Hi everyone! In this video I head off out on my first solo ride of 2024. As I haven’t really had much chance to get out due to work and weather (fair weather rider), I though I’d take the opportunity as the roads had dried up enough, it was relatively warm for the time of year, and the wind was 2-3Mph.

    I left without a sense of where I was going for the first few minutes, then decided on a route in my head.

    Unfortunately the Wahoo app let me down as it didn’t acquire a GPS signal on the way to my destination.
    When I had reached my destination it did acquire GPS, but instead of starting a new session, I resumed the one on the way out, so it didn’t register a route or distance in both directions. The only info I did get was my heart rate from my chest strap sensor.

    Also this is the first ride out since I swapped my saddle for the Bontrager Montrose with pressure relief channel.

    #soloride #2024 #cycling

    Hi yeah I’m Andy and you’re watching Andy the cycling um we’re in the dark garage because there’s no windows in here but I’ve got the lights on um yeah I’m going to on my first solo bike ride of 2024 um it’s cold but at the moment there’s no chance

    Of rain and the wind is about 2 3 miles an hour so I’m going to take the chance I’m probably going to get muddy and wet from the puddles and standing water Etc but yeah it’s about time I got back out because um yeah I feel like gone back to

    Square one now with um getting on a bike because I pretty much haven’t done anything at all so today we’re going to go out on the road bike okay so there’s a road bike for those of you that remember it uh this is the one that I had down in Dorset uh

    It’s the doors gyro 200 um everything is as it was um apart from two things I have changed the specialized saddle to this Bontrager montro one uh pressure relief Channel as you can see there and we do have a really really small specialized I think it’s uh micro

    Nano or something bag um these are now discontinued but um they were £15 I picked it up really really really really cheap so that’s got a spare tube and a multi-tool in and I’ve got a punch of Kit with TI levers in my back pocket so let’s get the bike outside and

    Let’s get pedaling okie dokie so we’re out on the road as you can see it’s nice and sunny I have got my sunglasses on because uh the sun is quite low in the sky so there’s a a bit of glare um as for my actual route I don’t

    Actually know where I’m going at um I’m just going to make it up as it go along I think so I think it’s just the case if we’ll see where we end up but yeah it’s um it’s nice to be back out on on the road bike

    Again um I haven’t been out on it since last year well last summer pretty much uh when I did the Val drone video down in Bournemouth All right there we’re now on the a41 heading towards wolver Hampton I’m on the foot path because this section is 40 m hour and a lot of people don’t actually pay attention to that there’s been a few times we come down here at 40 and people come

    Screaming past overtaking so just for my own safety I’m going to stand this nice empty foot Path Destination have a pub the RO Lo TR all right then we’re just leaving the P now just stopped for about 20 minutes or so and had a point of blood current cordial so now on on the journey home um took approximately 55 minutes uh traveling time uh for some reason it

    Said 1 hour one uh overall session time um the slightly annoying thing is um the Wahoo app didn’t acquire any GPS data so I’ve got no map but I’ve made sure that it’s working now so we can at least have a measurement of the rout I’m going to go

    Exactly the same way I came so I can just double up all the figures then pretty Much Oh N N Hi everyone so it’s a few days after the bike ride um I’ve struggled to find some time due to work commitment to do the outro so here it is um yeah it was a pretty good ride I really really enjoyed it um obviously I’m the kind of person

    That prefers to go out with people so it’s a bit more of a I don’t know I guess I need a bit more motivation uh to go out on my own but I really enjoyed it um I think the only thing that was a downer on the ride and it was nothing to

    Do with the actual roide itself was the Wahoo app now as you can see when I got to the pub I did explain that um the wo app didn’t acquire GPS so it didn’t record any of the routs it didn’t record any of the distance uh luckily enough I was wearing

    My heart rght monitor so it only recorded that now when I was at the pub I managed to get it to acquire GPS it’ actually set it on the screen but what I did was instead of ending that session and starting a new session I resumed the

    Session obviously on the way to the pub and it did exactly the same so I’ve only got heart rate for the return Journey as well which is a bit you know a little bit mythed with that but so I I doubt very much anybody from W who watching

    But you know if if this is a problem then you know if it doesn’t acquire GPS then when it does acquire GPS can we at least like get it to start recording the the route and the distance from when it does kick in because it seems that as

    Soon as you start a session that’s it you you’re tied into that session and you’re only recording the values that are available at the start of that session so that’s the first ride of 2024 thoroughly enjoyable weather was good winds were about 2 to 3 mil an hour uh

    The sun was kind of shining it wasn’t raining so you know perfect opportunity for me to go out anyway thank you very much for watching please don’t forget to comment like subscribe share this video with anyone that you know that’s inter cying and I’ll catch you all in the next one

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