Today we take a look at VMI.TV Ltd, Unit 7, Victoria Industrial Estate, Victoria Rd, North Acton, London W3 6UU.

    We speak to security who inform us of the very strict no filming policy on site.

    They call a staff member out to speak to us and completely waste his time.

    Google Maps Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    But you cannot take pictures on the site itself can I just what even the Travel Lodge guests can’t take pictures really do they all know that yeah they all know that wow so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Acton taking a look

    At this place here now it’s not very often you see a Travel Lodge being secured like this so I do believe there’s a lot more going on behind here uh we have got segro signs being secured by SRO oh and we have G4S approaching right now pay online just go to the barrier

    And let know what you want to do yes can I help you no I’m okay actually it’s a private estate and you can’t take pictures on here I’m afraid and that’s through the authorizations through the management team can’t take pictures no right I didn’t know that yep

    Okay um so what happens next then are you do you want to do anything on the site yourself yeah yeah I just want to just want to make a video about the uh the industrial estate because you’ve got um you’ve got quite a few businesses that that are interesting on here you’ve

    Got VMI TV okay well if you have an arrangement with the guys inside fair enough but you cannot take pictures on the site itself can I just what even the Travel Lodge guests can’t take pictures really did they all know that yeah they all know

    That wow um so as long as I do it from here then I’m okay cuz I’m not actually you can’t take pictures on the site boss I’m not on your site well you can’t take pictures here it’s they don’t like it you can’t take pictures I have traveled

    All the way from Leicester to do this video because there’s some business is on here yeah well I’m Afra you can’t do any video in here am I on your site right now indeed so where does your site end where the barri where the front entrance is um so Tech technically you

    Are trespassing by the law uh right I might be able to do it from you can’t take pictures of our site boss they don’t like it I’ve just explain that yeah I know but what I’m trying to establish is how can I continue you right so if I stand at the

    Traffic lights you’ll need to speak to the supervisor just a second so he’s gone to get the supervisor still not happy with my compromise of standing at the traffic lights so this road really is a public Highway because it leads to travel large and un I’m sure he says

    It was a car park of some sort so let’s find out I am happy to to go to the end here and do the video and take the drone over but let’s see how this pans out everything okay everything okay I can’t hear you I can’t hear what you’re saying everything okay

    I know why youing the how you doing I can’t hear what you’re saying no that’s fine I said how you doing you’re right yes mate yeah yeah okay what was the purpose of video on the side just because you’ve got some businesses that are here yeah that I

    Want to put on my YouTube channel VMI TV limited is one of them okay just give me a second VMI TV Camera Rental established in 197 79 based in London yeah I think they’re the best person to come and see you yeah they’re coming yeah yeah that’s brilliant I’ll wait here thank

    You VMI TV good all right Budd okay bye hello it’s nothing special I just do YouTube videos on Industrial Estates and I show people where places are located so you guys are in the camera rental market and you’ve got a great website but no one can see where you’re located

    So I just do a little video to put on my YouTube channel and make it as interesting as I can and fly the Drone around I don’t think we would actually cuz I don’t own the estate I only I only rent so I don’t think I could actually

    Even allow that myself well I don’t think even my bosses would allow it so I’m not actually asking for permission I’m just security came over and asked me what what I was doing so I’ve just told them and that’s led to this point them calling you right you pick up with them

    Then something to do with me is it it’s them letting on on the estate there’s a security factor to the estate so I suppose that’s down to them yeah yeah I just said to them um I’m happy to do it from the end cuz I’ll fly the drone over

    You see cuz you’re just behind here aren’t you well the thing is yeah doesn’t matter I mean if you wanted to film our building or know where we were yeah it’s called Google yeah but Google street view didn’t go on there did doesn’t matter if

    Any wants to know who we are they come and see us and yeah it’s like you got to talk to them if they won’t let you one stand them shall we just don’t relate to these what we’ve said don’t let him on don’t let him on have to do with

    Me so the conclusion of that conversation is he doesn’t give any permission for his building to be filmed so what I’m going to do I’m going to return to the public Highway and take the drone over so that I can film it with the Drone that’s the only way I’m

    Going to get the footage I need all right what happened is like um I I don’t want to be on video I’m sorry okay well I’ll be outside so that’s that they wasted a member of staff’s time to come out talk to me when he says look I do not have the

    Authority to say yes which we knew anyway but security wanted to proceed in that way so that’s what happens when you communicate and you try and work with them really you should just say look just leave me alone I’m going to go where I believe is the public Highway

    Which is out here and carry on my lawful activity and if you don’t think it’s right then stop me somehow but anyway out here let’s get David up and let’s see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist we are in the EGR 160 which

    Does not apply to a 249 G drone in fact it only applies to man aircraft like helicopters so the Victoria industrial estate home to many businesses including VMI TV limited let’s have a look at you then shall we home Point updated so we’re not going to go very high at

    All we’ll just stay at 30 m as we enter the site that they’re so desperate to protect although it has a Travel Lodge right just there and literally anybody can go on crazy a it so let’s jump over to the industrial estate behind where we believe VMI TV are based and it looks

    Like they are over here somewhere I’ll just make sure I can still see the Drone so if I just cross the road that will give me a little bit more we go so if I go forward a little bit more then just there that is my Max I’ll just show

    You you can just see me standing over there so let’s let’s find the Mi TV shall we there they are so unfortunately we cannot get any closer than this but if you could just see it in the distance they do have a few solar panels on the roof they’re the only company actually

    With solar panels on the roof yeah but they have a very large turnover over very nice cars in the car park that is their building so let’s get nice and high pull back a little bit so we can see exactly what else is in this area that’s the access

    Road and security are guarding the whole lot for them we have a train track directly behind a good mixture of buildings around here including that big baby there have something to do with hs2 going off over here we’ll have a look at that shortly we even got some conveyors taking the waist

    Away but that’s that let’s get David back and see where the video takes us next cuz that was Victoria industrial estate and that was the Victoria industrial estate home to London Acton Buble Lodge and whilst walking along the path there we stopped just there as you saw security believe they

    Have the authority to tell us what to do we gave them the benefit of the doubt because whether it’s a public k way or not is debatable so we removed oursel and we came out here where we was left alone finally but VMI TV had a great opportunity there to get some free

    Publicity I just want to show people where you are based because you know we’ve looked on the website we just cannot see it for ourselves so quite interesting it’s also very interesting to hear G4S point of view view which we all heard exactly what he believes so that’s it the location of

    The DJ audits keying on this video is underneath that stone dust there if you are one of the first people to watch a video and you do want a key ring good luck with that and we’re going to move on Victoria industrial estate here in Acton video complete if you have enjoyed

    That video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys byebye for now


    1. Good god get a life or a job this is all staged & situation all engineered you behave like an arrogant twat you get it back you are talking absolute bollocks, i mean who the hell want to take photos outside a budget hotel, i mean really why, just post your address & I will come & take videos & photos of your house kids etc

    2. I don’t mind that people don’t know the law, I wouldn’t expect them too. But I can’t believe they really think they are in charge of everything and we all have to do what ever they say. It seams they are everywhere!

    3. These security companies (and the police) should hire you (with handsome fees) to educate them all! But I bet the same nonsense would still happen right around the country. Could be another string to your bow, telling them you're surprised they don't know as you were hired by their bosses to teach them. You really know your stuff DJ.

    4. You don't need to put a "clip" of the video in the first 15 seconds when that clip happens less than a minute later after the video starts. I don't need to watch it twice.

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