Watch the finals from Round Two of the 2024 UCI BMX Racing World Cup in Rotorua (NZL) on Sunday 11 February.

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    E e for E well round one didn’t just open the doors to this season’s BMX racing World Cup it blasted them right off the hinges what a first round we had a first time in rarua for the first BMX World Cup in New Zealand fantastic place to come and

    To explore to see some of the sites the amazing ancient culture the Fantastic awardwinning Landscapes the underground thermal Springs that GE activity that keeps this world alive well it has created some spectacular Landscapes you can come and visit you can explore on foot on the boat you can paddle board

    Your way around and of course you can jump on board your bike and explore what is an incredible landscape and right in the heart of it we have the track here today my name is Matt pay I’m going to be running through the action with Wiggins finest voice it’s George forby

    It is the one and only Rich E it’s good to have you rich now are you full of pie b or just coffee I wouldn’t like to say if I’m keen on a pie B snack or not but certainly I’ve had some coffee and I’m ready to go now based on yesterday when

    We had a little bit of rain today’s a little bit warmer it’s a little bit hotter there’s a little bit dryer truck we’ve seen people actually damping down the track which for anybody who’s new that basically helps bind it together it should mean that we’re going to get some

    Quick racing today yesterday though it was fast and a new name at the top yeah new name at the top T Rufus of Australia taking the win in women under 23 came up from Junior women last year where she took a fourth in that UCI BX racing World Championships in Glasgow so uh

    Great debut for her in the under 23 category moving on to the men under 23 it was uh the Greenup brothers who took one and two and certainly a very very uh exciting final so great to see a quick kickoff and some surprise names maybe based on how the format was running

    Through the Heats in the under 23 competition moving on to our Elites the women Elite standings well you might look at that and think that’s not a surprise really but we did see some very interesting racing on the way to that yeah definitely uh it was uh busy busy

    On the women Elite side of things but say kakibara she took the win she picks up where she left off in 2023 Loris moulders still looking for win number 28 though in her World Cup career so the men’s Elite standings R May up at the

    Top with a full score of 500 points but remember we have six rounds three different venues for the World Cups and Rich he’s got a gap on do again he has Roman mayu’s uh he’s at top of the standings as we look at Axel etm doing a

    Very unique warm up there behind the scenes and getting ready as the smolder sisters have conversations with their coach and uh Merill and Laura always happy always smiling and always looking forward to some really good be next racing and the French Camp have got to be delighted with Roman Mayo coming up

    With the ghost do again nailing this Tessa Martinez though didn’t really have the day at the office many were predicting uh no but there’s always another race and today is the first of those races so it’ be good to see if Tessa Martinez can get closer to the top

    Of the podium this time around and it’s almost the same isn’t it whether you are whatever discipline you’re racing here at rot at the BX Club our Riders really have to sort of almost turn the power off and switch it back on again and go again don’t they if they’ve had a bad

    Day it is that classic reset yeah it’s taking the time to just uh like you said reset between races and you know turning it on turning it off and just be being able to to bring the power and the intensity as and when you need it and

    That is a skill that these athletes have acquired over time and they’ll be bringing that to the four today so our Riders are ready to go racing here in rotor this fantastic track long straight one of the tracks that really has shown that it isn’t always dependent on gate

    Choice of where you start on the hill to head down yeah we’ve certainly had a few riders coming out from you know Gat six s Etc and uh and winning MSS semi-finals and things of that nature and uh yeah it be interesting to see how it turns out

    Okay let’s get on to the racing it is the men’s quarterfinals in the under 23 competition it’s Heat number one that’s going to be kicking off the action here Oliver Moran going to be looking to now this Jay cussell Williams didn’t have a good R he started well but then it was a

    Bad move on the big burm dropped himself down just took himself almost out of contention really didn’t he yeah didn’t make it through yesterday ended up in that second Spot so here we go it is time to get the men underway here in the men’s quarterfinals it is Heat number one he won of the Men’s Under 23 quarterfinals AR Go James cter Williams for Team USA working his way across from the outside Oliver heading in towards

    Turn number one and benel S oh over the bars in that first turn and down he goes so his lab over very very early and that’s allowed Oliver Moran to get away from the Riders behind him and he’s going to lead it into turn number two

    Going across that BM jump so Moran out there in front James Cutter Williams working his way up into three I think the front four Riders have worked out that they’re out front and clear and all going to go through it’s just dependent on the order when they get to the finish

    Line but there’s no doubt who is out in front Oliver Moran of austral taking it to the strive he’s going to make it through to the next stage kellier in two J Cutter Williams in three Jordan Callum going through in four but disaster for benel salar over

    Ecuador in that first Corner yeah really came down heavy there cares over a medic SE here are as always around the world cup absolutely Top Notch tell us what went wrong what went right here Rich well he’s uh headed into the turn I don’t know whether he just caught his

    Front wheel or caught onto some else he just oh the the weight was too far forward it pitched him over the bars which caught the rider behind him meanwhile Oliver Moran was out in front kellier was looking quite comfortable behind it was just a battle with uh

    James Cutter Williams as if he was going to pick up that third spot and he picked it up at the line so uh the American going through to the semi-finals well inant all already on track and we’ve only had our very first heat through just seeing kakibara here

    The elite women’s winner in round one and of course now because we have just got that one round complete so far leading the series overall leading our men’s of 23 quarterfinals Heat number one well Oliver Manan comes through with a 7 37. 611 time the rest of the Raiders

    Really cruising to a degree to come in and through they’re going to be looking to get their gate selection but as we were saying earlier maybe not as critical at this track as it is at the others well time to see who is going to

    Be able to get this nail today great to see Joshua Jolly he was riding very well his positioning really good really smart riding in his races in round one can he repeat that here today okay Riders random start rers ready watch the gate gate drops on quarterfinal number

    Two for the men under 23 Harrison Davis of Australia looking like he got himself a good start but it’s Joshua jolly and Marcus Le we’re going to lead into turn number one so jolly picking up the whole shot Davis in there in three at the moment we’ve got kogan of New Zealand

    Back there in four but it’s all about Jolly he was making some great moves in those turns in round number one and he’s got the pick of the line as he goes into turn number two Harrison David is going really well but he’s been swooped I

    Think by Marcus leth of Denmark and as they head into the final corner it’s Jolly leth Davis radel is in there in four for the Italian Squad he’s going to bring it to the line he’s going to go through to the semi-final so it’s Jolly left Davis relli going through kogan

    Outs him five but a great great lap from the Australian is absolutely flying cameras were focused on him very early on just get to see fistbump took the short seat pin down at the back there of his CH see get the warm down pin the running R seat pin slightly longer one

    But he was so strong out from the start now in round number one changing position between the start ramp and the first turn was quite instrumental in a lot of races but Jolly didn’t need to do that he would just went absolutely flew out the gate better maybe on day two

    Yeah absolutely if he’s not going to make moves in turns if he’s out in front he can pick his lines it’s going to be great for him he was followed in by Marcus leth Harrison Davis in there his coach Adam Curry will be watching back in Australia and be excited to see how

    His ride is progressing so wherever you are in the world thank you for joining us here in root for round number two of the UCI B makes racing World Cup our racing kicking off in coverage with the men’s quarterfinals we are going on to

    Our next of our he and Kip sty fascia a man who had a bad day at the office in round one can he have a better day in round number two okay Riders random start rers ready the G so ronar the Sila of Portugal on the outside Noah Elon of Australia on the

    Inside but the first Rider to show his Kip style fascia of Switzerland leading it in into the turn he’s got Curtis cray of Canada in there in two elton’s worked his way into three that looks like rinki ugam Maru is in there in four but he’s under pressure from Federico Capello as

    They go down that second straight Capello just getting it slightly wrong but still manages to get under the burm jump makes his move Dives underneath works his way from four to Second so stal faser the winner of round number six in serons in 2023 he’s leading it

    Out of the turn Elton in there in two capello’s in there in three Curtis cray in four looks like ugar is going to be the Unlucky guy in five stal fascia takes it Elton Capell Craig going through ugar in five ronard de Silva in six great lap though from the

    Rider from Switzerland and some amazing moves being made there both by Capello and ugar both taking that line going wide in coming out tight maybe not carrying as much speed but then had it almost done back you got a feel sop for Cur is CR great start for him for Canada

    Coming round in second wheel but it was as we got further the down we start to see those moves being made Capello again coming strong towards the end of the race yeah he DED underneath he went from fourth to Second and uh ugar followed him at that point and no Elton was back

    There in four but they got shuffled around as they came to that final straight there was no doubt about the winner stalas should took it Curtis CR coming through in that fourth spot he’ll be delighted with that it’s bit sweet isn’t it he comes in in four spot

    Doesn’t get the pick of the gate when he moves up but he does go through but he was so quick from that start we’ll see if he can stitch that full lap together from start to finish will he’ be the one to watch when we move into our

    Semifinals so three down one more to go in the men’s under 23 as our women Elite and our Men Elite are waiting for their turn to take you to the hill for our quarter finals here in rotor crowd watching on people making the way down to the track from all around the world

