The Lads are going LIVE for Episode #32 as the market seems to be on a mission to the moon! Justin fills us in on the happenings from ETH Denver, and everyone busts out their farming hats as we search for yield. The Lads take plenty of great questions from our amazing fans, too! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE so that you don’t miss your chance to get in on the convo next time!

    In this episode we cover:

    00:00 Title Sequence
    00:21 Intros
    01:37 ETH Denver
    05:15 Market Mooning
    17:38 Looking at Blast
    24:37 Ethena
    31:19 Audience Questions
    43:06 ETH ETF Odds in 2024?
    48:35 Talking Alts
    01:00:00 Pasta of the Week 🍝


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    * Jordi Alexander •
    * Taiki Maeda •
    * Justin Bram •
    * Thiccy •

    All right welcome everybody to another episode of steady Lads we’re going Live this week and I think it’s appropriate because the market is just drifting under our feet like I think if we filmed two days ago the next day would be like different you know we’ be talking about

    How Market’s nuking and then you know by the time the episode comes out it’ll be 80k so thanks for joining us uh I have to begin with please like And subscribe our editor has uh politely asked if we can kick off there and that would help us a lot we’re getting the 5K

    Subscribers so thank you for okay thank um once again I’m Jordi I’m the founder of Selen capital and uh we have our full crew this week so we have uh tii the humble farmer and researcher at HFA double hated tonight we have Justin with us the CEO of

    Aaria and Trier of all kinds of devices and phone uh and think’s with us so we have the expert Trader here to uh tell us what to what’s long and short in this like very exciting volatile market so um oh people are gonna start about

    White City uh all right it’s gonna be a fun episode we got a lot of active chat here uh let’s kick off a little bit with what’s going on I mean this is the first conference in a while that maybe not the first I think salana breakpoint kind of

    Started off and now eth Denver is is raising the bar where you know we’re not getting the conference nuke how how’s things going on in Denver just yeah it’s interesting um I’ve gone to Denver for the past three years um it’s always a fun event there’s always you

    Know a ton of people and it’s really warm now which is nice it’s in the 60s definitely a different crowd than we saw last year I’ll say that and definitely a lot busier from what I can see um so just anecdotally last night I went out

    To dinner with one of our investors at estaria had an amazing time and got to hear about what everyone’s been pitching these days which was interesting it looks like a ton of teams are raising a lot of stuff happening in the intense space um and then I tried to go with

    Some team members to a party but the line was probably and this is not an exaggeration 400 people long for the sort of you know main party of the night and it’s it’s definitely a different crowd you’re seeing more of the um nft style crowd I’ll say that we saw two

    Years ago coming back um so lot of fomo a lot of people euphoric and uh pretty good vibes all around but very busy yeah I mean it is so busy markets are so busy I can’t even imagine being at a conference right now I’m happy I skipped

    Denver because the just there’s so much going on I’m sure I’m sure thicky thy have you been sleeping or you just like pulling all like what is what is going on with you are you going hard I Haven been sleeping enough all right yeah okay pacing

    Yourself yeah I I feel like now it’s like I I go to bed thinking about the markets then I wake up thinking about the markets and I can never escape this of was that ever that was true in the bar Market too right yeah but now I’m like okay like in

    The bar Market it’s like oh my God like what am I doing in this face and then now it’s like oh my God like I’m I feel so underexposed even though I’m so so long do you guys feel that way too it’s like refle I had a goal in mind of how much

    Eth I wanted to accumulate in the bare market and I hit that within 10% let’s say and it still does you know it never feels like enough right yeah exactly I should have should have bought more but it is what it is is what it is uh let’s catch up since last

    Week so um first like you know let’s recap obviously we had an interesting episode we had suzu he’s kind of um doing doing the rounds now but uh we got him on for the lads I think we we asked a lot of direct questions I don’t think

    We [ __ ] around like sorry we uh we’re live we we went pretty straight at it and I’m I’m pretty happy of the work that we did uh you know getting into some of the the truths and getting some of the thoughts there um so you know we

    Know it was a controversial guess but I think it turned out really well um and yeah we’re happy to have Danielle and any kind of interesting characters like like we have Andre grev as well in the future um Justin any any uh any special guests I think you want uh I want Charles

    Hinson’s um I but I also think once SPF gets sentenced like how cool would it be if we sort of flew to whatever prison he’s at and and interviewed him in the in prison I think that would be really special I would I’m honestly unironically gonna see if something like that is even

    Possible okay I’m gonna skip the prison visit but if you want to go and and and hook it up then I’ll join I’ll join by video yeah um so I mean obviously like there’s been a massive runup and I think the main thing to point out is that the

    Game has sort of like Been Changed by the ETFs at this point um you had nice meme Justin we can maybe bring up but we have obviously surpris sub uh surprised the upside and I mean think you you’ve been following the ETFs pretty closely is this level of inflows

    Was this like within like two standard deviations or are we just like really outside of what was expected yeah I think it was we saw like Black Rock do 600 million a day for this entire week um it definitely changes the like the math of where Bitcoin will

    Settle I’ve been thinking about this a lot this week but like you know just just to keep it brief like if we have 15 billion of inflows this year for the rest of the year we already have seven um and there’s around 200,000 coins that needs to be sold this year uh

    Distributed amongst mining Supply gaw and the US gov and maybe like the German go as well and it works out to around 75k s price for Bitcoin but like it’s a very sensitive number because like it’s averaging 220 right now so if it does that for the rest of the year that’s

    What like 45 billion and then we get to like a 200k number for where Bitcoin settles so there’s a wide range of where it settles depending on how these flows sort of you know shake out it’s really wild um you know I had to like buy some Bitcoin I just I feel

    Like when I see this kind of chart that I I couldn’t buy during the runup just psychologically Al I feel like um I don’t like buying a chart at the top I know uh you know Mr um one chair just says he’s gonna buy the top

    Forever I feel like I I prefer buying dips it’s just like psychologically for me it feels better so we had this like massive dip from 65 to 60 or 59 and you know I finally got an entry point I just loaded up there I’m happy with uh seeing

    Where this ETF flows go um obviously I’ve been bullish eth and I’ve been publicly pronouncing and and you know long e BTC long e uh remain long e but I think it’s good to you know kind of play a little bit of the BTC game just in

    Case those uh inflows keep coming right now it feels like the risk reward is very healthy on the upside Jordy I actually I I was going to save this as a pasta but I have so many pastas prepared I’m going to let it rip now and get your

    Thoughts on this uh sort of sneak a second one in um but I I was thinking about this too and talking to tyi and thicki a little bit about this before the show last night in my Uber home from the hotel I was thinking you know it is

