The Strade Bianche, with its white gravel roads and spectacular Italian scenery, has become one of the race season epics. Pidcock and Vollering return to defend their titles but will they be pipped to the post? Dan and Si run through the race route and review the teams and riders in contention for this year’s podium. Let’s hope there’s no horsing around on the route this year!

    00:00 Intro
    00:22 Strade Bianche 2023
    01:49 Strade Bianche race routes
    04:47 Riders in the men’s teams Strade Bianche
    10:26 Riders and teams in women’s Strade Bianche
    14:23 Weather during the race
    15:13 Predictions for Strade Bianche winners

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    Welcome along to our big gcn preview of Strate bian 2024 longer than ever with more gravel than ever but will it be the best Edition ever we shall find out this coming Saturday but ahead of that let’s go through the route with its changes and the first key Riders taking part

    First up though this is how the race is unfolded a year ago there just warning them that she’s seen a horse cres fa now they know that they’ve got to get the American back she’s going to get some company very shortly Christen pner as we said is going down swinging dve Bing now

    Tries to come over the top of her teammate it is going to be throw to the line between the two of them you’ve got Pitcock on the left it’s Technical that is it Tom pitock going solo it’s a sight for Sor eyes it’s the Next Generation led by Tom pitock a close properly contested Sprint there between teammates voler and keki in the women’s race and a win after a long solo effort from pitcock to take the men’s all three are

    Set to compete again this year which is great yeah in what is an extended route for both races which we’ll take a look at now both races still start from the Piaza Del Campo in Sienna the men’s race is 215 km an extra 31 K versus last year

    Whilst the women’s is virtually the same distance at 137 but there are some significant differences to the route and that is because both the men’s and the women’s races take in a new finishing circuit that will see two of The Familiar sectors tackled twice in each

    Race W so let’s take a closer look at the men’s race to start with which is over 200 km for the first time and it’s all be short history there are 15 sectors totaling over 70 K of white roads and there’s no no easing into it the first of those sectors comes after

    Just 14ks of racing and the second soon after that which is where the early break is normally formed or traditionally formed but the way things are going I think the early break might just be the big hitters riding away from everybody else at the start of the race

    Anyway the eighth sector for the mail on Saturday is the Monte Santa Maria which is where the winning move has gone for the past two years of patcha and pitock respectively this year though due to the changes it comes a lot further from the finish so it will still be a significant

    Part of the race you’d have thought being 11 km long and including a significant climb and quite technical descent as well technical desent but when they come off the gravel they will still have over 70 K to the Finish which might serve to deter any kind of overe

    Exuberance yeah from there they’ll have close to 20ks of rest bite before three sectors that come in quick succession culminating in L the short steep percent that comes after downhill normally conclud cludes the gravel for the race this year however they head out on that final Loop taking in two new sectors

    Before retracing their steps and then following the traditional run into the Finish Line ahead of that line of course there’s the not insignificant climb that takes them into Sienna where we have seen some fantastic battles over the years not recently in the men’s races we

    Have two solo winners in a row that’s a good point actually yeah the women’s route follows the same road as the men’s for the first 50k or so before making a change in Direction and heading back to W Sienna there they’ll take in that same finishing Loop giving them a total of 12

    Sectors of gravel totaling a little over 40 km time will tell of course whether or not they should have meddled with this route as a person that doesn’t like change personally though my first thought is definitely if it ain’t broke don’t don’t fix it well I mean I agree

    Uh definitely I’m not against Innovation or inde resting on your laurels but there was a reason why this race Rose to prominence wasn’t there in such a short period of time and that was because it immediately stumbled upon a winning formula what 17 years ago yeah 2007 was

    It I think so I’ve got my fingers crossed anyway it’s the Riders of course that make the race as the old saying goes yeah so RCS can blame them can’t they if it’s not as exactly just before we get on to the Riders competing we

    Just wanted to point you to our shop in which you will find a couple of designs that are nod towards the stata of tasky we’re really pleased with these particular designs and if you would like to see them you can make a purchase over on shop. global cycling your

    Support is genuinely really appreciated and what has been quite a difficult time for the company hasn’t it with the closure of GCM plus I’m just pointing to the ankles on there they’re a lot thinner than mine they are a lot sleeker yours should we get on to the rise

