
    Poison’s channel:

    Filming, secondary cutting, color correction, thumbnail by me.
    Primary cutting, subtitling, masking by

    Last time we were here I found this construction site and it’s still there it’s pretty nice it’s elevated above the city not as much as the mountains though so we’ll climb those later but for now we’re gonna find the site with a little overview and decide where we go from there we

    Have a plan for today later we want to get some kind of a floating transportation and Float to a nearby Island spend the night there so that’s the main goal for today but for now it’s about quite a bit of time to just enjoy ourselves here this is the construction site there

    Seems to be some work in it there’s a guard but we’re gonna try to sneak and sneak around there’s people walking around maybe not as they’re walking away [Applause] all right there’s a guard booth right there this is quite active [Applause] And there we are [Applause] wow that was uh that was a lot more sneaking than I thought we would do 30 minutes after waking up but it’s fun let’s see what’s going on down here well and they’re working we’re gonna boat to that Island right there spend the night there tonight that little

    Castle looking thing is the old town it’s not big but it is quite cozy it’s very nice the crows found a little drinking bottle this is a weird one oh boy nice view we enjoyed ourselves a little bit here time for the sneak out All right okay let’s do this fence cool fun Mason now that we had our little morning exercise we’re gonna eat something we’re going towards the Old Town yeah check it out blah blah blah and then we’re gonna go look for a boat All right the Iron Gate we are entering the old town and immediately some pretty pretty flowers oh these are multiple pedals on them yeah sorry I got distracted by flowers yeah these streets feel like kind of a fake town like it’s it’s a play town I thought it’s real yeah since that’s how

    People live this was the actual Woodville literally the old town of Buddha before it expanded like with the skyscrapers and all the I did say the islands because he’s a little Old Town we’re leaving it it’s not that much to uh execute out here now we’re going to go

    To the dock so I can find something to float on to get to the Ireland okay here we go well I have done this once before also with poison but uh I wasn’t with the nine kilo backpack last time yeah boy all right so heading to the island

    It’s gonna take a I don’t know 20 minutes what the hell is this a floating concrete slab wavy foreign we’re actually going to go around this rock because there’s a better Beach behind it in the meantime I see poison decided to do some cave exploration it’s like a garage

    Oh that looks so cool that whole image looks so cool here we are Mr Shore yeah man oh this is gonna be perfect you can sleep here this beautiful view there does seem to be some kind of a activity going on there but it’s definitely not functioning Island cats

    Where are you going Kitty Pretty flower a photo photo well no worries because there’s a way around well okay nothing is as easy as it seems don’t know specifically what that guy was saying but uh I don’t think he really supports our little Adventure here he doesn’t want us to stay it seems

    Like why is there just one guy on the damn Island who’s an let’s be happy he hasn’t so placed himself well anyway so this is the little like abandoned looking dock so I was also told that a bit further past here there’s like a beach or something let’s see Oh that is something we can go there’s like a dog little bar oh that’s a lot of sea urchins down there all right guy man that damn guy photo photo friend [Applause] you know what the guy’s gonna be guys if he’s not gonna load us off this damn

    Place so we’re just gonna keep doing our thing and chilling there’s some nice cool jumping spots I’m gonna try to go up Explore More of the island tomorrow it does it does pass actually leading up you see but yeah I think it’s going to be a great evening

    Great night and a great morning first we gotta eat It’s cooking time I hope you can hear me past all these waves but I’m hungry we’re hungry Poison’s already cooking so the thing that’s on menu pasta sausages pesto the magical Elixir that poison uh put me on this scent is great everything seems calm everything seems chill

    Yesterday last night we were on top of a mountain freezing our asses off look at this just on a beach summer huh life man great thank you yeah this is very good it is nap time the waves are a bit unnerving because they keep breathing closer and closer towards us

    Hopefully uh the war is not going to swell too much in the night right now it is about 11. we are tired but not overtired it’s just it’s just a nice calm evening when you’re chilling looking at the stars just surviving poison took a chair from the guy he

    Snuck up we did a little missing I’m going to sleep like this build a little wave break a bit further hopefully that’s cool good night good morning like an hour or something after I said good night ended up moving here this is what really did rise and it

    Was very loud we moved our kayaks as high as we could slept very nice it was uh very warm actually no issues at all weather seems to be great foreign breakfast [Applause] okay so I still want to check where the path leads and since the guy’s out and about I’m

    Gonna use the back way I think this should be the same path hmm a bunch of abandoned and a kitty it’s not like we needed them but we could have used these last night the soil abandoned part of the island oh That looks cool so like I was saying there is a path around this island at least that’s what I was told by the guys who rented us The Kayaks look at these pine cones pretty historic type oh this thing is maintained a bit okay so since this

    Leads to another Beach I think I’m going to catch back up with poison because he is guarding the stuff and uh we’re gonna swim around the island dog here and then continue further on sweet [Applause] there we go yo there was a path there an actual path Yeah Boy feels good

    Damn these Cliffs are massive [Applause] goats wild goats they’re crazy all right so that is the tip of the island I think this is the tip of the island unless it just stretches onward and this is just a little peek out oh these Cliffs are sick too bad there’s not a

