Join me as I travel back to Jaywick after 2 years to check out the Sun Spot opening and chat with the locals.

    Most people will know the negative press Jaywick gets but personally I prefer to get under the skin of a place rather than talk about the condition of the accommodation….there’s endless videos on that, bores the sxxt out of me….

    You’ll see constant articles online about the area being ‘poor’ and ‘deprived’ but that’s a perception…What is ‘poor’? What about the people who live there? Perhaps they’re poor in the hand but rich in the heart? I’ll leave it for you to decide…



    Past Videos

    Crapton or Clacton on Sea? A tale of two Towns | Travel Vlog, Essex.

    Is UK Van life what it’s cracked up to be? | #vanlife Part 1:

    Is Turbo Island the last bastion of freedom? Stokes Croft, Bristol

    1 Day as a Tourist in Wells-next-the-sea, Norfolk | Uk Travel Vlog:

    1 Day as a Tourist in Coggeshall, Essex | UK Travel Vlog:

    1 Day as a Tourist in Maldon, Essex, England | UK Travel Vlog:

    A Tour of 600 year old Moot Hall, Maldon, Essex | British History:

    A Tour of Lord Petre’s 16th Century Manor House | Ingatestone Hall, Essex:

    1 Day as a Tourist in Chipping Ongar, Essex | UK Travel Vlog:

    A Tour of Romford Shopping Hall, Havering | UK Travel Vlog:

    1 Day as a Tourist in Braintree, Essex, England | UK Travel Vlog:

    1 Day as a Tourist in Harlow, Essex, England | UK Travel Vlog:

    1 Day as a Tourist in Witham, Essex, England | Uk Travel Vlog:

    #jaywick #jaywickbenefitsbythesea #vanlifeuk

    Shine on sh be a good person don’t let anyone knock you down love you guys that’s beautiful did you hear that this this first jaywick is nicer than Brazil in some parts in some ways it is let me show something okay you’re going to show

    Me the best of it okay there was times in my life that were very dark I even went to prison eight times did you from the age of 17 to 21 I went to jail seven times then I went one more time at 26 did that change you did that change your

    Mindset that was the army I needed they wouldn’t let me into the army cuz I had a criminal record so I went and joined the prison Army and he is a he is a Geer Mickey Mouse one of up here there’s no one of these here good afternoon everyone and welcome

    To another episode of A Day in the UK we are back in jaywick check out my older V video on the channel you’ll see that we are returning to check out the brand new Sunspot arcade it’s been many things in the past I think it was a chip shop at

    One point it was obviously an arcade and lots of other things um people love the Sunspot arcade so they were devastated when it shut it is reopening we’re going to check it out chat to the locals and just have a laugh let’s do it right we have arrived and we’ve just passed the

    Sunspots the new Sunspot Market SL Business Center we’re going to find out exactly what it is it’s literally there there’s a sunspot beautiful day for it is this going to transform jaywick what do you Reckon let’s get stuck in what we got here the Smart Choice beautiful hello how’s it going are you one of new businesses here then yeah yeah yeah what guys what are you what are you selling beautiful uh we do work work wear and school wear work wear and school wear is

    Going to do well absolutely yeah you’re going to smash it I L shine on shine on Shine On there you go shine on sh be a good person don’t let anyone knock you down love you guys that’s beautiful you love Danny yeah keep a smile on your

    Face yeah shine on shine on Shine off what a lovely message what’s what’s this uh what’s this place like you’ve been walking around quite good you know everything everything’s free like it’s quite a good space like all the people from everyone come everyone come together as lovely yeah yeah

    Beautiful make sure you eat the popcorn shine on lad shine on so at the moment right I’m looking it’s like the premises are empty but they’re temporarily filling them are you is this going to be your room I was going to say a lot of these rooms appear

    To be empty I think they’re going to be something they’re going to be full okay but is it I think so people temporarily filling them they kind of I think it’s just for today it’s it the opening day very nice and what’s it like these days cuz last

    Time I popped down that people were talking about Brooklyn’s when when you listen to YouTubers talk online a lot of the stuff is about deprived area yada yada y don’t go to Brooklyn’s what’s do you live there we do Brooklyn has it has its issues but Brooklyn’s has got a

