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    That is a really good time TR by the young good work he’s given it everything if you look at that face that tells you that’s everything I had good man let’s check out how we stand at the moment when Uso fully committed and in charge at the moment

    Chy near two for Quick Step uh Valen Schultz um vaka you his finger go now honestly when we came to Air and he was already third place I was a bit worried about him seems misplaced of all of the main players um AO and vingo separated by 22 seconds this is

    Great news for AO not suchar good news for vingo but nonetheless he’s not out of the frame yet by any means we’ve got a great leader very very good leader a guy who a lot of riders would have said he is one of the men to beat in this week’s

    T adriatico because of the form that he’s carried into this race I mentioned it earlier he started the season with 20 in classican and after that his next four races not outside the top three he’s had a a win in the r classic and he is ready to rock intoa he’s got

    The cheek and we love that was a bit El Presley though it Jonathan Miland riding with him now this is gonna be an interesting one for me this is not his um his favorite discipline and possibly not his favorite distance but let’s see he’s a powerful

    Man and to be honest if the cards fall your way because of the weather just look at this talk about power let’s see how he stops the timing clock shall we as he shilly shies through here well it’s um it’s not going to be that far off a little bit of Glory here

    For mil let’s see if he picks it up on the uh the run for home shall we still to turn into the clock breaker he’s 10 seconds down now if he starts thinking about Olympic finals and how Italy were against Denmark he can pick it up and

    NAB it right at the very last let’s see well he’s got a Danish Rider right in front of him at the split there two seconds slower through the intermediate than yis vinor just under four kilometers end of his day to be completed and we’re riding with him for very good

    Reason well he was um he went on a sort of wild climbing adventure and Valencia let’s see the switch to little um they’ve got good kit and it may well be that he indeed is riding to a m star well enri mass is their chosen

    Man but um Nelson Oliva is just the man you want backing you up in the mountains Robie he’s spectacular just almost in every in all kinds of terrain isn’t he he’s a fantastic domestique for the team but he’s also a very accomplished time trial and this is one of the few days

    Where they’ll say Nelson it’s all about you go out and get yourself a result well he have results here in the in the past um 12th in 2019 uh 13th last year in fact so yeah he can di Malia um with his nuns is it a derle can’t um theit kick that

    One just about well Tim’s got one his habit lightly is winning well it is I’ve seen him in action as well and to be honest when he’s got the bit between his teeth he’s in the mood and occasionally you get sprinters who really pull it out

    Of the bag on short time trials also K used to constantly surprise people who were busy saying oh he’s a sprinter yeah but he used to be junior and K was Junior National time trial Champion so yeah can’t be done he was a a medalist

    Of the worlds in the time trial I think in 2010 in jalong amazing so throws couldn’t help himself yeah there we go as uh as a junior yeah you’re absolutely right and sometimes we said that everyone has a time triing palarz when they youngsters and you kind of move towards certain different

    Disciplines but if you’ve been good at the discipline as a youngster then sometimes you can dial it back and find that that skill um I think Jonathan mil May well have a good finish here today I hope he does this will be great good for little as well we talk about different

    Kit and and how some bikes are an awful lot quicker than others down to uh development and indeed the latest technology just every everything has to be in place to have a perfect ride Robbie in fact um I think Tony Martin said there’s no such thing as a perfect ride

    Out no there probably isn’t I mean you’re always as a time trialist even if you win you’re going to be looking at little pieces of the course where ah could have maybe gone a tenth quicker through that corner maybe should have chosen a bit of pacing strategy on a

    Certain element of the course into a head win they’re always going to be looking for that next little G gain and and get more experience so yeah if you if you believe you’ve done the perfect time trial I guess the only way from that on is

    Down you know a lot of time M um I think quite frankly just a bit ugly but this one this Pella absolutely gorgeous and the color scheme that they have selected for it um it just buzzes T lman off the ramp and underway you can see just how

    Uncomfortable it is there was a there was a um a guy who um was a dispatch Rider in London who decided he was GNA order one of these bikes um for his day job I don’t think he lasted he just thought he’d get there really really quickly he got himself a a

