Live from Nuremberg: 1MOA GmbH is exhibiting new products from Archon Firearms, Maxim Defense and Inveris Training Solutions.

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    Enforce Tac 2024 is the industry meeting place for trade visitors from authorities with security tasks and the armed forces. The trade fair stands for a discreet atmosphere, the highest quality and offers everything that government security experts and military personnel need.

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    #EnforceTacTV #enforcetac #enforcetac2024

    Hello and welcome to infos TV your digital format for enostech 2024 we’re at the booth of 1A and with me is philli from archon Firearms Hi how are you doing hey I’m doing great hi folks I’m so happy to be here at infor stack in nberg we are actually not far away from

    Here because our Factory is based in Carlo vivari Czech Republic so we only had 2 hours to drive and here we are but it’s always pleasure to be here thank you so very comfy I think absolutely so and you brought some very cool looking pistols with you not as standard polymer

    Pistol but something different so absolutely special please take us through the specs sure we’ll be delighted so we are here thanks to our partner 1A of course who’s our distributor also for the German speaking countries with the exception of Switzerland for the moment but let me just explain the products real quick I

    Will focus on some of the main features first and just walk you through the product lineup and model lineup that we have so let me start of the bat what makes our pistol really special well it’s our patented locking mechanism we call it AF Speed Lock uh which has been

    Around also in some previous iterations of the pistol but it’s really working great and you know if it works don’t make it and don’t change it so this is this is basically what we’re still basing our current design of the pistol on I disassembled one of the pistols

    Here to quickly show how it works so folks this is actually the only motion that the barrel performs uh during the whole cycle of the pistol as you can see there is no vertical tilting uh the barrel only moves about 8 mm forward and back and what this does is it it of

    Course concentrates The Recoil going into your arm so for recoil management and control of the pistol this is really phenomenal design another important thing is that the locking mechanism doesn’t sit over and above the trigger mechanism as would be the case in most of the uh Striker fire pistols but it’s

    Actually in front so with that we achieve very very low silhouette of the pistol as you can see here and also we believe that we have one of the lowest B xes in the industry on a Striker Fired pistol of only about 12 mm so if you

    Hold the pistol right you know pretty high you really have phenomenal control of the pistol uh with some of the additional features that I will be explaining uh in a little moment so another uh standout thing about our pistol is uh our patented modular grip solution uh so we have really thought

    Through the design from the point of view of a shooter so firstly there is a feature which we call tendem actuation Point Tab and it’s actually not something left over from the injection molding this is really a proper design feature which actually enables your hand to close around the grip and hold firmly

    From the get-go so it’s actually really supportive for the for the proper hold of the pistol and the main thing which we innovated on the gen two of this pistol that has been around uh earlier for a bit is the modularity inte grip where by simply removing two pins from the grip

    You slide the whole backstrap assembly off as you can see this is the longest version with two extenders in it so this would be a fulls siiz length of a grip and the customer receives with this pistol uh three different lengths of the backstrap Plus uh all the necessary

    Extenders so that the customer can choose how to build up uh his or her pistol from basically the shortest configuration which would be this one through compact length all the way to the full size length that I’m showing here so that is one of the really cool

    Features that we think is pretty unique in the current uh pistols out there and another good thing is that the grip was designed with flat surfaces here you see a stippled version but basically these are flat surfaces because we wanted to enable choice of textures as well so the

    Customer can choose uh from different options of grip tapes that we actually have uh uh designed and supplied by telon grips out of United States but we also have some suppliers here in Europe that makes pretty exciting products so everybody will find the right fit for

    From soft through uh a little bit more aggressive all the way to the competition ready or for somebody who shoots with a glove maybe this is basically like your sandp sandpaper you know hardness of the texture so this is pretty much allows to build a gun really

    As every customer wants and you know the great thing is that they get all these options with the standard uh uh product that they purchase in the shop with the exception of the different uh grip tapes that they can purchase either from us from or from our partners uh the pistol

    Comes currently it ships with two length of the magazine 15 and 18 round but now actually from this spring we are also shipping a 13 round magazine for the shortest configuration so that you know this this will be how you can uh how short you can make your

    Pistol still having very good grip space as you can see here but the pistol in the overall length is is very low much lower than anything out in the competition there so again uh you know some great options which are available here okay so um would you tell us a

    Little bit about the slides because I see there’s two different configurations of the slide correct and is there a possibility to mount Optics on it yeah so we basically have two models we call this design of the slide with the dimple and angled serrations this is the type B