    Sense of community that there isn’t anywhere else and people always slate it and they say j’s got a bad reputation and it’s deprived but actually if you come down and you talk to people everybody’s po like you know they’ve always got time for a chat yeah and you

    Don’t find that in loads of places you’re going to be in the video just don’t you don’t you get out of this now so this what’s your name so I’m Joanne Joanne Joanne right and you’re going to be running this jewry store from yeah her daughter yeah I’m Isabelle hello

    Isabelle who’s a tech nerd and uh this is like a temporary sort of situation isn’t it but this is going be a proper jewelry shop right yes and HS ACC so this is not everything which we store so we’re going to be selling like a lot of like wedding hair accessories as well

    But tell you don’t take notice any of this this is going to be properly decked up like a nice look at the pipes like a nice shop right I almost don’t want to show it but this is just literally this is like the raw opening isn’t it of the

    Sunspot Lally is yeah so we managed to get some things together short notice and put everything in play to make something happen for today do you know what I wish you the best of luck thank you I’m going to be on my way lovely to meet you you too as well best

    L you are lovely hello how’s it going where are you filming for my Channel A Day in the UK I’ve been here before oh you are the one who made the bad comments about J no no no that’s everyone else I made sweet comments yeah I’ve never found someone

    Make sweet comments have you not you haven’t seen my video then do you see the paranoia there were you the mo you the one that made the bad video no it wasn’t um however it’s got a reputation and the thing is it’s easy pickings for YouTubers easy pickings for filmmakers

    To come and and do that and present it in a bad light but ultimately every place got a good and bad side to it how you doing you’re all right how are you are you going to be working in here as well no I’m afraid not you’re not do you

    Leave do you live local very local what’s what’s it like living in J fantastic yeah I’ve heard one word fantastic what do you think about this because people talk about brooklands and stuff and they say don’t walk around there and they say it’s dangerous and all that fine if you don’t know someone

    They will probably end up saying hello to you yeah yeah yeah that’s how good I me people are like they’re connected to each other related to each other and haven’t got a lot of money probably but uh got a lot of heart there a lot of heart here yeah all

    Right so we got the cafe hello lovely you’re all right it looks again it looks like a temporary Cafe I very much doubt they’re going to have tables like that I don’t know but anyway yeah it’s all here isn’t it it’s all here it just needs people to

    Move in put all their equipment in right so the moment the Sunspot has got kind of a scho fate Vibe about it um it’s not quite open it’s not quite open is it the Sunspot we’re getting there we’ve got tenants moving in and we’ll be up open shortly right I had there was

    Going to be a market I can’t see a market at the End Market space is there we’re using it as the entertainment space cuz oh I see that’s what that’s going to be the market space so it’s duel space there you go so it has got a

    Bit of a school fake Vibe because he not finished it’s not finished in the what I mean by that is not everyone’s moved in and of course the market space at the moment as she just said is being used as an entertainment space can I have a word

    With you yeah has just approached me yeah and um you were saying you love J you come from Brazil how did this happen oh no yeah that’s a long long story I didn’t know how to meet people I’m Brazilian I’m I’m I’m going and talking to people you’re pretty good at meeting people

    From what I’ve just seen one day waiting for something to happen yeah uh a bit bold because I didn’t know many people here yeah yeah I saw I went to visit that lady that I just said I’ll see later and um I left her house and I saw a very Da

    Wall in a car space car space in a house a wall you saw a wall a wall bad wall but with a beautiful plant coming out okay yes yeah so I asked her who who was this wall and she said to me oh the the

    Guy blah blah I said okay went there and the I said do you mind if I paint your wall because it was sheltered I could paint there and forget about any problem yeah and I started painting and the community started gathering around to bring a cup of tea

    Or to talk about oh yesterday there was not that house there and I was surrounded by the best community I ever did it blow your mind then where people were rallying around you and giving you Cups of Tea and shouting to you I Sur is this this is like isn’t Brazil like this

    Brazil’s very Community Based St aren’t they yes yeah so was it similar to that then it’s nicer nicer yes nicer than Brazil did you hear that this this a first jaywick is nicer than Brazil in some parts in some ways it is let me show you something okay you’re going to