    Full-on Time tral bike it’s a very uncomfortable place um Danny Martinez is about to take the ramp he looks like he’s as broad as a Spiner well he folds himself onto a b a man in form oh we didn’t get much of Danny Martinez but we will shortly Jonathan

    Milan still in the green at the moment but he’s just outside 250 M to go there he is one corner remains for Milan swings it into the left oh not the greatest entry low speed through there he’s on his limit time ticks over he’s already into the Red Zone but it is a

    Very good ride by Jonathan M it’s going to be second quickest and he looked absolutely exhausted as he came to some of those late Corners there nearly lost it for a moment in that penultimate turn around about the 250 but held on second quickest so far

    Well we said he can pull it out the bag he’s a he’s a Power Man and the opportunity is there to put some notable time trialists behind you on the order he had some sketchy moments there Robbie um just as he made the transition uh from uh from

    Drops but got back there in the end that was a fine fine ride yep and really spitting out his own tongue just to try and get some more oxygen into the system he always looks like he’s at his limit but he just doesn’t seem to blow up and we’ S so

    Many times at last year’s jro we thought well that’s going to be it now he returned back to the front of the bunch again they just such a Powerhouse as we are now getting the pictures of Danny Martinez the man for mine who is one of the absolute favorites to win this race

    Overall he’s gonna have to pull out one of his better time TRS he is a good time trialist Colombian national time trial champion on his skin suit here’s a man who’s done plenty ofs in the past CT indeed Chris well I honestly thought there would be

    No way back from him after that terrible CR Martinez of a complete different magnitude not sure how much of Chris we’re going to see through the run here but I hope he has a solid one an amazing Rider that is still riding on and almost a patriarchal role I think within Israel

    Premier check these days Simon Clark as well sharing veteran status with Chris within that team always very fond of Simon Clark love to see him go sort of ultimate battler really and something you really want within your team as opposed to in any other team quite quite frankly we’ll keep

    Tabs it’s looking decidedly Pleasant Robbie has the weather improves and so do some of the times here yeah the weather is really looking up now as Caleb Yan he’s looking up they go huh sort of a waste of a day rather than sprinting but he’ll do that tomorrow

    Jaleb rolls his way down the ramp and this is more about just opening up the leags with an eye on tomorrow’s most probable Bunch Sprint Finish Well I uh bped into K I’ve been om man had a little chat to him and I said how’s things going he said yeah

    Yeah what I said um since the Criterion it’s uh because he did the Tor down own it didn’t quite work out for him I think the national crit we thought oh great Caleb’s absolutely back where he needs to be I said um probie MC right because

    You can win on the opening stage he went really and then he did the power of the Robbie the power of self-belief yeah sometimes you just need someone else to believe in you a little bit too exactly it it was fantastic but he he he did have a a

    Little bit of a difficult time in the early part of the Season you said he won the national Criterium title and he looked fantastic beat the LI gent player right Sam wellsford but he fell ill right before T Down Under And he was really really quite a nasty illness um

    You know his respiratory system was affected he only just made it to the start line of the tour down under but really suffered and was was nowhere near his best in that which he was really disappointed with um but he bounced back in a mon got that stage win and he’ll be

    Looking for bigger things here in tyo and the Sprint train around him is a formidable one with Campbell Stewart and Big Max Walsh imagine the aerodynamic Advantage being behind someone like maxw in fact almost Caleb will have to sit up a little bit taller to get the most of

    The slipstream because otherwise you’re going to be catching too much wind from between the legs and under the saddle Max is that biger man he’s about a meter 96 yeah you can almost put Caleb in his his back pockets let’s see T harsman doing a

    Decent job at the split here is going to find himself not that too far in AAS but John and the rest yeah just going back to Caleb been a while since he’s had a grand tour wi so the ziral he’s going back to the Ziro but he came very close in

    Um uh Milo Sano of course um couple of years ago as well he was run up to Y Sten um in 2021 and of course that race is rapidly approaching and Caleb is going to be going so hoping that uh produces something like we know he

    Can just waiting for our wider family to rejoin us Martinez you know he’s pushing it here intermediate time coming up for uh Danny Martinez he takes a little flick Flack here um he’s down around about it’s going to be about 20 seconds off where he wants to be a little bit

