This bit is a massive bit. It covers Bergen in Norway to Wroclaw in Poland because I lost my hard drive and had to cobble together all the media I had in order to have something of the story.

    Welcome to Bergen. This is the ferry just arriving. the reason I’m doing a voiceover, however, is that the camera, didn’t record any sound at all. that was the first of of, some, a stream of, nightmares I had. And, probably the reason why it’s taken so long to come up with this next video.

    The trip, went fine, and I got very much behind in terms of, producing videos at this point. some weeks, in fact, that was, the my first ferry friends. the, a couple were from, Switzerland riding bicycles around the fields of, of, Norway. Lovely couple. Very much into each other. It was cute.

    Anyway, so I wanted to show you this bit of the video. despite the fact they’ve got no sound. just simply because it takes us through the old town of Bergen. you can see in bits just how steep this route is. my GPS took me this way because I selected no tolls.

    But if you look at, the road again, some of the buildings, it is very steep indeed. and we’ve got a switchback coming up. given that I was riding, guess, a 300 kilogram bike. and. Yeah, here it is. This was a really, I was going to say sweaty moment,

    But it was a moment I had to sort of question myself. It was all about confidence. Looking up ahead, you can see just how steep that hill is. I’m looking to the right, trying to make my mind up, thought I. Right. I’m going to the the right, which was definitely the right decision,

    Because if I’d gone straight up, you can see in a second, there is a couple walking down and I would have to stop on that, particularly steep, but, and it was a pathway anyway. I have yeah. So, the second, nightmare I had was, some weeks later, I was traveling back,

    To England, through Frankfurt Airport, and I got caught up in, some air traffic control problems, which resulted in me losing my external disk drive, with all of the, footage from here on, right the way through to Wroclaw and Poland. So I lost the footage for Norway. Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia or Latvia? Lithuania.

    And a lot of Poland, which, put me into a proper sulk for a long while. Anyway, I’m over it now. and I finally managed to, put enough bravery together to do a voiceover, which, as you can probably tell, I’m not enjoying the the old town, beautiful.

    As you can see, I, I, I wouldn’t visit here unless you’ve got, legs to walk up hills. because it is steep, steep, steep. Wasn’t a good introduction to, to to Norway for me in the respect that, I had been riding pretty flat. with a fully loaded bike up until this point.

    Anyway, I’ll leave you to enjoy the rest of the video and maybe rejoin you in a short while. So here we are we’re in Gudvangen. it’s odd to be, or I have ridden, 150km inland and find myself in a fjord like this, where the smell of the sea is very and very clear.

    Beautiful. though. I can almost see the, the Viking longboats coming down over my shoulder. So, quick, stop at the Arctic Circle at Circle Museum. I was driving down the road. Saw this. Came a rapid halt. Right turn. And here we are. Let’s go inside and take a look.

    So that was, That was great. Absolutely. Fantastic place. The Arctic Circle Motorcycle Museum. yeah. The definition of eccentricity in lots of ways. And that Benny, who owns and runs it, has just been collecting this stuff locally from barn finds and things for so for years. and as,

    A really interesting connection that he’s really, really, happy to stand and talk about all the things that he’s got and how he got them and all that sort of stuff. so definitely recommend a, stop if you’re coming this way. Welcome to Nordkapp. Two weeks. Two days worth of writing.

    Lots of fun, interesting places that some nice people. right over there, right behind the distance is probably the North Pole. Right. For about 1200 kilometers. And I’m off to Finland tomorrow.

    1 Comment

    1. Great video Nick, that’s an epic bike journey, what an adventure.
      Last Aug we did a cruise to North Cape and Iceland via numerous Norwegian stops, including the stunning Lofoten Islands. I got chatting to some French bikers at North Cape, it had taken them 17 days solid riding from Paris in mostly awful weather.

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