    And thank you very much for joining us rich E and myself Matt pay here and looking forward to this all day and night long CU we’ve been on the go it feels like about 48 Hours our Riders well they hopefully have got plenty of rest in between will they be able to

    Keep this uh working all the way to the end let’s see if the green of brothers are able to nail this two brothers one heat will they both go through for Riders through to the next round rers ready watch last of the quarterfinals for the men under 23 and this one contains Jesse

    Asus of Australia who’s on the inside in gate number one he’ll be looking for a better round two than uh he had in round number one he’s back there in about fourth at the minute under a little bit of pressure but the Australian holding it on but it’s green off and uh his

    Brother heading down the straight towards turn number two and that looks like Lis o Russon of France who’s in there in three Jesse Asus looking good in four but it’s benett greenoff leading Jack now towards that final Corner the greenoff brothers in and out we go Russo

    Looking very good in that third spot Jack Greeno bringing it to the strike under pressure from benett they’re both going to go through one and two a great result for the home crowd here in rarua leis H Russo in three Jesse asmus going through in four another quick round here

    37.82 one the time showing on my screens for our winning ride there as it came down from the straight of the ramp you could just see the great of brothers that really knew what they wanted to do and what they wanted to achieve working their way across you can just see

    Bennett there with the yellow gloves on he’s the r on the front Jack comes up on his well behind everybody’s trailing in their way here today well genetics definitely playing a part in their success because they are absolutely fing this track really SU and certain tracks suit certain Riders

    Don’t they oh yeah they certainly do and uh you know the Riders uh you know get into grips with this brand new venue on the World Cup circuit but Bennett greenoff Jack greenoff lisis en Russo and Jesse asmos confirmed as going through in the last of the quarterfinals

    For the men under 23 and we’ll be moving on very shortly to women Elite so our women Elite will be following on then it will be our men’s Elite little bit of sucking up the oxygen little bit of a yawn there always a key sign that people are trying to

    Need a little bit oxygen on board can be a sign of nerves hopefully it’s not a sign of a lack of sleep but there were some Disturbed nights last night for some of the Riders uh we’ve seen that what hopefully they’ve all recovered from that those involved in in the fire

    Alarm that was they were subjected to I think we’ve all been in that place when we’ve been out and racing out around the globe time for our women link to take to the start Heat number one in the women’s and this is a packed field yep Axel eten of France lining up

    There fully focused behind those uh dark goggles and the winner of round number one she’s got the red series leaders number play on that 77 it’s is kakibara of Australia first of the quarterfinals for women Elite ready to go daughter Balor of uh Denmark on the

    Outside B VRA made the main event in round number one there in the middle random rers ready watch the gate so kakara anden on the inside and as they head towards turn number one it does look like say kakibara picking up where she left off in round number one

    Manan vistra working away in the in two and that looks like Delane vaugh of the USA in three so Vaughn Under Pressure now though from Axel eten oh got it slightly wrong going down that second straight and she’s under pressure now from daughter Balor as they head towards

    Turn number two it’s starting to spread out a little bit oh elbows being thrown in the corners let’s have a look as they head down towards uh that final turn he’s definitely say kakibara in there in front man on VRA going through into two delanor in three and it’s the 971 of man

    On Valentino from France who’s going to pick up that fourth spot daala out in five Charlotte dealer in six so a kakibara certainly looks like there’s no stopping her here in round number two of the UCI BMX racing World Cup she’s has well and truly picked up

    Where she left off at the end of last season but there was a little bit of elbow action in there and that was coming from Axel ettien who is fighting it out on the way down there with daughter Bor and in the end both of them

    Lost out and uh it was lucky I think that the rest of the Riders managed to avoid it coming into this left hand turn just watch the cut across there from Balor she goes across the nen with nowhere left to go other than to E’s back off the power yeah absolutely man

    And Valentino was out in front at that point so um they were both battling for that four spot and I don’t think they were close enough so here’s the confirmed results from Heat number one of our women’s Elite quarterfinals s gakara Tak in TOS sport on her way

    Through nearly half a second clear of Manon vrais an omen of what is to come there are lots of riders who are going to see if they can take away that top spot though not least of which our world and Olympic champion in Olympic year when we’re going to be heading to Paris

    In August will Bethy sha be able to retain her Olympic title will she be able to retain her world title when we go to Rock Hill and can she deal a blow to the host of Sara well one Rider who has promised a lot Tessa Martinez of France lined up

    She’s got a good draw in here in the gate number three but it’s going to come down to who can get into turn number one the fastest and establish some Dominance once again Bethy shov Great Britain is elected to go from gate number six it’s her favorite gate here at the rotaru BMX track in New Zealand looks like it’s working for her right now but she’s got pressure coming from Zoe clayon oh the Riders nearly coming

    Together Payton Ryo in there in three Felicia Stan in four Lauren Reynolds in five but it’s clayon leading it out as they go into the second turn pay Ryo about two b l behind where is Bethany sh of Great Britain in there in three the 2022 World Champion Felicia stanel of

    Team USA chasing her down Bethany’s looking for another spot as they go in and out the finals turn it’s clayon is’s riding all going to hang on from Sha as they get to the land Sha’s going to take that second spot I think Pon RoR in three Felicia stanel in four

    Disappointment for Tessa Martinez who’s not managed to progress further than the quarterfinals here in rarua and Tes that transition I mean it doesn’t sound much when you go from an under 23 to an elite but this start I mean she was right at the back from that start is it just

    Explosive power that comes with ages it strength or is it just intimidation in some ways of being in with the elites what do you think yeah you’re definitely moving up into a you know a much faster uh class as they go across the line be picking up that second and you know you

    You get that extra experience and you you can’t get to that level within two races unless you’re very very lucky Tessa’s got a lot to learn but I’m sure she’ll learn it quickly well we will see if she’s going to be able to do that when we move on to round three in

    Brisbane in a couple of weeks time but here are Focus on the women’s league quarterfinals with plac in sha right at stanel going through sha again just sitting in the mix when it comes to our quarterfinals not always at the front from the word go her teammate Ken well

    He’s all smiles at the moment he’s got he’s got his work out though yeah he’s going to be on the get a little bit later on in the men League quarterfinals as we look at heat three of the women El League quarters meril smolders on the

    Inside on that 22 play but on the 11 Olympic silver medalist from Team USA that is Elise Willoughby she’s in there in gate number three and uh she’s certainly got company around her as we see on the two plates Laura smoulders of the Netherlands 27 World Cup wins to an name she’s looking

    For win number 28 and I wouldn’t vet against it being too long before she gets That Okay Riders random start rers ready watch the game here we go quarterfinal number three oh lead to leas Willoughby charg to the front Laura smoulders in there as well Merill smoulders on the inside the saw the SM small the sisters battling behind Judy BS in there as well and as

    They head in and out of the turn and they head down the straight camil Ms in the mix as well sounds like there’s been a crash because there was a big oo from the crowd as they exited that first turn didn’t quite catch what had happened

    Lex’s Colby not in that shot so she might be one of the Riders who’s hit the deck but as they go in and out the final turn Lura moulders creeping up on the back of el least Willoughby as they come down towards that Finish Line who’s going to get into the stripe oh

    Willoughby gets it meril smolders in there into got a feeling it was Lura moulders who hit the floor coming out of turn number one so a big big shock one of the podium athletes from round number one won’t be going further than quarters in round number

    Two Ball action and the crowd here being treated to the full BMX action now let’s take a little bit of a look back here knowing now that it was smers who went down in the race here it was tight behind we seen that race between fourth and fifth place is incredibly

    Tight yeah Lura smolder uh going down in a very unfamiliar heat though she’s one of the smoothest riders in the women Elite Class it looked like she just had a little touch of elbows and that was enough to knock her off uh off her balance and down she went Lexis Colby

    Coming across in five so a disappointment for Laura smolders here in round number two of the UCI BMX RAC in World Cup she’ll have to bring it back in Brisbane in round number three so a very unfamiliar position for Loris MERS with it did not finish at the end

    Of heat number three will be mer smallers me and about the rers going in through Le kby just outside out but able to avoid down L MERS down on the deck as we take a look around from the Bex track area you can see some amazing scenery

    Just on the edge of the track you can ride straight out from the you into the hills and uh definitely a place where I think not only is Brit and I got it on our bucket least I think pretty much everybody who isn’t down there at the

    Moment has it on their Bucket List as well so three Heats complete in our women’s Elite and you can see swers just being helped off there now that is very characteristic of a collarbone uh clench of the right arm there is it when you hold your arm like

    That trying to stop some movement could could be an a shoulder could be a wrist Al rers so they are incredibly tough and the the fact that they train so hard actually means that when you hit the floor you’re less likely to actually bend and break something so if anybody’s

    Going to come out of it and be able to come back quick it is our Elite athletes isn’t it because they have the strength they have that power from years and years of racing yeah certainly hope that Lura smoulders is okay and can make it back for round number three in Brisbane

    As we look at the start L for round four Mariana P Gabriella ble naen aard in this one Molly Simpson t berford and the 2022 under 23 women world champion M Kel of Denmark still to make her Mark in the women Elite Class will round number two