    Show me the best of it okay okay this is one artist he does metal his name is Denny web Denny web oh so oh I see right there’s the wind there’s the wind farms and it’s all 3D so if we turn that you can see look at

    This very nice so loads of people got involved to do this eight artists together they how about you you involved in this I paint the you painted yeah the name of the project is J week Art Trail and we are going to P now I have eight with me each one will

    Give a wall nearby and all the others add and then it rows and grows and rows and we are going to paint the whole day week because I’m sponsored by Crown paint now on you are a Lima all right cool so you can find and what will they

    Find people when they click on on this my name my phone number my email address it’s enough name phone number email address yes seems quite quite personal just I don’t mind you don’t mind you just want to chat to people yeah I like to talk to people and if I can help this

    Community to oh will brilliant flourish why don’t you start a Brazilian Carnival in jaywick oh yeah see I’ve given you an idea haven’t I you help me to build this come and help you to build the Brazilian Carnival listen I guarantee I’ll tell you this now for a fact yeah

    If you start a Brazilian Carnival here I’m definitely going to be a part of it all right guarantee you that okay you don’t find that in many places people approaching you and want to talk want to talk in that kind of passion about their area I don’t find that I don’t find that

    When when I see that though I love that it’s fantastic right let’s see if we can chat to Danny right okay sir you Chris’s friend yes hello what’s your name again Adam hello Adam shine on shine on my friend you want to know how it works around here do you come with

    Me the way it works around here is we’re off the map there is no law the law is peace love unity and respect live and direct your best decision is Danny Slug It vision and today is the grand opening of the Sunspot I can see that my friend

    Yeah let me tell you a story before this Sunspot there was Why You Beautiful People shine on thank you love to you forever mate you’ve got all the kids saying shine on as well d right cuz they want someone who’s real to represent they don’t want fake people that are not

    Even here yeah man people like people like there’s so much um people that are brainwashing people with like things that are not relevant shine on is my word I invented cuz everybody says hello or goodbye I want to Something Different yeah wait where did that come from cuz I

    Hear you say that on a lot of your videos you influencing people with it where’s it come from my mom my mom um bless her when I was 14 I’m 48 now she she died and right when she died when I was 3 years old she painted the pink

    Floy Dark Side of the Moon on the wall right and when she died I said to my dad dad when I was a kid I remember a big rainbow on the wall yeah and he said that was your mom she painted Pink Floyd darkos on the moon on the wall so when

    My mom died at 14 I got into Pink Floyd Young to kind of talk to my mom and I realized they done a song called Shine On You Crazy Diamond and I like shine on so I basically say shine on so when people ask me to explain why I say it I

    Then get to talk about my mom beautiful man keep her alive and also you’ve got that attachment emotional attachment to it that’s why I do it love it brother so the only way I can keep my mom alive is to say something for her every single

    Day and my mom then I speak about every day that is the best thing I can do as a son to sh my mom on Linda was a name and I am a son and without her I wouldn’t be she’s the best was she like you was she

    Like cuz you’re like a community champion aren’t you everyone knows who you are she never really got a chance she was like my sister died before I was born of a ho and a heart my mom lived 15 years of her life from age 20 to 35 in

    Pain and grief she never really got over my sister Dyan um there was good days and bright days but she just ripped her apart then she never got over my sister going but at least I know now they’re together my mom and my sister Michelle so behind every saying behind every

    Thing that happens in life there’s a reason the way I say shine on you ask everybody why they do what they do and I bet you it all comes back to something I totally agree with you everyone’s got like an emotional pull like an emotional attachment to something and it a person

    Place or thing people are loving it yeah hello lovely hi yeah g in it yeah yeah I remember speaking to you oh yeah yeah A Day in the UK that’s a couple years ago yeah is this guy and I like the video can I just say A Day in the UK

    They’re okay they get my approval I don’t approve much by the way but I do like a day and a they were wonderful and check them out because if you don’t you’re going to think about it once you start thinking about it then they’ve won

    Sh on I loved it because when I came down here I spoke to Hannah spoke to you guys I spoke to uh K from the arcade is he still there I don’t think so not sure no he’s not there anymore I don’t think the arcade’s there he isn’t there anymore either

