Join me as i bring you a live watchalong of Manchester City Fc vs Manchester United Fc.

    N All right guys what’s happening I hope you’re all keeping well big up to you all guys what is going on out there smash the like in this video me guys subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already I want to start by thanking all your bangers for subscribing to my

    Channel it was just on true’s channel guys I’m talking to audio bangers next minute he subscribed I mean kind person want to thank him very much for that subscription and go out there guys and support shonner yeah support Josh’s Channel hit the likes guys hit the Subscribe he’s got over 6,000 Subs guys

    He must be doing something right excellent content yeah big up sh all right man Jesus Christ what’s going on I got another subscriber by one of the guys that follows Josh so that was nice of me I got it goes by the name audio bangers well well well look who it is

    People if you haven’t subscribed to OS she already no no need to subscribe Lads that 1,964 you know I mean I don’t think my account can take any more subscribers I’ve got 1,964 I think it’s going to explode and maybe implode I mean the quality do you know

    What I mean am I the greatest YouTuber that ever lived maybe so I mean people have been talking about that recently in forums who is the OSG where does he come from how is his dinosaur that last question has kind of you know made me a little bit apprehensive you know what I

    Mean people talk talking about the OSG where does he come from who is he actually what is his relationship with his dinosaur like I said that last question kind of makes me B uncomfortable but it’s okay you know what I mean it’s fine so once he’s not talking to this man or

    Aiden I think I’ll get away with the whole uh dinosaur situation you know what I mean because I put my life into the public uh in public view guys I’m in the Limelight of course there’s going to be questions about the dinosaur why I’m single why I live with a

    Dinosaur these questions I will answer at a later date for now I’m going to keep that to myself okay guys but yeah I do live with a dinosaur and uh yeah am I happy yeah all right guys looky enough Ming around I want to thank you all for your

    Continued support on my channel you all your likes your subscribes and your comments thank you to this man here for his continued support we have to kind of say commiserations to Aiden um Aiden of course guys is regular on this channel in the comments um he

    Comes into the comments all the time he supports my channel um consistently like this man here um yesterday Rangers lost Aiden is a Celtic fan yesterday Rangers lost they’re in a battle of course for the title in the Scottish Premier but unfortunately Celtic have lost today

    There’s a chance of them to kind of maybe Leap Frog Rangers back up at the top of the league but FR they have been beaten so I’d imagine Aiden is uh pretty much down in the dumps about that there but big up my man Aiden man also this man here guys

    Check out his channel yeah the MCM is gaming I don’t think you created content last night right now you were on the town but the night before last he created content guys yeah so last Friday night mcmanis was creating content um I didn’t to see I didn’t know

    You plan to create content on your channel tonight man like your gaming channel but yeah I always enjoy those gaming videos they’re actually quite relaxing I thought the Spider-Man game was excellent as well the Spider-Man game was an eye opener because I hadn’t seen that game in I don’t know how long

    I’ve never played it myself but yeah he plays on the PS4 guys PlayStation 4 but I’ve never actually seen that myself show but um excellent excellent game in the Spider-Man game that was great content man and uh the GTA guys the Grand Theft Auto 5 content this man also have to play the

    Game yeah I played it I was kind of like you know messing around I don’t think I ever actually um finished a mission I’m not that good at the games yeah but I enjoy them but I’m a very basic gamer yeah I kind of you know FIFA be about

    The limit of my um limit of my stuff yeah you did content Friday night not streaming again till Friday night man maybe next Saturday night I stream on the PS5 yeah he streams on a PS5 Lads PlayStation 5 um I uh yeah I’m not that good a gamer myself

    Guys I’m not going to lie but I like FIFA I like basic games you know and Grand Theft thought it was okay for me you know but these big long scrolling games with like multi universes and nine months to complete I lose my patience after a

    Week I barely have the patience to fill finish a football game on FIFA that’s just me you know what I mean as Arsenal fans we know how you feel pal as well as Mana tough times no I did content Friday night I’m not streaming again till next Friday

    Night mate and maybe next Saturday night I stream on PS5 Pro come and sub his channel anyway guys he also has another Channel it is Mac Manis sense that is spelled s c NTS and this is a channel about fragrances from Mena after shaves as I call them some

    People call them perfumes fragrances whatever you want to call it but yeah different after shaves Calvin Klein whatever you like P raban he does it all on the channel guys there’s a lot of channels out like that for women guys well this man is doing it

    For the lads he’s doing it for the boys you know what I mean I used to do FIFA streams with so many kids telling me how to play FIFA I’ve only been playing FIFA since 94 yeah yeah you said that to me before yeah that is nuts though man that is

    Nuts the cheek of them man try to tell you how to play you know what I mean the cheek of them I swear to God they need a clip around the Year by that’s the problem they didn’t get a clip around the year you know what I mean went to Don

    Man yes the old school all right auna Matata what is going on with you what’s going on my G how the hell are you thanks for tuning in I appreciate it oh before I start as well guys before I get into it about the game today I just want

    To say big up to my man AFC always we’re thinking of you bro we hope you’re doing well I’m we’re always here for you man no matter what you’re all right man you’re a good person you know what I mean so big up to

    My man AFC always man I hope to talk to you soon he’s on a journey guys he’s on a journey McMan is gaming yes man mcmanis is a gamer by MC Manis is a gamer he games that’s what he does he’s a gamer you see him he’s gaming look I got my

    Own little control here guys got my own control here you know what I mean I’ll be G it too this is one ones you can squeeze yeah it’s like if someone is anxious or stressed I don’t suffer from that but you can squeeze it if you’re

    Like you know what I mean it’s the old PlayStation one yeah but it’s just like a squeeze tie I think it’s actually meant for a dog or something there you go I’ll be gaming as well go he I be gaming too old school old school gaming I’m a gamer too and

    Soon enough the challenge will come from mcmanis so I have given him enough time to prepare he needs to prepare spiritually mentally and physically for the challenge that lies ahead this game will change his life this game will be a deal breaker he needs to prepare himself you know what I mean the

    Challeng is coming it is not long away the battle commence there’s going to be a FIFA game guys between me and McManus at some point I think he’s trying to avoid us but look you can’t avoid fate man Destiny you know what I mean I’m probably the worst F player

    That ever lived I’ll be honest with you Jesus MCM sense will be dropping a few fragrance video next week not sure what in yeah it’s a good Channel guys come sub yeah aun Matata sub to his channel now he has also a channel that mcmah is

    S check it out man drop the sub big up yeah but what’s going on with you guys thoughts about tomorrow’s match I mean obviously I’m doing a watch along of today’s uh game which is also very important for arsenal we got a real we

    Got a real sicker yes to the guys in the Liverpool game I have to say that was so disappointing at the end oh man it was so disappointing Jesus like the goal was legit people are talking about the legitimacy of the goal there was a foul beforehand that’s a bit funny but the

    Goal itself was legit you know what I mean and I’m an Arsenal fan guys I sting ROM it’s a good header it’s a good finish AFC big up mate we’re here for you pal yeah if you’re watching bro big up yourself AFC always love from the

    Gooners there one of his guys you know I mean I’ve tried no joke must win simple yeah exactly we need to win man in the words of Mr T i reject the challenge because there is no challenge T you know am bro just bring it I’m gameing as we speak people you

    Just don’t know they got like a split screen here I’m actually practicing right now I’m going to watch all your gaming though McManus and I’m going to see the you 20 FIFA gaming and I’m going to detail the way you play and I’m going to counteract it I’m going to set my

    Team up and I’m going to speak to one of the greatest FIFA players the greatest online FIFA players he was number one here in Switzerland I’m going to talk to him let’s see what he recommends you know what I mean the man is a strategist but first I’m going to

    Check out the way you play online mcmah is I’m going to read all your books I’m going to study your Technique then I’m going to counteract that’s my plan bar needers had a go dis allowed ad it’s unfortunate I’d say Reese is actually live is he mcmanus’ channels are this

    One this is one of them Matata McMan is gaming and he also has mcm’s sense here’s this gaming channel now mman is gaming and the other one is MCM sense he also has this one here it’s the McManus sense the McManus sense so he has the McManus gaming and he has the

    McMan sense drop the subscribes guys come support them man his channel honestly is good content it doesn’t get enough credit it doesn’t get enough credit there it’s good content I see that the Arsenal ladies have beaten the Tottenham Ladies God bless them one nil guys one nil will do

    One n is one n guys Arsenal ladies have beaten Spurs one nil guys God bless them they deliver they make us grateful for what we have guys they bring us this Victory pick up the all all right Connor Bradley what’s going on man how you getting on now how

    You getting on United to beat Little City what’s your prediction man what’s your prediction hit me up with your prediction man let me know yeah and I hope you’re keeping well yeah you’re obviously going to watch the game you’re looking forward to it it’s going to be

    An interesting game though you to see how United cope with um with the Man City attack with the Man City Midfield because the United midfield has been very they have good games and bad games this season yeah but the Midfield they need to be strong against Man City an

    Important player this season for me has been um casimiro when casemiro went off injured against Fulham they lost completely I mean he was holding the minute until that point he was keeping them a flat and casemiro is injured guys or he doesn’t play it’s not good for United if he’s in the team

    And he’s on form they have a chance you know what I mean yeah this is his other channel yeah mcmah is sense he also does like fragrances for the batroom after it’s like smelly someone has left it smelly or someone has farted he also does fragrances for

    The bathroom you know to to ease the smell of the what has taken place on the toilet ball so Jesus B oh that was a good one oh yeah straight in there Lads back in the net I hope youit win but I don’t see it

    C are too strong yeah they have to be favorites can’t find you mcmanis it’s this one H auna Matata it’s here the McManus sense here is the logo look it’s here bro the macman is sense there man let me leave it up there for a while Body I can’t really see um I can’t really see uh yeah I can’t really see unit winning this one to be honest they might get a draw out of it they might be able to pull it back might be able to get a draw all right what’s going on brosi all

    Right McManus is going to see if he can copy and paste the channel links guys this is McManus there it’s not his birthday or anything but we’re going to get a bit of support for his channel so we’re going to push a little bit for his channel

    So all right Trey what’s going on man how was your Saturday nice did you get lucky I might not talk about that or is that forbidden but did you get lucky man what happened did you get a bit of love and what was going on we got more action than me anyway but

    Cuz I got all I got actually was that my natural right hand all right guys let me leave this up here yeah but I’m good anyway Draymond I’m good yeah and I hope you are too and here we go let’s see if I can copy and paste the links to my

    Channels all right guys let me leave the handle here yeah come and support his channels guys he’s got the mcmanis gaming and he has the McMan sense Pete has these two channels guys so come and check them out you do yourselves a favor you know what

    I mean come check out his channels give him a bit of support he obviously doesn’t get the CR he deserves of the content he makes anybody watch this Channel and see the way he has made the videos here it’s so smooth and I remember the

    First time I saw him I was like who is this guy you know what I mean that was my first thought who is this guy you know what I mean and here he is making these videos about fragrances he’s got a channel and it was excellent I mean it

    Was something that’s a niche it’s not done by many people not for men anyway women have all the channels in the world online now but not for men know what I mean all right T man you had a couple of bevies did you you had a few beverages a

    Few bevies a Jesus you always pay the next day bro you always pay TR try to eat something yeah obviously drink a lot of water too man I’m Irish I’ve had more hangovers by than you’ve had hot dinners you know what I mean no joke

    Seriously I was never at home when I was young for but listen to me bro try to eat something yeah try to eat something D I know you feel a bit rough but try to eat something yeah that’s the that’s the trick bro and lash the water back you

    Got to get hydrated yeah because are dehydrated as [ __ ] you know what I mean you’re a young man I get it but lash the water back and try to eat something bro force yourself all right Loxy what’s going on everybody smash the likes on this video

    If Mia just hit that like hit that like all right this is the link for the mcm’s gaming guys okay this is his link yeah so I’ll just copy and paste it straight out of the chat you know what I mean or just copy it directly down from

    Here directly onto the phone normally what I do is I just copy it onto the phone by hand like that straight out it’s easy you know what I mean easy I just get the phone in the hand guys I look at the link I add it into the

    Google search and I do it like that with the phone it’s simple going to be easier I me leave it up there for a while thanks a lot Tre bro I appreciate you something to eat and lots of water keep drinking water do man keep going at it if you need to buy

    Take parac M there’s no point suffering you know what I mean [ __ ] it like if you’ve got a headache there’s no point ah he got your McManus he found you like a good cop let me see how Josh is doing guys chunar is actually Um I’m just listening to a bit Irish traditional music in the background guys yeah she send that song to someone a bril song Don’t Worry M I’m not sending to you but I’ll feel that way you just St out for all right back just picking up somewh

    There big up to Josh man I think the stream ended or maybe not no he’s still streaming by nine people watching guys what the hell is going on not much tuning in from America I don’t want you able to check out this match you’re anticipating City

    To win absolutely man I think City will win of course I’m a gooner I’m an Arsenal fan I would love for the game to be a draw or win for United to help us um disappointing was yesterday disappointing yesterday was very disappointing yeah with Liverpool at the

    End I mean I think they deserved the goal it was a legit goal I don’t have a problem with that but it was just disappointing that they actually got the win like 99 minutes the ref had to whistle in his mou you know I was that was a sickner

    Yesterday but yeah Big up to you yeah what part of America you tuning in from and welcome I’m in Switzerland I was living in London until a month ago but I had moved to Switzerland I’m living in Zurich so we got from Switzerland yeah and respect yeah all the way across the

    Ocean to America I’ve been to the states once I was in Florida I had a really good time I liked it I was say I went to the parks Orlando I did all that kind of thing but I was also in Miami I was on Miami Beach um

    But I preferred Orlando I be honest you know I prefer Orlando the people in Orlando are solid man good people in Orlando solid your day respect is ours my man you know what time it is Bro Look at me like you know I mean look at me guys one second this is

