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    This is my first time bikepacking in Florida and I’m doing it with 200 other adventure lovers. The Huracan, and many other events, were created by Karlos Bernart. Check out his site for everything that he organizes.

    This is the bike I ride and helped design, the Priority 600x:

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    Cycling Rwanda:
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    The SoCal Desert Ramble
    The Great Divide
    The Colorado Trail
    Baja Divide
    Biking Cuba
    Love Cycles (across the USA)
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    Hello my friends are you ready for something a little different well it’s time for this Rocky Mountain boy to Head East Florida to be exact I’m here to participate in the Huracan 300 an off-road challenge in the central part of the state that includes single track remote Forest roads sand mud Gators yep

    Gators there’s over a million of them in Florida and even a little river crossing the HRI con was created 14 years ago by this guy the Kingpin of Florida bike packing Carlos Bernard he’s developed all sorts of roots and events around the state and has created a strong community

    Of bike Packers this is my first time riding in swampland and I’m excited about it riding through a swamp no big deal here we go okay here we Go what’s up my friends I know it looks kind kind of like I’m in Colorado but I am not I have come all the way across the country to Florida and why am I here well some of my friends have been bugging me for a long time about this

    Mysterious event called the urakan 300 the hurricane 300 although I hear it’s actually closer to 400 miles I’m here because it’s a big event it’s actually a race I’m not really going to race it but I’m going to ride my bike with a whole bunch of new friends make some new

    Friends you know me I like humans I like people I like bikes I like new adventures I’ve never done an adventure out here in the woods of Florida and we’re going to have some fun what bike am I riding the bike that I designed with my friends at priority

    The 600x it has the gates Carbon Drive and the pinion gearbox and a crazy looking inverted front suspension Fork I love this thing I encourage you to partake in some beverages we have non-alcoholic beer we our food will be here between 600 and 7: I am very excited because I just just

    Made a friend named Louis and guess where he’s from Honduras Honduras I don’t meet Hondurans very often what are you doing out here in the Florida Woods um just you know riding going to experiment this ride and see what happens man yeah how long have you been

    Riding bikes uh about 3 years yeah what what got you into it a lot of I have to do because of you n yes sir indeed yes sir I started watching your videos and I became more very motivated about it and I just like man I I need to experience

    What you experienced what do you love most about it the journey M just getting lost out there in the middle of nowhere and enjoying nature uh that’s the best thing and not knowing where you’re going or how long is it going to take I know we going to make it back just kidding

    Everything hurts and I’m hungry tell me about why you’re here why you love bike packing and what’s your plan tomorrow well I’ve been biking for a really long time but I just started bike packing last year last May so not quite a year because I’m just started getting

    Old and slow and bike packing is slower and I like being in the woods and I like camping and I like backpacking so it’s just kind of been a transition for me so here’s my new friend City and Blake how we doing what’s up what are you guys

    Doing in this Florida swampy land hey you know we’re native Florida so we’re going to be out here doing the Huracan this year hoping hoping hoping so how you get we going get pass how did you get inspired to do all this kind of crazy stuff Brian you know it’s it’s

    It’s all about you man watching the videos watching the videos is just inspiring um you know we got an outdoor company and we started out with hiking but ever since we’ve been biking never look back so we love the bike trails we love the community of bikers so glad

    That you get to come out and experience Florida with us so we’re just so thankful that you came out and uh we’re looking forward for the journey tomorrow what makes biking in Florida special uh you never know what kind of terrain you’re going to run into cuz you

    Get a lot of rain lot of mud this that and the third um be fast one day and slow the next day you can on Sand one day that’s smooth and fast and then it doesn’t rain for a week and it’s sugar sand that you can’t even ride through

    Anymore and you’re pushing your bike I am not in it for the race I’m in it for the challenge to really challenge my internal self um it doesn’t matter if I do it in one day two day three day four days I just want to get to the Finish

    Line This Year tell me what Sugar Sand is I mean it’s like trying to dump out a bag of sugar and ride your bike through it it’s it’s loose it’s soft you can hardly walk through it and it’s going to be a lot of that tomorrow fish tails

    Hard with all the rain that’s supposed to happen that at Leisa be packed so I said earlier that my friends were bugging me to come here this is that friends it’s Brett what’s up man I met Brett last year at ragb We Had the Time of Our Lives I flew in yesterday he

