On the agenda this week:

    1. This week’s filming locations
    2. The last one in South Yorkshire
    3. The Nottinghamshire “run in”
    4. General Chat

    Come and join The Village People! (Subscribers only!)

    Good evening folks good evening hello out there in tvi land just give me a second there we go that’s better positioned a bit better now wasn’t very comfortable there for some reason but I’m okay now let’s see who have we got here then let’s see Dave good evening Dave how are

    You Robin I’m having a cider good idea I like a bit of cider Emil’s in here wow hello and a uh a very a very uh regular regular viewer but first time in a parish meeting excellent good evening Mike good evening Carol good evening Jade hello Vince that’s some familiar names in here

    That’s good brilliant 12 people in so far all good how are we all then have we all had a good week I know we have we’ve had a very interesting week myself and Nikki I’m sure the members will uh be able to to voucher us there because you

    Guys will have seen the uh shro Tha football game if you’re not a member you won’t have seen it yet but uh you will soon you will soon stopped the alcohol about eight years ago due to health issues so it’s as the orange crush hey nothing wrong with a bit of as

    The orange crush okay we’ve got enough bodies in here I think to begin now this this week the uh this live stream is not going to be um particular particularly over the odds uh I know we normally go sort of beyond the 30 minutes is by about five

    10 minutes but not this time because when we get to halfast N9 I am gone because uh I need to be up really early tomorrow morning because it’s uh the week I go to Wilshire and Dorset and it’s four and a half hours down the road

    So at 4 in the morning I’m going to be um out of here I’ve already got my case packed and ready to go which is something I usually do on a we’re getting up at 4 yeah getting up at 4 that’s right yeah well but it’s not

    Leaving at 4 is it well you know what I mean four o’clock four o’clock however you however you want to dress it up four o’clock is when proceedings will begin this week um so yeah I shall be out of here and off I go um towards Wilshire end

    Dors it so I’ll just remind you of the places I’m going to because I know I’ve told you before um but in Wiltshire I’ll be heading to master um Earl Stoke Edington Colston and Bratton and then obviously endorse it I’ll be going to Shaftsbury um it’s going to rain

    Apparently on Wednesday so I’m goingon to get wet in shury which is going to be fantastic but it’s apparently it’s going to be a nice day tomorrow so you know you take the rof with the smooth sometimes it’s wet sometimes it isn’t you know just how it is so uh so yeah

    It’s going to be a a fun trip um plenty to see plenty to to digest you’re you’re all you’re all wanted to watch me walk up Gold Hill aren’t you I might have to buy a little little loaf of Hovis just so I can actually look like

    The guy on the um on the advert but I’m not about to Free Will it back down on the bike I still have Trevor’s Bike by the way I need to give it back to him but I’m not taking it with me so so yeah um early start early start for me tomorrow

    Get a coffee says Jade I don’t like coffee I’m afraid I don’t like coffee if I if I did I would but I don’t um it’s horrible stuff disgusting stuff I will drink tea but only on very rare occasions um that’s got caffeine in it

    As well hasn’t it but no not I’m not a big I’m not a big drinker of hot drinks to be honest with you so so there we are H yeah let’s see uh Vince says 4 AM welcome to my world that’s what time I I I Rise for

    Work well if you catch me if you catch me out there that time in the morning that I’m obviously going somewhere or you know there some big event or something usually at 4 am I’m knocking Zeds out you’re only doing it to avoid the traffic well yeah there is that I

    Mean it’s mostly motorways all the way down there but um yeah there is a there is the sort of thing if if you leave at sort of 8 o’ you’re going to be hitting Rush our traffic somewhere and it’s not it’s not very nice you know been there done that a few times

    So okay let’s see Dave Scott says was that the hill in Holloway was the that hill in Holloway the worst you’ve encountered Hill in Holloway I haven’t done anywhere called Holloway that’s interesting question no gold gold Hill is Gold Hill is going to be steeper than that anyway

    But I’m going to do that right at the beginning of the route that’s going to be the first thing I do in chapur is walk up Gold Hill um chapur is a weird town it’s kind of like you’ve got an uphill bit and then a downhill bit but