    As better uh the other pistol which is identical on the inside but has a bit more traditional uh design of the of the slide we call this type D as Delta or Duty as you can see there is no dimple in the front the serrations are straight

    So so basically this is more an not only aesthetic thing really but if somebody prefers you know the more traditional look and function they can opt for the type D or if they want to use all the cool features like the you know uh and operate the slide forward I would

    Strongly recommend to go for the type B because it’s simply again is a functional feature where you can do a press check you can wreck your slide very comfortably so this is the two uh model uh families for for a compact compact size of a pist now what we’re showing here as a

    Completely new product is our type A now folks this is the same lower so again whoever already has one of our pistols can easily upgrade to to this model we call it type A as Alpha the difference is 5 in long barrel and essentially about 3/4 of an inch longer slide so

    Especially for those doing maybe uh target shooting or generally precision shooting or simply people who will want to have a full-size gun this is basically your option which you can go for um as you mentioned Bas well today it’s kind of normal we we offer a

    Variety of optic Cuts we cut directly on the slide we do not believe in plates and similar Solutions so right now we basically support RMR footprint which would be trions and similar uh aimo ecro P2 C2 footprint as you can see here very beautiful combination and the RMS

    Footprint for the shield sides holos and many other red dots so that’s basically uh as far as Optics are concerned one thing to mention perhaps as well is that we we manufacture our own sites front and rear but they are GL compatible so anybody wants night vision or any other

    Options they can help themselves from the rich choice on the aftermarket and uh of course we also offer threaded barrels for suppressors both uh have by28 right-handed for those who may have a can from the United States or 13 uh 5×1 left-handed for the European Standard and what I’m holding here is

    Another new thing that we are actually uh showing on enfore anwa that is our FD colored grip as you can see it’s looking pretty badass it’s actually very very good uh tone of the FD we think and I personally really like the Aesthetics of this pistol so uh lots of new things uh

    Coming to the market and be sure that you also uh stay in touch with our partner here in Germany one more G perfect that was a lot of input on beautiful pistols so um thanks a lot Phillip um I think we have to it was a

    Pleasure we have to round it up um so um next up for the 1A Booth we are visiting um in VAR systems so let’s go finally we arrived at the invarious booth in the second floor it’s on the second floor because we got something very special to

    Show you with me is Mark from inar nice to meet you good afternoon so please tell us what does inar do okay well first of all in varis is uh is based in Atlanta in Georgia uh we have also have an office in the UK which is where I’m

    From and we’ve got a number of different business units one of the business units being our live Fireside we’ve then got screen based systems uh a reconfigurable desktop trainer which is where we’ve got a system in the striker armored vehicle uh we’ve also got virtual reality system and finally our augmented reality

    Reality system which is what we’re going to show you in a second so it looks quite empty from the outside I think yeah um so what can you tell us about the augmented reality system so the augmented reality system allows soldiers to operate in an environment that can

    Either be scanned into the system or you can have combat wall up we’ve got like now to obviously give them a um an area to move around now now with the the AR system uh the trainees can actually see reality and then we inject targets

    Inside of that so when you look at the system now you can see there’s nothing in there but when we go through the exercise later on you’ll see those targets being injected in and then when we do the after action review we can actually see where the traine is looking

    By tracking his eyes and obviously the direction of where his weapons pointing as well so after action review is a real real bonus on this system I think so because um CQB environments is one of the most hostile environment you can get in and it’s very very hard to train I

    Think so this would be the perfect tool to train it you’re exactly right it’s perfect we can monitor every uh trainee that goes through even if you got multiple trainees and see wherever your weapons point in and obviously the communication between the individuals as well um this system supports a whole

    Assault team at the moment yeah we’ve got four soldiers that we can put through we’re only going to put through two through for the demo for you today but we are going to increase those numbers obviously as the systems progress all right and we want to go up

    To at least patoon and Company level very very good so um would you like to give us some more information or shall we just get right into the action I think you should really see the action cuz what we’re going to do is allow you

    To look through a um a tablet and then you can see what the solders seeing and then you’ll be able to see the after action review as well a picture certainly paints a thousand words with this system yes it does so let’s get into it thank you very much let’s go all right

    So um Mark will just round up the after act report for us so mark well I think you would have seen now how good the system is you can obviously see the soldier going through the training and then the after action review where we monitor not only where the weapon

