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    Hertfordshire Constabulary You’re Spazzatura

    Yo hi everybody this is AB so yeah uh I’m here today somewhere near hamham State I might be wrong I don’t know uh yeah why am I here well there is a company just around here to do with the bio product something yeah and I had where to park apart from this

    Park on the exit I might have to cough up something like £450 yeah a bit of a rip off but he it looks uh it looks quite nice they’ve got a a coffee shop down there somewhere there’s a leg down the bottom but yeah what I’m using it for Forest to park

    Unfortunately yeah I guess you can bring your kids here for that anyway so the company after is somewhere down there so I’m just going to check it out quickly see what they up to and uh yeah no I could have ped here oh I didn’t see that I just wasted a 450

    Man oh look at this rubbish let me see what this sign says an authorizer illegally ped vehicle with oh no no no I didn’t waste 4450 after all no I didn’t right no public access but why W see a lot of cameras comea there comea there I saw a

    Security guard oh somebody in a a yellow jacket getting past so yeah let’s continue oops there’s a wheel barrow there why is it there I don’t know oh yes there’s Mr yellow jacket over there he’s unaware of the dangers he’s texting his girlfriend let’s if he’s got

    One what is he w maybe that me no he’s texting well this company cannot rely on this guy anyway let’s carry on H sorry guys I actually gone the wrong way yeah the main G is actually this way I hav had a bad day today man this H let’s read this application

    To demolish a building oh I’m guessing these buildings here demolish yeah so I’m just approaching this place PPL it smells like poop around here just to just to let you know bio products laboratory well obviously it’s going to smell like poop pictures yeah just a few pardon

    Just a few what’s the story sorry what’s the story what’s the story yeah what’s the story he hasn’t been established yet he hasn’t been uh okay no worries lad you take it easy oh right what’s what’s your story I just don’t know what I thought you were

    Looking lost thought you were lost no no just taking pictures uh how do we get in here what do you mean what how do we get in what what do you mean how do you get in how can we get in I’ve just been looking all the way around but is there

    Any way you can get in what do you mean you have to you have to book an appointment and speak to them inside without appointment how can you get it um you have to set up an appointment with your with a site contact and they’ll

    S if you have site contact speak to them they’ll sort you out do you have any contacts or no we don’t give out any information like that so I’m not I’m just not in my job description to to know sor J what we don’t give out information so why

    Not what do you mean why not why don’t you who who are you I I don’t know who you are what a what my name yeah what’s the story what’s the story in balamor what do you mean oh you you have a good day lad lad why couldn’t be

    Lad hey quick question yeah obviously your security yeah yeah I mean do you not have like that blue badge on display or something a blue badge sorry yeah what’s going on what do you mean what’s happening what’s happening why you don’t have like a blue badge I

    Do have a blue badge so what is it St oh that’s not a blue brush so what’s the matter nothing’s the matter nothing’s the matter I just thought you were lost I just want to give your hand that’s all all right thanks oh hello yeah here you takeing

    Pictures of the site can I help you why you taking pictures of the side and you got a camera can I help you any anyway who are you calling it doesn’t matter who I’m calling why are you taking pictures on my site is it your site yeah you own it

    No I’m a security why are you taking pictures of of the site please but you said my site all not my site but I work here can you stop recording me what you taking pictures from you might need a bra I think before before you come out in public next time

    You need to wear bra my friend hello got a gentleman here he’s recording the S he got camera I’m not I’m just recording your kids taking pictures just outside the front of the G house how how do I get in how do I get in yeah the camera

    Anyway so we’re going to pass your footage on to the police like my manager said but I’m going to tell the police by your indecent exposure you can’t come out in public with boobs like that you need to wear a br my friend your M to give me one didn’t it tell my

    Ms to give you one she they’re not as big as yours hey they’re not as big as yours seriously dude seriously man my sight hey get out of here it’s his sight Mr booby man right uh well I don’t think we’re going to get a

    Uh we going to get a tour here I don’t think so uh you can’t see through here nothing I don’t know you guys can you see anything I can’t see got something here going on here oh I think he send you more security no smoking they got quite interesting signs what’s that