    For Anthony Herbert he thinks he’s the strongest man on YouTube Anthony waiting for you bro I got a natural right hand you know what time it is Anthony with your little Twiggy arms joking guys Anthony’s a friend of mine now well he has got little twig arms though I mean

    Twigs all right and this is his s of Channel guys this is the link to mcmanus’ gaming channel I’m going to leave that up for a while yeah gooner as in Gunner yeah yeah I’m an Arsenal fan I’m a gooner old school Gunner obviously you’re you’re a subscriber to my channel

    But yeah Big up here just hit the like in the video If me any guys just hit that like yeah a big up to Josh man as well thank you for those kind words man you know what I mean you got a good Channel bro you know what I mean there’s no hype

    Josh is the real deal guys so come support mcmanus’ Channel guys this is the link to the gaming one come knock that out there yeah there’s all these people watching now come hit up his channel if you haven’t already yeah drop in uh drop him a a subscribe

    And a like you’ll be doing him a favor yeah he’s a genuinely nice guy he’s a hardworking YouTuber the gaming channel is entertaining but his other channel is absolutely unreal quality the effort he puts into creating the content any one can stream like I do Li I just come out and stream

    You know what I mean but he creates actual content edits uploads I did a lot of that at the beginning of my YouTube career as well day in the life part two right yeah day in the life part two but ni in the life you out on the

    Town you know what I mean you out on the town not breaking the law of course I know you’re 17 but you out on the town Josh with the ladies having a few drinks up over that but of course keeping it legal you know what I mean legal activity legal

    Activity what you all say today’s results will be and I think Man City are going to absolutely wipe the floor with you needed I think they’re going to destroy them um unfortunately for us um our result tomorrow I think we’re going to beat them 3-1 4-1 but we have

    To be careful because they’re at home they’re fighting for their lives this team are fighting for their lives and it’s 11 against 11 out there we need to be cautious as well not to pick up any injuries because we have a kind of a difficult running coming up I think the

    Chelsea game has been postponed but uh we have Man City at the end of the month we also have the game against sport sporting which is um um sorry against um like a sporting and lebrin of course they knocked us out last year against FC Porto we’ve got the game against FC

    Porto yeah the second leg and it’s do or die that is going to be the hardest game I think we faced in the last look I think they’re going to beat us I’m going to be perfectly honest guys I’m going to lay my lay my cards on the table I think

    Porto will go through um but prove me wrong guys prove me wrong ARA prove me wrong Arsenal I saw enough in that first game guys to caused for concern there we were disjointed and they were very effective and regardless of the last minut of goal or not they could have been already a

    Couple of goals up at that point um well we can’t play worse than we did in the first game touch would hopefully can’t see it but need Manu no matter what if not don’t to us yeah United won’t wi today ah gner was in Gunner my head was

    Somewhere else on that one I was wondering why with someone in your stream yeah I’m an Aral fan pick up and hit the like everybody yeah I bck up the locky cheing in all the way from the US lot’s the chocolate like in Swiss it’s good

    Um the ingredients I think are as crazy as it sounds I don’t want to sound like I’m talking crap but I think they they keep the they keep the balance I think of the fat content in the chocolate like limited I never seen a fat Swiss person seriously

    I go outside there now they’re all slim yeah okay they’re cycling everywhere yeah Swiss people cycle everywhere they go up into the mountains they go skiing they go mountain climbing they’re swimming in the lake as we speak you know they’re outdoor yeah so they they tend to look after themselves they eat

    Healthy but I never seen the fats with processing guys I’m not going to lie the chocolate is good I mean obviously everybody knows to lonia but there was ladder there of course is lint everybody knows lint um there’s tons of many good chocolates here yeah different ones you haven’t heard of

    Before but obviously the chocolateers are a beating here in Switzerland yeah like the chocolateers is like a they do apprenticeships then they do like a masters believe it or not creating the chocolate and they are like Master chocolate makers that’s what they call them here they like

    Chocolateers and you see them then in the city center yeah in the shops working making the chocolate it’s unreal I mean the quality of the chocolate your legs will be shaking sometimes I have to sit down when I’m having a chocolate cuz I know I’m just

    Going to want to the ground if I don’t The Taste is just explosive it’s exhilarating like any country you go to yeah like you go you go what you want to Guinness you go to irland you know like get the proper taste if you want sushi

    Sushi in Japan do you know what I mean if you want good Italian food you go to Italy you know the taste the country that they make it like the chocolate in Switzerland is just you know what I mean it’s different level the beer here some

    Of the best I’ve ever tasted like eye class polish beer very good but some of the beers here are up there with that the vice beer just the normal hell beer the blonde beer um excellent excellent top notch man the ingredients that they use I to know but it’s also

    Legal to walk down the street here with a can in your hand so if I felt like it if I went out there now I just grab a can out onto the street walking up through a drinking it’s legal here to drink outside there you can be just out

    We with your friends having a couple of cans they don’t have the antisocial problems that they do like in my country you know what I mean I’m Irish we they don’t have that problem here with people drinking does your natural right hand have a YouTube channel no thank God and

    I’ll block it if they do mcmanis we talked I want some stuff ah AATA wants to buy some fragrances yeah mcmanes can give you some tips mcmanes can definitely give you tips he doesn’t sell it himself uh aun Matata but he can give you tips on how

    To buy it I’m sure he wouldn’t mind that if you want barbecue come to America what part of the states are are you in the me asking I’m not looking for your address yeah but like what state are you living in what part of the US what city what

    State it’s a big country yeah I mean it’s a big country it’s very different yeah I mean from LA to New York I think it’s 1300 miles east coast to West Coast guys is 1,300 miles that’s like all the way across Europe do you know what I mean so yeah

    From the east coast to the West Coast guys is 1300 miles you know what I mean you can drive it but most people fly I mean want you fly it in like 2 hours all right let’s see big up yeah big up to everybody for tuning in

    Guys I’m in Tennessee now but I am from Georgia I am at United fanb oh yeah Atlanta Georgia I was close to there of course I was in Florida so that’s an next state to Georgia from Georgia Atlanta United you’re in Tennesseee right now you’re studying I take it

    Right big up yeah thanks for tuning in I like people from the states when they tune in it’s interesting you know I was watching the MLS game yesterday um inter Miami beat Orlando FC like 5 nil you know what I mean no charge is expensive so I moved the

    Bit north so I could afford a home ah okay smart move smart move big up big up that was a smart move someone’s after subscribing to me guys I don’t know who it is but thank you yeah I appreciate it I’m after getting two subscribers so I want to thank you

    All if anybody wants to donate some money to my channel guys anyone that’s rich then today the dollar or whatever please do because I am monetized there I’ve only been living in Switzerland like a month but I lived here for 10 years before I’m back I’m doing my thing

    I’m living in the city of zoric so yeah big up to everybody here old school Swiss I have to change my challenge name to a Swiss Gunner Swiss Gunner no that’s never gonna Happen all right guys there’s a game in the Premier League on at the moment it’s almost over it’s Burnley nil bourman 2 yeah ree won’t be happy about dir I wonder the lads that comes on and Tunes in big up to my man Rees he won’t be happy about that

    There all right let’s see let me check Reese’s Channel guys see how he’s doing he’s probably been doing a watch along reee is a Burley fan guys that recently came out to my channel and then he’s going to guest in my Channel at some point hopefully this week but we’ll

    See let’s have a look sorry guys listening some Irish music there are some very good stuff going on here at the moment C Sher don’t be spying no he’s not doing a watch long at the game he’s at the game I think that’s right he’s at the game but if you

    Haven’t already guys pick up to this man’s Channel yeah it’s called Reese’s footy feed if you want to go and subscribe to his channel I know he would appreciate it to he has a picture of the stadium in Burnley and his thing yeah but he’s actually at the game now

    Yeah but if you want to go guys check out his channel here Reese’s 40 feed all right big up we got a Striker from Celtic last season who has been amazing yeah we can do a watch along if you want Luxy that’s no problem man

    If you want to do a watchong on a game sometimes we can do a watchong together you know what I mean or I can do a watchong of a game of an Atlanta United game I can do a watch along of an Atlanta United game and you can um you

    Can tune in in the comments or we can do the watch along together or we could be split screen you know what I mean if you want it’s up to you but I can definitely do some um Ms MLS content definitely I would like to gain more fans in America

    Anyway because there are many arsal fans in America Branch out on the content like I did I did the inter had really put on a show but like the the defending was very generous I think is the best way to say it the defending was very generous I

    Mean the amount of space that they gave Luis Suarez the first two goals I mean he is a good player don’t get me wrong yeah he is lightening fast but they gave him a lot of space but yeah we can do that yeah and Atlanta United content

    Sure absolutely we can do that we can arrange it if you want to follow me on Instagram and you can text me it’s old school Gunner same as you see here yeah old school Gunner follow me on Instagram and you can text me yeah send

    Me an SMS and we can organize it for sure no problem definitely I mean that there no problem Manis nice GTA stream talking about football oh yeah we got a Striker from Celtic last season and who has been amazing what’s his name because there’s a big Celtic

    Fan watches my channel a bad day today for Celtic a bad day today for Celtic it was a tough day today for Celtic Football Club hey Jordan how are you g Matata I know I love both Arsenal just to rant about them I love them and hate them at the same time

    Yeah I’ll find and add you yeah I do Georgio gumacus all right let me take a check on that name because I’ll say it to there a Celtic fan comes on here yeah I’ll talk to him about that let me just take a phot to guys name yeah the Celtic fan

    Comes on my channel is see he’s coming back from uh the loss against mwell at the moment but I’ll tell him about that player obviously he knows the player but yeah he’s good right yeah they play at a good level they play at a good level in

    Scotland you got a couple of decent players though OB see the level over here like I’m Irish the level in my country is the football level is okay but the level in the Premier League in England is at the Scottish Premier Division you know like a Celtic player they’re a decent team

    They’re a professional team you know they’re a team with a lot of experience they sign good players does proper training you know what I mean which uh sounds like a good player he’s obviously Greek here he’s obviously a Greek player he nearly got the go the boot

    Last season at the didn’t play whole season also he didn’t take any penalties he must be good add me on Instagram anyway and at some point we can do that we can do an Atlanta game definitely a up for I’m up all right guys let’s get those

    Predictions in for the match today it’s Man City against Man United it’s kicking off in roughly 25 minutes so let’s get the predictions in for the game here hopefully Arsenal fans will be hoping and praying that they could do something for us that man united could do

    Something but I can’t see it happening not against the city team anyway they’re just tremendous I mean the way they’re playing at the moment is just Marcus yeah they’re breaking teams in two they’re just crushing teams you know what I mean thank you to everybody for

    Tuning in yeah I see so many people tuning in right now now thank you to everyone guys it’s great to have you all along seriously it means a lot to me thank you for your support I appreciate it Matata made the cronies do my [Laughter] head That’s a classic mmus man he

    Doesn’t pull any punches this man guys if anyone knows this man guys he doesn’t pull any punches at the moment he’s kind of running and hiding because he knows he has to play me at FIFA at some point so he’s trying to make excuses I get it

    But I’ll be Mak an ex man just come up and play me you know what I mean what’s the worst that can happen maybe 90 you know what I mean who knows it could be it could be ugly my prediction for the game pain the man’s running the man’s hiding you

    Know [ __ ] H I’m making myself cry I’m laughing so much come on man you know D I thought I never say that in my life but come on man united [ __ ] prove me wrong guys all right Anthony I was just talking about your arms earlier I wasn’t saying anything uh complimentary to be

    Honest there you Go anonio wasn’t an anti complimentary V your arms earlier man I’m not going to lie you can play it back you’ll see I was pretty see I’m not in the same country anymore so I know I’m safe from you I know I’m safe B up Dave I hope you get something

    Old of the game but I just can’t see it yeah I hope and I play too man but City at the moment CR a bellend the two of them man I sent you a message on Insta I’d love to see your reaction to that yeah

    Sure give me a second I’ll check out my phone right next to me listen today if I’m not running get your PlayStation bro Joker careful what you wish for me no God come on guys come on I got natur right hand 63 last season and United was a better Squad last

    Season yeah it could get it could see the some of the forward play United’s Midfield United’s Midfield yeah has been shocking this season and that’s where City are after strongest um they have a lot of forward movement if casmiro is not on it I think

    City will win but if casmiro was not on it it could get embarrassing it could really be because he has been a paring for him the season and see Dave was saying he could pick you up and throw you over his head not that i’ ever want to do that you

    Know because you know what I mean I have to wash my hands later but I could do it me so Hest I find it hard to move cuz there’s just so much so much muscle mass just so much muscle mass yeah I find it hard to actually move it’s

    Like you know what I mean I know it looks like I know it looks like I need to go on the toilet there guys when I don’t when when I did that face that’s the muscle the just to share muscle all right the game will be kicking off soon what’s my

    Thoughts you know to get slaughtered that’s my belief a realass whooping mmis I can pick up one little Dave with my I can pick up Dave with my little finger you should have said Little Dave with your little [Laughter] finger I’m all TR offter guys I’m fat I’m a little bit fat as

    Well uh Joy Lo Loxy that makes sense all right I followed your back Joy bro big up let me subscribe anyway to that channel he’s a serious player this guy that’s all right bro no matter a pleasure he’s a serious player huh his just reactions are very quick I

    Only saw the first two goals there but I’ll watch the rest of it later but his reactions are like his reactions are incredible I mean he just seems very quick the other players look slow compared to him do you know what I mean they actually look slow when he’s

    Moving he very quick reactions you know what I mean and he makes sure that he scores you what I mean he he gets enough power on it that actually flies in you know what I mean he looks dangerous man but thanks for uh subbing the channel now thanks for sending me that thanks

    For following me on Instagram we can definitely do some content regarding uh Atlanta FC no doubt about it it would be something interesting for me because I don’t normally watch MLS like I did watch the game yesterday because I have a fan from Canada he’s actually coming

    Over to London in on Tuesday so he’s going to be flying out soon and um he’s got a couple of games lined up to watch Arsenal so yeah but congrats to Arsenal guys congrats to the ladies team I don’t know you see it guys but the ladies team

