In this episode Peter Finch is back from Dubai to bring us news of a new pro mini tour he is starting in the north west of England! Also in the episode, we discuss the return of Anthony Kim and the amazing content the team will be filming in the USA!

    0:00 Intro
    2:00 Peter is back from Dubai
    12:00 We are going back to the USA!
    17:25 What is the goal for the PGA Tour qualifier?
    21:10 Peter Finch is creating a golf league!!!
    46:35 Anthony Kim is playing on the LIV Golf Tour!
    55:13 The magic is still there on DP World Tour?
    1:02:30 Guess The Player

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    Sometimes gol is a pain in the butt you hit your ball in the trees and then you the if you time come and US you’re the C hello hello hello and welcome down to yet another episode of the as of yet awardwinning Ru cook golf podcast and

    Boy oh boy have we so much to talk about this week as we launch into a new year here and rock the world of professional golf once again just because it’s not been shaken up quite enough in the last 12 months and with me today of course we

    Have Mick we have kieren and we have Jacob all looking absolutely resplendent on this slightly sunny Monday here in Manchester wherever you’re listening from I hope you are well I hope life is treating you averagely to good like on a scale yeah average to good average to good I

    Think I think that’s all you can really ask for what more can you want yeah know cuz like we got to be realistic like everyone listening to this might not be having a great time and if you’re not then I hope it improves okay just in general yeah what if they’re having like

    A really really good time then be prepared for it to walk on crashing down because enjoy that high this is life and this it will not last this is what happens this this is exactly what happened to me when I came back from Dubai I was feeling great and then I

    Just got punched in the face we haven’t even spoken about Dubai yet so do you want to tell us about it technically it was a holiday I went I I went on holiday but the sticks went oh yeah um and there was there was you know some social content filmed which is

    Great there was some practicing on a range which is great any short game practice any potting practice uh yes and yes oh my God that’s really good I had like a full day of practice like one yeah full day that’s a lot yeah I guess

    Like a lot that’s a lot like it involved both day and nighttime practice oh oh cuz you played a night golf round yeah and I practiced putting and chipping in under the flood lights as well with no cameras what um seriously if you didn’t know already Peter Finch is somewhat adverse

    To playing golf if it doesn’t involve filming it um so you playing semi social golf you played on uh you played on Liv Cook’s Channel listen there was there was a lot going on because I’m adverse to a few things I’m adverse to holidays and I’m vers to yeah practicing or

    Playing didn’t say that as as long as we get a solid 12 hours working I think it’s a perfect day um but I was convinced to see you at bedtime I was convinced by my young lady to uh go to the bite and have a holiday and it was

    Actually pretty good have I have I told have I told you guys anything about this all we know is about is the um is the like hot air balloon the hot air balloon that’s all we know and you you played the Earth course right played the Earth

    Course and then played uh with Liv on her Channel and the foot lights as well and was that that was towards the end of the week wasn’t it you played it literally last day so so your last moment of being in Dubai was playing probably your least favorite hole in the

    World as your last moment play night golf night golf yeah left on a you know what we’re not can can we have this just can we just please have one episode where we don’t don’t talk about the 18th at the earthqu I’m sick of talking about it

    The only time the only thing that we need to stop talking about is ditre gol there it is never die um but yeah it was great I tell you what I think this might be the best holiday I’ve had where as far as food is concerned oh like I I

    We consistently ate fantastic food cool um where were you staying just give him a little shower for having nice food uh we were staying on the I don’t know what you call it the girthy bit of the Palm um the stalk the the stem St I think the

    Stem is that is that um what’s it what’s the really fancy um hotel at Attis Atlantis that is yeah yeah um you staying there they’re right on the tippity top aren’t they yeah yeah so wee where did it stay Radison the Radison something it was fine a hotel other

    Hotel chains are available yeah definitely for now unless you want to give us some money it was it was a nice it was a nice hotel it was fine it felt like almost like you could use it to go on a business trip and go on a holiday

    Got yeah uh and but it had a beach and it had a nice pool and it had a rooftop bar and it had um the only problem is the the bar at the bottom it only did Stella with beer well again other other other beers

    Problem say I don’t mind a St we know you seem like a Stella kind of guy it’s just like you know as opposed to what did they have at the top what were you missing out on that didn’t get to the Bottom bar yeah oh oh no yeah they just

    Had Stellar upstairs oh everywhere I think that was like the beer with the mon thing but it was just guest on you might not have heard of it yeah it was it Stella artto yeah it was it was fine but we did find a couple of places that sold a multitude

    Of different um fizzy wheat based beverages so I think we were we were fine in the end but I have to tell you about the Indian oh my God honestly right okay so we went we went to some nice restaurants preface this with your enjoyment of spicy food to start with

    Yeah I love spicy food I love anything anything possible yeah anything that anything that has a chili approaching the part is fine by me but but okay this Indian okay Little Miss India is called and it was in the hotel of the Fairmont which is a nice big hotel and

    We went go course we went to uh Chinese which was quite nice in there as well but as we walked out there was this place called Little Miss India and I thought you know what I really fancy a Kuru now now right now we just had a

    Chinese I really fancy a coru so I said we’re coming back here right fine we went in and the kitchen we sat inside um and the kitchen was like encased in glass so you could see what all the chefs were doing first really good sign they all looked like they were having

    The Best Time Ever right like they were laughing they were joking they had the Tandoor ovens in there so you could see exactly what they were doing and then I ordered a lot of things but for my main I ordered this shrimp Curry right this go shrimp Curry slight spicy and these

    Guys were cooking these um these shrimps basically these massive they were prawns but they were like luses B they were massive and they were cooking them in the tandle and honestly I was like oh my God this is coming my way it was like a a skew of these half lobsters that were

    Sticking in there and my my mouth is literally watering just thinking about it honestly if you ever get the chance go it’s incredible the the idea of watching your food be cooked is like either you’re like oh my God this is like a magician at work or it’s like

    Don’t show me that bit just bring it out so that I can eat it without the you know knowing how it was made it could be terrifying yeah but in this case it was gratifying excellent and satisfying to The Taste Bo what else have you got um

    Mortifying no it wasn’t Mor why would you go mortifying um that nine hole play with play along with me was mortifying oh yeah watch that honestly a tricky watch so I I really really struggle uh with that golf course just full stop for some reason off the tea I I can’t

    Visualize where the ball’s got to go cuz the the bunkering is tough to Kieran knows this more than anybody because he seems to be the one that just gets me moaning about all the time I absolutely despise when there’s a perfectly good gol hall and then the designer in this

    Case Mr Greg Norman sticks something in the middle of the Fairway like a bunker or a wal Hazard on the 18th I don’t agree with it I think he’s lazy I think it’s annoying I don’t think you should be I don’t think you should be punished

    For hitting a good shot in the middle of the Fairway right so anyway if you play the Earth course there’s bunkers everywhere but there’s several bunkers like smack bang in the middle of a fairway so if you hit it straight you get punished yeah but straight away off the te I’m

    Annoyed from the get go look nice so I’m I’m playing like Angry you know what I mean oh that’s not what you want I always say I quite enjoy those courses cuz I quite like the fact that there is more to it than just whack oh the fingers both went up I was

    I’m about to get an absolute telling off here you your finger if you’re watching that on YouTube I’m about to get rinsed here go on is that because you hit it short and those bunkers don’t matter uh probably yeah Jesus Christ now you get that’s brutal um no I won’t

    Do that I have a higher opinion of Jacob’s game okay what was your finger for uh my finger was four I agree with Jacob but the only problem is short knocker if you hit it over one of the bunkers there’s generally like a down slope and another Hazard waiting okay so

    Like so strategic so punished anyway exactly so you’re being punished Sorry by the way you know why I thought that was cuz I that that is the same thing that I would think like oh that doesn’t matter cuz I can’t reach anyway also it’s also not not true so it doesn’t matter so

