of malnutrition no clearly it’s not and Israel needs to do more but I really and and Egypt by the way everyone forgets Egypt’s got a border quite right too but I despair for the Palestinians if their best hope is Camala Harris right this is a woman that was last put

    In charge with shutting the the southern border for for migrants actually ended up quadrupling the amount that came has now been sent to bring about peace in the Middle East it when we sometimes to spare about the state of our own politicians it’s always nice to remember

    That the the US is is led by president who can’t remember his own name at times she obviously read this because she wouldn’t have been able to manage to say it otherwise because I the woman is a complete fool um but there’s no doubt there a lot of pressure for Americans

    But again that’s because internal pressure in America on the Democrats as well we see how this is impacting on International policy as well um Also let’s talk about burglaries astonishing astonishing story well I say astonishing am I surprised by this police have failed to solve this is amazing a single

    Burglary in nearly half of all neighborhoods in England and Wales in the past three years despite a pledge to actually attend all burgies which is nice of them again things that we thought were a given you might accept your burglar wouldn’t be sold for a long time but then somebody would be caught

    And then they’d admit to 50 burglaries because you know no one’s just committed one you don’t get caught in your first one who are we kidding um but the fact that they don’t turn up to them and even if they do turn up to them they don’t bother actually looking for any evidence

    We have we’ve decriminalized burglary it is it is now completely legal to go into someone’s home and take their stuff and you’re not going to get prosecuted for it brilliant and yet on the other hand if you post a mean tweet about a protected group about say the trans

    Community you can be guaranteed that you’re going to have a knock on the door and a dozen or more officers there to investigate you and your wrong speak Seize Your computers this country has got its but we’re going to be tackling extremism now we’re going to be tackling

    Extremism but we can’t even tackle burglary but we’re going to tackle extremism it is ludicrous and I I I you cannot blame the public for just turning around at the end of this and I remind anybody watching listening 14 years of conservative government and you’re a conservative and I’m a conservative I’m

    A conservative but but at the end of it there are an awful lot of MPS I’ll tell you for free that will turn around to you and tell you I don’t quite know what we’ve managed to achieve I I mean really I have to say but there we are well I’d

    Love to hear your thoughts on all of that I’m sure been cheering Sam on and arishi snack has vowed to tackle extremism on British streets we say don’t worry about you can burgle what what happens if you’re an islamist extremist or far right extremist don’t forget them apparently they matter just

    As much even though they’re not actually the biggest threat um if they if they burgle a house will they will the police turn up then or do you have to misgender someone in the house as you steal their items whilst waving a hammer supporting flag and then they’ll turn up yeah yeah

    Think I mean I’m joking but am I but anyway um M snack found to tackle extremism on British streets George Galloway is uh being uh swed as an MP today um what’s your reaction tell us what you think give us a call 03449 1000

    Text 872 get in touch on X talktv what a surprise a lot of you are already doing that Stan says I just want richy to tackle the cost of living crisis Andie says he is always all talk never delivers and Steve says I’m still waiting for him to tell us who so-called

    Far-right extremists are now you’ve also been getting a touch on the phon do please keep those calls coming in let’s go to David who’s rang in from Sheffield hello David hello I’ve got a couple of points go for it on on democracy and when when son talks about democracy he’s

    Talking about a democracy what’s totally Fen to me because I’m a normal workingclass person I’ve got all the problems normal class person on he’s talking about having s uh people working on a Sunday short middle class can go to test scoes that that’s his democracy but what he doesn’t realize is democracy

    Takes many forms it’s not just like you know what I mean everything’s going to be all right if I go and vote Adolf Hitler voted into Power democratically Putin voted into into Power Democratic you can argue how you want but if the enough people vote for a certain party

    Whatever that is that’s that extremism becomes mainstream that’s that’s and that’s the concern especially when we see secretari Virg a lot of people were saying on Friday we’ve not seen secretari virgin before we have we saw it in Island it still goes on in Northern isand and how well has that

    Worked out I mean we don’t want to bring it to the rest of the British Isles yeah but the point about it is it shows Tories failings because if if they were doing the job right and laor and liberal if they were doing and SMP if they were

    Doing the job solving housing solving food crisis solving energy everything else like that they’d be voted for because people only want to be able to live and live comfortably that’s the thing whenever whenever there is a any any growth of any party that people are criticizing they always sayell you know

    These these parties are always created by failures of the mainstream parties when people aren’t allowed to discuss major issues in this country because you just shout bigger or racist at people even though they have a massive economic impact like for instance Mass immigration or or crime impact like you

    Know illegal migration it they they create they create these things but in terms of George Galloway in terms of you know I mean he says he despises vishak rak’s talked about him you know in in very derisive terms as well does does that help anything well you’ve got to

    Understand with George Gallow if you check away his beliefs on gods his sad and stuff like that he was a young socialist politician yeah and if you would have looked at his policies if you were a socialist if you were poor if you were not getting a good education if if

    If all way through he would have been a man to look to but people don’t they only seemen the you only seen the headline grabbing things you know s say and stuff like that he has had a socialist background and you could find a lot of good in him but that’s not you

    Know that’s that’s gone now that’s what it is can I make one point on that b very briefly d right everybody’s been telling please don’t come well we have the space to bur is where we live so we got like adoc neighborhood L and one of

    The things we do is we contact our MP contact our MP and say look we’ve got problems we’ve got for chours have you had any respon that and since then we’ve actually had police officers oh you contact the MP the MP bothers the chief constable and saying you know shouldn’t

    Have to do that though should you David I’m gonna have to leave it there but thank you so much for calling I really appreciate that’s David uh in Sheffield there coming up after the break more from Sam Armstrong and the new MP for rdale uh George Galloway is going to be

    Sworn into Parliament today after Rishi Sak targeted both islamist and far-right extremist saying democracy is under threat uh we’re going to be talking to one of George Galloway’s deputies up next I’m Julia Harley this is talk TV hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and we’re on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to AB and Eve it me old chinina but a new report is calling for a new definition of cotne

    All right Jeremy me old China o Tre when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman not a woman transwoman is a man lee would have to go

    Much further than his statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say that he’ got it wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from PR city council lovely woman called Anna and yeah i’ just

    Received an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right too quite right too it’s that time again to get the viin out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled out you might as well be discussing an

    Invasion of DARS for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I’m just about to do it oh it’s carry on what just

    Happened missing there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put a statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr KH apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know what’s I know what’s coming and I can’t stop laughing so he suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet

    Potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a prostitute a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those in chaga Square you just got to walk up to soos Why do you know this because I know everything uh was he just unlucky getting that question with an ice cream

    Or is it a sign of something more seemed like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and U they put him in an ice cream store I read the statement this morning from the family and if any police officer reads that

    Statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying it’s heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say has lots of racism within it I don’t NE think it’s a racist country but it permeates our institutions but for her to say come

    Out and vote and by the way when I was 22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist fail her we supposed to another she was 22 we’re supposed to have moved

    On from that don’t honk back on something you did that was wrong talk TV it’s the only place where you get the truth Welcome back to the show I’m Julia Harley Brewer you’re with talk TV now the new MP for rodale George Gallow is to be sworn into Parliament today after vishis act targeted both islamist and far-right extremist saying democracy is under threat it comes today we found out that hate pit will be blocked from

    Entering the UK I mean I thought they already were uh joining me right now is the one of the three Deputy leaders of the Workers Party of Great Britain that is Peter for makes him a deputy of course to George Galloway the new and only MP for the workers party uh good

    Morning to you Peter Well thank you for having me uh Julia You’re My Heroine um not least for your Brave appearances on question time well this this was not how I thought this interview was going to start Peter I I’m not going to lie to tell you and

    I’m a big supporter of yours on the climate nonsense well okay we’ve got something in common can I say a bit of a problem with your volume um on your your speaker I don’t know whe there’s a the the microphone is moving or what’s going

    On there but um if we can keep it can can you hear me much better right that’s let’s let’s leave it like that don’t move don’t do anything different we can hear you now right let’s talk about this um the Prime Minister after the election of your colleague George Galloway on on

    Early hours of Friday morning um has basically been pretty critical of of George Galloway um he uh he said it’s beyond alarming that last night he said the rochar by elction returned a candidate who dismisses the horror of what happened on October the 7th who glorifies Hezbollah and is endorsed by

    Nick Griffin the racist former leader of the BMP in return George Galloway in an interview said he despises the the Prime Minister um is this the sort of politics that will help improve the country yes well it was shocking that the Prime Minister saw fit to attack a

    New MP who had just been returned with an avalanche of of votes um I think it was disrespectful towards the electorate it was undignified and then he went on to himself into a bigger Hole by talking about extremism I I was in Rochdale I was in the The Campaign I can

    Tell you there was no extremism on display and what sunak is doing is trying to whip up hysteria in the hope of rescuing Tory fortunes it’s politicizing of the situation with the Muslim Community is quite shameful and dangerous but George enters Parliament today it’s a new dawn it’s a bright day

    And he’s looking forward to having an impact I mean I’m sorry the only people who were exploiting the you know this issue what was your party was George Galloway seen the leaflets that were sent to different streets in different walls so if you were in a largely white

    Ward you got a letter all about the local hospital maternity services and The rale Grooming gangs and and tackling those issues if you lived in a largely Muslim uh Ward you’ve got to let all about how this is all about Gaza when when George Galloway was elected his

    First thing he said this is victory for Gaza he’s going to be the MP for Gaza rather the MP for Rochdale Rochdale is a a town with huge social and economic problems huge issues that need to be dealt with both historic and more recent having an MP who is obsessed with what

    Happens thousands of miles away in Gaza isn’t going to help those people it’s George Galloway it’s your colleague in the in your party who has politicized this not the Prime Minister uh Julia uh George was echoing the concerns of the people of Rochdale many of them in in all the

    Wards and I tramped the streets I can tell you it wasn’t just the Muslims in all the wards were concerned about Gaza which is top of the news has been for months on end it’s not unreasonable that the people of Rochdale should want to know what’s the position of the

    Candidates on that I’m sorry there’s a difference between something being top of the news and something being a major issue in a local election a byelection I mean I know for instance if there was a byelection the the north London seat where I lived I’d be more concerned

    About you know whether there was going to be pressure to get more Bing collections um and you know the the the 20 m per hour limit on major streets and things like I’d been building more housing for local families I’d be more concerned about that than I would about

    What’s happening in Gaza I can still be concerned about Gaza you know as a human being as a journalist but it wouldn’t be how I’d made my vote why have why has divisive Middle Eastern politics why has it found its place in British politics in such a divisive way that we’ve even

    Seen you know the impact on our Democratic institution in Parliament where MPS are feeling pressured on how to vote a certain way on British foreign policy because of violent threats from those extremists who apparently don’t really exist Julia you should pay more attention do better research you will

    Have seen that George made a big thing of maternity services or lack I’ve just literally mentioned that few ago and many other local issues not not in the Le not in the leaflet to Muslim homes he didn’t the leaflet to Muslims homes was about was about Gaza I’ve read both leaflets many many

    Of the people of Gaza were very concerned about Gaza the people of Gaza are you see now wasn’t that a wonderful Freudian slip the people of Gaza are con no they’re the people of Rochdale they’re concerned about getting a job being able to buy a home one day getting

    Social housing their kids getting a good education whether the bins are collected whether they can get a hospital operation but but he wasn’t talking about that to the Muslim voters he only talked about that to the white voters I have no doubt at all he appealed an

    Awful lot to a lot of white voters a lot of the things he was talking about on those those those uh leaflets I thought yeah I’d agree with that I’d agree with that um but but nevertheless it this was a completely divided election here’s the

    Thing though what is he going to do in Parliament that is going to change anything for either the people of Rochdale or the people of Gaza uh you’re talking nonsense Julia George spoke about the NHS uh about taxes about cost of living and all the other issues that are at the top of

    People’s minds it wasn’t just about Gaza get that into your head I was there were you there I can tell you day after day George was not just talking about Gaza and now he’s in Parliament he will do more to Chanel frustration ordinary workers ordinary Working Class People about all

    Their daily concerns but war is a concern it’s top of the news every day day after day for a reason this war in Ukraine this war on behalf of Israel is costing us hundreds of millions of pounds the people of Britain are not happy about that if we were less

    Involved in Wars we’d have more money for the NHS less involved Wars we’re not involved in the war in Gaza are you wrong Julian are we’re fighting the war in Gaza the cost of having a Navy Royal Navy Patrol in the Red Sea is zero do some inves Royal Navy

    Patrols the Royal Navy patrols seas and oceans whether there’s a war or not and do you think the roal Navy shouldn’t Patrol when houthi Rebels fire on on International and British shipping do you think they should just go never mind that’s fine the British government are spending

    Hundreds of millions of pounds on the defense of Israel oh we need to ask the people of this country whether they’re happy with that when the money could be better spent elsewhere the Royal Navy is not cheap the Royal Air Force which is flying regularly into uh Israeli

    Airports with fresh supplies is not cheap intelligence support for Israel is not cheap so we we shouldn’t be supporting our our democratically elected allies when they are under then when they are attacked then sorry I didn’t catch that we shouldn’t support our democratically elected allies when they’re attacked is that what you’re

    Saying uh as far as I know Israel isn’t an ally it’s not you don’t think Israel is an ally I’m pretty sure Israel is an ally of this country and everyone in the west yes well are you going to question whether it’s a democratically elected government as well we go full conspiracy theory

