*Re Upload now with blur for his car reg privacy to comply with previous complaint*.

    Burton Police station , drone goes over the back yard and Sarg kicks off demanding its landed and ID. The drone officer turns up and saves the day.

    Get the Drone down now sorry get the Drone down now why cuz you flyed over private property get the Drone down now he’s going to take your details and run you through all right you can’t be flying it over police property yes then the people we’re here today in Burton Burton up on

    Trent and we got a police station there so Burton police station I just thought as we were driving past new area we shouldn’t really ignore it um have a quick look at the backyard there going to be a drone one this straight up with the Drone I think

    Have a little look and get going notice the visitors parking Bay of police station visitors only if attending Court do not park here so the court is just down the road and I think possibly if you get arrested here and you go to court they have an underground link which is straight

    Under got some electric bike over there look as I say it’s going to be a drone one this this one the wind spinning the propellers of the drone look it wants to take flight the Dron trying to take off and it’s not even turned on so stuff with your police

    Here nice looking building just down there isn’t it look and this police station is closed on the weekend which is odd that’s It got a camera missing up there Unusual let’s go to the back yard and we’ll take the drone over nothing may happen happen nothing at all but we’ll See Let’s have a little look above quite a big station actually didn’t realize plenty of solar panels on the roof quite a large backyard look at that Burton police station don’t really do police stations but just thought as it’s a different area we’re passing by why not what we got in the skip

    Anybody coming out to play not bother the look of it is that the custody entrance or do they even have a custody here I would say they do but I don’t know look at that little mini Square in the top of the building should we take the Drone down there

    Definitely not have visual L of sight down there wonder what that little Dome is for there it is from above we’re in we’re into the backyard got a car coming in is it Undercover no it looks like a personalized WR that can’t be undercover now he’s going to the private car park

    This is where they come out and say oh they’re acting suspiciously there’s a drone in the Backyard somebody else coming out now Talking about the Drone are they maybe maybe not oh he do look too happy does He nice Get the Drone down now sorry get the Drone down now why cuz you flyed over private property this offic is going to take your details I just having a look at your mark cars and stuff that’s what it was yeah but there’s private cars there as well so get the Drone down now

    He’s going to take your details and run you through all right you can’t be flying it over Police property yeah why because it’s private property I do it all the time it’s fine no it’s not fine he’s going to get your details get the Drone down now I to be fair I’d finish

    Anyway I’ll take the Drone down I don’t want to be keeping it in the air while I’m talking to you no we’ll get it down now it’s fine over police property it’s fine no it’s not it is no cuz there’s private cars in there yeah not interested I’m interested in the Vans I

    Don’t care what you’re interested in okay all right well I don’t care what your concern is mate but I’m trying to your concern if you’re concerned about me and I don’t care if you’re recording I’m Sergeant 4616 Roberts thank you very much all right I’m going to land the

    Drone land the Drone they’ll take your details all right won’t be taking no details buddy hey won’t be taking they will be taking your details or they’ll be taking the Drone really yes really so they’re only entitled to details if I’ve been suspected of committed an offense

    Which you have we don’t know who you are okay this off bud this is a CT it’s a counterterrorist site all right is it I didn’t know that well you do now I didn’t know that all right so make so that’s because the the security is there

    An all private cars and covert Cars part back I don’t like your approach but I’ll let I’ll tell you what I’m doing I’m doing a video on the police vehicles today didn’t know that was a type of site is okay but we need to get your

    Details who you are I’m Le that I’ll come over right right if we don’t take your details we’re going to seize your drone simple as that and then I’ll be and there’ll be civil claiming against you because I I not committ property that’s not an offense buddy where’s me it c s thing

    Now I’m going back over there to talk F you overreacting meate I’m not overacting you are I do this a lot seen anything like this in my life mate for you to tell me that it’s okay to fly over private property at police site which is a counterterrorist site I

    Didn’t know that what you do now you should have more security then because you do know what do you mean security what I’m saying is right well I FL Dr see how it looks to me all right if you’ve never seen we all do no you’re not listening to me because do you’re