    They actually beat Totton on one nil in the norlandon derby so congratulations to them and a big thank you for me for winning this norlandon Derby for us for beating Spurs it was a long time coming there was a lot of hype before the game a lot

    Of this a lot of that but the women’s Team guys respected him man that was a hard fought win a one- nil win one nil to the Arsenal guys like in the good old days every win is a win guys doesn’t matter One n or 10 n oh that’s all that

    Matters is the win congratulations to the ladies team for that win a hard fought game guys a tough game so big up to them man that was a difficult game respected him for keeping it scoreless they kept brother scoreless respected him for that David was not your right-handed s on he

    Could pick you up with just that I told him he was talking bar ad he could do it what do you have to say about it yeah in the MLS we have poverty rules to keep it fair and keep help the league grow some are saying it’s time to shed

    The training wheels but I think it’s makes more exciting games yeah uh but yesterday’s game was a complete match mismatch Loy I’m not disagreeing with you yeah I respect what you’re saying but yesterday’s game was a complete mismatch I mean Miami against Orlando was a complete they were like

    From two different divisions it didn’t look that was it was a mismatch they got slaughtered it was 5 nil man it was real that can happen in the Premier League too of course that can happen in the Premier League but most of the money gets spent on Strikers and midfielders

    And so they often are often way better than those around them yeah yeah I could see that yesterday uh most of the money is played on like attacking players rather than defensive so is like uh you notice the difference I could see it juster there I get more muscle on my left

    Testicle Anthony Anthony Anthony in Irish Anthony we would call you on Bal and that basically means like you’re a bad boy you know what I mean on B that’s what you want Anthony you’re a chicken filling Anthony you and McMahon is teaming up again man Dave Anthony told me this fing a

    Crap all right big up to everyone supporting my channel here hit the like button guys don’t forget hit the like on this video big up to everyone tuning in there Anthony yeah Dave said yeah yesterday was crazy and Orlando excited to finish top four this year they were amazing last season yeah

    Yeah they they started off they started off with confidence they started off confidently I have to say that they started off confidently they were playing the ra they were playing the ball around at the back with definitely a degree of confidence um close to the keeper but they were in control they had

    Some nice passing but after that after that he just got tore apart Anthony D left t h how he knew he told me to my my own business how does he know Duncan McGuire was awesome felt bad yeah he was playing yesterday right I heard his name been mentioned

    Yeah but my God they got they got a fair beating yesterday man Orlando got a fair beating yesterday I know what you mean though about the differences like they spend a lot of money on the attacking players I mean they have Messi and they have swar up

    Front exactly mmus two HS mean Tata Martino was the coach for ATL United when we won the league in 2019 and who was he coaching now Orlando Atlanta won the league in 2018 F not bad h not bad they were Champions H not bad oh not bad at all man that wasn’t so

    Long ago like why he’s the coach Tata Martino now is the coach of Orlando is it ah he’s the coach of inter Miami okay okay I have no experience whatsoever of the MLS here but interesting now he’s the inter Miami coach but you won the league in 2019 big

    Up our second year in the league and we won and who was your top Striker how many goals did you how many goals did he score I mean you must have had a very good Striker and of a good defense of course but you must have had a striker

    That was scoring regularly or two Strikers that were scoring regularly obviously a good defense as well I mean you can’t you don’t want to concede too many goals when you wi the league iy that sounds like you wish to me you bumder Joseph Martinez I think 32 yeah

    You need a goal machine if you’re going to win the league yeah that’s interesting all right I’m going to go on to the mag United stream in a second guys that game will be starting soon MLS royalty the game will be starting soon guys so I’m going to go on to the link

    Love Dr The Joy yeah big up for tuning in man yeah I’m just looking at the link noo one second I followed you as well I’ll have a look at that later yeah when I come off this stream I’m going to look at it normally I relax after the

    Streams and I check out what’s going on Dave remember Landon Donovan yeah Doan he played for the United steam the United State teams so I played for Everton he was killing over the MLS yeah Landon Don he played at LA Galaxy with David Beckham as well I saw they had a bit of

    A falling out at one point because he felt that David Beckham wasn’t uh wasn’t taking it seriously because like like LA Galaxy as Lon Donovan said was a lot of the players that play for them that was their Manchester United that was as high as they would ever play

    And he felt that beckam wasn’t respecting that you know it was interesting but it made sense I mean LA Galaxy to them was very important and that was the highest level that some of them would ever get back in then coming from real and Manchester United you know Lon thund

    Felt that he he was disrespecting Ed Galaxy and the players by not playing every with everything that’s why the MVP award is named after him now okay the MVP award is paid after him the Landon Donovan but I remember him from US soccer like he was with the US soccer

    Team I haven’t played in a while not for good unfortunately he’s not good at FIFA either I don’t want to be mean yeah but I mean he’s got a gaming channel but you know Jesus really taking a piss out apart my manness okay hell I’m going to

    Get it I can’t wait for that game am I going to get beaten like 10 n oh no anyway guys I’m just going to go to the bathroom Okay one second now I’m just going to drain the weasel and then I’m going to start the live stream of the

    Game here I’m going to start the watch along here game is starting in under 10 minutes all right guys big up back in one second now all right all right guys I’m back here we go how of comments coming in there now talk is cheap most of the

    Time he does amazing when he is healthy Messi mmz it’ be a good game on FIFA then going for one1 that’ be two one goals that is yeah two old goals I tried it online for a while but you have way too many troy hards on

    There I’ve never been good at FIFA but I will destroy in rocket League yeah I think Messi 36 now but I don’t think he’ll play longer than Ronaldo my opinion yeah and wa what he want H you know what I mean time to relax and enjoy

    Life yeah it’s going to be one1 two on [Laughter] goals the two VI H Anthony and McManus Anthony and McManus have a bit of a brance going man big up to you guys big up they got a friendship guys all right I’m just waiting for the

    Game to start guys that just in the ads it’s going to be an explosive one I forgot to plug the mic in guys but I got it plugged in now sorry about that with the sound here sound probably wasn’t good yeah I got the mic plugged in I forgot to plug it in

    There dumb ass but there you go better Premier League Classics guys classic fabricas go at the Emirates SES fabrias that against SPS was that or no what a great call SES fabrigas is the man guys big up cesk all right it’s match St live guys it’s City against United oh

    Man thank you to the two people that subscribed to me I appreciate it I need another 35 guys and I’ve got 2K D MCM is telling me that you when you found out the offside rule last season is this true I actually didn’t know what I meant I didn’t know what the whole

    Offside thing was gurus tried explaining to me about like 15 times and I just couldn’t understand I was getting a headache so I just stopped yeah my brain power is Um weak we got to everybody watching yeah smash the like in this video off me guys I’d appreciate it smash the like I watched an Arsenal game with a friend from England on Discord once we were surprised that the stream I watched on peacock had different announces than the one he watched yeah

    Yeah it can be like that sometimes H it can be like that Anthony the grass Anthony’s a grass man Anthony’s a rat you know what I mean he’s ratting people out Anthony’s grassing people up I actually call Anthony by a different name I call him stool pigeon

    Anthony’s a stool pigeon a stool pigeon is someone that sings for the police you know what I mean he sits on a stool like a pigeon and tells the police everything Anthony is a stool pigeon all right here we go guys the teams are coming out it’s a beautiful day actually

    Perfect day for football the stadium looks fantastic yeah there’s a big Champion sign on the on the stand reminding United yeah of what’s going on as if they could forget as if they could forget but here they go man city look dominant Jesus they look uh Oh they’ve got signs all over the stand saying Champions champions Champions champions again o o nycfc who was owned by the same group as Man City got the best looking kids this season yeah let me check that out nycfc I don’t like the police St that’s the sound of the

    Police what like uh the Band Here The Police Every Bret you take it’s a good song Man City playing a 3241 guys ederson Walker dios AK rodri Stones dku foden de bruyne Silva and of course Howen up front United playing a 4231 rashford up front oh Guardiola saying hello to

    Tenh they’re having nice words they’re having nice words they’re having nice words huh nice words scumbags cronies Dave Anthony told me he secretly wishes he was you and he’s jealous of gonur he said he’s going to end gurus’ life and makes sure he’s your best friend never going to happen gsaurus has

    Been learning the dark ninja [ __ ] like where do we think the br will go you mean if he if he is sold by City you mean if Manchester City sell him I don’t know man where would he go [ __ ] I see that’s a difficult one to answer I couldn’t imagine him leaving uh

    Leaving Man City but obviously if he leaves Man City he’s not going to stay in the Premier League obviously he’s not going to stay in the Premier League then right let me have a look I think his contract is up in the summer they’re going to they’re going to start that o

    Bro his contract may be up in the summer but but you can be sure that’ll be sorted all right let me have a look um so let’s see let me check the NYC FC kit ah yeah Andy towns in theor mcar guys that’s nice that’s the away one Dar is the black

    One H the light blue one yeah the light blue one the light blue one there that’s nice ety had here I’m not sure it’s his contract open the summer but if it is guaranteed he’s going to be uh they’re going to get into a contract extension he won’t be leaving

    The club anytime soon man seriously because he’s the heartbeat of the team I could never see that happening unless of course the player absolutely wanted to go but I think he’s happy enough D MCM told me he’s a poster of Etta on his bedroom kisses Etta he leaves the house to go to

    Work sounds about right that sounds about right I would believe that completely 110% so the game has beone guys a black one way one man city nil man united nil guys the game has begun welcome along we’re one minute into the game here we go was a good effort from Fen there yeah

    It could have went anywhere o it’s good defending Here Comes de bruyne Corner United rushing out quickly Bernardo Silva brilliant play back to Kyle Walker City looks so confident so comfortable on the ball o impacted Touch by Bruno Fernandez he’s making his 150 appearance for United Bruno Fernandez and he’s

    Bound to be moaning and complaining in this game too that’s all he seems to do in a lot of the games is just mouran and complain um I don’t AIO bangers but I can I can tell you what uh which one I’m watching yeah it’s um strikeout

    Strike out yeah if you want to Troy strike out let me write it there in the chat it’s a symbol of a boxing glob yeah strike out okay this is the name of the link here strike out it’s a symbol of a red boxing glove you’ll see Dani you’ll

    See you just go to the link and click on it and you’ll find a link for the game and it works it’s strike out okay all right man big up to you yeah you’re welcome no problem you’re welcome no problem I think I did the link n is

    The one I’m using it works when you go into it it says stream and on delete it says steel nine yeah that’s like a provider yeah steel and you just click on that I think it’s steel L is the one I’m watching but yeah thank you too yeah guys

    Everybody watching hit the like on the stream for me yeah just smash the like for me guys all right guys big up hit the like do you think man united will get old a yard box at some point they will at some point they will not quite now though not right

    Now it’s going to be a tough one for United huh I do anony I had to break into your house where you were at work to steal it off your wall I You’ cut a pick and stuck at Theos like you were together sweet yeah this one strike out this is the one

    Bro it streams all football games huh all games strike out that’s the one bro it’s a pitcher then like next to it of a red boxing glove all right that’s how you know it’s the one that’s what I’m watching it on now strike out right here City Phil foren on the

    Attack nice ball in Jeremy daku playing instead of greish of course greish has been beset by injuries daku went for goal and went over the bar if CZ comes into Prem we cups now City switching the play from right to left keeper on Anna has it for United kicks

    It straight at the Manchester City player he kicked it straight at Bernardo Silva gacho his Pace ak’s got to keep up with him AK was skinned but the keeper took the ball United looking dangerous United looking to attack which is what you have to do

    I used to work for a guy who was some Liverpool lived for the team we worked in a printing shop printing newspapers that cool yeah Liverpool fans are very and people from Liverpool yeah whether they support Liverpool or Everton they’re very passionate they’re very passionate but a lot of us on here

    Arsenal fans were were die hard gooners you know what I mean myself mcmanis Anthony we’re old school but we’re Die Hard goers you know what I mean old school go watch Bon of Fogo 6 nil killing I will Man Bon Fogo Bon Fogo we used to prch this Mexican

    Newspaper and when chikito got signed to man united we had to print his Newser him on the front as well as a big man united CH it was his own personal hell Subway on the way oh yeah I used to do the subway in London then it was on the way as

    Well it’s just a multivitamin guys what a goal Aiden you’re winding me up you’re winding me up again guys the two boys know that my stream is a little bit behind there so they’re winding me up oh you weren’t lying guys you weren’t joking [ __ ] hell what a goal holy [ __ ] what a

    Goal sorry about my language guys what a it’s like have that what a hit let me take down the score line guys cuz that’s not accurate anymore I’ll put up the score line in one second guys I just got to watch this what a goal it’s good you gave me the heads up

    There I thought you’re winding me up Lads it’s good you gave me the heads up yeah I always said rashford was quality not me man I call him I’m like troops I call him trash for but what a goal what a goal I know I was a joke man we were all

    Rubbishing him like completely we were slaughtering him what a goal holy the fans faces behind the goal the mouths are just open what a goal holy now we’ll see h i we’ll see Man City nil man united one what a goal that was a cracking finish huh cracking

    Finish cracking goal by rashford guys here comes City looks like it’s 1-1 what a goal and on my thumbnail guys for the game I have rashford it’s like an nor man it’s like an nor man guys 10 minutes gone guys welcome on cracking stream great to see so many people

    Tuning in guys make sure you hit the like for me my God that is a goal and a half that was an absolute Hammer no need to take a touch or anything like that but I just roll back and crack it I’ll back I’ll sit back and Shout up

    Go man united my old boss is probably rooting for Man United today though yeah uh of course uh being a Liverpool fan of course uh they had a good win yesterday Liverpool there right at the end it was sickening but uh they got the good win

    There they got a good win right at the end United have a corner they bringing up the big Guns yeah they played nigan Forest yeah nigan Forest away no it’s been good it’s been good [ __ ] City you’re in a bit of trouble here foron they’re in the game no City yeah they have Tina turn around my around X Arsenal s some water guys de

