🔥 🚴 Join us on an extraordinary journey as cyclists from China and Ireland cross paths in Tehran after years of exploration. Witness their inspiring encounters, cultural exchanges, and shared adventures in this captivating video. Experience the beauty of long-term travel and the bonds forged on the open road. Subscribe now for more incredible stories of global exploration and connection 🎥
    #WorldTravelers #GlobalCyclists#WanderlustCyclists #mmaaftab #ahmedaftab

    What is the bicycle price and what are the specifications of the bicycle that you are all interested what’s in your backpack yeah so uh we have a tent we have stove we can hoook we have a sing bag so my sing bag is managed 20° I can sleep in a winter on a

    Mountains I can Happ on a snows no problem at all then 2020 which is technically the trip I’m still on now technically you not gone home yet from I have yeah been asalam viewers hope you’re doing good as you know I’m in tan Iran and I love to talk to people so I

    Have a Thomas and Alex with me both are cyclist traveling around the world we are meting in Heritage hostel ton so I thought let’s have a chitchat with them they have very less time we going to recall some teasers of in points and maybe hope some day later we going to

    Recall and all that session with first of all welcome to my podcast Thomas thank you sir and Alex thank you Salam thank you for the invite you’re welcome so Thomas I will start uh sorry Alex I will start with you as you have to leave early so Alex is from Liang

    China right and he’s cyclist and he’s traveling from his hometown luang to Venus Italy right yes so can you tell us uh how do you think uh of doing the cycling is it isn’t it hor uh no actually so like in five and a half

    Years five and a half years ago so I was settling from my hometown to a a very famous attraction of my of of China so it’s the it’s also like a bascle traveling so many people from start from their Hometown to to that that place is T in it’s what it called

    Uh uh Lassa yes La in China yes so they have a very beautiful palace so many people they start from their Hometown and come to that place yes to that place so it’s like a uh parro parriage okay pilgrimage yeah pilgrimage okay okay how

    Much time it take so it took me 34 days but uh you know uh in in tbat there’s all plau it’s very hard to plan but the scenery is very beautiful good and before I enter tbat I saw a foreigner so he’s the foreign cyst he’s the

    Inspiration of me okay he become your inspiration yeah so he’s the inspiration of this journey so uh um so he his name is Lloyd and he’s from he’s from France I met him in in leang China and which is in the suan province and he showed me

    His map so he start his journey from Poland and he CLE all around from Poland and across Central Asia to China and guess his destination you cannot guess maybe destination anartica yes no no not great quick one but his his destination is Australia Australia yeah

    Yeah and he show me his map and his planning and that is really shock amazed I’m amazed so from that time I’m thinking maybe that going to happen on me sometimes so yeah it’s about 5 and a half years ago and now I’m on my on my journey so this is your first

    International Journey we can say uh no actually a first International Journey with basketball where where which basketb where where is that sorry so it’s my first International Journey with basketball with basketball yes okay and uh now you’re how many how much time you’ve spent cycling now and how much

    Time will you take to reach your destination uh so um I start in August 30 so it’s about five months ago five months and a week about about this time so so uh yes so many people ask me about like it’s already five months do you

    Feel like lonely do you feel boring yes very much important question yeah how many friends or people you traveling uh just one just me just you yeah just me just you with you and you yes that’s great yeah so actually yeah actually I met Thomas I met Thomas in yeah like you

    You you met him in kab as well in kab kab Afghanistan Afghanistan yeah so we start with CLE together in Kar so about three weeks I think so now you’re together from that tour yeah from Kart to to to Red you together yes now wech we rather each other come on

    Man I guess your b gets stronger I guess your b gets stronger and you go where you want to so so what what I think your time is getting short what are the main points that a cyclist should keep in mind while preparing for an

    Interest uh so I think U just get ready for anything yes you going to get get ready for anything yes you but uh just just you have some like bad things in your imagination like the worst thing you you think it’s going to happen but uh actually it’s not not happened so uh

    I think yeah what was the worst experience you you had in these days worst five months um actually not really not really I think I can I can take anything that’s great that’s great but for people like you were not having a place to like live by that that is f