    Not give big go word are you different roles you have your so it’s a counterterrorist site for custody right so you have got custody here pardon you got custody here I didn’t even know that I’m tell yeah I’m telling you on the camera I saying I can’t see a custody s

    Maybe they have one I don’t know you see those see those uh Windows there on the bottom yeah I didn’t know that so it’s a CT site all right M I’ve worked here for 25 years I’ve never seen anybody fly a drone over here you never and I’ve never

    Seen it’s quite a common thing not challenge they may have it’s it’s a common thing these people do it not when there’s private Vehicles parked out there okay some of us interested that have to well I don’t know what your video is you’re coming out it’s the same

    Thing them as well enough but when it’s up and over there I just got out my car and I’ve got a drone overhead I stay high enough it was it’s a wide lens it won’t cut I’m trying toase your concern you genuinely seem concerned but I genuinely don’t know who you are you

    Don’t need to I do right let me tell you I make videos informative videos on emergency sites police all sorts not from around the area drove past I thought you know what I haven’t done that one before let’s do that one I take aerial shots of buildings now that

    Building from here doesn’t look that big from above it’s massive yeah it’s interesting for people but because M because I don’t know who you are but that doesn’t mean you entit to my ideasa stuff it no it doesn’t it does because you’ve committed an offense flying that over private property What offense

    You’re wrong my friend What offense if I was committed an offense doing that I would not tell you it’s a CT site so under certain legislation let me show you one thing on my uh I don’t have to do this but I want to Alle your concern and I don’t want you

    Guys to be doing something like seasoning the Drone that you shouldn’t do SE drone just just want to know who you are I could be talking to somebody who’s wanted I’m not going to give you that who’s got criminal criminal offenses how’s that going to okay how

    Would taking someone’s ID a l your concern unless they are like a terrorist if you’re working for an organized crime Grant right you could be selling details of private private cars that belong to offices because we have a lot of problems how would you know that from

    Taking my own details unless I’m some known person done it before exactly but I don’t we don’t know who you are which is why these officers are going to take your details this here no no drone assist they are there’s your police station there yeah that’s a yellow zone if I click it

    This is Cia ground Hazard police station right regions where operate your drone show me your yoube video or whatever then I will without showing you my channel sorry I’m not going to start following you right there’s my Channel all right okay that’s what I do okay I don’t want to give you

    The channel cuz people complain I’m just flick through something there or you just flick through something there right one more time don’t know who you are I don’t have to do this but I’m I’m trying to erase your concern so you don’t do something you shouldn’t do which is one

    Take details or two sees the Drone right take details anybody we suspect of committing an offense we can take I hav’t committed an offense it’s not an offense to fly over anything unless it’s a prison or an airport in which case it is an offense and I wouldn’t do that

    Right so can you see how we we get jumpy about people going over I do I do a come out ask me what I’m doing and D my private car past you I have not got a clue who you are you’ve just filmed my registration number I can guarantee on

    Your drone no it’s too high guarant it’s too high let’s have a look it’s a zoom out camera anyway show me YouTube Studio show I’m only I’m only showing it you I can’t it’s on the it’s on the memory card I’m only showing you this so that you don’t one sees the

    Drone or two take my details without me wanting to give them or obliged to give them I don’t want that to happen I want you to go you know what we’re happy what are you afraid of it’s the point it’s the point you you’re not entitled to

    Them unless unless I commit an offense so if if I give them to you I’m giving I’m um I’m giving away my right my my right to remain private right but make sense no but by flying a drone over private police property and private yard yeah then we’re in to ask for your

    Details it may raise your concern you can come out and ask me question me you’ve been doing this job how long a long time right 27 and a half years so by talking to me and questioning me you’re probably going to get a good idea

    As to I I can tell by talking to you you seem like a decent guy there go I’m sure I’m sure you haven’t got but I don’t know you you have to leave it at that you can’t be demanding details just just because you’re you want to put that

    Little bit of paranoia extra to bed you can’t do that mate and you know you can’t I think you know you can’t yeah I’m pretty sure we you know you can’t anyway that’s my channel there my videos all right I did a police one the other