    As demons it’s just sour grapes Julia because you got trounced in the Rochdale election you don’t it was the I didn’t stand as a candidate you I don’t hold a candle for any of the candidates who stood in that violation I I think it was an absolute travesty for the people of

    Roale in terms of what was on offer to them the election of someone who was voicing the concerns of millions of ordinary British people and pal you were bounced your side were no no no I wasn’t no my side no I didn’t have a side in the Rochdale byelection other than the

    People of Rochdale I don’t like George Galloway I think George Galloway only cares about George Galloway I don’t like a man who I don’t like a man who sucks up to Middle East dictators and uh and and who who who who spouts the stuff he

    Spouts no I’m not a fan but I totally respect the fact that he was able to get himself elected he got himself elected if the other parties couldn’t stand a better candidate than him they deserve to lose I’ve got no issue with that oh we don’t we got you back but but

    Fundamentally I I want to know what is he going to do for those people have we got Peter for back we’ve got a problem with his link I think right what is he going to do to improve the lives of people in Rochdale and or people in Gaza who he thinks he

    Represents what he’s going to do is articulate the concerns with millions of ordinary people both about the situation in the Middle East and their regular concerns not least things like Net Zero we are the only party represented now in Parliament which is calling for a referendum on Net Zero uh he’ll be

    Talking about the concerns of the the Welsh farmers who are up in arms and having to take to the streets in their tractors because their industry is being destroyed in the name of Net Zero we’ll agree we’ll agree on that issue but but you know well do tell him

    Do tell lovely George to unblock me because he’s done that petulant blocking thing and then he’s very welcome to come on and talk about sensible things like that we’re going to have to leave it there because time is against to us Peter for thank you very much for

    Joining us he is one of the three Deputy leaders of the Workers Party of Britain which is of course uh George Galloway’s party um still with me in the studio um uh is Sam Armstrong I don’t I don’t know if we got anywhere there um really but

    Um what did you make of that what he had to say well this is the problem with George on the one hand he’s a brilliant debator orator speaker generally I watch him and I think it’s m i find him in I don’t find him good speaker at all he

    Combines that with some good policies right Net Zero farming knows what a woman is knows what a woman is but then into woven you get crazed conspiracy theories the RAF the Royal Navy are at war in Gaza it’s nonsense and and the defense of Saddam Hussein Bashar

    Al-assad in Syria a man who claims desperately to care about the plight of Muslims except when other Muslims are mass killing them it’s very bizarre isn’t it it’s only when Israelis are killing Muslims that he seems to care about them he’s funny that he’s a little

    Bit like the pub ball he says some good things and then he goes completely mad and you can’t shut him up well he’s going to be in Parliament later we’ll see what happens U now I say richy snack is about to tackle extremism on British streets this George Galloway

    Is going to be sworn into Parliament your reaction please give us a call on 03449 1000 text 87 to get in touch on X talktv Alice says my reaction is I don’t believe him Sarah says get on with it then too much talk and not enough action

    This is something of a theme in all of the messages we get on every topic and Thomas says they will generate new anti-extremism laws that will strip away the rights and freedoms of UK citizens while doing nothing to actually reduce wheel extremism totally nailed it 100% coming up after the break police have

    Solved no bloodies at all in nearly half of all neighborhoods in England and Wales in the past three years we going to talk to a former police officer about that he’ll be tearing his hair out as much as you and I are I’m Julia Harley Bru you’re with talk TV hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to AB an eve it me old chinina but a new report is calling for a new definition of cotne all right Jer me old

    China when JK Rowling says let’s just be hon honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman is not a woman transwoman is a man lee would have to go much further than his

    Statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say that he’ got it wrong and I had a phone call this morning um from PR city council lovely woman called Anna and yeah I just an

    Email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right too quite right too it’s that time again to get the violins out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled out you might as well be discussing an

    Invasion of DARS for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my 8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I’m just about to do

    It oh it’s carry on what just happened missing there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put a statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr khah apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know what’s I know what’s coming and I can’t stop laughing so he

    Suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a prostitute oh a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those in chaga Square you just got to walk up to soos Why do you know this because I know everything uh was he just unlucky

    Getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and U they put him in an ice cream store I read the statement this morning from the family and if any police officer reads that

    Statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying is heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say has lots of racism within it I don’t NE think it’s a racist country but it permeates our institutions but for her to say come

    Out and vote and by the way when I was 22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist fail her we supposed to she was 22 we’re supposed to have moved on from

    That don’t ha back on something you did that was wrong TV it’s the only place where you get the truth Welcome back to the show I’m Julia Harley brew and you are with talk TV now astonishing headline today or is it to St that’s the question police have sold no burglaries in nearly half of all neighborhoods in England Wales in the past three years just I mean I can’t even imagine

    That that would be a headline we’d have read 20 years ago and not just laughed out loud thinking it was a spoof but no it’s true joining me now to discuss this is Peter Bley former Scotland Yard am met police detective old sister with a Sam Armstrong um Peter were you

    Surprised when you saw this headline or was it just like well yeah that’s we just we just don’t investigate and Sol burglaries anymore that’s we know that now first of all I was enraged second I was a gas and then third ly no I suppose I probably wasn’t surprised because this

    Is the perfect illustration of just how usess in so many regards British policing is what what are they okay here’s the thing we we talk about this Crackdown on extremism well they ain’t they ain’t cracking down on extremism yet we know that all the things the Prime Minister talked about saying we

    Mustn’t allow these have been allowing although apparently the laws exist to stop them um they’re not they’re not really tackling things like rapes they’re not because we know you know right there they’re not they’re not tackling burglaries everyone I knows had a mobile phone or a bike stall and says

    The police literally go not interested so what are the police doing all day it’s a very good question are they just all dancing at Pride marches all day they don’t know essentially what they are they don’t know whether they’re a a social service or whether they’re a

    Crime fighting force and when I say social service they’re a bit like the AA and the ra if RAC if your car breaks down you call them when Society breaks down the police get and it’s not really their fault because if you know they’re dealing with a lot of people who are

    Mentally ill we’ve had police chief say we can’t deal with this anymore we haven’t got time to deal with to deal with crime it manifestly is their fault they’ve allowed themselves to be drawn down this path those weak liberal Highly Educated intelligencia that prow the corridors of policing power allowed it

    To get to this state because of course so many of those senior police officers with all the degrees to their name and all the Oxbridge education that so many of them have had couldn’t essentially tell the difference between a burglar and a pom granate they have they have no experience of Front Line

    Not the front line but my thing is even whether you’ve gone to UNI or not gone to UNI whether you started out you know as a Cadet and who work your way up whether you are left wi or rightwing liberal or liberal I I don’t understand

    Why anyone doesn’t get the that you need to police crime and the people going into someone else’s house and stealing the stuff that they’ve bought with their hard earned wages is a crime and something that needs to be tackled and dealt with and given that we know that

    All it’s drug related it’s you know it’s uh it’s often organized crime related and so you know the same people are responsible again and again you can knock you can lock up a hundred people in any local neighborhood you’d basically solve pretty much all acquisitive crime because it’s the same

    People doing it and they know who the people are but then they don’t even tackle people who were walking into shops with CCTV camera and going I’ll have that thank you’re walking at even when and they know their name so have they just completely given up on

    Policing do they not believe that crime is a bad thing what what do they what do they think their job is anymore well 14 years after the start of the age of austerity they will still blame that yeah and of course they will say that their Frontline officers are very busy

    Answering 999 calls because that’s essentially what they do they go from one call to another but senior police for getting on for 20 years or more now dism mantled the detective Branch they thought it was all too elitist those burglary squads the robbery squads who knew High experienced highly skilled

    Officers to elst who knew how to catch burglars who knew where the problematic drug users were that would be climbing through your kitchen window this afternoon that knew all of that and kept a bit of a lid on crime and therefore made the streets a hostile environment for criminals that that that’s gone

    They’ve dismantled that but we have all all intents and purposes we’ve we’ve basically legitimized stealing stuff from other people’s homes hav we you can steal a bike steal a phone you you can also you can steal from a shop but shoplifting isn’t really crime that actually gets prosecuted any meaningful way now and

    Now burglary we we’re just going to say it’s just okay now and having sat with so many burglary victims over the years I can tell you how deeply deeply traumatizing is that Invasion an englishman’s home is his castle until it gets invaded by some unscrupulous thie in burglar and I’ve known people who

    Have simply never been able to return to their home I know I know people who’ve had mental breakdowns as a result of it because it’s been so traumatic especially if your home is trashed as well you don’t feel safe it’s a very big issue and yet we’re saying that that

    We’re hearing from the Prime Minister he going to be able to tackle things like you know extremism you know hate preachers are to be blocked from into the UK and things like that if they can’t tackle you know the the the the the local burglar going in and stealing

    Or drug addicts stealing in from someone’s home how are they going to be able to tackle these people they’re not and the reason one of the many reasons they’re not is because of the appalling standard of training and supervision but you see all of that baby got thrown out

    With the bath water by this lot who were now in charge they said police officers don’t need to know the law off by heart of course they do as we say they often don’t know Sam Armstrong three word from you yeah well there is another group of

    People to blame of course I do feel sorry for the police in some ways they Nick someone they can hold him for 24 hours the CPS don’t charge them for 44 days they send someone up to the beaks for burglary theft whatever and they’re getting a slap on the wrist sent away

    Again and we seem to have a criminal justice system as well courts that don’t want to deal with this kind of what’s the point if what’s the point of resting that’s that’s the argument the shoplift they know perfectly well they’re not even going to get a fine so what’s

    What’s the sing point unfortunately we’re going to have to come back to that but I know we will Peter what’s the soding point there you go that’s the new strap line for the entire show what’s the a soding point anymore Peter bxy thank you very much more from Sam

    Armstrong coming up don’t forget Douglas Murray on the show a little bit later as well coming up after the break though Chancellor Jeremy Hunt says he’s got a moral duty to cut taxes as he attempts to fund a TWP reduction in income tax oh yes and the palace has criticized The

    Madness of social media as conspiracy theories about the princess of wales’s Health circulate online I’m Julia Harley Brewer and you’re with talk TV hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and we’re on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to AB an eve it me old chinina but a new report is calling for a new definition of cotne

    All right Jeremy me old China o treat when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman not a woman transwoman is a man lee would have

    To go much further than his statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say that he’d got it wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from city council lovely

    Woman called Anna and yeah i’ justed an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right to quite right too is that time again to get the violence out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled

    Out you might as well be discussing an invasion of DARS for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my8 PB noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I’m

    Just about to do it it’s carry on what just happened were missing there was suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put a statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr khah apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know it’s I know what’s coming

    And I can’t stop laughing so he suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a prostitute a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those in F Square you just got to walk up to soos Why do you know this because I know everything

    Uh was he just unlucky getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and U they put him in an ice cream store I read the this morning from the family and if any

    Police officer reads that statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying is heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say had lots of racism within it I don’t NE think it’s a racist country but it per Peres

    Our institutions but for her to say come out and vote and by the way when I was 22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist did fail her we supposed to

    Another she was 22 we’re supposed to have moved on from that don’t honk back on something you did that was wrong talk TV it’s the only place where you get the truth on TV on Radio and on your smartphone this is talk TV good morning and welcome to the show I’m Julia heartley breu you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and on your smart speak with with you live from 10: until 1 coming up in this hour going to talk more about the new MP for rale

    George Galloway he’s going to be sworn into Parliament today this a of ISU act targeted both islamist and far-right extremists saying democracy is under threat ask if your reaction to that and this all comes ahead of Wednesday’s budget when the chancellor Jeremy Hunt says he has a more duty to cut taxes as

    He attempts to fund a TWP reduction of either income tax or national insurance but would it make a difference to your wallet and the Buckingham Palace has criticized the Madness of social media as conspiracy theories abound about the princess of wales’s Health Online this after she underwent a Donal surgery six

    Weeks ago first though let’s at the latest news headlines with Natalia haa good morning as the government prepares to unveil its last spring budget before a general election the chancellor has hinted that he could be on the verge of introducing more tax cuts Jeremy Hunt and the prim prime

    Minister have been in last minute talks over the weekend as they face significant pressure from Tory back benches to win back voters conservative counselor for eping Holly whitbred has told T TV she thinks the public supports Cuts despite potentially having to pay for them later down the line I think

    People would like to see a little bit of a reward for the pain they’ve had to experience in in recent years but without a doubt Jeremy H is his style to be sensible and I think that is the right thing at the moment because we’re living through such extraordinary times

    And we still have to pay for the pandemic and there’s still other pressures that need to be paid for as well meanwhile Jeremy Hunt and his team are facing further pressure from the motoring industry today to use the budget to help jumpstart electric vehicle sales in the UK leading car

    Makers have written to Downing Street calling on the government to drop what they call unfair vat charges on public charging points former Top Gear presenter and motoring journalist Quinton Wilson says it’s an outdated fee that makes no sense for the 38% of people who don’t have driveways in this country it’s a barrier

    To adoption and it’s slowing down the take up of electric cars the vat laws on this were written in the early ’90s before electric cars were even a a twinkle in Elon musk’s eyes the vice president of the United States has demanded an immediate ceasefire in Gaza warning that people there are starving

    Cala Harris says that Israel needs to in sense the flow of life-saving assistance into the region during a proposed pause in fighting she made the comment as Israel is reported to have boycotted talks with Hamas in Egypt following concerns the terror group would not provide a full list of hostages that

