2023.08.19 ~ 08.21

    자전거 유럽 여행 35번째 국가 덴마크 도착! 덴마크에서 2일간의 라이딩.

    #세계여행 #자전거세계일주 #자전거여행


    Insta : @jinwcho
    Email : jo930131@gmail.com
    촬영 : Gopro10
    음원 : Epidemic Sound

    “ Norway, the city of Stavanger ” Have a nice trip in Denmark and a safe trip to the city of Bergen / Okay Korean ramen / Okay! thank you! Try it lol Okay, I’m ready. Enjoy your trip~ Okay, bye~ / Have a nice trip Then then haha ​​you know! Hahaha Hello~ It’s been a while~ㅎ You gave this to me as a gift, right? I’m still holding it. Isn’t it amazing what relationships are? I hope you have a good trip / Very good! Thank you hahaha. It’s so funny. This person is also a writer and goes on bicycle trips / Yes, yes, he is famous on Instagram. Are you making pide? Uh… Yeah haha, but it’s all mixed together.

    Fide, pizza, and Rahmajun are all mixed together haha. It’s good haha ​​/ I like Turkic style pizza, I want to eat it haha ​​(Uncle Ulash says he misses pide) I miss tantuni haha.. I want to eat Yustew Tabak Pilav Tabak Pilav (a menu that comes with chicken and rice) I always Tantuni and Tabak Pilav and Doner ? Durium? / Yes, durium. Haha, you like Turkye food. / Yes, I like it! Baklava is delicious and Ekmek! I need some Ekmek haha ​​(the freshly made Ekmek was the best bread I’ve ever eaten) I have to take the ferry in a bit, but

    Wow, it’s awesome, right? Mmm, that sounds delicious! You’re really good at cooking~ You made 2 pizzas.. Thank you haha ​​/ Okay, enjoy it! (Uncle Ulash is also a cyclist who has traveled a lot throughout Türkiye by bicycle) It’s very, very delicious I’ve had pizza in Oslo before, but that wasn’t delicious. This is much better. Hahaha Okay, thank you, Ulash Have a nice evening! Now I have to take the ferry to Denmark, but it’s raining. There is only one ferry route from Stavanger city to the village area at the northern end of Denmark. It’s an 8 o’clock ferry, so if you take it at 8 o’clock today, it leaves at 7:30 the next morning.

    It’s a ferry that runs for about 11 and a half hours, so I left a little early. Since you have to drive 13 km to the port, I think you should allow about an hour. Let’s go to Denmark. But how fortunate

    I am. The weather was so sunny and nice while I was enjoying the spectacular view. It rained just on the day I left. Is this goodbye rain? I really liked Norway haha. I was happy I will definitely come back next time. I have an airport over here . When can I get on the plane? Now it’s time to get on a plane~ I haven’t been on a plane in 17 months, and I haven’t been on a plane, but I’m going to the 35th country?

    Haha, this is also really funny. It’s funny even when I think about it It seems like you check in on the right here, but if you go a little forward here, you can see the North Sea . I don’t think check-in is open yet, but it starts at 7 o’clock. Oh, there’s an island in front of here, but there’s a bridge. Are you lost? Oh,

    The sky is pretty over there. Oh, I’m going in. Goodbye, Norway. See you again. Thank you. You’re waiting here, right? / Yes, line 1 / Thank you~ This ferry departs from Bergen, a city above Stavanger, and goes to Denmark via Stavanger . Are there people on board? I think they are people who got on from Bergen It’s here… I guess I’ll just sit here for now The structure is a little different from the ferries I’ve taken so far. Wow… the wind is really strong. I’m now leaving the Scandinavian Peninsula in Sweden and Norway and entering the Illan Peninsula, Denmark. It’s pronounced Illan in Danish, but in German it’s Yu. It’s the Tland Peninsula. So,

    We go into a small area called Hirtshals at the northern end of the Ijland Peninsula and start riding right away. Because it falls at 7:30 tomorrow morning, it’s 9:24 p.m. right now, so I was wondering if I’d be able to see the sunset. It’s a bit cloudy today

    So I don’t think I can see it (there aren’t many people, so I sleep with an air mat under the seat) I sleep on a mattress I slept, but I don’t know if I slept The weather has improved. Yesterday, when I boarded from Norway, there was a Norwegian sign, but I can’t see the Danish sign on this side coming into Denmark again? Oh, that’s too bad It’s the last country in Northern Europe, right? I have safely entered the 35th country, Denmark. Current time is 7:38. Today’s date is August 20th (20 days left on Schengen visa). I will start riding in Denmark right away. I will leave Hirtshals, which was the departure ferry arrival point.