    Be the time that she gets it done and when we saw them erasing last round uh Pon not as good as we maybe had hoped she would have hoped we thought she was going to be right in that mix but it wasn’t to be no she’s been right

    At the top of the class for so long now as uh Mariana pan she knows what she needs to do to get it done and it’s just a case of if it’ll happen here today so we can see a lined up here known as the Queen B of BMX as she will

    Be looking to take this out she has the inside line in gate number one and this is as often as not about who gets the kick and can dominate coming into that first turn bord right out on the right hand side at the moment for S can she make it Two Riders from Switzerland in this last quarterfinal in women leag both coached by David graph as he given them the tools to get towards that first turn first they’re very very close but it looks like me kelstrup who’s picked up the lead in and out of turn number one

    But the Swiss Riders ganging up behind her where is Mariana Pan the double Olympic champion she’s back there in four of the minute Under Pressure though from Molly sson as they go into that second turn Gabriela B the other Colombian he’s back there in six and

    She’s making her move up to five can pan hold her off in that final Corner oh she’s diving underneath the elbows of flying Gabriella ble hits the deck it’s going to be a Sprint to the line between Molly Simpson and Mariana ban Simpson gets that final qualifying position

    Mariana ban just in the wrong position as they came out of that final turn the disappointment is palpable and it was no go for the two Colombians well that is not the day the Colombian fans would have wanted and pon not only realizing she’s not going through and the disappoint of that

    Registering she was looking back very quickly there for her countrywoman there so B coming down she put a fantastic dive in I thought they were both going to come up and through there they looked like they just got that absolutely spot on but it wasn’t to be no it certainly

    Wasn’t and out front M Kel had had gone and uh you know Gabriela B she went for the move the th came out of the pedal that was enough to pcture over the handlebars much to the disappointment of the crowd and me Kel was taking the win

    At that point and it had just done enough to let Molly Simpson pick off Mariana pan down that final straight and the Olympic double gold medalist out of the quarterfinal stage in rarua and is this the year that you would want that to happen as a former Olympic champion

    In the ass that has got to be no she would have wanted to start this season coming back and being right in the mix and does this mean really she needs to do like we were talking earlier a complete reset here because you’d normally do that between seasons and

    Then really be building coming in she’s got limited time two weeks time we’re on to round number three she’s got to get herself turned around really quickly to get into that two weeks of training but she’s away from home for those two weeks yeah I think the great thing about

    Mariana is she’s been doing this for so long she knows how to reset herself in short order she’ll put that disappointment behind her she’s a professional athlete and she’ll be ready to go in round number three so the Riders lined up all ready to go for our next race here

    Today it’s time to see if we are going to get our men’s Elite Riders through in one piece and without too many people skittling it down the deck as they come through hopefully they’re all going to make it and we’re going to see him sprinting into the finish the road is

    Lined up in the men’s Elite it is going to be an interesting race here with one of your favorite Riders as you call him the little magician yes Carlos Ramirez Olympic bronze medalist in the in gate number four and uh also from the South American contingent we’ve got Diego arer

    Who’s already picked up a World Cup win in Glasgow and he’ll be looking to add to his total here rers ready watch the gate first of the quarterfinals for the many Elites heading down towards turn number one let’s have a quick look who’s going to lead it into that first turn Cedric

    Booty of Switzerland picking up the whole shot looks like Gonzalo Molina’s in there in two he’s a World Cup specialist especially when he’s racing in Santiago deero but he’s brought his speed to raru in New Zealand Arad is in there in three the little magician going

    Through in four Magnus D of Denmark’s in there in five where is Dave vanderberg he’s in there in 64 the Netherlands in and out the final Corner booty Molina arola Ramirez actually W two three and four D making a last gas dive it’s not enough vanderberg out in six Cedric booty of Switzerland

    37.50 a really fast lap for the Swiss Rider he was absolutely motoring there as came in through the Finish but almost saw b gets caught out there as they came through by Dy on the Finish but that work that was done early on by booty

    Really did pay off to he he he looked just quicker all the way through very comfortable over here yeah and Molina was under all kinds of pressure as well from the two Colombians behind him but he did enough to hold him off Magnus D was despera trying to get himself into a

    Top four arala looked the wrong way and I think if D would have been a little bit closer it could have been a different story at the Finish Line yeah that’s not what you want on camera being caught looking in the wrong dire Direction at the wrong time but booty he

    Didn’t need to look anywhere they were in his rear view mirror C booty goes through you can see by five and a half five of 55.55 of a second going through that is a good Gap yeah definitely he it showed on the screens there and he’s setting

    His marker out he’s he’s been looking good the Swiss Squad have come to rarua on form here the round one was good great results round two is looking like it could go the same way yeah we wa and see there’s plenty of racing before that as we look at the hometown favorite the

    Under 23 World Cup Series champion from 2023 that is Rico bman he’s looking to be the first New Zealand Rider to win a World Cup since Mark Willers in Pap andal in 2011 and let’s see if round two in rarua he’s going to be the day for

    Him quing his door of Great Britain in gate number four random rers gate the two of the quarterfinals underway and look at Cameron Larson of Team USA he heading towards turn number one I’ve Got a Feeling Quill’s door has gone down and B Turner of Australia so

    Those two Riders the day he’s done NE kimman though quietly going about his business from gate number eight he’s in there in the lead Rico bman going through through into that looks like uh Wan EST banano Millo who’s in there in that third position and uh Cameron Larson’s been shuffled back into that

    Fifth spot he’s got to get past Jeremy Ren Carell I think if he wants to make it through to the next round kimman in control bman in the ring two Murillo in three Jeremy Ren Carell in four Cameron Larson seventh in round number one but out in the quarterfinals in round number

    Two and let’s just hope that quillin Isador and bod Turner are okay after that fall so it did look a pretty high speed slide down the deck it looks like at least one of our Riders just Runing his way around here that’s going to be Hugo marle going to make his way in

    Towards the line and he’s looks like he’s okay and that just all went wrong on the landing yeah didn’t quite catch what happened oh quillin and uh bod both touching b going straight over the bars certainly a big impact let’s hope he’s okay me meanwhile NE kimman had just

    Gone about his business from gate eight Rico bman was in there in two Jeremy rank Carell having a better day already in round number two than he had in round number one and Cameron Larson wondering what it might have been coming across in that fifth

    Place so you can see the results on your screen there n Kim taking away the win 37.5 N9 and it was a good ride by hand showing that when he’s on form he comes from the outside in he is in with a shout this door comes over the line a

    Few reps to the kit after that slide down on the track here the track will be inspected and check just to make sure it’s all okay but the track here has been in Tip Top condition all the way through rounds number one so far into round number two the team here doing an

    Amazing job and got to say a massive thank you to everybody behind the scenes who keeps the tracks in great condition they’re the The Unsung workers aren’t they really they’re there you know they are literally keeping it all together and their preparation pays off in the

    Racing and we’re seeing that yeah the uh the volunteers here at rosaro BMX Club they’ve done a superb job as you say Matt in making sure this track’s ready for the UCI BMX racing World Cup and they’re all over it in between Motors just making sure everything’s as it

    Should be and yes we’d like to thank them for their efforts yeah big team making it happen including our Medics who will be keeping an eye on bod Turner and uh if we get some news before the end of the show we will let you know how

    He’s doing but the Riders if in doubt the Medics are going to make sure that they’re all in one piece um it’s something that happens time and time again if you ride on two wheels at some point you are likely to not quite stay on those two wheels as I should know uh

    And medical teams are absolutely invaluable so a massive massive thank you to the Medics wherever they are uh including the ones that scraped me off the floor by regularly all to regularly so the grows enjoying the racing here in Rotorua got to say it has been full of

    Thrills and Spills and if anything today is edgier in round two than we saw in round one yeah I think those pre-race nerves have just disappeared slightly from round number one and uh round two is just everybody’s that bit more focused they generate that bit more power

    There’s more intensity and it leads to more you know exciting racing and that comes tumbles and falls and Spills and that kind of thing as we’ve just seen but what it gives us is more speed more excitement more drama for the crowd here in rarua and that’s good for BMX all

    Around it certainly is and we got a packed season of racing so we to round number two here in rodro New Zealand we’re going to move on in two weeks time 24th and 25th rounds three and fourth in Brisbane in Australia rounds five and six will be six will be coming from

    Tulsa in USA that’s in the end of April to round out the World Cup it’s time to get back down to our race in the men’s league quarterfinals Heat number three and Isaac Kennedy well he’s going to get the prime pick of the gates here in Heat number three he’s absolutely flying but

    When you’re up against the world champion who is looking astounding he’s riding round one out of the game was St it was it was superb he came through in fourth place in his eighth finals so Roman mayu’s not had the best gate pick for this quarter final but he’s got the

    Horsepower to make it count down his first straight but certainly he’s got seven other Riders to battle against including Isaac Kennedy and Ross Colin see that number one on Roman Mayo back as world champion in glasg Kennedy and Cullen leave the gate in one and two as they head down towards that