    Remain alive Nikki Haley has defeated Donald Trump in the Republican primary in Washington DC it is her first victory in the 2024 campaign to become the Republican presidential candidate after winning 62.9% of the vote her campaign says she’s the first woman to win a Republican primary in US history but she

    Still faces near impossible odds in her Quest against Donald Trump the king is planning to make an official visit to Australia despite his cancer diagnosis the trip which was announced by the Australian government will take place later this year their prime minister says his government is engaging with

    States and territories on options for a possible royal visit the rnli is celebrating saving more than 146,000 lives as it marks its 200th anniversary a service of Thanksgiving is being held today at Westminster Abbey with representatives from the charity from across the UK and Ireland attending talk

    TV correspondent Nick Elby is at one of the newest and busiest rnli stations in chisik West London and also recently we’ve had the rnli dragged into the culture wars as well with politicians like Nigel farage calling it a glorified taxi service for illegal migrants picking them up in the channel well only

    3% of rnli callouts are to do with those small boats and as you mentioned 238 stations all around the country mostly on beaches and two horses cause Havoc for motorists in Cleveland when they decided to run across America’s busiest Motorway the pair brought cars to a standstill

    When they trotted onto the I90 officers there say they belong to the police and had somehow managed to escape from their Stables that’s all for me now time for a look at today’s weather with nazarine Gaffer times radio sponsors talk TV weather hello there will be plenty of dry and bright weather across Northern parts of the UK for this afternoon but from the southwest we are seeing rain strengthening winds and Cloud moving steadily northeastwards across MCH of Island Wales the West country down

    Towards Central and Southern England so for Northern and Eastern parts of England yes it will stay mostly dry but it doesn’t become cloudier for Eastern parts of England Northern England Northern Ireland just about and Scotland seeing Sunshine largely dry conditions but Shetland and ory will be cloudy and

    Wet then overnight that rain band continues its Journey further north and eastwards becoming a thin band of rain really as it settles across the northeast of Scotland and the Eastern Seaboard of England elsewhere further south and west clear spells developing another cold night but not as chilly as

    Last night although Frost is likely to develop once again as well as areas of mist and fog and then further rain pushes in to the Republic of irland that rain will be moving its way up towards Northern Island tomorrow with brisk winds again and towards western parts of

    Britain where it will turn mostly into cloudy skies and showers there still some rain lingering across the northeast of Mainland Scotland for tomorrow afternoon otherwise elsewhere lots of sunshine and slightly milder compared to Today times radio sponsors talk TV Weather good morning and welcome back to the show I’m Julia Harley Brewer and you are with talk TV lots to talk about this morning still with me running through all the top stories is commentator Sam Armstrong thank you very much for joining us uh just to flag out what’s

    Coming up a bit later in the show we are going to be talking to one of the survivors the October 7th massacre at the Nova Festival a woman who as her friends were being shot dead had to hide for eight hours to try and keep herself alive harrowing harrowing story

    We must never forget as people talk of ceasefires and like we must never forget how this all started and yes it did start on October the 7th not going back 75 years I’m afraid um also going to be talking to Douglas Murray he’ll be here uh talking about what the Prime Minister

    Had to say about extremism and I’m also asking you about that as well uh Richie snack vowed to tackle extremism on Bridges streets in interestingly he also talked about far-right extremism his address to the nation on Friday night as well as islamist extremism even though not entirely sure that that is the

    Threat uh that he thinks it is it certainly doesn’t seem to be according to the police or indeed to the uh Security Services or or to well anyone who’s experienced extremism on our streets in recent months because that’s overwhelmingly islamist extremism so why did he mention that as well love to hear

    Your thoughts what’s your reaction do you think he will tackle it is it all just words no AC lot of you are saying that give us a call 03449 1000 is the number to have your say on air you can text on 872 or get in touch on X talktv calls a

    Charge of the national rate text cost one standard Network rate message well somebody who doesn’t have to message in as I say is Sam Armstrong uh joining us um I I was I mean I have to say I didn’t watch his speech until the Saturday morning because why we in a Friday night

    Um and I I I sat and watched it in full and with my husband and we were just shouting at my phone as it played out but just sort of it’s just talk it’s just nonsense and how we’re such a multi successful multiethnic he didn’t say Multicultural interesting multiethnic

    Society so successful that we’ve got you know a teacher in Batley who’s still in iding three four years on after just simply showing a cartoon to his students so so so so we’re just so integrated everything’s so great uh that we uh we don’t have basically sort of you know in

    Sign Warfare on our streets at times that we haven’t got you know parliamentarians being threatened MPS needing bodyguards parliamentary procedure being changed um I mean people being elected George gway being elected basically presing is the MP for Gaza as opposed to the MP of a impoverished town

    Like Rochdale desperately in need of an MP to Champion their causes um there is nothing the Prime Minister said that was true is it no he fundamentally failed to rise to the scale of events to the occasion let’s be clear about what this recent weeks mean recent weeks mean that

    This country has ceased to be a functioning democracy I mean that we have changed parliamentary procedure because of violent mobs we have imposed blasphemy laws in our country not because people voted for them not because they wanted we voted to get rid of them in fact we our own Sovereign

    Parliament uh repealed those very laws many years ago but we have brought them in by the back door we’ve suspended parliamentary process by the back door because of the threat of a marauding mob that descends on our Capital every weekend pitches up outside our elected representativ homes bullies threatens with the

    Underlying threats that you push back against us too hard one of our young members will turn up at your constituency surgery and stab you to death and we know that they will do that because they’ve done it before because s David Amos that he he was stabbed to death Steven Tims thankfully survived

    Numerous other threats numerous other court cases have gone to court but no no let’s all talk about Joe Cox and the threat of farri right extremist and Thomas May that mean you you you will you google David Amos and Joe Cox’s names I will tell you which one comes

    Out for even though it’s so much further ago and that it was a very isolated horrible horrible awful murder um but nevertheless more of an isolated threat than a growing issue on our streets well look let’s play a little bit of a clip of what um rishy snack had to say when

    He talked about agreeing with you there that our democracy itself is a target here’s what he said now our democracy itself is a Target Council meetings and local events have been stormed MPS do not feel safe in their homes long-standing parliamentary conventions have been upended because of safety

    Concerns and it is beyond alarming that last night the Rochdale bar election returned a candidate who dismisses the horror of what happened on October the 7th who glorifies Hezbollah and is endorsed by Nick Griffin the racist former leader of the BNP islamist extremists and far-right groups are spreading a poison

    That poison is extremism it aims to drain us of our confidence in ourselves as a people and in our shared future um you know what’s draining the confidence in ourselves and our future it’s not exam Dream It’s the abject failure of our political media and ruling class to stand up to it because

    There’s I mean I I actually talked to the other day about you know people waking up to this and had people like Tommy Robinson saying oh we’ve all been awake up I’ve been writing about this stuff and talking about this stuff since about the year 2000 I was being called

    Horrible you know bigger as zob say maybe Mass uncontrolled immigration isn’t a good thing because people can’t assimilate uh and and integrate on mass it’s it’s not a race issue it’s not a xenophobic issue it is simply a matter of socioeconomic fact that is not the

    Case um but but it’s the abject failure of our political classes to allow any debate on this without just shouting out the r word at everybody to actually face up to what it is we’ve had report after Report with was Louise Casey under D David Cameron or every other report

    Saying we’ve basically got different groups in society living side by side now that is I think that’s just as much an issue for our cultural um coming together and and and and glue as when it’s a when it’s a for instance um you know uh extreme Jewish group or or

    Hindus or siks or or or or or Polish people or whatever because I think that people should be living side by side with people have every single different you know Viewpoint of things we shouldn’t be in ghettos but it is a particular issue when it is a Muslim

    Community where there is still this Islamic extremism which is huge in countries like Pakistan countries uh across the Middle East where it’s absolutely vast and many other countries where Muslims immigrate to this country from and everyone being uncomfortable about saying that is where what has got us into this issue importing people who

    Although the majority May well share all of our values and want to come here and make a good life and set their kids into good schools work hard brilliant welcome come on in but where there is a far too large minority of people and it’s not

    It’s not 10 people it’s not even 10,000 people it’s hundreds of thousands of people who genuinely want ascribe to this political Islamic ideology which is very different in position of sharia law um anti-democracy anti anti-western liberal values we need a leadership political police media cultural to say no this isn’t what we

    Want this isn’t acceptable to us and if you don’t want to join with our values here you’re not welcome here but Julia we have leaders that are so cowardly they are so cowardly that rather than change tackle that Community they are instead prepared to change us the rest

    Of us they not prepared to they told us in order to appease I mean just look at what the government are actually doing in response to all this they say it’s a huge problem what are they doing in response over the weekend it was reported that anyone now trying to get

    Into Parliament despite the fact you have to go through airport Star Security already is now going to have to show photo ID yeah that they are kicking Lee Anderson out of the conservative party for SW bravman got sacked as home graan was getting sacked um they’re they’re reheating decades old Blair right

    Policies this Banning extremists from cutting into this country this is a policy that Tony Blair introduced right this this government is now so left-wing that it’s reann nowc Tony Blair’s policies in an attempt to seem right-wing this is a disgrace we are changing the entirety of what it means

    To be British in order to appease a subset of our society that hates us but also this is this idea that diversity is all strength divers no diversity isn’t a good thing of itself it’s not a bad thing of itself depends what you’re being diverse about people having a

    Range of views all of which are democratic and and except you know that other people are allowed to hold different views that’s the key thing I don’t mind if for instance someone thinks that an image of prophet Muhammad is a deep offense to them and it should

    Not be shown you’re entitled to think that I will march on the streets for your right to believe that but you’re not allowed to tell me I can’t show an image you’re not allowed to tell me that you’ll kill me in my family if I showed

    An image or you’re far born my building so I end up in a situation where I wouldn’t do it not because I think it’s wrong it’s because I’m frightened there’s no and that’s not acceptable there’s no doubt that multiculturalism has brought some benefits to this country but if you think that

    Multiculturalism is such an unfettered benefit if you think that bringing in all of these groups with their different ideologies not uh attempting in any way to integrate them into our society why is it that today you cannot by way of example walk down 10 Downing Street look at some old clips

    People country you could walk up to the door of where the Prime Minister of Great Britain Northern lives today you don’t get within a country mile there are police officers with Firearms everywhere around this country has got more dangerous in the last 30 40 years why yeah oh I think it’s far right

    Extremist I think you find I’m just going to check the prime minister’s speech again I mean that’s the thing no we’re going to talk to R dun Smith about this as well I also want to hear from you he’s vowed to the prime minister’s vowed to tackle extremism on British

    Streets and want to know what your reaction is give us a call O3 44 91000 text on 87 tr2 get in touch on X talktv going to read some of those messages out in just a couple of moments first up there let’s talk about another rather

    Big event this week not just no it’s not all about George Galloway amazingly enough but getting uh sworn in as a as an MP uh it is the budget on Wednesday um I don’t know if anyone’s expecting anything very big we’ve had the usual nonsense ahead from the treasury leaks

    Again I’m from a dime when you know if the budget was leaked everyone would have to resign but no the the chancellor goes on tell called talk about the budget and these hints about whether it’s going to be a one p or a TWP cut in income tax or Nation Insurance bearing

    In mind Nation insurance will help people who are workers but not say richer pensioners who are paying higher tax um but um but again you don’t get quite the political sort of flag waving uh for a cut in National Insurance because lot of people don’t even know

    What that is they don’t notice it but the reality is even if there is a cut of one or two P frankly even three or four P people will still be worse off from the tax Rises they’ve already seen the tax thresholds staying the same When people’s wages are going up because of

    Inflation everything’s going up in cost it ain’t coming down anytime soon I mean even inflation we’ve got now is still see brace prices going up considerably every year people are still going to go into the election whether it’s May or October going I am poorer Than I Used to

    Be do you think they’re going to win a single extra vote by cutting these taxes well I suspect they’re probably going to cut more actually than expected that’s always the way it they play it down and then they cut more but it won’t make a ciller of difference he can put taxes up

    Or down he’s still going to have more money out of your pocket than he would have done at the start of this Parliament and that’s before you factor in the fact that the cost of living has exploded and just one last time can we remind ourselves why the country ran out

    Of money why the cost of everything ballooned okay was it because of uh some strange bizarre event or was it perhaps because we decided to lock down the entire country and to keep the economy going while saying oh it’s wonderful we don’t need to go to work and we can

    Still own the same amount no we were printing money like never before and now we’re paying for every single pening of it and it is extraordinary to see labor talking about this they’re saying about how bad the finances are and how bad things have been and the cuts in in real

    Terms in lots of departments in public spending just like sorry hold on a minute sorry the Tories came in in 2010 after the major economic crash largely as a result on my view of UND deregulation carried out under the Tony be Gord Brown years of our banking

    System I don’t they’ve done anything to fix it particularly but um you know I think we we’ll end up seeing that sort of thing again F to fix that they got reelected in 2015 bigger vote you know not just a a minority government but a majority government and again in 2015

    And in 2019 and then we had all the shenanigans over brexit which basically stalled all government thought for two or three years um and then and then we had lockdown supported by Li not even just supported eggon urged to be longer deeper sooner you know you name it and

    Now they’re going oh oh the finance is in a terrible State you think yeah no beep Sherlock yeah this is an this is an economic recovery plan bought brought to you by the people that flogged the gold when it was uh at the lowest price ever and delivered the biggest recession that

    This country had seen for almost that said I still hold the torist responsible for what they did that’s they are responsible for what they did Theresa May over brexit um and of course um you know that the you know we have issues now was Chancellor B Johnson was prime