    Taking part yes let’s do it uh good news on the men’s the winners of the past two editions of the race are on the start list we’ve already mentioned patcha or pitcock should I say but patcha is there as well yeah for the latter it will mark

    His first race of to the season unlike 2022 where he’d already won two stages and the overall at the UAE tour but given his first race of the season last year was the classic hyen Paro in Spain with his own Gravel Road and he won that

    Solo yeah doesn’t mean that he won’t be on Race winning form of course no I mean when is Pacha not on Race winning form that is a very good point yes he’s got quite the team as well to back him up hasn’t he Hershey and AO both of whom

    Won races in France at the weekend Tim wellin who put on very good showing in on Loop and ker Bros ker and Isaac Del Toro who has hit the pro scene with a bang this year almost an underst isn’t it that’s a bit like the visma Lisa bike

    Of omope yeah that level and strength and depth isn’t it pick your winner I don’t envy though whoever is supposed to be domestique or helper for the rest of the that’s a lot of pressure on your shoulders isn’t it that’s right and you also won’t have much help AR they

    Because You’ pretty much be on your own um it’ll be interesting to see whether paga does play the numbers game with his teammates wouldn’t it he does tend to be the sole leader no that is very true isn’t it yeah it will be interesting to see how they tackle the tactics won’t it

    Speaking of visma Lisa their team looks completely different to the opening weekend in fact from what we know so far provisional star list it looks like Kristoff lapour is the only rider that’s going to make the journey from Belgium all the way down to Italy whilst the

    Rest of the squad is quite Climer heavy if that’s not a contradiction in terms yeah cus and tulet uh both of whom have experience off-road are set to be there alongside till alter and Bart lemon both of whom looks pretty decent at the recent year tour it doesn’t look like

    The all conquering squad though nevertheless does it that we’ve been accustomed to but still some quality names in there so they’ve definitely got a chance Enos will obviously be looking to Pitcock as their main man that was certainly the case on Saturday at omlo wasn’t it where he was the only Rider of

    The four that they’d managed to get into the league group that split early in the race he was the only Rider able to follow the move when it went they went from four to one very quickly yeah another former winner uh double winner in fact actually though at St Bianca Mel

    Kowski will provide some useful experience and backup darant Thomas is set to make his debut at the race whilst Magna Sheffield who himself has a history of py cross is another asset for them should we move on to sudar Quick Step next I think we should yeah as we

    All know they’re not the classics force to be reckoned with as they have been in the past basically whilst they transition into becoming a grand tour Squad built around AO however they also have a former winner in their ranks for this race jul Al he’s not having much

    Luck at the moment is he two big crashes on Saturday which came after a public and frankly unforgivable scolding from his manager Patrick lefer last week I think we’re all hoping aren’t we to see him get back to i’ love to see it yeah but right now it’s hard to see him

    Winning a race unfortunately yes Casper as green will be there as well the rider who finished third here two years ago while jany Muson new recruit will be hoping to refind the form that saw him almost win Peru two and a half years ago wasn’t that long ago my words yeah keep

    Your eyes on Alberto betiel as well he is always up for this race and he’s got some strong Riders around him as well on the EF Education First Team caraz Healey powless all pretty handy in one day races so they’ve got cards to play they do yes at least according to the

    Provisional start list to remind you Andreas cron and lennet vanitvelt will be a good Duo for lotto Destiny but the outsider I’m most looking forward to watching is Roman greguar of groupa he’s making his debut here but it feels like a race that I think should suit his

    Style down to the ground and there is no doubt of course that he is incredibly talented no Stefan Kung will also be on that team right along with French champ Valentine mad Dylan turns spearheads the Israel Premier Tech Team he look fairly solid last weekend didn’t he um but keep

    Your eyes out for young Riley Sheen too winner of Parry tour last year as a Stager that was impressive was an apprentice speaking of us hopefuls in fact Quinn Simmons is a man who loves this race and who has been right up there in the past in fact I think punct

    Thwarted him once I really feel like if everything goes right for him he would be threatening a Podium place in this race but he’s he’s a big strong guy isn’t he and it feels a little bit like maybe that it’s shifted yeah like you know there’s a lot of little guys now