    A little sad that eth and BTC have already experienced the majority of their move from the bottom you know like Bitcoin going from 15K to 60k almost a 4ex right and Bitcoin could Forex from here in the long run but going to 240 this bull run seems above anyone’s

    Wildest expectations what are your thoughts on that does that make you sad at all or does it just mean you have to go further out on the RIS curve I thought this tweet was funny because it’s sort of like you know this person saying if Bitcoin even goes to 122k I’m

    Only going to double my money I’m only going to make $1,000 I mean as you as you deal with like a large asset class you know is S&P gonna go to 10,000 you know it’s at like 5,000 is it is it gonna double it will

    But like you know how many years is that going to take and you know that’s uh that’s not gonna make anybody rich either Mr user 243 987 so TI to yeah you know look I I do expect a lot of people will be just gambling now trying to get um you

    Know multiples I think we’re seeing that already with the meme coin Mania so meme coins are back um especially the big ones surprisingly so I’ve seen dog coins rip back even Dogecoin for the first time this cycle has uh I think it put in a 30% day uh yesterday

    So we are expecting that retail is looking healthier the coinbase app is something that all my telegram chats are are tracking quite closely and it’s like 300 today we’re like 212 now we’re like 156 let’s go like everyone’s tracking the coinbase app um yeah I don’t know just if you share

    My screen I have the coinbase app rankings it’s from 420 to 340 I mean this is parabolic growth right um I I guess you know apps outside the top 100 they don’t really have that much usage anyway so maybe it’s easy to climb up the ranks maybe it’s harder once you get

    Into like the top 69 um but yeah I mean retail is back they’re buying meme coins and they’re not going to buy Bitcoin right um of course it’s been really hard to keep up with the majors uh in the past six months but you know as retail

    Comes back what are they going to buy they’re going to buy alts uh I don’t know when that’s going to happen like an environment where like retail is going to really come back I mean we had you know this like very moment in time with Co and the retail

    Checks going out this runup has clearly been like more institutional lead right it’s like ETF flows it’s not retail Le and that money is sort of spreading around it looks like the Press being good has started to fomo some of the retail back in um thicki are you are you trading any meme

    Coins is that like easy to do right now even trading we’re a little late to the move but um yeah I I agree with you I don’t know if retails necessarily even buying them yet but it’s more so like the expectation that they will buy them it’s like you know once Bitcoin hits

    Alltime highs and attention comes back they’re gonna come and buy meem coins and it’s kind of like forming like a siren Call pattern for retail Traders like you know Dogecoin like doing these 30% moves it grabs a lot of headlines so we’ll see if it kind of self- manifests

    Let’s get to details I know I know I know like our uh our audience is going to want like you know don’t give me a category like let’s talk coins so we have dog coins there’s like a few big ones right now so Bonk you know it had

    The most recent explosion in dog with Hats so we have two Solana ones that um are top of Mind from my understanding and this is like you know what I’m reading they’re saying Bonk is the one that’s on coinbase and dog with hat now is kind of like on Robin Hood so like

    The two retail Avenues kind of cover those guys well Robinhood you Robin Hood EU oh [ __ ] okay I’m G to short big difference you’re with I mean EU is like come on they don’t have money the Euros don’t have any money such disrespect for the Euros you have to respect the Euros I’m

    Not going to but like I mean it’s it’s maybe bullish that like oh Robin EU listed this So eventually Robin Hood us listed it but if you look at the assets on us it’s like the most Boomer Dino institutional assets ever it’s like tasos like not even Sola on there it’s just like

    Yeah okay um what what do you think will be relisted on Robin h i mean surely they have to list new stuff to catch up with you know coin base and what not do you think they’re worried like regulatory wise I think they’re worried to like jeopardize

    Their cash cow with equities trading so they’re going to be pretty safe until regulatory wise things clear over as might read have you guys heard the theory that um the meme coins or altcoins might not catch as strong a bid this cycle or catch a bid at all just because like the

    Inflows we’re seeing are trafi institutional going into Bitcoin presumably going into eth for the eth ETF that’s coming in May in a couple months but then there’s this whole theory of like you know retail over the past three years has been hurt by inflation uh they’ve sort of been shaken

    Out of the markets they’re struggling to get by Etc I personally don’t see much Merit to that just because um income has risen faster than inflation but I mean there’s something to be said for that like we’re not in covid helicopter money times where everyone’s getting stimulus

    Checks and you can just pile into altcoins right like people would actually have be having to put their own hard earn money into these things I mean is that a bare bare case for altcoins so I think it’s it’s um definitely G to have an attempt to break

    Out on the altcoin side we’re we’re GNA have this attempt on the memec coins that whether it sticks and you know whether ultimately you end up being correct we’ll have to see and and I think you know you know it’s too early to tell but what’s clear is like we’re

    At least going to you know test the resistance and see like if it can you know go through now you know next week everything might be read and um we we’ll we’ll see I think the midur view will be what’s this Co is saying here the midur viw would be like aome

    Pump I agree I agree like uh we’re definitely gonna at least try to pump them and and then we’ll see how far it goes although there’s been a huge discrepancy between different assets and the ones that have been underperforming are the ones that were strongest recently it feels like people are like

    Well this already it’s the already Pumpers are winning the guy who’s like ah Celestia already pumped like you know this thing already pumped they’re actually like crushing it right now they’re they’re looking for the new stuff are you seeing this as well think you or is it just

    Me yeah I I tend to agree I think this C this like next leg up will be stuff that like maybe he’s further down the wrist curve that hasn’t already pumped from uh you know know last year I think those will outperform and it could be like mem

    Coins like that didn’t those didn’t pump at all last you know quarter and now this quarter might get its time I I agree with you a lot though I think there are like two there’s you know the the bare case is that like retail doesn’t have as much money no stimy

    Checks they’re they’re not like locked inside all day I think the bull case is that like there is an increased sort of desperation and realization that like if these if you don’t hyper gamble your way up like you’re going to be stuck in some sort of you know lower class of people

    Because social Mobility has decreased a lot so we’ll see if those two cancel each other out and which one wins yeah and I saw like I think Sports gambling hit an all-time high as well so clear clearly people are looking to punt um think alts tend to go crazy for a few

    Months after Bitcoin breaks all-time highs and I don’t really I I’m not sure if we see like an altcoin super cycle but know typically altcoin like alts go vertical in a very short period of time and I think people will eventually front run that uh I have no

    Idea which alt coins are going to go crazy though um I’m I’m a mid curve obviously so um I’m trying to go at the left curve um that’s that’s actually one of my worst fears the cycle is that like last cycle I was so stupid that I was

    Like you know aping into like defi kingdoms but like now I’m like so I don’t know I think I think critically about these things now I’m like oh like if there’s like a new def kingdoms I’m definitely not going to put money on that so I might just miss out on all