    Day there it is yeah we have rules and drones in whales right that’s my video okay right that’s that’s all I’m going to give you I I probably you probably you probably know more about drone leg legislation than I do go on so I let me

    Just check I’m still recording but go on no CRA on just in case something happens I want to make sure got it I’ve got other stuff to do can you s me through the gate cuz I’ve left me c in the car nice meeting you sergeant and you all

    Right hope I’ve lay your concern a little bit don’t fly over again all right you’ve got your footage I have to be fair but it’s allowed to happen mate I get that you’re going to have a you’ve done the right thing yeah well of course because but I think your original

    Approach was a little bit aggressive a little bit aggressive to begin with I no get the bloody thing down man it’s it’s over private property but it can go back over can’t it so it can go back over I’m not going to I’ve warned you not to I’m

    Not going to take your drone so but I can legally go over drone I’m finished I’ll go and get uniform and I’ll seiz your drone but no but for what reason would you do that you know as well as me you can’t seize the Drone from we flying go your

    Police station you know that I know that he may not know that I’m assuming this prob on YouTube and I I’ve seen enough of these videos to know that but even if you hadn’t seen so disrespect to you but it tend to be a trap isn’t it like I’m I’m not saying

    You trying to set a trap the cops tend to come out a bit heavy-handed seasoning people arresting people and it’s not ideal I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure you’re allowed I am like I said I don’t know you know what I did today I I stood

    There I flew over you I FW over I was quite High to begin with showed people the site saw a car come in went down to see if it was a m car boom he came out what would you have done if it if he wasn’t there would you have came out and

    Question me yes question comment on his actions can no no no but what would you do I I would have asked you what you’re doing I’m pretty sure you’re allowed to yeah I I don’t the the the airspace law you’re not you’re not a sergeant are you

    Are you willing to give your name no no it’s obvious right right in that case got any reason to be here right now no but I’m free to be here okay you are obviously I I’ve asked my sergeant if she can speak to a drone expert I’m CL I

    Think she said something online of you have to like drone license I’m assuming is it going to be on them drones like over a certain weight limit you have have to have a license and you have to have an operator ID you you’ve been very nice and civil yeah your sergeant hasn’t

    I wouldn’t give him the I wouldn’t give him anything the only reason I showed in my um my YouTube really quickly without the name is just so that he didn’t do something stupid like seing the Drone because I know even though he’s not meant to do it if he does it it it’s

    Still going to cause me inconvenience correct right you got the operator already on you there it is okay okay your body comes on body so obviously I folded it so you can’t read the complete thing on your camera yeah all I have to do is let you know I’ve got one okay

    I’ve got one all right how was that link to you then mate what you mean how was that drone operator ID link to you it doesn’t have to be linked to me does it not no okay the owner the owner of the Drone yeah drone is a bit baffing other

    Right now operator ID has to be linked to the owner of the Drone I think and the flyer ID is obviously my thing I am the owner of the Drone so that ID is linked to me but it doesn’t have to be so have you got proof of that right

    Now like what have you got proof that that is linked to you nope no okay don’t need it fair enough I feel like it’s a bit of a mind fi I don’t want to I was trying to educate you a little bit without being like a dick about it you

    Have to have an operator ID and you have to show that you have it if I’ve committed an offense or suspected of it I have to give it to to you that’s how it works I’m curious I don’t know much about so if you if I suspect you of an

    Offense you have to give me your operator ID if it’s if it’s flyer related oh fly related so if you just punch one that’s not flying related but then I have to give you my normal details right yeah correct yeah same with flyer ID if you suspect I’ve

    Committed an offense with the Drone I have to give you the flyer ID okay cuz that essentially will link you to my name your flyer ID operator I think operator ID is the owner of the Drone so you could own that drone but I could fly

    It I need a flyer ID to be to fly a drone okay that’s it yeah you can ED it if you want no it’s informative mate cuz a lot of cops don’t know the Drone stuff and I’ve seen a video it’s not your fault I’ve seen a video of someone doing this

