1. For some unknown reason youtube is de subscribing some subscribers from my channel, this info came to me by a good friend who was subscribed then had to re subscribe again, not only once but several times!!
      So just check your subscription status and if your not subscribed then please do, without subscriptions and views and comments this youtube channel like any other won't survive, it will get pushed down the ladder whereas some other channels that seem to put out utter dross seem to flourish (just an observation).
      It's a bit like the TV where soap opera's did very well (to the detriment of the family and how people behave) instead of promoting healthy positive content.
      youtube have this dreadful thing called an algorythm and it has to be pleased unfortunately

    2. I’m still subbed Sandy 👍 that was pretty minimalist ! I couldn’t go without my stove for a brew. It looked bloody muddy up in those hills , roll spring and some warmer weather . Atb Dave

    3. Yep all looks good my end bro, that's odd about your subscribers. Enjoyed this video too. Still getting nice days here which is a complete contrast to last year being mostly wet. Safe travels. Ken.

    4. Shame the down town back alley is strewn with litter and that this isn't a surprise. Hate litter and sad so many think it's acceptable to leave places like that. The pitch for the night however…beautiful spot

    5. Stand and deliver yon pork pie that i doth spy. You are a gun Sandy, thanks for taking me for a spin through familier territory even though 50 years n a bit has passed since last felt it n smelt it. Best wishes from Robert another Wiltshire boy in NZ

    6. Your mental and physical stamina is very good Sandy, the mud, hills and inclement weather is enough to keep most people indoors, the pork pie looked bloody nice, thank you for your efforts mate and all the very best to you and your family.

    7. Nice one Sandy, good to see you're still fit enough to ride your Bootzipper. Ebikes and motorcycles only for me these days. Now its spring, really looking forward to some dryer weather, these past few months have seemed like nothing but rain, rain and yet more rain.

    8. Hi sandy you speak a lot of sense every one needs to get away to chill out from time to time so I am going to Aldbourne for a night out all the way from North Devon really looking forward to it your video are so very enjoyable

    9. i liked the bit of history of that road im like you i think of stuff like that what it would be like a hundred yrs ago interesting glad you enjoyed the camp as much as we did not long came off a wild camp up on ashhurst beacon by were i live in west lancashire and hey your a ham radio operator like me did you hear about poor bob heil he died yesterday i think i heared before arr we will miss him and anyway can,t wait to see the next camp 73 from m7byf 😊oh and when i go camping i go on my 50 mph e,scooter lol

    10. Do you use motorcycle glasses. I've been looking for something similar to yours for my bike riding but cant find any online. only sunglasses.

    11. The Fiido T1 pro would have shot up Jacobs Ladder and be in heaven before you got out of breath! Great day out – roll on blue skies..

    12. Probably people don't appreciate how much stopping & starting is involved (retrieving camera) in making a vid…..I had a pork pie for lunch on sat, ruined it with small chunk chutney (very tart)….and to finish…..its nice the sound of rain on a tent, watched this vid @ 2.30am Sunday.

    13. That's one we'll deserved pork pie Sandy. Crickey what a battle to get there!
      The weather seems to be relentles with the rain for months now,so I hope you get better luck next time.
      Take care. Best wishes, P & M .

    14. Another fabulous video, Sandy. I'm glad you enjoyed your pork pie 🥧 ,but it's definitely not for me, as I'm vegetarian. 🤢 I'm glad you enjoyed your bike ride. 🌳

    15. Took some risks there leaving your camera on floor through Gorse Hill and Manchester Rd 😂😂😂 I was brought up in Gorse Hill so nice to see it. Great trip 👍

    16. Another inspiring video Sandy. No stove; just water and a large pork pie with some wild camping. It just goes to show how little we need to recharge ourselves.
      I’m always impressed with your filming. It takes a lot of effort to set up the cycling through shots. I know you’ve said how long the editing takes but the results are worth it. Please keep posting.

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