    Minister during what they did during lockdowns we are where we are um you don’t think it’s going to make any difference some days I wish we could just have a complete start over with our entire political classes let’s just let’s just let’s just change the deck

    Let’s just new news you know you when you’re playing you’re playing patience you go oh these CS are I’m just going to give up I’m not going to get anywhere start just just start again wouldn’t that be wonderful um let’s also uh talk about Camila Harris I try not to do that

    As much as possible indeed it’s interesting even the Biden Administration tries not to talk about the president as often as possible she gave a speech yesterday calling for Hamas to agree to an immediate Seas fire in Gaza for at least six weeks but also urge uh Israel uh to send in more

    Humanitarian Aid no one ever seems to ask Egypt to do this Egypt also share a border it’s up to them they’re busy building their border even higher there is no doubt at all that you know the the Gaza civilians are dying they are they are diving bombs and also children are

    Now dying as a result of starvation that is not acceptable that we should not stand by and say that that’s okay um but um when the US flying you know 38,000 meals to a population of two million plus I mean I’m sorry that’s that’s an

    Insult we need to have age going in on a mass scale do we not we know Hamas steal a lot of it but even so well but come on Julia we’ve got to be clear on this particular point the reason that so many G and civilians are getting shot is

    Because Hamas used them as human Shields the reason that there is not a lot of Aid getting into Gaza is because Hamas take the aid they don’t give it to the people and in fact if you send them a a a roll of kitchen foil they’ll somehow

    Turn away use it to turn it into shrapnel this is a terrorist entity that abuses everything it gets his hand on and I I blame the Israelis to an extent but let’s be clear that the number one reason that gazans are right now not getting the aid that they need is

    Because the Israelis cannot trust Hamas not to turn meal packages into weapons of war okay I completely accept all of that nevertheless Palestinian civilians are dying um and and I’m very happy for Israel to continue the war um and to I think it’s absurd for people say got

    Israel’s got a right of self-defense and then say Oh Oh but you know you can’t go into Rafa where the remaining Hammer terrist are and in believe believe some 34 hostages ones that we think might still be alive um but I’m not entirely sure you know how how we resolve this

    But it seems to me to be very clear that humanitarian Aid has got to be delivered uh we need to have independent journalists on the ground as well that’s but that’s a very big issue I think or such as there are independent journalists remaining on this issue

    Because we know half of the journalists certainly working Gaza are actually you know Affiliated to Hamas for goodness sake a lot of this information we get out that the BBC very happily puts on its website and on there uh is very questionable indeed um I don’t know

    Where this results we are going to be talking after midday to uh one of the young survivors of the Nova Festival the the the music festival that was attacked by Hamas terrorist she hid for eight hours whilst uh uh her friend friends were slaughtered Absol extraordinary

    Thing to go through we’re also going to be talking to Douglas Murray we’re going to talk about extremism here oh and what’s happening in Gaza of course he’s been into Gaza with the IDF in recent months um let’s also talk about what’s happening back home we mentioned it with

    Peter blackle a little while ago this extraordinary stat that police have solved no burglaries at all in half of all neighborhoods in England Wales I mean do you think that was an exaggeration no that’s on official figes they simply don’t bother solving burglaries um I think if resources were

    Put into it they would be able to solve those burglaries I reckon you could probably get some evidence I find it extraordinary that the burglars are now so clever at hiding their DNA and their fingerprints there’s no and with all this CCTV we have people with those you

    Know those doorbells which show who’s I mean really they can’t find a single burglar anymore have we just basically given up on policing crime in our streets well the police have convinced themselves that they can get away with not uh investigating certain types of crime and they’re broadly RIS

    Okay if they fail to go after somebody on social media or if they get themselves into some politically charged ra the guardian and editorials are right down their throat and they’re going for them but they had worked out that they can ignore burglary after burglary after burglary after burglary and all that

    Said of it and it’s a really important story but in some ways it’s grossly insufficient is the statistics at the end of it saying they’re not investigating it each one of those statistics is a home violated is a life ruined in many cases is property stolen and sure in many cases the insurance

    Will pay it back but your sens of home will never be the same again after people have been rumaging through it absolutely and I know so many people that’s happened to as well thank you very much indeed well let’s come back to your messages about Bry snack V to

    Tackle extremism on British streets what’s your reaction give us a call 03449 1000 text 872 get in touch on X at talk TV Kayla says it’s only because his cohorts are now having to put up with what the public has to put up with very good point yeah when it’s attacks on MPS

    That’s different right Wendy says it’s very one-sided this is more about stopping free speech and peaceful protest and Chris says better late than never although it’s probably too late already I do Wonder certainly about the new definition of extremism which frankly I mean could include an awful

    Lot of people who have very reasonable views uh you’ve also been getting in touch on the phones keep those calls coming in let’s go to Simon who’s in Winchester hello Simon good morning to you good morning to you sound very chirpy on this Sun Monday morning I have

    A wonderful time listening to you I follow a lot of things you say the only thing is you think so quickly I can barely keep up sorry I get hold off about that all the time there too much to say Simon right what do you want to

    Say about what Richi suak said outside down in Street what this whole issue of Richie Zac’s speech has triggered off with me me triggered off with me is the whole question what do we mean by democracy and can I just ask you a question did you ever listen to The Ref

    Lectures yes Professor Ben anel no oh no and I haven’t heard oh well I’ll look them up because he did four very fine speeches on Democracy uh the weaknesses of democracy security and the future of democracy and I refer to him I find it helpful for me

    To have what I call an academic structure of what we mean by democracy now I’m not going to give you a lecture but it’s not just us going to vote every four or five years do you think do you think that the Prime Minister I have to

    Bring it back to that do you think you think the prime minister is actually going to tackle extremism do you think our democracy is under threat I think what I’m getting at here this is the I’m not a politician the academic I’m trying to get

    Across a a kind of mental attit itude in politicians the media and things we democracy is something it’s a it’s a structure that needs to be protected now no person I mean the Prime Minister I think made a good start but it it takes a lot more than one person yeah to shift

    A lot of thinking into what is no I would I would abely agree with you that I’m going to have to leave it there because i’ I’ve going to have to go to Bak but I I I do agree with you and again my view is certainly Free Speech

    Democracy these things were fought for people died for them they don’t just exist a vacuum they have to be fought for every every generation again and again and again we should never take them for granted Simon thank you very much I’m going to look up those lectures I know they’re always available online

    Now coming up after the break the new MP for Rochdale one George Galloway will be sored into Parliament today this after richon act targeted both islamist and far right extremists we’ll talk about that plus the budget with s Duncan Smith up next don’t forget Douglas Murray

    Coming up in the next hour as well Julia Harley Brewer you’re with talk TV hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and we’re on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to AB an eve it me old Chinas but a new report is calling for a new definition of cotney all right Jeremy me old

    China Tre when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman not a woman transwoman is a man lee would have to go much further than his statement I mean

    He did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say that he’d got it wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from city council lovely woman called Anna and yeah I’ve I just received an email just saying um that

    Yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right too quite right too it’s that time again to get the violins out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled out you might as well be discussing an invasion of DARS for all I really get

    This but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my 8B noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I’m just about to do it oh it’s carry on what just happened missing there was a suggestion by some

    That maybe it would nice to put a statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr khah apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know it’s I know what’s coming and I can’t stop laughing so he suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a

    Prostitute a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those in jaaga square you just got to walk up to soos Why do you know this because I know everything uh was he just unlucky getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed

    Like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and U they put him in an ice cream store I read the statement this morning from the family and if any police officer reads that statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying it’s

    Heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say had lots of racism within it I don’t NE think it’s a racist country but it permeates our institutions but for her to say come out and vote and by the way when I was

    22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist did fail her we supposed to another she was 22 we’re supposed to have moved on from that don’t honk back

    On something you did that was wrong talk TV it’s the only place where you get the truth Welcome back to the show I’m Julia Harley Brewer you’re with talk TV now the new MP for Rochdale one George Gallow is to be spawn into Parliament today this after rishy snack on Friday targeted both islamist and far-right extremists saying democracy is under threat we’ll joining me now to discuss

    This and P more is former conservative party leader San Duncan Smith good morning to you San morning Julie morning thanks for join us um is democracy under threat well democracy is always under threat although I do think democracy right now is under threat globally and internally globally because we have a

    Growing what I call the axis of authoritarian States China North Korea Russia Iran Syria’s now join that group and others in the Middle East moving towards a much closer Coalition uh with China who themselves don’t have elected governments so permanently their task and China’s determination is to get rid

    Of democracy they don’t believe democracy is the right form of government they believe their authoritarian government is the same so with that goes uh getting rid of Russia most of the Middle East as well I mean there there certainly that case in terms of this country the Prime Minister

    Talked about extremism in this country he specifically mentioned not just islamist exist he says islamist extremist and Far Right groups are spreading a poison that poison is extremism a bit of a tautology there um but it may aims to drain us of our confidence in ourselves as a people and

    In our shared future after 14 years of conservative party rule why is our confidence in ourselves and our shared future being drained isn’t that down to a total abject lack of action to tackle this extremism well there’s no question there is extremism in existence of course it’s a minority position the majority of

    Those who live in this country want to get on with their lives so this is about a minority but who have a disproportionate effect so we have terrorism which we know exists and in fact I think uh probably least three quarters if not 80% of those terrorists

    Underwat now as are islamists and Other Extreme people who claim uh links to Islam but at the same time are terrorists trying to find their way so but there are others as well there’s been others the IRA there’s others as well that threaten and make poisonous uh

    Death threats I’ve had a number of death threats uh from various groups I can never figure out who they are but uh basically that does exist at the moment is it worse than it has been before yes I think recently the Gaza uh uh awful Gaza Saga has and the murder of the

    Jewish people in who were peacefully um partying Etc that’s had a Shockwave effect around the world you can see it marches endlessly all of that stuff and it’s the stuff that goes on in the marches which again is is not the majority but a minority do repeat these ridiculous slogans that are very

    Dangerous and threatening uh to Jewish people many come to March simply for the to Stop The Killing and the death and the war which is quite legitimate but there are others embed themselves into these things and use an opportunity to try and turn opinions uh into a very

    Aggressive the prime the prime minister in in that that address outside number 10 Downing Street he was talking about how you know um people should allow on those marches shouldn’t allow their marches to be hijacked by extremist those marches are organized by groups most of which have links to the Hamas

    Terrorist leadership but they’re organized by those people it’s not they’ve not been hijacked by them they they are using the people who are genuinely and quite rightly concerned about the Palestinian civilians under attack you know but but you know you don’t see people on those marches calling for you know down with Hamas

    Anyone who goes on those marches and has an anti- Hamas uh uh placard or or or or anything like that they have to be surrounded by police to protect them I mean doesn’t sound like a minority to me anymore well they are a minority but they are a minority that get their voice

    Heard the point I’d make very simply I don’t disagree with you is that you know how many of the people who cry foul over what’s going on in Gaza have ever bothered to cry foul over the genocide of the weer under China or the persecution of the Christians in China

    Or the uh in Mongolians in China or the Crackdown in Hong Kong or the terrible War now in Ukraine which has cost many many more lives and where they’re targeting deliberately uh civilian that leads us nicely into George Galloway the new MP for well is it roale is it Gaza

    It’s difficult to tell he mentioned Gaza uh in his acceptance speech in the early hours of Friday morning um he ran on a very divisive uh campaign ticket completely different leaflets to Muslim areas and white areas of the city and making it very clear what his priorities

    Were um but um you know he’s someone who has prais Saddam Hussein a man who killed millions of of Muslims in the Iran Iraq war um you know invasion of Kuwait like he he he has happily praised um Bashar al- Assad who who massacred millions of his own people and forc them

    Many into Exile in Syria um very very unhappy about what’s happening in Gaza though probably because it’s happening to them as a result of actions by Israel it doesn’t seem to have that much of an issue with Hamas he’s certainly certainly been very friendly with hollah

    Uh in his time um does his election as MP for Rochdale and his swearing in Parliament today is that is that a GameChanger is that a wakeup call to the political class or is it a danger to our democracy well I’ve known Geor Galloway for years and

    Uh he tends to Al light on areas where he can create the greatest division feed off that division uh and either get elected or to get heard Etc one thing that I always keep saying to people where was George Galloway and others when uh Iran continues to execute thousands of uh peaceful democracy

    Campaigners in Iran uh the government could do a lot more right now to kind of snuff out some of this stuff for example we have the Iranian Republican guard is not uh prescribed yet by the UK there are two Iranian banks that exist here in London these are also helping Finance

    Surreptitiously lots of what’s going on in terms of the Gaza thing and they are the supporters of Hamas without without Iran Hamas wouldn’t have done what they’ve done uh Hezbollah wouldn’t move what’s going on down amongst a hooti on the Red Sea where they deliberately Target and threaten uh shipping which is

    Going to put the cost of few food and fuel up again because they can’t go on the shorter route that’s all organized by Iran and yet the UK government still hasn’t prescribed the Iranian uh uh revolutionary guard Corp who are right behind all of this stuff America’s done

    It asked us to to to prescribe them and some other countries have done it too but the UK should do and I think there are actions we could take to M basically start trying to shut off uh the nonsense that Iran gets up toar we’re going to stop letting hate preachers into the

    Country something I thought we’d done many many years coulde with you more what what about what about I mean George Gallow you mentioned too you know Iran and Russia he’s happily taken payments in to the tune of thousand many thousands of pounds as a as a host of TV

