Les muscles représentent près de la moitié du poids total du corps humain et même les organes et les vaisseaux ont les leurs. Mais tout ce mécanisme a un besoin énorme d’énergie pour travailler.
    Chaque jour un nouvel épisode — C’est ici : http://bit.ly/2J3eFI1 ABONNE TOI !
    La chaine officielle de toutes les séries “Il était une fois…” !
    Suivez les aventures de Maestro, le célèbre personnage à la longue barbe blanche qui vous présentera L’Homme, L’Espace, La Vie, Les Amériques, Les Découvreurs, Les Explorateurs, Notre Terre, et Solar Impulse…
    #HelloMaestro #iletaitunefois

    -Life, life, life, life! Life, life, life, life! -Here is life -Life! -The good life In a hurry to blossom The world invites us… -Here is life! -To new dawns And gives us tomorrows that sing And the sun that dazzles us The lively air enchants us Fills us with joy and life

    -Life, life, life, life! Life, life, life, life! … -The muscles. The most important system in the human body and almost half its weight. 500 muscles to activate the skeleton and allow us to move. All the movements that the nervous system commands them. -Order from the nervous system:

    Contract the deltoid muscle to raise the arm. Wow! Yay! Beep. -Transmit to muscle fibers. Let’s press on, neurotransmitters! -You can see that it’s mine! -And the nerve flow will flow towards the muscle masses concerned. -HO HISSE! -Order of the nervous system: relax the deltoid muscle to lower the arm.

    -Hi, boss. It’s for you. -“Contract the muscle to raise your arm.” -Yes. But how do you know all this? -The job, my little one. -We always do the same thing. -HO HISSE! HO HOIST! HO HOIST! HO HOIST! -Hey ! Hey ! Hey ! Hey ! -Look at ! Joyful noise from the pads.

    He whistles. -Oh ! Hey ! Happy ruckus. -NO ! NO ! NO ! -Good morning ! How are you ? Yes ? -Stop! Stop! You can unload. -All right. Cheers. So ! Oxygen for muscle cells, my friends. Muscles consume a lot of oxygen. -That’s why we’re tired. -Are there that many muscles?

    -Oh yes. And it’s not just those we make move. The stomach, the intestine, the liver, where we were recently. Without forgetting the most important: the heart. All of these are muscles too. -Hey, sir! -Here, our ship, more muscle! -Please feel a little. -But to test what? -Well, my biceps, sir. My muscles, what!

    -Hold. Do some gymnastics with this. This will build muscle. -It’s true ? -Oh ? -This way, the bubbles! We need oxygen for energy plants. One sugar, six oxygen bubbles, it should be fine. And 685 kilocalories of energy for the muscles. -That’s enough. The effort is continuous, but moderate. Bark.

    -Come back, Bouboule! Right away ! You’re going to get crushed. Traffic. Tires squealing. Bouboule! He pants. Heart beats. EKG beep. -Just now, 70 pulses. And now, 120 per minute! What is going on ? -It seems like we’re running up there. Look. -180…190… 200…210! -Attention ! We are approaching the physiological limits.

    He risks exhaustion. Soon, the muscles will no longer be sufficiently supplied. Pass it on! -And There you go ! It’s over… -What? Urgent message for command centers. Hello ? Let’s run out of sugar. In addition, insufficient oxygenation of the muscles. So. And gallop! We need emergency supplies. -Vroom! He’s snoring.

    -Chief, the heart, it does at least 200 per minute! The muscles get tired. It seems that… -Ah! -Oh ! -Message coming from the legs: “Lack of sugar. Lack of oxygen. “Threat of exhaustion.” -Transmit to the sympathetic system so that it accelerates breathing and to the liver which will send sugar.

    If necessary, send fat reserves. And There you go ! -Eh ? -Don’t worry. A young organism has incredible reserves. -Orders all intercostal muscles to accelerate breathing. I repeat: all intercostal muscles must accelerate breathing. Order to all intercostal muscles! Sighs of effort. -This is insane!

    Should we increase our heart rate when we lack oxygen? What’s going on up there? Gasps. Snoring. -Eh ? What ? -Listen to what is happening. You hear ? Look now. -There is no more sugar! If so, I can’t make one. -They ask me for oxygen, so I bring some.

    If others don’t do their job, it’s a mess, right? -There’s no more sugar, idiot! I know my job! -Just… Why don’t you go look for some with him, you who are so clever? -I am an oxygen specialist! -And what am I, in sugar? -Come on, children, stop bickering.