    Pointing but also where the individual is looking as well uh and you would notice through the after action review you can see friendly and enemy targets um we only showed one soldier in action there but if we had multiple soldiers in there that information you would see for

    Everyone as well all righty so it was very very impressive with a cool training system I think it’s very very useful for CQB environments um Mark thanks a lot for having us thank you for turning up really really impressive and now guys we are proceeding to the maxim

    Booth we are back on first floor and now we are at the booth of Maxim defense Industries with me is Peter Bower Peter nice to meet you pleased to meet you very pleased to be here so we already um met some of your guys at Shot Show and

    Um unfortunately we didn’t have the time to make a proper video but now we’re here at enforce Tech and now please tell us what does Maxum defense Industries do and what do you offer okay so thank you very much uh we’re very pleased to be

    Here at enfor Tac on the booth of our partners one MOA um and together we will uh launch Maxim products onto the European market principally starting with Germany with our line of C CIP compliant rifles that’s the main point of us being here however we’re also known for our first known for our

    Components particularly um the stock the the CQB and the scw stocks and also our handguards aftermarket compatible with HK Etc uh we’re also a suppressor company um and we have various other components some interesting technical developments in muzzle boosters etc for short guns however um principally we’re

    Known uh in the market now for our uh range of rifles starting in 2019 uh where we start with the PDX which um if I can just reach for the the the catalog log uh we have these are are the new uh um direct suppressed variants SD line so

    These are the latest variation of the PDX which came without the suppressor um however we work from 5 1/2 in Barrels in AR-15 in three calibers which is unusual 5.56 300 Blackout and 7.62×39 so we have a wide range of uppers for this particular rifle and it’s finding favor with let’s small and

    Niche units and police military law enforcement so this is the ideal CQB rifle so especially in 762 x 39 and 300 Blackout I think because it’s very suppressible uh yes uh I would say I would say 762 x39 is the nicest to shoot however you know some customers are tied

    To caliber this is the reality so we make it available and for people to work out what they want what actually works best for them 508 is particularly interesting in 300 Blackout it’s it’s around the optimum for the caliber and uh again suppressed firing Super Subs um there are particular problems with uh

    300 Blackout because there not an ammunition standard for it but we have mastered this and um our our rifle shoots really really well in in all calibers but you know particularly with 300 Blackout and again we go to 10 and 115 103 and 115 which is about really

    Where we we call it quits on the AR-15 there’s plenty of rifles good rifles out there in the longer Barrel but this we really make our own we think um we are very pleased with the performance of our weapons so as we talked about before um you just mastered

    It to get some some of your rifles through CIP proving for the civilian Market because like CIP is not a thing for um the um military Market of law enforcement but for civilian in Germany especially um so where would you categorize your rifles in so I um I

    Touched some of those at Shot Show and I felt they are very very premium very well manufactured rifles yeah the so the uh because we started on the on the um uh high power caliber very short barrel the rifle has a little more mass than

    His normal so it’s uh the MDX line PDX line is a full uh bullet or uh machined rifle it’s not it’s not a forging which has typically less material it’s built for strength so it’s a little heavier more robust but that really the purpose

    That it’s put to uh from that as you say we we’ve gone into the the the CIP compliant line which is you know mandatory for European regulation and we start with the German Market which is frequently the most challenging on the regulation front yes it is so um you

    Know we’re very pleased to be here we there’s a difference between a a Samy rifle which is very acceptable in the in the US and a CIP compliant rifle on on a number of standards and so we have to pay careful attention to that to make sure that the European uh get the

    Quality that they’re used to and and in the right frame frame of standard so this is why we’re launching two versions of the uh the MDX and the 12 and a 16in barrel and also um maybe interesting an sr25 type uh uh like a semi-auto sniper rifle semi-auto DMR sniper rifle very

    Very accurate uh we’re launching it with a stainless Barrel but we have others uh which will reaching the market shortly very very capable rifle very good so unfortunately um we already hit some problems we don’t have have the rifles here with us at the booth because they

    Are stuck at Customs I think um it is a little bit inconvenient now for all of us but um bureaucracy doesn’t stop at Borders it’s just we have good imaginations we know what we’re talking about so we unfortunately and hopefully we can present those rifles in life

    Color and stereo in the future very much so because they’re very good hooked up with one Mo MOA so we’re really looking forward for it um thanks a lot for your time for introducing us to your rifle series and to all the fine accessories thanks a lot thank you very much so

    Please me thank you that’s it for um enforce tech TV at the 1A Booth see you next time thank You

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