Britian’s Lilah Fear and Lewis Gibson won their first ever Grand Prix event in the ice dance during the ISU Figure Skating Grand Prix in Osaka, Japan.

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    L 24 Lewis 29 team since 2015 been a consistent climb to the world rankings just one step off the world Podium finishing fourth last season a good start to this season with a silver medal earning 13 points so skate to sweet dreams and here comes the rain again also open with the

    Twizzles there it [Applause] Is sweet dreams L who Amve difficulty of all these turns great un said nice and close [Applause] O [Applause] L to disag World SE oh a great pickup look at the speed Amazing so quick so agile so dynamic this team always captures the audience with their energy [Applause] light they come into this competition with 13 points and just need a top two finish here they are the second ranked team in this competition we’ll see what happens there’s no major mistakes here

    We should see a pretty good score their season’s best 83.5 one their personal best overall earning that at the World Championships last season season that was an 86.5 6 what this will be is a pretty good score here securing one of the top two spots as second to last team in this event

    Once again Roman and maray France I think they teaching most these teams here same coaching team with so many teams not easy but the ability to bring the individuality out in each of those teams is quite remarkable take a look at the twizzles hands above the head which is a feature

    Great Unison nice and close as well if an art movements moving on that second set of twizzles keep the same amount of space between the skaters throughout the twizzles and you’re allowed to get down out of the ice as they use some of their choreography top of their steps there’s

    That interesting choreographic move there The energy they brought at the end of the program it’s remarkable there’s that flip up one rotation into the hold then the change of position up under the shoulders hands free for Lewis level four with a 1.99 goe score so they’re going to have a really good

    Score with this program will it beat their 83 or come close to their 86 maybe somewhere in between wow lot of fun to watch great athletes great performers it’s me that score 84.9 three that is a season’s best not a personal best as they take over the lead with one team to

    Come now want something different here it ises Britain 24y old L 29-year-old leis Gibson from Great Britain 126.0 for their personal B seasons best at Skate Canada week number one the skate to [Applause] Rocky [Applause] Twizzles Brilliant [Applause] go Took My TR passion And beautiful curve [Applause] [Applause] left back on the street my my When [Applause] Choreographic slidy moves at the end of the program [Applause] Wow everyone on their feet the energy the physicality of this program for everyone to see it’s so different they presented this at Skate Canada in Vancouver and although it was good the audience did not react like this audience everybody on their [Applause] feet such contrasting Styles and presentation the physicality of each

    Dance team is there there even in the soft music but this is for everyone to see the theme of rock he dressed like that the power pose the energy throughout and they look like they had a lot of fun the tiger came out as Mary France and it did

    Wow this is such a different approach in ice dance who would have thought that Rocky would be the theme doesn’t seem that it would fit the ice Dance World and some although some may not like it have to admit this is unique and it’s different and it’s

    Special it serves this team and the audience extremely well well everything in that curve lift and rotational lift level four for both of them in at a 4.53 goe now the highest score you can get on a goe which is the grade of execution the quality score is five and

    That’s as close as I have seen an element at least in this competition 15.43% let me repeat that 118 18.15 is their season’s best 120.65 is their personal best I think you’re going to see a score that even they will be surprised there it is and look at the

    Audience in the background starting to feed off the energy as they rise to their feet in recognition support and enthusiasm for what they just saw the score please stand by Rocky you’re About there it is 13.26 with a 21519 that is simply incredible Gibson R to the lead


    1. Brilliant interpretation of Rocky to show for the ice the strength and hard work to achieve dreams on the ice. In my opinion, also a great way of honouring such a movie that was enjoyed by everyone world wide and recognised for the message it gave to the world. It is more than likely the reason Japan gave a standing ovation and Canada did not.

    2. Apart from being in sync their routine isn't anything special im sorry but they had all that build up in the rocky routine and did NOTHING with it….all speed and no pizzazz

    3. I am so glad that the music changed from classical to anything (within reason). It makes the whole experience so much more relatable.

    4. I agree with what people are saying, why is it not on TV now ? they made a big mistake, taking off Question of Sport headed by Sue Barker, and replacing it with the wrong people, now its been cancelled.
      Bring the old team back I say, thats of course if they want to come back.

    5. I miss Eurosport's comprehensive and un-biased coverage, I used to watch the Ice Skating/dancing women's and pairs (never watched the 'men' of course). Loved watching biathlon, cross-country skiing, and all the bike racing. The unbiased coverage of the Olympics, European, commonwealth and world athletics championships were fantastic and fair (unlike the BBC). I really miss Eurosport. I remember when it was free until they got greedy and sold out to SKY, now I do not watch it and never will as I refuse to pay SKY, The BBC or anyone else pretending to be a human friendly, conscientious service provider.

    6. Absolutely chuffing epic skating, long time since I’ve watched a British skating couple, these guys are carrying on that great energy and style that Torvil and Dean did for many years.

    7. These two are just amazing!! Love how their partnership has continued to develop with such confidence.

      This is what Ice Dance needs and the British media need to get behind these amazing athletes!!

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