    Brer but he can’t beat them all here come United do they’re playing strong United com rashford nice but City Smash It Forward stones but it’s nothing I think United are happy to defend quite deep today welcome Alan guys Market rashford has hit the front for United an absolutely incredible goal just a hammer

    Into the back of the net to warm the hearts of all United fans all over the world but this is a huge game here against City and United are on top can they do Arsenal a favor But Here Comes City Dar in they’re in good save by

    Onana it’s a corner there Onana with the save but City breaking through and again it comes from De brine as persistance so far so good so far United look good I hope they win and I hate United as much as I hate City yeah we have beef with United that

    Goes back years man we have a rivalry with United that goes back you know especially the vanger era there was no love lost there no love lost mcmas we can remember those days bro there was no love lost I used to dat a girl that was a United supporter that didn’t last long

    Trust me I love up to bits but that didn’t last long City doing well now they starting to play the best times uh the best times man Jesus de BR here we go here comes the goal Onana kicked it out Bruno fernanders got it he played it for rashford and he banged it

    In that was some hit guys wow man united all right Jordan MC Manis arsel VI man united best Ry back in the day of V ke great days they were legendary days man they were legendary days legendary battles hope you’re all enjoying the game guys I’m not going to lie I cry

    When we win and say when we lose love the AR Man City just trying to break through City just trying to hammer their way through yeah just trying to break through oh City Living Dangerously City Living Dangerously they’re being stretched City he half asleep out there City playing on the halfway line

    H but United can be really dangerous H rashford could have been in there he was in oneon-one City all over the place I think City have a hangover where out last night like man ain’t getting them days ever again like no Liverpool up at City just not the same exactly

    Man there were good days casemiro there’s a real fight going on in there but City have it in here to go quick fen’s in he’s on side this is it great save from monana but Fen could have squared it Fen could have squared it there yeah great save from

    Monana excellent game so far guys end to end electrifying and City have to respond but the ball could have been squared there to Holland the ball should have been squared to Highland F into Highland but he went himself Onna saved if he had just squared the ball inside for hland I

    Think it would have been 1 one nil let SC natural United they’re breaking here we go quick ball through AK covering guys it’s end to wind yeah In fairness it’s good attacking football both teams are attacking Full Throttle it’s interesting the way greish is out there and daku is playing greish has

    Been struggling with injuries yeah the biggest danger for Manchester city is the spacing behind lot about Ruben orak guys to De Brina d as well the Manu goalkeeper looks like Jonathan Majors he might be a variant he’s a [ __ ] there we go the variant has it he’s going to kick it

    Forward out to the wing United causing problems huh I don’t know I think that was a fo any know mcmanis I swear you’re you you’re M Manis is too good man he’s just m Manis you’ve been around the block m Manis has been around the block I

    Didn’t but I let one rip mcmanis has been around the block man he knows what time it is can’t get anything past him man seriously McManus you should have been a cop seriously man McManus you’re in the wrong job man you should have been a cop

    Seriously I released some gas guys I had a natural gas release I apologize a natural gas release I apologize guys I apologize for my uh natural gas Release I apologize all right here we go AK stones for why do you think I silence myself on stream while I burper FR [ __ ] yeah I should do that I should actually do that I have the little thing there oh man I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer sometimes

    I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer Dave doesn’t give a [ __ ] Aiden sorry about the game man yeah seriously I’m sorry about the match man and United have it again no Panic at the moment for United they have it on is a blue a huge chance to go back on top yeah

    [ __ ] say no more about it man say no more [ __ ] Scott momy rashford miss kick rashford’s missing a couple of chances Now Dave if you want to go and check and poop yourself again and go for again it never happened once when I was on stream I’ll have you know

    Can’t get anything past mcm’s but it’s the mic as well yeah the mic the mic makes it sound louder than it was it’s the microphone look the mic makes it sound louder than it was it’s the microphone guys it’s not me it’s the microphone all right AK

    Dku cut inside plays it across City still have it dangerous play City beginning to create the angles it comes off D for a corner they take it quick dku okay there’s a v check guys the potential hand Ball by do n no penalty the ball hit D’s arm but

    His arm was tucked in close to his body and de BR with a corner for City 24 minutes gone United One n up on punches it out rodri deflects away and it’s another match of the city corner rodry with the opportunity 25 minutes gone and Ona United holding strong they have

    Something to defend now yeah they got the goal from rashford but they could have had a few more rashford had a a couple of very good chances that he missed they could have had more guys seriously it’s Mom dku C they have a back they’re halfway inside their on half the Defenders are

    Playing in around they’re looking patiently for options they’re keeping their shape well United they’re not making them easy but they could have done with that second goal rashford had a couple of very good chances for making it difficult city under pressure yeah they need to make the Breakthrough Aiden Nicholson City to win

    2-1 the concentration from United absolutely imperative casemiro shuts the door Guardiola clapping he’s happy with the way they’re playing but they’re up against the now if only created one real good opportunity this half hour guys Manchester City have and that was some Phil foren F and F by lindel after having a

    Real battle out there guys a Battle Royal that’s actually the first foul of the match huh 27 minutes in it won’t be the last though City again quick ball in Harland but harand makes a bad touch F in Bernardo Silva just trying to me doou just wasn’t right guys he picks himself

    Up mcmanis mcmanis mcmanis Jeremy dcko with the chance guys but he blazed it over the fing chance guys good save but he could have squared it to Highland he could have squared it to Highland Highland was free after the goal rashford has got bodied In fairness he hasn’t looked that good

    But let’s see yeah let’s see for into casemiro the ball is out guys manester City dominating a lot guys but United are still in front and they’ve played well United in Fr them they’ve defended well credit where it’s Julia I don’t like to give credit to

    Them but they have played well they have played well and felt he was off T so didn’t a challenge for garnacho is starting a Manchester Derby for the first time in his career it’s Eric ten haags 100 Gamers United coach he’s the best win ratio of any of

    His predecessors who would not want to play against Vinnie Jones or Costa exactly Costa Coffee as I call him Stones beautiful ball dku T did well to get close harand with the chance and he heads it over he couldn’t keep it down well fingers crossed United can do

    Us a favor this is it man and it would be a big favor a big favor but City seem a little bit um disjointed here they don’t seem quite uh they’re just off here definitely Fen though is a real TR they have to watch him he’s having he’s having a tremendous battle there

    That United player what Tak try to take the United player’s name but he’s having a tremendous battle with that United player tremendous battle but if it’s on to us if this game ends well down to us all right guys let’s have some food let’s eat then let the farting begin

    Kevin the Brer with a deadly ball in Man City asking a lot of questions guys a lot of questions what a great shot from rodri when the ball is coming into the United box it’s like right in on top of Onana you can’t afford to make a mistake

    There yeah can’t afford to make a mistake like Matata he play Eddie tomorrow nah well yeah Eddie scored against Sheffield United yeah but nah hopefully not look if it’s enough if it’s enough for us to win the game if Eddie plays and he’s give some of the other players a rest

    Because we have bigger games ahead but no we need to be careful y we need to win that one 100% we need to win he better [ __ ] not I think he’s talking though mcmanis that like uh Eddie scored like a hattick wasn’t it the last time on against Sheffield

    United which we need to make sure we win it though that game will be not like the tomorrow will be not like the first one I think City you’re off it man taking the piss y man we have to play TR top yeah yeah

    We need to be sure of it though we need to be sure of us now we need to make sure we win that one that’s kdb’s here and his beard then he’s got like you know the color of it [ __ ] hell it’s hilarious he’s joining a biker

    Gang or something I think he’s like I think he’s joining a motorcycle gang or something he wants to be like like uh Ry Shin in the YMCA he looks [ __ ] up Arta better not play the reserves just go for it full 11 Timber party the last and we need to win

    It it’s a very important game rodri great player for City dku United clear they’ve been Resolute in the first half but you’ll see in the second half grola is going to tell them things huh when Guardiola gets City in a halftime if it’s still uh if they’re

    Still one n down you’ll see they’ll come out the second half they’ll be playing a bit sharper whether it’ll be enough I don’t know but you’ll see they’ll play sharper he’ll he’ll tell them all right guys This Is How We Do It Good play for Ma great play rodri Bernardo Silva

    Rodri rod looks for Kevin De brne too close to Victor Lindelof gacho needed to relieve pressure there but he wasn’t able to do so Walker gach got to get back to bruyne Phil F in great block City turning up the heat at the moment fing gives it away brilliant

    Fromo Kevin De BR was forced to commit the foul well done Mino Manchester City were just starting to turn the screw there guys they had United under the C and Mayu got in there won the ball and good control minu has been minu has been very good for United I have to say

    Like since he came to the club he has been very good for them M there again cam he was quick to get in there get the ball and he was very calm when he got us no Panic he held us come on United thought I’d never say that CH come on

    United they’re [ __ ] winning I wonder how much Anthony Harbert is going to win today the [ __ ] cheat Anthony Harbert guys for straight into one’s hands guys he gets it rolls it out hits it long bro Fernandez almost got in on the end of it guys that’s been a good tactic by United

    City have been it’s all City attacking and United funneling back but United have to make sure they maintain that trust that they still have the ability to land a punch when a chance comes their way brilliant play from city they’re brilliant at that excellent switching so fast as a new

    Sorry about that guys the wife I acting a bit uh my popcorn is half gone or was it half full you’re eating popcorn yeah all right here we go Walker Man City fans have g a bit quiet at the Edie head guys as you’d expect 5 minutes to halftime United good shape they’re

    Holding they’ve had to defend a lot Arsenal this is what a wait to United have had a decent shape up to know City have the ball by the corner flag Walker with to tro the’re right on United’s Corner flag guys Walker with tro rodri AK dku he’s on the left approaching the

    Penalty Box Cuts back inside rodry chipped ball forden Walker gets it down Kevin De bruyne absolutely on its way to Manchester Airport Kevin De bryne got ready for it guys he saw it come in he went for it he flew onto it but terrible effort there terrible effort it’s onest way to Manchester

    Airport he’s not having a good game de Brer he’s not having a good game Man City wouldn’t be losing if they still had Jamie tart on the squad all I’m going to say hie tart now you think so maybe so yeah maybe so I say one thing though man the shot

    Was the shot from rashford was [ __ ] deadly the shot was just animal here come United I didn’t even know who that was I never watched that Cher but it was films close to where I lived in London like Richmond I used to go walking around Richmond Park fin gaming I didn’t

    Even know who he’s talking about I know get out much guys I don’t get out much I say I’ve heard of Ted Lesar very close for Highland folding good technique and it’s hit Mano in the face it’s been cleared the Man City fans they’re raging I don’t know it never kind of

    Interested me to be honest it just never kind of interested me you know I’d have to say and I was watching Netflix the whole time so I was watching Netflix the whole time but it never really interested me I have to say I’ll be honest with you man never interested

    Me I like watching Netflix well I used to I don’t watch it anymore what a Miss that’s what you’re talking about uh Aiden Jesus what a Miss what a Miss look aquara C use his head surely yeah man yeah I don’t have Apple TV either I don’t have Apple TV

    Either what a Miss put your head on it son just put your head on eh oh for [ __ ] sake just put your head on short he’s got to use his head fora by want to miss it doesn’t look as bad in slow motion yeah when you see it when you see it normal

    Speed United Living Dangerously guys but that was hilarious what to miss yeah that’s a fair point Loxy bro that’s actually a fair point yeah if he wasn’t so tall it was just awkward yeah it was awkward man like I’m 5 foot 10 yeah perfect TI for a normal sized guy

    Like me you know what I mean obviously I’m bigger in the pants I’m only 5′ 10 but you know you know I mean big in the old letter hosen area all right here comes City rodri Fen rodry again Springs it left it’s Anu but they’re looking for something to

    Happen C they’ve run out of ideas I think the bruyne he hasn’t been onon it at all Howland hasn’t been on it brilliant from Bernardo Silva there the most dangerous player at the moment for City looks to be um the fox’s name dku has it left hand side of the Box

    He’s tating the United Defenders try to draw them out de bruyer quick one too de bruyer brilliant great defending from Varan great defending from Varan great play from verania great defending Away by Onana Garo sells himself Evans does well but rodri squares it foren brilliant Stones rodri brilliant play from

    City rodri Bernardo Silva has been brilliant for City Walker blocked deflected corner to City the pressure is building and building and building gradi is excited and Anna takes it guys and that’ll be for the half United will be going in it’s halftime guys it’s one n to man united they’re halfway

    There a wonder goal from rashford guys has illuminated this Manchester un Derby at the break it’s the red side in front guys it’s not over yet though man city nil man united one right I’m just going to the B to take care of myself guys to deal with

    The situ sitation and I’ll be back in a minute back in a second guys all right homies that’s one hell of a goal it was a cracking go ad bro [ __ ] absolute belter rocket a [ __ ] rocket into the net iway to describe it yeah an absolute

    [ __ ] beltor it was a decent goal just hope United don’t mess it up chances are they will let’s be honest about it chances are they will come on you goodas tomorrow is the big one for us Lads I think I’m going to do a 24hour

    Stream Hy joing guys c o y g or Amy do you know what I mean but that was a great goaler a great [ __ ] goal no more to be said about it there it was an absolute cracking finish cracking finish smashed into the back of the net animal absolutely tunder into the back

    Of the N there was no stopping it [ __ ] animal of a goal just an incredible finisher all in all can’t see much them about it go on mcmanis yeah mcmanis who spent Arsenal wrong man but Lads congratulations to the ladies team today for beating spores huh [ __ ] big up there man great win

    Against spuds you know what I mean the spuds were cooking in the kitchen great win against the spots guys can’t be bad can’t be bad you know what I mean fantastic Victory great win by the ladies Team guys against sports today congratulations to them m a fantastic win Highland’s unbelievable is this the