    Hey hang on a minute congratulations there’s definitely some salt in the water Jesus because last time you were talking about all the cats that you guys had together yeah that should make up for the baby we never had yeah but now now now we got Cat s baby I love it it’s

    Fantastic so 5 months in yeah oh might bit you’re chuff you I tell you what even though this is amazing and so good this is what it’s about yes mate the opening of this building I was just before we went to my mom and shine on before this was here there was another

    Sunspot that was here and it was like a trademark of jaywick the arcade was it it was an arcade but it used to be back in the day a market shops uh chip shop and whatever I remember it’s a chip shop but as the years went on it just got

    More and more not used so it got knocked down and the whole Community was heartbroken with like a lot of people still haven’t got over getting that emotional attachment to a building to to a landmark when I buzz off of people I buzz off of places and things it just

    Does it to me I had a very unfortunate childhood at times with my mom we’ve living here when I had no one else there was times in my life that were very dark I even went to prison eight times did you from the age of 17 to 21 I went to

    Jail seven times je then I went one more time at 26 did that change you did that change your mindset that was the army that I needed they wouldn’t let me into the army cuz I had a criminal record so I went and joined the prison Army and

    All of the screws were like prison X army and they taught me discipline and all that sort of stuff and the prison I think they should bring back national service to give people the discipline that he’s missing but that’s just my opinion yeah and I’m so glad I went to

    Jail when I did cuz it made me realize that my freedom was worth more than prison I not gone back to jail or been in trouble with the police for 25 years Jesus so I know what it was like to be on the dark side and I know what it’s

    Like to be on the bright side so people today that I meet that people have given up on they’re my favorite people and I actually put my time into them and I wish more people would do what I do and help others you should never look down

    On someone unless you’re helping them up now it makes total sense yes so my you’ve been on the floor you’ve been in the gutter I’ve been in jail eight times you’ve been in the I lost my mom I’ve I’ve had a nothing I was I wanted to I

    Wanted to die a few times in my life that first night in prison when they put me on a wing I was so scared in a room by myself I was trying to find a way to end it but then for some reason I got through that night and the next day I

    Just found 10 friends on that Landing that I knew and it become a school holiday wow but that’s just between me and you yeah yeah it’s what you make of it isn’t it I I love that message Mate that’s fantastic you if you want to do

    An in if you ever want to do an in-depth interview about good to bad and how I and how I turned it around then I’m quite willing to do that cuz it’s going to take about an hour to do this in detail let’s ask everyone would you want

    An in-depth interview with me and Danny Slug it going going into the detail into the detail what makes you you what made me a crial what what made me risk my freedom cuz I didn’t care cuz my mom was dead I had nothing to live for I was 16

    17 18 I thought is this my life I thought everywhere was jaywick I didn’t realize that other people went through pain and bad experiences and once I learned all that as I got older now I’ll give it all back to help love it mate so

    That’s how let us know if you like that interview I’d like to do that interview I would you got my details of you yeah I have got your details you got card yeah I haven’t got the card there you go there you go Danny slug Vision incredible thanks very much mate sh on

    Keep doing this Justice and all right yeah I will I will and love to Chris we love you Chrissy see you soon my friend in 10 minutes congratulations yeah I’m going to walk along here and show them how it is I think I need a burger take care

    You going on what would you reckon fancy that interview hello I think it’ be a fantastic interview love learning about people’s lives it’s a big part of my channel I love the stories H guys okay so let’s go further down here little fun fair going

    On yeah now this is going to be the um it’s going to be the market space that’s a lovely space that’s a great idea I can tell when this is finished it’s going to be fantastic let’s see if we can grab some people this ladies approach me 8 years

    Ago I wrote a filmed a documentary about jaywick oh did you and what’s it called is it online it’s called Jay Wicker diamond in the rough and it’s on YouTube that’s what mine’s called a diamond in the how funny that’s weird isn’t it but it is a

    Diamond in the r yes I know and my conclusion was what jaywick needs is some private investment and some some more Enterprise private Enterprise so this is a fulfillment of what I’ve asked for so for me to have my Choir performing in a place like this yeah