    More take another left here downies the bik through 22 seconds thought’d be a bit higher up from that to be honest he’s got work to do here Robbie same yeah he really has I I thought the same Carlton G to be a lot closer than that a man who’s in really good

    Form but sometimes it’s just hard to switch it on you do your regular warm up you do everything you think is necessary and it just doesn’t quite really nail it from the start and then you find yourself behind theall and struggling a bit well step chake he’s he’s had his moments

    He’s had his uh he’s had those times where he’s been oh so close I’d love to see him have a little bit more freedom but he’s going to be very much at the service of J’s finger this will be an opportunity for the Dane however just to

    Make sure that um it reminds us just how good he is on occasion and he’s set off like he means business he wants to be as close high up the ranking as he possibly can be um it looks like he’s wearing that helmet on the top of his head rather than on his

    Head how much further down the course is that uh is the the front of that helmet hanging it’s almost over his hands W it by a short half head a long or a long half helmet they call that helmet model the Arrow Head I don’t know how they’ come up with

    That I don’t know it looks like Tom and Jerry characters been hit on the head to be honest but anyway back with uh Chris FR as the clock rolls again him here um it’s been a long career for for Chris cut far too short as far as he was

    Concerned battled back in um ble battled back to remind us that you know he can still um box clever on occasion but I think the um the Glory Days are well behind it but what Glory Days he had and what a an ambassador within a team um

    Somebody who can impart a great deal of knowledge and his alator is to is to help those around him now yeah I mean from from 2011 to 2017 he was the absolute Benchmark for Grand Tour riding and he he won them all he won multiple in one season

    And as you said Carlton that was that was cut short so unfortunately through that crash and the warmup for the the Dophin a time trial in um 2018 but he’s a battler and he’s going to fight on he is oh they’ve they’ve cranked up theoy music um I’ve got tell you was

    Actually singing We are today thankfully we weren B of Gunners yeah why GNR um as Valentine madas gets himself not as crazy as his name suggests gets himself off the ramp the way he goes right name is Ste CH here um somebody else who’s blown hot and cold within his his career

    Robbie well stepen K probably should have won the jury toal a few years back we all remember that moment where he came over the top of the climb he was he was under attack by CH pushing the pace was in the snow and he just lost his

    Line and hit the snow bank over the handle bars and that was that there went the pink jersey and his his challenge to win the jural but he was so good in that race and I think everybody just felt it was so unfair but that is part of racing

    You got to keep the rubber side down concentration at all times but he is a fantastic domestic Steven CR and valuable asset to the young Lis as you can see the uh the cordings here think the cord is just being troubled this is irman coming in and’s

    This is going to be a very good time actually possibly top five if he does oh he’s just double checked into the corner here just snatching at it ever so slightly out the sadly goes arensman digging in hoping for a top 10 now that’s really he get there those fing

    Here goes time Max Paul is just about oh 13th there’s a lot of riders in Camp there 27 seconds he gives away to uzo who is in charge not only of today but of the race by the margin he has set himself or indeed as a target for

    Everybody else not sure it’s going to be better today we still have of course bilana to come so don’t get too upset um we have some great we’re on a little bit of a hius as far as those Nico a is about to uh is gonna be out on course

    Who else Simon Gesa used to used to be a very good time trying it’s possibly a thing of the past but he’s a a tough egg but will it be required to save his legs to be at the service of others Lorenzo Roto inar Shanti Florian stalk still to

    Set off but we have Magnus Sheffield who’s going to get off the ramp lendy chemo went extremely well last year as well as Danny Martinez comes to the line this is a good finish for him that’s a bit of retrieval I think disappointed at the split Robbie but he didn’t see too

    Much more on the return L bit of a disappointing ride from D Martinez but he’ll be looking to really make his mark on the The Mountaintop finishes in this race the Colombian it’s uh where he really showed himself early already this season in the revta AL alav

    Where he got the better of even a PO on two occasions on Hilltop finishes so that’s not over yet for martinz nope it’s not there he is just sneaking into the top 10 here 27 seconds in Aras um vingo 22 seconds down on the man who leads one of Uso and he looks