    Yeah I’m playing Angry anyway but one of the things which I really struggle with the greens were actually quite slow and they were so grainy like yeah I if you’re not used to putting on grainy greens it’s something which is completely different it’s something which no real experience with and they

    Were so grainy that I was itting a straight pot it was a straight port and it was moving about 6 in and I’m not I don’t know how to deal with that mentally or physically yeah did um did you listen to last week’s podcast where we kind of critiqued your game and like

    Said that if there was one area of your game to improve did you and did you listen to any of that I’ve not listened to Listen to Don’t wor about that don’t worry I was uh what was the best way put this I was going to uh and

    Then CI gave me a look right so I didn’t raise their finger you about to click play on your own podcast while we’re on holiday I mean you know maybe could have listen to it on the plane or in bed just I’m just getting in the shower

    It’s short game is a worry um but yeah the uh the putting I was I was having a real real real struggle with so um the back nine does get better though correct we’ve only seen half the half the holes the back n does get better anyone was

    Have a hole in one so it’s worth watching we we we did say didn’t we when we got in the office this morning that it was like watching a car crash but because it was so bad you just can’t look away yeah and it was like watching

    A point your finger at no that was my finger now I just want to let every all know that if I see a really bad car Crush I will look away cuz I don’t want to see that that’s that’s you know people say that like you know it’s so

    Bad hum but you can’t look away cuz I was I was watching it and Lauren was like what it was one of those ones where I reacted to it enough times and Lauren was like what are you watching she thought I was watching you know that

    Video of the guy jumps off the roof wearing the wellingtons and his knees his knees hyp extend backward I’ve not seen this I don’t if I can find it I S you to put it in but you know there’s videos where like something like guy falls off a skateboard like lands either

    Side of a rail or something you watch it and you’re like oh that’s the reaction I was doing to your pups on the green I think you guys got to stop watching these videos on the internet like well you you get fed everything on the internet now so we’re not choosing it’s

    Just given to us you can hit the like three little dots and say I’m not interested in this you can you know what I’ve never done that I’ve done that and it does work I should do he just in this like downward spiral of like these punishing videos I’m getting a lot of

    Rubbish on Tik Tok at the minute yeah well there you go so in essence um the holiday was good the golf was bad um but I’m happy to be back and we’re leaving again this week so yeah you are got the Wonder lust we well we can only stay in this

    Country for ever so long I think there now like written in contract if I’m right yeah yeah because you yeah we came back from came back from C California and Arizona and you were here for literally a day and a half you must have literally washed your clothes put them

    Back in your suitcase and naed back off less than that no I didn’t wash my clothes right okay um he has another suitcase waiting yeah he already has stuff in Dubai stayed in the Radison stayed in his house in Dubai yeah the rad was a big Bluff I’ve actually got a

    Permanent room in the some retainer um and then yeah now you’re now you lot you three in fact are off to Carolina yeah which of the Carolinas South oh very important although we are actually going into the north as well are we we are straddling Carolina are we really

    Mhm when are we going into the north um we’ve had you in the shower we’ve had strling Carolina we’ve had either side of a rail I I think uh we go into the northw we go up to uh shall we shall we actually say what we’re doing

    Yeah I was about to say let’s rewind okay so here we go we leave blighty on Thursday we fly out through the rain Laden clouds across the Atlantic and then land in the beautiful sunlet ales of Myrtle Beach where we are going to be taking on a qualifying event in an

    Attempt to play on the PGA tour an event which is happening in April it is us and if is seven other creators and then eight other actual good golfers uh so we will see what happens there the video for that is only coming out in April but

    We’re going to be capturing some stuff with the very many beautiful people who are also there after Myrtle Beach we are hopping in the car we are driving about an hour and a half north which I think takes us to North I think um we are

    Going to be going to somewhere which I wanted to go in so so long at Pinehurst um I am so excited listen I’m I’m really excited about the prospect of qualifying for PJ Tour event but I’m going to be completely honest with you I am really

    Looking forward to going to P it looks so cool it’s one of those places it I very rarely like make like lists like I don’t have like top countries I want to visit that’s a massive light all you do is make lists looking at about 20 lists behind mixed on the Whiteboard yeah

    These these are all like video stuff but like like you know oh favorite restaurant yeah restaurants I want to go to what countries I want to visit things I want to do before I die all that kind of crap I don’t really do any of that

    But as far as like places that I want to go play and I want to go visit and I’ve wanted to visit in ages Pinehurst is is is there it is right up there everything about it says to me you are going to be welcome with open arms given a hug and

    Offered an opportunity to stay and never leave we may never come back however that Golf Course is real hard yeah we are playing the US Open venue yeah I I think obviously knowing it as the the venue and also that it’s obviously pin house number two I maybe

    Just out of lack of knowledge just assume there was three or four golf courses at this place no there’s number 10 and there’s another course as well which is a and that’s only yeah the Cradle which looks sick and but there’s only and that’s only Pine her Resort

    Like around that area there’s so many other courses which are as you may expect Pine and sand based and just everything about it I’m just so excited to go it just looks absolutely unbelievable um so we’re going to be doing a bit of filming there then we’re

    Off to uh Tobacco Road which is another place I wanted to Lord the names you’re dropping on this podcast are just nuts it kind of looks insane and then hopefully we’re going to be uh getting some videos done with the Brian Brothers at their golf course at Selena and then

    One of venue which we’re working on so it’s going to be an incredible trip it’s two weeks um um I think out of it did we say about 10 videos I think we might be able to get close to yeah yeah I think Nine’s the the aim yeah so that’s going

    To be see what happens so that’s how many videos can you squeeze out of I come ninth in PGA to qualifier 12 listen I am going to be happy with KN good if if I come night that is going to justify me holding a pretend trophy saying did I qualify like

    Honestly if I if I get top 10 that is grounds for me being a good golfer I don’t know no idea well this this probably is going to be maybe the last time we get to properly properly talk about this on the podcast because we’ve got the next

    Couple kind of planned or what’s going to happen so would you say that your aspirational goal is a top 10 or are you is is that is that as good as you think you’re going to get or you kind of if your goal is not to win it why are you

    Going what I was going to say can I be like can I can I be a goal and then realistic can completely honest with you okay can I just completing 18 can I just not embarrassing yourself not can I just level with you full full on not tiger

    Out my biggest goal is not to finish last okay achievable honestly like bear in mind this is like the first I know we did a good good event but this is the first proper 18 hole in individual scorecard in hand comp that I’ve played in about two

    Years okay so this is no I played in one last year at crew but you know for an actual proper event against some really good players of course I don’t know about having only just changed my swing and having almost zero practice on my short game if I go out there break

    80 even though I won’t be happy with that because like I said you should be turning up to every event trying to give all you can and it is only a one day event so you just got to go out and get as many bus as you can I I I just want

    To put in a performance which I’m not going to L back on and cringe when the video comes out okay so nothing like that nine hole play with me that just came out uh well if you watch the back nine you see things change so more like

    The Back N More like the b n yeah um so I and that’s the thing I don’t I I have absolutely no idea where my game is in the moment because yes that round was rubbish but actually did in the evening when I played again I actually played

    Quite well like I was on the par in the evening so whatever Peter Finch decides to turn up then basically yeah I mean and again is it’s such a different game it’s such a mental game as well CU like with all the swing the changes I’ve been

    Doing like I got to the Earth course 45 minutes before te off right I got now was that an accident if yeah if you don’t know how I approach my rounds of golf usually if I’m there 10 minutes before the tea time like I’m I don’t know what to do with myself if

    You had time to get a coffee we’ve done well my warmup is a Sprint from the car this how I plan it and it works I was there so early I had a full warm up all throughout the B I did stretching I got some breakfast I got some coffees I had

    A chat to PE I spoke to people like that’s how weird it was I had to be sociable and then I got to the tea and I was like I feel so overprepared this is going to go badly and then it was like a snap hook forp

    Double and I was like well that was pointless I’m I’m not doing that again so when are you saying that when you get to the qualifier you just going to rock up I’m going to stay in my room until the last possible moment okay competi competition yeah competition between you