    Shows on both Russian and Iran uh back to television G given that both of those countries are not democracies in any meaningful sense uh where people are hounded for you know journalists in particular and politicians uh basically murdered uh or imprisoned or tortured uh for their views what do you think about

    A man like that being in the House of Commons taking their money I mean I’ve been asked to go on RT a number of times and I always make it very clear that no one in this country should be working for R well well I I agree I find his views

    Reprehensible but uh you know he’s been elected and the one thing democracy whether you like the result or not he has been elected uh to represent uh the people and therefore he’s got to come and speak unless of course he starts talking up the idea of attacks terrorism

    Uh and the killings I mean the truth is the UK government following Rishi sunak speech could act now what we need to do is cut off the resources available to all of these uh very Hardline extremists who want to destroy the way we live our lives and all our freedoms it’s quite

    Ironic quite a lot of the time that those often that March don’t realize that some of the money behind a lot of what’s going on hug hugely in Gaza Etc is an organization that is busy killing thousands thousand own people in Iran just finally and very briefly if you

    Would because look we haven’t got the budget yet we don’t know there’s not much Point discussing too much about it until we’ve actually heard what Jeremy Hunt has to say on Wednesday but talk about whether there be a National Insurance cut an income tax cut one p or

    2p who knows whether it’s more they’re just playing down expectations do you genuinely think there is anyone in this country who has now had enough of the conservatives after 14 years who will say oh in that case to PE cut in my income tax or National Insurance I’ll

    Vote Tori again well it’s it depends on what you see as uh tax if you think tax is just a short-term bribe then it won’t change any opinions if you see what really this is all about which is to get the economy growing people like me think that the economy is now overtightened

    With the highest tax rates and with high interest rates we think the bank of England is guilty of raising interest rates uh too late and is now playing catchup and is going to reduce them too late so the economy’s problem is it’s not growing as it should do because the

    Costs of running business the costs of people’s income if you’re in Middle incomes you’re sliding across into higher rate tax banss that is an invidious really and should be stopped and so I have only one message to the chancellor you need to get growth this economy is very strong underneath but it

    Needs growth and that requires reducing the burdens of Regulation tax and getting the bank to bring the interest rates down so we can start getting the economy moving I have a huge faith in British Enterprise and people’s ability to work what you can’t do is expect them

    To do all of this if it’s not worthwhile at the end of the day because their taxes are too high and interest rates to D Smith thank you very much you do former conservative party leader appreciate that um com got it right commentator sorry Sam Armstrong is still

    With me leaving aside the the tax side of things for now uh but in terms of what he had to say in terms of what we need to do to tackle extreme missum what what do you have to say about what Ian Duncan Smith said well Ian Duncan Smith

    Just named two or three other actions that the government could take including prescribing the Iranian revolutionary guard perfectly good policy something that would work have a tangible effect the Prime Minister has done and is going to do none of those things they are going to rehash some words from the past

    They’re going to reann policies and they are not at the moment prepared to take the really tough actions that we need to see to deal with this problems yeah I wonder if Ian Duncan Smith was still the leader of the conservative party as opposed to Rishi Sun whether that would

    Be I think he does understand these things rather more clearly I think certainly saying that right let’s talk about what your thoughts are on this what’s your reaction to Rishi s vowing to tackle extremism on British streets call 03449 1000 text 872 or get in touch

    At talktv Chris has done that he says too little too late only bothered when it affected them now they want security for a threat they Den night existed exactly Jeff says talk is cheap don’t listen to what they say see what they do and Jay says a bit like shutting the

    Gate when the horse is already bolted uh you’ve also been getting a touch on the phones let’s go to Chris who’s in s hello Chris morning Julia morning Sam I’ve really enjoyed listening to the program great for most part this morning what do you want to say what you what’s

    Your reaction to What richy said what Richie said was just words I mean have you ever heard a speech that was less impassioned and had less backbone true CU I haven’t no I I I mean I was Des sparing when I when I watched it absolutely despairing I was I

    Mean the funny thing is you just had IDs on um I don’t know who he upset in the party but he he would make a much better leader than sunak and the the problem is they’re taking us for fools the other Chris that texted into you is right

    They’re now starting to take the uh view of security seriously because they’re under threat whereas I had a beautiful Penthouse flat on the commercial Road in to hamlets in one of the new developments yeah and I used to have to go and meet I had a whole mix of friends

    And when girls came I would have to walk down to liouse link to walk them back to the apartment and this was 15 years ago because they would be spat on and shouted at it’s not attacked and that was 15 years ago I moved out I moved out

    The yeara I’m back in sorry now right interesting so you’re you’re saying basically a lot people are saying MP’s prime minister only care because it’s happening to them and actually people have been warning about all this for a long time have all been told shut up you’re saying the wrong thing but oh

    What a surprised we weren’t Chris I really appreciate your call thank you so much keep on listening and watching coming up after the break Buckingham Palace has criticized The Madness of social media after conspiracy theories bound about the absence of the Princess of Wales plus latest difficulties for

    One and only prince Andrew I’m Julia Harley you’re with talk TV hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and we’re on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to have an e it me old chin but a new report is calling for a new definition of copn all

    Right Jeremy me old China o when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman is not a woman transwoman is a man lee would have

    To go much further than his statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say that he’ got it wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from city council lovely

    Woman called Anna and yeah i’ I just received an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right too quite right too it’s that time again to get the violins out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his biid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled

    Out May might as well be discussing an invasion of darx for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my 8 pound no reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I’m just about

    To do it oh it’s carry on what just happened were missing there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put statue of the queen on the fourth BL Mr khah apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know it’s I know what’s coming

    And I can’t stop laughing so he suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a prostitute a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those Ina Square he just got to walk up to soos Why do you know this because I know

    Everything uh was he just unlucky getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and U they put him in an ice cream store I read the

    S this morning from the family and if any please Poli officer reads that statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying is heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say had lots of racism within it I don’t NE think

    It’s a racist country but it permeates our institutions but for her to say come out and vote and by the way when I was 22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist did supped

    To she was 22 we’re supposed to have moved on from that don’t honk back on something that was wrong TV it’s the only place where you get the Truth welcome back to the show I’m Julia harle BR and you are with talk TV let’s talk Royal news now and Buckingham Palace has critic The Madness of social media as conspiracy theories have abounded about the princess of wales’s Health Online after she underwent abdominal surgery more than six weeks

    Ago she hasn’t been seen since also prince Andrew is fearing being back in the news joining me now to discuss this is editor of majesty magazine and author of the new uh biography of King Charles and the late Queen my mother and I ingred Seward thank you so much for joining us

    Ingred thank you um let’s talk first of all about prince Andrew because front page of Sunday Mirror yes today saying that prince Andrew faces a fresh Court bombshell and this is new questions over his support for his pedophile friend Jeffrey Epstein uh with a release of shock well shocking release of court

    Papers uh these are court papers which will by Florida Governor Ronda santz signing a bill allowing this grand jury testimony going all the way back to the 2006 probe into sex trafficking by Jeffrey Epstein he was able to do an incredibly sweetheart deal there were some 40 women and girls who came forward

    Saying they’ve been sexual trafficked by him and used by him um and and yet they was able to be bar you know lobbied down and plead bad bargained down to just one case he ended up serving we got two years senders ending up serving only less than a year Behind Bars most of

    That he was on day release anyway um and it’s understood that prince Andrew basically gave a testimony on his behalf and urged the authorities to give him that plea deal carried on staying friends with him afterwards if that testimony comes out that’s the end of Prince Andrew isn’t

    It I do totally agree with you Julia I think that it would be so damaging if it was revealed if if because we don’t know yet that that the Duke of York prince Andrew whatever you would like to call him had pleaded on Jeffrey Epstein’s behalf um and actually helped prevent

    Him having a stiffer sentence um I’m sure that Epstein got got all his powerful friends to Lobby on his behalf and we we don’t know if Andrew is involved or not we we do know that Andrew saw him afterwards yeah after he’d been released stayed at his

    House yeah stayed in his house in in New York which is where those rather incriminating photographs were taking of him sort of peeking around the door but this is so damaging and especially for young PE younger people who may not you know know much about prince Andrew and

    May not know that he was once you know you know a hero he he was a hero of the Forkland War um they won’t know any of that and they just see him uh you know they just see him for what they read well he’s he’s a man who’s friends with

    Peter files and and pays millions of pounds to woman he claims never to have met you claim she raped him I mean you know I mean I’m sorry but you know that that’s all people are going to know about him we know we’ got that new film

    Version of the interview he did on newsight with Emy matless coming out as well very soon but was also bearing in mind that part of that plea bargain that plea deal was extraordinary ment that none of his associates would ever be facing any criminal charges of course one of those Associates was Prince

    Andrew we shall see what happens there if that does happen in the coming days I mean that is going to explode everywhere um that will I suppose at least do away with some of the conspiracy theories the wild theories uh all over the Internet social medias will watch them we’re not

    Going to speak about it I don’t want to Panda to any of those conspiracy theories about Princess of Wales Kate we know she’s had abdominal surgery we know when she had it where she had it she’s not been seen since then some six weeks plus ago been various absences of other

    Royals as well including her husband from his own Godfather’s memorial service big concerns about the state of her health but is the palace wrong to to not give more information feeding those conspiracy theories or do they have a right as I’m sure you and I agree they

    Have a right to privacy about their health well I think I I think that Kate has a right to privacy about her health I don’t think any woman would NE necessarily want to publicize uh you know some health problems that she’s had anything to do with abdominal surgery is

    Very very private and I think that the trouble was what happened on social media was when uh the Prince of Wales William sort of backed out of his Godfather King Conan’s memorial service with sort of 45 minutes before the service was due to start that’s what started all of this off because they

    They thought well you know maybe something’s wrong with Kate why don’t we know why haven’t we seen her and the palace said but look we said you wouldn’t see her you know until probably after Easter and they’ve always said that but it doesn’t stop these rumors happening I think that really there’s

    Not very much you can do about them except um ignore them because there’s going to be rumors whatever happens I mean exactly there are rumors when she’s in the news every day the thing is we did get used to the point and I was always taking the mid when I was doing

    Newspaper reviews you know that it’s virtually the law now that has to be a picture of Kate and a new outfit on the front page of virtually every newspaper every single day they we should very aitous but now the royal family has gone down to it’s much more slim down royal

    Family without all the sort the random extras who know were living in K Palace years and it’s just gone you know no Prince Harry and Dess of suix and no prince Andrew that actually there aren’t many to go around and while the king’s being treated for cancer and Kate out of

    Action Prince of Wales out of action for quite some time while looking after her and the children early on in her recovery you there aren’t many need to go round and this leaves something of a vacuum and as we know these vacuums have a habit of getting filled with chitter

    Chatter well absolutely but this is this was King Charles’s uh his ultimate aim was always to have a slim D monarchy he felt there were too many Royals uh doing too many things and being a burden to the taxpayer so he thought he would he would definitely slim it down and he

    Said this years ago and I think he’s right and I think we don’t need to see well although be lovely for all of people like me but other people don’t need to see various Royals doing so many things I think keeping it to the core of the family is

    A very good idea but of course then when one or two of them drop out it is much more noticeable but um they they’ve been fairly open with us the palace much more open than they used to be that’s that’s certain yeah the trouble is of course

    It’s never open enough for some people is it you claim once you start being open then people want more and more obviously that’s that’s human nature yeah absolutely we shall see what happens in the coming weeks thank you very much you editor of majesty magazine author of my mother and I about Prince

    King still you can’t you’ve had 50 years of saying that hav you um Sam Armstrong SL in the studio just brief word I mean conspiracy theories I don’t want to go into any of them because I don’t want to fuel them at all it’s understandable but

    Should the palace be more open or should they’ve just not told us anything at all well well I feel very sorry for Kate not least because we’ve also had the news this morning that her uncle is on his way to Celebrity Big Brother Stay classy apparently got a right old ear bashing

    From her mom quite right too I I have a real problem with these nobody other than you’re related to her why why do that to your nie yeah she’s recovering in hospital from or at home from a really whatever it is is is clearly a major surgery and this is really the

    Last thing they need I just these people everywhere every family’s got one well exactly know dut the saic has got one exactly as well thank you very much indeed very much appreciate that uh coming up after the break we’re going to be talking to a survivor of the Nova

    Music Festival Massacre on October the 7th we’re also going to be joined live uh by Douglas Murray plenty more coming up lots more to talk about um but we’ve got obviously more of course from Sam Armstrong as well uh this is talk TV I’m Julia Heartley hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to AB an eve it me old chinina but a new report is calling for a new definition of cotne all right

    Jeremy me old China o o treat go when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman not a woman

    Transwoman is a man lee would have to go much further than his statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’ need to say that he’d got it wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from city council lovely

    Woman called Anna and yeah i’ I justed an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right too quite right too is that time again to get the violins out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his biid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled

    Out you might as well be discussing an invasion of DARS for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my 8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I was

    Just about to do it it’s carry on what just happened missing there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put a statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr khah apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know it’s I know what’s coming

    And I can’t stop laughing so he suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a prostitute a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those in jaaga square you just got to walk up to soos Why do you know because I know

    Everything uh was he just unlucky getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and U they put him in an ice cream store I read the

    St this morning from the family and if any police officer reads that statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying it’s heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say had lots of racism within it I don’t NE think

    It’s to RAC this country but it permeates our institutions but for her to say come out and vote and by the way when I was 22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m