    Like a predator doesn’t he well at the moment he’s put everyone in the Crosshair and he is in charge johnan Milan will be giving a very very big de I think to people GH go late yeah Jonathan Milan is in a different team to Philip um Leal Trek is

    Mland but their mates and their Olympic teammates when it comes to team Pursuit as well so surely there’s got to be a bit of communication even if it’s eyebrow semor or maybe his team have locked him in I don’t know uh P Garner goes um he’ll be off the ramp the 20

    Four minutes past the hour just coming up to the hour however got a treat for you and that’ll be Magnus Sheffield and Lenny camner Magnus Sheffield can win this today whether he will or not I don’t know but it’ll be a could be troubling The Benchmark that we have so

    Far St fik I think is living up to the billing of support this is not anything to write home about at the intermediate and it’s not the most focused we’ve seen attacking that little sequence of twists and turns so I think we know where his role indeed

    Now lies back to the start ramp bori is coming off for us Robbie I’m not sure that this is going to be something to write home about but our Italian friends here are giving him with the full rock and roll moment well you got to give him the big

    Moment at the start just in case it does turn out to be something in the finish and you never know uh what we do know is that Chris f who used to be in charge of time trialing this is going to be around about the minute down I’m afraid on the

    Rest of time of the day so his role continues in The High Ground as we hit it in support of those around him see how mads Schmidt gets on deeper into this race Ethan Vernon’s here as well that’ll be uh so double Brits within Israel Premier Tech I think Ethan will

    Be widely supported like Ethan Vernon actually again one of the one of the good guys out there that um spares you the time even when perhaps it’s irksome to to talk you know as a pro you’ve got to learn to do that even the great sha

    Kenny who it was once written about him that he thrived very well not talking to journalists at all but even KN cracked he now speaks quite a lot B Joie coming up to his just opening sequence um the turns that we have here Robbie they’re pretty focused aren’t they for these kind of

    Bikes well it is a tricky little sort of chicane sort of back to back right left Corners before we get to the intermediate time check and then that double Leander there’s not a lot of Corners in it but certainly Corners you need to get just right if you’re going

    To challenge for the top and we we saw just before one of the riders coming in thought oh this will be a a good time maybe a top 10 and suddenly it was a 13th there was six Riders on 26 27 seconds behind so those positions very

    Hard fought and it’s coming down to hundreds of seconds separating up to half a dozen riders in the within the top 10 well that was a a nice looking curve he just took there but not too much to write home about for the time being likewise with chist fight this is that

    Little lull period that we’re going through um while we wait for the Great and the very very good to come off the r b van lurer be interested to see what he does to be honest always like following him from sud quickstep because I never quite know what to expect but the man

    That I’m waiting for is Magnus Sheffield he comes off the ramp at in about seven minutes time and then followed by Leonard kemna a man who I’ve followed ever since he was a a youngster and indeed um nearly nearly did it at the worlds in the under 23s

    So close that was up in Norway um rod for sunweb at the time and they’ actually pulled him out of race just just in advance of it to preserve him and uh it was uh we noticed it and yeah he went for that very very long break but he’s turned

    Himself into a great time trialist as well a man from Bor hansar the young German lots of young um we’ve got Dyan vanar on this kind of course don’t dismiss him at all Antonio TI very equally can turn it on occasionally Ethan Vernon goes very late

    He’ll be third from last two only two others will start after him in fact Mark Stewart will draw proceedings to a close um for team corch um the Brit uh yeah Philip oana goes at 24 minutes past but we have Runa herot we have ta gagen Hart uh the aforementioned Leonard kemna

    Magnus Sheffield lot of very good time trialists especially on this of course that could make a nuisance of themselves let’s see this is Basco Simone about to get off and underway he’s displayed there with his Road uh Champions Jersey on but not the Italian time trial

    Champion I believe off the ramp he comes used to seeing him in the trii quite an explosive Rider loves to go on the attack and occasionally that comes good as it did in the Nationals for him y se’s a man for those intermediate stages that we often get here in tan the

    Arcticle me it’s not a nailed on one for the sprinters not a Mountaintop finish for the GC guys and absolute climbers that’s the sort of days you see Velasco get out there and try and get himself into a break and there’s a there’s a couple of stages I think will hang in