    These crazy gains so that that’s like my greatest fear yeah have you have you guys seen the meme of like if you’re in the first cycle your left curve second cycle your mid curve and third cycle plus your right curve I I definitely feel that because I just don’t have the

    The zest for onchain activities that I had four years ago right like I’m comfortable just holding you know one or two coins and just you know relaxing as opposed to just finding the new thing to do on chain which is definitely to my detriment it’s not

    Good you know I just want to point out taii probably max pain for taii this cycle is if like Kanto makes a new alltime high and taiki just like P the bottom wait wait did you allocate back did you allocate back no no no oh I

    Bought I’m bullish Cano now oh my god you bought my capitulation someone on one of the lads always needs to have Kanto that’s just over I have the new Kanto B when TI got liquidated oh my god there that 80 billion FV for now one or yeah that’s

    Crazy you know there is like a fight for attention right now so there’s a lot of different things going on I think blast was one that you know they had done a great job of initially attracting attention and then getting the TBL and then you know they loop back into this

    Interesting competition they had this blast competition um I think they said there were 3,000 projects who submitted it’s prettyy clear that some of them are rugs or maybe a lot of them are rugs um they chose winners so the announced the winner list in different categories it

    Wasn’t as a short list as I expected I thought they would choose like one per and one this and then instead they chose multiple I think got diluted a little bit I think it’s up to 50 winners or something like that but yeah I can kind

    Of talk about that so please I I think someone in the comment section asked about blast so they they launched mainnet right now it’s full of rugs um and they’re doing more points and I think 50% of the points that’s going to come is going to go to users so if you

    You know use apps you get points and then 50% of the airdrop is going to go towards gold so like applications will receive gold and the apps can decide whether to distribute them or not um some people are upset because you know people bridged like millions of dollars

    Into the the multisig and now they’re going to get diluted again um um for me like I’m I’m not really touching blast right now like I don’t really have an edge like aping into these onchain [ __ ] I Bridge 0. one e to blast and

    What I need to do if I want to bridge my like my e to blast I have to pay like 0.02 eat to like you know move my eat so it’s not even worth yeah I mean you said you bridged your 0.1 but you didn’t actually Bridge it you locked

    It up and people were just in an L1 smart contract right just waiting so now that you actually have to bridge it cost a lot to Bridge I know and then I I I think if you if you bridge to blast and you like withdraw that e you you

    Like lose points so like yeah you you don’t get your points for the two weeks that you’re in the withdrawal queue which is crazy and you lose a bonus right yeah so that’s that’s their way of maintaining liquidity I mean does it remind you guys a little bit of uh

    Friend Tech where like you know the guy at some point was like trying to enforce you know you’re gonna lose all your points if you if you go if you use a different app and and you’re also like you know it’s a competing app then you

    Lose all your points and like all this other stuff it feels like kind of like heavy-handed ways to tr of force the incentives and we know that incentives are everything but like this is like I see thicky nodding does this remind you of that thicki it does I can’t wait for the

    Start of the blast vers mantle L2 Wars you know I do so actually last night a lot of people were talking about blast obviously because it you know just launched there were some air drops floating around I know some people that got like pretty decent aird drops and

    Are pretty excited but everyone is a little burnt out from the points thing like it’s a very transparent Sim situation that Pac-Man’s running right like everyone knows this game is to sort of like curate the points in such a ways to keep you on the Chain as much as

    Possible and everyone also knows that you’re probably going to get diluted to the point where your points aren’t worth that much but like to their credit they’ve been able to engineer this flywheel where no one has left the blur ecosystem and they’ve been able to run it back with

    Blur blend and now blast and you you got to wonder what next b word is coming but there’s always going to be something so it’s pretty interesting yeah you know like Pac-Man I think a few months ago when we did our yearend episode he was my founder of the

    Year and it’s like you know it’s not just all you know good or bad it’s just I just find him to be doing things you know he’s pushing the boundary he very interesting uh I’m very curious to see how things play out I think blast was a

    Huge uh new approach that you know some people are copying certain things I do think that they were rushed to get out I think they had told the teams that I’ve spoken to um hey like we’re going to launch Feb and then became like late Feb

    And then literally like on the last day of Feb like the last moment that they could still say technically it was still February they put it out I’m seeing a lot of complaints and I think you know you see the chat here like uh mean a

    Disaster lots of bugs lots of rugs how you G I got rug a couple times on the blast you got rugged you got rugged just small small rugs calculated rugs okay calculated gamble gamble rugs yeah what what can you can you tell us a little bit are you able to like say what

    Kind of stuff it was well it wasn’t me it was more so my partner but we were just like tailing smart whale wallets and just like buying coins that they’re buying and you know just like 5 10K at a time and a lot of the projects just kind of just pulled all

    Equity but that’s just part of the game yeah it’s part of the game um I thought that they said that they’re KY seeing at least one person from from each team at least the ones that won are you are you going into stuff that like

    Won a prize or you just going to no okay random stuff that’s not where the real d yeah the D don’t want the priz winners they want the losers PR losers so um look it’s early and Pac-Man has you know uh talked down the critics and and come out Victorious many times I

    Think when blast first came out you know there was a lot of um shade thrown and then he’s ended up building all this TBL I think right now it’s a tough moment but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they kind of pull through and and uh and do

    Really well um but yeah it’s early to tell so uman do you have a little rivalry going there or like with with mantel or you just want everyone to win no I think you know I’ll I’ll I’ll be honest like um if I see like a weak L2

    That has TBL to drain it’s probably Manta right now like I think the name I’m actually bridging out of manta right now I’m like all right uh March 28th all the stone gets unlocked I’ve been selling some Stone recently I’m like all right really at a discount yeah because

    I I have like better plac I need the money I know I’m mid curving so hard I need the money he needs some 4% monthly yield not enough it’s not enough it’s not enough look the yields are insane right now I mean um even basis for the last few days

    If you don’t want to go long and you’re happy to short the basis you you’re getting paid like 10 20 bips a window so that’s like 40 bips a day 100% a year um API and I think let’s talk about Athena a little bit because uh their yields

    Have been just like Strat stratospheric stratom uh over the last days um and so for the first time Jord is tempted to farm you haven’t been farming Jordan you know I I don’t usually Farm but when I see 100% AI plus plus you know shards or whatever look Athena is a very

    Interesting project um it’s been very controversial and I think we had a lot of requests to talk about it I have been following it and I think some of you guys have as well um are you farming this TIY or have you looked at it yeah but I think I can get better

    Yields elsewhere which is kind of crazy to think about right um like some of my Stables it’s in drift like collecting those drift points on Sala I think that’ll pay off better than aena I’m bullish aena though I think it’s gonna be really big they can expand Mark like