    Sorry I think the feminist did fail her we supposed another she was 22 we’re supposed to have moved on from that don’t Hawk back on something you did that was wrong talk TV it’s the only place where you get the truth on TV on Radio and on your smartphone this is talk TV good afternoon welcome back to the show I’m Julia Harley brew and you are with talk TV we’re on TV on radio online and on your smart speaker and I’m with you live from 10 until 1 coming up in this hour the new MP for Rochdale George

    Gallow is to be sworn into Parliament today this after rishy snack targeted both islamist and Far Right Far Right extremist uh saying democracy is under threat we’ll talk to Douglas Murray about all of that coming up US vice president Cela Harris has called for immediate sees firing GZA in order to

    Get hostages out and in a moment I’ll be talking to survivor of the Nova Music Festival Massacre on October the 7th who hid for 8 hours as her friends were shot dead by Hammer terrorist uh plus wheel look ahead to what the US US Supreme

    Court is set to rule today on whether to uphold Colorado’s bid to ban Donald Trump from running for president ahead of super Tuesday tomorrow all that coming up first let’s get the latest news headlines with Natalia Hoka good afternoon ministers are set to broaden the government’s definition of

    Extremism as part of a Crackdown on protesters the times reported that Rishi sunak is Consulting with ministers to update the definition which the government says is no longer Being Fit for purpose a new definition which is still being finalized is expected to cover those whose actions more broadly

    Undermine the country’s values it comes after George Galloway was criticized by the Prime Minister after his surprising win in the Rochdale byelection the new MP is set to be sworn in later today but has received a push back from sunak who has described his win as Beyond alarming

    For British democracy Peter Ford the deputy leader of the Workers Party of Britain told Tor TV the attack on his MP was Sak’s way of trying to scare the public there was no extremism on display and what sunak is doing is trying to whip up hysteria in the hope of rescuing

    Tory fortunes is politicizing of the situation with the Muslim Community is quite shameful and dangerous as the government prepares to unveil its last spring budget before a general election the chancellor has again hinted he could be on the verge of introducing more tax cuts Jeremy Hunt

    And the Prime Minister have been in last minute talks over the weekend as they face significant pressure from Tory backbenches to win back voters meanwhile Jeremy hunt and his team are facing further pressure from the motoring industry to use the budget to help jumpstart electric vehicle sales in the

    UK former Top Gear presenter and motoring journalist Quinton Wilson says it’s an outdated fee that makes no sense for the 38% of people who don’t have driveways in this country it’s a barrier to adoption and it’s slowing down the take up of electric cars the vat laws on

    This were written in the early ’90s before electric cars were even a a twinkle in in Elon musk’s eyes the media Watchdog ofcom has ruled that Lawrence Fox’s misogynistic comments about female journalist AA Evans on GB news broke broadcasting rules the actor turned political activist made the remarks on

    Dan won’s show which prompted nearly 9,000 complaints the most complained about TV event last year off Kim said Fox’s comments were degrading and demeaning both to Miss Evans and women generally fox has since been sacked by the channel a state of emergency has been declared in Haiti after armed gangs

    Released more than 4,000 criminals who are being held in the capital’s main prison the men stormed the compound in Porter Prince last night and allowed everyone who was being held there to walk free the country has seen violence worsen in recent years as gangs aim to

    House the Prime Minister and the rnl is celebrating saving more than 146,000 lives as it marks its 200th anniversary a service of Thanksgiving is being held today at Westminster Abbey with representatives from the charity from across the UK and Ireland attending talk TV correspondent nor Elby Nick Elvy is

    At one of the newest and busiest rnli stations in chisik West London and also recently we’ve had the rnli dragged into the culture wars as well with politicians like Nigel farage calling it a glorified taxi service for illegal migrants picking them up in the channel

    Well only 3% of rnli callouts are to do with those small boats and as you mentioned 238 stations all around the country mostly on beaches that’s all from me now time for a look at today’s weather with nazanine Gaffer times radio sponsors talk TV weather hello lots of Sun out there today but rain for some areas we can see in the earlier radar picture there’s lots of rain piling in to the southwest of the UK as well as across the far Northeast over Shetland and orne it’s a

    Cloudy damp picture there the rain across the Southwest will be steadily moving its way northeastwards for this afternoon across Island Wales the West country towards the West Midlands and Central Southern England later everywhere else mostly fine and bright perhaps a bit cloudier for Eastern England though lots of sunshine and dry

    Weather for Mainland Scotland and Northern England later that rain reaches Northern Island into this evening and overnight it continues its Journey further north and eastwards eventually over towards the northeast of Scotland and the Eastern Seaboard of England turning mostly light and patchy nature as it does further south and west it

    Becomes clear and cold a chilly night but not as cold as the previous one but I think we’ll still see a frost for many areas as well as areas of mist and fog that will be quite slow to clear through tomorrow now tomorrow much of the UK

    Will see Sunshine once again but there will be rain across Island then Northern Island into western parts of Britain later on mainly showers and the far Northeast of Scotland will also see some spells of rain but mainly dry and bright Elsewhere times radio sponsors talk TV Weather good afternoon welcome back to the show I’m Julia Harley brew and you are with talk TV still with me in the studio is commentator Sam Armstrong and uh today we’ve been asking you about what richy snack had to say on Friday he’s vowed to tackle extremism on

    British streets I want to know what your reaction is particularly when he mentioned far right extremism in the same breath as islamist extremism give us a call on 03449 1,000 text 872 we’ll get in touch on X talktv calls a charge at the national rate text cost one

    Standard Network rate message it has to be said uh you have not uh been speaking very warmly about what he had to say this of course on the day that George Galloway is going to be sworn in as a new MP for Rochdale or is it Gaza it’s

    Really difficult to tell isn’t it moving on though uh US vice president Cala Harris has called for an immediate Seas far in Gaza for at least the next six weeks in order to get hostages out and called on Israel to allow more humanitarian Aid in to help starving

    Civilians so we’re going to be talking to Douglas Murray about all of that coming up first up though I don’t think we should forget about how this all started and no it wasn’t 75 years ago or 15 years ago or four years ago it was

    Just a matter of a few months ago on October the 7th I’m joined Now by one of the survivors of the October 7th massacre at the Nova Music Festival that’s Noah kalash good afternoon to youno thank you very much for joining us having me my my first impression when

    You walked into the studio while the news was on was how young you are you’re just 23 years old you’re just a few years older than my own daughter and you have had the most awful harrowing horrific experience the sort of experience that parents spend their whole lives trying to make sure their

    Children never have to go through and you seem so together terrifyingly so given what you’ve gone through um you are here in the UK to help publicize uh a documentary a very short 15-minute documentary called Nova the name of the music festival you were at on October

    The 7th um involves raw material footage shot by people at the festival you are one of those there we have some footage that you yourself shot unfortunately it’s not of you dancing and having fun with your friends it’s you carrying underneath a bush desperately trying to stay alive which thankfully you did but

    Your many of your friends did not tell us in your own words firsthand testimony what happened on that day that day was uh supposed to be all about freedom music nature and good people beautiful people celebrating their lives and turned out to be the biggest nightmare possible you were dancing having fun

    With a bunch of friends at a music festivals bu off a Peace festival as well what was the first sign that anything was wrong Rockets being shot above us I looked at the sky not unusual though in that part of Israel it happens this is uh the the area of the Gaza

    Strip so as funny as it sound it’s like how our reality so it happens and so did you go to take cover did you go to flea at that point um they shut down the party and they just told us to that the Finish they finished the party and we

    Have to go back home and um I decided to stop at the side of the road in a bomb shelter until things will come down a little bit and uh it didn’t happen so we eventually decided to continue driving home mhm and that’s when we first saw

    The terrorist and were they driving to you did you see the paragliders that people who came in from the air yeah we saw everything it was a big mess but um uh the first encounter I had with a terrorist were uh when they started

    Shooting at as the at on the cars so you in a convoy of people leaving the festival yeah and suddenly there were Convoy of terrorists shooting at you yeah exactly and then you realized immediately what was happening what did you think was happening I thought maybe it’s a few terrorists who

    Run away from the Gaza Strip because that’s also usual in this side of the country we didn’t understand the size of the attack thousands of thousands okay so you’re in a car with friends with my friend yeah just one friend yeah um a guy mhm what did you

    Do the minute we met them I had to spin my car because they were shooting at all the cars and uh we I was driving back to the Rave area and they started to close at us from every direction possible until we got stuck in a huge traffic of

    Thousands of cars trying to escape the party that’s when um the security and police told us just run away run for your life you’re not going to be able to get out through your vehicle so just physically run physically run so you got out of your cars um was it mayhem I mean

    Presumably you got the shooting you’ve got the noise of that people screaming can you could you did you see people who were already shot already I saw people falling down running and just falling on the way we lost like while running we lost people on the way and where did you

    Run to where do you run to the open field yeah like everywhere looking for a place to hide a bush or a tree or anything we could see until they started we we started hearing uh guns from another place from the place we are running towards so we had to change

    Direction again and then we got into an open field where we didn’t have any place to hide so my friend took my hand and uh we got into the first Bush we saw he had to break the branches and to push me inside and we were in that bush for

    Eight hours and we’ve got a picture of you right now a video you you filmed of yourself just lying on the ground as still as possible silent just hoping not to be found hoping against hope8 hours you landay there that’s how long did the shooting around

    You go on for that whole time or that whole time we didn’t have 5 Seconds of silent and you must have been aware although probably unable to see out properly without risking your life that those shots were not being fired into the air they were being shot into fellow human human beings

    Yeah and you could hear people screaming crying it was uh we were just us me and my friend alone with another girl who was hiding in the bush near us and uh they took her because we could hear them walking outside our Bush it was very

    Thick so they couldn’t see us and we couldn’t see clearly outside but we could hear everything and um but you were aware of another girl who was in by but you could see her no we can only hear her you heard her and then you you became aware

    Of her when they found that the hammer terrorist found her what did they do with her they said don’t worry we’re not going to hurt you come with us drink some water and she said No don’t touch me I’m scared and the minute after silent what were you feeling at this

    Time what were you what were you thinking I was just thinking about living another second you were literally you’re not thinking about tomorrow not thinking about the next hour you’re it’s impossible to think about tomorrow what what goes through your head when hamus terrorists outside like

    A meter or two away from a bush that you are hiding in closing my eyes yeah not stopping my my my breath just so they won’t hear us hugging each other that’s it you survived did your friends survive my friend who was with me in the bush survived but many of my

    Bestest friend are not with us and one of them is held hostage in Gaza their name Romy gonan how old she’s 23 years old she’s my age we used to travel together for six months she’s you know each other inside out yeah yeah one of the biggest concerns now about the hostages being

    Held in Gaza by Hamas concerns that many may be dead possibly up to a 30 or more of the 134 beliefs still be being held um Hamas won’t confirm this one of the reasons why some of the ceasefire talks are not moving ahead um but there’s also concern about how they’re being treated

    Not just lack of food medicine medical care but also given the testimonies we have had and the the those who saw and witnessed horrific rape gang rape mutilation torture of people um particularly the Gang rape of women um other people who were hiding who witnessed physically witnessed it but

    The concern that what is about what is happening in the hamus tunnels it’s a horrible thing to talk about particular when it’s someone you’re here in front of me what are your fears what are her family fears it’s impossible to even think about a young girl just like me a good

    Friend of mine such as many others that are still held hosp a completely normal life a few months ago like beauti young girls um I can’t even imagine what they’re going through it’s it’s hard to to even think about what’s happening there right now especially to to the

    Girls because of the sexual assault and and all the testimonies we’re starting to hear I’m just hoping that they’re okay somehow and that that she gets out along with many others um a lot of people online particularly but certainly uh I mean in the millions seem to believe very conspiracy theories about

    What happened now you’re not a political person you’ve told me before we started the interview um about you know did this happen you know did Israel bring it on themselves did they know it was going to happen did they want an excuse to go into Gaza are these testimonies real

    Were women really raped were they you know were were there many people killed um why are you choosing to speak out why are you choosing to tell your your story about what happened to you why is that important to you you know it happened in a music festival in Israel but it could

    Have happened in another International other music festival it could be here it could be New York or any other big city and people need to put their themselves in our shoes for a minute because all I did was going out to party and enjoy with my good friends and I couldn’t

    Imagine that this is how things are going to end that they’re going to take my my friend and it’s it’s already been 150 days they’re held in Gaza it’s impossible to even think about it so I’m here to say the truth I’m here to say bring them back bring them back now all

    Of them are you worried that October the 7th is already being forgotten are you worried that for instance we had people celebrating on the streets of you know America Europe across the middle east on the day of this massacre when it first emerged celebrating what had happened

    And denying a lot of what had happened we have journalists here in the UK you know who you are who who believe the testimony of any Hollywood actress who says this is some some Hollywood director slapped my bum but doesn’t don’t believe the testimony of women who witnessed their friends their loved ones

    Being raped and tortured and mutilated do you what how do you deal with that as someone who’s been there since October 7th um explaining and telling my story and and telling the world what’s happened has become my life mission because people don’t believe us and the movie that we were talking about is

    Exactly about that it’s about showing the pure truth that’s what happened without editing anything that’s the raw documentaries that’s the truth you can’t H like have not faith in it because and and yet and yet interesting you know some of the footage that you know that’s been shown to journalists in particular

    But some on is actually from Hamas Fighters themselves their own body cams or stuff that they themselves have put out on telegram of what they did so I never I what I find bizarre is how many people can deny something that even the perpetrators have not just admitted to