    It feels very similar to when I left Scotland and took the ferry to the Netherlands. Looking at the bike path I’m running on now, the shape of the road, and the wind turbines, it’s very similar to the Netherlands, right? It’s not the Netherlands (the northern area has quite severe ridges),

    Huh? Why are you guys here? Why are the Highland cows here?? huh? It’s a city called Hjørring. There’s a McDonald’s in this city, so I’ll go get some breakfast. I’m hungry. It looks like fall is coming. The leaves are starting to fall . Are they all gone already here? A Big Mac set costs 18,000 won. I think adding hot wings

    Made it 22,000 won. I think the prices are similar, right? In Denmark, like Sweden, there are a ton of shelters where you can stay for a day. So I’m planning to go to a shelter and sleep today, but I think I’ll just have to run about 90km more . I

    ‘ll arrive around evening Maybe that’s because this is a peninsula. There are so many wind turbines installed, and the wind is blowing so strong. It ‘s very windy. It’s a sea breeze. But Denmark has great bike paths. I ‘ve ridden a little over 40km now, and the bike path hasn’t stopped even once. I

    ‘m in Aalborg state. This is the north. Aalborg seems to be the biggest city. It’s not Aalborg, it’s Aalborg~ (lol) Now that Germany and Denmark are next to each other, there is a supermarket called ALDI. I came towards Aalborg and it’s just 60km away from the port. The wind was strong today.

    It’s a little difficult. Why is there so much traffic here? In fact, without this bridge, it would be an island Look at this building . The building is curved. It’s curved like this (on the fjord side) I’m not sure , but I’m not feeling very well today. Strangely, I didn’t feel itchy for the three days I rode in Norway and it was fine, but hmm… Is it because I couldn’t sleep well?

    Maybe it’s because I’m tired, but the itchy symptoms haven’t gone away today… There is a shelter right next to the bike path, so I came this way . There is also a restroom here. Wow , there is a sign saying to pitch a tent. You can close the door to the shelter here . Wow, look at this. If you do this

    , you don’t have to pitch a tent, right? Let me open it. What is here? Let’s see what it looks like Oh!!! It’s best to just hit it here and sleep, right? Isn’t it great that you can make a fire too ? You can do it here . I rode 106km on my first day in Denmark. There were a lot of ridge roads in the beginning, but from the second half, the bike path opened and the flat land continued, so

    I arrived easier than I thought (or noodles + eggs). There’s water there, so I think I can wash up. Traveling in Denmark It’s great. It’s very well equipped. Kai told me about an app that helps you find shelters like this in Denmark, but the name of the app is just Shelter.

    But look at this It’s so comfortable, right? In fact, you don’t have to find accommodation~ Of course, it would be nice to have accommodation, but it’s expensive~ Originally, if there was no door, I was going to just pitch a tent here and sleep. Since there are no bugs, I can sleep comfortably without bugs.

    As for the price… Well, I went to the supermarket today and did something. The prices seem to be almost the same as in Norway. In fact, you can’t tell the difference, can you? It’s very expensive. I paid 20 Danish kroner for one coke (about 3,900 won), so it’s very cozy, right?

    Wow, is it so good? Yesterday.. I couldn’t sleep so much on the ferry, so I have to go to bed early. I’ll ride again tomorrow on the second day of riding in Denmark. That’s all for today “Denmark, shelter area in village Veddum” I think I slept before 10 a.m. yesterday, but I woke up past 8:30 a.m. So it’s 9:30 now. I’ll make breakfast with bread and yogurt and then run. Wow, that shelter is so cozy~ I really like dogs Toilet ↓ Washroom ↓ Today’s intermediate destination is a city called Aarhus. Next to this, we have to go to the island where the capital Copenhagen is located. There is a ferry to the island in the city of Aarhus, but I don’t know what time it will arrive. I haven’t booked a ticket yet

    , so I’m going to head all the way to Aarhus. There’s a fjord right in front of Hadsund, so I’ll probably have to cross the bridge that connects the fjords. It’s the same, but let’s take a look while crossing the bridge. Just before this bridge is a city called Hadsund. It has a different feel from the Norwegian fjords.