    When you said you can do better than the 33% that reminds me if you guys remember in the cycle last time when terara was uh or Anor was paying 20% on us and at the time everyone was like that’s not enough like who the heck is going to use

    This you got to pump that up it’s not high enough and here we have 33% and the market is so bullish that you can you can beat that as well which is which is crazy I don’t know what to make of that maybe that’s a top signal institutions are coming they’re

    Gonna die they’re gonna die us and pump our bags I think the big thing is being able to like do something with the Stables which like Athena doesn’t allow quite yet back then like you could Le you could margin like your us on FTX um nice thing about meth and like bybit is

    That like you can Farm meth you can short the per you can make like 20 30 50% a year and you can use it as trading plat so you can put on trades on top so like that’s what I that’s like the the like eventually Athena will have things built

    Out that accept usdc as collateral and you can do stuff on top but and it’s current state it’s like you actually just lock it in there and you don’t do anything with the stable so that’s like the downside in this current state yeah correct so I mean I mean just to go go

    On that what thinki just said you know the closest analogy for eth that’s probably not a stable coin it’s like a vault like a solve Vault where there’s a strategy being run um in this case you know they’re running the strategy and it’s it’s like one that’s working really

    Well in the bull market because so many people want along and you’re sort of like providing them leverage um whether it actually ends up becoming a stable coin in the sense of you know it’s like used as collateral or you know as a means of of of payment or exchange um

    We’ll see I mean if it gets into the billions maybe it will um go ahead Justin yeah I guess I was going to ask so from what I understand I haven’t looked too much into Athena but from what I can tell they’re doing a lot of this like treasury management for the

    User and they’re also doing it on centralized venues so they’re using doing the strategy on a sex so does that mean this like Athena team is running I assume there’s some regulatory Arbitrage where they’re not in the US and then they’re also just custody funds H to get

    That yield or does do you guys know how that works I know very well how this works I’ve mean talking to them you know since the preed kind of days and and been tracking um the project I have to give my hat off to the founder first of

    All guy I when I first heard the idea this is like Arthur Hayes’s idea uh of doing this you know sort of centralized exchange shorting per I was quite skeptical that everything could there’s a lot of moving pieces you need you need the third party custody for the

    Exchanges to take collateral of the stake de and then you short it and you want the yield to like be high somehow like he’s kind of pulled off a very difficult task so far of getting everybody to agree to uh to all the different moving parts and um it

    Looks like their tvl is kind of on the way to a billion so this is one of the situations where I think the founder the quality of the founder sort of just like just forces something that shouldn’t normally work but it kind of is working so uh pretty impressed I have to

    Say and um you know I think the communication ultimately um you know has had back and forth but they’re saying you know this this is a strategy it’s not a stable coin um and if someone is too lazy to do it themselves they can do it through them and actually they’ll

    Probably make more money because there’s like you know extra rewards going on and um it’s probably even safer because of the third party custody so pretty impressed um seleni has not uh invested in uh we got a little just you know disclaimer there is no disclaimer

    Selen is not invested but I have to say that you know mantle has been um uh quite interested in USD and and there’s there’s a good amount of USD on mantle and I think um you know right now uh it works until it doesn’t I actually want

    To ask you about this that is the sentiment I’m seeing from like a 30% of crypto Twitter is like this this works until there’s a bank run and then it’s just Terror all over again can you either dispute that or or confirm that I mean thinky maybe like you can

    Chime in but my my personal belief is that this is this doesn’t have any explosion explosion risk all that can potentially happen is like you take a little bit of loss because the the funding goes negative and funding goes negative means like you know at that point sort of like inversed where the

    The per has kind of gone below the the future below the spot and so as people unwind because they’re like oh [ __ ] negative yield like minus 5% yield I got got to get out they’re actually selling like a little bit of a loss so you end

    Up taking like a 5 10% loss which you know they’re trying to build an insurance fund to to be able to catch up so not really blowup risk it’s just sort of like it’s a risk that you’ll have to unwind the trade if if the yields go

    Negative yeah I feel like people are in general are like super horny to see things blow up so it’s like oh like a is going to crash the market Oh’s crash to markets and then they want to retweet that no tweet like two years from now and then claim clout but you

    Know you kind have to bet on these teams to like good product but it’s not necessarily that they’re looking for that it’s also that all of the biggest products of the last cycle did blow up the market you know so we have we have pts yeah yeah it’s still the

    PTSD so just looking at the chat uh Andre makes a good point yeah like we got we got a lot of people watching let’s click some likes click some subscribes analysis Andre let’s do this and then we got whiskey saying when us Andre usdy pool uh I actually was just

    Talking about this with guy today I said we need to we need a USD USD Y pool and I’m gonna try to get this done on mant uh ASAP so good good question should we should we talk should we do some Q&A or yeah question we’re doing I’m gonna

    Scroll up to find some questions if you have anything pressing that you want the lads to answer drop your comment and we’ll we’ll get to it we’re looking for fun stuff um to wrap up on we got uh my maybe my cypriate brother Vias I don’t know that’s a very cypriate name BS

    Nikol is here he’s saying EA airdropping a token in our staple so this is the very interesting thing uh I just realized today they they have these shards and you can claim the shards and get like you kind of like get points for the token but you give up

    Some of the yield or something so you can either get get the token or you give up some of the heeld and then that goes to their Insurance Fund so it’s kind of like a win-win for them because uh they give out tokens and they build up their

    Insurance Fund so you you sort of have to choose um so that that’s an interesting Dynamic and then people have to kind of price I love this stuff recently like this is like the meta is like people pricing tokens that haven’t launched yet so this is like like pre

    Pre-launch there’s not even like a Wales Market you just have to figure out like what’s a Shard going to be worth and and I heard like people are farming this and they’re buying on Pendle at like 6% a month which uh is very high but some

    People are like buying it so um that seems reasonable to be honest because they’re they’re going to drop a token when usde hits a billion which might be like two weeks or a week from now so I mean I’m sure that to is going to trade at two billion FDB at

    Least you know that’s the type of Market we’re in all right I’ve got a I’ve got a few questions uh pulled up here let’s do some maybe rapid fire and keep the questions coming I think these are good so this one has been top of mind for a

    While we’re seeing this whole narrative left translated accelerated cycle um what are your guys thoughts is that is that possible I I think it is possible I don’t think we’re we’re there yet but I do think the top could come earlier in the year of 2021 or in 2025 in this case

    Than it did last time I think so I think so um it does feel like everything’s getting accelerated the reality is like there’s a lot of burns from last cycle as well so I think there’s muscle memory and the first thing that I realized this cycle is that even on the

    Way up there’s a lot of muscle memory people like remember okay this is the stuff that pumps let’s just like pump it like faster than like you know just preempting and I think the same thing will happen on the way down people will remember the ptst and they’ll just be