    First turn Ross Cullen bring in the power and he’s going to get the whole shot into turn number one so it’s Cullen Kennedy Mattis ragad Renault Blanc that one two three and four of the minute it looks like Mato K aari has worked his way into a top three position now he’s

    There in that third spot as they go in and out of the turn Mattis Rago reard Under Pressure now from renal Blanc as they go through the third straight Rhythm Section coming to the final corner it’s Cullen Kennedy Carona Garcia Mattis Rago reard thatu one two three

    And four as renold Blanc got anything for him as he comes to the line Cullen taking the win in the quarterfinal Kennedy Carona Garcia Rago reard that you top four renold Blanc out in five but the big shock Roman Mayu the world champion going out of the quarterfinal

    Stage you said as we started that and we were watching earlier on that he hadn’t gone through where we would expect and he’s now out I mean it’s I’m almost speechless to see the world champion he came off this gate like he got his brakes on yeah it’s uh you know when

    You’re in the middle of the pack it’s a little bit more difficult they being on the inside or the outside you’ve got Riders on either side and uh at this level you’ve just got to be so precise with your G and if you don’t get what

    You need coming out of the you’re going to get cut off pretty quick and that’s what happened to Roman Mayu meanwhile Ross Cullen of Great Britain starting to show the potential he’s going to go through with a win but Roman Mayu is going to have to uh you know regroup

    Comeback in Brisbane for round number three and I’m sure it won’t be long before we see him on the podium again so your confirmed results with Colin Kennedy Carona Garcia Rego rad the four Riders going on to our semifinal competition L Sher and may out of competition well we have one more heat

    To go the man who maybe could profit most from the absence of Roman may is the man who took second place in the round number one yis do is this now the door been opened well there’s no such thing as an invitation in BMX but I think yoris DA

    Has got the closest thing to on that he’ll ever get so uh yeah be interesting to see if he can make it pay as we go through to the finals local favorite Michael Bas on the outside in Lane number eight and that is Jeremy Smith of Team USA

    Rers as the Riders head down the hill here in rarua Michael Bas of New Zealand got it all wrong and he’s back there in eight so he’s going to have to pull out the ride of a lifetime if he’s going to make his way in he’s going high low in

    That first turn he’s going to try and work his way through yoris do out in front Arthur pad’s in there as well Jeremy Smith in third who’s got that four spot at the moment as they go in and out of turn number two has Bas

    Worked his way in he has he’s gone from eighth to Fourth superb riding from the New Zealand Rider do in control Bas is looking for more fourth to third to Second Under Pressure now as he’d give himself a little bit too much to do is

    He going to hold it to the line bers and P A phto finish Jeremy Smith Michael Bas was shopping for more as they came into that final corner he was looking to thread the needle oh what action as Eddie clerte picks himself up in that final turn and

    Matteo CS going out in six as well there so much to unpack there a great great quarterfinal lap let’s deal with a couple of really quick things great run by yist do pretty much in trouble by what going on behind him the move by bias I mean he come from the very back

    He didn’t even get a good start he was seconds behind on the way down there and yet he came in but did he want too much did he try and take too much he was potentially going to be in there I mean he was sitting pretty in what was sort

    Of third fourth place spot and then it all just unraveled yeah he saw the Gap he went for it you can’t blame him for that one it’s uh certainly giving the crowd what they came for there was a little nudge from Jeremy Smith that took out Eddie clerte at the same time

    Meanwhile Simba darnand was getting in there as well so we’ll have to wait and see what the confirmed result is and one Rider Mato KS I mean he’s a rider who’s moved up he’s one of those Riders come from under 23 he’s moved up into the elite ranks two rounds in we’ve

    Not seen him move up all the way through into the SE into the finals but he’s still showing he’s got the pace of speed he’s not far away is he no he definitely isn’t and looking at the final result though Michael Bas he was going for it

    It didn’t quite work out in his favor and there was a very small gap between him and peard simana going through in that second spot he’ll be delighted with that so that means our men’s Elite quarter finals are complete here in rotor in round number Two so here at r number two in row to row it’s time to move on to our semi-finals we’re going to kick off with our Men’s Under 23 semifinals and this is where we’re going to see who makes that selection for Riders moving through to the final for

    Riders it’ll be the end of competition and this could be a very tricky heat to come through here in Heat winning the first of our semi-finals Rich they’re very evenly matched in a lot of ways the riders that we’ve got got hereit in Heat number one yeah they very much are

    Jordan Callum of Australia in the in gate number eight on the 502 gate seven H he’s already been in the world championship final that’s federo Capello and on the 518 out of Australia it’s Harrison Davis next to him on the 522 representing Canada it’s Curtis Craig gate four on the

    524 fast out of France it’s lson Russo on the 535 out of Australia he’s put some sparkling performances in already here in raru it’s Joshua Jolly the 508 took a World Cup win in serion France in 2023 Kip sty faser of Switzerland there on the inside for

    Australia G number one on the 510 plate it’s Oliver Moran so the first of the semi-finals for the men under 23 round round two of the UCI BMX racing World Cup here in rosaro New Zealand let’s see who’s going to make the final okay rers Rand start rers

    G oh there was a twitch there from Kip sty faser on that gate and he might have just pushed him back that little bit he’s going to have to work his way through the pack oler Moran and Joshua Jolly looking like they’re going to go one and two into the corner capello’s

    Doing his trademark sweeps in that turn lison Russo in there in four stal fasher in five Moran and jolly it’s an Australian one two at the moment Here Comes Federico Capello working his way up into that second spot lison Russo’s made a mistake he’s been shuffled back

    Now and it looks like uh going into that final corner it’s going to be Moran Capello and uh Joshua Jolly that’s going to be your one two three who’s going to pick up that four spot as they get across the line it was the 5-32 I think Jordan Callum of Australia going through

    Lou on Russo he’ll be bitterly disappointed with the mistake he made as he came out of turn number two well great ride there coming through to take top spot Oliver ban goes through R who took fourth in round number one of the World Cup and this start by St I mean

    That was a disaster in itself but then capello’s moves up here as you say he’s trademark diving swooping through you thought okay he’s into three but this jumped through flew through and then Jolly just went backwards yeah he I was looking at Lis on Russo he made a little

    Mistake coming out of that second turn and that’s what pushed him back and allowed uh Jordan Callum to go through Harrison Davis just shaking his head knows he should have done better in that one and keep Stashia well there’ll be an inquest in the Swiss tent but he’ll be

    Back for round number three and once you lose momentum and that was very evident there with luison Russo he got checked he couldn’t take the momentum around he he had to dive up and down he lost it he put him into fifth place Moran Capello jolly and Callum going through momentum

    Is key lose it it’s so difficult it’s just too short to pick up the BCE and get back in there if that happens our for first four qualifiers for the men of the 23 finals are through from the semifinals who will be joining them in the final well it will be the four

    Riders out of our next set of riders away on the top of the gate that the Riders they know they’re going to be called up pretty quick here today because the racing comes thick and fast there’s no hanging around and Wai you haven’t got time to go off and go grab

    Something off the Barbie and come back again that’s for sure yeah Marco relli in the in gate number eight with James Cutter Williams of TB USA lined up in gate seven gate six on the 516 representing Denmark it’s Marcus leth gate five on the 512 out of France it’s GRE

    Kellier gate four from Australia made the podium in round number one it is Noah Elton of Australia on the 511 local Rider on that uh black bite the Mayo it’s Jack greenoff Jess Australia the 503 gate number two it’s Jesse asmus of Australia ofate number one and on the 505 gate

    Number one representing New Zealand Benny greenoff so the top three Riders from the round number one finals they’re here in this semifinal who will go through will all three make it time to find out okay Riders random start Riders ready watch the gate semi-final number two is go let’s

    Watch the action unfold as they come down the hill Oh kellier of France has hit the deck over that first jump so his semi-final is over it looks like Bennett green off leading it out Jesse Aus in there in two that looks like Marcus left going through in three Jack Green off’s

    In there in four Noah Elton battling away with James Cutter Williams Cutter Williams going far too far over that jump can’t get over the burn jump moov been made in the corner greenoff trying to get up on left here comes Noah Elton trying to snake his way down the inside

    Is he going to be able to make the move in the final Corner no make it stick Benny greenoff in one Jesse ASAS in there in two Marcus left in three Jack greenoff is going to make his way in in four and Noah Elton of Australia podium

    In round one fifth place in the semi in round number two he’ll be disappointed with that especially after coming off that great great round number one but the greenos do it yet again and this time around an absolute flyer from benett Greenup uh just on the in inside

    As he came in over it was all Carnage behind I mean we saw that flip on that Landing I’m sure uh we’ll see him making his way rolling down off FR kellier but a little bit further down the track B Green off really opened up the ground

    There two pairs but then Elton he almost made it just could take the speed off the straight onto that final Corner yeah he was trying to nip down the inside of Jack Green off as he came down that third straight left himself a little bit too much to do couldn’t carry his