    There isn’t sort of a a main sort of area if you know what I mean but it’s sort of on the hill town is like on the on the hill so like there’s just as much stuff downhill as there is up so but I’m only going to be walking up the hill

    Once trust me trust me I’m only going to be walking up it once steep enough anyway that’s where I’m going this week so that’s that’s out of the way now as you may have noticed from my Facebook post uh I did say I’ve been been quite a busy be making plans um

    That’s what I’ve done for most of the week actually is is plan stuff out um because I’ve only had the the one video to make this week and that was the ashborne one which will come out in due course so I have concrete plans all the

    Way up to and including uh may now but I’ve started to pencil in some bits and Bobs after that um I I know in the back of my mind what I want towards the end of the year whether or not they’ll happen or not I don’t know the main aim

    Is still to finish Nottingham sh it’s still to finish the East riding and we will actually get another County finish this year too because a few people have asked me about it and I’ve actually decided now when to do it and that’s Bradfield the last one

    In South Yorkshire that is going to be done this year it’s going to be done in May and I’m going to take one whole entire day to do it because it will take me that long um and it’s been planned for a week when Nikki is off work so Nikki has the Nikki

    Has the option of coming with me uh to do it I mean it’s it’s obviously um not far away it’s it’s literally just the other side of Sheffield uh it includes part of she part of Sheffield suburbs so that’s how close it is um but it will take take me

    All day to do because it’s so big I mean Bradfield doesn’t just doesn’t just involve High Bradfield and low Bradfield two Villages there there’s a load of other places there’s mid Oak Stones there’s wig twizzle there’s um U Bridge there’s waral stannington Loxley uh War Cliff side it’s all within

    Bradfield Parish it’s massive huge huge lots of reservoirs out there as well lot of water in there it is yeah yeah um yeah the uh Death Leopard guy what you call it what the cemetery lockley wisewood wisewood cemeter yeah yeah yeah we will we will visit that in

    That episode again yeah we’ve been before haven’t we so um yeah um and that of course with that happening in May that will then mean that South yorshire is done completely that all 94 in South yire will be done at that point um and that will actually be the first County

    Down which didn’t look very likely until a couple of weeks ago but um yeah that’ll be the first County in the books out of all the all the ones have still yet to finish so it’s going to be good it’s going to be good to to get that one

    Done and of course would it be in May the the weather’s going to be quite nice at that you that time of year you you would hope you know might not be bucketing it down as much as it is has been just lately um so yeah it should

    Look nice out there I’ve not been out there for a long time actually so um bit of it I don’t know it’s going to be cool ah right so that’s um so that’s the idea for that that’s what’s happening with the last one in South Yorkshire now

    The other thing I wanted to talk about was the end of end of Nottingham year which as you know I’ve already said a couple of times I want Nottingham sh done this year which is one reason why I’ve been planning so much because I want to know when I’m doing which bits

    Now I realize that I realized at the very beginning of this year that with what was left in Nottingham sh I potentially didn’t have enough space to fit it all in without making some sacrifices um so I have made made a couple and one of them you’ll see next

    Week because on a on Tuesday you’re used to North C it’s you been a thing for ages but what I’m going to do between now and the end of the year is there’s going to be little bursts of Nottingham share put in in between like sections of

    North C if that makes sense so tomorrow you’ve got Branson and M which is obviously North Cen one but next week you’ve got a you’ve got the first of a run of three in gedling which will be on the Tuesday because I realize I’m not gonna finish North C this year um but

    That’s fine I don’t mind that um it was touch and go witha a wood anyway so easiest thing for me to do is make that sacrifice there you know so every so often you’ll get a little burst of Nottingham [ __ ] on a Tuesday um it just

    Makes more sense for me to have that there because then I’ve got more space sort of room to play with elsewhere um it’s going to be gedling that’s going to be taking that sort of spot there’s the there’s nine more for you guys to see in gedling I’ve already