    It’s true that sometimes sugar reserves can run out. -Come on, don’t worry. Without sugar, we burn fat. In general, that’s not what’s missing. Come on, we’ll send you some grease. Bark. He pants. … -HO HISSE! -It’s not fair ! It’s just us who work. -Yes ! All body movements are us!

    -The heart, breathing… Always the muscle! -Even when things are sleeping up there, we have to work. -It’s really not fair! -HO HISSE! HO HOIST! -In addition, we lack fuel and sugar. -It’s true. I’ve had it up to here. With nothing to eat, I’ll stop! -They’ll still find something to keep us going.

    -Another sweat gland that empties. The body will soon run out of water. -He must be very hot. Look at the Ruffini corpuscle. Groan. -So, Ruffini, is it heating up? -When the muscles work, we are the ones who drink! -Mobilization of reserve fats, urgent! Mobilization of reserve fats. Urgent ! Sigh of relief.

    -These are good reserves, it seems. We are not skinny. -Halt! The orders have changed. We need you there. Make a U-turn. -But we didn’t even make it home, to the reserves. -It’s urgent. We lack sugar. U-turn! -Why us and not the others? -We are not sugars. -Turn around! Let’s hurry!

    -50 calories on board. Still 2,400 to find. Let’s go to work ! There, that should be enough. Prepare the wire to cut the butter. Snap of the fingers. Okay, that’s perfect. It must be around 2,500. Lipids laugh. -That tickles ! -I don’t want to travel. -I like to see the country.

    Seeing the energy factories is cool, right? -I don’t want to run. -Ah, my friends, what weather! He’s not my age anymore. They gasp. … He laughs. -This way. It’s not very far anymore. Direction: leg muscles. Hey ! He whistles. You, over there, the platelets, come this way! A little calm. Your job:

    To make traffic flow more smoothly. We have fats that circulate poorly. So get to work! -Okay, okay, don’t be angry. Here we go. So ! Come on, little ones! -Here the exit. -Good ! We will be able to regain energy. He pants. He sighs. Bark. -You do stupid things.

    You don’t realize the dangers you face outside. -How are you ? The form ? -How are you. A little out of breath. It’s Bouboule’s fault. -You’re doing too much. Be careful, you’re having brioche. Attention ! You should exercise instead of sitting around stuffing yourself like this. He’s laughing. -Sport is very hard.

    -Not really. The more you do it, the less it tires you. -What do you mean, huh? -Training! I will show you. He pants. -See that big guy up front? If you don’t mind, we’ll play a joke on him. Come on ! -Hold ! You’ve lost those oxygen bubbles. -Oh ? Go ahead !

    -Hey ! -Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! -Hold ! These bubbles are yours. Pick them up. Hemo snickers. -But sir… -Come on, pick it up, I said! He sneers. -A little exercise is good. Even at my age. -It feels good. And it builds muscles! -But of course. -It’s the shape, eh?

    -You’re right. A little exercise, that’s all there is to it! -No but ! Look at that, jogging, that they’re doing… -We, relaxed people, are enjoying it. -Ah yes then, you’re right. We are benefitting. -Hold ! You’ll see a little. -Ouch! -Why did you do that? For what ?

    -Eh ? Did you do something? -I’m going to beat your face! -Let’s see! They’re not big enough. They don’t seem like athletes! -Not athletes, us? We are as strong as you. We bet ? -What sport do you offer? Jogging ? The struggle? And you ? -Hmm… -Volleyball? Athleticism ? -Hmm…

    -Well, then? Tennis ? Basketball ? -So ! That’s it. Basketball. -All right. Meet on the ground. But without tripping. -Promise! Do you know basketball? -No. But do not worry. It’s not rocket science. We have more than one trick up our sleeves. -Yes. You can say that. He’s coughing. -Oh ?

    -I think we can start! -All right. But of course we can start. -Well… Ah! He growls. He bellows. -Olé! -Oh… -Order to the ciliary muscle: adjust the eye to the image being viewed. -To the internal-external rectus muscle: turn the eye 7 degrees to the right. -Round object rising from the ground. Urgent !

    Forward for interpretation. -Character moving to the left of the field of vision. Pass it on! -Order to the splenius capitis muscle: move the head upwards. -Brightness too strong in the field of vision. Ask for iris shrinkage. -Oh ! I told you 100 times not to play on the axon highway!