    Yeah double wh I got a right character here what’s your name mate what I’m Chris Chris now you’ve got you’ve got London accent but you come from I nearby where where I was yeah yeah originally at a St with that and uh I was B in

    Statford but I lived in gide park okay Gia Park yeah lived there for 18 years tell me what it’s like living in J week it’s rough up here it is it’s one of the r series up here it’s like gas so it is rough it is rough up here it’s like

    Woring the gas but in a nice way if they spent a bit of when you say rough in a nice way right because when people hear that they’re think when you say rough they’re thinking like fighting drugs n that up no still get whatever Community go in you’re going to get yeah but

    That’s but yeah but that’s what you hear when people say Jay Wick you get all the videos seen a thousand videos online about the deprived this that and the other and the drugs and that but it’s that’s not what you mean by rough no no no no R you mean so the

    Earth short the that’s what you you made authentic not authentic yeah yeah yeah yeah genu I’ll get it I’ll get it genuine and he is a he is a Geer no Micky Mouse herey mouse one of up here there’s no one of here when I first come

    Up here my boy went to me I drove up inq 5 right just so me apart and he went to me do you know where you f are no CL what f is that you like on oh what the [ __ ] is that they done a Micky M

    Show out here went he went they proper SL this GFF off I I don’t even know where we are he said n they they’re all it’s worse than can CH anyway anyway I was up here I come up here I was up here for about 2 month bought with dogs didn’t really know

    Anyone PE up you know he quiet and it was beautiful and then I went down cou of gas up here I knew I knew a power up me the boo up the B 3j went up there sing up and he CH me about yeah slowly

    Get to know people I would be boy I would don’t ever knock anything until you know what you’re talking about you know you know I love about what you said though ain’t it interesting everyone he you said mate what’s your name again Bud Chris Chris right Chris

    Said he found peace up here now when you think of Peace people think about living in a field or no you mean peace and quiet but I think I think what you mean is peace in your heart peace in your heart peace and everything yeah it’s a

    Tranquility I mean you got the beat you got this you got the golden SS here everyone finds piece in their own way that was my piece up here a mate let’s leave on that wait brilliant to meeting my friend all the best you take care brother

    Cheers he it’s a lovely bit of Kit mate thank you yeah very nice what about this lady she’s got another one she’s got a nice bit of K here as well well that was cool it some brilliant characters but I’ve just been invited to go down the Never Say Die Pub

    To have a chat with a few of the locals there so I shall see you there before I go hello mate you’re local here Ain it yeah it’s nice is it you loving it you loving the opening of the the Sunspot it’s good that the sunspots reopened yes

    I remember when been the old Sun spot you remember the old is that an arcade Bud yeah you been an arcade calf and yeah many of good days are there m k to play there a that’s nice but this is lovely a it beautiful you got all the balloons here as well

    And they got a fantastic Beach as well I mean these are kind of the grassland in the Jew they never say d is cool yeah say is good yes I should be down there in a bit who should I look Sunday I’m up there Sunday for a nice Sunday roast are

    You do a lovely Sunday roast enjoy that my friend good to meet you all the best all the best T there you go then right let’s get to the pub we’re on to the Never Say Die sh summer jaywick you probably seen this Thousand Times online the footage people go why

    Didn’t you show me the JW footage because if you go online you see a thousand videos of people doing this and just walking around the streets it’s not that interesting really um but there you go I’m more interested in the people the people make the place

    So let’s get to uh the never say d shall we but tell me about the the boxing culture from the Irish traveler tradition like how early do you start fighting you start once you you’re about 7 years old y you walk around the camp someone hit

    You you hit them back if you don’t hit them back you go go run to the daddy and if you cry the Daddy’s hitting you so you make sure you go back out and hit him again that’s be fa we can the m there’s not a man safe in a PO

    Hey one say


    1. A nice view of my Jaywick mate. I once tried hard to Improve My Jaywick when the failed 2006 time when the council wanted to bulldoze it all, but, they never had the £75 MILLION then to do so. I tried hard to improve my Jaywick for 6 long years but it began to take over my life in doing so, so, my late wife said YOU HAVE TO STOP. so I returned to being the retired guy I came here as.
      Now 20 years later I still love my choice of retirement home. I sold a big 3-bed semi in north Romford to retire here at 55 years of age, now 75 years of age, quite ill, disabled, but always vocal where needed. I have no need to help out as we have at long last a brilliant Ward Councilour and his wife plus team doing more than any groups have ever done In Jaywick history. You should contact the real driving force now in My Jaywick – BRAD THOMPSON and his Wife. They and helpers go above and beyond, really do. Me? I just sit and smile at some characters we have, that makes My Jaywick such a great place.

