Today we take a look at Air Liquide UK Ltd (Manchester), Irlam, Manchester M44 5BA.

    We remain off site, ensure the drone doesn’t fly over any hazards and inform everyone we meet that we are filming for a youtube video.

    This was not good enough and the police are called.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Silly little man oh thank you any more insults before you go what get back to work so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Manchester taking a look at air liquid it gas gas oh no problem they shut at four apparently so the customer cannot get his

    Gas but the lady behind she has the a gate fob and she can go in he’s going to reverse get himself out of the way and and we will get this video In Motion shall we so a quid let’s find a little bit of information about them you doing sorry you

    Mov just film in hey just film in be sec be what sorry I’m asking you cuz you’re videoing the site right right so I don’t know what you video it for I know you don’t what I’m going on the fact of security that’s what I’m doing I know

    You are I’ve got no problem hey I’ve got no problem well well I have you V video in it I’ll go back in and I’ll call please hold on bit of an overreaction hey bit of an overreaction well it’s not but right you know a security threat right it’s a gas

    BL right so it comes on security and you’re videoing it and I’m asking you why you’re videoing it yeah I told you just filming just for YouTube just for YouTube yeah all right that’s all I don’t think it’s good enough for him looks like he’s turning his car

    Around does he have a legal registration with two tone I think he has that needs to be solid black and I think that might have a bit of red behind it oh I’d love to get closer is going in I can’t be 100% sure on that one if they’re all black solid black

    Then it is allowed to be you know the 3d effect but if it’s got another color inside it then it’s illegal so yes compressed gas is just told us we’ve not managed to get any information just yet nitrogen so it must just be the normal you know oxygen nitrogen oh the roll

    Out we’re filming each other about there doesn’t take long to get recognized at the compressed air facility was it I’m trying to get on your website to get some information if you just uh give me a moment guys I’m trying to do you some free publicity here if you’d allow

    Me to so liquid air liquid Manchester air liquid has been a prominent presence in the UK since 2004 offering a wide range of gases equipment and services across various sectors including oil gas Automotive metal fabrication chemical pharmaceutical agricultural food and beverage Industries and Healthcare excuse

    Me do you mind what you’re doing read in no you’re not taking the company is dedicated to supporting the UK’s commitment to energy transition through innovative solutions like biomethane hydrogen energy oh it’s quite distracting what’s up are You where you going are you lost lost yeah no oh right no we just wanted to know why we bit fous yeah that’s why I’ve come closer to tell you all right that’s fine and your colleague in the perso is also just been told is he not

    Told you no oh I’m doing a YouTube video about air liquid 20 minutes Drone footage that’s it I’m going to stay outside I don’t like being on your land have you have you been given authorization to do that don’t need it cuz I’m I’m on the public foot path you

    Do need it and pH it please they’re phing the police now to come for you so to come for you yeah well obviously you’re not allowed to security and I’ve told you that right yeah but you’re wrong you’re wrong that’s all no I’m not wrong you are I’m outside on the public

    Footpath making a video for YouTube you could be anyone mate you could be anyone I am anyone to you yeah you could be anyone yeah so so what so you call the police for criminal things criminal matters what’s the crime I’m not on your side I’m off your side I don’t care well

    I do hey I do okay you say that it’s regardless of whether you care isn’t it oh it says you well yeah are you important then are you more important than me maybe I make my decisions out there on the public foot path and if I think it’s a lawful activity I’ll carry

    On well you carry on that’s well I was trying to but you was like excuse me excuse me nobody can doing that why you being silly cuz I want to be silly little man oh thank you any more insults before you go what get back to work go on back to work

    Back to work so once again automatically assuming that everything is illegal just because they don’t like it you may have no filming policy on site which makes somebody filming from the outside look so unusual but you know going off on the emergency response we’re calling the police you’re not

    Allowed to do it security threat breach breach mate I’m outside all right I’m not inside what will they think when the Drone goes over eh so we have this string across the bush here I’m not sure what this String’s doing we we also have this little bit of a uh destroyed area

    Here something seems to have happened recently around here not quite sure what but the gates are now opening for the hux and I think this will be the perfect opportunity to get our drone out get David out and let’s see what air liquid looks like from above

    So as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all Air liquid it’s not going to be a nice video about your company unfortunately but we’ve started so we have to finish take off and it always includes the Drone

    Flight so let’s see what you look like then shall we so just down here where the lady was shouting us trying to talk to us told her exactly what we’re doing but once again not good enough not good enough I have a lot of compressed gas in very very safe containers oh yes

    Very strong we don’t even need to go around the outside of this one but I will you know I’ll still show them that we are extra careful there is a lot isn’t there oh very big sight there some even stored undercover there excuse me excuse

    Me move down no photos side no no what can I move down the say no yeah if we not take pictures of it’s secure sight you hold gas yeah I’m still going to take the photos all right well the police are coming in okay that’s Fine it’s always the threat of the police is it like that’s going to scare you they assume you’re doing something wrong and that if the police came you would run away and hide move away move down there we don’t want you taking photos of this side mate

    If you look what’s in my hand I’ve literally got a camera above us looking at everything me moving down there a little bit is not going to achieve your goal I’m afraid yeah just thousands and thousands of cylinders with all the different type of gases that they

    Sell and they even sell it by the Lo look that one behind looks a little unusual doesn’t it bio meane that’s what my guess is anyway but yeah they’re not making it a very pleasant visit here are they so let’s get the 360Β° photo done for Google