    -We, the messengers, the nervous impulses, are in a hurry. Engine roar. -They always have urgent information to transmit. -When I grow up, I will be a messenger. Yes, a great messenger! Ah! Alarm. -Here is the cerebral cortex motor projection station, I am listening to you. Speak louder. I can not hear. Hubbub.

    -Drawn ! But shoot! Oh, come on! -YEAH ! -Damn ! Missed ! -It was a trip! -But dribble! Dribble! -Pass the ball! -Have you gone crazy or something? What is that ? And the messages? Messages that no longer get through? And that’s your fault! This whole thing lacks coordination. Go, quickly, to work!

    -Message to the long peroneal. Contraction ! -Message to the eyes: left! -From the center of the balance of the ear: “We fell!” -From the left gluteal muscle: “We are experiencing compression.” -Message from the pain center: “Origin: left buttocks.” -Come on ! Come on ! Hand it all out to me. Quickly !

    It’s your fault. There needs to be coordination between everything we see and everything we hear. My little one, it’s nothing. It will do just fine. For the right arm: contraction of the vastus lateralis and the triceps, force 7. Contraction of the deltoid, force 3. To hold the ball: contraction of the exterior brachialis,

    The long supinator, and the pronator teres. Light ! Light ! Strength 2. The right leg: the sartorius, the vastus lateralis, the rectus anterior, strength 5! The calf: the external twin. Stronger ! Strength 7. Yes! That’s it. Ah, basketball! When I was young, I too played with the ball. He’s laughing.

    Deltoids and pectorals, gently. Force 2, to start. Contraction of the triceps and the vastus lateralis, force 8. Now, total relaxation. Very good, well done! Jump! -We don’t have the right to have fun, while he… It’s the privilege of chefs. -Well done ! It’s good ! Come on, one more! -3 to 0.

    17 to 0. -It’s in good shape, eh? -That, we can say. No fatigue. It bathes. -What a pleasure ! We feel good. -43 to 0. -Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! He whispers. -So, shall we play? They laugh. -You think we lost? He’s laughing. -It hurts ! -And a ! -43 to 1. -It hurts.

    -No ! No ! No ! -A few weeks of rest, but nothing serious. Gotta go. -I’m leaving too. Count on me. I’ll come back as soon as I have a moment. -OK. Don’t forget the chocolates. He’s laughing. They are good. -Shouldn’t you eat less? -But what else to do?

    -I don’t know. If I were you, I would try to study. It’s important, right? Do you want me to bring you some books? You’re having trouble. Be careful. Sighs of effort. -I feel heavy. Things were going so well before. -It’s the same for me. I don’t move well.

    Do you want me to tell you? -It’s not worth it. I understood perfectly. The culprit is fat. -What to do with all this fat? I have to provide so little energy. You should know, what! -Turn around! Return to stocks. We will call you if we need you. Collision.

    -Me, if I stay like that, I can’t! -Why did you brake like that? Whistle. -Return to your vehicles! We have enough problems as it is. -Stop! No more fat! Stop all this! You will destroy the cell. Oh ! We are overwhelmed by fat. They are scared. We are going to be dislocated.

    We will become a fat cell. -Healthy muscles? Gelatin, yes! On a fragile bone, put such an overload on me? It’s like carrying a twenty kilo weight on your shoulders. Not to mention the heart and lungs which tire to irrigate all this dead weight. I don’t want to see this here anymore! Diet, first.

    Grilled foods, raw vegetables and exercise. Quite lazy. A little courage, a little willpower and things will work out, you’ll see. Fearful moans. They laugh. -Here is life The beautiful life that flows serenely Let’s take up the challenge To make it a hymn to joy Life… -Life, life, life, life! Life, life, is life!


    1. C'est une fois adulte et qu'on commence à s'intéresser au corps humain ou à la médecine qu'on se rend compte à quel point cette série animée était bien fichue ! Toute mon enfance <3

    2. Avec du monde..on peut soulever une voiture…
      Si on s'y met tous… à vraiment qu'à la télévision 📺 ! Il nous remette tout
      #IlEtaitUneFoisLaVie et #IlEtaitUneFois pour tout nos enfants !
      Tout remasteriser ! Pour que tout les âges soit fidel à ce dessin animé d'une réel sincérité pour le bien de soit ainsi que l'histoire de chaque pays
      Il faut absolument que tous revoit tout cela ! Quotidiennement…

      Regarde et apprends ! 😊 merci de nous avoir fais grandir ! La vie la vie la vie !!!😊😅

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