    I’ll take a quick look here. This is now Mariager fjord. If you go all the way like this, there’s the sea . At first glance , there’s a sea. It just looks like a river This is a drawbridge . It’s a bridge that can be opened upwards to allow ships to pass This part opens just right (so much) (Plugged in wind power generator) ↓ I ‘m in really good condition today, probably because I slept a lot. I was in a really bad mood yesterday, right? Today’s city at the 40km point is Randers (I feel like I’m dropping the sea level I’ve raised since yesterday) If you want to get into the center of the city, keep going down. This? It’s completely on the ground. Normally, I could go out right away, but I came in because there was a busy area for a while.

    The architectural form and style of that idyllic house has changed. idyllic houses of the type seen in Germany or Switzerland have begun to appear. Look at the building ↑ (The buildings are strangely slightly curved. ) I’m not sure about this dos Randers, is this the sea Aarhus 29km? you’re close? I checked the ferry time now and the current time is 1:50, there are 2, 4, and 5:40 ferries, but I don’t think I can take the 4:00 ferry because there are 30km left. 5:00? I think I’ll have to take the 5 o’clock ferry.

    The wind is against me today, so it’s definitely not going well. The wind is really strong. It seems to be particularly strong in Denmark today . When I travel by bike, I learn about life. Various environmental conditions always make me humble . Ugh. .. The sun is so hot

    . Wow, this is a big city. If you go over the hill in the distance, it’s Aarhus. I think you can go straight to the ferry place. It’s 3 o’clock now . You came so quickly, right?

    I’m not sure because I didn’t make a reservation, but I think I can take the 4 o’clock ferry. No, I don’t know why the ferry is so expensive… The price listed on the Internet is 120,000 won for less than an hour and a half Wow, the city center. I have to ride 3km uphill to come in? They’re all electric bikes. Wow, I can see the sea in the distance~ I think it’s almost in the top 3. Denmark has a good bike path, so it’s definitely big . I ride a bike a lot

    (I keep thinking of the Netherlands). It’s Aarhus Cathedral You can take the boat you see in front of you, but that boat is the 4:15 boat. But I haven’t bought a ticket yet, so I might not be able to get on it . I have to enter the terminal first First of all, I need to go to the place where I board that car, right? I don’t know how to get on. It ‘s 4 o’clock right now . Ugh, it’s hard.. I guess I should go somewhere and ask… Is it possible to buy a ticket and go in right away? But it’s all unmanned . Is this the ticket window over there ? Uh… Hello~ I’d like to get a ticket with that bike / Yes~ But I can’t find the bike add-on / Let me help you.

    Can I get on the boat right now? Or… uh… that boat leaves in 10 minutes, so yeah! Thank you for being able to do it . / You’re welcome~ When I made a reservation on the website, the price was set at 120,000 won, but as for how much I paid now , I paid 359 Danish kroner (about 70,000 won haha), so I still got it 50,000 won cheaper haha . ? What, there are 7 minutes left?

    No; Even if I use this barcode, the gate won’t open. I was confused because I was told I didn’t have a reservation. I just didn’t want to miss it. Hi! / Thank you haha. I really got on it at the last minute. I got on this. I thought I couldn’t get on this, but I got on it. Oh my, it’s crazy This is now the complete northern tip of the island. But after riding a little more at the northern end, I’ll stop in front of the beach and pitch a tent. Ugh, why am I so sleepy after sitting for a while on the ferry? Oh, there are a lot of cars~

    The ride from Norway to Denmark takes 11 hours, so it costs about 200,000 won… I admit it, I understand, but 70,000 won for 1 hour and 20 minutes was a bit too much; And the ferry that crosses the fjord between the Fjord-Luse Fjord is

    Actually so beautiful that it costs about 90,000 won if you think of it as a tour because it feels like a tour. But this is just a means of transportation, so 70,000 won is over the line. Copenhagen (København) 107km. Copenhagen 107km left. A little today. If I put it on,

    I’ll only have to ride it for about 90km tomorrow (I stopped at a cemetery because it looked interesting along the way). The scenery of the beach at the northern end is amazing. It’s very peaceful. I think I’ll buy two of these rather than get a discount I’ll set up a tent somewhere here and sleep I guess I can do it here as well~ Right? You can hit the spare spot over there . Yes, I’ll check it out. / Okay / Thank you. You’re camping haha. It says to go camping. Oh, I guess I’ll just do it out there. It’s just that it’s better outside. I think it’s better. It’s too hidden here.