    Before hence fact I yeah really with the Drone it was a few years ago I think it’s before I joined um I’m fairly new um so assume you’re let check my St recording my go has been playing up today it keeps say the memory cards too

    Slow to record but you’ll be human if your footage would disappear it happens man happens you you really good interaction then you look at your camera oh it wasn’t recording I’ve had before with this when I’ve tried to turn it on it hasn’t been on really was ironically it

    Was I don’t know you’re not local no no far far far Yeah so basically there’s a war menu out the front the police station an Axe and she was trying and she was going crazy with the axe an axe yeah and I ran up these here for me as

    Well think so they’re football guys I think they might be drone experts who knows Yeah so basically this yeah cuz I try to deal with it he’s a drone expert he this one are you the Drone I am I’m drone I said to him you’re a drone officer how

    You doing all right hello mate you’re right what’s your name DJ DJ DJ you all right what’s your name Sean Sergeant no pc pc pc from the road policing unit but obiously we fly Dres as well what’s your number PC 4783 thank you man are you

    Doing right yeah can I help you at all have you got your drone with you I’ve showed it to him have you I’ve showed him that I’ve got the operator ID excellent what mod are you flying what model yeah what is it DJI yeah which

    One why mavic 2 mini why cuz of the size and the weight and maximum permitted takeoff mask deter I tell you what I do as you’re the Drone officer on I’ll just show it you yeah nice one oh the mini excellent excellent and have you check your NOS this morning before you flight

    What sorry NOS any reason why no don’t check it every day you don’t check it every day you should check before every flight really yeah yeah what use use NOS or not no he’s a drone assist okay so it will pull it from Nos and when you’re flying

    You when you hold on do you mean have I checked where I’m flying yeah of course yeah check before I traveled Jon say take any warnings or hazards from NOS no the um the word you used I didn’t know what the word meant yeah before I traveled I checked the area so I’ve

    Traveled quite far today where from I didn’t want to travel up I get here and I’m like oh I can’t fly here so I’ve checked all that already so you probably use the same as we do then like drone assist yeah that’s and then uh that information there on your

    Map will pull in from uh NOS there go so you notic to will come up so I was doing a video today very close and I realized any closer could do it yeah so I did check yeah Burton you’re quite uh unusual because you got

    The light aircraft at um Doby no you got the main airport of Derby oh is there another one is there you’ve got a light Airfield where the air ambulance sometimes runs from as well so that’s what you have to be mindful of because the air ambulance was in quite low here

    You know where helip pads yeah they’re a yellow zone often aren’t they what do you think about that should be red right it should be but they they’re on the same category as military they wen’t they because military will fly anywhere in open G category so and even their

    Ceiling and their basement is quite low now with the new Security Act 2023 you can’t film mod sites still not under an frr Z though are they no so taking a drone over is pointless you’re not going to film it yeah why would you do it yeah

    But uh as you well know you know flying over police stations prisons is a no no but police stations you can because there’s no FZ but prisons you have ANZ I don’t think it will let you will it no no good with DJI because they are ring

    Fenced but you know like the old there some people are using like the cheaper drones that AR I did wonder how how people cuz obviously it’s well known that people do fly drones over prisons for legal reasons how they do that if they can’t but presumably because

    They’re not ring fans they haven’t got the GPS yes the cheaper drones haven’t got the software so DJI are good with that and the software you can override it but you taking responsibility to say that you’re allowed to fly in you ever ride it with a prison I don’t think you

    Can can you not with a prison no or an airport on Specific Instructions you can right U obviously for you’ve got to do it for a legitimate purpose right yeah it’s like football stadiums um a lot of them still aren’t under flight restriction zones no they yell at the AR

    They but will cause heightened security awareness and it will stop a football match as well anywhere someone got arrested for a football match drone not sure if you guys asked him to bring it down is it was in the on the news um what staffer or somewhere else no idea

    Where it was mate there a game going on we’ve only ever had an I was the officer that dealt with it one offense that’s been recorded for drone offenses so far what in the whole of staff at you yeah what was that cuz he was flying and I

