Today we take a look at Saica Paper UK Ltd, 144 Manchester Rd, Carrington, Partington, Manchester M31 4QN.

    We see a few emergency vehicles zooming past and speak to a couple of viewers and then security come and give us the bad news that we are not allowed to fly the drone ON their land.

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Why not cuz private land not on the land the Drone is my drone’s on your Land well welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Manchester taking a look at pyer paper I think I’m pronouncing that right py I don’t know psyo paper is part of the psy group a company specializing in providing Sustainable Solutions for paper and packaging manufacturing so they recycle here psyop

    Paper has achieved significant Milestones such as producing 4 million tons of recycled paper at its Manchester Mill since it started production in January 2012 we got some shunters moving around the company employs around 250 people directly and indirectly at this site Partington greater Manchester where it focuses on manufacturing recycled paper

    So doing great things I’m sure you would agree now let’s see what great things we can actually see happening right just here we have some sort of ground maintenance that’s good we have got slight rain as well so the rain is certainly not putting them off

    Keeping the place looking at Tip Top is it security looks very good all the traffic barriers are down Airlines that’s very good it does look a very busy place of a constant vehicle movement so far I believe security are there yes security gate house but I also believe

    That where this Crossing crosses the road here I would say their land starts maybe where this line is here so I’m going to stay outside EV cargo off he goes oh we got another one something’s happening down there isn’t It we’re going to get any more coming by will we be able to see and what’s he doing just having his break on the pavement so with them recycling paper we would expect a little bit of a mess oh and look we’ve got another police vehicle so something big really is

    Happening down there isn’t It I’m tempted to get the Drone up right now and see where these vehicles are going in fact should we just do this let’s get David up and see if we can see any nearby action down that direction so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight

    Restrictions in this area at all saer paper and the nearby police activity let’s go and have a look shall we home Point updated so just going by right now we have another police vehicle but that one does does not have its blues and twos on so we’ll get nice and high and we’ll

    Just see what we can see over in that direction M altitude reached and the rain has just started the paper mill steam is helping is it so anyway back to Sea paper whil we can get a little bit of footage before the rain gets heavier hopefully it

    Stops so security down there and as you can see traffic barriers are down that’s a little bit of a weird system is it where you can go through the middle and then just slip to the left or right of it if you wish don’t often see that type of setup

    And then of course course the Bales and bales of recycled paper as they process it and move it around it’s all breaking down as it gets wet the cycle for greater Manchester vehicle coming out on the GoPro yes I mate DJ AIT in it oh you

    Know me we know everywh really you my mate there follow you all the time in the van both of you yeah yeah yeah me and I yeah take one for him as well what’s his name I don’t really want to be on the camera okay isig F of you

    That’s all say yeah yeah no worries mate what can you tell me about this place then uh paper mill that’s about it really biggest paper mill in the country biggest paper mill in the country I imagine so yeah not many of them is there so what’s sort of happening down

    There at the uh the hot areas I don’t really know man no we just cut the grass we’re just separate permanent cutting grass well every thought night yeah oh you’re a contractor got you got you yeah I’d love to know a bit more about how it all works they’re heavily involved in

    Recycling aren’t they yeah love it yeah but do they make it from scratch using natural I think they just sawce it you know from like companies like all over the UK like cboard and whatnot like just do around collecting carboard and then obviously recycle earlier but up there

    Up there to the right yeah that’s like all the cardboard what they’ve like gathered type of thing down that bit that’s it yeah it go through like a machine or whatever you turn it on into Pap and then through the middle of it all like through the barels yeah that’s like I would

    Imagine like the paper making machine yeah and on the left hand side comes out as paper then on you can’t see it from there I don’t think but it’s like big massive rolls paper yeah I got to see it but the rain’s getting so bad now is it

    Mate orange bik and green trousers yeah I’m going to have to bring the Drone back cuz it’s uh pressing down it’s not waterproof nice to meet you anyway mate yeah so we’re going to be on tell what this place for only about a week here well I be uh just when you walked

    Up all right mate nice one and more emergency vehicles heading in that direction look ambulance now what is going on down there take off home Point Updated so I’m not sure what this vehicle is oh yes that is security open on the end of that for some reason that looks like where the the end result the rolls of paper are stored let’s get over have a quick look yeah that’s the finished product that is for

    Sure so Security on now heading in our Direction the question is will they stop or will they drive straight past sorry can’t be having your Dr Drone over on the side why not why not it’s private land not on the land your drone is my drone’s on your land where is