    Worst Miss in premier league history he went from scoring five in a row against Luton to the worst Miss in Premier League history how interesting how interesting it’s not a beer guys go on Lads yeah let’s keep those messes going Leverkusen 10 points clear Shak is going to be win a title game

    Over what when was that United goal scored the E minute ah cracking start 18 shots for United sorry 18 shots for City three on target two for United One On Target and that one on target boom possession 7525 for City Pass accuracy 90% for City 72 for

    United at the moment City in trouble yeah but they’re a dangerous team they were d team rashford had another couple of chances in that game he could have put them away but at the moment guys City will City will be one point ahead of us if it

    Stays like that and we’d have the game in hand and we can move up into second but we’re going to have to put in a massive performance when we go to theti head heart and soul everything is going to have to be in that game what’s my best drink like my favorite drink

    Alcoholic Guinness and I also like a bit of whiskey but I got this here this was a gift from my manager when I left my job in London it’s Kentucky bourbon whiskey it’s kentucki straight bourbon 45% but that was a gift from my manager

    When I left my job in London you know so if I get a job here when I get a job here in Switzerland I’m going to be drinking yeah I wonder how AFC is man disano and C disano and C is decent man that was very popular in London when

    I was working at the hotel yeah they love to disano with Coke [ __ ] nice smell off this Sano and Coke man I never tasted it but it was a nice smell offers um a bottle of water for Aiden right now at this com a bottle of water for

    Aiden at least you’re honest bro yeah but you you had a couple yesterday you were out all you were out all hours [ __ ] sake H you just need you just need some water by you just need some water you got straight up you just need some water man that’s what you need

    Bro just need water uh I hope he’s okay too man I texted him yeah but there was no answer I think he just need some time away this runal coke tastes like Dr Pepper and Dr Pepper tastes good yeah yeah Dr Pepper tastes good cracking second half guys it’s

    Going to be very entertaining at the second half I mean that first half was like a bread of fresh air both teams were attacking and seriously whenever United got a chance they looked to attack they weren’t just sitting back whenever it was possible for them to

    Move forward they did so I respected him for that they haven’t tried to play defensively whenever it was possible for United to break they did they broke out as much as they could so big up to them youit hold the tough guys I think if they had um hland they might have a

    Couple more goals but they’re fighting harder Subway want to move it yeah you’re still waiting bro [ __ ] hell that was like a half an hour wasn’t it was longer actually than half an hour you’re hungry uh you need something you need soakage you need soakage need to soak up to drink man

    Respect to United though guys like I said I don’t say it often guys but respect to them because they’ve played attacking football whenever they have the opportunity they’ve tried to go on the attack they don’t just park the bus like Chelsea used to do back in the day

    And all this [ __ ] you know what I mean they’ve went out there with the right attitude regardless and they have tried to play attack and football whenever they’ve tried to get the ball guys they’re trying to bomb forward and score so big up to them for that though respected him for that

    Though big up to them the game is starting soon again right I’m just listening to some music at the moment but I’m going to go back to it big second half coming up bro let me actually get back to it now before I miss it big second half coming up

    Man and aart in second half of football there but United are going to need a bit of luck I do know that for a fact that they will need luck they’re not going to survive if they don’t get a bit of luck they’re going to need a bit of luck in this

    Game to survive yeah it’s still not back on there but it will be soon I’m sure all right gradi has had a say guys he’s back out he’s waiting City need to score yeah they need to do something here huge second half coming up Adam bro I hope your food comes soon

    Bro yeah and I hope you’re feeling okay a drink some water man get some water into you bro Aden just get some water into here man it’s a bit of a canum for the man from Catalonia guys can pep guarda turn it around and do something

    Weing start to the second half of John Stones guys 28 seconds in and he’s laying on the ground he went up for a challenge with who was that mctom and he hurt himself mom just stood there m Tom is stronger but he just stood there you know what I

    Mean Man City guys here we go a minute into the second half they’re looking for something I to do guys saw a lot of B second half Jeremy D has been F fed by by Diego D Stones has made it less all right I’m back what did I miss H Stones got

    Injured but he’s back up youing the mity man it’s just a minute just a minute played but let’s see what goes on here I see Guardiola looks if it stays like this City will be four points behind Liverpool massive game for Arsenal tomorrow guys if it stays like

    This but United will need a second goal in my opinion they’re going to need a second goal there’s no way City won’t score there’s no way that City won’t score yeah United are going to need a second goal for sure 100% to silent that he h missed some sitter guys oh

    M he only had rashford t for just half a chance there Here Comes de bruyne for in good movement well blocked by Johnny Evans but United immediately pegged back City immediately on the attack rodri Highland oh Bernardo with a great ball brilliant save by Onana such a dangerous play from

    City can see City scoring two goals yeah United will need a second goal at least there but Arsenal fans this is what we’re going to face all Arsenal fans watching this this is what we’re going to have to face up to soon now team have to be ready for

    It we need to be ready for it here we’re a better team than United right now in my opinion we got more we got more in the Midfield than them where we create more chances you know we won’t be defending so long as them oh Bernardo Silva with the stretch but

    It’s a man United goal kick and they’re looking a bit nervous city they’re looking a bit tense they need to step it up yeah the BR has not been good he has not been good in the first half he’s pressing completely on United now Onana with the ball at his feet

    Looking to play a pass de bruy saying he’s wasting time the ref on get on with it he’s taking a long kick out and there it goes City headed back Onana has it again picks it up and Bows it out I think it’s D on the ball sorry Johnny Evans plays a forward

    But it took a touch City have it back but this is going to be pressure for United they have to face up to it what if it continues like this guys like just United defending City attacking United won’t have the legs for the whole game to defend like that yeah

    I mean they’ll they’ll run out of steam you can’t be defending like that for the whole game you need to be dangerous on the attack there’s rashford he’s running down a blind alley Walker’s faster than him H Walker’s faster than him that’s the the problem Fernandez to score two on

    Goals fernandz to score two one goals guys maybe so maybe so just SP the spider there guys thought that was displayed already then the L Manu that’s good play from man united keeping it holding on to it making sure they keep it for as long as they can

    That’s spider I wasn’t sure though cuz it’s dark in that corner yeah I couldn’t see exactly yeah that’s a spider I never seen a spider like that before hopefully it’s not poisonous but obviously it isn’t though Here Comes City rodry to foron the Boyhood Man City fan Fen his whole

    Life the ball took a deflection on the wi guys d m man they grow in confidence here guys holding on to the ball a bit better rashford nice touch Bruno Fernandez into the back of f for just imagine if I bit you and you turn into Spider-Man I then I was on your

    Game is it I was on the game to be honest I probably end up biting him live on stream yeah live on stream how many games left in the Premier season I think 11 think like 11 games not so many yeah not so M fall into doku Highland does not in of course

    I think ARS have 10 games to go it’s only 36 games in the league right the gar will have 10 games to go okay we have 1 two three four five six 78 9 10 that’s 38 games 12 for them with the goal guys ELO mucho el mucho

    Mucho I think 12 yeah it’s 38 games ARS have 12 games it’s 38 games we’ve 26 played that’s one1 guys that’s United gone game over And that’s it guys I didn’t want you NE to complaining about they’re morning again ten hog has got a yellow card di could di could huge moment guys what a cracker the Rashard one was better though the rashal one was better oh there’s a blue flare T onto the pitch

    Guys bit of a smoke screen stman forwarding Bang what a go it’s that man foring Alvarez is coming out for City it looks like guys ten hack is shouting to the United Team here Alvarez is like Phil Ford and guys he has featured at every Premier League

    Game the season they’re going for the win City Alvarez is on they’re going for the win they’re going for the win Nardo Silva’s got out to the wide left Alvarez up top dku off Alvarez on now it’s a day in game guys United are in a bit of

    Trouble Man City won United won City about to Bear their te here comes the hammering we’ve been expecting Man City with so many corners today slightly different angle of approach here Guys Highland looks hungry slightly different test for the man united defense got his five calls in the FA Cup in

    Midweek short free kick for City Ball comes in on an’s come he gets an important touch to take it away this new urgency from Man City no time to waste 30 minutes to go they’re all on the penalty spot Onana and AK are getting into us

    The ref is coming in to have a word with them fall in deep forz was at the back post but it’s held julan Alvarez he scored in his last six games in all competitions here we go City steal it back quickly United stuck they can’t get out Alvarez

    Rodri great play from City now they’re really moving the ball nicely United in a lot of trouble here no Bernardo Silva the Brier comes out the BR is disappointed guys pep carda hunched on the sideline watching it Man City play all of the current top six in the next seven Premier League

    Games come on United [ __ ] sake [ __ ] rashford is playing sh you’re doing two separate streams or one long one um I’m doing another one I think at 9 so I’m starting another one at 9:00 yeah 8:00 UK time so I’m doing two separate streams like a build up to the

    Game I’m taking a break in between here think I’ll stop here at about maybe 10 to 7 then start again at 9 or maybe sooner yeah maybe I’ll start sooner than n but I’m stopping at around 10 to 7 oh H and climbing guys couldn’t get up what a ball from foring guys

    He did the right thing there yeah the ball was headed back across looking for Holland de bruyne he’s not been on it right now but United have to be so disciplined now don’t dive in that’s it make him look for the in perfect pass or is injured

    Oh I looking for some attention from the referee there guys I think Onana is after hurting his hamstring while joking aside yeah I think Onana has hurt his hamstring de Bren is complaining he thinks that an is making a meal of her 10 hours watch time in this video guys I

    Want to thank everybody tremendous support 70 views 10 hours thank you to everyone yeah for your tremendous support big up maybe I’ll go to that PL FanFest in Nashville to keep talking about what is a FanFest in Nashville and how often is it on like I mean is it like once a month

    Or is it on once a month or what’s the story with it like I mean and what actually goes on there you know what I mean best thing you could do by his fly over fly over to the UK man I come to Switzerland to watch some

    Swiss football can I beat a cookie from sub I can I beat a cookie from Subway it’s me Angus Angus Max cookie Ang my cookie [ __ ] hell I you can be that cookie from Scotland hey aen did you see the braveart clip I sent you bro yeah that’s a nice clip

    Man and marrying his sweetheart under the light of the Moon then he took her into his bed and made an honest woman of her an honest woman I do know heard about watching the stream must be something the N do from time to time to get to American

    Fans I know that Liverpool and man united are playing in America August Arsenal will probably be coming over too I’m sure doing an American tour Arsenal don’t have a game for like two weeks after they play Porto the Chester game has been postponed yeah the MLS Allstar team

    Arsal whooped the MLS Al team season I remember though I remember that fan gives the free kick away guys and it’s the BR territory here fan gives the free kick away but the pressure is on United In fairness they’re making a sub now they’re making a substitution now yeah for

    So here we go guys de Brina has scored Tre go against man united in the past could be more here here comes the Bro the does this job and they get it away there’s going to be 20 minutes to go let’s see if mcm’s prediction comes true

    United can seeed two in the last 20 CH they’ve done a lot of Defending United they can’t keep doing it forever City fans rais their voice I blame Rooney yeah Rooney [ __ ] sake he’s a clown at the best of times man oh all right just had to close the window

    There guys it was getting goddamn cold the ball by Kampala good play United defending again campala fresh legs strong holding off Bernardo Sila gets it up the line willik embala it’s only a third Premier League appearance for him guys he’s only 19 it’s Bruno Fernandez United have to hold

    Possession they have to hold possession they have to hold the ball that’s what they’re doing the Man City fans whistling 73d minute of the game guys but they need to hold the ball all right Char what’s going on man big up to you man how are you keeping welcome along to the stream

    Man it’s 1-1 as it stands but it’s all city at the moment hope you’re keeping well man still enjoying the win yesterday yeah still celebrating the win yesterday as you as you should be as you should be was a good win man a good win Man City won man L

    One D but it bounces it’s shimy and rashford can’t get a hold of it he’s looking lazy Alvarez Bernardo Silva Away by m tomman good defending City keep plugging away big win for us I hope City wins and help us to take the Europa spot I guess you

    Want United to win a draw i’ be fine this result is fine if it stays like this it’s okay you know I mean one city don’t get the three points one city don’t get the three points this will do fine you know here comes Emerson foul anak garnacho takes him out of it

    I think it’s Garo making way no no it’s Marcus rashford the goal scorer making way Garrett sgate in the stadium guys watching if United losers than we are just four points behind them I hear you man I hear you you’ll be praying s for City to get a winner huh see what

    Happens we all have different uh needs H we all different needs I am a Newcastle fan I am sure you can guess why no I can’t is it an American link here come United stretching the play nice Anthony loses it 15 minutes of normal time to go 15 minutes I

    Can’t oh yeah he can’t tell away Miguel Admiral and Darren eels bought from ah okay they’re bought at an United that’s what I thought here we go 15 minutes Walker Diaz rodri de bruyne taking on casemiro supported by AK headed up by Lindelof good play from United except Anthony he dled on the

    Ball and they lost it I do want to watch long from the game tomorrow um I think so I mean I meant to be meeting a friend of mine tomorrow but I might try to get it to back until Tuesday do you know what I mean because

    Yeah it’s a big game it’s a big game and I want to do like a preview for the game as well you know and then the watcha afterwards you know so we’ll see it’s a big game for the club here a big game for the club ederson came out took out

    Garnacho things are getting heated there of course Fernandez is complaining again as always guys as he always does Fernandez winging as he always does guys wing wing winge no gacho didn’t touch the ball some tackle and fairness wasn’t it there then there was some Tackle by what there was some Tackle by was Yeah D Neil was our president and left to go to newcas see if you get a chance search YouTube for Wacka Flocka Flame and United you’ll get to see the like never before okay whacka Flocka Flame Atlanta United let me take a picture of that Waka Flaka

    Flaka just take a picture what is it okay Wacka Flocka flam I look at my photos there I go oh yeah I’ll check that oh no you’re joking Aiden you’re joking me again huh Al on the attack ah [ __ ] Aiden you’re winding me up man you’re winding me up [ __ ] ah