    Was as I was flying the police drone at the same time so endanger aircraft and flying over an emergency response cuz fense fly presum you warned him about what you were doing and he carried on he could see the police drone cuz it was all massive mantis the sky mantis is it

    That big yeah I’ve seen one of them yes it’s about that big in the have you ever seen one I’ve seen one about that big the Copper got boot on yeah 7 kg in weight Sky mantis was how is your 249 gram yeah kilog yeah yeah quarter of a

    Kilo so it’s on the limit of being legally you can do you can fly where you want within reason can’t you so yeah yeah no restrictions on it 249 there a lot of laws is it like up to a certain weight you don’t need something but it’s

    Over the weight you have to have it is but there it depends as well where the ca muddied the waters where the when you bought the Drone as well because Legacy drones have got more Powers over the new drone so if you buy a drone now doesn’t

    Fall under a legacy drone so a legacy drone because you bought it 2 years ago as a 249 and it’s got a camera therefore falls into that CAA category if you can fly absolutely anywhere it’s a nightmare but the Pro 4 yeah now has limits of 120

    M stuff like that you can’t override it which is handy because keeps you legal yeah we’ve had instances where drones have been going a lot higher have you yeah how’d you prove it well without getting the Drone or the controller you can’t can you right but once you’ve got

    The Drone you can right yeah yeah yeah yeah or the controller is it yeah ah you know your stuff then yeah that’s what we do that’s what I’m paid for is it that been a drone pilot for you uh and obviously a lot of um colleagues not

    Being in in that Arena not knowing them being training the civil aviation Authority side of it can be a bit of a mindful uh and I’m covering the football today so that’s why I’ve just watching YouTube just talk about drones so I was saying to him he sort of asked me about

    It I said look I’ve got to show you that I’ve got fly already yeah I don’t have to give it unless I’m suspected of an offense with the Drone and that’s pretty much how it is all that all all that sh towards is that you are you’re understanding you got

    That basic knowledge of being able to pass that flight ID exam with the ca so you know about the rules and regulations and it’s on display which is a requirement yeah I knew enough that he’s allowed to fly over the police station there nothing ban him from doing that so

    I knew enough that couldn’t come out and grip you upday your sergeant his sergeant not happy about it is he not no he said he said it’s an offense to flow over there which no it’s not it’s not because realistically would the sergeant stop a helicopter or a British

    Airways flight flying over no no no so why can’t you stop a drone well you can’t that’s why I asked cuz obviously he’s not my sergeant shift Sergeant so that’s why I M if should ask you to clarify I don’t want the sergeant doing something that he shouldn’t do any I

    Didn’t want it but he said I’m going to seize the Drone or take your ID and he didn’t do either but I was worried he would so I showed him my YouTube not my name on it I just showed him I do YouTube yeah and he was seemed a little

    Bit softened up by that so do of curiosity you don’t ask what his YouTube I’ve seen a few of them not going to give that no I’ve I’ve had police now complain they’re on video got to blur their faces and stuff it’s ridiculous you guys are in public so it should be

    Well I’m in the public domain people feel free to I get filmed all the time at thought work and photographed and say hello and social media You’ completely fine but had you kicked off or been what’s the point whatever you may regret the video you know yeah what’s the point

    So I speak to people who I expect to be spoken to if you speak to me politely I speak to you politely it’s what my training says I’m supposed to do I’m professional yeah there’s no reason other than that is there and then bring it in with the Drone because I’m in that

    Field I can talk to you properly about it you know what you’re talking about I know what I’m talking about it’s new for me the Drone yeah I’m still learning to be fair but I know what I shouldn’t shouldn’t do yeah which is good and we’re happy that that is happening

    Because we’d rather you flight safe and be legal yeah than not because we don’t want you get any trouble um cuz it’s easy to do there’s that many people out there that will fly a drone on un qualified of Taken no exam and that was the one last one I dealt with flying

    Over an emergency response got an old DJI 2 right wasn’t a mini so it was over the weight for maximum takeoff Max got no qualifications no oh right no knowledge about the uh the exam no knowledge about the flyer idea or anything so straight away you you know