    Beach anywhere to dock all right we found a little dock let’s see if we can get it any rope or anything no the rope’s not long enough for us to dock I’m gonna go further so this is the beach that I spotted when I was doing my little hike we’re gonna dog

    Here hike up the jungle out here okie dokie Smokies so when we were floating around this island we saw these tall Cliffs I’m pretty sure you saw that too if you were paying attention and we want to get on top of them so this hiking trail should lead on top of them oh Nice these are the cliffs we were not the nearby the beach is a bit to the right we’re looking soon we’re just in a bunch of bushes on the cliff side on an island but it feels good Safely gone [Applause] foreign [Applause] we’re gonna get some scooters we don’t really have a plan but you want to scoot we know there are plenty of paths here like a little bit off road we want to go to the mountains we want to go to Qatar

    Like the uh the other City close by here but before we do that we’re gonna snack a bit because the only things we had to eat was too boiled sausages which were not good and my pasta pasta which was quite good still we’re hungry as hell or not so futon food here

    No sleep time that food really got us thank you nighty night slept eight got the splice let’s get a bike found some oh cool oh thank you foreign [Applause] basically we’re gonna take the back roads to Carter to the other city it’s beautiful there along the way

    We have some abandoned to check out these bikes even the owners said aren’t the most reliable my speedometer isn’t working my fuel tank is always on empty the blinkers like I’m going backwards or something that’s what we’re dealing with let’s have some fun Foreign [Applause] thank you [Applause] we’ve been riding for like 30 minutes to an hour I’m overheating in the sweater of course but I have it on since I’m expecting to keep on sliding like I did on that turn many more times this looks like a beautiful place for it all right [Applause]

    Oh yeah it’s nice [Applause] it’s almost November as well So cool [Applause] we gotta cool off a bit [Applause] all right foreign I’m pretty sure right there we actually have a couple of spots nearby cutter to check out so we’re going to be going firstly that direction than there but I think I can even see the island where we want to go

    Thank you [Applause] foreign There at the very edge of this peninsula I guess is where we’re going in the middle of this lake is an island it seems like it’s connected to the mainland but it’s not in that Island there’s an abandoned something we’re going to check it out as well today or tomorrow probably

    You have to cover all this distance till the end there is so much fun [Applause] foreign the mountains the mountains the sea the lake incredible incredible views thank you this is the military territory you’ll have to go all the way back to here until the split it’s 17 28 right now so

    We do not have a lot of daylight we have to go around now a bit it’s gonna burn some daylight we barely have any left so yeah we’ll see we’ll see what we want to do when we get there probably a 30 minute deep All right okie dokie another bunker and since the Sun is setting maybe this one will be a nice place to camp for the night oh it’s a lot smaller than the previous one there’s definitely not much on the inside Ah that’s nice that’s very nice well I think we’re spending the night here

    It is a very windy but it’s alarm soft case we go platform down any pasta with spinach bananas trust me I got a lot in this bag Poison’s trying a second attempt at cooking noodles it’s a very involving process it’s hard man it’s hard sometimes gonna have a feast that is very good

    Wow the dogs are just going insane [Applause] wow This little bug on my sleeping bag and it’s stubborn doesn’t want to move come on come on I guess I’m sleeping with it it is going to be good night again we’re literally just under a clear sky all the stars to ourselves on top of this bunker on top of a mountain

    Nobody can get us it just feels safety a good feeling great views you see the cities shining dogs singing all around us good night


    1. When I heard the bit on the scooter it reminded me of a part of hotel transylvania with the cheif bein froze… anyway, love the videos, love the views, you are amazing for bringing us along on all of these adventures… Love ya man… and keep livin tge life!

    2. Thanks for including the scooter crash! I've done the same thing – you can only lean those things over so much before something hits the ground and levers the rear wheel off the pavement!

    3. Shiey you honestly can make videos like this more often with driving around on a scooter thats pretty cool. keep on that work i´m watching your videos for many years! thanks man!

    4. commenting about part 2, you are a pet magnet! thank you for taking care of them 💕
      hopefully all the vids will be back up soon, keep it up!

    5. As a scooter driver and mechanic
      Advice put your butt on the last seat that raises u up and gives u more legg room. I can tell by the sound of the engine(good sound) that electra is shit.

    6. There is seriously not a better feeling for me than whipping down back roads on a moped/motorcycle. So nice to see a different, crazy view than what I'm used to haha. Keep doing what you're doing!! A bit jealous if I do say so myself. 🙂

    7. I'm cackling over the ?????? subtitles, imagine the absolute confusion shiey felt when editing, trying to figure out what the hell he was saying and then just giving up like "????? ??? ?????" lmao

    8. There's Kotor, points to Tivat 😂, and that aint a lake, its still the sea, its just in a bay. The dogs near the bunker above klinci were actually jackals, the whole lustica peninsula is full of them.

    9. I love watching you guys! I'm a 53-year-old mother from the United States in Texas! You have no fear my friend! I would love to donate more than the $1 on patreon is there another way to donate?

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