Property Expert, Russell Quirk, calls out the ‘haphazard, wayward, and incompetent Government’ for providing 16,000 new homes for asylum seekers whilst the nation experiences a housing crisis.

    #asylumseekers #migrantcrisis #ukborder #housingcrisis

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    Now the home office has build up a stock of 16,000 properties to house Asylum Seekers despite chronic shortages across the UK of homes for young people families veterans and the homeless the home office have been offering landlords five year guaranteed full rent deals to take over the management of properties

    As they attempt to transfer Asylum Seekers out of hotels that cost 8 million quid a day of course well I can now speak with Russell Quirk property expert on this Russell welcome to the show always a pleasure another incident Russell of Britain’s being at the back of the queue 16,000 properties hoovered

    Up by the government at Great cost to the taxpayer once again people wondering who on Earth comes first in this country yes so if you’re one of the 1.2 million people that are on the UK housing waiting list uh you know generally sort of people that are paid

    Into the system and that are deserving of that social housing you can be uh very uh you can you can understand the sympathy that people will have for them given that they are being put to the back of the queue as you put it uh whereby Asylum Seekers are being

    Prioritize and of course this is not just Asylum Seekers let’s be really honest here Martin this is often those that are coming over on dingis with no ID not women not children 25 year olds from Albania for instance not a water on country by the way um who are then being

    Given priority by these idiotic councils and this halfhazard Wayward incompetent government uh over and above the people that are paid into the tax system there’s 16,000 homes by the way this is just the tip of the iceberg Martin so youve got 16,000 homes that have been stockpiled by the home office on a

    Rental basis the average rent by the way in the UK is about 1,000 per month so the calculation just for this particular initiative means that we’re still paying half a million pounds per day to rent those 16,000 homes so rishy Sun act’s ridiculous uh ridiculous kind of uh

    Prophecy or his decision his policy the Revelation that he was going to uh he was going to appeal to the masses by taking people as Asylum Seekers out of hotels and hosts that then should be lorded as some kind of you know clever initiative that we should give him

    Credit for and all he’s done is then take rental houses away from uh people that have paid into the system but but the other thing Martin sorry just quickly is there are councils across the country and I’ve got a huge huge list here just very very very quickly Winchester Preston North norol North

    Yorkshire waram Forest Portsmouth basing Stone these local authorities are actually buying homes so new and used homes specifically for the purposes of housing Asylum Seekers so this is taking stock away from firsttime buyers that otherwise would be able to buy those homes and stock away from renters who

    Actually have very very little choice right now as it is because there’s a housing shortage this is a disgrace Martin yeah and and Russell um expert um overview there Ciro Clear Springs and Mia the three contracted companies to do this have been paid 4 billion pounds

    Russell over 10 years to Hoover up this housing and the counsil as you touched upon there Russell I’m especially fascinated by what I see as a kind of refugees welcome mindset that seems to continually become a work class problem when you look at the communities where the cheap housing is being hoovered up

    Top of the list places like Hull Bradford tside what then happens Russell is he he create ghettos you create ghettos where locals can’t afford housing ghettos where Asylum Seekers are dummed nowhere near where where the policy makers live nowhere near Gary liner’s Place nowhere near the politicians driving this through and it

    Becomes a workingclass problem dumped on those communi with no say whatsoever yeah no indeed and the home office and indeed these councils they are buying masses of properties in the areas that you and I have just referenced so um you know without any cultural assimilation I think as we

    Would call it um just yet dumping these people often not knowing who they are not forgetting that a lot of these so-called asum Seekers are dumping their ID over the side of the dingy into the English Channel um you know and and expecting that that that integration that uh that kind of neighborhood

    Dynamic to carry on without any issues we’ve seen what have happened what’s happened in Asylum hosts and Asylum hotels where you know many have been set fire to uh there have been all sorts of trouble in fact there’s a there’s a statistic Martin that in the last three years nearly

    2,000 serious incidents of assault Arsen and sexual offenses have occurred within those Asylum hotels and hostals by people that are seeking Asylum that’s just going to be transferred further into our community unities into housing whereby these people going to be living next door to us and opposite us yeah and