    Like getting out of stuff that’s like speculative when when they feel the the shift is going so wouldn’t be surprised if we have a different like kind of more volatile cycle um I don’t know thinky what you think yeah no I totally agree with you yeah I think like some like they

    Have to take their time to play out like this human nature just takes a certain amount of time for like things to wash out on the bottom and so on and so forth but I do think you know like you know life is event based these events are moving faster than ever

    So it makes sense that the Cy will be shortened yeah yeah good question yeah yeah all right thing is reflexive right so it’s like if people expect a top in q1 of 2025 then it’ll probably top Q3 or Q4 or you know people like front run expectations and then it’s also the

    Downside yeah you could see it actually like front run it too quickly and we like double top or something you know like because like the first round people expect it too fast but it’s like not actually over for everybody or like a triple top that’s what happened last ccle

    Exactly a double double top like for your cycle a double to Double McDonald’s that that would be painful everyone’s Gonna Get Wrecked I’ll get wrecked for sure you know all right I see another interesting question here Al I’ll start with an answer do you sell a percentage of your

    Core Holdings on pump days um no although it does get tempting I just think it’s it’s too early for that like we didn’t hold through this bare Market to sell before all-time highs so for me I I’ve said this publicly I think I have just sell targets where I’m going to

    Sell and if they don’t get hit they don’t get hit and I’ll keep holding but for Me Maybe This is a little too bullish but for me I’m going to sell about 25% and this is all in eth terms 25% of my eth at about 8K 25% at 10 isk

    25% at 12 and then the last 25 at if we ever get there I know that’s bullish but um this would still be like a massive diminished returns relative to all other Cycles this would be even more diminished than btc’s last cycle and I do think eth can get there to 10K for

    Sure maybe 15K we’ll see but I’m fine holding some if we ended up crashing not reaching you know that last 15K Target I don’t know do you guys think those numbers are crazy are those realistic but I’m I’m really not selling until we hit that so if we never hit it I’ll just

    Hold to zero it’s reasonable um it’s not a bad way to approach it um I don’t like to like set these targets for me I just want to get a sense of where we are where are we in the cycle and I think at this stage I can’t imagine not having my

    Core Holdings one mistake I made last cycle I think was um trying to trade too much around like my Beta and I’m very like psychologically happy now of just like having some eth and it’s in meth so it’s even harder to you know unwind or sell whatever it’s just doing fantastic

    Getting double dose yield getting all this stuff and it’s just pumping and I don’t want to sell a single I’m not even tempted at all I’m not tempted at all um you know BTC sometimes it gets a bit tempting but it’s so reflexive I scratch my itch by looking at like

    What alts I think are are going to come back down and I just short alts instead um May maybe I’m GNA get you know a little bit of draw down with things pumping harder than I expect but that’s how I uh I keep my core Holdings how

    About you guys and you can borrow against it too right like you can borrow against Bitcoin borrow against Eed farm with it you know just that’s like another good way to Diamond hands oh like not Diamond hands but like make your like collateral like really productive

    And something can we talk about that a little bit Ty because somebody was saying that today to me um he’s like oh you know you can borrow against your meth and and get like die for 7% and then you can put that into you know ethena and get 100% like is the fact

    That you can borrow for cheaper that you can Farm is that a mistake of the market or is that just mean that you’re you’re going off the risk curve you are actually taking more risk like why can you borrow and farm like why like shouldn’t those yields be the same

    Theoretically on this unless it’s more risky yeah I mean there’s definitely like a risk premium right um like Athena yields and then there’s the cost of unwinding so if you want to unwind that position then something bad is happening so you you might take like a haircut and then

    There’s gas cost where you know if you borrow on mantle then you have to bridge takes gas have to approve and all that stuff which eats into the yield um I do think over time like the yields will you know reach parity and compress um maybe like try maybe the institutions really

    Have to come on chain uh to dilute our yields but even then like if that happens then like our bags are going to pump so I’m not like necessarily that worried um yeah but I also think that markets are inefficient there’s Edge in identifying these opportunities and yeah like I said like

    You can easily earn 40 50% APR on E right now which is like pretty crazy uh whether it be reaking IG layer like buying Stone on Manta at a discount a crazy yeld opportunities it’s insane I I can share an anecdote that might be interesting so I personally think our markets are extremely

    Inefficient and I think the reason is eyeballs there’s just simply not enough eyeballs on all of these thousands of different D5 platforms where you can get a yield and the example I’ll give is when we were designing an auction mechanic at asaria and we initially thought like oh we’ll just run a reverse

    Do Dutch auction and like whoever fills it fills it and if it doesn’t get filled it doesn’t get filled and like that’s the fair market Price the issue is you need a certain amount of eyeballs for that to be true right and we’re just not there yet I mean there’s so many

    Different money markets where you can borrow you can leverage where you can stake where you can get yield and you might only be getting 5% but you’re also getting points and how do you calculate that so I don’t think we’re there I don’t think we’re going to get there

    This cycle I mean even last cycle a and compound and I think to this day aan compound they very blue chip you know quote unquote safe protocols still have massive discrepancies on yields so I just don’t think we’re there I think this thing has to be you know 100x 10 10

    To 100x larger for us to see yields be reflective of the risk reward you’re taking yeah I totally agree I mean I I feel like you could run like a $200 million fund and make 20 30% a year delta neutral completely and just farming bases and it’s just you know

    It’s not even touching defi or anything on chain so it’s just a definition of inefficiency I think like everyone that can make money is has better opportunities so like this kind of thing is just like left you know for other people to take I’ve been tempted to do

    That but yeah it’s free money quite literally yeah floor Famous Last Words um think do you have uh do you have core BTC Holdings or you are you just playing video games and just trying to like get a high score I uh I I capitulated after that move

    From 50 to 55 57 I’m like [ __ ] dude like I can’t risk this happening again like like we all know deep down where the fair value is and like in my mind I’m like oh just gonna grind up slowly worst case I missed on 2% but if I can miss

    Out on a 15 20% move just like that then you have to be allocated it’s kind of unfortunate it’s a painful lesson Jordy pain sure you’ve learned it before I have I have and uh the good thing about thickies he make he he goes out into the

    Arena and he makes the mistakes and he learns and uh he adapts so always trying things yeah Jordy in the comment section there’s a question uh from uh Tristan shouse is the hex ecosystem worth investing in great question you know today we saw for the first time some of the the old

    Classics like the litecoins and the Bitcoin cashes we trying to do a little little catch up so so uh you know I haven’t heard that name hex haven’t heard that name in a long time not quite sure back baby I wanna i w to ask is it though is

    It though sorry no you’re good you’re good I want to ask a question that’s near and dear to my heart and if we could it would be cool if you guys were willing to give percentages of how the percentage chance you think of the eth ETF being approved I’ll I’ll start one I