    Say your side speed limit is 10 m hour that’s with a finger pointing and then this side this sign I’ve never seen before Jimmy sa W get a job in [Applause] here that’s for sure they got a a lot of cameras as you can oh my God you gave me a heart attack

    Man yeah was I said yeah they got quite a lot of cameras CCTV in operation uh yeah I don’t know there’s any oh morning how are we good yeah not too bad not too bad nice to see you smiley people the security guys are a little bit grumpy but you made up for

    It what’s the reason for the video the reason uh I have like a YouTube channel okay sorry yeah I have a YouTube channel just fil around just that’s it nothing uh nothing Sinister what do you guys do here what do you guys do here in a couple of words say that

    Again no in general or this in prison all right take care guys if you don’t want to talk yeah they’re very friendly uh I do want to say I mean we quite know what we do who you know there’s one thing about this uh this road here there’s no

    Pavements I mean that’s really bad you can’t expect people to walk there yeah we’re just going to continue to the top I think there’s another gate here on the right so I’m just going to check that out and uh I think I’ll be done uh they probably call the police I

    Got the police will turn up the police already know I’m here as uh I met him in ham Hamstead with a dog so it’ll be very surprised if they turn out uh yeah that’s that but what we going to do I’m going to revisit this place and I will bring that guy a

    Bra in I don’t know maybe six or eight months why not he tries to be he tries to be wait o whoa whoa whoa what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing I’m here I’m here for an inspection you can’t close

    It you go to the main gate what do you mean no no no no no have you got have you got a pass I the inspector my friend have you got a pass what are you talking about I’m here to inspect hey no no no you can’t do that you can’t do that

    Go get the pass list seriously you can’t close it you’re going to be fired you’re making a big mistake please go and get the pass from the main gate what do you mean back came to the back gate go back to the main gate and I’m here to insect

    Warning unauthorized what these sides we get look this is already you lost the point of that we can read this we can’t read this I going to what get back here man respect them what the heck is going on you see as soon as there’s a guy with

    The camera they start loing all the gates and H funny buggers yeah well that’s that that was fun that’s it so I’m going to walk slowly back to my car just in Cas they call the police uh I need to go to is it ham Hamstead police

    Station or yeah I’m going to play back the video of the that detainment and uh whichever station that police officer told me to go to uh I’m going to go there and get my search records so that’s that in the meantime baby out what a ripoff hey 450 I didn’t even

    Bike here for longer than an hour


    1. Since 1 January 2022, the SIA has not initiated criminal proceedings against anyone for failing to display their SIA licence in accordance with section 9 of the Private Security Industry Act 2001.

      In respect of punishment, pursuant to section 9(4), a person who contravenes the conditions of any licence granted to them (failure to display a licence) can receive a term of imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or a fine, or both.7 Jun 2023

      Failing to display SIA whilst undertaking licensable conduct is an arrestable offence by the Police.

      Reporting the criminal offence to the Police for failing to display SIA licence. The Police will make excuses not to arrest the security office as the Police and security licence holders are under the same umbrella of the Home Office.

      If anyone is able to press for an arrest of a security officer who failed to display SIA licence by the Police – would be educational as there are many Auidits video evidence highlighted security officers failing to display their SIA licence and continue do so……

    2. I love the "you need a bra" line. 😅
      I'm an older guy who always kept in shape. I've noticed that the younger males now frequently have breasts. Is it due to dietary/chemical changes that developed after my generation? Additives to food? Why do younger men 40 and below have breasts?

    3. one of the places making bioweapons like the population reduction killer virus. then when you got it they force you to take a vax. its the same philosophy with computers. you buy one then after a few months it wont run right because of software virus so you gotta get anti virus software which costs you every year. its a scam.

    4. Ahhh AB let yourself down….no need for the offensive commenta. You do a good job, but in my opinion when you :
      Insult other's
      Act like you cant speak English/understand

      You ruin the good work

    5. Tremendous. Hormone treatment for prostate cancer can cause mens chests to swell up like this, so AB this was not funny and you have let the side down as normally you are great…xx

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