    Camping is possible anyway, so I don’t think there’s any need to hide. I’ll do it here . Ta-da. Where did you start? It started in Spain. Did you come all the way here from Spain? No, I went all the way down to Morocco, and then all the way up to Scotland

    (this is when my friend starts to panic lol), and then all the way down to Italy and Greece, and then around Turkyeye , and then along the Balkan Peninsula, through the Baltic countries of Eastern Europe, to Northern Europe, Finland, and Sweden. , I went to Norway and am now in Denmark

    (since the journey is over 17 months, it takes a lot of time just to explain the route). There must be a lot of stories / Yes haha. That’s right, there are a lot of episodes haha ​​/ I understand At that time, when I crossed the inland part of central France, there was nothing special / That’s right haha ​​I got into the water. So, yes, I’m going to go for a quick swim too. On the second day of riding in Denmark, I rode about 103km, not including the ferry distance . Today

    , I’ll finish in front of the beach . I can see the sunset (sea bathing time before dinner). The water is really clear. It’s really amazing today. ?


    1. 덴마크 🇩🇰 입성 ⛴️ 가격이 비싸지만 쉘트 시설이 넘 좋아요 😊
      컨디션 조절 잘 하면서 멋진 라이딩
      계속 쭉 나아가세요!
      하이팅하세요 😊

    2. 페리 탈 때, 내가 더 설레는 이 느낌, 아무리 흔한 여행이지만 이국으로 발을 내딛는 것은 언제나 뭔가 가슴을 움직이는 게~~오늘도 여행 잘 했습니다. 진님~진심으로 고마워요…

    3. 참 영상 볼 때마다 늘 놀라요.
      이게ㅜ정말 가능한 여정이라니… 보고도 믿기지 않는 느낌… 😊
      길에서 만난 인연의 지인 집에서 쉬다니…
      이게이게 뭔일입니까…
      세상 참… 놀라운 인연이네요.

    4. 자전거 여행자들끼리 통하네요.
      북유럽 숲 속 쉼터
      정말 좋아요.
      자연과 함께하는 여행 최고네요.~🎉🎉🎉

    5. 덴마크..가본 적 있는데 가이드가 주의주기를, 여기는 자전거 위주라서 부딪히면 손해라고 엄청 강조했던 기억이 나네요. 자전거가 정말 행인들 아랑곳않고 씽씽 달렸.. 자전거 천국 같았어요 ㅋㅋ

    6. 우선 한국에 와서 몸이 호전되었다고 해서 좋았네요..지금 머리부분을 보니 선글라스가 있네요? 안 잊어버렸나봐요.

    7. 내가 인생에서 무엇을 원하는지 깨닫고 실천하는 것도 대단한 결정이고, 그것을 지속하는 것도 대단한 근성입니다. 그 여정을 끝냈을 때 돌아오는 현실적 상실감이 어느 정도 상쇄되는 이 시대가 좋다고 해야 할지, 그것마저도 선택적이라는 현실을 한탄해야 할지 아직도 혼란스러운 늙은 세대입니다. 제가 젊었을 때 하고 싶었던 여행을 대리만족시켜주는 진쓰레블을 응원합니다.

    8. 계속 보게 되는.오늘도 몇시간째. 자기전까지보게되네요. 나도 모르게 웃고 미소짓고 보면서 따뜻함이 느껴지고 사람사이의 정을 느끼네요

    9. 너무 멋있어요..다음 여행 어디든 안전하게 몸조리하시면서 하시길..부럽기만합니다..제가 도움은 안돼지만 다른영상에 진쓰레블 보라고 영상 추천하고있답니다~❤

    10. 사람의 인연이 정말 신기하네요. 저 종이를 구김 하나 없이 간직하고 다니는 진우님이 사람과의 인연을 어찌 생각하는지 보여주는것 같아요. 비바람 다 맞고 다니면서 어찌 저렇게 새 종이처럼 보관을 하셨는지 정말 대단해 보여요!
      사실 여행중이리면 번거로울수도 있는 선물이라서 저라면 사진만 찍고 정리했을수도 있겠단 생각이 드는데 말이죠.

    11. 요즘 제 사는 낙이 되어버린 진쓰레블 입니다♡.♡ 해외편을 먼저 보게 되었고 오늘은 백두대간 끝냈고 이제 제주편 보려고 날밤새고 있네요ㅎㅎ 볼수록 진우님이 예의바르고 마음이 건강해 보여서 좋은 에너지를 주는 것 같고 아들처럼 조카처럼 동생처럼 챙겨주고 싶은 맘이 절로 드는 것 같아요 특유의 넉살과 걸음걸음 마주치는 이들의 응원과 배려에 대한 감사함을 아는 예쁜 마음도 참 보기 좋습니다

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