    And fat Perez as to who can turn up the latest and the most hungover I I don’t play well hungover I’ve only done it actually no that that was a castle actually play well maybe it’s a secret I think I play well because I physically couldn’t move that fast so

    Just everything was smoo 80% you doing the Monty when you’re swimming yeah so I was just bunting it down everywhere um your 60y old swing yeah so I I don’t know I mean cuz obviously it’s really tricky cuz like comps are back on the agenda this year um and I am I’m a

    Little bit nervous because the last comp that I played in properly was it was horrible I didn’t enjoy it it was like the worst experience I’ve had on the golf course maybe so to actually get back and get playing and to get that Competitive Edge going again it’s it’s

    Going to be tricky and if all doesn’t go well sack it off start your own tour play on that instead well I mean I’ve got to be honest as far as segue go it’s was pretty blunt instrument that that was a bit of a bludgeon into that one y um

    Y wasn’t the the most subtle I’ve ever been however would you like us would you like to tell us and also the viewers and or listeners of this podcast of the major not a major was not starting a major of the the um advancement in Peter Finch live golf that’s happening in

    2024 so I’m going to I’m going to add a a preface to this okay which I think is a great fancy word if I’ve said it or preface a preface yeah so when we doing quest for the open in the past we have had an issue with the fact that I’ve not

    Actually been able to play that many comps um before open qualifying so and is the only way that I can improve I need competitive golf to actually get in the mindset of being a competitive golfer cuz if not I just it just doesn’t work so what I thought this year would

    Be a really good idea I thought it’d be I thought it’d be fine is to start like our own little version of a professional golf tour um so I could actually get competitive golf him which sounds like the stupidest thing to do ever but that’s what we’re going to do um I’ve

    Teamed up with the PGA in Lancashire so it’s kind of my local PGA chapter if you will um region and what we’ve done is I’ve organized with Simon who’s kind of like the he’s the main kind of guy as far as comp yeah I’ve organized with him

    That from the end of March until basically open qualifying we’re going to be running a series of events which count towards an overall order of Merit and a mini order of Merit wow um and we’re going to be hosting these events uh we are guaranteeing a top

    Prize because that’s the thing that’s a problem that local PJ events have is that if not enough people enter the prize funds are negligible and then people don’t really want to take a day out of work to come play for 100 quid yeah I don’t want to pay for 25 Pro Shop

    CR credit and you know a couple of Snickers bars yeah so we’ve got to like make it worthwhile for people to come out so we we’re kind of stomping up the cash as a top prize guarantee which will I think probably regionwise apart from Yorkshire they get loads and loads of

    Pros playing like regionwise it’ll probably be the best paying one day kind of events in a local region well because it’s all C cyclical so we’ve got a big first prize fund which will entice more people to play which gets more entry fees which can then be paid further down

    Which is going to encourage more people to play so these events we should be able to get a lot of people out there excellent and obviously we’re going to be filming all of this we’re going to be throwing ourselves into the mix so we’re not playing what you me I’m ready for

    Sponsorship exemptions we are we are definitely not playing have have I not mention we’re playing as a scramble do you know what do you know what I think we’d do we we’ they’d have a problem yeah they’d have a problem if we turned up as a scramble team does

    That mean that only pros from can play or can it mean that yeah so it’s a reg so if we did say we organized it with the North Region right that would be like from the north yeah everyone from kind of this area anywhere from anywhere from Watford up yeah

    SOI it’ be what would be like chesher upwards I suppose so it would be obviously a lot more kind of all encumbers it but this one we’re starting out with just Lancashire so just the county and then seeing where we go from there if it works then great cuz what

    We’re you know want to break it down as a a very simple concept we’re hoping that the events that we film add revenue from YouTube and if we get any potential sponsors then great but that will then pay for the actual kind of price funds

    And stu okay so it it’ll F it’ll resolve itself with regards to money put up based on the views from the videos hopefully yeah so we’re using we are using YouTube to pay for professional oh is the kind of best way of putting it so if it works out then initially I

    Think the first five events basically initially this will be a really good starting point to say well if that works and if people are interested in seeing you know this level of golf CU it it’s a strange one because there’s a lot of really good players in Lancashire but

    You’re never ever going to get to see them normally cuz you know they’re not out there on any kind of TS MH so if people are interested in this level of golf this type of competition then we could do more and like we could make it a proper proper

    New thing going forward um so hold on let let’s think about this a one or two day event one day event one day good prize money mhm people from this area MH going to be viewable on YouTube is this a rival to live this is I I would say the in the

    Hierarchy of golf tours right now I would probably put this firmly in between DP World Tour and live just above Liv what’s the Roman numerals for 18 that’s what we need to uh who’s I don’t know what the XV I I I sure that’s a lot sounds 10 5111 no

    Wonder people stop using this system bit tricky um so I don’t know if people know that by the way that Liv is Roman numerals for 54 I don’t know people know that now now you do you I hope I’ve blown one person’s mind yeah you blown

    There you go wow I don’t it’s it’s going to be interesting because I I am I am honestly because obviously it depends how we kind of tile these videos and package these videos you know it might not be event one you right yeah yeah yeah it might be something different but

    To see what the viewership on that would be and to see what kind of exposure it gets I’m I’m interested to see cuz it could be the start of something which is really good it might literally fall on its ass it’s not going to it might completely collapse it might implode

    Like a NE we won’t let it actually Neutron St doesn’t implode because that’s don’t anyway okay um so sorry um all I’m saying is that I’m I’m excited about this I’m I’m really interested to see where it will go um I’m very happy to be doing it like PJ lire as well some

    Of the courses that we’re going to people will never have seen them before because there’s no you know people someone living in Carolina’s never going to have heard of Longridge they’re never going to have seen the mighty heum on a YouTube video before did you choose the

    Courses or have you been S no no it’s kind of like uh Simon’s kind of gone out and said okay this is what we’re doing because what it’s based on as well is these courses giving up tea times that if we can show in this first year that

    We can say listen you know this video has got x amount of views it’s got this many people talking about the golf course if it works then Simon can go to fores next year say you know listen Royal Lim yeah Hill good Lord but that’s in our

    Area imagine doing that whole Loop like Hillside Bale’s a big one of the open this is where it gets a little bit difficult CU that would be the North Region rather than Lan has to be keep in the so that’s the thing like you know we don’t want to drive to a

    Border and then get stopped yeah so play great lever and farmworth we’ll go there yeah and they could even venture to yor Y no you can’t play over here don’t talk side of mountain you drink coffee not tea you’re not welcome over you’ve got your own little logo as well wen’t

    You sort of our own I don’t know if it’s I don’t know if it’s confirmed yet but if it is you can stick it up yeah yeah there it is there it is at nothing but there it is and so and everyone like PJ laner has

    Been kind of informed of this and all the rest of it so it’s not like a b that’s good they know it’s happening it’sing us just turning up and just putting some signs are we going to get our own flags and stuff no oh we are oh

    We are a good all you need is 18 then just take them out you wouldn’t need it actually you only need one cuz whichever video whichever hole we’re filming we just go put it on for us we’ll just put the flag on yeah yeah yeah yeah we

    Should get like baskets I do you a pine US Open St oh that’s such a good idea that one that have got little you like this with a YouTube face where was where did where did Justin Rose win the US Open uh is it Maran I think Maran yeah

    You’re right you’re with the baskets yeah with the baskets yeah so it’s so think everything like that now now bear in mind please please bear in mind everybody watching and everyone at this table This Is Us organizing this okay so my go to the the chances of happening

    Organizing 18 flags that sounds like a massive commitment that’s a big job in it that that that sounds really easy that sounds that feels almost EAS like your job that’s a you job that you’re very good at that sort of stuff with his face on it was it so actually yeah

    That’s true yeah so one two how are you doing plus 10 so just be a car box in fact I’m just going to stand quite near the hole it’s you you are the flag it’s 18 mix out and it’s hit the pin oh and the pins falling over oh