    Well maybe that might be one of the things that happens with the change of the route because the longer climbs where things have been decided in the men’s race for the past couple of years they’re further from the finish so if it does dissuade those sorts of attacks the

    Latter climbs are much shorter and they’re steeper but they’re shorter as well which might play into the favor of somebody like Quinn Simmons you’d think that Vima Lisa might would have done their homework send W van up anyway well maybe Vima Lisa B know a bit more than I

    Do we’ll find out um the last two Riders we’re going to mention a mate maharic and Ivan Garcia CA maharic because he can never be counted out and although he was a little bit disappointed in his results last weekend he should be there or thereabouts he’s also gravel world

    Champion yeah he is there’s a bit of pressure on his shoulders he’s allowed to wear his gravel World Champs Jersey for 70 km isn’t he keep taking it on and off um who wouldn’t like to see Matti mahic win stal Bianca there and a masterclass on the gravel roads well

    That would be cool wouldn’t it it would yeah even Garcia CA meanwhile looked brilliant last Sunday in omloop when the front groups came together so watch out for him that said he’s not really set the world Al light on the three times that he’s ridden this race in the past

    He’s not onto the women’s race now and despite being beaten at loop on Saturday SD Works Remain the team to beat they finished one two of course last year as we mentioned with keki and voling both of whom will start as big favorites this time around there’ll certainly be their

    Two protected Riders I mean doesn’t take a genius to work that out uh there’ll be question marks I would say though after their performance last Saturday because I fully expected lot of keki not just given last year’s form but this year’s to ride clear over either the mo or the

    Bosberg and I definitely didn’t expect following to be distanced there even though it was her first race of the year yeah I mean it looks as though all of the Riders who were in that front group of four last Saturday are going to be racing again this week we should

    Probably talk about them as well shouldn’t we starting with Mariana Voss um nothing short of Master Class no I reckon they should use that ride that Ved on Saturday as some kind of example to all aspiring Pro cyclists in a school tactics 101 she was stealthy controlled

    She got into the head of the other rid in the break particularly capek she hid well she didn’t do more than her fair share of work on the front it was so good to watch and it also means she’s back doesn’t it that was her first win

    In omope at her first participation and one of the very few races she’s got left a tick off on her pomarez stal bian it is a different Beast it is is it unfortunately more climbing on route but given the power that she showed last Saturday and for the previous 20 years

    Or so yes could this be her year I really hope so I really hope so like you said she’s won pretty much everything else in the world hasn’t she it would seem fitting that a race this good has the name Mariana Voss written into its history books agreed the other two

    Riders at the head of Affairs in envelope on Saturday were Sheran van androy and Alisa Longo borghini of little Trek yeah the latter is a former winner of this race orbe seven years ago now but she’s also been third fifth second and eightth since then she had a

    Really tough season in 2023 and she with injury and Illness but like Voss it looks like she’s close to being back to her best meanwhile van androy will be loving the gravel giving her sross background she took a top 10 here in her only participation a couple of years ago

    When she was still only 20 years old two years older stronger and wiser now and for me this parkour for her suited her a lot more than it did at omloop on Saturday so she would definitely in my books start as one of the big favorites yeah as will fellow cycl Crosser Puck

    Pety who’s made this one of her big goals of the Season hasn’t she on the road yeah yeah she was fifth on her debut last year in what was one of her first ever professional road races as well wasn’t it two top 10 last weekend B pretty well and like van anroy this

    Route suits her really well um and I’m hoping she should have Yara castelline I hope so toany as well um although she hasn’t raced so far this year no as ever confirmation on who is riding the women’s race is coming quite late but there are a few guarantees you’d have

    Thought one of which is cashion nuid of Canyon sham we speak about her every year on this preview don’t we she has been so consistent in this race over the years so close to winning it but it just hasn’t quite happened for in terms of crossing the line first no like maharic

    She is also gravel world champion so clearly at home on the dirt and I would love to see her win it yeah I mean at this point it just feels like she’s earned a place on that Winner’s List she still got a few years left to do it now

