Great Sunday racing with familiar “faces” Thank you for all the drafting and encouragement see you riding far away ahead 🙂
    Till next time.

    Race: Nukerke to Kafhoek | Flanders | Belgium


    I’m in pain I’m just in pain well done everybody this is a tough one well hello it is Sunday and it is a grc’s uh on the short race time so uh this one uh will be from new Kirk to ghaw in Flanders in Belgium and that’s

    The 15 Point km race uh that is coming ahead uh currently around 9 kilome H sorry 9 minutes to start I’ve done my warmup and all I can now do is to hope that there are people who are not very very strong today just saying uh I can

    See currently SR71 is already over there tudan um is there he’s on a level 57 so very experienced rider DJ d 7 is is um on a on a start line as well horest Jack uh he’s on level 57 I remember seeing him around one one Roa rings a bell as

    Well and Roger trainer is definitely ringing a bell and gica is ringing a bell as well and that’s all I can see currently currently there is about 41 Riders uh 8 minutes to go now so I did a um Co wre earlier in the week and uh it’s

    A it’s a tough one for for for for for heavier lighter as as very usual uh the first climb that was coming up which is the 26% or up to 26% uh that was just I got of personal power BP for for a minute because I was just rolling it up

    Uh but after that one it’s uh it’s I prefer it this way so you can still have a little bit of downhill bits and uh there are quite sharp upill sections um still to come so uh let’s see how how long will it take if all goes to plan

    Let’s hope that it’s just under half an hour uh or just over there there about uh I hope so 7 minutes to go now I will catch up with you shortly we’re going to say that par needes is on today as well so they have 31 km to go our race is 15

    Kil my take is the pros will finish before we do uh isn’t that funny how far fast these guys can can ride right around three 3 minutes to go now and 55 Riders is currently online so this is promising more them areer as they say or mean my world more people to Behind games around uh 402 Mark there was a very synchronized jumping on a bike from all all of us on the front uh front row or wherever I am 20 seconds to go now so 62 Riders wishing you all the best I’ll be somewhere in the background 10 seconds to go The Alex right turn and downhill W Roa W Roa is still there Alex W GC is right behind me as well and Sul is ahead as well you can see him from my breath I’m already out of Bre Bre and only done 500 M which majority is up downhill oh dear well let’s See I was thinking about the outfit today I think I kind of nailed it for the event what do you think when I get the video out probably tomorrow let me know in the comments Below right there is H David 1951 it’s 4 M ahead of Me I think quite a few have started really Fast downhill relax have a little beer no sorry drink that came out wrong just realized I’m in a group of three so Wonder Roosa 19 St 55 and David 1951 is only 20 M ahead of us and somebody called 70 is murdering wrong just overtook us

    Oh this is Gober sorry I need to Go Also believe f his team have not been away from the front for a while a lot ofest one of those teams by the point you yearo the way they took just regulate long way to go still long way to Go thanks for the dra to do thank You You see it wasn’t that hard see oh hello mate tuna tornado it’s only 80 M ahead of me and cing 7 one is there well Mery 27 and surix they all roughly tou touching distance wooo we carry on cuz that’s what we Do need to take it easy when you can it’s down H section no need to battle relax oh no I can’t holy 87 and uh just overtook me time To Mr K 71 I think we might just catch you in this group currently around 6K in so 9k to go currently in a very good group of four drafting obviously thank you re 72 oh you’re going to be roting me now then huh come on Rebel 72 please give me some Draft come on give me some currently around 7 and 1 12 km to go I’m just seconds two or three riders in the between I can see holy 87 and Sal and mry ahead of me around 40 50 m but because the world is uphill

    Regardless of what I do I’m good 360 WS I’m not catching them I can see downhill bit coming so great looking forward for that one right probably now around a 5 600 M climb again regulate I’ll be Fine one we to the positive was we were definitely catching them which is nice nice to know now just take whatever I can relax the next kilometer 6 and a half to go and uh once the last climb is done I hope I can kind of time

    Trial the the rest of the race wooo interesting it just the first split 1730 around 3 minute 3 and half minutes behind which is kind of acceptable position 34 don’t tell to anybody but I would like to maybe hit the position 30 at the finish line but as you see I’m freeing

    Currently I can’t freee in a the part I’m just going to try to uh save and just do a little time TR effort for that right this is the last proper climb for 4.8 km to go I can see again Ming FKS M Cen Rebel 72 ahead of

    Me it’s going to be tight this is going to be Tight G I can say tun tornado and Rogers 60 M ahead of me wo not Long she the Car Well that was it hardest 20 7 uh minutes 55 1 second so far for a long time woo what can I say I’m in pain I’m just in pain well done everybody this is a tough one really happy that I took a part of this now I need some proper cool down and

    Then then I’ll be probably good as new overall so you know when you I was going of skeptic about the uh Hills but it seems that I uh I caught the people and then I lost two places during the last 500 M because I did not have 10 watts

    Per kilo in me uh but yeah no this is good super happy thanks guys for pushing thank you everybody who was drafting behind and hopefully you appreciate when you’re drafting behind me as well wink wink uh and upwards and onwards see you

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