    Momentum through that final turn and that’s what cost him he went out in five so Jesse Asma confirmed as taking the win Bennett greenoff into Marcus Le in three jack greenoff in four they’ll be going through to the men under 23 final here at the second round of the UCI BMX

    Racing World Cup so our men’s of the 23 semi-finals complete we know our four rers moving into the finals we’re going to be moving on to our women’s Elite semifinals here in root too and you can see just a little bit dazed after coming up and over the top the Medical Teams

    Looking after our Riders and he’ll be in the best of hands here in row to row and great to see him up and walking after that tumble on the very first jump so the crowds just side of the jump but they’re looking down on the ground Stone

    As they’re going to get the women’s Elite semifinals the first of our Heats is a cracker the second one is absolutely insane the riders that we have here today can anybody touch say kakibara Rich well certainly in the form that she’s in some people might say no but

    This is BMX racing and anything can happen as we’ve seen at any given moment but certainly the form she’s in kind of suggest that she’s going to be there or thereabouts in the final but she’s got to get through this semi first because she’s got Elise Willoughby who’s going

    To be right there with her as well and Delan Vaughn’s going to be lining up in gate number two and you can’t count out Judy ba or pton ride nor either so a very very stacked first semi-final here for women Elite as Bethany shria gives a

    Wave to the camera and as we move to the top of the hill the 202 out in gate number eight it’s Talia bford of Switzerland gate s on the 388 from the nland she’s had a world cut win on her home track of Pap andal it’s Judy

    Bow on the 44 representing Canada it’s Molly Simpson the 175 out of Denmar looking to make her Mark it’s me kstr on the 15 the former number of her coach Ariel Martin it’s uh pton bride no on the 11 plate for Team USA olympic silver medalist Elise

    Willoughby the 31 also for Team USA Delany Vaughn and on the inside the series leader with the red number plate from Australia the winner of round number one it’s SA sakakibara so the crowd ready our Runners are ready time to pick your favorite time to see who will go through four Riders

    Going through to the final rers the excitement continues here in Ro toua New Zealand with the women Elite semifinals say sakakibara is getting out in front and she’s going to lead it into turn number one Team USA ganging up behind Delan in there in two at least

    Willby in three who’s got that fall spot right now looks like Molly Simpson who’s trying to put daylight between herself and Taria bford to kakibara though four bite lens clear now over AAS Willoughby she’s out in front and absolutely charging who’s got that four spot looks

    Like burford’s got it here comes M Kell and Molly Simpson it’s going to be a battle down this final straight and Kel’s getting close is she going to do enough she shakes the head she knows she’s not got it Delane taking that fall spot berford with a great ride in three

    But there was no doubt on the winner in that semifinal it’s sayak kakibara of Australia the green and gold were well clear at the front of the race there her winning time 36.7 38 and that I think the fastest lap time of the day in the women’s Elite competition looking forward to seeing

    What happens when we come to the end of the day where we see a new lap record here today we will have to find out a little bit later on great racing though by skaki Bara and a good recovery by pton ryer foot came out on the very

    First straight down the grass got back on but not able to charge coming in to the Finish he does finish though just behind Judy B who won’t be making the final this time around after making the final in round number one so on to round number two the second of our

    Semifinals this is for the last four spots in the finals they going to be joining Sak iara we’ve got Willoughby berford and vaugh time for me to grab a coffee Rich of these Riders who have gone out Judy B surely the most disappointed yeah I’m sure it’s disappointment for anybody who goes out

    In the semi-final stage in a World Cup you’re so close yet so far away but we’re moving on to semifinal two and in gate eight for the Swiss team it’s naen abart G s on the 23 the 2022 women Elite world champion it’s Felicia stansel of

    The USA gate six there’s a theme with Bethany Sha’s gate picks here in rarua she’s gone there again and she’s been lucky to make it count next to her gate number five on the 971 out of France it’s France it’s Manon Valentino gate four on the 65 the

    European champion in the women Elite Class it’s Zoe clayon of Switzerland gate three on the treble s out of France it’s Cammer gate two on the 22 the Olympic bronze medalist from the Netherlands it’s Merill smoulders right there on the inside made that world championship final in Glasgow

    In 2023 from the Netherlands it’s mam vinstra semi-final two of the women Elite here about to go so the Riders are clipped in and ready poised to make the way down the straight who he’s going to come away in the top four already just getting to the semi-finals by

    Riders here we go Bethany shria selected gate six again is he going to pay for as she goes down towards turn number one she’s right there with Merl smolders and Zoe cayon as they go into the corner smolders gets the whole shot sha in there in two clayon in three man on VRA

    In four Felicia stanel in five but it’s the Dutch Rider and the Olympic champion who were’re battling into that second turn shria is going to go high low and try and make a move in that final Corner she’s lining it up now but uh smolders just shutting the door and just keeping

    Bethany shria behind her they’re going to drag race down the final straight man on V is looking good in three who’s going to get that four will it be clayon will it be stanel looks like stanel is going to get it at the strike Felicia stanel

    Going through in four Zoe Clay’s in five Merill smolders pick your perfect lap from the Dutch Rider and Bethany shria safe in two very interesting race there Lots in that Ridge H we saw Bethany shria not necessarily getting as great as start she was having to fight all the way

    Through that we watched from the start here the world champion absolutely powering down the straight ahead of Valentino who’s already got a St into a much better position than round one where she finished 26 but sha there then had glazers in Pursuit she was right on

    Her heel she knew she couldn’t relax but schas was the rider who really did take it to her did Beth run out of steam here as she came into the Finish yeah I did notice that Beth did clip that first jump it might have just robbed her of

    The momentum that she needed to take that whole shot but she was safe in that second spot Felicia stanel came through in four she crept away through from faith and man on vinra makes his second main event here in raru in New Zealand so man and coming through taking a good

    Spot going up into the finals and a number of the Riders who didn’t make it through will be pleased man Valentino has just said earlier on 26 in round number one she’s going to be in a better position this time around having made it into the semifinals but small dist stre

    V stel your Riders start going through into the women’s Elite finals which leaves us one more set of semifinals to go it’s our men’s Elite semi-finals that will be coming up next and it is going to be another storming set of races here in roow to Road don’t forget please do

    Make sure that you give us the racing and follow on Facebook on Instagram is UCI BMX racing it’s UCI BMX racing on X the platform formally known as Twitter you always catch up with Rich it’s BMX commentator and myself Matt P at M fix a pain right moving on to uh sem fin

    Number one for the many Elite in gate number eight on that 313 it’s NE kimman of the Netherlands gate seven on the five just announced that he’s going to be a father for the first time it’s Jeremy en Carell congratulations to him game number six for Team USA it is Jeremy

    Smith G five on the two play came so close to taking a win in Glasgow at the World Championships it’s Arthur pad 207 in the semi-final looking nice and relaxed and ready to too that is siman and next to him gate number three on the template the green and gold of Australia

    Just back from injury and he’s already making his presence felt it’s Isaac Kennedy on the two2 in gate number two out of Argentina it’s Gonzalo Molina and on the inside the six time USA BMX pro Champion two-time world champion as well it’s yoris Doe so time for the redit Riders to prep

    Themselves and ready Sim donard 49th in round number one already in a better position can he make this count can he get himself into the final ready watch the gate the gate drops I’m looking at kimman I’m looking at Kennedy I’m looking at do on the inside the elbows

    Have already started flying Molina and Kennedy came together over that first jump It’s going to be fight into the turn it’s D and kimman going one and two oh Isaac Kennedy’s unclipped in the corner that’s pushed him right back to eighth Doan kimman still out in front

    That’s Molina in the ring three and it looks like Jeremy Smith of the USA is’s in the ring four but he’s under pressure now Ren Carell’s worked his way in and San’s not done either into the final corner do kimman Molina one two and three who’s going to pick up the four it

    Looks like rank Carell’s going to get it rank Carell at the strike from darnand Jeremy Smith will be kicking himself he was in a qualifying position and just got swallowed up in that second turn what a race Kim is absolutely flying on form at the moment I mean is there no

    Stopping this man that his time down there a very very quick one as he made his way in and through not the fastest down the gate in fact one of the slowest Riders down the gate but he had at least had a clean run big problems I Kennedy

    There as you said Rich having problems with the pedal but as you see do came down that turn he knew where he wanted to be wanted to be out of trouble but as they came down on to the straight the bush came good ride by donard not to be

    A final this time around but shown good form this year for 2024 yep certainly siman’s beginning to pick up that speed uh unfortunate to go out in fifth place in that semi-final and there you confirmed result me Kim and yoris do Gonzalo Molina and Jeremy rank Carell confirmed as going through

    To the final of many Elite here in round number two of the UCI BMX racing World Cup in rarua New Zealand so the first of the semi-finals done first four Riders making the way into the finals four Riders out of action now as we move on to the second of our

    Semifinals yep more power on top of that gate and in gate eight for Columbia it’s Juan estan nanjo Millo our Colombian fans definitely getting involved here in R to rward gate number seven on the 741 already a World Cup winner in San Diego abala gate six on the 61 out of France