    Doubt it goes oh good lord no I think I think Flags is very easy I think getting people there is the tough bit because like once they’re there then the video kind of makes itself the tournament exists and I I think most I think most

    Pros kind of in around L will will be interested in seeing what it’s about the question great that there’s going to be some prize money great that these people and the courses going to get a bit of exposure on the channel which is wonderful what can we offer to

    The order of Merit winner for the series that can’t be offered by someone who doesn’t have a large YouTube channel like a really firm handshake okay good yeah um to be honest I don’t know cuz like we were talking about this about like maybe getting like little trophies

    For each of Ben like talking about like mini order Merit like big check naming these events and stuff big comedy check comedy check like like doing all this and it it the thing is like nothing is off the table but there’s literally nothing which has been organized on the

    Table apart from the events and the structure and stuff like you’ll wear a suit and do the presentation can we get a jacket suit I don’t want to wear a suit jacket every time they win they do like a champagne sort of like speech don’t they to a

    Speech they get to host the dinner next time round yes ch Champions dinner that’s so sick basically I think what we’re saying is these events just need to turn into what the majors are for PGA Lanier yeah PGA Lancer is the new PGA Tour don’t worry

    About the PGA champ at coni don’t worry about the Manchester open forget them it’s all about at Fleetwood Golf Club that’s what we want what would be the Lanier uh like menu starter what’s a good what’s a good St you never have a butterie to start no

    That’s me that’s me and course we go butter pie don’t you even nonsense this is yorksh I know yeah I need to go a bit more than there you go B I just need to I need to drop me act and talk like I’m back impressed there

    You go right I don’t know I no typical starter in Well normally gravy like when I were growing up we didn’t have enough money for a starter so we just went on to man you’re not offering can on straight onto man yeah stra like nor but

    To be fair butter pies is is good enough when PR cocktails came we thought that was we thought that was witchcraft packing a crisp fo starter no good the four crisps who’s this Mary Rose who are you talking about so I think what we’d go we’ go soup God

    Please stop the accent and then we’d go some we we won’t even go butter pie we’d go laner op pop oh L Pot classic Lany Sher pot sing as you eat What DOT oh well now originally I think Carl was oh no that was in no th I’ll take it back well

    There’s there’s lots of there’s lots of bread based B will is B will in Lang don’t [Laughter] talk um no idea what’s going on if you didn’t understand the last 15 minutes maybe just like go and look up what that accent is and then maybe come back and translate it subtit

    People have no idea what’s going on the thing is I feel like I’m I feel like I’m putting this accent on so I feel like it is almost a bit your I just need to I just need to talk like if I’m back in Preston right that’s a bit more like

    Right here you just it just I just more subtle yeah I just need to like forcing it too much I just need to imagine I’m talking with me Dad yeah that’s right and you miss you miss out a few words don’t you yeah yeah yeah yeah why I

    Actually said then yes you’re absolutely correct I we going to play Old course dad come exactly old course yeah old course all right right okay so see this froming I need if you want me to do this again just give me two weeks back at home and

    Then I can get back another holiday to Preston yeah one of those one of those famous Spa breaks to Preston I saw something this the other day I saw that um Blackpool and Preston or it was something like that it’s like the best place for a get away for a couple it was

    Voted one of the best honestly no joke no J couple of what couple of videos joke hon no I I saw it on like lab Bible or something like that that that um blackp and Preston had been voted a good place for a getaway in the UK honestly cheap a criminal get

    Away get away from law oh thank God we cross the border they can’t they can’t follow us we’ll go to filed Coast no I I did I’m sure can’t come I’ll get it up I’ll get it up I I that’s wild I promise you that’s what

    I’m not making up I promise you was that a sponsored post today today yeah yeah this this was paid for by the filed Coast tourism board black illuminations um hey I am proud of my hometown of Preston if if people want to go there then cool why why not listen

    There’s there’s worst places I’ve been to um speaking of Blackpool wow we’re hosting we’re going to an event there you get you get harassed people from Blackpool understand that I’m from Preston and a Preston North it’s it it goes without it it’s just a natural thing okay so the

    The series has a name would you like to announce the name does it yeah does it oh does it yeah H I think we’re going to call it the quest miniseries uh which is what’s on the logo I believe um and then we’re going to yeah go from that I think

    Quest is like basically anything that we do now is going to have quest in it yeah swing quest Quest for the open Yeah question time on the podcast very good good um now the dates are confirmed and the courses are confirmed the dates and the courses are confirmed yes excellent

    They will be on the screen right now if you are a PJ Pro in the Lancashire area here is your the courses that you’re going to come and play yeah yeah it’s it’s quite nicely kind of spread out until Logan qualifying as well which is cool um and then it’s intermingle with

    That some of North Region event so I think this is going to be the most comps I’ll ever play before open qualifying wow which is really which is a good good thing we’ll see do you get to start like 10 under power something for being

    Unfortunately not I uh I had a number of suggestions um unfortunately that is not one of them yeah good what um what were your suggestions um first of all I could start 10 on the par okay uh once that was not back I said well eight on the

    Par just keep going down yeah it kept going and unfortunately apparently you’re not allowed to do that so flip it flip it and be like they have to start like five over you know flip it I’ll start they’re doing a 14 Club challenge exactly um are we allowed to pick the

    Pin pin positions uh no no I think I think people will be slightly suspicious we allowed to roll the greens ourselves uh no no um are we allowed to get like guest appearances you know like I know I see that liver getting back Anthony Kim and stuff like

    That you know can we get back a few people like this yeah we just like to announce now that Anthony Kim is also going to play on the quest miniseries oh yeah um so you may have seen the reports about him getting a wild car pick for

    Live I’ve spoken to uh Mr Kim as I call him and Tony we we are offering him a unequivocal sponsored in invite to all five events as well wow so you heard it here first why he’s not announc yet cuz he’s waiting up he’s waiting so you know guaranteed first prize

    And and he starts 10 under par yeah no expenses paid and he might need to start 10 under the par you want you might want to practice round at like stand uh just to just to see what the Yeah just to see you would have played anywhere like this before son

    No uh and I’ve also sent out handwritten letters um just asking uh players like Rah to see if he’s got any he got a little bit more time he might have gaps in his contract yeah you know I’ve not seen it um so we’ll see allowed to play

    On a rival tour wasn’t that the point um I I’ve Got a Feeling I’ve got a uh premonition that uh the organizers that live Mr normal would probably not see this as a rival tour yet he would know it’s Superior oh God I fell into that one oh God such an

    Idiot see should have seen that coming they don’t have a Champions dinner do they they’re not having hot pot not yet no they are not having oh my we should have on the first te like a massive bowl of hot pop cheese I love cheese

    Scorecard hot pop no no no the te’s are butter pies tea markers are butter pies there we go and the advantage is if you play in the last group like you can take them away and eat them yeah there you go yeah uh I think that would

    Work about the this is literally getting really good and I think I think on this and I just want to I just want to throw this out I’m just thinking this off the top of my head I will we will um be inviting sponsors for individual events okay

    That’s good and what I want to try and do if possible if like local laner companies want to get involved this this isn’t going to be like a you know you’re going to have to pay x amount to be it but if you are like a Bakers in

    Lancashire and you want to get involved that’s so good like cool like but you’ve got to donate a 100 butter pies like Stu I’m I’m I’m more I am more than up for like trying to figure stuff out that cuz if we’re going to keep it in Lanier

    We’re going to keep it local let’s try and do other stuff let’s let’s try and keep it kind of local and like and obviously like within the videos of try to do shout outs and stuff it it won’t be anything massive you know so don’t expect anything crazy there’s no advertisers hoardings behind

    The first actually there will be now now I’m thinking they like sponsor H so like the third hole sponsor by like Wendy’s butter pies oh God that would be good wouldn’t it with butter pies I love butter pies you know what I’m smelling I’m smelling OB for all of