    You committing an offense aren you yeah yeah yeah so uh yeah I’m happy that people are starting to learn it and get it on board it’s it’s technology just be good if you guys were able to educate other officers who aren’t in the know that like obviously

    He’s willing to learn but the sergeant was quite abrupt quite aggressive you know I mean if he would have come out like you a different response yeah he did speak to me onto the radio before I off come over and I understand going over there I understand

    You’re going to have security issues if you don’t know who I am come over and talk ask what I’m doing make a judgment as an officer what you think is he a terrorist is he that yeah make an informed decision isn’t it yeah yeah if you got red flags all over the place

    Maybe pursue it but realistically what information are you going to get from flying a drone over there which is not a great deal is it even car reges they come out here exactly someone could film it from the corner if of them are police cars anyway most of your marked cars

    People around here know them anyway cuz yeah yeah so that sney excellent a happy days at least well thanks for being professional guys I knew enough not doing legal arrest so I’m happy you know your um your limits on your wind as well with the mini yeah so it’s the the speed

    Of did the drwing basically um speed the wind gusts yeah so it’s is it the third of that I think it’s the third of that so never work on the way to the Drone though for the no speed of the wind because bear in mind on the ground level

    And up there the gusts are totally different with that it’s it’s around the high 20s I know that 25 26 gust maximum have you got something to measure that have you yeah we do carry a nanometer no but I’ve checked my um I got a weather

    App okay got weather so I checked today before I came is it set at your flight levels no but or is it set at Ground levels I know that up there is windier than here yeah so whatever it says on there you add a little bit to that right

    Cuz you’re are you using UAV forecast or not no no just a different one so UAV forecast will give you while you can obviously set your settings just what flight level so fre up is it yeah yeah so it’ll tell you what your gusts are at what height you set can I just

    Film that what your mind a look say is not good to fly yeah exactly is that today is it yeah yeah that’s where we are now 39 mph gust yeah it has got windier to be fair when I arrived today that’s why I it cuz you know your wind

    You’re going to be flying on your limit I did say when I arrived here on my camera said the wind’s picked up it’s going to be borderline now whether I can do it that’s the other thing I would recommend is carrying an anomer with you

    Okay you can get on Amazon a couple of quid just stand there and hold it make sure you’re within the limits I’m sure at the end of the day you want to keep your drone cuz if it flies off you can lose it on you but then I get a win

    Warning with that so if it hits the limit it will warn me they’ll drop but there’s nothing like standing there with an anomer saying that never trust 100% just the Drone of course all right it’s too late when it’s gone yeah because at the end of the day if you imagine that

    Where you are now and it starts flying off you’ve got a ring darb yeah to tell the ATC you’ve had a fly away you then got to notify the AI B okay yeah you know all about this uh well you you’re learning I do know yeah so if you have a

    Fly away you’ve got to know how much battery life you got left see a Flyway is when the wind takes it yeah so you got to know how much battery life you got left realistically how far it can travel from where you are which direction it’s going to would you not

    Know where it is though technically you should do but it say you it got that far away and you lost comms wow this is these are the questions these are the these are the comms that the air traffic control will ask you cuz if you’re near to an air traffic control area yeah

    Which you are Derby or the light light for Airfield up there if you go that sort of Direction you want to be able to say well I’ve got this much battery it’s going this direction so they can calculate and they can warn aircraft within that area cuz bear in mind the

    Closer you get to the ATC is that your flight levels are reducing all the time aren’t they upside down pyramid yeah yeah 60 M right by it I think 60 M yeah 60 M right by it so your Z as well where it’s extending out from the area and your Center have that

    In Southampton stadiums right by the flight path so yeah worth carrying an aner with you okay and the app looks pretty good as well yeah yeah that’s what we use that uh UAV forecast I tend not to fly when it’s like this today was calm when I

    Came out but I knew the wind was going to pick up it’s a pain in the ass windy there is a weather warning for wind tomorrow is really bad yeah won’t be flying tomorrow I’ve got mini myself as well have you yeah so fly mini and then we fly the uh