    [ __ ] that’s good for joria JY that’s good for you man at United defeat is good for Newcastle yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] sake [ __ ] man Damas foring kdb and Highland is scary yeah [ __ ] Charlie is delighted yeah [ __ ] God damn it ah [ __ ] I benched him this weekend and he scored twice he got a

    Brace fck am man I should have kept on the for in [ __ ] sake it’s going to go to the wire guys all arsal can do tomorrow is win their game they can’t do any more than that all Arsenal can do tomorrow is just win their game they can’t do any more

    Than that [ __ ] man that’s disappointing guys [ __ ] now you are completely gone nowhere [ __ ] thas seriously [ __ ] sure gar Sate likes what he sees guys souting the manager is there sure he likes what he sees I took B on his Tim so Mak C want to win two one one let’s go one

    One looks like fen’s in here guys for number three looks like it’s a foren hatrick coming up only joking JY bro it’s a for and hatrick [ __ ] man I was disappointed man AR never get a Breck good player from city they’re breaking again at speed I also took sacka anyways

    I hope he scores against Sheffield what very good players JY tough choice uh a tough choice so oh I flapped a bit of that one it’s a corner to City on Anna saying he didn’t get a Touch look like it came off a his head I actually don’t think on I did

    Touch it it should to be a corner fan has been doing well for United in this game H heran has done very well in this game for United here’s Anthony me damn it was hoping United would like at least take a point [ __ ] like said you’re going to win again

    Reminds me of last season reminds me of last season guys with City winning every game [ __ ] work can [ __ ] right off tomorrow well you have to go to work man 8 Minute stoppage time that’s just going to be8 minutes of torture for you n now they’re not going to do anything in

    This they’re not going to get anything here eight minutes for United to get an equalizer de Brer what a shot what a shot from the Brer well crazy what a mistake by United have a bit of that tag f sake what a mistake tun and Mata yeah it’s game over

    Bro Man City tree n United one I’m goingon about with the mistake I’m about with the mistake that’s it guys Del by TV game over it’s the hope that kills me yeah tell me about it man tell me about it yesterday with Liverpool uh that was bad enough and know it is

    Today [ __ ] for so long maybe we thought we could do it you know Dum it this has been a painful one for United now at this point [ __ ] sake it’s a cash in hand job for the man cash in hand [ __ ] sake for all right here come

    City there four minutes to go guys City your home enjy seven people watching guys big up yeah everybody tuning in Del Boy hit the like button bro everybody tuning in guys hit that like button for me okay big up yourselves yeah it’s disappointing man it’s disappointing I was hoping that uh

    United could get something out of the game you know it’s fair disappointing anyway guys there’s eight people watching smash that like button for me Smash It All The Touch guys [ __ ] sake Fair disappointing Lads Fair disappointing [ __ ] heck it’s just the way the company does team they just don’t give a

    [ __ ] so the Norwegian Oscar Bob is coming on yeah it’s [ __ ] I’m off take care while it’s in chat you too man you take care too yeah peace out man take it easier [ __ ] sake that’s depressing bro that’s [ __ ] depressing that’s all I have to say about that God Dam [ __ ]

    Depressing yes I’m off take care old school and CH yeah you take care too huh take it easy uh just pointing guys disappointing uh we need to win every game 100% yeah we get nothing against City fck see lot the United fans are leaving H they got what they deserve

    The best team in Manchester guys the best team in Manchester t Anthony has not been able to get into the game guys that’s mainly because he’s a crap player but uh decent run there by Be Goo that’s basically it guys the game is over already I know that I’m a little bit behind

    The game is over fulltime Man City three United one men against boys out there guys for long periods more Derby Delight for Man City and pep was like a training session out there in the second half simply a training session Man City tree man united one guys Forin looks

    Delighted Manchester Barn for in guys what time is it in Switzerland 6:30 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. bro we’re 1 hour ahead of the UK yeah I think we’re six hours ahead of the US right all the US is different time zones I know that that’s 6:30 p.m. F sick

    I used to live in Romania for five years I think we were seven hours ahead that’s probably head of Switzerland as well do I think or maybe not I think maybe the time zone is the same but why were you living in Romania me ask yeah Romania is an hour ahead of

    Switzerland yeah yeah so it’s 6 hours yeah Switzerland is 6 hours ahead ah a girl obviously huh all right I hear you man I hear you bro because of a woman obviously U I hear you man I hear you bro that’s why I came to Switzerland at the start there over an

    Exgirlfriend I hear you man yeah ah you got married that’s nice I just got divorced with mine but at least it worked out for you man at least it worked out for you now she’s your wife huh happy days I was married happy it worked out for you man

    Happy yeah city or a class above United at this moment in time yeah a class above a lot of the teams that was it guys done andon that was it guys done and on well that was disappointing guys that was disappointing how was it being back in single life enjoying it

    It’s okay man you know it’s all right it’s okay it’s okay you know I didn’t have any kids anyway so that was that was lucky that we didn’t have kids but yeah it’s not like I broke up with my girlfriend though you know we were married so

    It’s it’s sad you it’s a sad time whatever you want to look at it you when you get married it’s a happy day then when you get divorced it’s you know it’s not like she was my girlfriend bro we were husband and wife so it’s different it’s

    Different well that was that people are pulling out pulling City out of the title how can you when they do things like that today never rule them out I still think they’ll win the title uh [ __ ] sake thanks to City for taking off the three points United oil brothers

    Forever a jity is Happy it was good for Newcastle it was good for Newcastle man no doubt for I got two subscribers today Happy Days can’t complain if arsal to win the title you guys must win all M Arsenal aren going to win the title Char bro even before today we’re not going to win the title

    We will never we’ll never win the title under Mel artera Arsenal will never win the title under Michel artetta that day will never come never not because of today just as a manager he doesn’t have what it takes and they keep buying [ __ ] players like averts 65 million

    Then yeah cool oxy bro I’ll have a look at it later on yeah when I’m off air because I want to listen to it with the sound and if I listen to with so no you know I’m on air at the moment so it would be like a copyright but what I

    Do is when I’m off air I’ll be chilling and I’ll have a look at it you definitely man thanks for sending it to me yeah it’s of Interest yeah and thank you for um supporting my channel I appreciate it it’s good to have a fan from the US you know what I mean

    Different perspective on things and you’re active in the chats so I appreciate it man great to have you along yeah thanks for supporting the channel yeah grle was good if goes trophy list again art out or give another chance I would say one more season the season that’s going to

    Be coming yeah but that has to be the end then I mean we can only take so much it’s not all his fault but it’s been 20 years this year it it’s been 20 years this year since we last won the title you know and we’re getting further and further

    Away further and further away that’s the only problem I have really yeah I mean like let’s be real we’re getting further and further away and not closer so that’s how I see things any that’s always here but see what happens we’ll see what happens yeah man no problem F watching I

    Don’t think you have to worry about MLS copyrights there are a few Brits who react to videos they put out I think they enjoy detention H maybe so yeah maybe so I don’t take a chance though I don’t listen to anything any background eyes because they YouTube Just cancels it then you

    Know what I mean over a copyright claim yeah so I just learned to just don’t listen to anything it’s easier but yeah unfortunately guys that was it h bit disappointing for USS in the end except for Brazos yeah Brazos is different though Pros I have no choice I’m an

    Addict I’m addicted to brazs it’s not like I have a choice Aiden I mean you know what I mean you know what I mean I have an addiction to brazzer Zen so that’s a different thing man that’s out of my control I can’t help it you know what I

    Mean we all have our faults guys we all have our faults I am only human at the end of the day I am a human being oh yeah hey K Passa holes K Passa the things you’re saying about me Guys K holesa how the things you’re saying about me Lads it’s not cool you know what I mean I mean horrible terrible terrible stuff there’s new YouTubers in on the channel and I mean the reading this is like like look at this all right Lads Lads Lads another disappointing one for the AFC

    Yeah disappointing for us guys we’re going to have to do it the hard way but one thing is for sure we definitely we not be Champions that day will not come with M aretta as manager that day will never come a decent bro was good was yeah guys what a disappointing uh there

    It looked like united we going to do something H for a long time but no this Manchester City team is you know what I mean they a special team there’s no more to say about it than that guys they’re a special team you know but yeah let’s see how Arsenal do yeah let’s

    See how it’s not going to be easy when we make that trip to Manchester guys we’re going to have to be absolutely on it well another let down we be Che yeah need to focus on this City game though we need to go and win that

    Game we’re going to have to beat City at the 8 head but I can’t see how this team can beat them but maybe they will maybe they will actually prove me wrong the table as it stands guys Liverpool top 27 played 63 points they’ won four the last five Manchester City

    27 played 62 points Arsenal 26 played 58 points you know what I mean that was an important win for Manchester City they’re Point behind Liverpool and Arsenal are three points behind City Four Points Four Points behind Liverpool but we have won our last six and we have a game in handy

    Against Sheffield United tomorrow Sheffield United or bottom surely we will beat them bring ourselves up we need to win anyway because Villa are actually pushing you Villa are actually pushing you know what I mean they’re only three points behind us but we have a game in hand Villa are on a very good

    Run so we need to Wi to kind of keep above them Villa are looking good guys [ __ ] they’re only three points behind us but we have that game in hand they’ve been very good man respect the Villa man I respect the UN pick up man respect excuse me guys that was

    Disappointing but yeah what can we do there’s not much we can do in our situation just accept it for the way it is at the moment yeah we’re going to have to beat City for sure we’re going to have to turn them over in their own backyard can’t be messing around any

    Longer can’t be playing games we need to beat them it’s as simple as that we need to beat them man we need to beat them while right I’m going to leave the stream open for a while guys CU I have to ring someone I don’t know what I get

    True if I don’t and I’d come back on there I’d come back on I’m going to ring them at seven out and if I don’t get true I’ll come back on here so I’m going to leave it open for that couple of minutes but if I get through I think

    I’ll just end the chat yeah it was a let down man it was disappointing Fair thison yeah hopefully we beat cheffield United which U 81 views on the stream guys 13 watch hours big up to everyone yeah good totals guys can’t be bad can’t be bad but yeah the results and everything

    Never mind about my channel the results disappointing to say the least let’s see what happens they disappointing though Call me Bobby ched once more and I taking you home to meet Uncle Andy that was a good one yeah [ __ ] Uncle Andy by prince Andrew Jesus he got stripped of all his titles didn’t he prince Andrew I just hope we can beat City but

    We’re going to have to go all out for that there we’re going to have to go all out to beat them all out we’re going to have to try anyway we’re going to have to try because we need to beat them it’s a simple as that we can’t be kind of like

    Hoping you know that we lose to them and that we can still win the title you need to win those games though to be Champions you need to be good enough to win those games yeah we we going to have to beat them man we’re going to have to beat them we

    Can’t be winning the league without beating them you know just won’t happen all all right a momental PO guys I’ll be back in one second all right guys I’m back what’s going on I hope you’re keeping well guys what the hell is going on yeah that was

    Disappointing huh we’re going to have to do with the hard way we’re going to have to do it the hard way mcmanis bro it’s not going to be easy for us H man you’re going to have to do with the hardw ls what else can I say what else can I

    Say there’s not much more to say guys we got we’ve got a mountain to climb man tomorrow’s game I think we can win they’re fighting for the lives of course they’re bottom of the table but I think we’re good enough to beat them they will be fighting for their lives

    Though yeah they’ll be giving them everything I think we’ll beat them there’s just a golf and claster no but if we want to win the league we have to beat them and if we don’t have a team capable of challenging them then that that rest with Arta because it’s like whenever Arsenal

    Have beaten these teams in the past we’ve went on to win the league you have to be the best you know so for us not to be equipped with like an out andout animal Striker for example you know when we’re not equipped with these players we can’t beat them

    And our tell knows that you need to beat the best you need to beat them to win the title we need to beat City at the Ed head to have any chance of winning the league we need to beat them and our team isn’t good enough to beat them he needs

    To make us good enough to beat them bring in the correct players better quality and if we don’t have that then what the point it’s true though what is the point you can always rely on other you can always rely on other teams uh the Arsenal game is tomorrow

    Sheffield United that game is tomorrow the Manchester City game is the 31st of March so we have a bit of time but Um frust have any chance of winning the league we need to beat City at the wrong ground and ARA if he doesn’t have the team set up for it yeah 31st of March Eden that’s a 31st of March we’re playing Sheffield United tomorrow the man city game is the 31st

    Of March the last day of the month at theti head but yeah if we’re not good enough yeah then our 10 needs to start that out I mean we can’t be relying on you always need other teams to do you a favor it’s part and parts of the

    Football but the game in Manchester at the yeti head you know what I mean that game is for us to sort out but artetta needs to make us strong enough to win these games H and we need to bring in the right players to strengthen our challenge if we can’t

    Beat the liverpools and the cities at their own grounds we will never lift the trophy we will never win the title never City are so dominant now it’s so close you need to beat them in the leuea we can’t be losing to them and hoping we win we get enough points in other

    Places we need to overcome them what I saw today we’re not going to do that not with the team that they have you know United actually are better at making it more difficult for them than we are united actually would probably make it more difficult than we

    Can we have a better team we have more attacking options but United made themselves hard to beat I don’t think we can make ourselves that hard to beat as United did so you know what I mean city were tested today for a while definitely but I don’t think we’re capable of doing

    That and that all is down to ARA you know he knows you can’t get away from the fact guys if you want Champions you have to beat these teams it’s too close now in the league so we have to beat them but we’re not equipped I think

    Anyway we’re not good enough to beat them prove me wrong guys 31st of March make meet my words but I know they won’t they’ll fall short and they’ll fall short because we don’t have the players in certain areas we don’t have that 25 goal Striker that

    We need you might get two chances at the Ed head he might take them but we don’t have that player we’re going to be limited to Chances you see the way they play as soon as they settle they dominate possession so what are we going to do we

