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    Mr Jay Weller yes has uh called you out at Yol Hall was it he did yeah signed a contract there’s no contract yet no is very funny he is doing a great job of trying to bring back like that but he’s also a bit weird in one of them he said

    I’ve been watching you sleep at a night time odd little boy D doy is coming for me apparently but um it is funny in like different interviews first it’s like yeah I think I get rid of him in round one then another interview was like yeah I think it goes two

    Rounds James and John were talking to me when I got into the studio today they was asking me they was like why are you doing it what’s the reason behind it like do you dislike him I said I’ve never had a problem with him he might

    Have a problem with me cuz I didn’t give him an interview but that whole thebuckle is so I’d done the commentary work for Gibbs fight all of my friends had left I’m getting dragged around Left Right Center I’ve got someone on the phone from The Zone going yeah your

    Taxi’s here your taxi there he asked as I was trying to find my way out then I got told my taxi is 10 minutes away so I’d gave someone else an IMU cuz I couldn’t see him if he did ask again fair dce I doubt he asked cuz his not

    Said it but yeah it’s not the fact that I dislike him it’s when I work towards something I’m such a happier person


    1. Ethan is all bark no bite, rolling his eyes and calling weller weird for trying to build something that would actually be good to watch proves it all, he's avoiding talking about the fight and just brushing it off as silly, imagine acting like that infront of your girl she must of been proper wet seeing ethan respond in such a non invested way, faith Deffo holding back saying what she wants to say to make ethan feel better

    2. Big pressure for Ethan that he can’t hack imo. He now has faith and his daughter to fight for and I just don’t think he’s got it in him to do the job and come home victorious, or at least he doesn’t believe in himself to do so.

    3. I commented on one of joes interviews that Ethan is never going to fight Joe imo but I do also think Joe is the only one who has something to prove in the fight so does Ethan really wana take that risk of being that guy Joe has his redemption against 🤷‍♂️ am not so sure

    4. Tbh joe weller has more than enough reason to fight any of the sidemen except tobi for the simple fact all of the sidemen except tobi fucked him off after the fight with ksi considering before the fight with ksi all of them where sweet with joe its just a proper 2 faced snakey move from the sidemen but ethan is just a wanna be tough man and i truly think joe would beat him an tbh ethans girlfriend needs to stay out of it lookin like the little girl out of the grinch 😂

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