Part of our 3.5 month cycle tour through Europe during summer 2015. This video covers surprising our world-touring friends and their dog down in Croatia, then pedaling north into Slovenia.

    Thank you We just found out that Venice doesn’t allow any bicycles so here we are bike touring and Venice so we’ll see how this goes Croatia oh my God hello does your dog like watermelon what you doing there we’re just discussing our next ice cream business welcome to another episode of staying Fleet on the road with Dave and Dakota today we’re doing push-ups in the air-conditioned room well it’s 150 degrees outside in Croatia are you ready

    I don’t know that was not easy but staying foot on the road never is it’s uh four jumbos oh he’s so nice thank you it’s so good what you doing there oh istrian soup [Applause] foreign streets of Ravine Croatia quiet morning Saturday and we’re cruising Downhill is fun here we go yeah if you should downshift your Cadence is too high for downhill well it’s about time we climb to pass been like a party around here until the day but we got some thunderstorms and now the moment you’ve all been waiting for team killer and team badass [Laughter]

    Biking in the rain in the wind and the piss and the vinegar it’s gonna be amazing who’s with me long-haul Truckers fun with leaky air mattresses Long Haul Trekkers they don’t even pedal oh God it’s so awesome the secret they have the e-bikes it’s lunchtime in patui Slovenia foreign So it says all passports but what they mean is anybody from the EU if passports can get through here so that means we have to go back there where we just came from to ride up a bunch of big hills and it’s adventure day on the bike

    Slow clap for security at the border last day with long-haul Truckers Bye bye see you later and we go left we’re gonna miss them bye Chelsea bye bye

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