    Picked me up and this morning we rode his son to school Allan you all remember Allan from the ragb videos the super cute awesome kid bottle of chalula bottle of chalula kid that’s him oh yeah my bottle of chalula you have a bottle of chalula in there too yeah the reason

    Why you sold this was you said the community the bike packing community in Florida is amazing and I’m already feeling a little bit of it I just got here but I’m feeling it it’s everything behind us tell me about it this is why we do it you know it’s the trails are

    Great we’re having an absolute blast out on the trail but it’s the community you know we got 200 Riders this year every time you get to a gas station you’re going to run into 20 people sitting outside eating a sandwich and talking about whatever wild nonsense they just

    Rode through and oh man I got stuck in this I got stuck in that I had to pick my bike over this fence and you know it’s a community everyone’s looking out for each other everyone’s helping each other and you know it’s it just gets bigger every year and so now we’re at

    Capacity with 200 Riders so I get to ride bikes with 200 of my friends for the next 4 days and it couldn’t be Better yeah Carlos look what you did look what you did [Applause] I’m already loving the event and I haven’t even gotten on my bike yet I met so many cool people tonight the community as everybody was saying is is really strong and uh I’m happy to be part of it because usually I’m riding my bike by myself out in the middle of

    Nowhere but this weekend it’s going to be a lot different and we’re going to wake up tomorrow we’re all going to start pedaling through the swamps exactly good morning Carlos good morning how are we feeling today fantastic how are you feeling I’m feeling pretty good yeah is it always this chilly here it

    Happens it’s Florida Florida’s magical like that don’t worry it’ll be like summer by mid day good good yeah it’ll be summer at midday or or fall I don’t know it’ll be nice how does it make you feel to see all these people here oh my God it’s probably the the biggest

    Compliment I ever receiv received in my life is when I see all these people come from all over to participate in my rides it’s a huge compliment for them to have the confidence to believe that I’m giving them good info like you know setting them to good places it’s a it’s

    Very flattering I I I have a ton of appreciation and respect for it you know not many people get to get to kind of create this kind of magic for for others so I feel fortunate and so you’ve created bike packing routs all over Florida this race other races tell me

    How this all got started um it wanting to prepare to do the Great divide I needed to learn how to bike pack in order to complete that task so I started just making routes in my town to prepare you know to practice and and people um encouraged me to invite others to try

    Them and and then that kind of took off from there and what do you love about bike packing I just love the freedom of transporting myself from place to place via bicycle I just love that whole process of um of just seeing you know every inch of the Earth as it turns

    Under my wheels you know that’s what I like I I love that human powered travel I mean I I kind of like everything human power travel where it’s whether it’s a longdistance skateboarding or hiking I I kind of just that whole human power Travel Is My Jam waa I love your outfit

    Bud where are you from that’s warmer than Florida no I came from Chattanooga and it’s colder oh okay so you thought this would be warmer I thought it’d be warm and sunny and not rainy woo how you feeling awesome let’s go let’s go what inspired you to take on

    This challenge uh just something new and something longer than we usually do hi high five Mom oh team Sam so this is a normal siiz wheel and this is a mini wheel H or maybe I have it the other way around what kind of bike is this it’s

    The 36 or 36 in uh bike you know if you’re tall NBA players just all all guys you can get these bikes it’s a pretty good deal wow makes feel makes you feel normal that’s true does is it hard to get the wheels turning or it’s a

    Slow to get started but once it’s rolling it goes over everything 7:30 a.m. Riders up on the line up on the line hey I recognize this bike hey R where’ you get that thing I’m that guy that got addicted to your videos one year ago and went out and bought

    Everything I saw you with and I’ve rode 10 rides in this by with Carlos and here I am doing the Huracan and I’m meeting you and this is pretty wild and what are you loving about it you know doing it I love the ultimate Challenge on so many

    Levels be it navigation your mind your physical body the environment you get to be in um it’s just uh I’m addicted and you’re from Lithuania right Lithuania Lithuania this is team International Lithuania Guatemala col colia really Amigo and how do you say luck in Lithuania all right good morning Cory morning how you

    Doing bud I think I’m pretty good like the waking up in the cold is not the issue sleeping in the cold was but I’m all right and this is a fixie fix GE yeah built the frame good luck out there brother have fun out there have fun thanks man Riders ready