    Think it’s amazing that we have the opportunity to run this whole situation back people faded the Bitcoin ETF until it happened they also said it wouldn’t matter you’re hearing the same narratives for eth and black rock is the one pushing it through you’re seeing how much money all of Wall Street is making

    And how much Wall Street loves the Bitcoin ETFs I think the eth ETF is a lock I’ll say 95% I think I said 90% last time I’m revising it up um it’s hard to imagine that black rock gets a second loss on their book for approvals they’re like 500 something to one I

    Think they knew that this would be accepted based on conversations with the SEC and I think also Wall Street clearly wants this so it’s going to happen and I think it’s amazing that we’re able to run this trade back again the same exact thing is going to happen in my in my

    Book and I think this is sort of like that free money on the floor and you have to pick it up situation but what do you guys think am I just too bullish eth I’ve got my blinders on so I can’t see the the truth

    Or look like it it’s you’re not going to go wrong being long e it’s just like when does it happen and when are you rotating you could miss you could you could miss like this like huge BTC runup if you don’t have any BTC allocated and if the ETF gets delayed which is

    Possible uh we’re seeing in the chat someone saying it’s like 46% for May so they might play games I do think it will eventually have to get approved um I think maybe there’s a chance that genter would have to leave and Trump puts whoever he puts and then the next guy

    Does it but um you know I I’m expecting it in the next 12 months but it’s hard to say the timing so we have to just keep an eye on it and um can I can I say something like you can argue that like maybe like there’s a chance right

    Because e like eat has pumped a lot because everyone knows the Playbook oh like ETF good um so there’s a chance that the ETF can be like the ETF can be you know like a local top at least for the cycle so can’t you also argue that

    If it gets delayed to 2025 like that’s somewhat bullish the markets because it gives people a longer time period to you know anticipate like because the markets it’s it’s all about anticipation and reflexivity and expectations of the future so it might be better if we just

    Like don’t blow our load too soon right what do you guys think about that we’re live well I I have a couple thoughts I I do think like I I think I I was saying before the most bullish thing for the Bitcoin ETF is if it somehow gets

    Miraculously delayed and we get to keep writing this up I think that was invalidated just because like the influ are real and you can’t you can’t fake that and I think the ETF inflows will not be as good but will be real I also think this this comment from wants to

    Comment that poly Market is at 46% shows you I think it was actually similar for Bitcoin in around the same time period out I think that shows you that the Market’s not really pricing this in right now even though it seems to me to be obvious I also think you know Jord

    Talked about when it will happen I mean the deadline the final deadline for Black Rock is in May so I think that’s when our base case should be that it gets approved on um and yeah I I just think it’s amazing that we can’t we get

    To run this back and the one last thing I want to touch on that was a comment Jordy made is when do you allocate to this you might miss a rotation from Bitcoin BL BL blah blah I don’t think that’s necessarily a helpful way to think Jordy no offense I mean I’ve I

    Missed the soul runup right there’s always something that’s going up more than what you’re holding and I think like a lot of the success from this Market can be had by having long-term conviction in a few specific things and yes I should have held Bitcoin over eth

    Over the last six months to a year but it is what it is I’m holding eth I’m still doing well in dollar terms very well and and I’m happy with that and think like a lot of your success can come from that right they say comparison

    Is the thief of of Joy so you’re never going to have the fastest horse you just want to have a good horse so ma mathematically I want to say that like if we think eth goes to 10K on ETF and my internal odds pretty much match playark let’s say it’s 40% and that’s

    Already like $4,000 worth of EV baked in there so it’s obviously kind of like very smart to be long even if you think it was less likely than not thef could approved to may like if it does it’ll go goes to 10K then like it was a clear

    Long at 2.5 which something I missed um personally I don’t think it does but I really think we should get a lawyer on the show just give his thoughts there’s a lot of stuff I want to ask him about like our Point Securities how does he

    Think about the ETF all this sort of like regulatory stuff because like crypto in the day is all just regar um but I I think this is like a unilateral decision by Gary right now and I think it’s less likely than not that ETF is approved by may make thoughts

    Justin I still think eth can go up though because it’s I think I think like the math is still it’s still got room to go up just on the probabilities but yeah cool uh I mean I’m sure we’ll be discussing this specific topic you know

    Uh many times as the year goes on um let’s talk about some alts Um talk about some coins what’s your what’s your take on condo I mean Ando so uh you know I I I’m quite familiar with Ando you know I’m close to the team we have the mon manle usdy is kind of uh pretty big there um they had an interesting announcement they have this

    Idea to um you know around tokenization most people when they talk about tokenization they talk about you know taking the stock or taking this andp and making a token out of it same as like we’re used to and then people trading it um so ando’s vision is a little bit different it’s interesting

    They are saying that the way that they see tokenization is setting up a traditional Prime broker um like a you know um the ones you have right now and actually uh when you make a subscription to buy a stock through that traditional Prime broker the same you do now that’s

    When like a token would be issued so it sort of changes the the loop a little bit of of like how this um you know Black Rock tokenization Vision uh might go I think uh it’s an interesting one to think about and um you know different things will be

    Tried and and I do think we will have this like interactive brokers version potentially tried where um you’re doing the same Interactive Broker stuff but you get a token and then maybe there’s some defi stuff you can do with that token uh I don’t know I don’t know if

    You guys have been following this specific um yeah I’ve been I’ve been following it closely I think I mean I just think it’s an incredibly competent team I I think in this space you always have to bet on the team even over the idea because so many people pivot when I

    Was working at Ando we were doing liquidity as a service we were like you know helping shitcoins get liquidity with stable coin pairings there were ton of stable coin projects like fra Fay etc etc that had all of this liquidity that they could either Mint or that was just

    On their books that they could pair with other tokens and give liquidity and you know the sign of a good team is if they can pivot and Ando has pivoted into something that I think is really exciting I think the idea of bringing these as the sun chain is amazing and

    I’m never going to bet against that team um but yeah obviously have you know vested interest so let’s see I mean the only thing kind of uh an issue right now is that 5% treasury yields when when tii just said that he is not interested in 6% a month

    This is like 5% a year so you know the tension in the bull market goes to uh goes it’s a great Point Jordy there’s a huge disconnect between what people that are doing things on chain want and what real trafi you know quotequote real trafi people want right like I have

    Thought about this a lot is like how exciting is 5% on chain um you know when you can do that elsewhere off chain um I do think it’s cool that they’re democratizing this like lowrisk investment to people outside of the us we talked about that earlier I think

    That’s quite cool but um we need to see more people operating on chain for this stuff to get really attractive because yeah the people on chain are just D you need to be able to least use it for collateral for trading so you can just kind of boost yourself a little bit that