    This commitments to golf in ler service services to golf in ler I can I can imagine yes yes M yes King yes I’m smelling it yes oh my God that would be so ridiculous H good Lord anyway uh I I I want to I turn it down

    Anyway no no no no no I think I think like I think Steven Merchant said this on the Ricky ja podcast once he said I I I thought that as well he said I would turn it down like I’m cool I’m not part of the system but like in reality you

    Would take it because it goes next to your name forever you get a passport that says OB on it that’s so cool what does it when get pay to update my pass you’re the order of the British Empire and what what does that get you nothing

    Just get your pat on the back and you can call yourself OB you get invited on um you get invited to all of the like uh Wimbledon Center Court you get invited to for the British Formula One no you don’t what you get free tickets to everything just flash your thing look OB

    OB a tattoo n they vages of a British Empire be involved thing is though I’ll turn it down cuz I’m going for somewh be for the nigh Hood there you go who wants who wants every want called nbe is MBE better than OB member of the British

    Empire so which is better OB or NB I think it go we’ll research it and find out CB is the best one which I think is Commander British Empire you want to be Commander Finch no I want to be a sir I want to be a knight s pet Finch I think

    My grandpa’s got something what yeah I’m not sure what it is though but he’s definitely been to the palace and received something what aren’t you already an Earl uh a lord Jac I did make Pete a lord yes Jacob bought Pete some land oh yeah that square meter in Wind

    May makes me a lord in Scotland is it or something like that it’s near the is in The Lakes Lakes I don’t even remember yeah have you been have you visited I have several times good how are the people are they he no longer a Lanier

    Man he owns land in another County oh damn what a let down I we’re calling it The Kendall series now I hereby resign my ownership of Landon cumo my title indeed yeah I I forfeit to the crown my titles and deeds and Landing over it I

    Apologize okay I’m back at L um well if he pops over we can go to Kendall and get some Kendall mint cake for pudding and then we’re done for for the menu no they’re going to sponsor an event they can’t well they can’t they they can’t

    They can’t they can do yeah yeah if if there’s no one in lire wants if we kind of expand it out we just keep going incrementally until we get to people who care yeah we’ll keep going incrementally until the last event is like sponsored by MasterCard other banking providers are

    Available sponsored by the P we get absorbed we get bought out by Li we see there too much of a competition we merge we merge we doing a merge PJ Tor of just got that Fenway Sports Group involved like we we got to get coming in like we can’t invest in

    The PJ anymore how would you like 4 billion into the PJ ler I’ll see what I can do we’ll make it work we’ll get back to you I’ll see I’ll have a word with the guys and I’ll see what they say oh my God maybe maybe that’s Liv’s way of

    Doing it instead of like going for the big PGA Tour they just go for all the local PGA chapters and like buy them up all one by one and then eventually like well we don’t have to own you because we own all your kids if you want to build

    From in the future you got to have solid foundations that’s what I’ll say in the boardroom when I’m sat across from Gra GRE who’s like who’s got suitcases of 4 billion quid behind him and I’m like saying well to be honest I have already agreed the sponsorship uh for Dean’s

    Bakery on the fourth event so it’s only the fifth that’s available yeah you can have it it’s it’s 4 billion what we thinking to offer to Deans are we saying to them that they’re just going to have like a little sign saying this hole or

    Can Dean like pop up on the fourth and hand out I can’t I SP that in the video remember I can’t remember the um the name of it was like a radio show it an American radio show and they advertisers basically gave the radio show money for adverts the only stipulation was that

    The presenter it was a comedian I can’t remember his name this was a few years ago basically could do whatever he wanted to advertise it so he was given the money but then he would just like do massive take the mix skits and all sorts

    Like B so I’m thinking if we get like a little sponsor Fil A little I can like be in a big like Chesterfield armchair like have you tried Dean butter but this is what we were saying about the good good event like they did that kind of thing but

    Serious right if it was us doing it we would take the Mickey so much come on down to chok Richard cycle fantastic other cycle providers are available for now so what would yeah what would like I said if any if that comes off then great it won’t be

    Anything serious so we’ll see how it all goes I’m I’m excited I am excited to see what it be and like I said more people will watch it than live at the moment until Anthony Kim is he isn’t he playing quite well this is rumored so this thing

    Is like playing he’s played like he he’s going to be playing in the live event in jeda this week and it kind of goes to show just like how unbelievably messed up professional golf is at the moment when the biggest talking point is a golfer

    From 15 years ago like who has like a myth semi mythical status within the game is coming back and playing on a rival tour and everyone’s kind of excited about it I this might be the only thing that actually recently would get me watching an event yeah I was going to

    Say okay Kim is cool like Anthony Kim is is is cool to come back to golf like he was so good back in the day was cool yeah was cool but like he might be he shot 59 apparently in his practice round yeah I shot 59 once as well did you play

    My own front nine filling my own score card and the back started yeah the back started 45 on the PA yeah yeah I I saw that I saw that he’ shot 59 I’ve seen like things like oh when he’s playing money matches he’s always taking cash off people and it’s

    Just like what do you what do you buy into like he’s obviously good I heard he actually arrived in jeda by parting the Red Sea and walking on land God’s sake and the dolphins behind him play Trumpets in saying he has a sort of mythical Essence to him now because like

    You don’t see anything of it like Anthony Kim sighting is it feels like a bit of a Yeti or Bigfoot I think because he left so suddenly and also everyone knows this like in this is a common occurrence throughout sports like the longer a player sits on the bench the better they

    Become oh yeah so like Anthony Kim was such a good player then he stopped it’s almost like when he comes back he just expecting these incredible things to start happening when in fact it it really might not happen at all so like michah Richard wasn’t actually that

    Great at football but who he wasn’t whoa listen his lineup is good though he’s got a good trim he’s got a great trim on football manager he was Football manager 200000 he was unre um if you if you are a tall Football manager inclined you probably want to go and find Jacob and

    DM him on Instagram or something because Jacob is obsessed with football manager if you want to wonder kid I’ll let you know Jacob knows the Jacob knows the ins an outs of who to buy and when to buy them I was think the I don’t think

    They’d be able to do that with golf it’s not really kind of a you know unless they did it for Liv get a live game and then you could be the manager of a team they’re doing it for this Quest miniseries it’s not quite the same I’m

    Going to Pile in on right O’Neal this week well they’ve got F1 manager they got football manager they got Cricket manager golf manager don’t know if you can you just be looking after one blow have to be teams wouldn’t it unless it was you but here we go oh on cogs I’m

    Sorry they’ve got Cricket manager yeah yeah yeah yeah S I thought he was going to say something really constructive just you actually never played it I can’t back it cuz I I’ve never played it so I don’t know how good it is but apparently the f1’s very good but that

    One makes sense because that role is like so crucial in Formula One Cricket manager is like as you’d imagine you it’s kind of like you’re the coach SL CEO I don’t know but you own like the team whoever you want susex middle sex and then you as you do with I mean with

    Football manager at least you kind of see the game play out with the engine like with Cricket manager I’m fairly sure like the most common way to play it is you just have the scoreboard and you press play and you just see the balls and the runs tick over and then someone

    Might get out and it drops down to the next person and then yeah so Random yeah so I played Champion I played Championship manager back in the day and I remember having a floppy disc of it that’s how old I am anyone under the age of 18 20 May floppy disc definitely

    Had their moment in time oh they unbelievable floppy disc I’ve never heard of okay under the AG 24 does not um so I remember having a floppy disc of it and for the SEC yeah I think there were actually only maybe only 10 seasons and for the second half of the game you

    To put the other disc in what is a floppy disc what is a floppy disc it’s like a little square disc that holds probably about 500 megab of data picture an SD card but massive but the size but the size of a piece of toast put in a

    Game Boy no no no that’s a cartridge of like no they’re like that big huge this is amazing and you stick it in yeah just think SD car but on a much and it’s got a little silver bit at the top you show me never it’s got a little silver bit at