    Go have fun out there spe and happy k Woo you’re awesome go get [Applause] them woo this is so awesome I love being part of all this energy here I’m going to I’m in a little bit of a hurry because I need to get my bike ready to

    Go there’s another wave and I’m in that one it’s on turn everybody it’s party man hey oh I got to hurry 10 seconds we got a roll good job here we go got to get my bike speed and happy tra thank you Carlos thank You heading straight to the single track okay here we go almost 400 miles of off-road Florida fun it’s uh really exciting to be here we’re going to try to go about a 100 miles a day which is a lot so even though we’re not racing this thing it’s going to be a

    Push oh it is a beautiful morning there’s a low hanging fog out there we don’t have fog very often in Colorado it’s too dry so I like the spooky landscape I can remember where to Go Woo this Florida single track is winding The Good morning good morning hey Sam this is really beautiful we do not have forests that look like this and call colado so this is a total treat to see these trees with the Spanish moss hanging down a little bit of fog going to do the uh do the 100 no yeah yeah looking good hey where it go

    Everybody woo little jungly over here so the first part of the route is about 15 Mii of single track and we’re just cruising this is so pleasant making friends got a new friend back here Mike what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up and uh yeah we’re going chat pace

    Which is Nice all right we have left the single track behind and just to give you an idea of how slow that riding is it took us 2 hours and 20 minutes to go 15 miles check out this car you knows who this is oh man you’re

    Not going to get bored out here are you no way man I got my little race car all right so his son Allan gave me this car is a good luck charm and it is the same car that he brought on rag rry last summer some of you who watched that

    Series saw him pull this out of his pack and now I have it continuing the Legacy oh yeah a Hot Wheel a Hot Wheel just in case we are on a dreamy rail trail right now A paved one and Brett says they’re doing this all over the state right yeah

    They’re trying a Coast to Coast Trail is trying to connect the two coasts so you’ll be able to ride from the Atlantic to the Gulf of Mexico on paved separated rail Trails like this one nice and Safe Water stops and bathrooms and uh there’s only a couple sections left to complete

    You’ll be able to go from the Gulf of Mexico to the ocean just like this I love it I love it here we go holy great Acoustics in there Brett oh yeah look at my boys all happy with their burgers and check it out I thought I was

    Just going to order fries cuz I didn’t expect them to have veggie patties but look at this so I go to dip my sweet potato fried what I think is some sort of savory sauce and it’s a marshmallow sweet sauce sauce guys what’s going on here it’s Bob sauce Bob sauce oh yeah

    Look at that Yum Yum Yum it’s actually okay by okay I mean like okay I don’t think I’m going to dip it anymore that was a really good veggie burger and I appreciate that they had a veggie option because sometimes these roadside stops don’t have veggie options

    Florida hiker bike promised you a hill yeah this is pretty good nature appreciation break and granola bar break excuse me got granola bar in my throat I’m loving the uh fall colors in February on those leaves it’s beautiful this is our winter here yeah and we’re in shorts yeah this about as

    Cold as it gets n it’ll get down into the 40s for a week or two so we like to say in Florida we have uh summer and February so this is the Sugar Sand that people have been telling us about o look how fine that is that is like sugar look at that Woo all right looks like we found all the Riders at this little general store I can’t wait for a little treat what’s up everybody I love little mom and pop shops like this out in the country I ate a couple of ice cream sandwiches and I’m getting one of these I love these

    Cookies they’re solid and we’re going to fill up with some water how you doing bud hey man I’m doing good I’m doing wait can I start again yeah of course do I look in that camera or do I look yeah for sure look at the camera okay how you

    Doing bud hey man I’m doing great how about you doing great and you’re from North Carolina how’s this compare um it’s flat but it’s still got its challenges so how’s your day been uh pretty good it’s been a long day um but no it’s going well I love these trees

    With the Spanish moss especially now with the afternoon lights streaming through I’m a fan big fan so this is what we’re about to get into this looks pretty crazy I dig it dude I’m feeling good feeling good tired how you feeling new friend good man good y yeah here we go

    Oh yeah yeah buddy what do you think about that that was intense man boom holy Mo that was a lot of fun reminds me of the bike parks and Boulder how how’d you like that that’s crazy to be part of a 400 mile race look at that sun

