In the summer of 2019 I rode my bike from Maastricht in the Netherlands to Lago di Orta in Northern Italy.
    This video covers day 1 and 2 of the trip, where I ride the Vennbahn route and cross Luxembourg from North to South.

    Great site on the Vennbahn cycling route:

    • Riding solo
    • Bike: 2015 Specialized AWOL
    • Camping yes, cooking no.

    Keep calm and pedal on !!!

    Blue Sunrise – JW Roy & The Royal Family
    This is what you are – Mario Biondi
    Tell your mama – Blackbird
    Sock Boo Ga Loo – Bobby Rush
    Devil’s son – Danny Vera


    1. Much anticipated and didn’t disappoint. Would love to do something like this, maybe in the future, already looking forward to your next adventure 😬

    2. Worth the wait for this great video, big distances, big climbs, serious averages and still time to share this beaut journey; houoe en bedankt.

    3. Just discovered you. Fun, fun ride. Could not believe the auto group. Jesus, Dodge Ram Pickups are insanely huge here on our streets and roads, but the thought of having them there…. Nuts. Love the choice of music. Are you able to use songs from YouTube Premium in your videos without copyright strikes?

    4. Did you know the entire Vennbahn and a few metres on both sides were allocated to Belgium after WW1? Yeah, you probably did know that as I you a little in-estemate. Both countries are negotiating how to solve this issue. My suggestion: Vennbahn to Germany, Kurfürstendamm toBelgium!

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