    Have less opportunities we see less of the ball but we have a top class forward up front hit them on the counter as much as we can but we don’t have that player that can finish the chances we have [ __ ] he’s decent Jesus is okay sometimes

    But we don’t Martin Elli and sck can score but we don’t have that top quality forward that out and Out Center forward playing through the middle we don’t have that quality of player and in games like the game is that Easter Sundays H [ __ ] in games like that game

    Yeah we’re going to be tested and we need to get across the line it’s going to be very very difficult for us guys very very very difficult I don’t know I can’t see how we’re going to do it I just can’t see it I just don’t know how we’re going to

    Do it yeah I can’t see it so yeah it is what it is that’s a why seetings guys yeah the goal all right Scott man the goal was tasty yeah but his performance was shy after that he was walking around the place after that yeah he was walking around

    The place after that he scored a goal he had another a couple of half chances which he [ __ ] up but in the second half he was walking around the place no interest you know what I mean I don’t know I just think he’s a shipler anyway the goal was good byab but his

    Performance was it’s like he has no interest you might want to get rid of him you know I’ll Jo in the side there because it’s like he had no interest you know and he’s lazy he’s very [ __ ] lazy man he’s still dog [ __ ] exactly crap anyway welcome along to the stream Scot

    Bro on that note welcome along Scott welcome along man but yeah we need to beat City if we want to [ __ ] do anything we need to beat the cities on the liverpools in their own backyard if you want to have any chance of winning The League titles you can’t be hoping that

    You know we make up points elsewhere and we just lose to them know T of ban Striker that’s that we need trust is done a great job we we need a beast up front Tony for me yeah yeah we need someone that can really rattle their cage he’s still dog [ __ ] though he’s

    Crap man rashford is [ __ ] crap sh player you know what I mean there’ll be all the headlines about that cracking finish or English players go and [ __ ] off I wouldn’t take him to the Euros man there’s way better players than him [ __ ] dog [ __ ] what a up it but yeah that’s basically it

    All right let me stay on a while to talk to Scott I was going to knock off the stream but let me stay on a while to talk to Scott I’ll be coming back on around 9 o’ guys to talk about the the league

    Anyway yep at the end of the day we have to just concentrate and win all our games concentrate [ __ ] sake they couldn’t concentrate on a [ __ ] those stupid bastards sorry know guys but looks we’re playing the team bottom of the league tomorrow so they’re probably go confident you know cuz they’re bottom of

    The league but let’s see when we have to go to the at here there see how they play see how they thrown up they’re up against a better team now yeah but they know who they’re playing there’s going to be no surprises they know what the

    [ __ ] is going on when they go toad sayi how they approach her they know who they’re playing yeah when they face City at the edad there’s going to be no [ __ ] surprises do you know what I mean think about them they know who they’re up against H they know the

    Players that City have and what they can do so what are we going to do wait till the game tell me what you see I’m telling you man they’re going to [ __ ] lose because they’ve got no game plan they’ve got no [ __ ] game plan and ARA doesn’t how to win these games

    And he also is deluded thinking that we can match them we’re not not as good as them we don’t have the players he needs to make sure we don’t get those players the center forward he thinks we don’t need the goals will come from like an even [ __ ] uh balance in the team

    You need a center forward to win the league that can actually compete against these guys have anything planned i’ probably be banging my head against a brick wall I might be um I might be meeting a friend of mine it’s either going to be maybe Monday Tuesday I’m also waiting

    For the call about the job so let’s see what happens with that that’s basically it I could be meeting a friend of mine but if I’m not meeting him I’ll do a stream at the again so we’ll see me to be going for a

    Few beers and a bite to eat but if he if that doesn’t work out he let me know tomorrow then I’ll just do my uh I’ll just stream the game sounds hard hitting M it’d be [ __ ] hard hitting all be [ __ ] hard hitting with [ __ ] ARA that [ __ ] no

    But seriously guys we know what lies ahead on the 31st of March let’s have it right H we can’t be relying on other [ __ ] teams to do us a favor and let’s hope we can lose to city and Liverpool but let’s pick up points elsewhere we

    Need to beat them to be Champions and we don’t have the team and why don’t we have the team we don’t need an out andout striker the reason we need one is for games like what’s going to happen at the EAD because we’re going to be restricted to

    Maybe five six chances and a top Striker will take them you know what I mean you need to take the chances you get there we don’t have that player that’s why we need him that’s the whole [ __ ] point do you know what I mean we’re going there with no fire

    Power as such they have all their fire power Forin de bruyne highand they have a lot of guys that can score yeah they have much and Fen is a better player than Saka Forin is a better player than Saka like gar sgate was watching there today h you know what

    I mean to see what was going on he wasn’t there to watch rashford he was there to watch the city players I believe you know what I mean beer for Aiden Aiden would like a beer there Lads he’s got that green face [ __ ] he had enough yesterday for [ __ ]

    Sake well it wasn’t yesterday it was actually she technically the early hours of this morning as well I see the brenford fans are turning on Tony and saying drop him and his foot is already out the door yeah then we can take him H

    I’d [ __ ] take him at a drop of a hat oi Watkins is my Top Choice H but I wouldn’t say not to Ivan Tony he’s a great player as he’s going to take him time to settle so if we’re going to sign him we need to sign him you as the season

    Ends maybe he can take the tour with the club and we can get him ready for the new season I think he has to work at his Fitness as well Watkins is [ __ ] flying by sure I wouldn’t TP he’s a fantastic player we have to win all the games M we’re rning

    Ninjja away from it falling apart like last season we don’t have a striker and no Squad de this is the problem I keep saying the same thing I know yeah and it can become and I keep saying the same thing but we’re the same as were last

    Season why don’t they do something about it they’re hoping on a they’re Wishing on a [ __ ] star that we win the league is it they’re outside like no l [ __ ] Arta and Ed were outside at the [ __ ] trainer going holding hands like that looking up at the sky guys we’re not

    Going to win it you [ __ ] dreamers they’re like two dreamers man [ __ ] dreamers look what city today look what they’re going to do to us at the at hat we won’t be as robust as United we’re not as good good as them at that United made it difficult for a

    While H we won’t be as robust at making it difficult they’ll break us down easier than than they did to United we’re a better team than United but United can be dogged and we’re not that dogged there they’re going to break us down man we’re not going to score early like

    United the pressure will be on us from the very start we have a good enough team man but not good enough to beat them at third place we have no Striker that could put the wind up them no but seriously Scott it’s true and it was the same last season man same last

    Season same last season man we’re in the exact same position we need to buy a top class forward and back up for certain certain areas in the field yeah back up for saaka back up for CBA but we need a top T Striker first and foremost you only get you’ll be

    Restricted chances at the ET head to win the league we need to beat Liverpool at their place we need to beat Man City at their place you’re restricted the chances at these places H you’re restricted you’re up against a good quality team we need a forward that will take those

    Chances which we don’t have it’s as simple as that doesn’t matter how good our defenses yeah we have a good defense actually I think the best in the league but it doesn’t matter how good they are because we’ve nothing going on in the forwards that’s the [ __ ]

    Problem wait till the 31st of March I wait till that game at the had tell me what you see then tell me what you see I’m serious guys wait till the game on the 31st though you’ll see what we’re [ __ ] made of then oura scratching his [ __ ] head and we get

    Stuffed well [ __ ] off I’ve had enough of that I knowbody just getting beaten by them all the [ __ ] time like a bunch of [ __ ] you know what I mean why send the team out there at all if we’re not going to [ __ ] compete why don’t we just give them a

    [ __ ] walk over let them take the three points for [ __ ] sake Revol spent on players we don’t need [ __ ] HS and he’s [ __ ] wages on Eddie Anda for [ __ ] sake was someone saying about aneta last night and the money that he’s [ __ ] making again just [ __ ] stop we’ve always spent on players we

    Don’t need [ __ ] HS and the [ __ ] wages on is not what we needed we’re crying out for a striker and have been since Alba left it’s shocking South Kirk have we all figured out the new backup DM is D Danga ah laa yeah sambi lunga we need to spend money can’t be on

    [ __ ] has beans and useless [ __ ] seriously it’s annoying guys because I know when we go to the had that they are going to [ __ ] Mash us and we won’t have that tread up front to scare the [ __ ] out of them I think if we scored today like

    United did we’d give him a right game better than United did if we score first but we don’t have that Striker that can do that the quality of the player I don’t think we have in the team that can do that which is unfortunate because we have strengths in other areas but we

    Need that that guy up top here if we scored like United did today I think we’d F right game you you know what I mean because we have TR more than United but we don’t have the quality of player to take that chance my opinion why have we not replaced Oba and

    I’m not talking about a cheap alternative Tony or Walkin we need a striker Eddie ain’t good enough there uses in a striker and I can’t believe we haven’t bought exactly so guys there you have it I’m going to go off on another little rant in a minute I’m just winding up for

    Her one second here the Wi-Fi’s gone down [ __ ] lot of crap how you getting I Scott man I hope you’re keeping well I hope you’re keeping well bro [ __ ] me but make it make sense McManus apparently it’s a [ __ ] plan I’ve been writing a masterpiece which has been R me but I’m getting

    There ah you’re writing music yeah well if you need my accompaniment or my professional advice maybe I can help you yeah because as you know as you know Scott I am a very accomplished guitarist um singer songwriter so if you need my I’m Irish of course I even have the mic

    Here ready I can just I can hit straight into it yeah but if you need some help you let me know I can accompany you on acoustic guitar you let me know yeah because after the pring situation you’re aware that I do actually have like um I’m an

    Instrumentalist I like to class myself as an instrumentalist it doesn’t that’s Scott Kirk that’s the problem we all know what we need you have to manager in the club don’t it’s insane now we’re going to get a [ __ ] ass whooping guys oh [ __ ] we can beat all the

    Sheffield united we want to and we can wank off after yeah you know what I mean we can beat all the Sheffield United as we want guys and we can put our hands down our pants and we can tell ourselves we’re the [ __ ] best trust me on the

    31st and art is going to send us in there without a real [ __ ] chance to win you can’t win a league like that yeah I remember we went to Old Trafford you remember the game in 98 guys now I gone back [ __ ] 26 years 26 years H we

    Went to Old Trafford we beat them one nil we beat United one nil with a goal from Mark overmars we dominated the game we were [ __ ] all over them I think they had maybe one or two chances from Diego foran something like that yeah but we dominated the game we could have won

    By more overmars got the winning goal a brilliant move with I think like 11 minutes to goal so you know what I mean we beat United at the Ron Stadium on the way to the league we’re not capable of doing that with man City or Liverpool so we

    Will never win the league do you know what I mean you can’t lose to them and think you can make up the points elsewhere to be the best team you have to beat them regardless regardless if we lose to loot in town or [ __ ] barley in the next

    Game to be the best team you need to beat the [ __ ] best and we’re not capable of beating them we’re just not capable of it well he’s been here five years if we win [ __ ] all again he’s got to go over Arsenal Football Club not some tin pot

    Club I’m going to record some vocals today I will send it for your opinion soon and maybe then I can record some of mine and send it for your opinion do I mean a bit of van marrison or I could be like Shane McAn you know I could be like Shane

    Mcen Shane mgan John man I could be the new Shane going God Rest the soul God God bless you Shan well after theun focal take I’m not a professional Scott I never claim to be but I will give effort if it takes a thousand I’ll be there you know what I

    Mean and then with the guitar I wouldn’t worry about the vocals it’s more like the fact that I’m not actually a good instrumentalist my guitar skills are limited at best ah you mean you yeah yeah I’ll be a grand it’s you is the problem well you can playay the instruments I’ll do the

    Singing [ __ ] I got another subscriber who is that I got three subscribers now thank you to whoever subscribed yeah I appreciate it I’ve got 34 more to go guys I only need 34 more to hit 2K come on come on the USG come on the USG you only need 34

    More Hy what’s going on with you Scott man did you watch the Manchester City game or sorry I unsubscribe and resub just to play with [Laughter] you [ __ ] uh all right I’m meeting my friend tomorrow nice B yeah I went okay man I’m going to find out either tomorrow or Tuesday whatever

    I got the job or not um yeah we’ll see what happens but I’m going to find out either tomorrow or Tuesday so hopefully it’ll uh it’ll go well hopefully it’ll go well yeah I’m going to find out either tomorrow or Tuesday but it went okay they were very

    Very friendly to me you know they were friendly um everything went well yeah but if I get the job I’m going to move out of herea and I’m going to get a place closer to the job because I don’t want to be like uh the transport in Switzerland is the most expensive on

    The planet seriously so I want to save time and [ __ ] a shitload of money I want to be living closer to where I were you know what I mean yeah I ‘s hoping here’s hoping it’s not a it’s not a fantastic job but they pay good money it’s just Al

    Lads but it’s okay you know it’s a start it’s a start um but let’s see what happens let’s see what happens I’ve had a much better time my second time living here even only after a month than I did the first time I came here the first time I came everything

    Was okay I’m older now yeah I’m older you know what I mean I’m older now but you know when I came here the first time I was a younger man maybe stronger fitter less fear you know when you get older Things become but um I know the place

    More I know how to get things done in the city you know I know how to get things done in the country because I have that experience so it’s been much easier coming back the second time which is what I needed because uh you know I’ve been sh a [ __ ] ringer in the

    Last 12 months but yeah thanks for asking Scott I appreciate it man and thanks for your support uh P I appreciate it thank you Scott and thank you P for inquiring and for your support I appreciate it um I appreciate it it’s good of you

    So I don’t know I’m going to do another stream at like 9: but I’ll keep going with this for a while you know what I mean I’m going to do like a preview of the game probably keep going with this for a while I’ve got no [ __ ] I’m in no

    Rush I’m in no rush rush but yeah what’s going on with you anyway Scott are you feeling better yeah I hope you’re feeling much better yeah [ __ ] AFC is not doing too good at the moment by he had a bit of a he had a bit of a turn