    We couldn’t be in a more fun spot right now on the course than right here right now as the Sun is setting all right the sun has gone down and this is where we are folks we are the blue dot we’ve just done quite a bit of single track and

    Uh this is what we have left to do all of this on the other side of the road and it’s pretty windy and it’s about 20 miles or see we the blue dot we could just go whoop and be at camp in a matter of probably 5

    Minutes Brett what should we do I think we’re running out of sunlight um the sun is set I think we should go to camp and kick our feet up a little bit and live to ride tomorrow tomorrow is a big adventure in green swamp right on thanks

    For showing me your world man I’m loving this I’m happy to share this with you I want to wish more people could see what goes on here it’s it’s crazy what are we having for dinner tonight oh I think some Doritos ought to do Doritos you know we have tortillas and

    Beans packed Brett did some shopping before the ride right here in my front burrito what’s up Brett we found our friends look at this you wasn’t kidding you sit up W how we all doing yay these are my new best friends that I met today I can’t believe what you’ve

    Put together it’s so amazing man it is so amazing out there this is the real magic These Fine people here so well everybody’s part of the magic you made the route they made the camp yeah life is good life is good buddy cheers man cheers Che so I’m sitting around the fire with

    My new friend April and when we first rolled up to the camp I thought all these people were people riding bikes but no they are a hiking group April what what are you all doing we’re called Sun Coast outdoors and we are a hiking group based out of Tampa Bay area and we

    Do hiking biking kaying backpacking you guys are so wonderful I appreciate the love yeah this is really good okay so what are we making here Pizza sandwiches oh yeah this one’s cheese only per order and check it out that’s how he’s heating up my Pizza Sandwich thank you so much

    It’s great to meet you it’s great to meet you almost finally really in real life this is so good I was going to eat cold beans and tortillas but here I am eating pizza bites everybody here is so cool they’re so friendly right when we rolled up they

    Started cheering for us these are my kind of people this is Trail magic I’m just walking around making friends with everybody you see those lights those are bike Packers rolling in way to go way to go nice job this is really cool it’s about 8:30 p.m. now and there’s still a

    Lot of riders coming in some are staying to Camp with us some are keeping on going to ride another 50 mil they’re crazy but I’m really this is this is putting a smile on my face check this out this is Boulder Colorado today my friend just sent me this she’s jealous I’m in

    Florida wow I’m having a very good hair day usually it’s all matted down oh what a day I love this thing it’s so much fun to be with these people I’ve said that a million times but I really truly mean it the energy is wonderful and Carlos has put together a

    Wonderful route and Community now it’s time to sleep and wake up and do it again buen nachos we’re the three best friends that anyone could have we’re the three best friends that anyone could have hello my friends I hope you enjoyed that video there’s a

    Lot more to come from Florida I loved my experience down there so hey if you enjoy my videos and they’re bringing value into your life please consider joining my patreon for just a little bit of money a month you can choose how much you’ll get early release videos with no

    Ads you will have direct access to write back and forth with me about whatever is on your mind and sometimes I do these fun Zoom chats with my patrons and it’s just a fun way to to connect with my community over there if you don’t want

    To do that that is AOK okay my videos will always be free on YouTube you’re just going to have to deal with the the annoying ads also I have some merch for sale check these out these are made in conjunction with my friends at priority bicycles they are 100% organic cotton

    Made in the USA and with all of my merch sales we donate all of the profits to amazing nonprofits doing good things to get people on bikes so you buy this shirt your money is going to the Dream Team in Iowa to get kids onik so that

    They can participate in ragb if you already have enough t-shirts well hey you can never have too many socks you’ve probably seen these in my videos I’ll take them off for you these are my oay socks and they actually say get out there along the foot of the sock and if

    You flip it up here it even has my name in there which is kind of neat these Olay socks are made by my friends at Point six here in Steamboat Colorado they are Marino wool so they don’t sank like a lot of those polyester stretchy materials and all the proceeds from

    These are going to bike packing Roots I will link down below where you can buy all my merch and even my book and my book is now an ebook now and so many things to buy and you don’t have to buy any of it if you don’t want and you

    Don’t have to join my patreon if you don’t want but you will be supporting this Channel and keeping it moving forward okay thanks for watching bye


    1. After years of watching your videos, it was a real treat to watch you in my home state riding some of the trails I'm familiar with. Love your positive energy.

