Final 3km of Strade Bianche Women Elite 2024.

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    3K to go keki shaking out the legs just having a bit of a stretch uh it was quite interesting that at least longer borghini just ran could just see ran running a little bit wide and capek you can see we talk about how tough this course is stretching out the back

    Stretching out the shoulders yeah it’s clever it’s really clever it’s almost a little bit of the game that you’re playing in this situation for L keki stretching out the back and at least the longo borghini now is doing all the work here so L keki is is going to happily sit

    On this is going to really frustrate Elisa Longo borghini she’s going to want this so so badly and that’s what SD Works can do they can play that game with Demi wering behind who can of course also win this race how do you approach this if you’re Alisa do you try

    And jump her on the climb or I mean she has come through now so that’s an ideal situation for Alisa who can get a little bit of rest B here before they start this climb in around 500 met time you have to stay so calm so cool and

    Collected and Alisa Longo borghini is one of those Riders who is so so good tactically so uh she won’t be played a full let’s say by loagy here and Longo B guini will have the belief that she can win this one we know what improvements that she’s made in her Sprint since the

    Signing of Alisa balimo into the team Longo borghini has become um so important in that lead out train for Alisa Balo and has won this race before um so now we drop down we’re getting into this run up towards the climb we’re through those 2K to go we start to just

    Bend to the right here now don’t we and then we start to climb yes it already starts dragging up here I remember this vividly as a rider so it’s important to not do too too much here for Alisa Longo borghini lot of keki will still be benefiting off uh being behind Alisa

    Longo borghini at this stage and then it really really starts to ramp up as they hit those kind of PVE smooth cobbles let’s say into the Piaza he and we’re heading in up towards Sienna now it is an absolutely breathtaking um city where is it going

    You can see the road just starting to ramp up as Danny wrot described it it becomes a bit of a wall as we go up and we’ve had great crowds on the course we expect the same here as we run in towards uh Sienna longa bini the attack

    Al in Champions Jersey on the front riding here on home soil representing Italy and this is it it starts to kick up this is where the climb really starts to kind of bear its teeth this final Via Santa Katarina yeah look at that wall in front as we’ve just gone on under the

    Flam Rouge that one kilometer to go sign this really shows who has got more power in the legs as they hit this steep section and fuler though still on the front of this chasing group behind fuler n ad driving this one on Longo borghini on the front keki just locked right in

    As they go under the archway here we start the sort of Paving slabs you you could call them keki just sat right uh calm comfortable on the wheel of Elise Longo bini can hear the see the encouragement from the Italian fans here longa bini to just maybe look around try maneuver keki

    To the front yeah I think so I mean for lot of keki she’s just going to sit there isn’t she she’s going to bide her time and wait you can see in the way that she’s riding that she’s still got you know some power left in the tank

    Here for Alisa Longo borghini she’s going to be absolutely on her limit she’s sticking to that one side of the road so she can see any move that laki is going to make you’re going to want to be first around that final Corner we know that it’s a really steep kind of

    Downhill in those final 50 m of this race so positioning into that final Bend is crucial yeah you could dive just try and make it as straight as possible the final twists and turns the Italian crowd roaring on as lot to keki now ATT

    Attacks with 500 M to go and the Gap is opening L keki launches the move atast Sal Longo borghini gritting the teeth trying to come back a look at the world’s champion go the winner in 2022 was outsprinted by her teammate last year the world champion the leader of the

    World Tour drops the big devastating attack that is carrying a clear here to her second career victory in Str biani L keki has been tactically perfect you would say yet again today was doing everything that she could on the run in towards the Finish to set up this final

    Attack but here she comes she’ll be able now as she swings round through the final quarters and the roow drops away ahead of her it is the rainbow jersey it is L keki who takes her second career win in strani ahead of Alisa Longo bini what a

    Win for L keki but you’ve got to say gutsy ride from Longo borghini and now we look to the podium but what can you say about this Rider here L keki and kazy Anda sprinting it out with Dam wering it’s first and third for estd Works kazia Doma taking fourth place for

    Canyon Shram Happy Days and Sheron van anroy comes home in fifth just ahead of christen fer in six and there you have it folks as well apologies at the Finish there for uh someone with their phone in front of L Ki uh as she came across uh the Finish

    Line there and here comes Rihanna Marcus coming home for bis Malisa what a race an absolute you’ve got to say a vintage edition of Strada biani


    1. Are we watching the same race? How can you possibly call this "thrilling!"??? It's a typical, boring, predictable women's "pro" race finish. Slow… uneventful… same winner(s) every time. Meh. It's only slightly more entertaining than watching paint dry… because women just don't have that explosive power that men do on a bike. These two just essentially phoned it in until the last 500 meters… when Kopecky (of course) blew by her and won easily. That's literally the opposite of "thrilling!".

    2. As far as I am concern, Borghini didn't play it smart enough, sure if she don't push DV might catch up, but she should realize there is no way Kopecky will let DV catchup and win!! same team or not!!! no way!

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