    Russell there’s a case we’ve been following very closely on GB news on my show and that’s 300 um Asylum Seekers being dumped into luxury apartments in farbor there’s been a huge backlash by the locals but often times Russell these communities they’re not politically motivated they’re not integrated there’s

    Very little so social cohesion and so once again it’s foed upon those communities with no say in the matter yeah and you know we all know what the answer here is you know that that’s to either turn back the boats frankly or to repatriate those people that shouldn’t be here particularly you

    Know the 45% or so that actually don’t receive Asylum you know they’re not even removed you know so these are the people the Asylum Seekers that have had failed Asylum applications that are still housed at the taxpayers expense you know so you’ve not even got the issue around you know so-called legitimate Asylum

    Seekers bearing mind we accept more asum applications than just about any other country in Europe so we’re pretty soft imagine being an economic migrant from Albania a 25y old with his new iPhone 15 and his kind of you know expensive trainers and tracksuit jumping on that boat thinking I’ve absolutely made it in

    Life Britain no wonder they’re trolling through all of these European countries to get to us you know not only is Britain going to welcome that person and probably grant them Asylum you’re going to get a free house not just a hotel room but a free house as well as

    Benefits education NHS and so on it really is an utter disgrace uh the government could do something about it clearly rishy sunak and the home office the bureaucrats the Civil Service in the home office for some odd reason are deciding not to against the will of the British people Russell Quirk excellent

    Brilliant and yet slightly depressing analysis from you thank you very much for speaking out as ever always a pleasure


    1. Yes, this Government is despicable, but I hope you are not under the impression that Labour would be any different. From the way they talk, it sounds like the situation will only get worse.
      VOTE REFORM when you nedxt get the chance, it really is the only hope we have.

    2. GBN look in to our PMs lie last year about stopping the roll out of SMART MOTORWAYS
      He said it live from No10
      And all hes done is changed the name to Digital motorways
      Im a uk based lorry driver and we are seeing new Digital motorways being rolled out all over the country
      He doesnt care about anyone but his cronies

    3. Infuriating! They build over the countryside, print money to deflate our currency, tax us to the hilt, impose ever more regulations on us and give everything away and prioritise, unskilled scroungers, loafers and gangsters ahead of Britizh people. The fact the government doesn't change laws, leave treaties and just enforce the border and deport everyone who has arrived illegally in the last five years is deplorable!

    4. Bad enough their taking property away from the natives but t actually b PAYING crooked landlords (on a 5yr guaranteed income) just rubs salt into the already bruised wounds of longsuffering Brits.
      A relative of mine was homeless an they basically told her t 's'-off , despite her paying into the system f ner 40yrs without a break; Mr BONEhead did actually help a bit but evening she had t go t the Ombudsman ( especially when she's found empty property but they said no, they were reserved f incoming Europe settlers) etc; the stress it caused her an my family was immense at the time.

    5. Our PM wants these assylum seekers here. He has never been about the British ever and hes just proved it by letting this happen. Our government is an absolute disgrace but the funny thing is they are meant to work for us, what a load of BS.

    6. So what was the whole point of brexit ? I thought it was the only real positive thing the conservatives actually managed to achieve for us but after all the debating and referendums that went on for years we haven’t really achieved anything if there are more immigrants than ever coming here and to top it all off they are building 16000 homes for them and what makes me laugh though is the idiots are doing this close to a general election . The conservatives are encouraging immigration. They think they can fob us off with a £900 cost of living payment so we can vote them in again – think again – sunak, sunak, sunak out,out,out.

    7. About time the huge salaries and perks of politicians were reduced to pay for these illegals they choose to support over citizens

    8. I feel sorry for those uk people that are on the housing list waiting to be housed, and now there are 16000 homes that should be given to those on the housing list, but they are being given to Asylum seekers that were put in hotels , no this is wrong. When is this government going to wake up and smell the roses. This country has turned soft , this is not fair on the tax payer. To the government get off your backsides and sort this out, that housing should be given to those already on the waiting list not to Asylum Seekers, send them back enough is enough

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