    2. Ryan, i started cycling more seriously because of your vids . I would cycle to the store back sometimes but now I go farther out and spend longer time outdoors with my bike . This year I am doing the Seattle to Portland Ride again for my second bike pack adventure . We thank you for the motivation to "get off the couch and GET OUT THERE"

    3. @duzer thank you so much for another ripple of goodness to our lives. For some reason these types of scenarios remind me of the old boundless series but focused on the the community as well as the event. So beautiful to see and feel a measure the effects of your lifestyle modeling. Get Out There!! So good, so grateful

    4. I’ve been following you for many years and now you are riding in my very own backyard of Central Florida 😊
      And I have never even heard of this bike packing Huracan event.
      Thanks, Ryan, for showcasing the beautiful Florida wilderness and trails to the world.

    5. This is a GREAT video. Group rides is way more “your style” in my opinion. Challenge rides are great, but you obliterating the terrain with a group is amazing. Super impressed you did all you did and got the recordings you did. More please

    6. Ryan thank you so much for doing the ride and sharing it with everyone! You are an amazing human. Folks the Ryan you see on camera is the real Ryan you meet in person…. just like the rest of us. You have inspired some many folks to get out and ride and I thank you for that. The word “community “ is used so much in bikepacking and this event is a perfect example. It’s amazing how I met not strangers, only friends I have yet to meet. Thank you for capturing this moment and sharing with all are friends. Thanks Brett Hack for inviting the Ryan to this amazing event. Thank you my friend.

    7. Cool! Your in my neck of the woods. I live in Georgia and travel down to Florida in the cold months. Perfect time of year. Hope you don’t get bitten up with mosquitoes on your adventure.

    8. Hey Ryan, welcome to the State of Florida and all it has to offer. I live on the Space Coast and love this sunny spot on the planet. So enjoyed your Ep 1. Blessings!

    9. Loving this video partially because you are riding in our backyard. Love the Withlacoochee bike trail and The Burger Station. Great stop in Hernando, FL. I didn't even know this race existed. Thanks for taking us along on this journey.

    10. This is Korea. This video is a lot of inspiration.

      Korea, a small country in Asia where I live, has entered the ranks of advanced countries by accepting Western culture.

      However, in Korea, there is too little environment to gain communication between people.

      We had a lot of cultures where we could interact with each other before we started economic development.

      It was only 30 years ago. We Koreans forgot all that and focused solely on developing the economy.

      Material development but no romance. No memories. Watching this video today, I'm envious. It's beautiful that daytime
      It is beautiful that strangers gather and make fun memories.

    11. This was a good video for a couple reasons. First, I like seeing you do something different. Not that stuff like Baja isn't great, it is. I just know that if you don't mix stuff up, you'll burn out. I think this was good for you. Second, while Baja is cool, this also serves a purpose. All of your viewers who might be curious about this ride but nervous, you're giving us a clear look which we appreciate. Bonus reason, what that organizer is doing? You could do something like that too back in Boulder, hint, hint.

    12. Something you may want to suggest to the organizer, (and which you might wish to do if you promote a "Bolder Boulder 400,") is to also have a tenderfoot loop. Something that older riders and their e-bikes can do on easier terrain and with the possibility of camping at hotels. That could add a lot of entry fees to the mix. The key is for the tenderfeet to get to be involved, as much as possible in the group activities.

    13. I was literally just researching these trails in my home state this week! After being inspired to do a backpacking trip from your videos and here you are now doing them! Awesome vibes man. Doing great work should feel very proud!

    14. Hey Ryan I really need to get in contact with you. I'm attempting to run across america to raise money for the wild fire victims of maui. I've lived in hawaii for 10 years. I grew up in boulder. Do you wanna team up with me and run and help raise money for the people of maui? I would love to meet you and team up with you

    15. Oops, it’s seems you left out “no flattys, no crashies, no whammy’s” so I’m surprised something really, really bad didn’t happen! 😅

    16. Your energy is contagious to those around you, that optimistism and enthusiasm is really shining in this video!! Really interesting to compare your Baja cape loop adventure to this one, and seemingly how much energy you can bounce off others when they are near. Can't wait for the next episode!

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