    The top which is very satisfying to pull back and see it pop back across I’m sure I probably have seen it I think I’m only two years while they’re doing that in the comments below um I want to know the um the thing from your era that people

    After you won’t remember he doesn’t look like he knows it the thing from your era that people after you won’t remember sticking in the comments I mean k Kier grew up in the country like if we showed him like a 1960s Lamborghini tractor been oh recog you recogniz that one D200

    Bloody lovely then oh my god did you have ACC on this episode we have Internet do you have dialup internet di there was one place that had internet in his village the library you could go there and go on on to web outside okay floppy disc anyway Championship manager Championship

    Manager and it didn’t it didn’t it was so old it didn’t have like it literally the thing would if you I would play as Arsenal so you were playing against Tottenham it was red if Arsenal had if were playing well and it would go white if Tottenham were playing well and then

    At the end it just showed you the score didn’t it have like did it not do like commentary things though like Arsenal shoot goal oh kind of yeah yeah yeah back in the day glorious um and I would have uh Anthony Kim on my live team if

    We if weer golf manager God raking it in they must have given him so much cash to come back I’m pretty sure I’m saying that Anthony Kim is on a sponsor’s invite it’s not like he’s on a is he wild card or something I don’t really

    Know how yeah who gets kicked off to yeah is he on his own yeah he’s his own team P line turns up and like just his key Bob’s not Working hey guys he’s looking this is him looking through the window everyone’s like looking away like trying to avoid his eye is like Anthony Kim getting a little back Pats in there is he wearing my is he wearing my TV it’s like it doesn’t really fit him is that it’ll do he’s a

    C he’s putting on torque yeah Richard Bland’s like can’t get out of his room locked him in locked him Bland he’s like trying to escape trying to jump over the balcony Lord oh he’s telling all you wouldn’t put it past him I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened just to make

    It over they go along um but I’m I’m kind of I am I am genuinely interested to see what it’s like when he does come back and like what he what his game’s on CU he’s been away for so so long now so is it too much to state that maybe this

    Return is a little bit more exciting or anticipa than Tiger’s return or is that a bit too far Tiger’s most recent return no is in like when he first came back oh depends how it goes yeah I think Anthony Kim is a bit of a he’s an enigma he’s

    Like a oneoff like but that’s my kind of the thought of that this is a guy that we didn’t really get enough of the first time round as you as you stated if someone sits on the bench a little bit too too long and then in your mind this

    Picture of this guy is created that maybe he was a bit better or a bit worse than he was I think Tiger’s tiger like tiger is still the the needle move or he always will be until he just decides to stop playing but I think Anthony Kim is an interesting one because he

    Is he’s so well remembered for the type of golfer he was and then the way he left and the fact that no one really knows what he’s done in the past like it’s a different type of return Isn’t it 100% but if you got into golf like in

    The last five years you probably wouldn’t who he is but you know explain to me who he was I went back and watched a little bit very good he was Mega he golfed he was Mega yeah so for many golfers I think it’s exciting and yeah

    I’d like to I like to see how he goes on again live just making a if it is going to be a signing they’re making a move to get somebody interesting a story it is getting more interesting to watch that than it was to watch the magical Kenya

    Open for example how dare you I watched a tiny bit of it it was okay we watched some here did we not we did we did um can’t remember I I I must be honest I really did not like the course no it’s it always I always in my head and I

    Maybe because they stick the word magical before it I’m literally uming there’s going to be like giraffes and elephants like wandering through and the thing is we were talking about this about like in South Africa when they go to leopard Creek like that actually does happen yeah on one of the greens it’s

    Almost like the faked it and put a green screen in you stand on the edge of a green and there is a creek down there where there’s literally elephants and giraffes and all the animals that nature has thrown out in Africa are basically in this Creek as you’re looking seen out

    The lon King is is happening right little C being held and it’s like this is this is absolutely incredible and then the magical Kenya open was played on a course which was completely enclosed by trees it could have been in Bedford you somewhere yeah you said it look like Didsbury didn’t

    You yeah it could have been Didsbury it could have been it could have been part of the quest Min series of the PJ lure why don’t we put him there at the quest miniseries we’re not going to have um giraffes and elephants going to have

    A local crackhead in the in the lake in the background uh can’t crackle him someone with really high cholesterol for to many po pies that’s the biggest addiction we have up here um so yeah I would have kind of thought that the magical Kenya open wow is that what you think of the

    North by the way like listen don’t don’t get into the comments we make hate after that comment that was awful why would you say that about the poor people of it’s bit different is it bit different Preston’s the best place for a getaway in the UK exctly apparently you can get

    Crack wh you they’ve got loads of rehabs they Blackpool in that makes no sense um I’m going to show you that I’ll show you so I kind of thought that it would have been like you said it would have been out where you could see like the the

    Wildness and the beauty of like the actual Kenya and countrys sign and all the rest of it and I must be honest I can’t quite picture if the event’s been anywhere else before CU it’s always had that name hasn’t it it’s like oh magical Ken over yeah so I I don’t really know

    But I know that with other events when they go to certain strange locations well unique locations as far as golf events are concerned they show off like the country in a different way yeah like not being enclosed in trees but I don’t know how many golf courses there are in

    Kenya I think last year didn’t didn’t they have much better players playing in it last year I think Fleetwood played in it last year no I don’t think so he played in a South Africa event I know maybe that’s the one but you’re right there was there should have been some sort of

    Maybe it just wasn’t that nice they did it but they did it in a way that was they kept like cutting away cut to a VT cut to a VT of like the Messi tribe and then they were like showing what that’s like and then it was not you kind of

    Wanted to see it as we’ve said like in the Gulf like within what was happening get their Mass eyes on the green well it was it was kind of like the same with like the dent in Mexico as well it was until the honestly I don’t

    Know this event in Mexico like for some reason on the first first two days did you watch any of it tiny bits yeah a little bit like the first two days every single camera was pointed towards like a random ski lift and like a theme par in

    The background I was like what is this what what what where are they we can recreate that at Blackpool could oh but it’s the big one in the background I was like what what on Earth is happening here and then for some reason some wise benevolent cameraman decided you know

    What this isn’t actually the best view way around and then like just started to reposition the cameras in the background got these incredible mountains and it looks incred I just I I don’t I don’t I just don’t understand people sometimes just one cameraman who whose earpiece to

    The truck is not working and he’s like oh yeah look at that you know like when we go out and I see a bird or something and I’m like pointing my camera at it and you’re like we’re play We’re literally playing golf right here the guy that guy’s earpiece suddenly kicks

    In and it’s the director going Tim back to the ski lift what on Earth are you doing oh sorry sorry just mountains the we we we say that obviously with the magical Kenya open like it’s we been slightly negative towards it but like I think one of the

    Good things about it is the fact that you do get those African players that come in and play there’s obviously some really good stories that come out of it you had the Ugandan who made the cut with making that part on the last aming you know all those kind of things they

    The first couple of days they showed off the I think it’s kabuya brothers or kaboya brothers that were playing it’s those kind of things obviously is what the DP World Tour in essence can be good for you know I’ve I I feel I’ve been quite vocal on this point about like for

    Me the DP World Tour formerly European tour that I grew up watching is still probably my favorite tour to watch because of things like this like like the magical Ken you open like that is what like how did that happen like how did that come apart like obviously k

    Wanted to do some advertising we’ll fund it great and then like the week after like we’re in South Africa and then the week after that ah you know what I think you know what I think we should actually do let’s go to South Korea for an event is that Europe doesn’t matter

    Anymore called the DP World Tour now and then you get all these like random locations and like all these different story lines of like different players and it’s why I I genuinely really really want the DP World Tour to succeed because it is it’s interesting it gives

    Different things like when you watch the PJ tour it’s actually a lot better now but you can get a sense that some of the some of the courses week to week like you can’t tell the difference a lot of it looks the same yeah I think it is

    Actually and to kind of loop back on that point I do actually think that is getting better I think the PJ Tour all going to some different interesting places but still there is a bit of a you know you get those runs in the season where it just looks like they’re showing