    Has yeah I hope she’s got Al Lisa shabby alongside because as we’ve seen firsthand s she is a demon descendant oh my word yes another with some pretty consistent results in this race is Ashley Morman pasio she’ll be riding for AG Insurance on Saturday plus mavi Garcia who came close to winning this

    Race in 2020 after a long solo Breakaway we should mention Sylvia persco as well really talented Rider and yet another who’s got plenty of experience in sross this should be the perfect race for her yeah now just before we get on to predictions should we do a weather watch

    Oh yes it can make a huge difference this race can’t it uh yeah we should point out we’re recording this on Monday yeah shouldn’t we so things can change of course but as things stand there is some rain forecast over this week in that area of Tuscany including on

    Saturday just over a 50% chance of rain whilst the race is on light winds maximum temperature of 11° cenr so potential to be an epic then uh it’s been a while since we had a grimy version less Strada Bianca more Strada Brown that was was it five years ago it

    When w vard t bot were covered in mud at the front of the race yeah it would be like literally take your kit off and throw it in the pin there’s no coming back from that is there no no I think that that’s the only rainy addition that

    We’ve had I know it’s a short history but it does go to show you’re better off living living in Tusk in the UK if you want good weather in March right who are you going for uh in the women’s race I’m going to go

    For keki MH I think she’s going to do it uh much as I’d like to see Mar it and the men’s race that’s a tricky one actually think GNA go Pano actually I just don’t against P you can’t bet against him can you no okay I’m GNA go for two people

    That I would like to see win first of which is a real long shot but I mentioned him earlier Roman greguar I think he’s such a talented exciting Rider to watch probably a year or two too early for him still okay but like to see group armor having sucess in Italy

    As well and on the women’s side I’ll go P Pizza yeah that would be pretty cool wouldn’t it it would be really cool I mean she’s so good in so many disciplines isn’t she but like I said fifth last year year older year wiser yeah you never know Mountain bik champ

    No but I think obviously favorite is going to be patcha and keki yeah yeah but what you saying I’ve gone for the boring options yeah yeah okay so if I win it’s it OB basically uh right well I think that’s bring us to the end of the preview show

    For St bian uh I’d be to know your thoughts on the change of course that they’ve got this year should they have stuck with what seemed to work very well or could it be even more pick now that it’s longer on the men’s side and there

    Is more gravel on the women’s side uh let us know who you think is going to win in the comment section down below as well thanks very much for watching uh give this video a thumbs up if you’ve enjoyed it


    1. Usually Dan’s informations are correct, but this time… unfortunately not! G already raced the strade in 2009, the year Daniel got 9th😮😮😮

    2. I agree with the new race season upon us. Searching for a way to watch races has become hard. I miss my cycling-specific app that had bike races, mechanic tips, cycling news, and cycling movies all in one place.

    3. They want to be called a monument. Two things needed for that–increase the distance which they have done. Supply great prize money and attract more of the top players which they still need to do!

    4. What about Kristen Faulkner? She has proven that she is fit this year, and I’m sure she and her team will be very motivated to get a good result after what happened last year.

    5. I've never understood the hype around Alaphilippe – he's always mentioned but it's been so long since he's been a true top contender

    6. More gravel will surely make for a more epic race 🤞. I’m going with puck and Tom P . Although I have a feeling pog will do it if his gravel skills are up to it

    7. Jesus, i signed for eurosport, only to find out that "video not available in country" for almost every video (you can watch live, but not replays????) – in the middle of europe. This eurosport app is probably the crappiest stuff ever. Plz bring back gcn+. Now i can go back to watching white wall….

    8. Why can’t we watch the whole race from the very start on TV? I didn’t realise when the programme started on Eurosport here in the UK, that both the women’s and the men’s races have already started. So far I’ve had to watch 40 mins of studio chat, meanwhile the races are already underway and I’ve not had a glimpse yet.

    9. Did Flo Bikes confirm the Strade race today was available in the US market? It was not and a disappointment for subscribers like myself in that viewing area.

    10. Dear GCN. I live in SouthEast Asia. And miss GCN+ a lot. Pls give me solution or recommendation where i have to subscribe so i can watch live cycling again. Thank you.

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