    Lots of speed lots of skill and uh it’s Mattis Rago reard gate five on the 278 Olympic bronze medal the little magician and he can make it happen at any given moment it’s Carlos Ramirez gate four on the 248 listen to the crowd go wild for Mr Rico

    Pierman gate three the third Colombian in this semi-final on the 70 plate it’s Mato Carmona Garcia gate number two out of Great Britain on that sixth plate it’s Ross Cullen and gate number one on the inside in the red and white of Switzerland it’s Cedric booty semi-final number two round number

    Two of the UCI BMX racing World Cup many lead we are ready to go okay rers Rand rers ready the gate col in Gate two AR leader in gate number eight and they fly down the hill towards turn number one Ross cullin of Great Britain is going to pick up the

    Whole shot cullin arola booty that she want to two three B Carona Garcia he’s in there in for oh Ross Cullen is off the track it all went wrong down the second straight he was looking so good and it’s all over for the man from Preston one of the Colombians goes down

    AR Mattis Rago reard Cedric booty and uh the other Colombians in there as well so the Colombians are book ending the top four looks like arade is going to get it booty into matis Rago reard makes his first many World Cup final but I’m desperate to find out what

    Happened to Ross Cullen from hero to zero in the blink of an eye and it all went wrong on the second straight that was so close coming into the Finish great ride there by Mattis Rego Rea man coming back from injury last season I think it was his elbow if I remember

    Right that was that damaged broken looking very very strong now and was in the right place he didn’t Panic whilst all those around him were going all over the place now going down the street can’t quite tell what happened there uh to Ross gullen and another another slide

    Out here you could just see taking to the grass I think that was Ramirez that hit the de there is been a very tight set of racing what’s happening Rich why are we seeing so many people on the floor well the you know you’ve only got so much

    Adhesion on those tires as you go into those turns at full speed I was desperately trying to work out what had happened to Ross Cullen he’ll be shaking his head he’ll be going do you know what I had it I was there and you can see the

    Disappointment the head in his hands the goggles come off but that’s one thing about Ross Cullen he’s resilient he’ll be back in round number three and I’ve got a feeling you might see Ross on the podium sooner rather than later Carlos Ramirez just uh rolling off

    Track good to see he’s okay yeah AR R is picking themselves back up after those slips and slce and Ramirez is the final run in over the line but going through into to the finals arouty all right goad and K Garcia is going to be a stacked

    Final for a men’s Elite competition some disappointed faces there’s going to be some cool heads trying to keep it together Rico bman making the finals here today he was oozing confidence at the end of 20203 he could win almost at will now he’s up against the elite Riders he’s

    Proba we find it that bit tougher but that is a quick run into a final let’s face it we’re two round two and he’s made the final he’s made the final and the best thing is he’s done it in front of the home fans he’s done it in New

    Zealand his home country you know no matter what I think he’ll be excited to be in the final but if he can get on that Podium the home fans will definitely get their money’s worth from the tickets that they bought and they’ll be willing him on so here in R for round

    Number two of the UCI BX racing World Cup here in New Zealand is going to be a storming set of finals it’s great to have you with us wherever you are out and around the globe our Riders I’m sure can’t wait to get back into action we’ see some

    Fantastic races some great moves being made all the way around those turns R I can’t wait to see what’s going to go off in the finals and once we see the crowd at the moment Rich they’re going to be contemplating what they going to see

    Going to set you a little task what you think of some riders in your head that maybe you’ve done some serious excelling so far right I’ll uh certainly come up with something I’m not going to tell you how long you’ve gotten this game though that’s fine that will keep things just

    Sticking along nice we got to keep you on your toes in the studio yes definitely don’t want you getting cramp or anything no not at all so time to head over and let’s get into our finals So it’s the UCI BMX racing World Cup in Ro it is round number two the first of our finals men under 23 finals going to be a cracking race now of our men’s and women’s in the under 23 Rich who’s who do we need to watch out for

    Right just uh taking a look as we await the Riders uh heading to the top of the hill so who has been your pick Rich who who would you go for in terms of being a rider who has excelled in the under 23

    If we had to pick a rider if we had to pick a rider in the under 23s you can’t uh you know kind of look past the I’ll pick two the greenoff brothers so they’ve ridden so well they’ve made two finals and uh it’s very rare you get

    Brothers on the track at the same time so I think they would be my pick today okay in the so in terms of the under 23s in terms of the elites who would you be going for um I mean you look at the consistency of yoris doe and uh the fact

    That he’s at the tail end of his career in inverted commas and he’s still making finals you can’t count him out well let’s see if those riders that Rich’s pits are going to be up there I’m sure you’ve got your favorites uh for me T

    Rufus has got to be a rider who we have got to watch in this final the rider who was flying in round number one can she repeat this can she make it two out of two here today in the under 23 women’s final while she gets to the top of the

    Round Bey shria all smiles wav it down for the camera will it be starisa a rider who probably had the most disappointing under 23 racing round number one she did but she’s up there in gate number eight she’s got another chance to make it count as we look in

    Gate number seven and see the familiar figure of Emily Hut from Great Britain the 508 of Sabina corova came close to winning the World Cup in Turkey in 2023 will 2024 be hers tan Pascal on the 505 out of Canada she’s in the in Gate five

    And in gate number four hit the podium at Santiago Del Estero all enthusiasm from Isabelle May of Australia the 513 in gate number three winner of round number one of the UCI BMX racing World Cup it’s tea ruus the 59 from Slovakia gate number two it’s uh Dominica

    Manova and on the inside gate number one Team USA three wins in Santiago deuro in 2023 it’s AA coli the women under 23 final round two of the UCI BMX racing World Cup we are ready to go okay Riders random start Riders ready watch the

    Game the final is go I’ve got my eye on aaie on the inside is she going to pick up another one of those whole shots it certainly looks like it but she’s got Isabelle May of Australia right there on a back wheel so this isn’t over knot by

    A long chalk that looks like starisa in there in for T roofers up Australia winner of round number one she’s in there in three call he just keeping that Gap open but Isabel May of Australia is creeping up on the back of her as they

    Go towards the final turn can she make a move she’s going to give it a good go drag racing down the final straight May and Cy bringing it to the stripe K’s Under Pressure May’s right there next to KY gets it may to T ruus makes it two

    Podiums from two in there in three starisa in four Manny COV in five but that was so so close between colie and Isabelle May what a race I mean what a shot from the start down that ramp away went Ava coli she just looked like she

    Did in the racing at Santiago deero as you said three wins there she really did burst onto the team in style in the last season she’s been there their rest just really did show just why she’s so strong and from the start here you can see on

    The left of your screen straight line no going sideways forever God it’s all forward momentum yeah she got a great start and Isabelle May did well as well just to get across and slot in the just behind her I honestly thought she was going to try and make a move in one of

    These turns because Isabelle May is not shy when it comes to having her go and trying to work her way past somebody T ruus she’s already had one win she’ll be happy with the first and the third for her time here at rarua Veronica St

    Risker in four but I think we found a new star in the women under 23 three category and it’s AA Cary of Team USA now subject to calculations never ever trust my mass tip from the top but I think AA Cory with a first and second

    Place will be going into the lead of the World Cup standings at the end of today as well with that win here today two podiums in two rounds also two podiums for TAA ruus but it’s a first and a third for her and that should be enough

    I think to get it into second place in the standing something that we wouldn’t have predicted coming into rura but here are your final confirmed results calling and were M to ruus in three starisa nearly onto that Podium but not to be this time around but a better result

    Than she got when she was racing in round number one where she was eighth so do not count outs to risk at any stage so let’s have a word with our race winner it is with the one and only AA of the United States of America Eva you left picked up from you

    Left off last year with another incredible race and a victory here in New Zealand explain how difficult it is and how exciting it is to get this result here at the opening round of the World Cup it’s it’s definitely difficult this isn’t exactly the easiest track

    Either but um I had a rough go this this past week I’ve been really struggling going into this race and um yeah I just am really happy to execute the way that I wanted to today and um yeah I’m just I’m just really happy to see some improvements for sure the competition in

    This class steps it up and you’ve stepped it up once again what do you attribute to the success you’re having on so early in the season I just I hit the off season like no other man like it was crazy even this but yeah just just

    Work hard live what you do like this is amazing this nothing beats needs this you know what I mean again congratulations on winning the World Cup here and root to to thank you I really appreciate it a great ride and I’m not surprised she’s happy taking away the win in St

    Pressured all the way to the line by Isel May AA Cory takes the win here back to a winning ways and that smile says absolutely everything well let’s see our top three Riders who’ve entertained us and have taken away our top three spots here as they make the way to the medal

    So to our flower ceremony here in rotor for round number two taking away third place to add to her win in round number one t Ru is taking that third spot second place for Isabelle May May in second place to the sixth she got in

    Round number one and AA Cy well it was second in round one she’s top spot this time around AA of the United States of America ahead of the two Australians it’s going to be a cracking under 23 women’s Race season and we have still got four more rounds of the under

    23 competition to go before we go to the world championships in Rock Hill in the United States of America would you want to bet against AA Cy being fired up for that a worlds on a home Nation track yeah if she’s going to want to win the World Championship she’s going to want