    That is that is super small problem oh my God for travelers so I I want to describe myself as a traveler so that is not a problem at all yeah yeah we we can fix it no we I was I was I was uh asking this question for beginner maybe with

    Leaving home he might uh get ready for not having a place food storms Sun rain everything you have to take because uh so uh some Travelers they they take PL they they like they travel they leave in hotels they have no imaginations about The Travelers who CLE with who travel

    With basketballs so for us we we are like we have everything our back so although that’s a very good question what’s in your backpack yeah so uh we have a tent we have stove we can cook we have a sleeping bag so my sleep sleeping

    Bag isus 22 degrees 22 degre it keep you I can sleep in a winter on a mountains I can camping on a snow it’s no problem at all I always feel warm in my sleeping bag and how many clothes you carry so uh I have a bag of clothes but uh so

    Normally we have some uh technical clothes so like we have this jacket it’s waterproofed sometimes it’s cold I will I will put a down jacket inside the the this this jacket so inside we have a quick quick dry uh t-shirt so it’s three layers and it’s handle all all kinds of

    Situations so technical dresses are more rather than a three piece suit yeah okay I guess we uh any message for the cyclist Community or Pakistan people uh watching you uh so uh let me think uh second so yeah so sometimes you will face some problem but

    If you strong enough the problem you can crush the problem and yeah so the problem is not a very problem that that is that that very good feeling yeah so I love it perfect thanks all for giving you time Alex you can leave 3:30 now okay let’s move towards Thomas SE right

    Yeah so he’s from Ireland and the wellage called belly frers right yeah he’s from Republic of Ireland right he’s a cyclist as well and he has some interesting story you were talking Rec said I’m traveling to from uh 2020 and there’s some news about newand or something about Iran or Afghanistan or

    Pakistan Dubai I’m confused as well let’s ask to him so Thomas why you started cycling and why you think you have to go International uh so it takes back before 2020 so we go back to the very beginning uh I started in 2016 2016 in America so I just graduated from University you

    Were studying in America in Ireland in Ireland yeah yeah and I just finished my studies what studies by the way uh I did uh history and Irish because I wanted to be a school teacher um but then in between finishing my undergrad course and doing my masters I decided to take a

    Gap year to travel to travel with and eight years later go back to University and so tra so in eight years that one year not finished yet no it’s been that one year is sp to eight years yeah yeah yeah yes it’s been it’s been very on and

    Off I’ve been doing different bits of of other stuff as well and uh so yeah so 2016 was my first international trip iyed across America then 2018 2019 I SED Africa top to bottom so in EG as well yeah started in Egypt and cyle down to

    South Africa Cape Town um and then 2020 which is technically the trip I’m still on now technically you you’ve not gone home yet from 2020 I have yeah I’ve been but that trip didn’t completed because you didn’t went from source to destination exactly perf it’s changing again because

    I go home in a few weeks and then I want to come back but I don’t have I want to come back to cycle the Middle East again but I don’t really have much interest in cycle across Europe to get home okay so I want to do South America Latin America

    I want to do West Africa there’s many more places I want so I I can safely say you want to see all the world on CLE yeah yeah Prett much so what’s your tour now if you want to tell source to destination what’s the source and what’s the destination so

    This latest tour I’m on I started in Delhi in India okay and I finished in technically I finished in tran because now on where we are yeah I’ve run out of time to continue bu bicycle so I’m going to take the I’m going to go into regular

    Tour pH I’m going to take regular tour planes or trains or something yeah with the bus I’ll take the bus bus play Train yeah so I’ll take the bus uh to and where will be your bicycle uh I’ll try taking on the bus I he to awkward I’ll

    Do some cycling as well but just because I want to see some dark cities in Iran because I bur out of time to do isan yeah I don’t have time to cycle from every city and then I don’t have time to take some days off to enjoy the cities

    So I had to make a decision do I cycle and take no days off and just fly past everything on my bicycle or do I just can I suggest something as well I think you should take a little bit rest and give you yourself rest so you can get

    Ready for energetic or other tools don’t don’t don’t exhaust yourself much I think so otherwise I’m no one to give a suggestion to a cyclist it’s just my opinion okay I’ve taken some detours on this particular cyle as well like I went to Afghanistan oh yeah which wasn’t my