    M30 so you like your drones yeah that’s why you are I’m the Drone geek is that why they put you on that did you volunteer for it I volunteered for it yeah so on our road policing unit uh when we first started you can volunteer to do drones or motorcycle funny enough

    I said motorcycle but they give me drone so I’ve been a drone pilot for nearly 5 years now nice I’ve met one drone officer before have you temps Valley yeah temps Valley good well if have you need any uh information or anything just feel free uh you’ve been informative

    Mate I can give give you an email address if you want me email address if you got a point of contact that’s all right I appreciate the info you give me though it’s all right it’s AB we’re there for I’m happy to like learn if you

    If you can make like you have I’m happy to learn yeah like him for me it’s a no no go away you know that’s how most people are I think cuz well if you come out aggressive you’re going to be videos on YouTube and it does make me laugh

    When people from private property you know like businesses come out and say what you do fly my over there yeah yeah you’ve seen that why you flying over my bu cuz I can oh get it as a police officer flying a drone I was up in Stoke

    A couple of weeks ago and some bloke came to me why are you flying a drone over my business I wasn’t flying a drone over but I wasn’t anyway but I was looking at something else yeah and you’re like well I can anyway yes yeah space isn’t it

    Yeah I think they just presume don’t they that exactly because they think you own that land it goes upwards like that and you own everything above it as well but you don’t and people don’t get that and that’s what confrontation you get a lot of times from people coming from

    Private companies why are you flowing over our yard it’s got lots of stock in it well you don’t stop a helicopter flying over you don’t stop a British Airways fly flying over what’s the difference from a drone flying over just his first words were you’re flying over a private property you should educate

    You a sergeant yeah when when it came storming out I was like I’m pretty sure it’s allowed and that’s why I want to double check first before he went did be shouldn’t or I did something I shouldn’t or maybe he was just concerned that I was doing it for probably a terrorist

    Related in something or other wasn’t he but it does say when you’re flying it too like I said to you earlier near building certain areas it does create a security risk but you don’t commit an offense yes you create you expect to be challenged about it yeah fine yeah but

    As long as you’re legal and as long as you’re doing everything you should do then you’ve got no problem have you no there you go that’s it man enjoy your football today I’ll try where is it Burton Burton Al yeah a day sh to you youa you too I’m going to

    Uh I’m going to go have a good day man oh we’re done here here in Burton well I didn’t expect that really didn’t expect that I thought I’ll stand outside I’ll fly the Drone nothing will happen and I’ll have to go and then he comes out all guns

    Blazing Mr Sergeant Mr I’m going to seize your drone well I’ve got a perfect title there haven’t I land that right now I’m seizing it that’s the title baby guys like it subscribe see you on the next one


    1. You'd think a cop would know that a car reg number gives no identifiable information to the public, is publicly viewable on the streets every day and is photographed by CCTV every day. What a plonker. πŸ€¦β€β™‚

    2. We have not long finished filming in Burton, wish we had known, would have loved to have met you fella πŸ‘πŸ» keep up the good work πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    3. It doesn't matter if you are a billionaire or living on the street… MANNERS and politeness costs nothing and is worth ALOT (especially IF you are uninformed, as NOT using them make you look like an oaf)

    4. Did not know this 🀑owes the air space which is 8 mile's wide !!!!?🀬🀑 Drone pilot πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    5. It was a refreshing change to see the professional attitudes of the Police expert and the young in Service Officer. It appeared to me that the "experienced" Police Sergeant has been affected by his length of Service. He appears not to like his "authority" being challenged and also that since the time that he became a Police Officer, the World has moved on and new Legislation in respect of drones etc. has come into existence, which he clearly was unaware of. He needs to know his Law before he attempts to enforce it. It appeared to me, that the Sergeant attempted unsuccessfully to use the idea that B***** baffles brains and that if he shouts loud enough, that will make him right.

    6. Police stn is public not private it’s paid for by the public is it not ? CAA control the air space , 249 drone ! Keep going mate , they don’t know the law , power trip ?

    7. Brilliant drone officer right attitude explains things and gives information, he could do with writing about drones to give to other officers in any police force ! πŸ‘πŸ‘

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