    Done three of the nine that remain I still need to go to the other six but I have plans for four of them at the moment not all six I have plans for four of them um Brock Stow will go into Sundays I’ve only got one left to sort

    Of place with that rushcliffe will stay on Thursdays but towards the end of the year there will still be a bit of time where a bit of a bit of Rush Cliff that’s left basically um that won’t quite fit into Thursday so towards the end of the year you might get more

    Notting gam year you know as as the year goes comes towards its close but I will fit them all in on the uh the Mansfield W Wars up I’ve planned when to do that as well but I can’t remember the date off hand so I know there was somebody

    Asking me about that but uh yeah I can’t remember it without my laptop and I’ve turned it off already tonight so um I have to update you on that if someone wants to know um I’ve planned that anyway so yeah um that’s basically what’s happening with Nottingham shards

    The the closer we get towards the end of the year the more you’re likely to see them because I want them done before the grand finale if you like this year um no problem with East riding by the way that will just continue to its end because

    I’ve got plenty of space on Saturdays to fit that one in which is good so we should end up by the end of this year with Three Counties done which is exciting really is um it begs the question what’s the next one you know what’s what’s the next one I’m going to

    Finish well I’ve had a couple of ideas it definitely won’t be linkage here I’ve still got plenty to do in linkage here darish is a good candidate but you look at what’s left and you think probably can’t fit it all into one year next year so I’m looking at smaller ones and

    Potentially looking at getting um Rutland finished next year maybe Manchester next year but this is all way way ahead of myself and I haven’t even finished this year yet so you know just sort of what’s an idea of what’s going around in my mind basically um I know

    You guys won’t mind where I go which is a good thing those um those suffk ones that I’ve been putting out just recently they’ve been getting a good reception which is a good thing considering that um you it’s an area of the country I don’t know very well until

    A few years ago hadn’t even set foot and stuff at once I’ve been I’ve been what is it three or four times now it’s Madness it’s mad I think it’s four now I think it’s four times I’ve been so let’s see H sorry guys just trying to catch up with some comments

    Here there we go it’s difficult on this screen I can’t really see I can’t really can’t really see the comments on the left they’re very small so anyway so that’s pretty much everything I had to to talk about from my end so we’ve got another 15 minutes uh if you

    Want to Chuck some questions my way or whatever then feel free to I’m here till half past strictly half past because I will be gone at half past um so yeah if you want to ask me some questions fire away Mike says is it worth sharing your provisional plans on a Village People

    Spreadsheet as Robin suggested in last week’s meeting um yeah maybe potentially potentially um not quite sure how I would do it problem we said last time that plans are subject to constant change yeah there is there is that I mean it’s all right having concrete plans and penciled in plans but

    You never know which is which until until you actually get there I mean I mean I I hit a snag earlier today I mean I’m going back up to to harri in a couple of weeks time and there was was there was one I was planning the roots

    For them and there was one uh that I came across and thought oh dear I may not I may not be able to do this because it’s not open there there it’s like a I don’t know whether you guys know this bit of harri but there’s a there’s a there’s a place called

    Plumpton um which has a like an ornamental Garden that’s basically the crook of the entire episode it will be that Garden because there’s nothing else really there um but it’s not open it’s not open on during the week it’s only open at weekends so I might not be able

    To do that you see so you know it’s all right having plans but you know it’s just deciding how to go about doing them you know it’s not as easy as it sounds so yeah but there’s there’s a lot of a lot of thought a lot of a lot of brain

    Power that that goes into that goes into it into sort of the the planning stage um the the logistics of it all is quite a difficult thing to to get right because sometimes you think well that place borders that place is there a Road between them sometimes there isn’t

    Sometimes it’s a River border so you have to think well I’ve got to go around that somehow you know the Trent is a re is a nightmare at times the Trent is a nightmare at times uh because there there’s not many Crossing places of the

    Trent and so you have to sort of think well I’ve got to get to that road to get over it but in doing so I’ve got to through this place do I film that one or do I film a different one you know a lot