    Maps and see where this video takes us next see if the police do attend see how important air liquid is how quick of a police response do they pay for of course they don’t pay for it there is no Brown envelopes being exchanged nowadays y That’s fine know that’s fine what’s so

    Interesting about YouTube video what’s your topic Industrial States why I mean I do follow some weird ones but why just States all because people want to watch it it makes so much money so I’ve jumped on the bandwagon what’s your what’s your I can’t tell you when you call the

    Police it I take off just out of Interest I can’t tell you cuz I I take offense of the fact that was I’m not bothered about that taxpayers money I pay for the police and you’re wasting their time no no no no no no you need to

    Tell me when I’m wasting I also play the police we both pay taxes yeah why would you want to waste their time this is they’ll decide whether they’ll decide whether it’s that’s why they can you hear any Sirens that’s why they’ve not come don’t worry about that it happens

    All the time mate people like you look fools on the camera cuz you overreact you waste the police time and it makes the company site there’s IND I’m not on the S no but by taking videos oh like Google Maps did the street car but they

    Don’t yes they do they go over like the plane did Google Maps you can see everything so don’t overreact outside your public ground is fine well it weren’t fine cuz you rang the police I don’t know about that I didn’t yes you did no I didn’t you just said you just

    Said I’ve rang the police the yes they’ve run the police I think it’s cuz you you said that there was a drone going on the drone’s up there right now above us say look it looks fantastic from above just like it does on Google Maps I’m here to talk and explain it

    People um follow the you’ll see s you’ll see somebody will send you the link to this video cuz you’re you’re on it now now all right okay talkinging stupid many not telling you okay well I wasn’t doing it I’m going home now so I’m not bothered what happen best place for you

    To have gone right okay well enjoy yourself thank you just stand up to these people and you’ll soon see a change in their behavior it’s absolutely ridiculous we always intend on making a nice video about the place and if they always come out and behave professionally you know if they offer

    You a tour look at netor sports the net World Sports video how he invited us in and just showed us inside the warehouse and spent 5 minutes of his time telling us about the business I had so many comments saying oh I’m definitely going to buy something from them Christmas birthday I’ve

    Already been on the website I bookmark this that and the other that’s all you need to do all this over reacting and assuming that you’re a criminal it’s not doing the company any favors really is it I don’t know so what do you think then you’re out

    Here on the public foot path public pavement whatever you want to call it people say it’s not a foot path it’s a footway that’s the highway and that’s the footway but come on that’s a public foot path General terminology yeah so an interesting place air liquid we’ve never filmed one

    Before try and find out a bit more and they come out like they own the place we have a news article 2 days ago air liquid reports solid 2023 financials with net profit up by 11.6% so they are doing very well but that’s another company off the list

    Normally you see Air Products maybe it’s a competitor to Air Products so across the road from Air liquid we have this sign here Huntsman Drive in the end of it you have the DJ AIT key ring if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do

    Want the key ring good look with that I don’t think anybody saw us no so we’ll just stick around for another 5 minutes give the police a chance to arrive I don’t think they will I hope they don’t complete waste of their time he pay his tax as well

    So he’s okay to waste the police time the guy thinks he can tell me to move from here go down there if you want to film this is a secure site well it’s not very secure when you keep coming it in and out opening that gate to talk garbage to me is

    It stay inside get your CCTV cameras to zoom in and capture the evidence of me doing something wrong if that does happen yeah film the Drone film where it goes and how high it goes and how far away from the flyer it goes get your evidence then if you think an

    Offense has been committed you pass it on to the police but before you’re even sure you just think oh it must be doing something wrong because no filming is allowed on site we’re a secure site we can’t have anyone on here and his camera taking photos in my eyes and his drone they’re

    On our land in our property no we are not oh we got another one now yeah we got another one want to take a photo the police have told them that there’s nothing they can do just keep your cameras on him and they’re like oh cameras are crap let me

    Go and take a photo of him myself with my own phone cuz our cameras don’t point in the right direction oh they do actually they’ve got one just there but she’s undering her cameras by doing that anyway no police the staff have now calmed down stayed inside gone back to

    Work yeah some strange noises coming from in there so we’ll leave that one there if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. I’m watching from here in Seattle USA. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ wasn’t there a story about this same thing recently: drone, kid, lame drivel about his limited knowledge of laws, statues, and rights? Anyway the little smartass kid’s cell camera area got hit by something and it ruined the phone and the kid’s knuckles looked bad too. I was thinking how it would be pity if that suddenly happened outta blue. Camera stops, there’s no story, move on. Hmmmmm. So how about some coffee? Maybe I should cut back, since I wrote this in 5 seconds. No that can’t be it…..slurp! <cat smile>

    2. Ha Ha HA….more comedy Gold πŸ˜‚β€ These people are just so funny…except for people like the MD of LIBRA who are at the other end of the violence spectrum and really need to be in prison as soon as possible

    3. What I don't understand about these dumbass idiots is, why would anyone come to your site in broad day light to do a video in order to do any kind of harm to your company

    4. Do you think that they ask customers who enter the site for gas to turn off their dash cams these Companies need to pay more and hire a higher IQ staff, pay peanuts and get monkeys.

    5. We are in the age of information, everyone has a device in their hand or pocket that has unlimited access to the internet and education on any matter possible but yet people still choose to remain stupid, it's beyond me.

    6. Let’s be honest, it’s the confrontations that make these videos interesting.Without the confrontations it’s just videos of buildings.

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