    The balance so tactically for the attackers they’re good days if they can get themselves out up the road build a big lead while the doing plenty of climbing get themselves out of the reach of the Sprint teams you could see Vasco in the mix battling it out for a stage

    With indeed um the big days Friday and Saturday we’ve got a big climbing day but the climb comes early and then kind of unwinds that will be Thursday um looking forward to that that’s stage four actually that’s the run to Gia Nova um yeah couple of sprinting kind of

    Sprinting days more rolling day on Wednesday by the way our third stage but tomorrow should be for the sprin with some lovely stuff uh to deal with along the way PR fight comes in 56 seconds down wasn’t exactly emptying the bins I’m afraid uh This Time by but um yeah

    He’s he’s um it’s like he’s done his recycling I don’t know either uh Vasco Friday along with him we’re we’re we’ve got a bit debob happy because we’re waiting for big nexts who are about to come sometimes when you get these out back courses and uh it’s quite common as well

    To finish off on a little circuit where the hounds have the view of the the hairs or the hair singular depending on how the day pound out um I always I always like to see it when the pack kind of look into the eyes of those who are

    Out front uh you of to get it on the last day on the circuit in um lavta in particular where they all have a jolly good look and they they they try and stare down those who are up the road I like it suppi turning in right now to the

    Intermediate but it’s not going to be shaking too much of a stick little though um they come here with te gagen Hart who has gone extremely well in Italy in the past droing yeah g a winner of the Jalia in 2020 and a man who’s on the up he had

    That that terrible injury in the jro last year where he broke his Hipp he call it his femur um but he’s made a good return he’s come to a pretty decent form his first races in the season looking to build on that this week into yeah and I think as well I’m just

    Wanting to prove that um you know maybe just sticking a little bit to in grenad is now riding for little Tre of course ta gagen har we ride with mili right now yeah well Calton yeah former under 23 World Time TR Champion is Loreno Mesi so

    He will be looking for a big result this is this is the sort of stage where a guy like this he’s he’s only in his um second year on the world tour last year with Team DSM now made the switch to St and this is an opportunity to really

    Show himself against some of the big name time TRS like Philip so a guy who’s been world champion the under 23s this is now the time to the second year in the world tour to start making your mark as a TT specialist that be nice if he

    Manages it um but looking at the level that we’ve got just about to come off the ramp I fear for him but it would be wonderful if the writes for m s as you’ve just seen if he indeed turns it around let’s see Italy and Slovenia most successful country at

    Toaso there you go I’m not surprised it’s been around for a while actually 59th Edition um it’s um on its creation it was very much an Italian race and I think they kind of held it really from almost widening it out to a wider Invitational roster but I think over the

    Last sort of 10 years and particularly under Maro Veni um it has and gosh acaron it was wasn’t it I think really changed the fortunes of Italian racing quite friendly he stabilized everything it’s a shame I miss macaroni he was he was a great race director the lorian see um in ancient

    Times um the linguistic I don’t know what that means um I don’t think it’s got anything to do with crab fishing but anyway there’s Victoria’s Pier I don’t think the queen herself ever graced it but um there’s a lot of um Victorian Heritage that’s kept in in Italy because the grand Tours were

    Created and were very popular as the elite um the wealthy would go on a trip to Italy and kind of remind themselves what fa’s architecture looks like in the and they they actually bring it back and influen a lot of Victorian architecture as well Magnus the Magnificent is on the

    Ramp and and if there is somebody who is going to beat people Ghana you’re looking at him right now um last year the American number three um but I think he could have won because the weather changed don’t forget and he got the worst of the rain so he’s got something

    To prove quite frankly smooth as silk but he’s um he’s a bit like a cat you can turn it on when when he needs to uh through the corners here he’s very very good bike hander um he’s not going to have to rely too much on that because

    The surface is no longer sketchy but the American can really turn it on EV all beating I think you did that race didn’t you yes that’s right yes yes won the two but let’s see um he was not bad Sheffield either in Str of the Yankee also so can

    Of got the form as well he’s on the up and I believe he believes same deal could be said for Lenny kimner there he is um

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