    Have proudly celebrated with their own footage um I’m going to have to ask you about this I look you’re not a politician you’re not representing you know the Israeli government you’re just an ordinary woman who just went to a music festival who’s become a victim of

    This um but lot of Focus right now on what’s happening in Gaza a lot of focus what’s happening to civilians in particular women and children women your age younger than you children um who are facing salvation facing threats from bombs they didn’t ask for this they

    They’re as much victims of this many US would argue as you and your friends and others who who were victims um of this of this horrible horrible uh War um should should there be a ceasefire even if that does doesn’t mean all of the hostages ever get out or should is a

    Ceasefire vital to get them out and what do you feel about humanitarian aid for those people I believe that we can all see it that Hamas has zero Humanity for anyone it doesn’t matter if it’s about Israelis or Palestinian their own civilians and this is a mutual war against

    Hamas that’s what we need to keep in mind because it’s it’s impossible and it’s really hard to understand how many lives have been taken since October 7th on both sides and I’m it hurts me as much as it hurts them and I would like my friends

    To come back home and I wish I wouldn’t have lost so many friends and I wish we all as a nation as the the citizens of the world wouldn’t lost so many lives in Gaza as well absolutely now your your hair is covering it slightly but you

    Wear that yellow ribbon which is to bring back the hostages something we should never never forget also you wear you’re wearing a dog tag there neckace what does it say on that it says we will dance again and I honestly believe and wish for the day that we will dance

    Again no Kish thank you very much you’re incredibly Brave I am I am so pleased you’re here to tell the tale and I’m so sorry that uh so many of your loved ones were didn’t make it um thank you thank you for giving your your your your firsthand testimony which is what we

    Clearly need to have of what’s actually happened thank you thank you so do stay with us while we talked to Sam Armstrong’s commentator listening to all of this you and I have discussed this so many times since it’s happened in October last year and and it it does

    Still stagger me how many people would either deny or or Justify or or or I mean just or criticize you know what what happened on on on on October 7th as if it is the fault of the people or or who were killed or mutilated or taken

    Hostage or raped or or or the fault of the government that was in charge of protecting those people some facts if I might and you’ll have to forgive me for being political here Noah but the protests in this country started don’t forget started within days of the events

    Of October the 7th they started before the IDF had fired a single bullet there were people who all they knew was what had happened to Noah and their friends who went on the streets of this country and celebrated attacked the victims and did much much worse and in this country

    We have just elected one of those cheerleaders as a member of parliament who will be deciding and voting upon the laws under which we are government and he was proud of it he stood up and said this is for Gaza we are living in Bleak times when there are victims of

    Grotesque terrorists violence and sexual assault who do not count simply and solely for the reason that they are Jewish and then the people who endorse defend and just ify those actions that attitude are put into the most powerful body we have in this country it could not be Bleaker or darker absolutely and

    Again internationally as well with the UN and as well and there even the UN women’s agency refusal to condemn what has happened undoubtedly happened to Israeli women on October 7th and and since in those Hammer tunnels um it is it is extraordinary um how do we deal

    With though because there’s no doubt at all we’ve got you know even Cala Harris the the the US vice president you know allowed out of you know the locked room they keep her in normally so she doesn’t speak out in you know anyone to hear her

    But talking about how we need to have that ceasefire we need to have it immediate but she said you for at least six weeks but she was calling on Hamas to agree to the terms now we know there’s a lot of dispute about you with all the different countries involved in

    Those negotiations over what those terms would be for me I find the idea of an exchange of one ham one Hamas held hostage for you know hundred um Palestinian prisoners I find I find that obscene I I really do um and we’re not even talking about getting all the

    Hostages out when the reality is even needing this needing the humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza which undoubtedly they need you know you know an eight-year-old child who’s currently starving to death he’s been moved from their home in no way in no way is a perpetrator of this this evil attack on

    October the 7th is a victim of that but the key thing here is it is Hamas who are the enemies of not just Israel and Jews but the enemies of Palestinian people and of Muslims it is Hamas that is the enemy for everybody Hamas is the problem and anyone who wants to do

    Anything to stop Israel defeating Hamas is not really on the side of the Palestinian people in my view and the reality is hamas’s tactics mean whether this war is short or long that there are going to be civilian casualties and that is awful but if the solution to that

    Problem is to allow Hamas to recover to rebuild to refine its strength such so they can get to the point where they can go out and do again what they did which they said they wanted to do they are devoted to it as far as I’m concerned

    Every one of the dogs the animals the beasts that did what they did on October 7th need to be run down captured and brought to Justice and look I would like some of them to be tried as well not just fought in war to be tried brought

    Before the courts they went into a country that is Israel that has laws and they committed Crimes of the lowest order everybody needs to be on board with whatever it takes to make that happen and make that happen quickly and as peacefully as it possibly can be Sam

    Arrog thank you very much indeed for that thank you also again to no really appreciate if you just join me we’re going to take some more messages from our audience vak has vowed to tackle extremism on British streets I want to know what your reaction is give us a

    Call 03449 1000 text. 87 tre2 you can get in touch on X at talk TV as well John has done just that he says oh there an election coming up let’s not not forget the conservatives have been in power for years and changed the face and

    Safety of the UK Sally says what he means is he is going to put more restrictions on our freedoms of speech that’s a big concern too and Pam says I wouldn’t trust the British government to run a bath at alone a country I have to say we’ve not had many positive messages

    About anything the government has announced in the last few weeks uh you’ve also been getting in touch on the phones please keep those calls coming in let’s go to Herby who is in London hello Herby yes sir good morning good afternoon afternoon late night for Herby

    Last night HBY what do you want to say about what wasak had to say uh well it’s been going on for a long time I mean to say religion and politics do not work together at all you know it’s dividing everybody you know whatever your beliefs

    Are is your beliefs you should be able to appreciate that everybody has a difference of opinion and you should respect it I hate to tell you in most of the world religion drives politics in most of the world unfortunately unfortunately yes it does and we are being we you know extremism is taking

    Over very quickly it’s been going on for a long time but nobody is able to say anything about it because they’re too afraid to how you think well you get if you’re home secretary you get sacked if you’re a former deputy chairman of the conservative party you can lose the Tory

    Whip and then do you think it was extraordinary that the Prime Minister was saying I mean I know different language but basically making the same point that both s bravman and Le Anderson had made who basically kind of lost their jobs for it yeah well this is

    It you see how can you say anything you know extremism is now breaking out time and regardless of what’s been going on you know the whole world is at the moment on a Tinder Box of of Doom and Gloom by the sounds of it the way things

    Are going and there’s nobody able to control what is happening you know extremism is not very nice because you have a difference of opinion you know you’re condemned you can’t say this you can’t do that you can’t have this you can’t have that for God’s sake what are

    We going to do how are we going to break away from these I mean that’s the concern how how do we do that Herby thank you so much for calling and to appreciate a lot your frustration a lot of people be with you with that coming

    Up after the break we’re going to talk more about the new MP for rochell George Gallow is’s going to be swor into Parliament today this after rishy act targeted both islamist and far-right extremists think democracy is under threat we’re going to be hearing what Douglas Murray thinks about all of that

    As he joins us live next you do not want to miss it I’m Julia Harley Brewer and you’re with to TV hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and we’re on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to AB an eve it me old chin but a new report is calling for a new definition of cotney all right Jeremy me old

    China Tre go when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman not a woman transwoman is a man lee would have to go much further

    Than his statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say that he’d got it wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from city council lovely woman called Anna and yeah i’ I justed

    An email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right too quite right too is that time again to get the violins out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled out but you might as well be discussing

    An invasion of darx for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my 8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I’m just about to do it oh it’s carry on

    What just happened were missing there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put a statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr khah apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know it’s I know what’s coming and I can’t stop laughing so he

    Suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a prostitute a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those in choga square you just got to walk up to soos Why do you know this because I know everything uh was he just unlucky

    Getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed like he was on a late night show to attract a young democra and U they put him in an ice cream store I read the stat this morning from the family and if

    Any police officer reads that statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying is heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say had lots of racism within it I don’t NE think it’s a racist country but it permeates

    Our institions but for her to say come out and vote and by the way when I was 22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist did fail her we supposed to

    Another she was 22 we’re supposed to have moved on from that don’t honk back on something you did that was wrong talk TV it’s the only place where you get the truth Welcome back to the show I’m Julia hleb you with talk TV now the new MP for Rochdale George Galloway is going to be sworn into Parliament today or is he the new MP for Gaza it’s so difficult to tell these days this after of issue in act targeted both islamist and for some

    Reason far right extremist on Friday saying that democracy is under threat this comes as hate preachers will be blocked from entering the UK as a terror Threat Level we’re told reaches its highest since 9/11 but I thought hate preachers were already not allowed in the country let’s talk about all of this

    And plenty more besides with author and jealous Douglas Murray who joins me right now uh good afternoon to you Douglas good afternoon thanks for joining us um I mean you know we’re only talking about islamist extremism now after the rise of what we’re seeing on our streets so go oh don’t forget also

    Farri right extremism because richy seems just as concerned about that does he not even though I’ve not really seen that being a particular issue on our streets every other Saturday or indeed with uh uh you know what is going on in terms of threats to Parliament but there

    We are that’s that’s up to him um but this all comes of course after uh G George Galloway was elected as the new MP for Rochdale but then immediately said this was for Gaza all goes back to what my last guest went through Noah at

    On October the 7th um how did we get here Douglas well it’s it’s several things Julia as you know I mean the first is obviously and in the case of a a parliamentary seat like Rochdale uh it’s a result of um Mass migration for many years and a total failure uh to

    Integrate populations as I’ve said repeatedly uh for a very long time now if you import the world’s people you also import the world’s problems and you know there’s a reason why it wasn’t just Galloway but uh um the the labor candidate uh um for rale of course had

    To had to pull out or was dumped eventually by the labor party for making anti-semitic comments it’s no coincidence it it isn’t a coincidence that there was a sort of cluster of people who Pander to certain bigotries in that seat it’s that’s what a significant number of people in that

    Voting district want and uh you know Galloway is is is an opportunist of course um but he was was giving the local electorate or part of the local electorate uh what they want if you were an ordinary citizen who cared about you know unemployment poverty opportunity

    And much more in that area you you didn’t really get a say you didn’t get anyone to vote for um in this election it was interesting the leaflet yeah the leaflets that were put out there were two very different white boards got you know it’s all about the I know what a

    Woman is rochell grooming gangs the local maternity hospital but it was the Muslims it’s all about Gaza and he said he said in his his speech you know this was this was a win for Gaza when this is a city or sort town that has huge

    Problems I mean huge issues of of you know poverty and deprivation and desperately needs an awful lot to be dealt with and I’m not entirely sure that they should be concerning themselves almost entirely with what’s going on in Gala I mean that’s their choice but it’s not going to necessar

    Help those people it’s all connected though Julia I mean r Dale as most people watching will know uh is the scene of one of the most appalling rape gang scandals in modern Britain and uh there’s an interesting conundrum that that throws itself up here which is what

    Happens if uh you are a voter in Rochdale who has uh seen uh this happen in your neighborhood who knows it happening who probably knows of victims and uh you’d like to get your voice heard well well well here are the options uh you can uh make your voice

    Heard in the way that most of us can democracy which is to speak up uh make your voice heard by you know going out on the streets or attending a demonstration or something but no no no no if you did that you would be decried as a member of the far right immediately

    Um because you’re not allowed to have a a voice on matters like that if you happen to be uh particularly white and working class let alone and a white working-class male which it seems is is is the least um Pleasant thing to be in the eyes of much of the commentariat in

    The UK you’re not meant to have a voice but let’s say instead of turning out on the streets or making your voice heard in opposition to rape gangs then you waited patiently to exercise your vote in the Democratic process well well then you have um a bunch of people uh ranting

    About the Jews and uh friends of Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-assad uh uh all showing up and again pandering to the local Muslim vote and you don’t really have a say then either yeah so when Rishi sunak and others uh play this game of oh it’s about islamist but also the

    Far-right yeah there are some some far-right people in the UK and they are completely on the fringes and they’re disliked by everybody and they don’t have any place in our democracy they they’re not in Parliament they don’t get voted into Parliament rich sunak had to summon up the Spectre of the former head

    Of the British national Party Nick Griffin who’s had absolutely no presence in public life for 13 or 14 years now had to summon up him up like a ghoul uh as an example of the far right but I go back to this point what if you’re just a

    Concerned voter in Rochdale who has seen the Muslim rape gangs in your area who has seen all of the equivocation of the political class and has seen everybody who’s spoken up about it decried as far right you know where exactly are you a louder voice on this yes exactly and

    That’s the thing and again I think lots of people watching that speech that Richie snack made were s quite shocked by again the sort of on the one hand far right on the one hand Islamic extremism when I’m not aware of the farri right playing a role in our democ Democratic

    Procedures being changed a couple of weeks ago as a result of the far right the threats to MPS right now are coming from islamist extremism not from the far right a teacher forced into hiding over three years in Batley not from the far right A A A Cinema chain not showing a

    Film about the prophet Muhammad’s family not from the far right London Bridge attacked both of them Westminster bridge I mean you know maner Arena I keep going like yes Joe Cox awful horrible terrible murder but really is that all they’ve got I mean that’s all they’ve got and

    And and yet we’re going to say these things are equivalent when quite clearly they aren’t the British government has played this very cynical game for many years now um and and again I come back to this point if if if it if there had been a far right crowd an actually far right