    Last night he wasn’t feeling well yeah he’s a bit depressed I think you know so he was kind of like pouring out his [ __ ] heart on the stream last night it was me and mcmanis were there you know and uh Anthony was there for a

    While too but um yeah AFC he was kind of he was down you know yesterday he was pretty [ __ ] down man which I don’t blame him man I don’t blame him for being like that but [ __ ] he was down in the dumps man job’s a job bro get

    Yourself start to get some money together you can look for something else yeah true this year anyway work hard for the year get a bit of money and then next year look around me you know what I mean just keep my head down get that money together take a look around me see

    What’s see what’s open which U yeah but AFC wasn’t good yesterday man he was [ __ ] pretty upset too so I sent him a text earlier but no rep play but yeah I thought he might come on the stream but maybe he will ler I think he just needs a break in general from

    Everything yeah just think he need to switch off you know what I mean just [ __ ] switch off think he just needs to be quiet for a while you know and have time to himself maybe but nice I got an extra subscriber [ __ ] score right going to meet my buddy tomorrow

    Guys we’re going to have a little kind of a [ __ ] Grill and Chill up on one of the mountains here and going to drink beers so I don’t think I’ll be streaming the game if we come up short again this season should oura be given another season I’d say one more

    Man but look we know that he’s not going to be shafted anywhere but will he ever [ __ ] learn will he ever learn look at the challenge that lies ahead think of that game on the 31st yeah just an example look at the challenge that lies ahead

    We could play them any day this week any [ __ ] day Monday Friday it doesn’t matter they beat us right now if we play them they’d [ __ ] beat us so if we don’t beat them in the one-on ones we will never lift the title never never never never Liverpool had SP yesterday they

    Had heart they kept going till the end and they got the goal yeah but they didn’t give up they kept trying and trying and trying they had Spirit they had heart and quality the ball in was quality and the header was quality and they won how many times when the chips are

    Down when the [ __ ] hits the fan have we managed that as a team in the big games seriously no how many times have we done that in the big games yeah yeah [ __ ] G by I’m here anywhere I couldn’t care less who cares I’m here you’re here whatever well seriously

    Man how many times in the big games have we come up with a match winning goal when it’s mattered when it’s do or day at anfield at the yeti head exactly we never do see people aren’t used to this side of me guys yeah because I’m normally Cal and cool-headed

    Person I’m chilled out but I care about the club and we’re going to go to the Ed hat and they’re going to [ __ ] M they’re going to guys guys guys guys if anyone thinks we’re going to the edad and winning wake the [ __ ] up here seriously now I mean with without team

    RAC he can’t do it on his own guys look at the players that City have rodry Stones um what is that magnificent player that they have in the Midfield a small guy I can never remember his name you know the guy I’m talking about MCM is the small Midfield player that

    They have he’s everywhere today but they have so many good players they have de brne they have rodri they have Stones they have a fantastic keeper they have great Defenders AK is unreal akanji when he plays is unreal yeah Bernardo Silva thanks man they have Bernardo Silva he was like a magician

    Today greish isn’t available they have daku to come in foran Harland de bruyne Alvarez to come on as a sub they have Alvarez we have intia trossard has been doing good for us guys and I have nothing but [ __ ] respect for him much love man he does

    His best but we need someone with more we need an out and out Striker and I love charart the bits because charart is a Class Act chard has a future at Arsenal he is a fantastic player but we need a did a drug B we

    Need a yeah we we need a Robin van persy we needed a player that can score when we need one like when we’re we’re [ __ ] up against it he gets two chances he takes one we don’t have that we’re not going to score like United did today h we’re not going to

    Take the lead and be one L up that change the whole complexion of the game unit had something to fight for if that hadn’t happened City would have just ripped them to Pieces but we’re not going to hit a goal like that we’re not going to score a

    Goal like that at the beginning of the game I know we’re not so it’s going to be nil nil and they’re going to take control and what are we going to do about it seriously man this is my point and if our players get injured who comes on to replace them

    Look at see they have quality they have quality all over the place man they have two teams they have two teams [ __ ] sake and they Right go all right I be up my friend tomorrow guys we’re going to do a Grill and Chill we’re going we’re going to go up into the mountains Grill some food we’re going to drink some beer and we’re going to look over Switzerland we’re going to

    View over the city and we’re going to have a couple of drinks and we’re going to have a laugh it’s going to be a good laugh if I’m honest I just want to get the season done doing my head in we’re in a title race but we won’t win it like

    We didn’t win it last season it’s the VOR day is all over again yeah there’s no way excuse without without the happen yeah because I know that I know that only one team can win the league this every season I know that other teams have also had tough breaks

    And they haven’t won the league in a long time like Spurs haven’t won the league since the dinosaurs are roam in the Earth but you know Liverpool came and did it with Club Manchester City have turned the tables United have had some success you know on and off

    Yeah West Ham they w a European trophy Leicester won the title in 2016 since we last woned Chelsea came on yeah new owners billionaires City came on Liverpool came back with Club they were successful there Arsenal fans saying that Jorgen club is under retrieving he won a

    [ __ ] league and a Champions League in the most competitive period when Manchester City were taking everything do you know what I mean man city were [ __ ] taking everything guys chop came along with Liverpool he woned him one league title and won Champions League Arsenal fans coming around saying he has

    Underachieved what the [ __ ] is our dad on guys guys guys guys guys what has Etta done [ __ ] all so don’t tell me that Yan Club has underachieved he won the league and he won the Champions League in the most competitive [ __ ] environment Manchester City were taking everything ra were in there

    Out my [ __ ] back now seriously Lads Arsenal fans need to [ __ ] W club man seriously guys Yan Club underachieved you know what you can do with that now guys you know how far you can [ __ ] stick it do you know what I mean big up joran club man he won in the

    Premier League and the Champions League in the most competitive time people are saying that he under achieved T is a better manager as our Ted is a better manager is he guys seriously give up the drugs yeah they don’t suit you people that think that are obviously

    [ __ ] high give up to drugs Lads they don’t suit you you’re not being honest with yourselves you’re work in club’s process man a fantastic process I wish I was a part of that process because maybe I could go back to Arsenal and say art BR look it’s like

    This it’s not like that you Muppet [ __ ] Muppet I swear to god let’s wait till the 31st we’ll be dead and buried at half time oh my God they’re funny though yeah the fans that think that are I have to say that they do have a sense of

    Humor but they need to lay off the drugs anyway guys I’m going Grilling and Chilling tomorrow drinking some beers I’ll take some photos [ __ ] say guys what can I say Lads I’m going to crack on till 8:00 then I’m going to take a break then I’m going to come back at around

    9 mcmanis they were saying that klopp underachieved he won the league and he won the Champions League just the Pinnacle is the Pinnacle of Club football champions league man and he won the league in the most competitive league in the world and he did it on a budget let’s

    Have it right there he didn’t have the financial muscle that artetta has been given he had much less money to work with Gan klopp big up man will I take him at Arsenal I know this will never happen yeah but would I take him at Arsenal would I swap the last years

    We’ve had just to have Club as manager I’m not saying with the success that he had with Liverpool would I swap him for ARA wipe the slay clean over the last couple years like it never happened of course without a doubt right now right now man he did it with a less

    Of a budget than artetta he used this he also set the team up with a very attractive style of play effective attractive strong defending Strong attacking pressure his tactics the way he set the team up technically he got the very best out of the players he has yeah the very

    Best it doesn’t matter if he’s got 10 more sales he played him perfectly in a position that he was born to play he had s om man he had firminho but he played them in the right positions he got the very best out of these players he recognized having a player

    Like Henderson when Henderson was at the club you needed that kind of that wheel in the Midfield he had that lock that rodry he got him like a de R almost he got him there he set up to Def fence he got van dik Trent Alexander Arnold he took a

    Chance on him yeah youut klopp is yeah man big up Yan club man and he didn’t have the money that Chelsea have he didn’t have the money that man city have he brought him a league title and a Champions League forget it guys if anyone ever says that to me that club has

    Underachieved and they even think that m artetta is up there I’ll sit him down I’ll tell him a few home truths it could get messy it might get a bit ugly in the end but trust me my impression will be felt [ __ ] that man that’s what we’ve that’s what we’ve come

    To is at this point we can’t win trophies so we start comparing oura to other managers pathetic we can’t win trophies right at the moment we can’t win anything we couldn’t win an argument so now we’re just trying to say well our Ted is a better manager than club guys you’re not

    Living in the real world you’re in for a rude awakening yeah and that Awakening is going to come on the 31st and what excuses are you going to come up with then guys the best team always wins okay once or twice there has been horrendous decisions but normally in the

    Big games the best teams win City have beaten us regularly every season there’s a reason for that guys they’re better than us they deserve what they deserve to win today just like they will win on against us they deserve it exactly man I don’t

    Understand I went off on a bit of a Mad one there guys okay fair enough but I’m right in what I’m saying and it all stems from the fact that the club is been mismanaged we haven’t brought in the players that we need we haven’t strengthened vital areas that are weak

    We don’t have much back up on the bench the money that has been pumped into the club is horrendous now we’re after upping the prices of the season tickets again we’re cutting out the real fans from Islington where the football club is based and we’re calling out real fans like mcmanis and

    Me he’s living in England I’m not but I used to be but who cares where we’re living they’re cutting out real fans on both sides of the water both sides of the Irish sea across the Atlantic towards America a lot of the people in America and

    Canada they’re not as lucky as Mia M works hard he’s coming over but a lot of people don’t have that opportunity they will never see the club play they’re up in the prices of the season tickets guys we have the most expensive season tickets in football and they’re

    Upping the prices I know things have got expensive I know everyone’s feeling the pinch but what about the fans I know they do a lot for the community I know they do a lot for the community they do a lot for the community I understand but what about the

    Fans why are they up in the prices what if Anthony wants to go to a game and he wants to bring his young fellow well he doesn’t have a young fellow but what if he did what if he wants to bring one of his daughters yeah Anthony you know I mean

    I’m joking Anthony and anyway I’m in switzland you can’t get me no but seriously what if Anthony wants to go see a game here with a friend of his what’s it going to cost him they’re upping the ticket prices do you know what I mean seriously like people work hard every day yeah

    They make [ __ ] all money and the one thing they do nice at the weekend is maybe go see their favorite team play 6% man man thanks for that Anthony bro 6% yeah Anthony likes Bristol Rovers I think it’s actually Bristol City he supports I know you’re winding him up

    Here Bristol Rovers oh he’s a big fan of the Rovers by there’s only one team in Bristol by rovers till I die imagine that if we got him like if it was Anthony’s you know Anthony’s going to be 60 sooner so imagine if we got him like his 60 birthday cake

    Obviously with just one candle yeah because we can’t fit 60 C candles on the cake it’s too many candles I mean 60 it’s a lot so Anthony 60 is coming up here imagine if we got him a cake that said rock on Bristol Rovers he’d love

    That Bristol Rovers till I die on the cake [ __ ] love that man come on you Rovers and we have the cake there you know happy 60 at Anthony with just one candle like I said because we can’t fit 60 candles happy 60th Anthony from all at Bristol Ro

    He’d [ __ ] love that man he’d love that like Bristal Rovers H great team by what a [ __ ] come on you Rovers he’s a great fan of the Rovers by I think they have another team as well Bristol City but he would have be just in them he’s a Rovers man

    Rovers 60 there must have been a tough paper around [ __ ] Anthony 60 B he’s looking well for 160 In fairness ah sorry Anthony I was adding the tax yeah Anthony I was adding to vat Anthony I was adding to vat yeah I just added the vat onto that man so it

    Was like 45 plus 15 you know value added tax over the the 45 years always Round Up always round up Anthony you know all right guys I’m going to head off in five I’ll be back at 9ine we’re having a bit of a laugh I know but I’ll be back around 9:00 here

    Doing a little preview of the game tomorrow night and the usual thing you know I know you’re 45 anony I’m only winding you up I think you’re 6 months older than me I think you’re six months older right Anthony half a year and we’re practically born in the same [ __ ]

    Time it’s a multivitamin guys Anthony’s living there catty bar guys if any of you don’t know Katty she’s a beautiful lady even though me of course I would I’d get up on a gust the wind right now I on the vitamin drinks guys six months older better looking with

    Bigger arms women love it you know what women love [ __ ] that that’s what they love Anthony bro that’s what they love bro I won’t do it again because I get banned off YouTube but you know what they love bro I just show you [ __ ] trying to tell me what they

    Love we [ __ ] off I reckon he’s already done a fil with Kathy Barry I’d say he has Dave don’t do that again mcmah is slow is that right is that McMan is MCM is roing Swing B is he anyway fol like but congratulations to the ladies team anyway today

    Guys congratulations to ladies him anyway today guys for beating Tottenham yeah in Norland and Derby big up to them guys 1 n there’s not much been said about it there but respect to them for winning oneill and for winning the Northland and Derby and beating the sports

    Ladies bang it in Bristol starring Katty Barry and Anthony Herbert we know you’re not M you’re no fudge packer we know that he’s no fudge packer right guys there be no fudge packing going on banging in brist Katy bar and Anthony Herbert her name would have to come

    First yeah I agree with that because she’s the established star giving him an opportunity you know what I mean to tap it you know what I mean so her name would have to come first out she’s like the the star Anthony’s like the the random guy that just gives her

    One the lucky guy Johnny on the spot you know what I mean Anthony’s just Johnny on the spot like and of course he’s the construction guy you know what I mean mean he comes in to build the wall or something then he fixes her pipes as well he comes in to fix her

    Pipes all right guys I’m going to head off there yeah but I’ll be back at 9 o’ yeah I’ll be doing a stream at 9ine so if you’re still around tune in but I want to thank the both of you yeah good laugh in the comments guys sorry I went

    Off on a bit of a rent there mcmah has brought about the team but I have a point right we’re not ready anyway 9:00 Lads if you’re still around I’ll see you 8:00 your time 8 8:00 p.m. UK I’ll be back all right guys 8:00 p.m. UK I’ll be back talk to you

    Dan peace thanks lza

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