    That’s sort of like a Next Step let’s let’s kind of loop through apps okay uh vs my buddy again tell us Axel what’s up listing on binance so I haven’t I think have I talked about axlr I have been bullish on axlr recently um I I love this is like my traditional markets

    Bias I love teams that like they’re so freaking legit that it’s hard to copy what they’re doing like you can’t just like copy paste the thing and these teams are tackling you I’ve talked about like layer zero Wormhole Axel tackling is like very difficult problem of like

    Safe cross chain you know tokens and messaging and standards this is like so freaking difficult to do these teams have been building for years I mean Axel are I think I think the founders like co-founded alaran and then kind of moved to this years ago so hard to do and I

    Love betting on it’s like the only thing that’s undervalued in the market is like things like Axel where like someone really like is tacking an incredibly difficult problem and you know if I think about five years time it’s not going to be like Manta which is going to

    Get farmed to zero and like he hates me such a hater the name Collision is they got to get out of the M like category we just had but in all seriousness like tokens that like I’m comfortable holding long term are the ones that are like building fundamental infrastructure that is very

    Hard to replicate and I don’t just mean like another L1 because like there’s a 100 billion of those but um this category in bullish on XR got listed on binance had a nice little pump um go ahead I just raised my hand so realistic asked the question so I I

    Guess Axel is part of the interoperability type of narrative right so we’re we’re seeing so many l1’s and l2s launch that are you bullish these interoperability type of wa how I I guess it’s like a two two-part question it’s like what like what do you think about the the liquidity fragmentation

    With all these l2s does it like is that bearish L2 tokens in general and like bullish e because there’s like some value C there um and do you think like the the multi chain future the interoperability narrative comes back again or comes back to cycle look we’re about to have it hit

    Hard so Wormhole is going first W you know I told the guys like ticker W I know it’s like a hotel chain but like that is freaking brilliant there’s so there’s so just like letter one letter it’s like the Saudis with the license plates is they spend like $5 million to

    Get like a single digit license plate um that’s going to kick it off right so you have that one um layer zero is going to follow it’s it’s something that makes sense in the sense of like it’s a high total addressable Market The Tam is very

    Large if the the if the field of crypto and chains is going to keep growing then you need like this this premium stuff so um I think W’s trading at like 17 billion on um Avo I know what’s going on it started at five and it’s just been

    Climbing climbing climbing so um we are going to have this be a narrative very soon um and I would position in things that are around that narrative so things like Axel um things like there’s some proxies potentially for Wormhole or layer zero um anything you like Vicky or we can’t

    We can’t uh I no I was saying Zeta interesting uh it’s the it’s always the new coins chain flip has been doing very well um that’s one that U Selen is actually Market making on if we’re gonna talk about longer tail coins can we can

    We get a little Alpha on puff before we go to uh to Pasta I for about the pasta we did get requests um so if you guys like meth and you’ve been following the channel and we talk about meth a lot and me meth’s been doing fantastic there’s a

    Uh meme coin around meth that is trying to do something something unique that I’ve been uh advising and talking to the to the team and it’s starting on Monday so in a couple days you’ll be able to uh kick off Puff’s Journey um we see this

    Tweet that the the team put out that uh you can mint a uh a potion with meth um once you me the potion that gets converted to puff and then the games begin you know puff is going to be out in the wild um you can you can subscribe on on

    L1 and I think that you know I Hate meme coins I’ve said it before I think like they sort of catch attention and they’re kind of pointless this this could be a a new paradigm I know that I know that phrase get used a lot but um it’ll be

    Interesting so people can take a look if you want to get an nft um looks pretty cool so we’ll have we’ll have more to say in the future I’m a big puff supporter after Jordy I PvP oh and Luna and hex I’m curious what his iteration will look

    Like you know it it’s like usually throwing punches and and like throwing shade at and sometimes you got to just like get in the arena so yes we’re all in the arena um cool do you have any any other uh lovely questions or should we should

    We head to our pasta I think uh before we go to the pasta I just wanted to say this comment made me crack up if man wi this guy’s from Lost and code he says if Manta wins you can always Rebrand to bit smart chain bit wait where is that I need to

    Pull that up oh my God that’s brilliant BC is a winner lost lost in code B&B has been doing pretty well lately actually uh I guess like exchanges should be doing well during this kind of Market it looks like the volumes are insane we had a biggest volume day ever for

    Selen um just it was yesterday we traded 12 12.5 billion in 24 hours are you serious yes the fu Jesus Christ I would say we’re so back but we’ve never actually been here before so I don’t know where we are we’re not back we’re just somewhere new

    I don’t know what’s going on so new paradigm it’s new paradigm yeah where we’re going hiring s’s hiring aggressively we gotta staff up you have spots for interns no we need people that have done a few things because they need to get in line we you know we’re trying to spin up

    Uh backpack is an interesting exchange um it’s been doing very well we they announced the Rays we participated in um there’s no token so they’re trying to do it the traditional way which uh I respect as well and and it so there’s a few exchanges were um looking on board

    And uh so think you maybe we can get you back in the if you need a bus boy or an intern Vicky can be the I can be the intern and tyy can be the researcher all right farmer we’re all on jordy’s payroll you guys I saw backpack volume at like three

    Trillion dollars the other day okay I don’t know maybe there’s some tyos going anyway no shade just interesting interesting interesting all right guys pasta let’s do pasta we’ll talk more alts next time let’s do pasta that makes me hungry that Brad just pulled up I’m like I haven’t had breakfast yet I’m

    Starving I might get some spaghetti I have to make pasta every day my daughter is like obsessed with pasta she always wants spaghetti with salt nothing else just salt I don’t know what’s wrong with days no no butter it’s just salt I don’t know um all right let’s let’s kick off

    Pasta uh tii first up all right Justin can you pull up it’s a it’s a video it’s kind of a follow-up to the suzu episode uh if you can full screen it so this is Alex Weiss Weiss City and this is from last cycle when Bitcoin was at basically the

    Same price like 62k you know um and there’s like a there was like a 6% dip in the Bitcoin markets uh and can we just play the video real quick and I don’t know why they’re doing this at 2 am it’s kind of crazy I don’t know man it’s crazy let me

    Look at how many millions I lost so he’s in the hospital trading right here yeah oh it’s not so bad now I only lost 14 million there like a I think I was down like 21 million or something when it really nuked yeah we don’t to watch the whole

    Video but it was like just this is like the crypto lore right where I think in q1 of 2021 he like Weiss became the main character just showing off his p&l and then he got liquidated I think or he lost a bunch and then we heard like radio silence for

    A few weeks and then when he came back he’s in the hospital because of some health issues and then he’s doing some live streams like you know this is you know we we this is what we need to see this cycle we need new main characters live streaming from the hospital yeah he