    Crowd let’s say of British national party to again summon up that long dead Spectre of the past um if there had been a British national party demonstration outside the House of Commons the other week you know it’s not like you or I or anyone else we know would have any

    Problem condemning that either it’s like it’s very simple we wouldn’t want want and we don’t like thugs of any kind intimidating our Representatives let alone um threatening them we find that perfectly easy and if there was such a group you and I and others wouldn’t have

    A problem with saying we condemn this we wouldn’t have to summon up other groups to sort of allow us to condemn it uh we just condemn it okay so why so what is why are they afraid why are they so afraid of doing this because it seems to

    Me we often hear and again even in richy Sak speech again there’s a lot of talk about you know diversity and you know and multi did interesting he did keep saying multiethnic rather than um Multicultural which or multi you know multi-racial rather than Multicultural which I thought was very interesting

    Because for years we’ve been told by politicians that multiculturalism is good diversity of itself on its own is a good thing and a lot of people like me and you rather more uh um beautiful Pros in your books Douglas have made the point that actually multiculturalism isn’t necessarily a good thing

    Multi-ethnicity multi-racial absolutely fine no issue there um but culture is something that should be what a country defines Itself by and we we we like our culture being liberal about people people having equal rights of whether they’re white or black or women or men or gay or straight and being able to

    Marry someone of their faith of their choice being able to have a religious View and and leave that religion if they so choose without facing a death threat really basic stuff like that multiculturalism doesn’t necessarily mean that does it no it doesn’t but I

    Mean this is just so all of this is just so past its cell by date um I mean it’s it’s it’s almost 15 years now since prime minister sarosi Angela Merkel and David Cameron all said that multiculturalism had failed um and so this is an old argument this this

    Argument has been effectively won I.E lost um years ago and here we still are in the UK rabbiting on about it and uh why the fact is is that some diversity is good for a society but there must be some point at which it no longer is and

    I would say that the point at which it no longer is is where you have communities of people who hold on to the prejudices that they brought from their country of origin and then start to push it into our own political system worst of all is when that happens in a

    Threatening manner as it does with sections of the Muslim communities in this country where effectively MPS from and the speaker and the Prime Minister and everyone else are intimidated from identifying the problem you know I’m so fed up of hearing people saying things that you know would have been fine 20

    Years ago but a just way out of date now the question now is what what are you going to do about it what are you going to do about it and Richie Sak’s answer is uh well we have record high migration um but we’ll talk about what a great

    Liberal country we are no that just doesn’t do it the a lot of people don’t want to integrate in Britain and we should have realized that by now they don’t want to be part of Britain and what’s more when Richi sunak and others talk about this country they very often

    Talk about it as if it’s just you know our liberalism our political liberalism is the one thing that we have going for in or that our diversity is actually our Essence as a country and that’s just not true uh Britain was not very diverse until about 60 years ago and was

    Certainly nothing like what it is now um until the last few decades principally since the labor election of 1997 um but you know this is a country Great Britain with an extraordinarily long and Rich history all of which we now push aside all of which we ignore and we sell ourselves

    Simply as this Uber liberal sort of landing spot for the world and I don’t think that passes Master it C and it’s also it’s not something the British public asked for or consented to and when asked repeatedly say no thank you very much and again that doesn’t make

    Someone racist or bigoted or or xenophobic it’s about wanting to protect the very thing that supposedly what attracts people to this country and again the need as Sweden and Germany and other countries have discovered the need to be intolerant of intolerance and stop tolerating that can I ask you just find

    In terms of George Galloway which seemed to be what prompted the prime minister to make this speech on on Friday even though of course when sella Bradman and Leah Anderson speak about very similar things apparently it’s totally beyond the pale and they really can’t be you

    Know in the government or part of the conservative party anymore because they’re clumsy language um but it seems to me that the British people people don’t deserve George Galloway but it seems to me that the British political class do and that they created him they have created his success they are

    Responsible for it and they’re the ones who are going to have to do something about it do you agree well they just they they’re all Ian labor conservative they’re all totally incapable of speaking to the public uh they’re incapable of speaking to our concerns um Richi sunak speech was a good example

    Any speech by any labor MP is a very good example look at Jess Phillips last week um um talking about how wonderful uh Birmingham is and how there are no problems in her area and how the Marchers and the pal the Palestinian protesters weren’t any problem you know

    She should look by the way to her constituency she should look to Birmingham and the hate preachers preaching anti-Semitism in the mosques in Birmingham which there’s plenty of video of and she could find it if she was curious about it but because all of these parties have du all these issues

    Of course they leave they leave it open and they also Panda to it as I say there’s a reason why the labor party selected and then deselected somebody who was pandering to anti-Semitism it was because he was pandering to a voter base in Rochdale that wants anti-semites

    And wants to vote for them um if if the best that Rishi sunak and kir starmar and Co can do in response to that is to start talking about fundamental British values then I’m sorry we’ve lost already it has to be said one other thing quickly if I may George Galloway is a

    Great political opportunist I just hope that all the Muslims who voted for him are pleased they voted for somebody who said the most slathering and slavish things about Saddam Hussein and Bashar Al Assad two men who’ve killed more Muslims in recent decades than anyone else in the world so those Muslim voters

    In Rochdale can feel proud of themselves yeah they’re really good Muslims they’re great Brothers great om yeah good work always good to talk to you thank you very much indeed Sam Armstrong quick word from you 10 years ago Douglas warned that Europe was literally dying he said it’s a strange death that our

    Leaders were committing suicide I cannot hold that view any more strongly now they hate us they hate our values they hate what we stand for they’ve replaced it with this Bale dangerous Multicultural nonsense yeah absolutely well look let’s get some more of your texts and messages that been coming in

    Thick and fast about this Debbie says unfortunately uh Richie snack won’t do anything about this would mean deporting people and that’s not something that we do Philip says sunak has had more failed vows than Elizabeth Taylor and zaja Gabor combined and Dave says he will need to grow a backbone first I thought

    We were going to say grow something else first but that too coming up after the break the US Supreme Court is set to rule today on whether one to not to ban Donald Trump from running for president we’ll talk about that up next I’m Julia Harley Bru and you’re with talk TV hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and we’re on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to AB an EV it me old Chinas but a new report is calling for a new definition of Cockney all right Jeremy me old

    China when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman not a woman trans woman is a man lee would have to go much further than his

    Statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’ need to say that he got it wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from PR city council lovely woman called Anna and yeah i’ just

    Received an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right too quite right too is that time again to get the violins out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled out you might as well be discussing an

    Invasion of DARS for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my 8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I’m just about to do

    It it’s carry on what just happened were missing there was suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr khah apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know what’s I know what’s coming and I can’t stop laughing so he

    Suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a prostitute a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those in your fog Square you just got to walk up to soos Why do you know this because I know everything uh was he just unlucky getting that

    Question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and um they put him in an ice cream store I read the statement this morning from the family and if any police officer reads that statement if

    You don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying is heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say had lots of racism within it I don’t NE think it’s a racist country but it per our institions but for her to say come out

    And vote and by the way when I was 22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist did fail her we supposed to she was 22 we’re supposed to have

    Moved on from that don’t honk back on something you did that was wrong TV it’s the only place where you get the truth Welcome back to the show I’m Julia Harley Brewer you’re with talk TV now just a few minutes left of the show but let’s talk about Donald Trump the US Supreme Court is set to rule today on whether to uphold Colorado’s bid to ban Donald Trump from running for the

    Presidency ahead of super Tuesday tomorrow when some 16 States will decide on their candidates join me now to discuss this is Adam colan he’s a columnist at the New York Post thanks for join Adam thank you for having me right just explain just very briefly if you would

    So you know where we are with this because this is all as a result of a ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court yeah right now uh we’re just we’re waiting on the ruling um personally I think that uh the Supreme Court will uh not uphold this decision uh I think

    Donald Trump will be able to be on the ballot for every state throughout the United States I think this was a politically charged decision to try even move forward with something like this with very little basis to do so other than saying that he incited something um he’s Loosely

    Responsible for something but he is not responsible for the actions of a few um if that was the case there would be a lot more people uh especially involved in politics who wouldn’t be able to run for president well well indeed I mean they ruled in the Colorado Supreme Court

    In December that he couldn’t stand for election because he had quote engaged in Insurrection or Rebellion as forbidden under the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution even I I’m not a trump fan would question that but that would have would that have prevented this is over the capital riots obviously on January

    The 6th would that prevented him standing in any state or just one state and could you could you are you not able to run for the presidency if you don’t run in every state no you can still run for presidency so for example we have independent candidates who are only able

    To get on the ballot for certain States and not other states and obviously they don’t go very far um but what it would have done was inspired other states who want to be politically motivated yeah to do something like this so you know that’s the issue that we might face in

    In our country is that once one state takes up an action the other states follow suit I can’t imagine that working out very well for American democracy in terms of what what what Trump supporters would feel uh in that scenario I mean he’s had a number you know three more

    Victories at the weekend although Nikki Haley finally won you know at Washington DC well done but I mean uh at the end of the day he’s what got super ju at 15 states I think I said 16 but 15 tomorrow that will decide he’s The Runaway Republican candidate Joe Biden a runaway

    Democrat candidate we’re rerunning the last election um do you think there is anything that can stop Donald Trump even one of these court cases getting to not just a two court but actually a criminal court case that leads him to an actual possibly a criminal conviction do you think even that would stop

    Him no uh personally I thought all of this whether it be the court cases uh coming from Colorado or the court case and Georgia uh which is looking like it’s quickly falling apart I think there’s been a desperate attempt to use the judicial system to go after Donald

    Trump and is quickly failing now the only way that it has succeeded in hurting Donald Trump is that he’s spending all his campaign money defending himself in legal fees right so if you were to look at how much money he’s taking in how much money he’s spend illegal fees it’s a significant portion

    So that is one way they are hurting him and that when he first got elected in 2016 he’d spent way less way way less than Hillary Clinton and he still got elected that is very true so money is not the the entire indicator right but money is a sign a significant factor and

    If these horror cases keep going on how much more of his campaign money is are going to deplete but and focus of course yeah and just finally n Nikki Haley she’s finally won she couldn’t even win in her own South Carolina state where she was governor for six years for

    Goodness sake she’s wanted D see doesn’t really MCM it’s a tiny little constituency she’s hanging on for dear life just in the hope that something happens Donald Trump goes by the wayside and she can be the Republican candidate do you think she stands a chance not at all uh that’s why she’s

    Hanging on to this small victory in Washington DC which really doesn’t matter all that much the truth is that super Tuesday is basically mediocre Tuesday we already know what’s going to happen on both sides okay and in terms of even if Donald Trump got dumped as a republican

    Candidate if those you know delegates decided to vote differently he’d run as an independent anyway wouldn’t he uh I don’t see I don’t know the process behind that because he might have to do something different to file to be on the ballot as an independent but I personally I think that’s so

    Extreme I don’t ever see that happening he’s the Republican candidate full stop full stop he’s extremely extremely popular Adam com really appreciate you joining us no doubt talk to you many more times over the coming months he’s at the New York Post thank you very much

    Final word to Sam Armstrong look he is really popular I have to say not of not as a Donald Trump fan over the years but I can absolutely see why someone would vote for him now and not not for Joe Biden I get that yeah look I’m really

    Not a Donald Trump fan in many ways but I am he’s predicted to win and I am slightly looking forward to seeing the faces on all the usual suspects in Outrage satisfac there is always a part of that but again but again have not have not the political classes Med

    Classes have they not created this phenomenon themselves yeah look Donald Trump should not exist right politicians should be addressing the basic worries concerns fears of all but he does he does he talks about taxes talk about the Border that’s a massive concern the question isn’t why isn’t Donald Trump

    Doing why is Donald Trump doing well it’s why aren’t other politicians addressing these same problems major personality failings and past you know and you’d think you know what if you can’t stand someone better than him I feel the same way about George Galloway you know if you can’t do better than him

    Then it’s your own fault Sam Armstrong pleasure to have had your company thank you for coming back on the show sadly we have come to the end of the show thank you so much for tuning it’s been quite a lively one please do join me same time

    Tomorrow up next it’s Kevin o suan and Alex Phillips have a great afternoon I’m Julia Harley BR and you are with talk TV Hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to AB an eve it me old Chinas but a new report is calling for a new definition of cck name all right

    Jeremy me old China o o treat when JK ring says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman not a woman transwoman is a man lee would have

    To go much further than his statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say that he’d got it wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from PR city council lovely

    Woman called Anna and yeah i’ just received an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right too quite right too it’s that time again to get the violins out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled

    Out you might as well be discussing an invasion of DARS for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my 8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I was

    Just about to do it it’s carry on what just happened there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put a statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr KH apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know


    1. Hes right about what he said…it seems that most people do always mention far right when they say islamist. Its annoying really cus i aint seen no far right lately. Gas lighting much.

    2. Thanks Julia, Good show AGAIN asking the right questions AGAIN, Douglas on the ABSOLUTELY on the money AGAIN, Good luck to Noa for the future, PLEASE try not to let your terrible experience blight you life!!!

    3. Peter Ford is hugely experienced when it comes to matters of The Middle East having served as British Ambassador both to Bahrain and Syria. He is also a graduate of Queen's College Oxford -Arab Studies. After which he worked in Beirut, Riyadh , Cairo and Paris.
      Hands on Knowledge. You didn't authenticate his expertise Julia which was remiss of you.

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