    The same footage again EX yeah yeah so you know that’s why I really really enjoy the the DP World Tour and I do hope it kind of manages to navigate the tricky terrain with which it has been dealt and if they want advice on how to

    Run a really good event they should come to us cuz yeah cuz we we’ve done it for negative amount of days we’re debating whether to get flags well what’s it going to be so it’s like literally a month away the first event cool wow Jesus go and

    Practice no Flags but we’ve got a course all butter pie teamers yeah you know what we have we’ve got a golf course and we have endless enthusiasm can do attitude can do attitude that’s what you need now do you think that the guest of player for this week is going to be the

    Ugandan golfer who made a par to make the cut well I hope not cuz I don’t remember his name and I’ve also said this on multiple times now I keep putting too much emphasis on current affairs in golf in this game so I can’t let that happen

    Except I know now I’ve said that it’s going to happen it’s going to be Jake NP yeah hello and welcome to the 2024 rough cut open the game where your knowledge of golf history is more important than your ability to actually hit the ball how the game works at the end of each

    Episode I describe the life and career of a famous golfer and after each clue these accomplished professionals writee down who they think it is however many hints it takes them to get home is how many shots they took on that hole so if you get to par five after after just

    Four Clues you would finish that hole in one underpar here are the current standards let’s rejoin the action as the players tee off okay so guess the player uh we are back we are six holes in I believe oh no we’re not we’re four holes in the Discord won the first two Peter

    Won two after that so it’s two two zos zeros for these two jokas over here which means that whole five is a par three oh first one of the round damn your first your first part three of the round oh I’ve been anticipating this yeah um

    What club let me hold in let me work out the yard tell me the whole first it’s a long 27 yards that’s stiny I mean at the moment for me that is a five line any elevation or I am not even taking the I honestly like this is one of the things

    That’s confusing about M by the way I my yardages AR mental at the moment yeah after work on Friday I went and just sat and watched Pete hit some balls and I had to I had to ask about four times what club he was hitting like 190 yards

    For like an eight iron or something I was like what is going on that’s that’s the pings though that that’s P It’s a combination of those irons and that ball anyway the the dispersion across the board is great there’s no big jumps or anything like that it’s just that the

    Starting point of how far that 99 goes starts at about 165 yards and then it just I’m going to confuse the hell of a lot of people and I can’t wait for it yeah is he is he hitting a wedge this is a 900 yard pass

    S here we go who um who’s the Discord player by the way um the Discord player for this one oh yeah because we did them we’re doing them very slightly out of order aren’t we I will I will get to the information I believe his name is Gareth

    We’re going to go into my hello Gareth it was Gareth um golfing golfing. Gareth on Instagram cool uh from Birmingham and he I’m not going to say what he did but he did very well great okay okay getting a bit of a crackle on CRA headphones heard nothing just g g just

    Gone just put put it down yeah just put it put it down I’m trying not to I’m try is cut we’ll cut cut I’m trying not to let Pete see the see the answers it does I’m going to get it anyway like right that’s Co okay you know I’m on a roll I

    About two Eagles in a row call you butter cuz you’re on a roll here we go shot number one everyone prepared no and you should be playing along at home Andor in the comments or in the car or at your wedding reception or wherever you you

    Should be if you like you should play you should be playing along come on you should be playing along shot number one this player is a former Junior Orange Bowl championship winner this player is a former Junior Orange Bowl championship winner silence in studio good Lu with

    That Orange Bowl now what the hell is orange bow I have a idea of what that would be okay if it correlates to what I know bows to be then I think I might know where this person is from you eat your cereal out of it you do only in the

    Evening though we all know cereal is better in the evening after a night out that’s very specific yeah two3 I’ll give you away this I give away the secret camera Scott came up with this 2/3 weit roone cocoa pops one3 crunchy nut very cold semis skimmed milk you’re

    Welcome Jes wait’s own yeah middle class they’re a bit crispier than the regulars that’s why they stay who wants crispy milk doesn’t make any sense God damn it uh right I’ve got a name that’s all I’m after is a name that is literally your job’s very easy yeah um yours is easier

    Mine how is mine easier because you don’t embarrass yourself every week I’ve I’ve hit my Approach in the middle of the green and I’m pretty sure it’s not going in okay well that’s that’s what I wanted 217 yards though yeah you from there it shouldn’t be a walk in the park

    Should it no it should be hard okay shot number two in 2019 he became the youngest International PGA Tour winner since 1923 in 2019 he became the youngest youngest International PGA Tour winner since 1923 stumped oh no R um I’ve I’ve I’ve held it you’ve hold it

    I’ve hold it hang on say say just say that again so so he became the youngest when when was this sorry I have technically read the clue out twice I know I wasn’t listening that interesting we called you to the tea it’s not your fault you didn’t

    Listen so I I I was distracted there was there was somebody flashing in the crowd Jacob again yeah I did it I’m definitely not you want me to read it out again yeah what do you think we should fine in 2019 he became the youngest International player one more time you’ve screwed me

    Over you I shouldn’t read it out three times God in 2019 he became the youngest International PGA Tour winner since 1923 and you’re doubting yourself now no I’m not no you’re not not okay you’re comy I think I’m okay you’re comfy I just can’t remember if he’s

    American I’m like I’m I’m happy but I’m not like yeah I’m cting it’s a good it’s a good effort solid it’s a solid it like this could be a lip out for the P but oh I don’t want to hear that I don’t want to lip

    Out I I don’t know good yeah that’s what I wanted so i’ I know I’ve missed my approaching the middle of the green hopefully I’ve rolled it up close not a clue straight into the mic love that sorry everyone got my headphones shot number three this is your par part you should

    Be tapping this in shot number three this player’s best finishes in major championships have been t16 at the Masters t23 at both the PGA and the US Open and t53 at the open okay I’ve not got it this player’s best finishes in major championships have

    Been t16 at the Masters t23 at both the PGA and the US Open and t53 at the open I mean that’s apart from them not winning a major that’s G us nothing so oh I remember his t53 open really well God I was I was going to put the years

    In there but I thought that just walking apart was too easy so I took them out can’t be that person so stomped yeah yeah proper proper stomped here good no you the open one I like if you said the number that I had in my head then I was

    Cartwheeling but yeah I’ve not got it no cartwheeling cartwheeling everywhere the youngest in International winner PJ tour since you’re still on clue number two brother that’s the best one I think we’ got to go that’s the best one that is a that’s a number three clue that was a

    Number two clue just give him i’ I’ve hit my first port and all of a sudden I’m 4 foot but I’m only six foot outside the holes try and hold it listen so was a guaranteed bogey it’s way too much gray on the screen rip it

    Up start guess 720p this screen yep no idea looks like I’m hopefully tapping in for a bogey International meaning to someone not American is it correct right oh my God look at Jacob W I’ve never seen him so focused yeah that was unbelievable actually think that maybe

    Lasers may have come out of your eyes at that point I heard him think that like a dull clunking sound going I’m just annoyed but oh my God was it not the person you thought it was so sad because it’s almost as if I’ve set up the quiz to do that to

    You for us to not get it yeah I I actually think the uh I think the course designer here has got a little bit annoyed about a few good holes trick this one okay go on now please so this is the four it happens this is for a bie

    This is yes so if you haven’t got it now you’re going to be over par of this hole this is shot number four of this PA three he had planned to attend the University of South Florida but was unable to gain entry due to his tfl scores being too

    Low he had planned to attend the University of South Florida not but was unable to gain this is ridiculous just wait just no you doing so well with it pleas this wait just wait have you didn’t let me finish the second time I was going to give you a piece of additional

    Information he had planned to attend the University of South Florida but was unable to gain entry due to his tfl scores being too low t o EF L stands for test of English as a foreign language test as English of a foreign language I’m in the I think I’m in the

    Right area of the world with my guesses it’s if I’ve got the right person do I keep that name IA you know what I love about this is that Pete’s only written one name I think you it over every time haven’t you uh I think I