    2. Danny is a legend beyond Jaywick. after watching his YouTube channel and meeting Ieda while on holiday in march I've decided to sell my house and move to Jaywick. Shine on Danny, i look forward to joining you bring Jaywick back to glory.

    3. I know it's a sunny day out there – but you just don't get this kind of friendly, welcoming community in "posher" areas, people don't hang out on the street together when they've got money – they rarely even know thier neighbours, they hide in thier houses, suspicious of strangers . Shine on you lovely people – you still have your own love and humanity in all its messy disfunctional reality -you're probably among the sanest people in a mad world ! And God bless Danny Sloggit ! Please, some millionaire – help them out with some cold hard cash. 🎩Xxxxxx

    4. Firstly I'm new to this channel and it's an extremely good channel and i loved that chap's comment we've not got alot of money but we have HEART that's bloody brilliant

    5. 3:30 I 100% agree with her, my mate Scott Stark (RIP) lived there and I used to drive down to see him on the regular. She is SPOT ON about the incredible sense of community, these people didn't know me but treated me like I was one of them (although having my own addiction struggles I truly WAS one of them!) They are lovely Essex people and there's a better sense of community there than here in Braintree, Essex. I send massive love and hugs to all that live in Jaywick!

    6. The government used Jaywick, Brooklands as a dumping ground (i met people there from all over Essex, Liverpool, Manchester, London etc) for those with addiction and mental health problems. The government then also gave these people @#£% all help! So these people formed their own community and helped each other out best they could. I visited there in around 2008 onwards (i think?) the Sunspot was abandoned, everything was broken, empty. It actually looks a lot better on this footage than back then. The government were exposed of their poor treatment of these vulnerable people that need help not just ignoring. This was what i learned on my many visits but the locals when my mate introduced me, ALL treated me like FAMILY! Id NEVER experienced that treatment before!

    7. I live where i live now , Ive lived in north off paris and 19 other places in 7 years im old now, paris is miles worse than jaywick its 1000 times worse than jaywick . And look up Coalville place rome serpantine house flats in rome its 3 miles long 9826 flats in one lenght off a block that is so dangerouse .Serpantine house you can see it from a plane when you fly over rome italy .

    8. Let’s be real, jaywick is a hell hole, lack of funding lack of amenities and real lack of class, its poverty stricken and heavy on crime. It’s passed help imo and lost. Sad

    9. Cool video, I lived in Clacton and used to go to Jaywick, good to see it all again. I live in Colchester now.

      Just out of interest, what camera do you use for your footage?

      Great content

    10. I spent time in Jaywick in 1991 as part of a study for my geography degree, to look at the housing and in particular to see the traditional wooden , self built houses and bungalows that were there back then – I walked around Brooklands, the whole village and photographed lots of it – everyone was fantastic. I was welcomed by local people and they were all genuine. I met quite a lot of the elderly folk who had lived there since the very beginning, and who will be long gone by now but I hope their grandkids are still there and doing well. I'd love to go back one day and I have never forgotten Jaywick and its people – and from what i see here, the place is still unique and a great community. Thanks for doing this video.

    11. Jaywick is rough, as in, there aint a lot of money there, but it is totally safe to walk around at night (safer than clacton town). The people are great too, and would give you their last pound if you needed it more than they do. My friend was a postman there for a good few years, and he always said that the jaywick people gave him far better xmas tips than other areas (more upmarket) like Frinton or Holland on sea, were people obviously had more money. The beaches are some of the best along this part of the coast too.

    12. You should do an interview with Danny Sloggit next time you are in the area, he is a local celebrity. Everyone in jaywick knows him, and most people in Clacton know him. You would definitely get a lot of views for your channel.

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