2 fairs in one day?First up, Just me for a small fair with not too many rides in a pub car park in Abbeydale, near Cheltenham and Gloucester to kick off our 2024 season, much earlier than normal in the year, with a brand new camera to test out too, then up to Stonehouse for the 2nd of the day.
    Make sure to check that vlog out too at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUy3AOkzqv0

    Right well uh we’re back I’m back there’s no one else with me today in Gloucester for one of the D on I think it’s Edward D although it’s not busy so how long this vlog’s going to be I don’t know but there’s not that much here

    Either it’s just in a tiny car park near the Morrison so I’m coming here first and then I’m going to head up to Stonehouse for what I think is a connell’s fun fair so I’m doing two in one day and then tomorrow as long as the weather’s okay I’ll be

    Heading off to uh Wales and you’ll find out where we’re going when that’s uploaded someone is coming with me I mean I’m sure you can guess who is coming with me uh tomorrow but let’s just get in Right first ride of the season is I think it’s Lee daners twister or sizler I should say and Let’s Twist Again like we did last summer yeah let’s TST again like we did last year do you remember when yeah that’s again time is the A this is all going to get copyrighted I

    Think I’m afraid I All the rest better thanone anyone I ever met Nice gentle one to start the season but um as I say that we’re starting to go fast now pick up some speed there I think it might just be a bit of a uh family cycle today cuz it is in a fairly residential area you see there’s a house right

    There I tell you what they’ve done well to get um this put this they’ve done well to get all of this into the car park Come On Let’s Twist Again like we did last summer yeah Let’s Twist Again like we did last year do you remember when things were

    Really yeah let’s TST Again The Time Is Here And there we go well there’s a good way to start the year off a proper cycle on a proper Ride Down Be Z Z All right well that first right of the a was uh bad down to sizler um it’s a good ride to start the season like I said we had a proper cycle on it a proper amount of time as well 3 minutes uh all the big rides here are £3

    A person I think that’s a fair price um like I say uh there’s not many people here so I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get any off ride um in the I don’t know maybe 10 minutes that I’ve been waiting for and going on Sizzler

    Skydiver hasn’t been sent once there’s like barely any people on it at the moment which is unfortunate so uh I think our next ride is going to have to be crazy cage which is not something we’ve seen before I don’t think um normally we see uh

    Normally the Roundup that we do see is Jonathan Mason’s meteor right so um let’s just get on it please please if he would like to ride Get Right then it’s time for uh crazy cage that’s what this one’s called crazy cage now I’ve told this one’s a fast one so we’ll see if it um matches up we’ll see if it matches up to uh meteorite cuz that’s the fastest one I’ve ever done so

    Far we’ll see if this one steals that title all right well I forgot to mention as well I got a new camera as well now uh it’s a hero 9 black so um hopefully higher quality higher quality video for you now I’ve got a um wind Slayer on it as well

    Which is just a piece of foam that goes all around the um camera body um kind of like a dead cat if you know what one of those is so hopefully the wind noise isn’t too bad and uh if there’s any teething troubles then uh hopefully they’ll be sorted Out right here we go Then this will be the first propit sort of test of the wind slayerz this is going to generate some real speed we flying high flying right up to the we F fly right up to the SK oh my God I can’t turn the camera around again it’s too fast woo

    W I’m not holding it straight either I can’t that’s how fast it is maybe I should start wearing my chest mount for these again like I used to I can barely talk as well how strong it is it’s sucking my feet inwards I wouldn’t H you but I mean I’ll

    Try there you go can you see it you see fast my arm’s going num again have they like done some sort of work to these which makes them way faster cuz I don’t remember them being this fast since before before last Vlog of the year in uh um where was it

    Swind although really we should have had a vlog in High Park but security wouldn’t let us film there unfortunately oh we’re going down oh my God mom’s completely Numb that was good Please Fly right up High Oh My I so I just come off that thing um yeah I’m afraid that’s stolen the title of fastest Roundup off of meteorite it’s going to be hard to beat that one I tell you I don’t think it was as long as I C metor right though although that’s

    Probably a good thing given how fast it was I had to wait a little while to get on that one cuz again there’s not many people I say there’s not many people there isn’t but like there’s especially not many older people who would who would want to go on um the Big

    R like that skyd has been sent once in the time that I’ve been here so let’s just get on that it Up right time for uh Clifton Hill skydiver it’s got um some uh artwork hey I’ll y as I was saying it’s got artwork on the uh back of the seats and this is a um classic skydiver not like the uh the newer PWS built ones um I think there’s another

    Manufacturer that made them as well um PM rides that’s it not like PM rides or PWS is uh Super Troopers as they call them uh it’s a shame that not many people are on this cuz it’s not a very common uh ride in uh I want to say this country but I

    Don’t know about the entirety of the country but especially this part of the country anyway looks like we’re off so uh I’ll take you along for the [Applause] Ride nice and slow to start off With hopefully I’m not hopefully I’m not going to get copyrighted for this um this song it sounds like a very copyrightable one that’ be brilliant wouldn’t it and gentlemen the show is about to begin uh that would be great wouldn’t it copyrighted in the first Vlog of

    2024 and it m of the year right 5 4 3 2 1 Z here we go then we’re going up let’s fly let’s fly away Fly with me let fly let’s fly away we’re flying high we fly right up to the sky we fly so high we fly right up to the sky nice way to cool down although it’s not too hot to be honest today en power can it go faster watch this do I see a

    Laser yeah there’s a laser um on the cab that’s cool obviously you can’t really see it cuz it’s daytime but you might be able to see it on the uh floor which I just pointed to on the red bit there maybe you saw it even I don’t know if you can see

    It cuz the screen on the back is oh yeah uh my old camera didn’t actually have a screen on the back so I couldn’t see exactly what I was filming now I can but um I’m so used to doing it without it anyway I don’t need it hopefully that wind Slayer I talked

    About I’ll link the wind Slayer in the description if anyone wants it um hopefully it’s taking out the wind noise and not my voice cuz that would be annoying and I’m only going to know once I get back home okay it’s the next round wait for the ride the Stop and the intendance

    Will open the bar thank you for riding with us [Applause] I think and do go the [Applause] Heist To Beginning she video Are you ready yeah Now there you see the um you see the problem with the lack of people being here I need to get some more off ride of the sizler but every time I’ve been able to it’s uh just been slowing down I need some off-ride of sky diver

    As well but uh that doesn’t look very likely unless they get a sudden influx of people but speaking of uh skydiver sky diver yeah it is called that a classic paratrooper ride really enjoyed that we did one of those in b um Easter Easter time last year I can’t remember whose

    That one was but I think it was um purple and green but yeah I’ll try and get some off- rided skydiver but I don’t know how possible that’s going to be and some more of Sizzler all right well that’s it from me near Gloucester and I’ll see you in less than an hour maybe hopefully less than an hour um up the up the uh Railway line in Stonehouse so that’s it uh from here don’t forget to check out that Vlog and I’ll see you Then

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