    It cuz You’ got to gr do you know the difference between land and airing is you’re over there I’m listening to you what you’re saying well we’re saying you can I can’t what do you want to come out cuz I can’t hear what you’re saying you’re blocking

    The the road it’s not very good for health and safety Etc you’re not getting out now I request that you don’t fly the drone over the sight please request declined your land is your land the airspace is not your property aircraft can fly over nothing you can do about it

    Next time get out your vehicle and talk to me properly don’t be so lazy I think they can just rock up not even getting out the vehicle what’s that all about so let’s see where they go back to then shall we lazy security guards oh we’ve got a

    Helicopter coming now so we will get the Drone back so our security coming for round two they’re reversing let’s see what they decide to do next oh they just getting into a position where they can see me it looks like that is what they’re doing and we’ve now got a low battery so

    Let’s get David back and see where the video takes us next shall we is he ordered yes mate you want a key ring brilliant how you doing my man yeah sound this morning what’s your name Ben Ben thank you very much man love what you do thanks for watching that’s awesome I saw

    I was going that way I’m going to get my ti replaced on my bike I saw the yellow the orange but I thought that’s definitely how turn around you turned around for it that’s awesome my man here the good work any police out yet not yet

    Not yet the loads have gone down that way and an ambulance yeah bit gutting cuz I want to see what’s down there but I mean I’m not seeing I’ve just come back I’ve not seen any anything unless they turned off somewhere else yeah I

    Took the Drone up to have a look to see where where the went but that’s awesome thank you very much yeah Sam my day on the key rings so I’m not sure what security are up to but they’re now just sitting there in their van what an easy job

    Eh he’s got his phone out for some reason Mighty security you don’t even have to get out your vehicle anymore when you’re talking to well unknown persons to establish their their motive what are you up to there weren’t none of that was there there was just you are not to fly your

    Drone on our land on your land do you want to reword that do you want to actually think about what you’re saying for you sound so Stupid we watched quite a bit coming and going here at se paper we spoke to a few people people we’ve seen the level of intelligence of the security staff here as soon as we saw the word mighty we just knew what was going to happen we’ve remained off their sight at all

    Times oh is that them yeah that’s them but they’re off to get another biscuit another cup of tea get back in the warm and to zoom in on the cameras so I think we’ll leave them to it I reckon s of paper we got through the rain we got

    David back up for a slight closer look I have not done a 360Β° photo this time because the battery was too low we’ll just quickly hide a key ring and move on so just behind us on this lamp post there is a a very old planning notice and behind the planning

    Notice is the DJ audit key ring there look so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want the key ring and the planning notice still looks like that then good luck if the ambulance come back from that job earlier maybe ASC we can have a

    Look on the earlier footage to see if that was the case and I think we’re going to wrap it up here sa of paper we’ve seen a little bit of activity we spoke to security and a couple of viewers and now it’s time to move on not

    That interesting of a place really is it just paper recycling scrap comes in and usable brand new paper in those rolls goes out simple as that so I will leave it there if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you

    On the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. I do see you DJ as the best most professional, good comunicating auditor. I am not being patronising here, Just someone recognising your good work and enjoying your skill and wisdom demonstrated, that others can learn from too… it should be done.
      Great work !

    2. You have suffered fools for long enough DJ, it's great to see/hear you getting more assertive and not letting the numpties waffle you out. Got any super plans for April the first coming up ? , maybe a re-visit to some of the worst encounters ever. A cape and mask would be hilarious for all fools day. Super DJ !πŸ¦ΈπŸ‘πŸ€£

    3. Mitie security couldn't be bothered to get out of the van, what a great job they are doing!!! The weather conditions was obviously too severe for them….great job guys, get the kettle on its been a tough day out on the streets!!!

    4. This seems like quite provocative flying and gets drone Flyers like myself a bad name because it just seems like you're rubbing their noses in it and your interest seems to me to be about provoking a response rather than legitimately being interested in the landscape for instance

    5. Sacia, their company comes and collects, our cardboard waste bails, even their hgv drivers our nightmare to deal with… It seems that laziness run through the company from drivers to security πŸ˜‚

    6. Thank you very much DJ Audit, me and my family move to England from Syria 10 year ago, me and my family get so much entertainment laughing at the silly English people having small arguments with each other. peace and love from all of my Syrian family in London

    7. Mitie slobs with a control complex. They need to take note of how the general public interact with you and use that as a baseline for polite interaction. God knows what sort of upbringing some of these security staff must have had for them to think the way they interact is normal. As for their level of knowledge and training, that is frankly embarrassing for the company they work for. Too many doughnuts.

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