    Wrote like Billy horel to begin with oh my God have you seen this his his English is quite poor um I’m just going to take the double or the bird double or bird Double B it’s a way to go a it you live live your life one half mile one qu

    Mile at a time yeah it could be could be a couple people I don’t know if this guy this guy is quite young yeah I I’ll stick with it do you look confident do you look confident or you look lost no I’m I’m I’m looking a bit lost I I agree I agree

    With Karen like I thought we’re having a really well-designed course and there’s a windmill on the screen none of none of those Clues have been any more revealing all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying I listen I think you’ll face their players Reve it if I’ve got a path it was gra J

    Monahan at the head of the table there like you’ve got problems here I think you hold them oh God we’ll get on to that in next week’s episode shot number five so if you haven’t got it now the worst you can do on the whole is two over which I’m about

    To give you the answer so you’ll be two over if you haven’t got it on the previous four shots shot number five on Wednesday February 21st along with Denmark’s Thorn Allison and Japan’s Rio H hisat tuni this Liv golfer received an invitation to compete at this year’s Masters Tournament the

    Flexible Chilean wacky Neeman think him as well didn’t get it yeah see I I was actually thinking him as well when he said the youngest but like the the orange balls kind of throw me off so my my understanding of when you said about that so in American football in college

    American football they have bowl season at the end of the year yeah so they his names up like there’s the Rose Bowl there’s like stupid ones as well it’s like the um there’s one that’s like popped Hearts bowl or something like that mhm so I was assuming that he’d

    Gone to college in America and played in some but I’ve never heard of that in golf I think the the orange wall was like the two Florida universities so that kind of thing because I was I kind of he said he was meant to get him but

    Then he didn’t yeah so that should have given you given it away that it wasn’t what you thought it was CU he didn’t even go to college so that’s why so my I thought I’d done pretty good was Tom Kim cuz I thought that’s right cuz he didn’t

    Go to to college in America he was was he the first or he’s the last person to win two PGA Tour events before the age of 20 or something before tiger yeah and then the but his his English is obviously pretty good but then you said his finishes and he finished T2 last

    Year in the open so yeah um okay so I am now slightly confused yeah did wacky nean go to college yeah where did he go no did he go to college oh is that what you’re asking me well we can look it up but he didn’t go to that specific College

    Okay so I’ll tell you what the Orange Bowl is yes okay so the Orange Bowl is a um Chilean amateur kids event okay so it’s nothing to do with no so he when he was 14 do how did we not know about the Chilean event so it it was a red herring

    To catch you USA sports fans right in the mouth and it worked I was kind of banking on Kieran just I kind of really wanted you to get that one but yeah just unfortunate sorry mate didn’t enjoy that whole bit I the the every oh don’t throw it away I need

    These what’ you get oh I got I got a double I didn’t get you doubl it you doubled it I think we all did you double it oh that’s so sad what did the Discord do the Discord were one over for the whole so they got it they got it that’s

    The Discord Gareth he did great great work I’m going full on Zack Johnson he’s lost a course lost lost it it’s gone gone course it’s gone we might we might be getting it back on next week’s episode I will apologize that you didn’t enjoy that hole as much as the Discord did

    Because the Discord played it one over you know what and maybe maybe in next and maybe in tomorrow’s tomorrow’s round you got to play the hole again maybe you’ll be more aware that was that was such a tricked up hole that was a blind t-shot on the par three and the marker

    Post Behind the Green was 20 away from the was that Shish yeah that was horrible aing at I hit it straight over and I was like here we go can’t remember I remember what hole it was but they the marker post was was it maybe like right

    In the middle of the green and then actually the hole was all the way over there never been so disappointed so disappointed sorry not four third oh well we had fun excellent work um yeah you just didn’t do as well you didn’t do as well as I like you to you

    Know what I’m going to I’m going to close out this podcast and I you know well done if you got it home if you got Walky Neiman if you knew about the orange ball being a amateur kids event in Chile well done South American champion unbelievable um you know what

    I’m just going to say guys I I’ve really really enjoyed today’s podcast apart from that last bit and I’m not going to let it leave a sour taste in my mouth okay so I’m just going to go get a coffee just want to say everyone thank

    You so much for uh listening if you’re watching this on YouTube thanks for hanging out with us uh I know it can be tough so I just want to say we really really appreciate it um you know we are those guys who will talk to you at the

    Bus stop and oh no it’s been delayed again and you’re too polite to move so we just keep on talking talking and talking and you’re not saying anything and then attempt to end the conversation and yet we just go on yeah I see that as an invitation to continue and on and on

    And on and you know what the weird thing is when the bus pulls up we’re not even getting on the bus all right see you later we just we just sat down to talk and that’s that’s where we’re at right now so thanks guys thank you all for

    Watching and we will uh see you next week for a review of full swing season 2 see you see you laterra right full on walk off the course everyone Non


    1. Won't remember: A time without cell phones. A time without metal woods. A time without three-on-the tree. A time without floor switches for your car's headlamps. A time when you could still get Cheese Waffies. A time before plastic bottles. A time before debit cards. A time before the dollar store. A time before safety belts. A time before personal computers. The card catalog in a library. Wound balata golf balls. I may have gotten off track somewhere…

    2. So, if you start inviting local businesses to the one day event, would it be local comp meets farmers market? Might as well invite local craft shops and roof gutter installers, make it an a fair to remember.

    3. You will love and hate Pinehurst. If it is windy it can be a beast, and those greens are a little different. But the folks are great and it is unlike pretty much anyplace else. Enjoy it guys

    4. Hey dont knock a weekend in Blackpool, for us Glaswegians it was the Disneyworld of Lancashire. This is a great idea though, love the idea of this mini tour, get ‘Quest’ going as a golf brand and sell some merch to fund prizes in the events? Love to rock a Quest Tour Tshirt!!

    5. Champ man 01/02 the goat of football sim games!!!!

      Anyone who was a kid after 2000 will never know the joy of getting home from school and for the next 2.5 hours bbc1 and itv where kids tv

    6. Myrtle Beach I think of as Blackpool for golfers!!! Everything you could possibly want to enjoy a week of golf. Very cheap to top courses which all include buggies. Golf equipment stores as big as Asda, restaurants to die for and mega night life. Enjoy!

    7. I’m still laughing at this podcast. Loving the chemistry and humour. On a different note, If you look at the Historical boundaries for Lancashire then you could include West Lancs, Formby, Formby Hall, S&A, Hillside, Birkdale and Hesketh Golf Clubs. Quite a selection. 🙂

    8. On the floppy disc discussion I remember being in school and ‘bringing my homework in’ on a floppy disc and cutting the disc with a knife so when you put it into the computer you could pretend there is an issue with the floppy disc… simpler times

    9. Dear Jacob, Micah Richards was a very good footballer…He was professional and everything. You know how much better tour players are to your normal golfer? Micah was more or less that compared to every really, really good player you've played with, or against #HereToHelp 😂

    10. Remember how floppy disks (as referenced here) weren't actually floppy?

      That's because they were actually 2nd generation. There were actually real 'floppy' disks that would bend for MS Dos.

      Anybody remember those!?

    11. The Secret of Monkey Island 2 for the Commodore 64 came on 11 floppy disks. My older brother had the commodore and I remember you had to put 2 disks in just to get to the starting menu.

      There was another Commodore game called Biing! that came on 19 floppy disks but luckily never played it as apparently the changing disks was mid-gameplay.

    12. If you don't have a local pie company sponsor the drone cam and proceed to call it the Pie in the sky. An opportunity will be missed 😂

    13. I am not sure how you take criticism here and I don't want to be a troll on this but I have tried to listen to your podcast but 4 presenters is too many.

      Not sure what the other 3 bring to it in all honesty, but 2/3 is enough for this type of podcast.

      I will try again to listen but whilst it stays as a 4 I can't see me coming back and staying as a regular listener.

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