    Of things go into it so uh yes Robin uh Plumpton rocks Plumpton rocks that’s exactly what I’m talking about yeah um it’s only open apparently at at weekends uh and and only between March and October apparently why it’s not open in the week I don’t know I mean it’s not

    The kind of place that that I personally want to go to to visit to to actually have a I walk around I’d only visit to to film it to show it you guys um nothing wrong with it don’t get me wrong but uh just not your thing not really no it’s a bit

    Like a scaled down version of Creswell cracks from what I can tell um and it cost you a fer or entry as well which seems a bit extortionate I I saw a couple of um online reviews about it people were saying well 22 PS is is enough for this

    Really it’s just a a big lake and and some rock formations that’s really all it is you know fiver fiver or entry other people were saying well’ be better if it was5 pounds to park a car not5 pound per person which would make sense so you know um the clicking noise in the

    Background Carol is the wash machine the wash machines on uh it’s nearly finished actually said to turn it off I know but it’s not really it’s not really bothering me to be fair it’s is commenting about it it’s obviously audible isn’t it it’s audible yeah but I

    Mean I think every I think people realize that you know there’s laundry happens doesn’t it everyone has to wash it’s like when Hannah comes down to feed the cat you know cats need food that’s a point that’s s been out to do that yet she’s coming down okay

    Cool used to be 150 at Creswell cracks last time I last time you went ah you see Alice now I when went to when I went to Creswell cags and I filmed that I didn’t have to pay a thing I don’t know whether you know um of the the parking

    Well the parking space I used is is on the other side of the lake um it’s close to Creswell itself you’re probably paying 150 for the car park on the other side I would say but you can park you can park on the Creswell side and walk it I don’t know whether you

    Know that I didn’t pay anything to get in there public footbath at that end so Carol says it’s uh it’s not a problem Nikki sounds like clackers do you remember them yes yes to enlighten me Carol I don’t know what clackers are you will know when you see

    It Nikki’s got Google out this will tell me is it some kind of like musical instrument oh hello Hannah got the cat hungry starving cat behind the camera which you can’t see not really starving just says so Mike says I remember them Carol oh let’s see oh loads of comments

    Came in at once there clackers right ah Nikki showing me the clackers now whatever these are oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I didn’t realize they were called that like a you spin the stick round and they bash together yes I remember them I’m sure we had a different name for

    Them um but uh yeah if that’s what they are brilliant yes I do remember them right jack says hi I’m a local where’s the video of Preston gone was waiting for that for a year but been taken down no it’s not been taken down it’s still there every single video I’ve

    Made is still there I promise you nothing has been taken down Preston is still there I promise I promise search for it you’ll find it your best bet is to go through the Easter riding playlist because um it’s four videos back my bth is right so

    You should be able to find it if you go back go to the east Rian place and just scroll down you’ll find it I promise you it’s still there everything is still there so Dave says two marbles that you bang together is that what they are marbles on the end yeah basically

    Okay let’s see Catwoman Jones says hi Nikki girls and fluffy butt I love I love how you you call Angel fluffy butt it’s brilliant that’s me I’m the fluffy but you [Laughter] are well you have done well with your weight loss just lately so you know would you like to tell everybody how

    Much you’ve lost now lost down 10 and a half pound four stone 10 and a half pound and how many more Stones you get to your goal I’ve got 42 pound to lose so that’s three stone three stone it doesn’t sound as much when you say it

    Like that three stone does it but that’s what it is that’s what it is yeah going look now with yeah it was 135 that’s right yeah yeah Martin says have you filmed pocklington yes we have we have film pocklington that’s going to be up soon

    Um you guys are on let me think heast riding you’re on Kelk at the moment aren’t you which means you get Haram this week so you got Haram Burton Agnes carnaby barston Olam then it’s pocklington so you’ve got six more episodes to come before pocklington but it’s coming it’s a coming we enjoyed

    Our time in fingon we always do we love that place so oh there’s a there’s a um there’s something in that fton episode which everyone’s Gonna Love everyone’s gonna go wow when you see it and it’s nothing to do with the actual Town itself little heads up for you there uh