    To win it in Rock Hill and uh we’ve got a bit of time till we get there in May but it’d be interesting to see if she can get it done so let’s move on to the Men’s Under 23 final here today green off and green off they go down that straight like

    There’s no tomorrow can they hold themselves into the line don’t forget you’ve got Jack with the black gloves you got bit with the yellow gloves they’re basically the only way you can tell two apart absolutely flying the way down the straight no third place from the last round in Noah Elton who didn’t

    Make the final that means that big points up for grabs and could see a change in those standings yeah we move up to the top of the gate with Jordan Callum of Australia and the 516 in gate number seven from Denmark Marcus leth gate number six on the 511 with the

    Black clubs on it’s Jack greenoff from New Zealand next to him gate number five on the 535 makes moves in the turns and speeds down the straights it’s Joshua Jolly of Australia the winner of round number one on the 505 from New Zealand it’s Bennett greenoff gate three on the 52 from

    Argentina look out for this guy in the turns it’s Federico Pell AAL the 503 out of Australia gate number two it’s Jesse Asmus and game number one on the inside the 510 of Oliver Moran so the men under 23 final he’s ready to go okay Riders random start rers ready watch the game here we go with the final the tension is almost unbearable as they head towards that first turn Benny Green

    Off Marcus left one and two Oliver Moran on the inside Jesse asmos inside the top five at the moment as they head down that second straight Benny greenoff is he going to make it two wins from two in front of the home crowd here in Road toou and New Zealand Oliver Moran in

    There in that second spot Jack Green off in three but he’s just been overhaul by Joshua Jolly of Australia as they go in and out of the final turn Benny Ken up here comes Oliver Moran it’s going to be a drag race to the line who’s going to

    Get it at the stripe Benny greenoff gets it two from two for New Zealand Oliver Moran going through in that second spot Josh Jolly rounds out the podium well what can we say what a performance from the rider from New Zealand oh he’s been on such form in

    Round one then into round two so quick down though so straight up from the gun and Le here you thought he was going to be in the fight all the way to the Finish way rode into this and he took that corner but a little bit further

    Down marus leth went for a really bad line he went and suck himself basically out of contention you thought yep in position here but watching me it has to back right off drops into fifth place and keeps on going backwards out of contention bet it though challenge to

    The line here and just that final kick being able to pump those jumps over the way over the top there he really just kept that momentum driving in yeah he certainly did and I had a look at Marcus Le and he he got the jump before the burm jump slightly wrong lost some

    Momentum and then he had to go higher over the burm jump and that cost him even more and that’s why he went backwards in that turn but no such problems for Benny greenoff he’s going to take his second World Cup win Oliver Moran and Joshua Jolly rounded on the

    Podium great result for Joshua Jolly he’s going to be in third spot on our fly and on the podium Oliver Moran takes away a second spot he was four in round one second here today Joshua Jolly also moving up from fifth into third but benett green enough well there was only

    One place he could go after his second in round number one it was a top spot and that’s what he claimed here in Al Men’s Under 23 final I’m not surprised he’s breathing hard as he makes his way down the straight here into Wars the interview Zone and we’ll be hearing from

    Him very shortly indeed if he’s got any Oxygen left to put words together he’s been very strong he’s been looking good he’s stepped it up you would thought maybe a second place was going to be good enough but it wasn’t he wanted that win let’s hear from our race winner it

    Is a Bennett greenoff congratulations on a win backing up the brotherly rivalry explain to us how it feels to win out here in New Zealand oh it’s amazing it’s pretty special have a home race home the season I’m just super grateful the opportunity fans been great so thanks everyone for

    Coming out it’s been awesome the competition stack but when you have to race against your brother how much more special does it make it when you’re also able to beat him and have the rights of the family oh man it’s definitely a bit of sibling rivalry going on but it’s

    Good it’s good um no it’s it’s always cool to brace the family and uh PR grateful to have him as a training partner and things too and also to win here at home in front of the crowd and the fans they were cheering so loud what

    Do you have to say to them oh thank you so much for everyone coming out Sport’s been amazing thanks thanks to everyone so great to hear from Bennett GRE there and with that win he should be taking away the series lead as we leave here from New Zealand a fantastic ride by

    Bennett GRE to take the win here and do the same thing as AA stepping up on to the top step well the top three Riders about to receive there flowers great result for Joshua Jolly just reward for all of his very creative line choices and he’s diving into position during the

    Racing here in roro taking away third place the second place going to Oliver Moran he another great ride by him and again improving as he went into round number two but no mistaken your race winner he came through he does get the bragging RS back home in the car on the

    Journey home Bennett green of New Zealand the race winner here today a full antip ofm Podium there is the Oceana treeo there of the Jolly of Moran and gof who take away the top three spots Rich it’s quite ominous for anybody who is not from this neck of the woods as we

    Move off to Brisbane yeah I’m sure if you’d have said to Bennett greenoff before the weekend mate you’re going to win two World Cups he would have never believed you so he’ll be uh he’ll be going to bed and dreaming of another one in Brisbane at Round number three but there’s plenty

    Of people who want to stop him so our Rod is all done in the under 23 time for our Elites so here at the UCL BMX racing World Cup round number two from roro in New Zealand it’s our Elite finals we’re going to kick off with our women’s Elite final Rich of our finalist here apart from say kakibara who has impressed you the most here I think the uh the rally

    Who impressed me the most in women Elite with her consistency is Manon VRA of the Netherlands she’s uh been in both Main Events and she’s looked really really good and Delane vaugh certainly putting in some great performances as well oh he Hedges his bets very quickly there I’m not surprised though with the

    Quality of this race but it’s a mean question to ask you at this day so let’s get down to the racing they’re lined up they’re all ready to go take us through the Gat R gate number eight tal Burford of Switzerland as we move across to gate

    Number seven on the 23 play from Team USA it’s Felicia stansel wants again in gate number six she’s got a game plan she’s sticking to it it’s Bethany shria of Great Britain gate five on the 31 certainly been impressive here in Ro T and New Zealand for Team USA it’s Delan

    Vaugh and gate number four raw power coming down that 8 meter Hill it’s Elise Willoughby from Team USA gate number three on the seventh plate been super impressive it’s Manan vinra gate two on the 22 it’s been working for her all through the races it’s Merill smolders

    But on the inside the series leader from Australia the 2023 World Cup champion sayya sakakibara so the women Elite final round two of the UCI BMX racing World Cup will another win go to Australia or will it be somebody else entirely okay Riders random start Riders ready the

    Gate eight of the greats have just left the gate women Elite are go say sakakibara Bethany shria battling into turn number one sakakibara on the inside takes the whole shot that looks like man on femra working way up into that third place but there’s a battle royale out

    Front and it’s between the Australian and the Great Britain Rider sakakibara holding on to the lead but Bethany shria is’s right there on a back wheel on be going well and looking for a Podium spot can Bethany shria out race say sakakibara down the final straight it’s

    Going to be close sakakibara and shria half a bik in it’s sakakibara shria it’s going to be a photo finish I have a sneaking suspicion it went to the Australian but we’ll have to wait for confirmation it was very very close VRA hits the podium Willoughby rounds out

    The top four Felicia staning five I need to regain my composure after that one Matt I’m not surprised that was so so close a fantastic battle at the front between C kakibara and be sha they were giving it everything to the line there was no backing off until they went over

    The Finish however behind what a r Madam F stre in all sorts of bees down there but say kakar taking the win subject to confirmation here from Bethany sha the world champion got better as we came through she got closer to sakakibara but it was a dominant ride by the rider who

    Surely must go across to brisban in Australia as favorite she led from the start she got the whole shot coming in sh dropped in 2 two they were to remain that way but Viner right up the inside that was elbow 12 stuff there Rich yeah

    It was a great move from man on bean she carved underneath everybody else in that turn worked away into a Podium position but the battle was out front say sakakibara and Bethany shria there wasn’t very much in it at all Bethany’s gone from third in round number one to

    Second in round number two she’ll be happy with her weekend’s work but one Rider will be absolutely ecstatic is say a kakibara well that’s the photo finish as it came in and through let’s have a look though at the confirmed results are going to be making your way up onto the screen here

    They come sakar confirmed in one Bey sh in two man Vista in three willby stanel bour schmers and berford while they round out the top eight here today in round number two so the Riders making way in and through say kakibara ahead of shria it was close on the

    Line well here we go this is how close it was it came down to half a bite length at the finish I wonder if sayak incredible way to open up the season how does it feel the cap to start the season off like this it’s hard to put into words

    Seriously I knew that coming into this this season was it’s going to be hard and cuz I know what I can do and it was going to be really disappointing if I just didn’t live up to that standard that I kind of put myself in and but

    Yeah it was really tough racing out there I didn’t do a very good start um I hit the gate and but I knew that I had a really good first straight so I was able to kind of get that lead and I could feel Bethany coming and I had like

    Literally like no legs down the last St but oh I was able to hold it off just that little bit more and that’s all you need Addy Trace you’ve always said you didn’t really know where you stood even though you had these incredible racing sit back look at all the results the