    Plan my plan was to cross Iran from Pakistan okay and then to go interesting question he told me he has been to Pakistan as well let’s ask him which cities you travel what was experence in Pakistan life yeah so I crossed at uh W border um so my City LA yes I crossed

    The hard waga was an interesting B of AC cross because I was the only person Crossing at this particular time yes it was quite as B of cross was the documentation difficult no no it was fine it was easy um I mean walking into the office into the

    Building it was like you walked into somebody’s home there was no official dress you know work just dressed like in their paral clubs yeah a little bit fancier than what you know tracky yeah but still just like suits or something no no nothing like that um and then yeah and everybody was chatting

    Because I was the only cheers tramping across the board at this time so took a bit longer I had tea I had a good time and and then yeah Pakistan was I regreted Pakistan was I didn’t spend enough time there how much time told you spend about uh maybe about

    Three and a half weeks that’s enough I guess and and he told me he went to lore Islamabad bar yeah Basham City mang beautiful city you had you had Lambs in Lambs or mutton curries or something yeah people were taking and what about the food from laor you had something or you just

    Traveled I stayed with some local people in laor so we um it was in like a a small room it was me and the other guy he he forfeited his from sleep his bed we are very Hospital you know yeah I argued but he he wasn’t

    Taking off for an answer but they cooked like like different stews every night so we had C we had some beef we had some chicken and then we all at together maybe six he was your friend yeah yeah he’s a close friend now from laor from

    Laor okay that’s great so you want to mention that person’s name who gave you the tour of La yeah of course his name is Muhammad IMR okay great M Imran you showed him the and you saved our respect take you so good trip from Pakistan then you from Pakistan you

    Crossed Iran uh i d to it while I was in Pakistan to Afghanistan which I I didn’t think would be possible especially on a bicycle after okay so how you did to C to uh I went from Pakistan then I cycled across Afghanistan I came to Iran from

    Afghanistan okay perfect that’s right so what’s your next destination after Iran I go to Dubai and then Dubai I I park my bicycle I fly so you ran to Dubai from bicycle yeah B and almost how much how much time would it take be there uh my

    Ferry is scheduled to leave on the 22nd February February maybe two weeks perfect and then from Dubai then uh I leave my bicycle in Dubai I fly home I go back to work back to my girlfriend back to my family back to my friends she

    Will be waiting for you at all yeah yeah and then next winter I will come back to Dubai and I will continue my bicycle okay your bicycle will be Sav there yeah my cousin lives in Dubai okay perfect I just I’m just curious that when you travel from bus plane or something how

    Your bicycle stay safe uh yeah so usually uh you can put it in the on the compartment box and then when you do this you have to it’s better to put it in yourself because you know exactly how the B place it somewhere safe yeah yeah and very one

    Important question Thomas that what is the bicycle price and what are the specifications of this bicycle that you do are internation yeah so it’s in dollars maybe in pounds yeah it’s about they don’t make the bicycle anymore but I paid uh $ $1,500,000 $500 and what about the

    Additional equipments um so some lights or some Bel or something yeah yes I’ve got the when I got the bicycle it came as a proper Tour Bike okay but I had to buy stuff like the bicycle to buy bags on top of um I had to buy some like uh

    Some bags for the bicycle so we we can think like $500 more oh no maybe around around $2,500 you can get a RIS bik for you could do cheaper you could do absolutely cheap okay per thank you any message for the Pakistan Community cyclist Community

    Youth it’s up to you now yes uh thank you very much for your incredible Hospitality uh as I cycle in your beautiful country I definitely want to get back because I want to explore more of Pakistan especially uh the northern mountains definitely come to milor yeah

    I will def definely be back because I’m still in touch with a lot of my friends in Pakistan and uh yeah the food the hospitality the scenery people the kindness it’s uh it’s very uh touching and it’s very heartwarming so please always remain like this and uh I will

    Continuously tell people about your uh beautiful and fine country and I would always encourage travelers to visit Pakistan as well thanks L for your time for pleasure thank you thank you byebye guys thank you very much


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