    See Carol says are you following a special diet Nikki sling World Slimming World indeed so it’s all to do with sins isn’t it everything has a sin value or it’s free food whether any of you guys are familiar with swimming world that’s basically what Nikki is doing it’s

    Working it’s working which is a good thing yeah yeah Catwoman Jones says I wish I had your willpower Nikki I could join the rly police Jack says you’re correct it’s on my phone but not on the TV YouTube well it should be there everything should be there to be fair

    Um Mike said earlier this week that there was there was an anomaly with um his phone and his laptop not showing the same thing so might be the same thing for you there Jack with the Preston video I think Mike was asking about the um Harriet video which is up next week

    Because he’s a member you can see a week ahead apparently it was only showing on one device and not on the other so it could be a YouTube Gremlin why you can’t see it on everything but trust me everything is still there I would be gutted if something had

    To be taken down for whatever reason here right Hanah awesome the washing machine is about to take off now guys so you’re definitely going to hear it Carol says I did Weight Watchers lost a few Stone then put it back on oh dear oh dear it’s it’s so easy to put weight on

    Though isn’t it it’s so easy to you you can lose a couple of pounds you can lose a couple of stone and you can feel proud about it but you can undo it you can undo it in in you know like that can’t you you know

    It’s not just about chy yeah yes your lifestyle has to change as well it’s all part of that um I mean I’ve never had a I’ve never been on a any kind of diet you can probably tell but uh to be fair I mean I Seafood eat it yeah well I

    Um I I I obviously get a lot of exercise walking around so I burn a few calories doing that um yeah yeah all adds up so let’s see yeah the one you didn’t see yeah nid is the one you were talking about wasn’t it Mike yeah yeah probably connected with that I don’t

    Know uh Robin uh nid is on for members so you can you can see that you can uh Preston Prest Preston yeah Prest he’s riding yeah it’s it’s there all right Carol says I’m a vegan and don’t eat much you’ve been to some lovely places recently it makes you realize that we we

    Some beautiful places still doesn’t quite make sense Catwoman Jones but I understood it yes we do have some beautiful places and there’s there’s plenty more coming up too um that’s that’s that’s part of the that’s part of the um beauty of this that you know you do go to some places

    That you you don’t know and you think to yourself I don’t know what to expect from this and then when you actually go there you think you know why why haven’t I been here before I’m probably going to get that tomorrow to be fair because I don’t know much if anything about

    Wiltshire or of about doorset um so it’s probably going to be you know as as eye opening as it is as it is beautiful all right uh what’s my favorite county says Jack well I’ve only got one answer to that and that is my home county

    Linc it will always be it will always be there’s there are some great counties in this in this country but um it will always be Lincoln sh always I don’t care what anyone says you know you can you can Champion your county or you like to me but you know you can you

    Take a boy out of links but you can never take links out of the boy so there you go let’s see it’s it’s okay C Jones I understood it it’s all good uh dors is lovely says Carol good I’m hoping it is I’m hoping it

    Is there you go Nikki’s put the link in to um Preston now might watch lb tonight yeah yeah nice Villages lra that’s that’s a place I didn’t know much about I’d never even been through it before lra um but that was quite a quite a nice one that wasn’t it um apparently East

    Lindsay’s got quite a lot of fatch cottages and that’s kind of the first place where I sort of encountered one out there there is a there is an East Lindsay episode coming in the next few weeks which has got um quite a lot of thatched buildings and they’re very

    Important as well uh they have a link to America so uh that’s going to be that’s going to be good if you don’t know what that link is that’s going to be good it it astounded me when I researched it it was amazing um so you wouldn’t have thought

    That a tiny village in in in lincolshire has has this extremely important historical link to America but it does and you’ll all discover what that is in a couple of weeks time right um we have come to the end of the 30 minutes and the washers finished as well

    Right on Q couldn’t have made that up could you so I’m going to take my S to bed now and I shall be up at uh well Before Dawn and I’ll be away down to Wilshire Andor it to see what I can do down there so thank you all for coming

    And I’ll see you if you remember next week see you later folks byebye

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