    Championship how does it feel to continue on with such incredible results at each and every one of these World Cups oh it’s Sur Real really even though I’ve done so many World Cup wins now it’s up to eight now those little little negative thoughts do come in to tell you

    That you’re not good enough you’re not going to be able to do it you’re going to crash and all that kind of stuff those thoughts just never go away and um I think I’m just like after every win it’s like getting better and better um with managing them and um just yeah

    Redirecting my thoughts and U focusing my own process so yeah it’s I feel like every time I’m on the game I’m just learning feel like I haven’t sorted anything out yet and um yeah every win is like almost a surprise what we’ve all learned is you are the consistent new

    Queen of BMX congratulations on the win thank you well definitely the queen of BMX at the moment she might feel like she’s got impostor syndrome going on there I’ll tell you something she’s a real deal absolutely nailing that and she said she bumped the gate on the way out how fast

    Would she have been without that is there any stop in this woman it won’t be long till we find out remember it’s two weeks to our next round round number three but here is in rotor in New Zealand for round number two of the UCI BMX racing World Cup our Podium ride is

    A great ride for Manan VRA of the Netherlands a fantastic third place here in proving from her sixth place in round number one B sh moving up and taking a away a second place for Great Britain and the ryer taking away top spot extending her lead at the top of the

    Series standings it’s going to be say kakibara of Australia what is going to stop this one can anybody and settler can anybody kick her out of that Throne currently the queen and that is a very good statement because she is looking imperious yeah she’s certainly looking very very good

    At the moment is say sakakibara it’s going to take a serious effort to stop her as we go through this world cup season but I’m just so impressed to see manam vinstra on the podium I said she was one to watch Matt and I wasn’t wrong

    Well we’re going to give you that one when it comes to the men’s Elite finals that are coming up next um anybody in here that you I don’t want to ask you to pick your your favorite for the win because I think that’s almost impossible

    But I think maybe Rico bman here is he the person under the most pressure because he’s in the final in the elite final his first Elite sorry I saying he’s in his Elite final he’s looking at me like I’ve gone out to lunch here and is this just wishful thinking in my in

    My head tell you you can tell that we’re shuffling the papers around as fast as possible Rich who would you think’s under the most pressure here in the final of our Riders I was going to say it was going to be Rico B it is me just having a minor meltdown without enough

    Coffee and ice cream clearly uh Nick kimman he’s back on form but who’s got the pressure on him here now um I think the rider who’ll be under pressure in unity commer he’s probably yis do because of his uh you know his history and his record in this age group but uh

    You know ni K selected gate number eight again so he’s clearly feeling confident but I’m excited to see what the South Americans can do in this final and as we mentioned his name he’s there in gate number eight on the 313 it is Nick kimman gate number seven from France on

    That five it’s Jeremy rankel gate six on the 70 plate the first of our South American contingent the Colombian it’s Mato Carona Garcia and the Colombian fans going wild in the crowd gate six on the 202 from Argentina always entertaining and always tries to make it happen it’s Gonzalo

    Molina G number four on the 61 speed and style out of France it’s Mattis Rago rishard gate two on the 149 from Switzerland been going fast all through round number two it’s Cedric booty and on the 741 out of Colombia it’s Diego abala and right there on the inside he’s

    Got the opportunity to take the series lead it’s yoris [Applause] do so gate number one on your left gate number eight on your right kimman and DOI do won’t want a second place again not here not in round number two okay rers random start rers ready watch the

    Gate do on the inside Kim on the outside the South Americans in the middle there’s so much drama about to unfold here in Road toua New Zealand and it’s doy with the whole shot doy booty Kim Molina that’s your one two three and four at the moment looks like kamanda

    Garcia in the in five but yoris do of France out in front NE kimmons winding it up down that third straight he’s trying to catch Cedric booty as they go towards the final Corner rank Carell’s inside the top five Here Comes Mattis Rago reard looking for a top four but

    Yoris do he’s going to take the win and possibly the series lead he gets it Cedric booty in two n kimman hits the podium and it’s a photo finish for fourth between Mattis ragor reard and Gonzalo Mal what a race what a ride said he didn’t

    Want to take second place here today boy did he not he made certain of that with a long long way to go to the line look at the emotion look at what it means to him here today a great great ride by yoris do taking the win it’s a second

    Place for Cedric booty the third place for n k but these Riders well they have shown us just how much it it takes giving it absolutely everything on the track here today but do all smiles and even with my math rich I think we’re pretty sure y with the second place in

    Round number one a first place in round number two he’s got a lead at the top and it’s going to be a good one yeah getting the congratulations there from his coach Thomas alier and let’s just have a quick look at this replay he was there on the inside he had arer right

    There with him and Cedric booty was making his way across as well and you could see Molina getting ready to line up and move in one of those turns NE kimman had come across from eight he was on the outside and starting to wind it up down that second straight but do he

    Was uh just in the process of just riding his own lap doing his own thing and at this point I don’t think anybody was going to stop him they came in and out of the final turn there was Daylight between himself and Cedric booty I think

    NE Kim will be very pleased with the podium Molina and Mattis ragoisha battle for that top four spot and it was Mattis Rago Rishad I think who took it congratulations all round of the finish line but another win on the record for yoris doday another win for

    Today another Podium for n kimman a massive improvement over his 22nd Place in round number one which means he’s not going to be challenged up at the top but Cedric booty a fourth place and a second should push him up into second place in the standard we see if that’s the case a

    36.568104 joris you have turned into Mr Sunday with another win on the second day the consistency in the French team has been incredible you’re all battling for the Olympic spot this win helped Propel you there but how does it feel to take another win on the World Cup tour yeah

    It was a amazing day you know they called me Mr Sunday so I had to to step it up from yesterday but yeah amazing day I felt pretty good all weekend long and uh two pum for the opening of the of the series it’s uh it’s amazing and uh yeah

    Pretty happy my wife told me yesterday I had to get a bang for my last 32 so here we go I gave everything I had today as we said that competition is going to be fierce heading into the Olympics how are you going to prepare yourself to be a

    Peak as you’ve seemed to be able to do in the last few years of your career to be solid all season long yeah try to you know stay healthy and uh keep walking you know I try to to get better every every time I get on the track and uh be

    Motivated and we have a big year ahead so uh the motivation is here and yeah trying to to keep working hard and get better every time and can we get that same synopsis for your French friends in your native language please congratulations thank you magnific 100% class y do taken away the

    Where he had his kill coming out of that last turn he knew exactly what he was doing he’s going to be enjoying receiving his flowers as he makes his way down for the flower ceremony for the men’s Elite here in rosar the final flower ceremony in New Zealand taking

    Away third place great scene back on the podium Nick kimman of the Netherlands in third place a second place for Cedric boy of Switzerland just reward for been so quick all day long but yoris DOI of France he takes away top spot and it’s looking good for France they dominated

    At the end of the last season they’re going into the Olympic year in Prime position they’ve just got to hold it all the way to the Olympics at the start of August in Paris will they do it well you’ll have to join us to find out our

    Riders now done and dusted on what has been a magnificent first trip here our men’s leite Standish y do with that lead a nice substantial lead up at the top it’s not quite 200 points but booty in second place ran Mayu after that win on round number one got 500 points only

    Getting 58 points here today in round number two he’s got his work cut out Kim is right up there Mara and Kennedy they have had rounds that they maybe wouldn’t have wanted as we came into the second but m Rago looking good in the women’s Elite standings s kakibara full marks

    There the full 1,000 points be in second place 200 points behind but that is an ominous Gap at the top of the standings Willoughby VRA both moulders inside the top eight with stanel and bour rounding that out so the positions immediately behind very close in the men’s under 23

    Green up and green up with benett up at the top from Jack now G is not huge though given the amount of points available for the win Moran Jolly Elton Capello Kellum and Les show that we have got a storming season in the men’s under

    23 and of course it is going to be an absolute cracker when we come into Brisbane on the 24th of February because our women’s under 23 well that is as close as they come we’ve got AA we’ve got T ruus Isabelle May we’ve got a storming into form to risk Emily Hut is

    Consistence right up there Pascal promising a lot and yti really really looking good for Japan and with a eighth place for manova the top eight are going to be looking to take on the racing for the win Rich we came here looking for a lap record because it’s our first visit

    Have we got them I think we have y J taking the fastest lap in menite with a 36.568104 D D


    1. Great event but who is the second commentator ? He’s aaaawful. 🤷🏻 reeeeallllyyyy loooooong pronoooounciation er gaaaaabling wooooords and er muuuumbling er it’s reeeeeally frustrating to er listen er too er I wiiiiish er he’d just clear of!

    2. Ava bike skills are crazy good, womens USA bmx looks promising for the future 👌. U 23 men the brothers 🤯 never heard of them dudes, jolly is the most entertaining racer to watch. Sakk an beth are leagues above all the elite women. An joris,, all he needs is an Olympic medal, already the goat. But he deserves an Olympic medal. Great coverage 👍 and thanks for getting a good after race interviewer for day 2.

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