    Got he got Co and like he was like trading oh it was Co hundreds of millions of dollars with covid so like that’s that’s the true true sign so there there are new characters this guy trading AXS he’s the one I don’t know if you guys follow trading acts on Twitter

    This guy’s like freaking just insane hilar ious not very PC but um he’s the one who started like the rilio red like oh study this study that and he’s also the one who’s been pushing this Alex Weiss lore Weiss City so um you guys you guys can

    Uh we see here trading a is my favorite follow in the chat so yeah this this guy’s been entertaining I talked to him and and like I just couldn’t stop cracking up I had a nice he’s uh he he’s a puff well can’t talk about this all right let’s go

    Justin let’s go oh I’m up next so I just want the want the audience to know I actually had five entries but the lads venot it I wanted to give you guys five things to laugh at but instead I’m stuck with I had to pick my best pasta I’ve been on a

    Roll so coin Guru here says and this is a simple one I’m going to tell my kids this was Jesus Christ and it’s just a picture of lar think and um this this man is safe crypto I mean how can you not how can you not love this guy right

    Look at that smile that smirk those eyes those glasses um so cheers to Larry tell your kids this was Jesus that’s a solid eight out of 10 I would I didn’t get the laughs I wanted I’ll need some love pivot four more pastas going I pre- laughed you pre- laughed okay because we

    All saw that on the timeline so I think it was stale pasta dud stale not Al D Al Dente all right I’m seeing a five out of 10 this was like a four or five out of 10 says Michael oh I think I was sabotaged I literally had five pastas they were all

    Equally yeah they were all Niche too that was the only one that blew up but whatever next time no you can try again you try again we’ll laugh this time try again yeah yeah we we’ll last worry let me pull one up give me two two

    Seconds here let me go to my bookmarks here I’ve got all my pastas bookmarked and um oh I already used that pasta earlier all right this is a little niche I don’t know if you guys will get this one you had to really be an onchain

    Deen but I don’t know if you guys remember in the peak of the the bottom of the bar Market hamster racing blew up as a thing on Twitter it was like the only thing you could do on chain that was at all fun and uh Fubar here says

    He’s dedicating this bull run to CK CK was one of the hamsters he was a notorious loser he was a trash hamster if any of you guys play this Rocky was the the winner and it it actually came out that all of the hamster races were pre-recorded and it was all just rigged

    So we all got rugged in the end but it was it was great thing for the bare Market this is for the this is for CK yeah started from the bottom now here so much it’s so crazy how things can change in six months did you guys race hamsters

    At all a year ago no no no oh my God it was so fun I was busy shorting everything to [Laughter] zero let’s see what Michael thinks of that one if it’s better than the four um yeah Michael let us know all right I’ll I’ll go next and

    Then we can we can have thank you for the finale so uh I have been enjoying bold leontis another follow you guys need to do after trading act so bold leonitis just crushes it every day he’s got a new amazing meme this is around blast so he’s climbing the pyramid he’s

    Like finally blast is out we can claim our points convert to Dollars and the Ponzi is done and then it zooms out and there’s like multiple massive pyramid coming so like the game is just started they’re not done you’re not gonna claim points you’re gonna get locked into

    Climbing pyramids Forever This is that’s amazing man’s a genius I might have to snap call I I haven’t seen thies yet but this is pretty good it’s timely I feel like blur farmers are like a cispus they’re constantly rolling a boulder up a hill just to have it roll back down

    Start again you need to make that Meme ficky like yeah that’s brilliant yeah that’s that’s that’s good all right thank you I don’t want it to jeopardize my blast allocation [Laughter] anyway I support blast blast good BL Good Guys blast good Pac-Man please give me points Pac-Man is

    Jesus Pac-Man is I’m G tell my kids P tyan was genius oh Jesus all right this one very very vanilla pasta but I do think it says Dad why is my sister’s name Rose the dad says because your mother loves roses the son says thanks Dad and the dad says no

    Problem I shares Bitcoin trust the Black Rock ETF definitely saved the markets this week it looks like we’re it was looking like we were going to break down actually from 50k um but then you know Larry f found two yards of capital to fire bags so

    Yeah good yeah and and I’m I’m curious to see like if this continues it’s just you know it’s very asymmetric um what’s going to happen so we’ll see what happens um guys this was uh I’m glad we did live you know I I have to say it was

    Kind of by accident I I fell asleep after trading too many hours yesterday like I missed the show so we had to do one live uh but hopefully you guys enjoyed the live one also look the comments are streaming in everyone is saying I won pasta oh wow yeah we have to choose

    That’s your alt account right no look there’s multiple we got creamsicle boy saying Larry we got dreams toxics Justin those are the only those are all your alls yeah yeah Justin is a on YouTube right now you have to uh you have to quickly give us some votes because Justin’s

    About to win we’re gonna say this is not oh my goodness we’re ging some price Targets in the chat people people are asking us to do live more often wow potato thank you oh man just got it wow that’s just a clear winner this is crazy oh my God he

    Won I’ve got the one wait did they vote for your first one or your second one he’s he’s he’s heit some he’s hit some different sticky don’t let’s not the ham was pretty good yeah all right everybody thanks for joining us this was a really fun one and we’ll catch you

    Next week bye guys a good weekend Oh


    1. I remember when taiki first talked about DefiKingdoms he was like "i asked the team if they were gonna rug me, they said no so i deployed capital" 😂

    2. out of favor: just bought more Near weeks ago (24th coin for me) – kinda forgetten coin, most users in all of crypto. Illia an OG AI published. Great sharding tech. Account abstraction with a ton of web2 users on Near already

    3. Should get Joe Carlasare from CT on the show. He is a crypto lawyer and always on twitter spaces, he was covering the btc etf heavily last year

    4. love the pod, however, is it me or is Taiki being outclassed here? for a while i've seen taiki not really contribute but more made fun of…

    5. we are all so ptsd'd that this is the time were we'll all see top signals everywhere
      High APY ? Top Signal
      Normie wearing a ape t? Top Signal
      Small article on the newspaper? Top Signal !!!

    6. You Stady Lads are the best examples why retail is underexposed to bitcoin. Institutions buy ETFs and Spot Bitcoin. Money don’t spill over to ETH and Alts like in the past!

    7. Stoked to hear Jordi talk nicely about Axelar. Definitely my best play of this cycle. Nowhere near running. A top 20 project in my opinion. Good to see it keep up with the memes this week. Something with actual substance.

    8. Watching the market's ups and downs shows how quickly things can change. In the market, strategic, informed trading isn't a choice; it's a must. Remember, caution is as crucial as ambition here. This dedication to continuous learning is inspiring…managed to grow a nest egg of around 127k to a decent 532k… I'm especially grateful to Flora Elkin, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape..

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